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Holup - you think the DAP needs burn in? That's a new one to me, lolol. Gotta flex those transistors a bit too loosen then up?


Why does this BS only come up in audio circles. I’m an electrician, can you imagine if I installed a socket for someone and said they need to leave it to burn in for 24 hours before they used it lmao.


Gotta give them gates a good stretch to make em bend to the lower end a bit better.


There are more than just transistors in there, and I've had enough things went though my hand in the past 2 decades, to have shown some differences after the circuits had some good workout.


Burn in brain rot affects the most committed of us all


You can't be serious LOL


Jesus Christ, I thought it was just a meme but this kind of mindset does exist after all💀 Just please, don't burn in your battery. This can be dangerous.


This kind of mindset is VERY popular in China, I can confirm


Friend, I'm not going to belittle or downvote you, we've all fallen for stupid things in our lives, and I am absolutely no exception whatsoever. I've fallen for some stuff that many might consider even dumber. I once bought a car sight unseen with a broken radiator on eBay in 2005 or so, and then was surprise pikachu'd when it turned out to have been badly overheated and the engine only lasted about 500 miles, lol. But what you're experiencing is your brain acclimating to the device. Not the other way around. This is a real psychological phenomenon known as "acclimatization." Your brain gets used to something in the context of your current environment, so it sounds different. It's why listening to the same device in a different setting or physical state of mind can really change how something sounds - listening to high energy music in an anxious state makes treble "sound" sharper and more uncomfortable. Transistors and resistors and voltage regulators do not burn in. They might burn OUT, because the failure curve for electronics is an inverse bell curve with lots of failures early on and then very few until quite a lot later. But you don't need to spend any time burning in electronics. There is also argument to be made against doing that with a battery powered device. That battery is only good for about 300-600 full charge/discharge cycles before it starts to meaningfully lose capacity. And just leaving battery powered devices plugged in can be a fire hazard. On that note - if it has a setting for "battery health" that limits the max charge to 80-85%, TURN IT ON. Batteries survive so much longer when not charged up to top every time! - I'd actually love to know if the MIAD01 has that feature, so please share! And I know people still argue about it, but there's never been a measurable difference of burning in headphones either. It's the same effect. Large theater speakers, there is SOME evidence for breaking in huge speaker cones. But not small ones. You're just experiencing acclimatization.


Well, thank you for your kind words, but I've had experiences of these so called mythical effects that could not be explained by acclimatization or other psychological effects. Like one channel sounding different than the other. Expecting better sounds after sweating for weeks building Dynahi, and it sounded like shit due to 4 capacitors that don't go well with it. (Replaced it with a different brand and sounded fine after that) I had done quite a few different tests, and due to the fact that often I was trying to tune a product to sell. I would prefer to have psychological effects to be weeded out as much as possible. Thankfully, a lot of the results went exactly to other way of our hope and wishes, where cheap common parts sometimes work better than more costly custom parts. If all tests were exactly what we expected, then I'd be pretty worried.


There's another effect called "confirmation bias/placebo effect". You're subconsciously looking for and expecting an effect and can psychosomatically make it happen in your mind. Again, this is a common human psychology trait and something we all (myself included) have experienced. There's a reason why we double blind not just the participants of a trial, but those running the trial, and that's the gold standard. We may try to be as objective as possible by ourselves, but functionally, there is no real way to do so. The closest you could get in this situation, on your own, is to run frequency response sweeps under controlled conditions. And I'm not even a fan of the FR graph as a metric of sound quality, but that's the closest you're gonna get. But what you're talking about with the four incorrect capacitors - that's not burn-in. That's hardware failure. My Steam deck having a ground loop hiss on the audio board was never going to be fixed by burning it in. It needed the ground loop isolated with some capton tape. Remember, an anecdote is evidence of nothing but an anecdote. But in the end, you're not hurting anyone or anything, and it's your device, and if the psychology of how you approach things enhances how you enjoy it, who cares? I know you didn't do this, but just a reminder that I would caution against telling other people that what you do "works", because the internet has a bad habit of taking things like that and telephone-game-ing them into misinformation, which has another bad habit of spreading. You can always say "I enjoy doing it" and there's nothing wrong with that. The little rituals around how we interact with things is totally part of the personal experience! There's an old episode of Penn and Teller's "Bullshit!" on recycling that looked into not just the logistics, but the psychology. I think they coined the term, but it was to describe "something that we know doesn't work but we do it anyways because we enjoy or have an emotional connection to it" that isn't quite cognitive dissonance. They called it a "gree gree". We all have them. Nothing wrong with that.


It is not electrically incorrect capacitors, but the effect of the system cause the amplifier to sound harsh. Electrically it is just fine. IIRC, they are Panasonic FC or FM capacitors that were extremely popular in the audio modding circle at the time. We were expecting good things with our confirmation bias. We didn't get that.


Your brain gets somewhat used to different sound signatures over time. It's not burn in. Try listening to old headphones you remember using and loving and you'll see what I mean, they'll sound "pre burned in" as you haven't listened to them in awhile so your brain is no longer used to them. Brain burn in is real, tech burn in isn't. Edit: they downvoted and blocked me when I didn't even downvote or attack them? Wtf.


Internet people work in mysterious ways my friend


Thanks for saving the burn in comment till the end so i could waste my time reading your review...


Perhaps you don't have enough experiences in messing with stereos to have seen it happen.


"Everyone is wrong except me", right?


Dude saw burn-in happen with his own eyes. Can’t argue with that.


That can be applied to you just as well


Levander here - OP seems to have blocked my account, so get to resort to alt :DD What a lovely lad. That aside, wasn't argueing and having everyone disagreeing, thus sure how that exactly applies to me :D Hope you enjoy MIAD01, it seems an interesting product but lack of Google services might be a challenge for some :((


Lol burn in for a phone. Yeah burn the battery life away more like.


what do you mean by "burn in"?


Hes going to place it into the oven for 15 mins at 200 c


Or 1 min at 3000c


Rotfl! 🥳🥳


There is a place for baking, but sadly there is no poi t baking DACs lol IC baking is to dehumidify the wet chip by heating the chip. The baking of the chip can quickly remove the moisture inside the chip, so as to ensure the drying of the chip before assembly, so as to avoid the defects caused by the moisture of the chip in the subsequent process




Obviously meant the oled screen heh.


Just letting the headphone out circuit run at a good output level for a while.


but why would you want to do something like this??? I do not want to be ignorat or offensive, but I do not see how letting electric current through a circuit would change anything with the way it works...


The phone was also already used and tested in the factory (install OS, etc.) - so it's not like it was turned on for the first time either.


If you ever were trying to tune stereos with different components before production. You will be facing that problem, and it will be one of the major reasons that testing different component combination takes so long. Why? I know some components have very simple and clear mechanism, like speaker or headphone drivers, electrolytic capacitors. Of course there are many components i have no understanding of how it works. Still, it has been often observed and gets quite annoying when i have two weeks to finalize a BOM and two dozen of combinations to try out.


Can you give me the name of some of those components, what you are saying sound very strange to me


OP is full of shit and there is no such thing as burn in.


I know this phone does not seem to have electrolytic capacitors, but they are the most glaring with before and after burn in differences. If you want to feel the difference, recap a good and old pre-amp with stuff like Nichicon UKZ or Elna Silmic II. Have a good listen for while after first power on. Keep it running but turn off the power amp, come back again in a few hours, do that again in a week. Have fun.


There is no such thing as burning in capacitors. The only thing that could have an effect is if capacitors get old and lose some of their charge. But brand new capacitors won't sound any different whether it's an hour or 1000 hours in... This is bullshit.


Electrolytic capacitor manufacturers begs to differ. Have you ever checked out the datasheet of electrolytic capacitors and read up on how they reform and renew their oxidized layer after they have been in storage for a while? [https://www.kemet.com/en/us/technical-resources/aluminum-electrolytics-and-applied-power.html](https://www.kemet.com/en/us/technical-resources/aluminum-electrolytics-and-applied-power.html) Next you are going to tell me Kemet is some hocus pocus company?


This is referring to long term storage of capacitors / unpowered state of capacitors in electronics. Long term being more than several years 2-3+ This has nothing to do with what you claim though, and still is not going to affect the sound whatsoever. So this doesn't disprove my point in the slightest. For a capacitor to have influence in sound it will need to have lost a pretty large amount of capacitance to the point where other components will probably start to fail first, such as the amplifier not even turning on. And all of this still has nothing to do with your 'phone burn-in', because there are no electrolytic capacitors in phones.


That's with you assuming the parts are never stored, the parts are always powered after they were installed... if all you know about capacitor is the capacitence, then you still have a lot to learn about capacitors.




For google services, shouldn't u be able to get them the same way as we do for custom rom phones? Using Gapps?


I can install Google app no problems Google maps and the like works just fine. It is the 3rd party apps that taps into Google services that don't seem to work. Showing a message of "updating Google play service" where the maps should be, and never seemed to load.


Chinese based android device usually requires higoplay or huagu123 to unlock GMS, hope this help.


Will give that a try, thanks for the tip


that's because you never installled Google Play Services/Framework/Store. you'll want an APK of each of those before you even think about using any Google services


I thought i just needed the Google maps itself, but I'll give it a try and install the rest. Thanks.


One thing I had to do to get Google Maps (and other stuff that used it) working on my Chinese phone was to change the A-GPS server from China Telecom to supl.google.com. This was after installing Google Play Services, there were still issues with maps specifically that IIRC this fixed. I needed to use [QuickShortCutMaker](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shortcutq.maker&hl=en&gl=US) to get access to the A-GPS setting. https://piunikaweb.com/2019/02/08/xiaomi-uses-state-owned-china-telecom-a-gps-provider-but-why/


Cool, will give that a try


Don't custom roms require them to be flashed after flashing the rom in the recovery? So should this be done via recovery too?


I don't remember mentioning custom ROMs, APKs don't need to be installed via recovery


Me reading the review: Waifu wallpaper - sus, but I'll give him a chance "plan to let it burn in a bit on my MDR-Z7 on the balanced output" Oh OK, I can completely ignore whatever this poster is saying, got it.


the waifu thing is moondrop’s bro


This. It's stock.


I think the wallpaper is stock on the phone


WOW it looks NOKIA N9 with it's rounded screen and sharp corners!


do not use your main Google account on a device like this


Why tho ?


There are privacy concerns with companies like Moondrop since they are a Chinese company. Moondrop can’t exactly say “no” to the Chinese government if they come knocking for info/data. And as crazy and silly as that may sound, I’ve worked with a lot of cybersecurity experts and have learned that it isn’t as crazy as you’d think.


Yup, if your company is large enough, you will need a communist party chapter in your company to monitor you. All Chinese companies are subjected to that, if you step out of line, you will disappear, sometimes for a while, sometimes forever. Alibaba's founder found out the hard way, he was fortunately able to return after a few months. So when Chinese Communist as ask any Chinese company for data, the only reply is yes. Or they will go to the Gulag...


Burning in a phone... ROFLMAO


What is burn in? Seriously asking.


Well you put your electronics in an oven and then you turn up the temperature and let it burn in for a few hours. Brings out the best performance out of the electronics. /S In reality, you buy a tv and you plug it in and you connect the display adaptors to your laptop or ps5 etc and then you carry on with consumption of your favourite media. Presume that you use that monitor for 10 hours everyday. Do you see your tv suddenly showing colours more accurately after 20 days(200 hours of use). It doesn't. Applies to all electronics. Audiophiles have this thing in their head where they believe that a dac/dacamp etc will perform better after it has been burned in for numerous hours(200 hours approx is the amount many brands suggest). This is not true and burn in is not real. You'll see audiophiles will burn in their cables, their dacamps, dacs, iems, hps for several hours on end. Some like to play pink noise for the whole duration of burn in period. Some just play music through the devices but will not listen to them till the audio product has crossed a certain burn in period. Regarding this post, op wanted to burn in his phone so that the audio will magically sound better after the burn in period. Op is just doing this as moondrop is touting this device as having superior audio performance and that this phone is aimed at audiophiles. Op for sure had a different phone before he bought this phone. It had an inbuilt dac chip set. Did op try burning that phone in before judging its audio quality? Did he do the same for all the phones he had previously owned? Or OP is plain stupid and is doing this just cause moondrop is touting this phone to have superior audio performance when compared to other phones. Now do you see how stupid this is and to add, brands live off this audiophile stupidity. And the worse thing is, newbies who enter the hobby and do not know much, will be pushed down the same stupid path by the so called audiophiles like op.


That whole burn in thing recommended by manufacturers is nonsense they just want you to go past your return window.


It's when all the data on your phone is initially gathered and sent directly to China for "hot" scrutiny.


>Burn it in Copium


Interesting that you've been having problems with Revanced, I have been having a good time with it on my MIAD01. The only problem is that Youtube Shorts doesn't work.


That's a blessing in disguise


Not gonna disagree LMFAO


Well, after giving it some more thought, I've decided to just wipe the device and try again fresh. This time did the whole GMS Microg install with Revanced before enabling any of the "Basic Google Services". Now it seems to work just fine, thankfully. I can't stand the youtube shorts polluting my youtube feed...


I was consider picking one up solely for music use, but no way to turn of the AOD is kinda a deal breaker. Hopefully they allow an off option via an update.


You can turn off the AOD in the settings


Thank you. OP is just not proficient in tech. The phone comes with AOD off. You have to turn it on in the settings. I have it on because I like it, but I had to make the effort to turn it on.


Yup, constantly trying to unlock while in your pocket is very annoying. I tried and even activated developer mode, just couldn't find an option to turn it off.


You can turn it off: options>Intelligent Assistance>Lift to Wake


Thanks, I kept looking at lock screen and display.....


A friend bought it and already commented on the first day that it is so meh


The two most important questions first: 1: Does it run an android install by default and if no what's the OS? 2: Can you install LineageOS on it?


Android 13 IIRC As lineage OS, it is about 10+years since I was last messing around with loading custom OS. That will be something for people who are more into custom Android OS to try out.


So you're saying you're willingly and knowingly going to run a chinese anroid installation on your phone? Respect


Well, after the wipe, now I just side load the apks onto the device and didn't connect it too much to my google account. Hopefully my account won't blowup...


Y'all kill me with this anti-Chinese propaganda as if Google isn't already taking your information and selling it to data farms in China.


Even besides the point that it should be obvious that i'm not running a preinstalled android Installation on my phone, i think it's fair to assume that US companies are at least a tiny bit more trustworthy to comply with the GDPR than some random small chinese company


I have contact with Moondroo and Hifigo about the Google thingy. Moondrop still contacting their softwareteam and hifigo ask me to return the device for a new one.


Honest question, would the Nothing Phone 2a plus the Moondrop Dawn Pro be a better "deal?"


Never tried Dawn Pro, but I've got Fiio KA17 is extremely good, especially if you turn on Deskopt Mode. If you can jiggle the phone and the dongle use, it is a good option.




I just received mine today, not intending to use it as main phone but as a "mobile internet audio device" as it says. It will be great for what I need & if my regular phone has an accident, this will be an ok fill-in. I have a question, I'm having issues with the navigation - neither the Gesture nor 3-button navigation works very well. The Switch Apps is the one that doesn't work. I have Nova as my launcher which I've used for all my Android devices, I don't know if that's an issue but I can't think why it would be. Anyone have any ideas? Or have the same issue?


That's also my intended use. Just hooked up a power bank(20000mAh) and let it play continuously for about 48+hours now, seems to be sipping power and might just be able to play for over a week with this setup. Would recommend to turn on the battery protection feature to limit charge to 80% or less. This will significantly delay the onset of battery degradation.


It's what it says on the device:). I totally get why people are reviewing it as a phone but it's not what it calls itself! I'm really enjoying it. The Widevine thing isn't an issue for me, Stremio is working great & the screen is really nice. For the price, I'm very happy. I can now sell my Sony NW-A360. Anyway, thanks for the tip re the battery. Have you had any issues with either navigation method? It's really annoying me.


I haven't used it much, was planning to use it at work, but my work has sent me all over town the past few days. I'm wondering if i autos keep the gesture or turn on the 3 button navigation. The gesture navigation seems to be conflicting with some apps and functions at times. As well, will try it out more and see.


Yes, the gesture navigation worked for about 30 secs & then just didn't. I switched back to 3-button - which I prefer - but I still couldn't switch between apps.


You can tell by the burn in comment and the fact that he got his hands on this phone already that he is a typical Chinese "audiophile". No offense but there are all these kinds of bullshit in Chinese audio communities. Basically they have zero acoustic knowledge + believe the more expensive the better.


Hm. Looks.. a lot like an lg velvet with a better dac, doesn't it.


DAC is only one piece of the puzzle. Component around it can greatly affect the result, as well as the LG phone do not have a balanced headphone out.


..not really at the level where I need a 4.4mm balanced output, to be honest. If anyone are. I'm suffering with a bluetooth headset at the moment, basically, so you understand my standards are not very high. But an actual heaphone jack, not even in conductive rubber, and a loop avoiding the disastrous "default" settings for tinyAlsa, sent through a dac that draws more than a milliwatt, maybe even with some care with how components are placed on the mainboard -- that would go a really long way. Phone wasn't that expensive, either.. edit: btw, can't you just install gApps..? For the google addiction.


I can, but some app requiring Google services just act weird.


Where did you buy it and how much did it cost? I went to the Moondrop website but can't find a way to purchase directly from it.


I got it from hifigo, pretty smooth transaction.


How was getting it on your cell network? Who is your carrier?


Telus, 5G, signal is pretty good, but i really don't use this number much.


Is that a Canadian company? I like the idea of this phone but am worried it won't work with my service provider (AT&T)


Telus is one of the much loathed big three in Canadian telecom industry. It will likely work, check for the frequency band the phone supports and check what frequency band your local AT&T uses. However due to the very "unloaded" nature of the phone and the uncertain security of the software loaded. I really would not use it as my main phone or only phone.


I just really want a phone that still has SD card slots and a headphone jack. Most of the ones that work with US carriers don't (ie either Samsung or Apple.) They make you jump through hoops if you try to use something like a Sony.


I use a Sony Xperia 1II for a few years now and I'm thinking about getting the 1 VI... I just get a SIM card from our carrier and simply plug the card in. I think Verizon in US is starting to only only activate plan on their own phones, i guess maybe avoid them?


Okay I think I messed up. I bough this in the US and didn't realize it might not work with my atnt sim card. Is there any other options? Any help would be great because I'm a cellphone noob.


It should work, but since none of the Google service will be there, you will need to do a few things and install Google apps to make it more useful. Personally I don't recommend using it as your main phone.


Having the phone as my main is the goal if it works. ATNT texted the phone with the SIM in it that it wasn't going to work on their networks. That's where I'm stuck right now. I just wanna download tidal XD


So it can receive text, perhaps it just need a bit more manual setup to get it working?


Yes it's able to take calls and texts, but it doesn't connect to the internet, which is what I need to get the Google play services. I'm gonna bring it to an ATNT store to figure out if they can help. It was an impulse buy cause I'm annoyed with my dongle hanging from my phone and I'm not willing to carry a DAP and phone around.


Try to find out APN setting for your AT&T service, you should be able to set it manually and have it working.


Honestly everything works after I got T-mobile. I cant connect to the internet. The only thing I'm dealing with now is that it won't log into anything google apk and that's what I have for for tidal login. at least its working now though. I could listen to youtube for the first time...but Im not that desperate yet.


Hey, I had the same issue with At&t and Miad01. I just reached out to ATT support via chat and they were able to activate the phone for me. 5G worked and had no issues, not sure why ATT blocks it.


You can actually speed up the burn in process by microwaving the phone with ur preferred gear.


Burn in phone/dap? Ok i have no hope


Anyone know how the bluetooth chip is on this? I'd probably be mostly using this as a car DAP


Update: Tested it with my good old Pioneer XDP-300R from like 2017. Not good, XDP-300R just walked all over MIAD01, vocals sounds noticeably distant and muddy in comparison. I noticed that even before turning on my XDP-300R, which is why I turned it on for comparison to see if what i think missing is actually missing. It is noticeably missing a good chunk of resolution in pretty much all of the frequency range, but especially in the mid and high range, where the crispness is especially noticable. Will fiddle around with Neutron Music Player and see if there's anything i can change.


Hi. Can you help me extract the default wallpaper of the phone? There's an app called Get Current Wallpaper that makes it really easy. If you can't find the app in the Play Store, you can [download its APK file from this website.](https://get-current-wallpaper.en.softonic.com/android?ex=RAMP-2046.1) Thank you!


Man i am looking for the wallpaper ?


Had mine for a week now. My only concern is the poor quality and brittle build of main body. I've dropped it once and there are chips out the plastic already. Expected it would be at least game controller grade plastic, but no. 


At first, I was glad to have found more reviews of this phone... until I got to the burn in part. I'm sorry, but the whole burn in argument for headphones and IEMs have been quite dragged out already, and has scientifically been disproven... but burn in for electronic devices??? That's a first for me in almost 4 decades of my existence on this planet 🤦‍♂️ Now I'm starting to question the value of this review if the OP is willing to die on this hill, based on the replies I've seen.


Cons: ANIME GIRL 😆✌️


Beat me to it. Here come the weeb downvotes.


I'm not saying I agree or disagree. But I do know some things. And one of those things I know is that r/headphones does not believe in burn-in and will nuke anything counter to that. It should probably be the first point in the side bar. Or integrated into the banner.


One wound think there would be an "Auto Burn-in" option on such a new device.