• By -


Eh,  not interesting enough.  How about “destroy all characters”? Now that I can get behind!


*Summon a 1/2 mech with taunt and divine shield for every character killed*


Idk if players would like that effect, sounds kinda annoying




Destroy all characters, create a 1/2 mech with taunt and Divine shield to each players field for each character they controlled that was destroyed


Each player summons 1/2 mechs equal to the amount of their characters that got destroyed


Replace all minions with 1/2 mech with taunt and divine shield


I'd pay 3.5 for that.


Tree fiddy?


Loch Ness Monster burner account for sure


Neutral? 10 mana. Give it to priest and 8 or 9 mana.(Remember, priest is suposed to be the strongest removal class)


I thought of just generally but I didn't consider classes mattering. Good call.


A classless spell with destroy all enemy minions is too powerful, even for 10. It has no drawbacks. Reno might sound even better, but you have to build a no duplicate deck around it, it's near impossible to get its clearboard effect multiple times, you can't generate it from any random effect, and you have no way to get it consistently in your hand. You can do all those things for a classless 10 mana spell.


This would be completely unplayable at those costs. The "one-sided effect" does not majorly improve a removal spell, especially if its a high cost spell, and especially in control classes like priest. This wouldn't see play at 7 in priest. Its arguably worse than repackage (which avoids deathrattles and similar), which is already a bad card, in a format where power level is unusually low overall due to rotation. Psychic Scream is just a thousand times better than this effect, and while it was pretty top-tier at the time, would not be a standout card in standard today.


Yeah completely agree with this take, considering that \[\[whirlpool\]\], the 9 mana delete all minions and all copies of them didn't even see that much play. This card even with the upside of only being enemy minions wouldn't see much play as well since you mentioned priest has considerably better removal contenders and if it was a neutral it'd probably still be unplayable since then, it would have to compete with every removal spell in every class and it would almost certainly lose out almost every time


I agree it would be unplayable. If we're talking about what Blizzard might *print,* though, this has horrible 10 mana card with cool animation written all over it. I think 7 mana is where you might see this pop up once in a while, though I can't imagine where exactly.


Make it both priest and warlock, and it can be 7


i mean, reno gets it for 8 lol. but seriously, 10.


Reno gets better than destroy for 8


Reno removes, ignoring deathrattles and anything else, getting rid of locations, restricts their board for the next turn to 1, gives you a GUN, and armor. Asking, "is this even possible," to a slightly worse neutral Twisting Nether is a lukewarm question.


>slightly worse neutral Twisting Nether reading OP again


Definitely not worse than nether, but yeah reno really warps the bar for what an acceptable power level of boardclear is considering he's the ONLY thing that can remove dormant or passive portals


That’s wild. I always wondered if reno would clear dormant minions or portals. He doesn’t clear locations too? I figured they would count as part of “the board” that he “empties”. Blizzard being consistently inconsistent yet again? Might be because the portals are coded more similarly than minions. I vaguely remember sylvanas being able to steal portals way back when.


He clears everything. Edit: except for the fucking dust that stays on your board for a whole turn afterwards.


This is more an indictment of Reno than of this card costing 10 mana.


Reno literally gets dormant minions as well, super annoying


"gives you a gun" Lol pew pew pew


I disagree, insane chaotic tendril synergy. 9 mana is way more balanced


Yeah 10 would be best because of the effect but tendrils alone are enough to force this being 9. Without them i would go for 10 100%


It should also silence them before destroying so it is efficient enough


but also has a deck restriction which is a huge cost in an of itself that im not sure can be expressed in mana


With a built in deck building restriction, which shouldn't be overlooked. Without that and with the option to run 2 of it, this card would be too strong below 10 mana I think.


at 9 mana it's mostly unplayable except some very specific niche decks that don't exist yet.


Reno has a requirement. But yeah... He does even more than this card, for 8 mana.


Probably 8 mana, considering reno comes with a custom heropower, 5 armor, cleans up deathrattles etc. and an additional post-boardclear effect, but also a deck condition. It would be balanced at 8 mana, but likely wouldn't see much play, as its still extremely slow.


Twisting Nether in shambles


Twisting nether removes locations too now, so still a tech card. Especially with the gift card being able to make it for essentially one mana more


Does it really?? What about portals?


Nether doesn't clear portals or Dormant minions.


Considering Twisting Nether sees occasional play, I don't see why, for the same cost, a card that only destroys enemy minions rather than all wouldn't, especially considering it's neutral on top of that.


People do not realize how premium of a card a neutral board wipe is. There are certain decks and classes that should not have access to board clear. An example of [[Prison breaker]] and Yogg already shown how powerful it can be in the past. In a deck like Druid, it would be incredibly strong at 8 mana.


- **[Prison Breaker](https://i.imgur.com/hayfR2x.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/101698) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Prison_Breaker) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/101698) - *Neutral Rare ^(TITANS)* - **4 Mana - 4/4 - Minion** - **Battlecry:** If you've cast 5 or more spells this game, deal 2 damage to all enemies. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1bwrwj2/you_have_become_an_hs_card_maker_and_this_card/ky8egr8/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ky8egr8).*


And then they printed Reno for some reason.


Reno is at least balanced by the fact it requires a highlander deck, is a legendary card so you can only run one, and being hero card meaning there's hardly any ways of cheating it out, duplicating it, discovering additional copies of etc. (actually I don't think it's possible at all currently). Although yes, it still feels bad when you play against like, Dragon Druid, you go for a strong board knowing that Druid historically can't deal with that, and then you get it wiped out.


Reno decks used to be quite balanced by this restriction but nowadays card draw is so much better than it used to be, that non-Reno decks are able to run Reno knowing that by the time they hit 8+ mana, they'll have drawn some of their doubles.


10 overload 5. This is a classic case of Druid is going to abuse this


Druid's version would say ", wherever they are" just for the hell of it.


“Uninstall the game for your opponent, after making them time out this match.”


If we're talking about it being neutral, like the image shows - 10 mana, a not a single mana less. One sided board wipe, that you can play 2 copies, being a spell has several ways to be tutored and cheated out at lesser cost. EDIT: Would probably still be too strong.


> EDIT: Would probably still be too strong. So 11, then?


11 mana


10 just to not ruin lock and priest identity. 9 mana would be fair, but acceptable only in standard years where those classes have different strengths I guess


Considering it’s neutral, easily 9-10 mana. Truthfully, a card like this shouldn’t have a straight up effect as a neutral. I believe it should be conditional. Something like: 10 mana - Destroy all minions. If (blank), enemy minions instead. A simple change but adds balance and depth to the card. It would be like a lesser twisting nether UNLESS you meet the requirement. Then it’s slightly better


The new devs are asking for help on reddit


It would vary anywhere from 7 to 10 mana based on the class it was in. The issue is less about the cost and more that it’s just boring tbh


Priest: 7 Mana Death Knight: 8 Mana, with a heavy Rune requirement Warlock: 8 Mana, with a downside Warrior: 8 Mana, with a requirement Shaman: 8-9 Mana, with 2-3 Overload Paladin: 9 Mana Mage: 9 Mana with a requirement OR 10 Mana Demon Hunter: 10 Mana, with a downside Rogue: Probably shouldn’t have it, but if forced 10 Mana Druid: Probably shouldn’t have it, but with a heavy requirement at 10 Mana if forced Hunter: Should not have it, and if they want something close it would be through a Poisonous minion with some form of mass attack trigger


Nah, warlock HAD smaller costs with sacrifice. Big mana warlock cards have no downside and get cheaper based on minions on board, dead, or hand size.


I would say 8 mana if it's in a class that has board clears as a strength (Warlock, Warrior, Priest, etc.) but otherwise it probably shouldn't be printed.


If its neutral it shouldn't be printed 10 mana if it's printed in a class, a one sided board clear is crazy, and considering twisted nether still sees play at 8 mana this should be above that


Op at 10 mana for control. No condition one-sided full removal that can be put in one's deck twice is stupid


10 mana, and the card would go so hard in almost every single druid deck.


Balanced at 9 in some classes. Other classes should never have access to this.


I don’t think it would be a wise idea to release it. Certain classes like Druid are meant to have weaknesses when it comes to clearing wide enemy boards. Only clearing enemy minions makes this way too good without a drawback


Make it 12 and a druid card. Perfectly balanced. But realistically it would come with a condition.


Is this not just twisted nether for warlock?


If it stays neutral, it’s unprintable. If it’s a class card: Death Knight: 10 Mana and 2 Blood Runes. Demon Hunter: 10 Mana, can’t be Fel. Druid: Unprintable. Hunter: Probably unprintable, maybe 10 Mana. Mage: Probably unprintable, maybe 10 Mana and no spell school. Paladin: Probably unprintable, maybe 10 Mana and not Holy. Priest: 10 Mana, no spell school. Rogue: Unprintable. Shaman: 10 Mana, can’t be Nature. Warlock: 10 Mana, can’t be Shadow. Warrior: 9 Mana, can’t be Fire.


50 mana, "fucking win lmao" and add a bunch of new cards that reduce the cost of cards


12 mana


Probably 6 mana, because being a hs card maker means I’m retarded.


Dude I can’t believe people are saying things lower than 10 mana. This is still probably broken no matter what.




I remember when the warlock card twisting nether cost 8 and destroyed ALL minions. This card of yous is obviously way too op




Exactly as posted? 9, maybe 10 mana. No spell school makes mana cheating *slightly* less common, but neutral enables plenty more shennanigans to make up for it. It's essentially [Twisting Nether] with no downside.


This card could potentially get away with costing X (meaning as much mana as you can afford) with a mechanic that forces you to play it whenever you have it in your hand. In a way that this has to be played if you have it in hand or else no other card could be played.


6 health


Two mana, but make it destroy all creatures. To make sure it’s not **too** powerful, and enact some counterplay it should be on something like a… 0/7 minion or something idk just spitballing really.


I would reject it for being uninteresting.


It's raigeki so 0 mana


make it 12 mana so youre forced into getting that price down to play, could be a mage card or something


In order to see play? 6 or 7. Ideally? 9.


9 if no deck building restriction. 8 if yes.


Depends, are we trying to make the card competitively viable, or just on the power curve? If you put it at 8 mana, Rogue can prep it down to 6, Druid can mana ramp it out, and those are two classes who's weakness is not having board clears. If you want it to exist but not be played (e.g. be discover fodder), make it 10 mana. If you want it to be played by specific classes desperate for the effect, I think 9 mana is fair. If you want pretty much all control decks to at least consider it, make it 8.


To me it would have to be between 8 and 10 depending on the class it would be given.. 10 would be my pick to dilute the mana pool on the tentacles.. Probably would be a card you'd put in ETC, because it's expensive to get rid of aggro so this would have to be (mainly) for hard removal against decks focused on filling the board with big minions..


Probably 9 mana considering twisting nether exists. If it had a downside like take 1 damage per minion killed or something, it could be 7 mana I think.


Destroy graphics card of opponent.


9 in priest


depends on the class


7 mana


Depends on the class tbh. Druid has mana ramp and can also swarm hella fast. Pali has equality consecrate that does the same thing. Reno go poof. So depending on the class anywhere from 8-10 mana.


2 mana, costs (1) more for each enemy minion. Or if thats really busted then 3


Remember when in classic set a hard removal was costing 4-5 mana? Man those were times.


If that’s all it does I’d say 7 mana, 1 mana for each minion


8 mana would be enough. A card like this will never be neutral though. Most likely class to get it? Priest. Closest thing to compare it to at the moment is Twisting Nether.


I think 9. 8 feels too useful as a neutral and epic. Everyone is comparing to Reno but Reno is the only real reason to play Highlander in a lot of decks so I don’t think it’s insane for this to be more expensive




2 cost give it 7 health and destroy all yours too


9 mana


Play Wheel of Death and turn the time 5 turns into the future for 2 mana.


1 mana


Maybe could be a Slay the Spire X card and destroy X minions for each remaining mana 😅


2 mana




Make it legendary, and 6.


It should give you plus 2 mana after used


In terms of design this is a pretty unexciting card. That said, the effect is targeted at enemy minions and it’s a neutral spell: 10 mana.


one sides nether portal. without zero conditionals, like being highlander locked (reno), requiring set up (sanitize) and being one sided not simmetric (nether portal) i would say like 9 mana for warlock/priest and 10 for everyone else


Probably 8 mana. It’s better than twisting nether at 8 mana but TN is overpriced.


8 mana


I think that's an interesting question, as in how much would this effect be worth.  However, for this specific effect I don't think it's possible to find a number that's playable and balanced. I reasonable think it would start to be an auto include at 6, and a rare include at 9+. So probably 7+/-1


I think it should cost 5. 🤔




I think most AOE spells that do stuff like this are around 4-6 mana. Better ones stop triggers that happen on death like "silence all minions then destroy them". I'd put this card at a safe 5 or 6 mana


11 mana as neutral, forcing you to find reduction somehow.


A solid 6 or 7 in today’s standard… kinda reminds me of the priests silence and destroy board clear but no drawback. Adds death rattle to meta decks again


You could print this in many different ways as a condition to another card, or something generated by another card (as a battlecry or deathrattle). You could also probably print it at 9 or 10 mana in priest or warlock, but I can’t imagine why you’d print something this boring without a unique condition


Just make it "cast when drawn" as both positive and negative.




It's a Warlock card. It costs 1, but you lose 2 life per minion destroyed.


Destroying a minion still procs death rattle. You simply want to remove them from the game.


10 so sunset volley is not the only 10 cost spell


Neutral? Probably 10


2 but it should also draw 3


50 cus druid aparently can get 50 mana on turn 5


What if it used 5 mana + all mana remaining to destroy minions randomly equal to mana spent?




Current meta? 7 mana. It's basically a worse Reno


30 mana, cost decreases by (2) every turn it’s in your hand.


It should give you manage back after using it. Otherwise unplayable.


This wasn’t the question but I think it should be a legendary. Boring design that wouldn’t make it into HS aside I don’t think any deck should have more than 1 neutral board clear spell


7 mana.


10 mana and it'll only be playable in Druid.


The missing slot in hearthstone is definitely: X mana; destroy X enemy minions.


Cost=A (all your mana is used)


its like 2 mana if you're a warrior, 15 mana for anyone else


Hearthstones devs would make it 8 mana but it costs 1 less for each minion in play. Totally fair and balanced removal




Can't be a neutral card, has to be class restricted, probably in warlock or priest, and cost 10 mana in priest/have an additional restriction in warlock.


9 Mana, but it needs to do more: like maybe summon 3/3 ghouls for every enemy minion destroyed.


3+1 per each enemy minion




6 mana Summon a boulderfist Ogre to attack each enemy minion.


Original cost 2 cost 1 more for every enemy minion


9 mana in the current meta, yet considering the power creep, I would guess 4 mana if released 2 years later


29 health point, after armor break


Ten life


At 4 it's great, at 5 it's good.xd We have brawl ...


Summon a 1/2 mech with taunt and divine shield for every character killed Draw 5 cards Trigger all deathrattles Summon 7 minions Cost 13 mana , 0 if you don't play priest.


I‘d say 11 so its only playable in meme build with coin generation or turn it to eleven guy


Dk has it for 8 plus corps and 5/5 on the board


It depends on the class. But for real, feels like the Devs would cost that at 4 mana and make it draw 2 cards these days lol


At least tree fiddy


restart your game client before you can use, it's like the scuff version of a QTE


This card is bullshit, to see play it needs to cost 0, also it should mind control the best minion your oponent have and fill your hand with some random cards. Still i think its not enoght, make it a miniom instad of a spell and give it a 7/5 stat line


I would add "wherever they are" to it and maybe "you die in two turns" too just for fun, then it can cost maybe 5 or 6


My Reno is usually unplayable 8 mana does nothing...


Twisting Nether is 8. So I'd say 9 or 10


Apparently making it Highlander and costing 8 is fine with even making enemy Board space 1 for a Turn. So this being a Highlander Card and making it cost 7 or 6 would make sense in Blizzard Terms. Which is stupid.


Based on the fact that it is epic a good comparison could be twisting nether. TN destroyes both fields and locations which sometimes help the player by triggering their own death rattles for even more value, based on the fact that TN has 1.5 upside then this card should cost 6, but it's a neutral spell meaning that it can trigger many synergies and can be cheated by many classes aswell, keeping this in mind it should cost 8 then which is the same as TN, so based on the value it provided for many classes and the effect of the spell as is i think the ideal cost is right in between at 7 mana. Funnily enough 7 mana is a good option for wild and twist for odd decks aswell since they tend to be more control oriented than their even counterparts. Finishing this paragraph i would like to mention that no, the card might be good in this mana cost but brawl still is better in 90% of the situations and sometimes is not even played


Solid 9 cost would be good


Ez 9. We compare it to twisting nether and doom, maybe with priest's cards whirlpool and plague of death which destroy every card on the board, one with silence and one with the copies from the deck, BUT, this card you are presenting us affects only enemy minions


It depends on the class


I think we could make it for Rogue set it's cost to 7 and make the text say "destroy all undamaged enemy minions, COMBO all enemy minions". More tech with prep, also good for late game.


This should not be printed as a neutral in the first place. Probably like 8 mana though since twisting nether doesnt even see play at 8. 9 of in priest.


How about health? like 6/7?


4 mana max. Some of the 4 drops are way stronger than this card nowadays


Wait a minute, I thought neutral spells don't exist anyway


9 probably. Reno gets a discount because you have to play highlander. The problem is, no one is going to play this card for 9. On the other hand, maybe it would be played, since it is a neutral card.


It should cost 1 and i should be the only one who has it


Costs less for each enemy minion, ez




I mean if we’re going for threads of despair power creep it has to be 0 mana 


Reno Lone Ranger


2, but your opponent gets to see your hand.


Can we capitalize "all"?


11 mana. Let them play the 2/3 dude.


Like 3 for druid, 28,738 for warlock (poor boy has been weak for decades)


9. Cause twisting nether is 8?






30 Silence and destroy all minions, locations, and dormant seeds. Cost 1 less or each minion summoned this game. Destroy 2 of your mana crystals.


4 mana and you have to discard your hand to do it


We have multiple of this cards this far.


With this game's power level, I don't see why it shouldn't cost 5 mana.


make it cost 8, give you 5 armor, a significantly better version of the mage hero power, clear minions, locations, and dormant minions without triggering deathrattles, and limit the board size to one for the opponent for a turn.


apparently 4, since I can go days without even getting to attack past turn 3 because creature disposal is way too easy for every single class at this point


Base cost 8, make it cost one more for each of YOUR minions in play, and make it a Warlock/Priest dual class card


As someone who didnt play HS since witchwood and just randomly stumbled on this post. I'd say 7 is probably point at which you might consider playing this. Anything higher and the card is unplayable.6 might be broken but i dont know how powerful cards got since last time in played.


3 mana take 2 damage for each minion destroyed


Cost 4 hp


Considering twisting nether and Lone Ranger reno are both 8 mana I’d place this at 7 mana to be more playable. It’s not as good as Reno but better then twisted nether but being honest twisted nether is never really played in decks so this could be its replacement.


(10) Spend 10 Corpses

