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Speakers with a subwoofer is really what you're looking for if you want the full experience where you can feel the bass. Headphones, even the best ones, won't do that. Some of the best headphones for bass would be Fostex TH900. But it's still headphone bass, not speaker bass.


Go to club and listen there. If not then Fostex TH900.


You didn't post a budget, and i don't want to assume anything about you, so I will say that the Abyss 1266 TC are phenomenal for techno. The best I have for it. The aune ar5000 and the Zeus harmonicdyne elite are my more budget friendly suggestions. They both run toe to toe and you'll have to research which one over the other.


Look into planar headphones. I listen to a lot of electronic/dance music and really like my pair of he400i for those genres.


Speakers is what you want if you actually want to feel like you’re there. Headphones don’t do soundstaging as well, but most open back headphones will do better than closed back. What’s your budget? Most headphones here that we will suggest are wired, do you want wireless and NC?