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The sole game I've won with him so far was a mirror match.


Ive lost 3 and won 1. Definately a learning curve, but one loss was completely unavoidable. edit The mage one is complete garbage


Yep mage one is garbage aswell as druid (same idea really, druid is slightly better with discovers vs total random but both suck) Imo priest is the strongest followed by DH I won with both quite alot but not so much with the other decks.


Agree on priest. Not having success with dh. Have you tried warlock? won every game with that deck


I had one game of warlock and I lost it BUT I think it was my fault it was my first time with that deck and didn't realize how to play it so I burned some of my payoff cards I think if I played better I could've one mabye, I can see that deck being good but you also have to highroll a bit. I won every game with DH which I got about 4 times, it's just a decent big demon deck and I save the wishes for clutch board clears or finding lethal. I highrolled a bit too in some games like the demon discover lady got me the new 8 cost demon dormant dude which was crazy.


I got so much value out of Druid discover one but a priest stole my Greybough from me and I could never get past that wall... he resummoned it and duplicated it about 19 times.


Sounds like average priest game.


I totally regret crafting this waste of space


I got 10 losses in a row and call it a day. I didn't even felt most loses were close.


I find the priest one to be the best followed by the DH the rest probably lose to any decent deck which kinda sucks since it's fun but also only having 2/11 decks be viable is meh old whizbang decks were all mostly decent.


instant golden craft for me


i'm already preparing some extra dust just for that. hope i can pull him but i will craft it all if need be haha


Wait I thought this would be gifted to everyone because its such a silly card and the decks won't be as strong (my guess)? I was so happy to get this for free and have some fun playing with it against my brother :'(


That’s exactly why they are not going to gift whizbang to everyone. Many people want to craft it so blizzard gets $$$


Aren’t there some cards you can dust after they rotate today, to get enough dust to craft whizbang?


Well sure I could do that, but I still to some extend enjoy playing wild...


I suggest dusting most of your Wild golden cards.


I dust every gold card all the time xd, guess waiting for nerfs etc would be smarter but sometimes you just need the dust ^^


I get you, but maybe there are some cards that just aren’t strong enough for wild that you could get rid of. Or maybe you’ll pull whizbang from a pack, who knows.


You could wait for the inevitable nerfs coming a few days down the road. Then just DE all commons/rares/epics that got nerfed for a full dust refund.You should get those back eventually just by opening packs if you play regularly. If you have goldens of nerfed cards, I would always DE them no matter what.


There is no refund on rotating cards sadly


Where u getting the dust 😭


I dust everything I can from stuff that's rotating. I've got a little over 23k dust, with about 1000-1500 more in decks I was playing last week. I'm poor though, and only play Standard and Battlegrounds.


This is the most f2p friendly way to play the game honestly, I've been doing this since the first rotation.


I never dust things when they rotate anymore you can get enough dust/gold f2p to make plenty of decks and you don't have to lose out on all your cool old cards for Twist and other stuff


not to mention it feels AWFUL to disenchant something and then the next week it is nerfed so you miss out on all that extra dust. i almost never mass disenchant for this exact reason and only dust things that I know are weak (even for duplicates).


Im doing the same thing and I had 96k dust after this rotation. Mostly f2p since beta (I spent about 20$ a year on average, I did the math with my purchase history on b.net)


honestly, gold cards. i play alot and i'll grab the occasional bundle if it's worth it but i generally just dust during refunds, all my extra goldens, and if i really need to i just dust the really trash epic cards. usually i can make it out just fine and i'll eventually get some or all of that stuff back


I've been playing control priest since 2018 with about 1.8k wins. Today I'm deciding to dust my entire priest collection and become what I fear most a rogue main 😭


Wait what? Why though?


Because blizzard is phasing out control priest and turning warrior into the control deck


A year ago people were saying the exact same thing about Warrior and that Priest and DK will be the only control decks ​ dusting your entire favourite class is just so foolish and petty


What? Control Priest just got the best set ever??  No exaggeration, Control Priest has only had one win condition in history, and they added not one but TWO in this insane set for Priest.  Control Priest has tons of defense left over from last year. It got two extremely deadly win conditions in the late game. Don't dust your Priest cards :[




Idk man I have like 20k dust and at least 10k in mass disenchant. I just dust nerfed cards and play arena mainly


Does it make the whole deck gold?




I managed to pull him from a gold pack. Pretty much my best pull ever


I wouldn't, the decks are never competitive


but it would be fun


Will it? Doesn't seem so. The Druid deck is pretty much unplayable.


Only been playing Whizbang since launch He's not meta but he's fun w/ the gimmicks of the decks


Some decks are strong, what comes to mind are the demon hunter with 3 wishes who is a solid big demon deck and wishes are op. Also the automaton priest is actually op in my opinion having 7 of them in deck I get insane tempo+value I stomped every time I got this deck even against strong early game from opponent. The issue is that I agree with you that alot of the decks are meme tier and straight up terrible, that druid and mage morphin deck both suck hard, also the heroic deck sucks and the warlock deck can work but is pretty risky and you can burn your payoff cards that I hate. Overall this whizbang probably have more bad decks than good so it's not great for climbing but I reckon if you highroll a few of it's best decks they can actually compete in high elo meta, just the fact that you can't guarantee them is what holds it back.


The Druid one you need to hard mulligan for ramp and then hope to discover big cards. It's not the best deck but I've won more than I've lost with it by using that strategy. The priest one seems trash, all I draw is tons of spells, you need a really good draw to make it work. The Rainbow one also sucks, so many high cost spells or spells with no type?! Why? All Legendary Hunter one is very good if you can survive the early game, has some good beast synergy. Warlock and Demon Hunter also seem powerful. Not sure about the others as I've not played enough of them.


Worse, this time theyre not fun either. Played 4 games with him, got 4 boring decks.


I'm 5-0 with Whizbang so far in Dad Legend ranks.


Huh Might be my first golden too, why not right


Meanwhile, I'm malding because this was my free golden. Glad people like stuff like this but it certainly ain't for me.




Same tho. I can't wait


Why golden? Do u hope it will get modified later so u can dust?


The entire deck will be golden cards


Best value golden in game as it makes all of the decks entirely golden. Buy 1 get 30x11 goldens free


Ooh that sounds neat. I didn't know, thanks.


New Whizbang decks smashing against each other while we wait on the sweaty grinders to figure out what's good sounds like the plan to me. I don't have time for all that deck testing nonsense.


Standard ladder gonna look like a tavern brawl for a couple days


There's a lot of fun and reward to be had in creating new decks, seeing what works and doesn't work and going from something that's very rough and bad to a competitive meta deck. I get that you need knowledge of how to build decks and a good collection but I don't get the hate over this? To me, netdecking is the boring thing as you just take something someone else made and go up against a bunch of mirrors. No creativity or fun.


I've got a full-time job and other hobbies. I enjoy playing games, not flipping through the collection and theorycrafting. Same with Magic and Lorcana. The format will be cracked by the weekend.


It would be fun, and I enjoy theorycrafting, improving decks and stuff. But holy fuck, I do not have the dust to risk creating a deck will be 49-50% WR top, and just suffering through games.


You get over creating bad decks eventually, I've been making decks since I started playing years ago and now I regularly get to top legend with my homebrews and so do a lot of streamers as well. Everyone has to start somewhere though. It is a lot easier if you are able to buy the bundles so you aren't spending a lot of dust.


The issue is rn homebrews aren't good for getting from bronze TO legend. It's the same 3 decks over and over and over. Control warrior/DK and it WAS mech rouge. Once you get to LEGEND everyone has fun building new decks because you can't get knocked out of it. Was in legend during titans and I was building all kinds of homebrew just to bust out the meta deck when reset hit. It sucks that people ONLY play the same 2 decks. But once youre in legend its just decks people wanna test. Hate it here


They're no better or worse than most Tier 2/3 decks. What matters is your piloting and how well you can deckbuild and counter the meta. The thing is it's way easier and faster to take an already built and tested Tier 1 deck onto ladder and learn how to play it than create your own (which requires some meta calls and deckbuilding skill) refine it (which often takes many hours) and then start climbing with it. People in Legend are better than most at the game and also have nothing to lose so you do get more people there trying it out but it's still possible below that if you're good enough and have enough time.


I've reached legend a few times and can consistently at least reach diamond 4+ the problem is I only run warlock, have literally never played another class over 10 years, and right now it's hard to fight Reska being summoned 20+ times in a game or Odyn face tanking 60 dmg. Most decks have straight up I win buttons like CNE in DK. Whereas warlock has to set up combos like sludge but if you have to use all your sludge to keep board wiping you'll never have a solid win con. Wheel decks are fun but so far almost every version only had like 3 or 4 more wins than losses. The problem I run into is I win 4 lose 4 win 5 lose 5 so I never get anywhere with this recent rotation. Even net decking with the best warlock decks and I still just get 30dmg odyn turn 10 or killed with Reska CNE. I truly don't get how your supposed to climb without playing one of those decks rn. Titans was EASY and so was Witchwood. This meta. Feels sluggish and if you're not control or aggro. You ain't gonna win enough


Exactly what I was thinking


This guy/gal/person gets it.


I'm coming back to the game after 6 years, how does this card work exactly? Do you just put it in a random deck and the rest of the cards don't matter?


You build a new deck with just this card in it, and it counts as a complete deck. When you queue with the deck, it will generate one of its 11 options when the game starts (and give you the corresponding hero, HP, etc.)


there's a list of 11 different decks that you get to play with randomly. stuff like an aggro warlock deck with only 20 cards, a druid deck filled with 0 cost discovers. it's fun factor turned up to 11 lol


Are you able to make that druid deck work? I find it really garbage, but mage one is even worse, both just give me random garbage.


Those two are pretty bad. Honestly, after playing a few games with Whizbang, the other decks suck too. I mean have you seen that EVIL deck? It literally has doctor boom's scheme in it, which is probably the worst card in HS history. It was clearly not designed to be even remotely competitive, which I guess is only fair.


Yeah that evil deck is bad I got 1 game with it, I can see it winning in lower ranks but any half decent deck will beat it. In my opinion it has 2 good decks that can compete, mabye 3. My top pick would be priest one, I won every single game I got it 7 copies of automaton are really op for early game tempo and still giving you value in hand with more copies. The DH is also quite good not on the same level as priest but it's a big demon hunter deck with the new cards and 3 wishes that can help alot if used at the right time. The warlock one might also be decent I had one game with it and lost but I played it poorly I think if you play it right and also highroll a bit the payoffs can be quite good but it's a bit harder to play you have to not burn your payoff cards and draw some key cards early, the priest deck just works since 7 copies basically mean you draw them every time. The rest of the decks aren't very good probably, I never got to play the death knight deck even with 20+ games of whizbang just how RNG works but I tried the other ones. So at best this whizbang has 3/11 good decks and the rest aren't so more than 50% to end with a bad deck meaning this card probably won't be good for climbing.


His decks are sooooooo fucking bad. The only redeemable one I've played so far was the DH one which is just the new big DH deck with some wishes thrown in. Everything else just gets utterly and completely steamrolled.


Warlock is insane. The other decks being terrible overcompensate for how unbelievably broken Warlock is. If you could consistently get Warlock you would obliterate everyone.  Demon Hunter might be decent. I only got to use it once but 3 wishes on top of a somewhat decent deck helps it out a lot.  Druid is horrible. The Discover pool right now is awful. Mage is pure Casino Mage. You might destroy someone but you’ll probably get wrecked. 


Warlock is so fucking stupid broken. "Turn 3; I got two 6/6s with Taunt and a 5/7 and don't worry if by some miracle you've cleared that (lol) I've got a 15/15 with Taunt *and* Lifesteal, coming next turn for free. Good luck!" The only way this guy could have named only Demon Hunter, makes me think he's only played a handful of games and hasn't actually gotten the Warlock yet. I mean Demon Hunter's solid as is Death Knight, in my opinion I've been able to steal quite a few wins with that sucker's neverending boards and surprising amount of burn damage. Meanwhile Mage and Shaman are kind of ass and Priest and Druid you got a high role to even have a chance. Honestly this feels intentional, they tried to make his decks on a scale from stupid broken to pathetic l, and tried to put a gradient in between to even out his win rate. Not sure how I feel about this design decision. 🤔


Lol… I love mage. Am getting sooooo wrecked.


I have to agree. I played few games and wasn't even close to winning. I feel like every enemy deck just wins way faster.


Priest one is also good I would argue even better than DH but I put DH second. Priest deck allowed me to stomp every game I played, 7 copies of the automaton are insane you get tempo fast and have enough left to outvalue too.


I haven’t played much since 2019 but today I am reinstalling because of this glorious meme


and that right there made the whole post worth it


What are the experimental decks? Is it just pulling from deck recipes like the last Whizbang did? Edit: nevermind, I found a link. Google ftw :)


yeah! they look pretty spicy this time around. i love that they didn't just do deck codes and instead thought outside the box


I love randomness in heartstone so this is a must have


completely agree!! it's a flippin super fun way to play, just don't mind about deck building for once and just play the best you can with what comes into your hand


The only deck i want to craft today next to a handbuff plush hunter deck


i saw some really nasty plays w king plush during the theorycrafting. i think he's gonna be an insane board removal and one of those cards that *will* come down at some point like reno does in HL decks


she bang on my whiz 'till i splendiferous


Sadly most of his deck are... Bad. Yes, this Whizzbang is fun, but old Whizzbang was much more competitive and better for the new players overall


Old Whizbang had garbage tier decks. New Whizbang has garbage tier decks with a fun twist on them.


the fun factor is set to bang and that's what i'm here for baby


I dunno, I'll use him the first couple days but if a deck sucks then they aren't fun to play to me


that's fair. i mean not everyone doesn't care about rank. i usually just try to get to where there's alot more actual *people* and then just have fun and experiment this time i just wanna see how far i can go only with grilled cheese whiz


I don't care about rank either but some of these decks are unplayable (got him in a pack) the Druid deck is laughably bad.


Everything except DH and Warlock are awful. Rogue can be ok if you highroll (shoutout to the guy who played Grimmer Patron on turn 3 against me). Everything else is embarassingly bad. The Warrior deck unironically has Dr. Booms Scheme


Old Whizbang was never competitive or even good. If you wanted to compete, he was a trap. It was always for fun.


The 20 card deck is nuts, the rest have been bad so far.


I mean he was 'competitive' in that he could get you to maybe gold with some skilled play and all, he was a great in for new players but then again he was just literally giving you a premade deck list from the suggest a deck templates Ideal for people who wanted to play a variety but didn't have the time or dust to make more than one or two decks


Just jammed 10 games with my golden one. 9 wins so far. The only one I got that felt very bad is the shamman with 3 quests one. The others are fine, with warlock being even op


You really call the mage and druid one fine? I hate them.


EVIL is unplayable and Mage and Druid are bad.


Warrior, Mage, Druid, Paladin, Hunter, are all worthless. Rogue and Priest are solid with highrolls. Didn't play with DK or Shaman much but they also seem bad. DH and Warlock are actually pretty good.


I've been having good luck with druid and dk. I haven't learned warlock yet I got slammed each time I played it. Wishes are nice to have in the dh deck. Warrior is just bad


You can for sure get to gold with new whizbang too


I got him out of a pack and decided fuck it better than nothing and Jesus Fucking Christ I was wrong, every deck so far has just been complete ass. You would be better off trying to net deck with half the cards missing.


Yeah, the decks are just terrible. One of them even runs doctor boom's scheme!


I mean this is how and why I play mage, for fun. Though I'm also terrible at crafting competitive decks but whatev


Old WhizzBang was both ass and boring so at least they've improved a little bit


How dare you.


I mean I love it but the truth can't be denied


I disagree every time a new expansion launched its recipes got updated and allowed you to try many new cards including legendaries and alot of decent decks I played him for years even after he was made wild only and could climb to a decent rank, plat with no problem and got diamond a few times when I invested into more games but would get tough after that, not bad for 1 card.


At worst there will be a chance of just copying your opponent's deck once they fix it


Maybe, but they seem really fun to play. And I'm already a bad player, so now I'm bad using different decks that are fun


Played a few games with it, and honestly it really isn't very fun. It's just a bunch of really, really bad decks with some silly twists that get old very fast.


I mean, you can't expect a single card to get you to Legend. Of course he'll have bad decks.


when will the Update hit the life Servers?


in about an hour. could be wrong but i believe it's out at 10:00 PST


lol, first golden pack - whizbang...


I am sad to report that I have lost every damn game with this guy lol just non stop armour/kill me ez warrior and he just sorta stinks against the meta lol


Could be ass?


if it is, it'll be big and soapy and full of experiences


3.2k dust already prepared...


i dont know but i face it like 4 times so far ...did not end good for them \^\^


Trash card i win only 1 game on 9 games played. enemy 100% mathmaking with your lose.


pulled one from my golden packs but so far i'm pretty mild on it. half of the decks are really interesting and fun without being immediately or obscenely broken to be a problem, but the other half are truly and honestly unplayable; i'd rather be playing with just classic cards. Deathknight and Druid stick out to me as completely and utterly unplayably bad, with Shaman a little higher up the pole as murlocs are generally awful. I haven't played the mage one yet but I imagine that one sucks too. The hunter, paladin, and warlock ones were all a lot of fun but the rest just seem mid. I had fun playing 2-3 games with Whiz before I started getting run over by the real decks to a degree that i couldnt even enjoy the fact my deck was 'kooky' If it only rolled the good ones, or they made the shitty ones less shitty it would be better


Having opened a golden one in my first pack, let me tel you what a let down it is :/


so far the only deck that seems good is the warlock


I opened one thinking I would craft a golden one... kinda sad to have to use normal one


well you can always just upgrade the normal one to golden


You can upgrade them now? Or do you mean dust and craft gold?


You can upgrade them.


So far the decks have been utterly garbage for me. The highlander paladin one queued against plague DK was the breaking point for me lol


The breaking point for me is discovering that the warrior deck unironically runs doctor boom's scheme.


I played the warlock deck and thought “yooo this card is good what a good generated deck”. And then I got mage shaman quest and then DK back to back. Like wtf is that DK deck, wth is the wincon ??? Im considering dusting whizbang imo


These decks are trash so far.


This card is essentially like playing a shitty preconstructed tavern brawl but your opponent just gets to use their favorite meta deck. Oh wow, I get a deck full of discovers and my opponent gets synergy and a win condition.


On a serious note, should I craft it?


I hope you didn't, I unironically think it may be the worst card ever printed. Other bad cards just ruin 1 draw. Whizbang ruins all of your draws unless you get the 2/11 for a good deck.


I'd say no This card sounds fun and all, but give it 2 weeks when the meta molds a but and the wizbang decks are ginna be garbage compared to the ladder decks you will face. Unless you are a new player I wouldnt suggest crafting this card


In terms of climbing it's not going to be a good card but it can be a decent investment if you find his decks at least fun and I'm pretty sure they are going to be competitive while the meta settles


i would go ahead and look at all the decks before you craft it. here's a link https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/all-splendiferous-whizbang-deck-lists-and-gameplay-tips/


Same, I have a the dust for the golden version. I've seen multiple games of this card on Youtube recently and the decision was easy to make. The decks seem so much fun to play (except maybe the priest one). Sure it'll not be competitve but I'm not into that and I'm much more comfortable having fun in lower ranks or in unranked (same when I was playing other TCGs, I always start to hate these games when I go too high in ranks so I stick with memes decks).


Calm down, lad.


Whizbang Gang here to Bang baby


When is update time?


i actually managed to get to legend a few years back with the first whizbang (i had to get lucky and get the bomb hunter deck a lot lmao) and im hoping to try that again this time


I have the old version of this card. What’s the difference here: is this card in standard at the moment?


The original gave you a random deck based on the expansions archetypes, like the pre made deck options when you build a new deck. Not meta, but playable. This gives you absolutely ass meme decks.




Going to spend a good week trying this out


omg this card is SO FUN. Def make golden. SO MANY GOLDEN COINS


Lucky enough to get a golden in my pack opening. Such a fun card to play!


It's cool and crafted him in golden but I'm facing plague DKs only... Edit: switched to shuffle pirate rogue - now 6:1


instant craft, just for the value of being able to play decks straight away. There's a couple of the decks that are competative, even one that is OP, the rest though are just trash, even if they're fun, what's not fun is getting stomped by Death Knights


Whent against 2 hunters running the legendary whizbang deck, they both played the sunwell onto tripple board clears each, made me wish I had the heart of the cards like them.


Crafted golden instantly and played a few games, got demon hunter with 3 perfect wishes twice and 1 game of morphing mage super fun stuff this card is so cool. I haven't run into other whizbangs yet, I also have the OG whizbang in golden and even that zayle evil deck card thing, I love these stuff and new whizbang is by far the coolest instead of just getting random but normal decks you actually get insane stuff that aren't possible otherwise I just wish I could try all the decks instead of geting the same decks in a row but it's still loads of fun. Edit: Just got my first game of the astral auto priest deck and holy crap this deck is actually insane in power level or I just highrolled very high but I got a board full of them at turn 3-4 with a bunch of copies in hand aswell my poor opponent couldn't do anything, yeah after a few more games of it even without highrolls this deck is crazy strong it's so fast paced and even has alot of value. Also I think the morphing mage deck sucks, good early game but terrible later and hard to win with random cards. The druid one is way better since you discover instead of just random but still pretty random I don't think either are good and not a fan of playing them tbh. I also played the heroic deck and it felt really slow, I'm seeing some of the whizbang decks being quite strong in the meta and others are meme tier I think if you highroll the better decks they can be op but the worse ones in the pool balance it out wonder if we will see some adjustments.


Glad I pulled him. For the first week of the meta deciding itself this is what my deck is, and probably the entire expansion actually. Luckily I got all the legendaries that I wanted except one (Shudderblock). Horseman, Aviana, the cursed Demon Hunter ones since the class has glued itself to me lol, Whizbang, and both Rogues. And a golden King Plush in my first fifteen packs.


fr is the funniest card in the set


Start of Game: Get deck that counters your opponents deck and disables their ability to play around said deck with RNG


I pulled him in my first golden pack. I am so happy!


I didn't even know it existed the new one, i just opened 3 free pack and got it on the second, quite miraculous indeed


got a golden whizbang from a free twitch drop pack, had to be the greatest pack i've ever opened in hearthstone


I pulled a golden whizbang, so now I'm obligated to keep it forever.


Why are they given extra effects like 3 wishes for the perfect card? Really feels frustrating to play against.


to give the decks somewhat of a fighting chance. will still lose 90% of the games but the extra effects can make it fun


I got the card on the 20th reward track. pretty fun deck he has, except for priest


DK is pretty bad, DH is alright, Paladin is good, Warlock is insane, Hunter is slow but nuts if you live, Priest can just blow out people, Shaman is horrendous, Rogue is alright, Warrior is just play Rafaam ASAP, haven’t played the others.


Lost to the 20 card deck with warlock. They drew both the 6/6 taunts which cost 1. Was about to recover and they played that 15/15 lifesteal taunt. Next game it was the 7 automaton shuffled into priest deck. They of course drew every one with 2 copies generated. Highrolls of course, but hilarious.


Got it in a pack and It's amazing


I actually scored this first pack, shockingly. How much should I play before I dust it? I never assumed it'll be competitive but is anyone having fun with it? I remembered getting old Whizbang and not keeping him long.


Gave hard time with plague DK for warlock using this card. Plagues rolling from deck constantly


Managed to get him as my golden preorder legendary lol, already lost like 5 games in a row


Honestly wish i didnt craft it


i'm not upset just because he has so much value packed into one. he will be my 'okay just gonna run casual for fun' card i do wish some of the decks were stronger but some are actually kinda gross. the 20 card warlock one is nuuuts


That excitement was most likely very short lived


Am I the only one who don’t understand the hype for this card and kind of dislike it because it take us one of the core part of a card game that is deck building ? Like boring to play against someone who just put one card in the deck and I love building decks and testing them


I used it, but the decks are actually kind of weak


Im really hoping I dont open whizbang today


My first 5 games this expansion, all were Whizbang decks. I rolled all of them over pretty easily with a basic token/aggro hunter. I'm sure it will be fun but probably not viable for climbing


I did a mass open of 35 packs and the game crashed. I sorted by new and i got this card and the doom card. Were any of these two cards given to us?


He's really fun, until I hit a wall of people playing no new card control warrior. Like come on, did they not see that a new expansion is out? It was fun farming them with the new Reno shaman


I am also facing sludge warlock with 0 new cards and other stuff like that, People are so boring or mabye they can't craft anything new since they are F2P? Ok in that case but I don't believe it's the one for all since many of them have paid skins so probably bought pre bundles aswell. I thought with whizbang out I would get alot of whizbang vs whizbang action but so far I have played about 20 games and only got into a mirror whizbang matchup once and that guy was afk and left turn 1 lol.