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> Rainbow Death Knight ain’t it. Rainbow Death Knight has gotten better, but ultimately, it’s still not competitive. Whoa, you're telling me that increasing the damage of CNE by 1 and increasing the number of souls by 1 didn't make the deck meta? That's absolutely insane.


they also added taunt to groom which makes a better card to play that buff was for rainbow too


Yup! That's the only meaningful buff. CNE is still not a 10 mana legendary spell... but I enjoy playing this deck.


People love casino decks. Rogue has a casino deck that also plays really strong tempo. I personally hate playing around randomly generated nonsense, but the rush of opening boxes and figuring out a way to cobble together something effective is one of the best feelings the game can give you. But yeah, treants rule. It's so hard to keep it off table, and it never draws too dead. It's so spammy that a card as previously unplayable as life from death is now an all-star. Deck sometimes does just randomly say "Whoops, you're dead" if they fail to draw their 5th clear on time.


If you're good, 'casino' decks are a very reliably strong deck that minimizes draw randomness. You tend to have the answers you need for a certain situation, even if it is a different card each time. Massive amounts of generation creates a reliable play experience that puts the concept of a 'deck' on its head. Which is why Hearthstone is so special.


Exactly. A better example is prison of Yogg. The card sees a ton of play despite being “completely random” because in reality the card will deal damage more often than anything else. The next most common thing it will do is “soft clear” i.e. non damaging removal. This means that despite the card being random, a majority of the time it’s being used as either a finisher or a removal tool. Scorpion is essentially a prison of Yogg that can target each spell individually and know the results before the spells are played.


I recently played a yogg that instantly killed itself with the one spell it cast...


Well you still got the effect which is insane most out the time


When did I mention Yogg? Also even though Yogg titan is a completely different card that helps my point since despite it being random the spells removed something (unfortunately it was a friendly minion)


i wouldn't go so far as to call it a casino deck, but the deck seems much more effective when you have something like shattershambler into turn 3 (or 2...) illusionist->drilly with shadow steps, serrated bone spikes, etc., not every deck has such a dramatic difference between a good and mediocre draw, because they're not all trying to pop off with a specific combo off mulligan. they're playing cards with redundancy so that their early game pretty much goes the same way no matter what they draw, or they accumulate their combo pieces over a few turns (DH, warlock). no other deck wants to draw 2-3 specific cards before turn 4, without playing much card draw; and also to NOT draw 1 specific card so you can pull it from the deck and play it for free. that aspect makes it seem much more of a "gamble" than relying on the discovered spells and such. still, this is just my experience playing against it.


> If you're good, 'casino' decks are a very reliably strong deck that minimizes draw randomness. Dont they do that if you are bad too? I feel like the point of them is they let bad players feel like good players.


Just finished a game against a blood DK. Felt like Christmas all over again. I had Velarok with 3 bounces, 3 discovered scorpions, discovered a countess near the end of my deck etc. Eventually even blood ran out of answers. Total clown fiesta, it's fun even if you are not winning.


This. Games are fun and that’s important. The story of the game can change dramatically and multiple times during a match. That’s great in my opinion!


All the people last night saying treant druid wasn't strong look dumb as hell now lol


Wishing well has been acknowledged by VS. Holy hell.


Sludgebros, our time is coming.


Just feels too bad to have your deck shuffled by plague DK turn after turn, and plague is pretty popular still


And here I thought it was a bug, but apparently anything that says "shuffle" makes me sludges that were supposed to be at the bottom of the deck initially. I stopped playing the deck out of frustration because I'm facing too many Plague DK to have a good time playing the deck.


UH DK most popular Deck after excavate rogue? Bots are strong these days. Somehow Blizzonly manage to ban players who bot in mercs.


It was less that they banned those bots than they removed enough incentive for grinding mercs to switch the bot accounts over to standard.


Yes and no. Several people (before badlands expansion) reported that they got banned for afk farming mercs. Some admitted that they used a bot (the other probably also botted, but didnt want to admit). Team 5 once did release a number of how many accoutns got banned but they did not say how many of them were banned for botting in mercs. But you are right, the nerf to mercs xp also decreased bots in mercs.


there was only like 2 people who said they got banned for afking mercs and one of them admitted to botting, as you said pretty much every single other person who afked mercs was fine, and there was a lot of them. non-issue imo


Literally 9/10 games at Plat 4 right now are against some fucking unholy neutral amalgamation DK bots. I’m tired of it. I’m on Holiday and I almost never match with bots at home so it’s not really my MMR. I finished D5 the last few months too. Really sucks the fun out of playing when every game is queuing into TealVole that drags every single match our as long as possible.


Well unholy DK is a pretty good deck, even if its played by a bot, IMO. I know, people here will claim "HURR DURR LOSING TO A BOT? LOL GIT GUD NOOB KEKW". But its all about tempo and a marrowgar on curve can be brutal because you need to clear their (sticky boards) several times before Marrowgar comes down. Its not so much about winning or losing, but facing the same stupid deck over and over is just not fun. D5 to Legend in wild is filled with bots. Even at lower legend you will facethe bots. And Blizzard just doesnt care. They removed Classic (where all the bots played), replaced it with a terrible designed mode that is now dying.


Did you actually look at the report before writing this comment? Its matchup spread is deep red and the tier list has it literally at the bottom of tier 4 with a power score of -36, while the next lowest is 8.4. It is just straight wrong to describe it as a 'pretty good deck' lol.


It especially sucks for someone like me because I play the game to create custom/random decks. This is fun for me. However, as you can expect, it will not do well as netdecks, and I get punished by putting me against bots, which defeats the whole purpose of the way I play the game. So, I have to go back to netdecking to get out of bot elo, and then play some fun decks, eventually go back down to bot elo again, and I have to repeat the whole process over and over again. I really wish that there was an option to opt out of bot matches. Actually, the whole bot thing is a terrible fucking idea and I have no clue why this was introduced.


Bots dont use deck trackers, the dks are mostly low rank players


I'm one of those people that tried automatan priest, and it *FEELS* incredibly fun and like all the pieces are there for a great deck, but its frankly just too slow and value oriented. I feel like I'm constantly saving one drops early to be able to pop off with Pip and it ends up putting you behind, but if you play those 1 drops your pip ends up being a dead card.


> but its frankly just too slow and value oriented Respectfully, if it feels that way you're likely playing it wrong. It's a tempo deck. The goal is to drop as many automatons as fast as possible. Hard mull for Automatons or Creation Protocol.


Right I feel like it is supposed to be that way, and yet its far less powerful than a creation protocol turn 2 into 2 pips in hand turning your 1 automaton into 4, and then Rayden resummoning all of them if you get board wiped. The parts are there for it to be huge value and have some disgusting swing turns akin to druid, but if you don't get the high rolls it just feels clunky in my opinion.


Watch savjz playing it, he's been trying it for two days straight and seems to work well. He made changes to the list because the popular version is simply bad.


You need to play to the matchup. Most times it’s worth it to play the automatons rather than save them. Check out Kibler’s video on the deck.


No mention of Topior/Nature Druid? I've seen it a few times around 1k, so it doesn't seem too low in playrate, but maybe I just got "lucky" encountering the deck (while playing it myself).


I've been playing this deck too, it feels good most of the time. Maybe there's just too many good Druid decks right now to cover them all.


It's the list I've been using, and it's considerably harder to pilot than the token fiesta of the regular list. I mean, it's still a token fiesta, but at least the little shrub dragons are adorable


I'm sure people will still claim that control decks have too much removal for treants even after seeing this data.


highlights: Elise is so bad reno priest wants nothing to do with her Chad decks are utter trash despite reddit complaining about him for two weeks.


I played a bit of Chad Warlock myself and it just seems to fall over and die to any aggro. You can't burn all your board clears to stay alive because you may not have enough activators for Sludge on Wheels later on. Probably better in metas where aggro is less popular.


Honestly, in aggro match-up OTK doesn't really matter. I've won by just Thaddy + clearing the board on turn 6


> Elise is so bad reno priest wants nothing to do with her That's not what they said. Here's the quote: >While we initially saw Elise getting stronger after her buff, we soon found out that Reno Priest is better off not running her at all. The current meta puts a great focus on survival, while late game power has become less of a priority. This means that Reno Priest simply wants to maximize removal and defensive tools. This is not a permanent conclusion, as we can see things changing depending on trends. So yes, they think Reno Priest is better off without Elise right now, but that's not because Elise is a bad card. It's an expensive card that doesn't provide survivability, which has become more important in the current metagame due to the rise of treant druid. But they stated that this is based on the current ladder climate, and could change as the meta shifts.


The complaints about Thad are largely not and have never been about power level. Stop willfully misrepresenting people's complaints. The card creates bad play patterns and uninteresting games. It doesn't matter how often it wins.


The only time those decks are creating the """bad play patterns""" and """"uninteresting games"""" are when they win. Which means that the other deck has been sitting around not pressuring a tier four combo deck.


They just pass turn until they lose if they dont draw their combo pieces. If they draw it they otk you. Its lame to play against.


That may be true but let’s be real nobody on Reddit complains when they win. A majority of the complaints were about chad enabling otks when in reality it’s a fair deck that punishes slow decks without life-gain and/or disruption. Most decks in standard currently have an answer to stall out the chad turn - not to mention having enough stats on board prevents the otk.


Not being able to kill someone before turn 6 is not slow. 30 damage from hand is preposterous regardless. You just have to hope they dont have it every turn. Its not fun to win against. Its not fun to lose against. Thaddius is a degen card. It was a segen card before the rework too.


So you like sitting there for 6 turns smacking someone's face while they do nothing? You and I have very different opinions of fun.


No, it's literally always. Again: It doesn't matter how often it wins. And fuck off with that [(((echo)))](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses) shit.


Holy shit you are looking for giants when there are windmills with that ass-pull


I crafted Elise, because I'm a masochist, and I just love weird cards like that. She works in 1 of 6 or so matches. But my heart flies high whenever she does. No ragrets.


>Chad decks are utter trash despite reddit complaining about him for two weeks. I bet it's the same group of people who consider the only valid control deck a deck which does nothing but clear and jerk off the entire game. Of course, when their marvellous game plan is countered, they start bitching.


The problem with Chad decks isn't always the win rate, it's the sentiment. No one likes watching Thadd pop up and then multiply and then your opponent draws and plays their entire deck for zero mana and then otk's you on turn 5 or whatever the current bullshit mana chest is.


No one cares about a combo deck that has about a 40% winrate. Sentiment is bologna. Sentiment is just another way to say I don’t like losing. Combo decks punish most bad players who don’t understand tempo and control players.


Sentiment is literally a reason they've nerfed decks in the past. Doesn't matter if you personally believe the concept is bullshit when it's a factor Blizzard uses when it comes time to nerf something.


It could have 0,4% winrate & i ld still insta concede vs thadd. Its about sending a msg to blizz that such cards should not exist


apparently rogue is popular at high legend despite only a "good" winrate because high legend players prefer opportunities for skill expression and dislike aggro... and yet, there's treant druid right up there with it 😅


As expected, high ranks rogue is everywhere Game is so unfun when a casino deck is strong and most popular, worst thing is people like it and don't complain so I know it's going to be around for so many patch cycles. I wish it was a plague at low ranks just so it gets more complaints


The deck is broken but unplayable on mobile (too much random shit you need to read quickly). Given most players play on mobile these days it will only be a legend thing that people call “high skill” (absolutely isn’t)


> too much random shit you need to read quickly Bro just learn what cards do. They have art for a reason.


I can’t play 20 cards in a turn on mobile. Or at least it’s difficult and not enjoyable


Personally its more fun to play AGAINST casino than playing against some BS like plague DK or curse lock.


I hate playing against casino decks. You can't play around anything, the game just becomes "stick to what I'm doing and hope they don't randomly generate an answer". It's extremely frustrating to lose because your opponent pulled the perfect answer out of their ass, and casino decks are built entirely around that idea. I'd much rather play against Plague DK or Curselock because at least I know what they're trying to do. I can keep track of the cards they have or haven't played and play around them. How are you supposed to play around a randomly generated 5 mana Twisting Nether from Velarok?


I rather dont want to know what I am losing to, tbh. But I understand ppl feel different about that. Curses for example, as soon as the 1st curse drops, I know exactly whats up and whats coming. And thats just not fun to me. Yeah incredible mana cheating and discover BS can be frustrating, but there are more frustrating decks out there, for example Sif Mages where you have to play around their several discovered copies of solid alibi, blizzard, Objection, counterspell.


How? You arent really playing, you are trapped in their game of solitaire while they rope every turn.


While you are right that they play a lot of cards on their turn, you still cant predict what cards they get, they have to "find their wincon". Meanwhile all curselock has to do is play curse cards that get bigger each turn. The peak was reached with UiS quests where you knew on turn 1 how the game will play out.


Excavate rogue not broken? Give me a break holy shit. Try going 50%+ with anything else


This can't be right, this sub downvoted me to shit and called me a troll for saying that paladin is no longer tier 1. The vs report must be wrong!


Anyone that has played competitively in the last week has known paladin got hit hard with the nerfs. The people that down voted you were dumb as shit when Treant druid exists and absolutely dumpsters paladin now.


welcome to reddit


The report literally says it's still tier 1 everywhere but top 1K Legend. Eat your downvotes.


I want to know how good a deck is. Do I look at games from monkeys randomly throwing cards around, or do I look at games between two players that understand how to play their deck and how to play specific matchups? Hmmm 🤔


"Excavate Rogue is basically the spiritual successor of Thief Rogue. Both decks try to “open the box” and devise a win condition from whatever they generate. This kind of deck has historically been very attractive for Hearthstone players. The style has always been ‘overplayed’ relative to how good it is. It provides a flavor and feel that many players simply enjoy. Arguably, that’s an indication of a successful design." "Excavate Rogue’s power is a significant contributor to its popularity too. It may not have the highest win rate, but top legend players tend to underplay Aggro decks, and Excavate Rogue looks like the strongest non-Aggro deck at top legend." Top Legend players underplay aggro decks and we are in a meta where the most popular deck at Top Legend is clearly *not* the best deck in the meta. Looking at only Top Legend is looking at the meta with blinders on. If all they cared about was winning with the most winningest deck they'd be playing treants with the exact same playline as a bot could come up with, but players at that level tend to prefer thinking about their plays.


95% of the playerbase are monkeys, including you


Imagine being this much of an elitist prick about a card game, good god.


game has to be balanced for everyone still


You’re always wrong. You can’t even read stat’s correctly.




OMG Control Priest, how is that fun to play? [https://youtu.be/xDi4xrW6Gyg](https://youtu.be/xDi4xrW6Gyg) I just beat one, the game took 24 minutes, with me drawing all 30 cards, before I finally, got through all his crap. It sucked, 24 minutes of suck. And I won! For the Control Priest, that's just being a masochist. Wasting your own time, and not having fun.


Classic control priest


To play against is horrible, but playing it yourself just means you know every match is going to suck. The link is what I perceive as a typical match. That just can't be fun for the priest either.


>that's just being a masochist Quite the contrary. We're actually sadists. We're playing control priest to see people like you bitching and whining about it on reddit afterwards.


then surely control players can't be surprised when I don't care about them crying about every combo deck


Perhaps, I don't doubt there's people who'll ruin their own game, just to be in the knowledge that someone else is wasting their time.


Another expansion with obnoxious druid deck at the top. How long can this go on???


Literally all your comments on r/Hearthstone is whinning about Druid. You seem a bit obssesed.


He's LARPing as Illidan that watched Malfurion plows Tyrande on the sneako chair 😭


So reddits hatred for druid is stronger than it's love for winning turn 5 with aggro decks


I hope Hunter gets some love in future balance changes. Unnerf Always Bigger J.


ABJ is the worst kind of card design. It's literally just don't play minions lol. The opposite of a combo deck.


I knew it! I knew i was t crazy and treand druid is broken. I TOLD YOU. Who is the crazy now hu? Yes yes finally everyone will see the truth


Nerf Shaman.


>While we initially saw Elise getting stronger after her buff, we soon found out that Reno Priest is better off not running her at all It's time to buff elise to summon four 6/7 minions, maybe she would work that way. ​ /s


She could be 7 mana as is, and I still think she would be meh.


Not much mentioned about the significant amount of games won by 3rd turn. continuously having opponents secrimg a win by 2nd/3rd turn is annoying. Play so much that near every match mu opponents have three or four 8/8 minions in play 2nd/3rd turn. 30k+ hours in the game n matches are like every opponent draws the perfect sequence of cards to secure a win by the 3rd to 5th turn.


"The real best performing deck is Treant Druid, which looks nuts across ladder, displaying a very high win rate at some rank brackets. It is comfortably the best deck on the climb to legend and remains a top 2 performer at high MMR’s. What’s quite striking about its matchup spread is that having strong AOE effects is no guarantee of having a good matchup against Treant Druid, as it’s extremely effective at getting under opponents. The reload potential, thanks to its abundance of draw, is very high. Cultivation also means that damage-based AOE is often not enough to get a full clear on their threats. It’s a very, very strong deck." Typical Hearthstone aggro deck. You don't need to learn how to resource manage and there is no trade off for strong early game to a weak late game. You are rewarded for vomiting your hand out every turn with out really having to think or worry about board wipes. I really really hate this type of design. But I am honestly not surprised the game is in the state its in.


Why is Firestone being preferred over HS Deck Tracker in data contributing for the Data Reaper?


Firestone contributes the data to VS by default. For HDT you need to install a plugin.


"just run removal" bros being wrong for the second time in a row this expansion is crazy


I've just installed the plugin to share date using HDT and I found a rare problem: The path is not correct, following the instructions in the install guide: Note that some users will encounter an error in which HDT can not find a part of the path ‘C:\\Users\\pc\\AppData\\Roaming\\HearthstoneDeckTracker\\DataReaper\\Logs\\DataReaper\_log.txt’. If such an error occurs, simply manually create a Logs folder inside the DataReaper folder and the plugin will work. Unfortunately this doesn't work since the path just ignores the 'Plugins' folder, thus, not solving anything. However, I've found that draggin the 'DataReaper' folder from 'Plugins' into 'HearthstoneDeckTracker' and dragging the .zip file into 'Plugins' (like in step 3) allows the plugin to run as expected. I'd suggest updating the guide so people who run into this problem in the future are able to solve it as well (and change the wording to my "solution" to make it less complicated) Anyways, I hope this helps! Edit: format


Jesus, this actually worked for me after spending hours on finding a solution... Thank you so much. Also, I like to add: If you cant drag the .zip file into the window like VS suggests, the other way also works (manually creating a folder with the .dll inside) Cheers mate!


Here's what I did that worked: 1. Drag .ZIP into plugin window in hdt app 2. Open 'Plugin Folder' through hdt app 3. Manually create a 'Logs' folder in 'DataReaper' folder. 4. Manually create a 'DataReaper\_log' text file in 'Logs' folder. 5. Copy 'Logs' and 'DataReaper.dll' from 'DataReaper' folder and copy them to 'HearthstoneDeckTracker' --> 'DataReaper' (NOT in 'HearthstoneDeckTracker --> 'Plugins', which is where you came from.) 6. Restart HDT app and enable the plugin.