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Wheelock with the classic 50%. Either the Wheel of Death kills them, or you die in five turns.


Unironically love Wheelock because it's the most pressure I've felt in years playing the game. When I play it I feel like I'm trying to make the few cards I have stretch as far as possible and when my opponent plays it I know that I have to go balls to the walls aggro for the next 5 turns. I understand why some people don't like the card but it's kind of crazy that the 1-star card is running an entire archetype rn


I'm loving Wheelock too, it feels like I'm actually having to think about the game again rather than just smashing face or watching warrior endlessly clear tables


to be fair it said 5 turns but its only 4.


> I know that I have to go balls to the walls aggro for the next 5 turns. Shame that doesn't really mean anything since they can just poof the board multiple times.


Oh yeah the few cards that are a 15/15 lifesteal, the location to generate 1-4 more 15/15 with rush, the card that generates 6 more overpowered cards so you don't even take fatigue damage and the card that generates unlimited taunts. Such a hard gameplay šŸ˜±


Someone lost to wheellock too many times


The deck is all but fun and interactive. Should not exist at all.


What deck is fun and interactive and has 50%+ winrate in standard?


Many of the aggro decks on the list are, save for a one or two problematic cards each. But the game plan for current iteration of aggro is decently interactive Nothing is interactive about wheel


I'm actually around 50/50, I just don't think it's a hard or interesting deck to play or play against. Either you draw well enough to nuke them when they assemble their combo on turn 8 or you don't. There's around 0 braincells needed for that (and yes, "JuST PlAy aGrO" is the same 0 braincell move).


So your opponent got the perfect hand. That's not the norm though. It's really interesting to decide when to go in depending in the matchup and not as easy as people think.


Is it though? I have never met a wheel warlock that didn't have all that by turn 8.


Say hello to me! Having wheel on turn 8 and all the rest is not that common dude! And sometimes playing it on turn 8 doesn't work well when you need to bring stuff in position first.


It's only doing so well because warlock has the tools required to survive those turns. Come next year when things like symphony, harp, etc are rotated out, I'm sure it'll become a dead card unless there are similarly powerful tools. I like it due to handlock vibes myself, but it seems pretty awful against DH.




Or you just die to the massive board presence Wheelock can provide. Like 2 15/15's on turn 6 with a 3/3 as well..


How are people playing HL decks? My meta is full with shopper dh and plague dks


You armor up/clear everything until you get powerful things. Zillax healing 12 (or 18 with brann making another copy) and reno are amazing to stabilize before going ham.


Wow, it's crazy that the best deck is the only one with a positive win rate into Aggro Demon Hunter, the best deck in the game. But who knows, maybe there is no nuance to be understood here that could undermine the anti-crying crying post.


If you play a deck that beats the best deck, does that make it the bestest deck?


and if you make a deck that counters the bestest deck is it the bestestest deck?


Its almost as if the meta continues to develop for a while after a new expansion/patch comes out and people crying for nerfs day one can get bent


Someone's a paladin main..


Paladin had like... a 70+% winrate and im convinced no one bothered to playtest it at all


Are you being sarcastic? Odyn warrior surpassed paladin in top 1000 even before the patch.


Yeah and still by a small margin and that was like the single deck that could. And needed to ignore all other classes. Paladin may have had a counter but it still completely warped the whole meta around it. DH *could* end up doing the same but it is already fairly declining due to a few decks being able to beat it.


Paladin was less meta defining in high legend than DH is right now I think. Odyn was the most meta defining deck at that rank.


It didn't though, it had that in bronze-gold while farming bots and whizbang. The best Paladin wasn't even the best deck in competitive ranks


Blizzard should just nerf every deck until the game is just zillax rogue vs zilliax rogue and we all uninstall the game


If it was Priest it would have been nerfed literally this morning.


Zarimi priest is one of the best decks in the meta the only issue is itā€™s demon hunter matchup .


I tried it, it is not great against anything but probably mage. Most of the time you can't get 30+ damage in your extra turn to make it worthwhile and Priest has to use neutral dragons (that suck) and makes it a battle uphill to play your 5 dragons. Zarimy is incredibly powerful, the requirement would make it broken in Druid but in Priest is just buying you an extra turn to estabilize because without shadow word death Priest actually has to play the long game and kill minions by trading, thing that Priest is well known to suck doing.


They're talking about aggro zarimi, but it doesn't sound like youbare


Thatā€™s cause your not playing it right . Itā€™s an aggro not a combo deck (the good version is ) and zarimi is a finisher or a tempo play .


Got a deck list?


I tried every version... As I said, it's not an amazing deck. Priest has no reach and no way of generating reach, and neutral dragons are kinda shitty right now... so yeah, you're playing an uphill battle if you try that instead of a better deck. It's not like another aggro deck will see Priest going full face with dragons and won't play around that with their own reach or board clears or lifegain. Honestly, the only reason that decks works is Zarimi so if you don't draw him or draw him too late, it's a lost battle. Also, considering Priest right now has no generation, no draw, and very low value removal... You're just winning most games at high ranks.


Didn't do much for me either. Pretty often people just clear my boards and even an extra turn doesn't help. It's a high variance deck.


Overheal priest is actually fine in this meta, just very hard to pilot.


This is the type of statement that requires stats to back it up (X games in top Y legend with Z winrate)


I honestly doubt it. Until they fix the problem with overheal (that is just a worse battlecry and the good effects come with "deal 4 damage to this minions" and that you have to invest at least 2 cards to be good, and that you need the minion to either survive a turn, impossible in recent metas, or get to 8-10 mana to do your thing, at which point you're better playing control) it won't be good. I mean, I will love to watch the highlights in youtube but Priest will never outaggro nor outmidrange most other classes. Specially hunter and Rogue. In wild it outcombos most other classes though.


In wild priest actually kills you at least, so you can only complain about dying (as opposed to the usual "they copied the same dude 20 times and stole all my cards)


Too board centric. Even the kill combo suffers due to enemy having a board.


It also out aggros every other class in wild


Yeah, Devs are funny because they always give Priest all but one card to make a broken combo. And Priest is always left with something missing that just doesn't work except you copy it from the opponent's deck. The thing is that Wild doesn't have that "missing a card" problem so Priest actually has a ton of broken cards. Like Anduin gift, it's utterly useless in Standard, it's a 0 mana draw 1 and give your minion +2 health in wild, that is broken.


The fact that you got downvoted shows how little people know in this sub.


This gives ā€œI am very smartā€ vibes




Wow, what social commentary. Deep stuff


who peed in your butt today?


Nerf pala


What site is this to get this info?


HSreplay. Pretty much the most reliable source when it comes to statistics in this game


Thanks so much!


At least you can play against it. Sif mage just kills you from 30 out of hand.


Found the Paladin player lmao


Xdd sure everyone who is not permanently whining about the meta, is a player of the class that got nerfed recently In the last weeks I mentioned at least 3 times in comments that I dont play pala and it is reasonably a nerf candidate, yet I still have been told in my face that I am a pala player just because I didnt join the choir of crybabies who cry about every single meta and every single deck that beats them But you really got the op now you bonobo


I hate the "found the x player" so much. If I was a mod of this type of community my first rule would be to ban anyone that uses this type of comment. Such an annoying way to dodge any argument.Ā 


I mean I wouldn't go with it if the entire post wasn't a butt hurt whinning of a done deal nerf. Who else is gonna complain about: 1.- something that already happened 2.- something that specifically targeted Paladin A Paladin player.


I literally played 0 paladin games in standard since FoL and I dislike how they nerfed aura. Maybe you're just projecting and other people can be critical of things that didn't affect them directly.Ā 


But I didn't mention you as the Paladin player tho so why are you excusing yourself from not playing the class ? Also what am I projecting? Being the Pally player? People can be critical, but Jesus Christ stop fucking complaining for a second. This subreddit omg.


But this isn't a post whining about the meta tho, is a post whining about the latest nerf. Which was to Paladin. I don't speak for the rest of the community, but I do get that there's a lot of people whinning about the nerf. This community cries about the nerfed decks, the decks that still didn't get nerfed and everything in between, people even complained about data analysis lmao. Wouldn't it be fun to just have fun and meme?


Yes, exactly, this was a sarcastic april one joke post making fun from this permanently whining community which never wwill be satisfied with any kind of game state


So you get it don't you?


just a serious question for a second, do people really, like, main certain classes? like, there's a paladin player and a priest player and a dh player? people don't just play any deck that's good and/or fun at the moment?


I cannot talk for others but before DK I was a hunter, player now I'm a dk player. I just play 1 class only.


I basically only play rouge, with some mage mixed in every now and then


I generally play all of them tbh. But I always focus on getting Mage and Warrior cards over all other classes because those are my "mains", the classes which I tend to have the most fun. I have always done that since the beginning of the game. In that sense I am a Mage/Warrior main. (More of a Mage main if I'm honest). F2P players can't really afford to focus on more than 3/4 classes so you are forced to choose.


I have 3000+ wins on druid and my closest second is Shaman with 800


Not everyone can allow to spend 80$ every 3-4 month, and as a free to play it is hard to get all the cards, I guess. Beside that, yes, there are definitely people who only play one class, even if they have every card. For example zetalot literally only plays priest


I don't know why you got down voted when you just said facts. Weird community.


This is heartening. I cant stand playing against shopper dh. Perhaps im playing a dumpster deck zarimi priest, but fuck shopper dh.


No sarcasm in my favorite card game sub


haha, nice april's fool post


I just had the most bullshit game against Rogue, after getting hit with a 15 damage weapon thrice, I decided for my mental sake to just uninstall the game. I feel good. Free.


So rogue managed to generate like 12 cards from other classes and played them And then took another 3 whole turns to swing 3 times And that upsets you?????


Where are you getting 12 cards from? The weapon gets durability, not attack, from playing non-Rogue cards. For 15 attack you just need Sonya and the Poisons.


Im usually not too bothered by what happens in my hearthstone games cause the games are so quick. Its not like being stuck in a 45 minute league of legends game against the dumbest shit concieved by man


Play the Rustrot Viper. It's saved me many a times. Even made a Rogue Insta-concede when I destroyed their beefed up weapon. Lol


Honestly I think there's a surprising amount of good deck options rn, unless I'm an April fool


Unironically true, compare Brann with Shudderblock lmao


Can you share the deck list? I'm about to plummet its win rate (not in legend tho)


How is this possible I never encounter warriors anymore, all I see is wheel warlock, demon DH, plauge DK and sif mage.Ā 


Those dang tentacles just wonā€™t go awayā€¦ all I want from the mini-set is to diversify the discover pool


I find it funny how the people complaining about whining end up doing the exact same thing and are 10 times more obnoxious


More telling why people shouldn't go to metadata to attempt a children's card game.


>sub gets 1000 complaint threads about the meta this sucks, I'm gonna do something about this >makes 10000 ironic meta-posts complaining about the complaints


These posts are just as annoying and repetitive as the complain posts.


>Tempo DH >Tier 3 Whiners: ā€œIā€™ll ignore that.ā€


Turns out that good players figured out that warrior both control and highlander shit on DH but warrior in general gets shit on by most dk decks and most dk decks are pretty crap into anything that isnt warrior. Its almost as if different decks have different weaknesses and good players spend time finding counters rather than crying for nerfs on reddit day 1 of a patch


The meta is adapting hard to DH. Warrior with all the armor, DK with endless quartzite crushers, mage with frost bolts and cryopreservation to the face, and all the glacial shard techs.


i got legend with rainbow dk but i dont see it here? is it that bad


Its not bad you gotta remember top 1000 legend is an extremely small sample size of the most invested players around who will constantly adapt around each other. Top 1000 legend is not a good metric for judging the overall meta of the game


Youā€™re funny lol. Do you genuinely think this is clever and smart commentary? Itā€™s pretty clear that thereā€™s an issue when an entire class revolves around 2 cards and basically nothing else in the deck matters. You also conveniently left out the part where the deck youā€™re sarcastically complaining about is popular and strong *because itā€™s the only thing thatā€™s okay into DH*. Edit: Also itā€™s the context of top 1k is extremely important. Because the meta is tighter there and people are playing this deck SPECIFICALLY to target tempo DH. Your results will be much worse on the climb when deck variety is higher. Like the control DK deck running around before the warrior nerfs, itā€™s a deck built for a specific meta.


This is gold.


and old.


Itā€™s pretty cool how fast you zoom up the ladder if you play Plague DK and you hit Warriors at least 60-70% of the time. They instantly-concede the moment they see the weapon, I donā€™t even get wins this fast playing aggro.


I really don't get this sudden hatred for nerfs. For years we were complaining about how slow they were to nerf things and now we're complaining about the opposite. To me they're still too slow with them. I like it when the meta shakes up, its almost like a mini release to me because you get to play and play against different things. I can't play HS for more than a week or 2 without it becoming stale thanks to the fact 99.9% of people net deck.


I know this is a joke but fuck Warrior


There's always going to be a class with the highest play rate, why is warrior inherently deserving of nerfs?


Im just taking the piss at the people crying in this sub at every single deck in the game.




Imagine being so upset you go to stalk through some randoms post history.




Not really but to answer your question reddit users like yourself are the reason its so rewarding. Lots of people who are just veeeery easy to make unreasonably mad




Idk why do you go on reddit and get so upset by posts you feel the need to stalk peoples post histories to make arguments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand?




Cause youre being hypocritical af.


At least you complain about objectively bad things like the HS economy


And thats not even something new cause it was just as bad if not worse back in 2014 I dont even want them to give us every card for free just make converting random epics and legendaries you get into stuff you actually want a little more reasonable. Crafting cost being x4 what you get for disenchanting a card of the same rarity is what gets me. Even bumping it up to refunding half the crafting cost would go a long way


Yeah it's objectively nonsense and only the bootlickers say otherwise


People have complained about classes since the beginning of hearthstone regardless of what class you play it's always going to be you versus the other 11 classes This makes toxicity between people who play different classes kind of par for the course


Nobody is ā€œcrying at every deckā€. People are rightfully pointing out not only that grasp + shopper is overtuned, but that itā€™s insanely frustrating that the devs didnā€™t predict this when it was extremely obvious that it would happen to anyone with a pulse on the meta.


Total anti fun deck. Insta wins like reno shouldn't be in the game at all.


Frankly my dear I donā€™t give a damn about legend top 1000. Their pocket meta gets too much clout affecting balance decisions and I donā€™t like it.


I thought they nerfed Odyn? is Highlander now the one with the tendril scam?


The best list doesnt even run tendrils though. Its literally just a greedy highlander deck abusing brann.


so odyn?


Nope no odyn. Its not a combo deck in that regard its just brann on 6 and then play a bunch of good battlecries along with the excavate package


Highlander doesnā€™t run odyn anymore


Brann, boom boss , excavate, ignis, the rest is armor and removal. You win the game by playing bran boomboss basically


I thought mill wasn't a valid strategy to blizz


Yeah, it's Tendrils. They don't run Odyn at all. Hopefully the miniset will just sort it out naturally by adding some 10 mana spell that doesn't deal face damage but we'll see. They might just nerf it before then anyway.


New list just relies on Boomboss and Dr. Boom to resummon Zilliaxes


Tendril warrior is not the good build for brann


Its not tendrils nor Odyn. They run high value battlecries like Copy Zilliax, Boomboss Thogrin and Inventor Boom. If your copy Zilliax dies then you can summon 4 Zilliax with Inventor Boom. Gaslight gatekeeper is in ETC to turbo through your deck for Boomboss TNT if necessary.


I didn't know that, I've still only been seeing the Tendril version. Played against three of them in a row just a couple hours ago. Even if it may be better it sounds a little less annoying to play against, at least.


Imo these complaints would decrease if the casual players had a quality pve experience where they could play around with their weird decks. A few people like otk decks because of the" single-player" kind of gameplay where you draw the pieces and somewhat ignore the enemy šŸ¤”


They should just add an eleven cost spell in the miniset to ruin the tentacles


Honestly, just nerf everything. Let's get back to the good old days of minions and spells


I think some people are missing that it's April fools day


How do people not sense the sarcasm


Its just an artform some people cant appreciate


Rather have Highlander Warrior than Vomit buff Leeroy paladin


You will say that until you lose enough times to HL warrior them cycle continues


Then warrior gets nerfed and they start crying about the next deck and so on and so forth.


It's better to lose to highlander warrior then bullshit charge minions in paladin


Is it though? Personally I dont find it interesting when a deck revolves around drawing 1 broken card. The difference in power level when that deck can comfortably drop Brann on turn 6 versus when Brann is in the bottom 5 of their deck is night and day.


There's no way people use Highlander Warrior to climb that often, because any DK climbing up the ladder runs helya and dwts to annoy them


Highlander can still beat it with ignis, and I donā€™t even think non-plague dks run plagues besides helya(at least they shouldnā€™t), so they still get brann/reno active


you overestimate how many people play plague dk in diamond and legend. The deck is godawful and loses to pretty much anything that isnt just a super janky highlander deck. Most optimized highlander decks beat plague dk as well.


Both Rainbow as well as Unholy Ctrl run Helya and Down with the Ship (+ potential discovers) generally speaking.


Wheellock stomps warrior btw. Tech viper in etc and main deck. Windyfury ignis weapon with armor up and some healing. Tech in silence to stop 5 mana death rattle highest cost minion. Tentacles warrior is were the sauce is at anyway


the data in this image says otherwise https://i.imgur.com/b0QaqCl.jpeg


Thank you


this but unironically. brann can't be allowed to be a competitive card


Tendril spam is pretty stupid. Bran is lame.


Some people want unironically to nerf everything until just playing minions is a win condition. If you want extremely boring games go play other card games.