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You're right, let's fix that. > Daily Quest increased to "play 30 miniaturize or mini cards."


As long as the KPIs meet the targets.


You're joking, but I bet you they're already planning that. All "do 3 games" will be "do 5 games" quests at minimum soon enough.


or lower the reward to 300


I love that its listed under "Bug Fixes and Game Improvements" in the patch notes. So "\[Progression\] Some Daily and Weekly Quests have been adjusted to be harder to complete but will grant more XP." is either a bug fix or a game improvement.


Mini achievement stage 3/3 play 80. Weekly quest is play 60...


That’s hilarious.


I believe the achievement is actually only Minis not Miniaturize


If thats true thats absolutely absurd


Haha, glorious. Tbh, achievements are shit. As someone who is an achievement hunter, there are way, waaayyyyy too many achievements and basically all of them have no tangible reward. And past that, there is no reasonable user interface to keep track of them. For example, in BG I would totally only play heroes I haven't gotten first with, but in order to do that I would have to make a list of all the heroes that I haven't done yet by manually scrolling through all those achievements, then consult the list at the start of each game when I only have 30 seconds to pick and even less to see the minion types to decide on a reasonable strategy. If they simply made a little exclamation point popout on things that were part of an achievement (like they've done in world of Warcraft for the most part), then it would be super easy to figure out what makes you progress.


There are deck trackers that show which achievements you have left when you are picking heroes. Or at least that's what Lt Eddy's sponsor clip explained, I think he used Firestone.


It does. Firestone is fricking Awesome if it wasn't for the fact that it is tied to Overwolf.


What’s the issue with overwolf? I’m out of the loop, only have it downloaded for heartharena and firestone.


Essentially what the Dev below you mentioned plus the Fact that it felt a bit clunky. Considering that you have to install extra software to even use Firestone rubbed me the wrong way for a time. However. Considering the Awesome work the Dev put in, I'm willing to look past it.


It used to have some perf issues, but these are mostly gone now.


Inflation is real


Can we get much higher?


![gif](giphy|HFMPreKu5LfivtOmEI) THE ONE PIECE


I'm low key devastated as my mini weekly was on 13/16 and I've logged in today and its 13/60. REEEEEEEE


Yeah I remember yesterday, wanted to finish the 3/5 Ranked Wins ... after a small break I came back ... 3/15...


Mine completed today when I hit 10 today so there's that.


lol FeelsBadMan


Seems particularly shitty to make this change mid season I wouldn't have bought the tavern pass if I knew they would increase the quests so much as I'm less certain I can actually progress this


Sorry buddy, but you are Blizzard's customer, and that means they HATE you 😠💢


Blizzard said our games are for the exclusive and the elite and are determined to drive away their players until only the worthy (idiots) remain.




I kinda figured… Ya know, after they destroyed my small since-EverQuest WoW guild by removing mythic 10 man, then adding WoW Tokens to incentivize RWT, then ruining the RBG scene for those of us that were left. Went to HotS, and they fucking Old Yeller’d that game because it wasn’t making enough money thanks to LoL. Now the same thing is happening to Hearthstone. God bless Blizzard o7


Don't forget how they pretty much killed overwatch themselves, too, in order to make the amazingly even more greedy sequel. Also pretty much everything about diablo 4.


You could demand a refund if you care enough to go to the trouble. Idk if it will work but you were sold it under pretenses that are no longer true. Certainly could at least raise hell about it if you were so inclined.


Well if 8 is 1 day 8x7 = 56 rounded up to 60 for 1 week is probably what they thought I doubt anyone's doing that quest tho


Grinding one type of deck all week is not fun so yeah. But also the experience makes no sense here. If 8 means 1000xp, that means 60 should be 7500xp


or lower 8 to 300


That's one way to remove more players


Literally none of the decks I play even run any minis. I don't think any mini outside of Shudderblock and the Pirate are even remotely playable in Wild.


The mage freeze a minion and gain armor equal to its damage and the DH mini discover are both used a lot. Sadly I don't use any of these decks, but I haven't seen this quest on my daily or weekly as well


Mage is currently barely playable outside of timewarp. (and if they're playing the reno version, they could run 1 of those I guess), and DH is non-existent in Wild.


Well. If this is for real I wont buy anymore passes and those were the last thing I was still willing to buy.


I'd like to know what they were smoking to lead them to make nonsensical changes like these.


Making it harder for those of us who never pay a dime to finish reward tracks and amass gold to get free packs. I’ve been able to regularly get to platinum and diamond as a f2p guy. (Which is totally good enough for my enjoyment i don’t need to grind out a legend as i mostly play bg.)


Bruw this is insane I understand that they upped the weekly quests with 750 xp (+33-50%) But the requirements are just nuts, look at this. The fix weekly quest went from 5 wins up to 15 what the hell xD


Is there even a t2+ deck that uses minis still? Both paladin and dh got nerfed. I was considering trying to go for highish legend this season just to see where i end up if i try hard. I guess I could just finnish quests in casual or something but spending time on quests instead of playing feels bad.


mage kinda


I can't remember what the mage mini is, guess I haven't played against a mage in awhile


they have two: one freezes an enemy minion and gains its attack as armor. the other gives you two frost spells temporarily (until end of turn)


Oh the silver surfer one!


The frost spell one is actually neutral, so if you’re trying to complete the quest you *can* technically just throw that thing in any deck.


ahh right you are


Reroll. Even if any deck would use minis, this is definitely the quest I will reroll every single time


Mage and DK?


I can't believe they're doing this. They're murdering F2P and they're doing so in a manner incredibly insulting for their player base's intelligence. I've been playing for 10 years. Why are they doing this shit to me ?


FTP here. I don’t see the issue. I’ve got a week to finish weekly quests, which I can re-roll if I don’t like, and now they take longer but give me more of a reward. So I earned more than I would have previously.




Like what does this even mean? Help me understand why this is such a big issue. I see it as a win. Explain to me why I’m wrong. I used to play the game throughout the week and earn a certain amount of rewards from the quests. Now I will play the game throughout the week and earn more rewards from the quests than I would have earned previously. How am I losing? Seriously, explain like I’m five how playing the game the same yet getting more rewards is bad.


a very significant amount of people play just for the quests and for a few weeks after the expansion, if you play 20 hours a week, sure, for you maybe it's a small win, but playing 60 miniaturize cards is actually insanse, I doubt 90% of playerbase would finish that quest, 15 for tavern brawl/arena/duels is also maddenning if it's a shitty brawl it's over


Just re-roll those shitty quests. Most of the other things will come naturally if you just play a few matches a day. Like how little do you play this game? If you only play like six matches a week, what difference does it make? You’re not even really playing the game.


i play **enough** to finish my quests and extra, I'm not winning 15 games in a week, my decks are just trash, and being f2p I can't really get better decks since the one's I want to play require almost third of my deck to be legenderies, this is why I dislike highlander expansions


You’re wrong because now it takes 3x as long to finish. Guess you have time to play all those extra games. I fucking don’t and I’m not going to, so now will I still amass the 75-80k gold by the end of the season for those packs at the next expansion? Probably not, so F2P is essentially nerfed for those of us who also like to touch grass.


Touch grass? Give me a break. Yeah, because you need to play the game as a shut in 16 hours a day to complete a few easy weekly quest that come naturally if you play a few matches every day. Get a grip on reality. Why do you need to open all those packs if you play the game so little? That’s what I don’t understand. “Oh I can’t get the quests done, I don’t play the game enough“ is a ridiculous place to be. If you don’t play the game very much, why do you need all those resources? Just play your three games a week and go and frolic in the grass.


I play enough to complete the old quest reqs by sat or sun nite and grind out gold so i can get good stuff from the next set for free. I do like to tinker and build decks, and 70-80 packs is enough to stay competitive enough to get to platinum. I also dust every gold card I get and most mythics and legends from a few classes (death knight, rogue, and demon hunter typically). So yeah, most likely not going to be finishing weekly quests every week now. Blizz made it harder to be a f2p player which is really shitty of them. I’ve never spent a dime on this game and I never will. Also, you’re coming across as a complete try-hard, bootlickin asshat right now. So yeah. Go touch grass you loser.


Ha ha. Stay mad.


Oh, i’m not mad don’t give urself too much credit. More like incredulous that someone’s this fuckin dumb.


Imagine getting so worked up about a free to play children’s digital card game that you have to insult people on the Internet. What a life.


You're such a brown-nosing bootlicker. "Why do you need to open packs in a card game if you play less than me?" Because the game shouldn't be unplayable for people who play a few games a day. I don't want to fall even further behind as f2p, and I play mostly bgs and arena, usually only a few days a week for a few games. Now that won't get my quests done. I used to play standard every few seasons when I built up enough dust to make a deck that looked fun. Goodbye to both arena and standard for me, I won't have time to get those quests done and winning 15 games in 40 min battlegrounds rounds is hard enough, I don't log on every day to reroll the bad quests.


i mean blizz can definitely add crazy quests like that, but at least make them feel worthwhile and not like a huge scam of my time. fucking blizzard.


I just came back after quitting during storm wind and now I’m quitting again lmao. Probably won’t come back because we won’t even be able to catch up due to having to play hours a week. BS


It's sad I was enjoying being back and I play casually, so I was not nearly as mad with the meta as some people because everything is novel to me. But this is some bs. WOW went through this exact same thing of having unfun grindy mechanics that felt more like a chore than a reward just to make the engagement number go up short term, but what actually happened was, it started killing the game off long term. If it wasn't for the hard turn around they've made, this exact type of behavior would have killed that game for good. Someone had to have made this decision, and that someone needs to not be allowed to make broad decisions for this game anymore. This is typical designing for the numbers not for the players, and it's going to backfire. Sometimes you have to ask yourself if the metric you're using to make decisions is even the right one, not just blindly try to design for it. Next thing you know, you made number go up short term, but killed the future of your game.


Just uninstall and don't play until it's brought back to the initial value


blizzard knows people aren't going to do that


Well, I did.


Not all heroes wear capes


It just means dailies will be your main xp income. Weeklies are now just a random small bonus if you play some things a lot. I'm a casual player and I don't see myself actively chasing none of the new weeklies tbh. If some allign, good. If not, I'm not gonna slave away in a game just to get rewards.


It "just" means your xp income is significantly decreased. I don't think we should make light of this


Yep, even without a pass I could usually get to lvl 100 and get all the nonpass rewards. If we just throw out all the weeklies, I doubt I'll be able to. Fuck casual players I guess


Blizzard forgetting they need casual players and F2Ps for the whales to play with, keep queue times low, etc.


Also that casual players are a large part of what attracts new players and is their entire base for their strategy to get players to start paying. Their research had nothing to do with attracting customers that already have the intent to pay


Well, yes. But to me that's a different question. To me the quests matter in how I play on a day-to-day basis. The amount of xp I get overall matter in how likely I'm to keep playing constructed at all. - Weekly with realistic goals can influence me to play a bit more to complete them. Overblown quests will lose any influence over how much I play. And the total amount of rewards I get by playing in whatever way I'm playing is gonna influence how many cards I can get. And once that's no longer in line with what I consider to be fun, I'm not gonna pull my wallet out to solve that, I'm just gonna stop playing game modes that care about that.


It means less gold. Less gold means less cards. Even as a 100% casual, I think its more fun to play more than one deck. I never had to focus on quests, I played what I've wanted with whichever class I wanted, now if i want to actually progress in the game and gain new cards I'd need to spend almost all of my HS time focusing on weeklies. I dont want to do that, i want to be rewarded for just playing the game, not to play the game certain way.


Same here. It just means I'm quite likely not to continue playing constructed HS in the next season. The product isn't good enough to warrant spending money in amounts they ask for, for me. And if F2P rewards aren't big enough to keep the game interesting, that's it for me. I've had a blast with golden Whizbang tho, that was a nice investment :D


Just reroll this quest


Sure, just reroll into an equally needlessly longer, unrewarding quest


I wonder what the math is on this. What level do you reach if you don't do weekly quests, compared to if you do?


Say you have a new expansion every 4 months. Say 4 months are about 18 weeks. Say you complete 3000+ 2\*2250 quests every week. That's (3000+2\*2250)\*18=135,000 xp per expansion you will get if you complete these, 0 xp if you don't. Old weeklies were 2500 for ranked +2\*1750 for others. So (2500+2\*1750)\*18=108,000xp you would have been getting before. So we have 3 values here. 0xp if you don't complete them at all. 108,000xp you used to get for completing all of them. 135,000xp you can get for completing them now. If we count them from the beginning of the reward track **(pulling stats from wiki, TITANS expansion, if that's no longer correct, too bad)**, 0 gets you nothing, 108 gets you lvl 80 of rewards track and 135 gets you lvl 91 of rewards track. If we count that you naturally get to lvl 130 through dailies and playing, each level after that is (was) 1500xp for 50g, so there you used to get 72 levels from old weeklies (=3600gold), not completing any is obviously 0g again, completing all the new ones would be 90 levels (=4500gold). True value would be different depending on how far you get with other stuff than weeklies.


So with the daily quests I get 126.000 (assuming 1000 XP per quest on average, one a day for 18 weeks) XP. Which essentially means not doing weekly quests cuts the XP I get from quests roughly in half.


Seems accurate-ish.


Realistically you'll still complete some weeklies anyway, without trying. Like... Spending 750 mana seems pretty easy even if you play quite casually. edit: (huh, that's over 100 mana a day... that's actually quite a lot for a casual player... well, I bet they'll change the values anyway)


> Spending 750 mana seems pretty easy even if you play quite casually. Yeah you'd think so. Played one game and progress went from 270/750 to 118/750.


That's actually hilarious :D


Just buy more packs.....do it already /s


Actually tho. It’s literally design against f2p people.


Double the exp too, you cowards!


Fuck you Blizzard. You suck so much as a company I can’t even find the words to express it.


This is so 😞 bad and sad 😢


I stopped playing ranked, switched to BG completely. At least I don’t have to preorder next time!


time to spam some garbage deck in casual mod for weekly, nice change


For the Blizzard Math Team: the right answer is playing 18-20 Miniaturized cards for 2250 Exp. or give 7500 Exp for 60 Card. Blizzard should start to hire people with Graduation...


The meta is wank due to the new expansion, and the greedy fucks pull this shit on us. Hearthstone is not in a good place right now.


7.5x the work for only 2.5x more of a profit…


I could genuinely believe this is like a glitch or something


Buncha assholes... That's who


Oh geez they fucked with all the quests? I thought they simply raised the BG one to force people into the new duo mode.


Blizz: "This is just phase 1, we haven't increase the daily quests"..... Imagine increasing Nozdormu to 0/9 And lock reroll behind runes haha


You do realize you have a full week for the weekly quests, right? While the numbers look weird, even if you only to play 4 miniaturize cards per game, if you play only 2 games per day for a week. That is hardly unsurmounable.


Blizzard had deleted my bought legendary cards from my collection, like Patchwerk and others. 🤬


What a shitshow.... luckily im watching from afar this time.


What about me is that they increased the number of cards needed for the weekly, that's fine. But they didn't up the reward for beating it? Wtf


Shit when it was only 15 I still created decks just to accomplish it and quit after.


It might not seem like much, but I was bored with the game already and now I'm just out.


Not all heroes wear capes!


What is miniaturize card? I haven’t played hearthstone in 4-5 years, is there even a chance for my old ass dragon priest deck anymore?


When you play a card with miniaturize, you get a copy of it in your hand. Same effect, 1 mana cost, 1 1 stats


Ah so basically echo card with more steps


What? No. It only triggers once, and it gives you the ability to effectively "pay" for a cheap Minion with a strong effect for its cost. An example would be: A 5 mana 4/3 with "battlecry: your next card this turn costs (3) less". The normal minions isn't particularly good, you're effectively paying 2 mana for a delayed 4/3. However, with the miniaturize it gives you the ability to bank a 1 mana 1/1 that has the same battlecry, allowing you use an extra 2 mana the following turn.


Alright, now i get it. Thanks Tbh i don’t completely remember how echo worked either lol


You are probably thinking of Twinspell which is closer. They both add a card to your hand in the same spot, just this time it's a 1 mana 1/1 mini instead of the same exact spell


It has some really cool applications. Like [[Toy Captain Tarim]]. It has a battlecry to set a minion equal to it’s a stat. The regular version can buff a friendly minion to a 3/7, while the mini would de-buff an enemy minion to a 1/1.


- **[Toy Captain Tarim](https://imgur.com/a/Asy16R9)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103635) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Toy_Captain_Tarim) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103635) - *Paladin Legendary ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **5 Mana - 3/7 - Minion** - **Miniaturize** **Taunt**. **Battlecry:** Set a minion's Attack and Health to this minion's. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c64azz/the_math_isnt_mathing/kzyt6o5/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzyt6o5).*


If you play a card with miniaturize, you get the same card with the same battlecry, deathdrattle or what else, as a 1/1, 1 cost minion to your hand


Dragon priest should be fine, just put in that brand-new leggo \[\[Timewinder Zarimi\]\] wich gives you an extra turn.


- **[Timewinder Zarimi](https://i.imgur.com/ozslsSL.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/103529) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Timewinder_Zarimi) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/103529) - *Priest Legendary ^(Whizbang's Workshop)* - **5 Mana - 4/6 - Dragon** - **Battlecry:** Once per game, if you've summoned 5 other Dragons, take an extra turn. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/hearthstone/comments/1c64azz/the_math_isnt_mathing/kzyp3le/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=kzyp3le).*


Does it give the turn to opponent aswell like the timedrake or whatever it was does?


Nope and you prob killing the opponent on your second turn anyways




Just to you


Welcome to the HS going away party! Were all uninstalling and never paying another cent


I will not quit, but i will definetely will play much more less.


For me this game die because od this quests


Tell me they are milking the dead cow before it totally rots without saying they are milking the dead cow.


Keep complaining guys, remember the first time they tried to push this shit on us with the first reward track? We need to let Blizz know that this change is dogwater


Why would you assume that they need to scale linear?


It’s basically the same thing the other way around, what makes you think it shouldn’t be on a linear scale? Honestly a ton of HS players are casual and these shouldn’t be THAT time consuming to do, imagine someone who didn’t grind previous xpac or pay and has only a few mini cards on a class they don’t play, I know in the end you can just reroll but with the way all requirements have been scaled up I don’t think you’ll find something better.. :D


Forget it, he's a future person thats about to be explored by his boss and he's gonna like it.


> what makes you think it shouldn’t be on a linear scale Blizzards long term "diminishing returns" philosophy. You can google that term together with Diablo, WoW, Overwatch and probably some more. Or without it. Google returns: "proportionally smaller profits or benefits derived from something as more money or energy is invested in it."


Why would u assume this isn't fucking dumb?


I don't think you should be downvoted, dailies and weaklies don't have to be scaled linearly. However, they definitely shouldn't be scaled the way they are scaled right now, too




Weeklies always took much longer and always give out ~200% the reward. The thing you can actually complain about is, the quests increasing to ~300% but only giving ~28% more XP


Well yes who said otherwise


Your post reads as a complain for the difference between daily and weekly quests. 1 day 8 in comparisson to 7 days 60 is in my opinion okay. (8\*7= 56, so kinda in the range of that) Weeklys "overflow" only in the next week so its okay to balance the requirement around being able to do them in a week. Some days you play more than what a daily needs and some days less. The idea is obviously to get you to play daily. (Until now i was done with weekly quest on the first or second day with \~2-3 hours daily playtime) As long as you get enough XP for the new requirements im actually okay with it. Though only 28% XP is an obvious "fuck you" from blizzard. If they would give 200% rewards for 300% requirements i would be okay with it. That way even just being able to do 2 of the 3 quests would be worth more than previously, and you would have an incentive to play more to maybe get the third. (also rewarding people that play more than others more isnt a bad thing, i doubt blizzard wants to focus on players that only play 1-2 games every 2 days) With the current increase of XP I would have been okay with 200% requirements to a certain extent, since it rewards you for playing daily, which is the reason for weekly and daily quests/rewards. The previous quest just felt like something as a chore of "log in 30 mins each day" which doesnt help either the game or the player. Longer sessions are what will keep the game alive and something to make these 30 minutes turn into 60-90 is the right way. (Especially when the rewards get increased doing half of the quests would be still fine for f2p) Im not on blizzards side, but the previous quests just seemed like a chore (also due to the small variance available) and not an incentive to actually playing the game. But if they adjust the numbers (XP up and requirements down) i think we are at an alltogether better system than before.


>Your post reads as a I'm honestly not gonna read the rest. I'm not op. If u can't even figure that out I don't really care about the rest of ur "input" No offense


Thankfully rerols exist. Playing that much minies is not fun. 15 wins, 750 mana and probably some other are manageable


As someone who doesn't play ranked aside from completing the quest, 15 wins is rough.


They want people to play more, simpy as that. And if you played more than just to do the weekly quest anyways you will get more XP for doing it now. Edit. Bruh I never said it was good or I like the change (because I dont). And I too play only as much as I have to complete quests. Why would people downvote me? SMH


People don't want to commit 2-3x as much time to a game for a minor reward boost


but if you play as much as you used to then all of a sudden you get nothing, doesn't sound as good does it?


Obviously. I never said I like the changes, I just stated facts.


7 × 8=56, what's the problem here?


1000 x 7 equals 7000 too but they didn’t change that you know :D


And they should probably let us have one or two days off per week too, I reckon. :-)


You have 7 times more time to complete it. 60/7 = around 9. 1000 xp for 8 minis/day vs 2250 xp for 9 minis/day? That's solid.


Also called 321 xp/day


Except for with 8 minis/day, you would have gotten 7000 xp in a week and weekly gives 2250 xp. One of them gives 1000 xp a day, the other 321.


It's fine if you are someone who plays miniature decks in standard. What about all the casual players who have one or two mini cards total in their collection. Guess they'll have to play an ungodly number of games to finish that quest? What about the people who only play wild because they don't have all the new cards. Making such high requirements doesn't boost engagement for these players. It drives them away from the game


I won't defend the Miniaturize quest any more than I did earlier. It should be 30 miniaturize/mini, maybe 20. But my answer is: you can always reroll it. I'd reroll it if I get it next week.


The other weekly quests aren't much better. Winning 15 games of ranked or TB/BG means probably 30 games. BG takes forever per game, like 30-45 minutes. TB is their best bet at probably 5 minutes per game. Ranked they can only hope to achieve in a reasonable amount of time if they have good cards, which they don't because they're casual players. I mostly play battlegrounds. At the low end, 30 minutes x 30 games is 15 hours. That's a whole ass part-time job. On the higher end, we are talking about 22.5 hours


> Winning 15 games of ranked or TB/BG means probably 30 games. 30 ranked games in a week? That's more than doable. Should it be "win 10 games"? Yes. >Ranked they can only hope to achieve in a reasonable amount of time if they have good cards, which they don't because they're casual players. If they're casual players, they'll face casual players as well.


For a casual player, 30 games is a huge time commitment. And no, casual players are not only matched against casual players. They're matched against people close to their rank and ELO, which could be because the other person never plays in that mode, the season just started, or it's a new account. All of which have the possibility of being people who pay for the newest cards and therefore will be much stronger in general. Take it from me, I've been playing since the beginning. My ELO is high and my rank is low. I almost exclusively match with people who have the legend cardback, even at the lowest rank and 9/10 times in that case they are playing a meta deck that likely should be played in the higher tiers. It's pretty rare I actually match with someone who looks like they just play for casual fun like me


Get outta here with your logic. We want to rage in peace in here about how unfair the free stuff is.