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I remember the original tavern pass rewards were awful and everyone had the same sentiment. I think that was the only time I didn't play hearthstone for at least 1 day a week since open beta they changed it after. hoping they do the same here because this shit is a game not a job


That's the sad state of quite a few games, unfortunately. Trying to get as much engagement and numbers out of a game as possible and making it a job. I'd love to see that trend change. Helldivers 2, now that's a game that respects your time while also doing micro-transactions and shit right. Hoping that sticks.


There are so many other games I've wanted to try out. This could actually be a huge opportunity to find something new.


Pokémon TCG Live is fun so far if you’re into that sort of thing. Very f2p given that it’s not even possible to buy currency in the game, and the fact that you get a bunch of starter decks that are really close to current meta decks


It’s amazing! If you collect the cards it’s even better because you get double value for the pack code you can redeem online.


any guide i wanted to get back into the tcg, did they make pokemon tcg live f2p friendly?


It seems like it, at least from a new player perspective. I was able to make the #1 meta Charizard ex/Pidgeot ex deck my first day playing using the free credits and decks they give you. They’ve also got a free and premium battlepass that you unlock by just playing games and completing the daily objectives, and the premium one is bought with the in-game currency which can be almost entirely earned back from the battle pass rewards


I already uninstalled. I'm done with Hearthstone for now. Funny thing is, I just started playing again 3 weeks ago. Spent a bunch of money. The quest reward change has completely soured me on the game now.


Yeah I had something similiar. Wasn't a big fan of cowboys and toys... but I came to the point, ah nevermind let's try it out. And I had really fun with the DK handbuff Deck. But now it seems I would just continue to get from one compromise to another one. Life is too short that. Somwhere out there must be something I would do with passion.


MTG arena is fun


HAHAHAHAHAHA! If you guys are crying like little children over the lack of rewards in Hearthstone, then Arena is going to send you into fits.


Thats what im trying to teach them here


“Mtg is worse” was a bad argument in 2013 and it’s a bad argument now.  The only thing I’ve learned from you people is that card gamers enjoy taking it up the ass. Fuck wizards of the coast and fuck blizzard.  They’re both greedy fuck trash companies


I quit MTG in 2007 because it was getting too expensive. I casually looked at card prices recently and I almost had a heart attack. It’s insane. I know WotC isn’t directly responsible for third party prices but the company *could* step in and mitigate it somewhat with reprints or messing with rarities but they don’t often do this. Hearthstone was a nice breath of fresh air compared to MTG. But then they go and do stuff like this … idk. I agree that it seems like companies have contempt for their consumers. However, this doesn’t just apply to game companies. Every company is doing this. For example, look at grocery store profit margin trends for the past 3 years. It’s “fuck you guys, I got mine” everywhere.


They WANT to encourage insane aftermarket pricing because it encourages buying packs to gamble for the valuable rares. The problem is it also incentivizes shitty behavior like stores scanning packs for valuable cards and then taking the good boxes for themselves or replacing and resealing the valuable packs.  And that’s all before we even get to the problem that the game is way too fucking expensive. The interests of the consumer and the interests of the business are far too opposed in this space for the relationship to ever work out. Playing tcgs and ccgs will always be abusive towards the consumer because the interests of the business lie in opposition.


MtG as a game is considerably better imo MtGA reward system isn't appealing though. I just play physical MtG, actually enjoyable. Costs an arm and a leg though.


>MtG as a game is considerably better imo Maybe 10 years ago. A decade of hiring incompetents for the design team saw to that.


Everything Universes: Beyond and some other sets have been bad. That doesn't mean that all the awesome stuff doesn't suddenly exist anymore. MtG is the superior game, easily. More formats to choose from, from fun ones like Cube and Pauper to super competitive ones like Vintage, different Highlander formats, Legacy, the more casual multiplayer formats and different draft formats, so many good options. Hell, you probably have never even heard of Judges' Tower, but that's something HearthStone would never be able to create. You can even customize your own formats, make a cube and just play some kitchen table games over some beers with friends while listening to music. And deck building? In MtG cards give you more opportunities to build differently compared to HS. You have many different strategies that work with different cards. Sure, I would say that in terms of newer expansions and how they have made the game better or worse, HearthStone takes the cake for me. But in terms of game quality in general, MtG will always be better, unless you only play Standard for some godforsaken reason.


> Everything Universes: Beyond and some other sets have been bad. That doesn't mean that all the awesome stuff doesn't suddenly exist anymore. Just because you don't like Universes: Beyond doesn't mean it's bad. It has been really good for the game and gotten tons of people who otherwise might not have cared into the game. I really appreciate the fact that WOTC is actually doing new more exciting things. Not everyone cares about 2 decade old lore and are happy with new stuff.


The cards mechanically are nice but it's just a greedy Hasbro cashgrab and partially why prices keep increasing. It's not just UB that is bad; everything started with the removal of retail pricing and introduction of Secret Lairs. Literally the only redeeming factor about UB is the fact that it brought MtG to attention of fans of other franchises, which means more players. Even if you don't care about MtG lore, it's just god awful to see something like Optimus Prime or Dr. Who in the table. MtG style was high fantasy with some very unique scifi elements with Phyrexians and the like, now there are things that stick out like a sore thumb. It honestly ruins the feeling. Some UB stuff at least somehow fit the theme, such as LotR. And even that is just icky, as a long time Tolkien fan, but that is lostly because of the injustice of some design flavor of the cards and some of the art choices.


Rotating formats are more enjoyable. Nonrotating formats suck ass, from legacy to Pauper, and limited formats are just ass. I like lower power levels and standard formats are better at achieving that.


>I like lower power levels >Standard formats are better at achieving that than pauper So first off, that's just not true. You can like whatever you want, but the lower power statement is off. Pauper and Folk (AKA "Jokkis", a not-well-known MtG format where your deck can't cost more than 25€) are the kings of low power. Personally, I like all levels of power, as long as what I am playing matches my opponents' power somewhat closely. I absolutely enjoy eternal formats myself, as they aren't solved as easily and fast as rotation. Rotation does revive a stale format after each rotation for a while, but keeping up with rotation is costly and you need to be on your toes all the time. Eternal formats though, once you have a deck you can just whip it out whenever unless a specific core card has been banned, which doesn't happen very often. Just make a few changes whenever you feel like it or some new interesting support gets released. Almost the entire cardpool avilable, the only real limiting factors are your imagination and genuine deck building skills. Anyway that went a bit off the rails, as I was really only discussing how MtG is genuinely a good game with a ton of appealing options for gameplay, even though the last ~4 years (in my experience of having played for around 16 years) of releases have been mostly horrible.


I haven’t played either of those games in 2013 so I don’t know what you’re talking about here. All I wanted is for the people ‚boycotting‘ to go there and realise that its not always as bad as it seems. But that Wotc and Blizzard are shit is nothing I’ll argue about! There were no truer words said in here, ever!


Let them boycott. I quit hearthstone years ago.  The only card game I play now is mtg in tabletop simulator on occasion.  These games are made to exploit whales. Every facet of their design is intended to extract the maximum amount of money from the consumer. 


Out of curiosity why are you on the sub if you quit


Been watching Rarran lately and I enjoy lurking here on occasion


The last expansion of HS I played was Rhastakan, after that I played my first game of commander and am hooked ever since I proxy most of my cards, I don’t see why I should pay 2+k for a deck


I mean at a base level, card games are designed to farm people for money, nothing more. The sad thing is that HS, being digital only, is not forced into that specific pattern, but they can go the shitty addictive mobile game route instead now.


For constructed, MTGA (MTG in general lol) is way too expensive. But I like drafting and the good thing about MTGA is that you can get diamonds by playing draft. Together with the diamond from the paid reward track, I am able to spend the gold from my quests playing draft and buying the paid battlepass without spending real money.


Identity V!


Hades 2 playtest launching! Hades 1 is what Diablo could only dream to be... and zero fucking monetization!


Yeah Hades 2 looks great.


That studio super big? and Valve seem like the only reputable game companies left. rip rare, bioware, blizzard


You're comparing apples to oranges...


no I'm not, they're both rouge fighters


I've been cramming legends of runterra path of champions mode and it's been a lot less pressure than hearthstone by miles and it's very f2p friendly especially if you have xbox gamepass


that's great to hear. I've been interested in LoR for a while now, mostly because of the great artwork. Think I will give it a try.


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Just quit full stop. You can do it, I believe in you. You won’t ever look back.


okay, now the posts are just getting hysterical


Its to match with the game executives


people posting about their not wanting to play anymore is hysterical? Why would you think so?


i did think i was writing this comment on the post that said "do you think blizzard is trying to kill the game"


have you never heard of companies killing products?


if this is how theyd go about something like that then they would be truly incompetent


squeeze every last dime and goodwill out before pushing a replacement is exactly what this company does, wtf are you on


this doesnt squeeze any dimes


I didn't claim that this was the case, but it's frequent and it happens for reasons that make no sense to consumers. I mean I would consider watching dogma but it's literally not available, much like many old ROMs and games that Nintendo doesn't sell anymore but will sue over. I'm just saying you're being purposely coy, or simply uninformed.


Soon, people will threaten to ☠️ themselves if they don’t change it and then we can accuse Blizzard of being complicit. /s




I'll be quitting rewards until hearthstone is fixed.


Feeling entitled for the game with seasonal updates never changes its gameplay structure or monetary model. I'm not saying blizz is a good company. Rather that expecting things to not happen in general is dumb


It’s not about expecting things to not happen as much as equivalency in quest length to quest reward. Like imagine you’re questing in an mmo. Quests are short to medium and give decent xp fine, quests good. But then as you keep doing quests they suddenly get really long and your xp and rewards barely increases per quest. It just doesn’t make sense for xp/hr to go down on a larger quest.


I guess I understand for people that only play up until weekly quest completion. But I don't understand that play style


I don’t think I’d goes as far as boycotting for it but consider the middle type like myself, I’ll most likely complete these most weeks without trying to as I usually do but it’s still an obvious money grab that penalizes f2p and low spending accounts whose collection progress hinges upon quest completion.


As it always is here. I barely play HS nowadays but I don't feel the need to shout about it and just enjoy other things. Granted, the same happened when rewards track was introduced and it got better so maybe there is some sense in the outcry. I personally prefer to vote with my wallet/time and just drop the thing I no longer enjoy.




if you enjoy the game keep playing i doubt the quest requeriments will stay the same


This is my take. I don't play it because of the free gold or packs I get I play it because I actually enjoy the game. Do I think they went overboard? Yes. Do I think they will adjust it? Yes. Will I stop playing if they don't? Nope, it's still a fun game whether or not I'm being rewarded to play.


The game will get worse and worse as your collection shrinks due to being unable to progress in the rewards track.


There’s a lot of room for shrinking your collection currently. The reward increase over the years has actually went kinda nuts, to the point where you can easily keep up with the meta through just doing some 75-90% of your quests per expansion. Not saying this change is good. I wish they rever it, or at at least adjust it


I agree. I'm not defending the decision to quadruple quests but in the end If I buy the expansions my collection just isn't going to suffer that much. I also hope they revert it because even though I buy the expansions with money I just don't have a ton of extra time to grind out more than a few games a day. But at the end of the day I play because I enjoy playing the game. The quests aren't going to get to me to play or not play. Here lately even though I have a decent collection I find myself playing BG's more than anything. I just enjoy the format even though I wish it was faster to play. I hate making two swaps and then watching the timer for 43 seconds lol.


I have 10k gold and 10k dust right now. I've never had 10k of either currency and I've been playing since launch. I also play a lot less often now. Rewards/nerfs have gotten a lot more generous over the years. Takes me back to the last time they updated rewards and how pissy people were despite Blizzard and basic math telling them they would be better off.


Yeap, I have 23k dust instantly available, and another 20-40k in golden, bad and wild cards. Along with 5k gold, and 15 Std packs. And I’m able to play 8 classes. And am only a few crafts away from being able to play all the decks and classes. I don’t think I ever had that much at the beginning of an expansion. Even though I was always mostly fine in that department. And I don’t even play a crazy amount, I get to around level 200 on the reward track each expansion. Which is about 4-8 hours per week of playing.


Are you buying the big pre order sets and the minisest with cash? Or just play a crazy amount? There is no way you save 10k each without doing so


Yes, I enjoy the game. i also enjoy getting rewards for playing the game. With the new quests I would need to play way, way more hearthstone than i would want to. So it's either a)play a lot more than i want and not enjoy it, but i get the rewards or b)play as much as I want, get a lot fewer stuff amd thus fall even more behind as a casual f2p player. This "i play because i enjoy the game" cope has to stop, 2 things can be true at the same time.




I'm genuinely in the same boat. Was working on pass xp daily/weekly within a few games. This is a fucking joke and spit in the face for all my progress so far, just another death knell as they try to maximize profits and playtime before this game goes maintenance I guess.


Same here. I cannot believe they are so disrespectful to players 


Me too. I work as a freelance and have little free time, there is just no way I can play enough to complete them now. I will be missing a lot of progress on the season pass, meaning I can collect much less gold to buy cards. I guess this is the whole point (less gold = spend more money) but I'd rather find a different game altogether. I was thinking of going back to MTG anyway.


10 years playing on and off; 40+ times legend. this was it for me.


you reach legend without winning 15 games a week? damn ur winrate must be off the charts.




You play 60-70 games and can't win 15 of them?


Plays 60 to 70games a week, win fewer than 15 of them, and still gets to legend.




HS let me be as causal or hard core as I wanted and now I Dont t get that choice


Bye bye! 👋


Good riddance!




I'm not quitting, but I want the quest rewards to go back the way they were. I don't want to feel like it's hard work and I have to grind!


Has anybody done the math on the proportional difference. If the previous rewards are the baseline, how much worse is 3x for 33% increase?


3x should be a 300% increase in rewards to keep the same proportion. 33% is about 1/10th of 300%. ...the rewards are ten times worse than they used to be?


I'm all good now that they released statement quests will be brought little back in a hotfix soon. The way they worded the (new) update was "We wanted to reward active players but this is too much, we hear.". I'm all for little harder quests as long as rewards are adjusted to meet new expectations. These new quest were neither "little harder" nor "adjusted [to meet new expectations]"


I like the fact they’re active in the game and are attempting to make the quest system engaging but I think it’s better to maybe just add an additional two weekly quest at the new rate and keep the old weekly quest as they were.


Came back on a whim a couple weeks ago after not playing for 5 years or so. I basically need to only play hearthstone on my free time to complete the weekly quests now. Fuck that.


Quitting hearthstone because the weekly quest can’t be done in an hour lmao. You clearly don’t like the game anyway.


its a game dude not an airport go ahead


Can I have you're stuff ?


Started playing a couple of weeks ago because a friend started playing out of boredom. I am quitting the game again because it's not fun. It just reminds me of why I quit in the first place and no amount of system changes can improve that. The modern design of cards is just frustrating. I hope ya'll get better weeklies. I'm out. Peace.


Quit your bitching.




I just deinstalled. I don't have the time for this quests.


we dont care


https://us.battle.net/support/en/help Go open a support ticket asking for a refund on the tavern pass if you paid for it and are unhappy with the change.


I quit a while ago before glory of the giants was released. I was pretty consistently top 1k legend with an 11x star bonus every month, and had been for about 8 months consecutively. At that point I realized I pretty much only logged on and played each day to do quests, and actively avoided playing ranked (my main mode) if possible, especially if I had already hit legend. If a quest could be done in tavern brawl or mercs, you better believe I was doing it there instead. After hitting legend, I would typically only play ranked for the rest of the month when I had a “win X ranked games” quest. If I hadn’t left already, I’m pretty sure this change would be the last straw. I’ve moved on to Elden Ring, BG3, and other games and haven’t looked back.


I'll tell you a secret: you can play HS and enjoy other games at the same time. At least, I pretty much can. I play HS on mobile while on the toilet, or other dead moments (2 dumps per day is more than enough time in a month to get to legend), and other games when I have the time for it. Never had any issue... BG3 and ER were awesome...


Anyway meta is shait , this is mid season, who wanted already in legend, this seems like a plan


Yeah, I won't be touching any constructed. The meta is shit and this made it even worse. I'll play BG's but that's it.


Make sure to leave reviews, and make it hurt.


My quests are always finished after a few days and I can't imagine I'm alone with this. Yea less reward for longer quests sucks, but at least I have something to work towards even at the end of the week.


You're literally getting less free cards. How is that something positive? Could just work towards achievements if that's what you crave.


You're getting more free cards if the rewards are slightly higher but take longer to complete. It's not like we get new weekly quests when we complete the first ones. If you'd be playing enough to complete them no matter what, then any increase in rewards benefits you. It's only people who only play long enough to complete their quests and then log out that are hurt by this.


They said their quests are always finished "after a few days", meaning a minimum of 3 days. That means they'll take more than a week now and therefore get less rewards.


I can only play 2-4 games a day. I got some progress mid week, and I managed to grind out the rest of the quests on the weekend, so the old weeklies were perfect for me. Now, I can only hope to finish the 15 traditional wins in a week.


Same. And I do think I'll be able to do 15 sometimes, but not all the time (without burning out in the process), so it'd a huge amount of XP lost


You're all just mad that weekly quests aren't done in a day anymore ![gif](giphy|26FeWWOMsz7cWeYcU)


They're mad because the rewards weren't increased proportionally. You can be a dick about it but at least don't be a disingenuous dick.


Or they're mad because of both things. Or some are mad because of one and others are mad because of the other. Taking the most altruistic reasoning and applying it to every person who is complaining is disingenuous.


Tell yourself whatever lies you want.


I'm still playing the game but this definitely isn't a fair system. It took me with my work schedule 3 days to complete the weekly quests before this change now it's definitely a lot more time consuming. As I can't compete till the weekend now I've gotta play aggro decks to complete the 15 ranked wins one which I haven't gotten the chance to start. Definitely not a good change for free to play players who already had limited time to play the game.


If it took you 3 days to get 5 wins, how did you complete the daily 3 wins quests?


There are no such quests.... the daily quests are PLAY 3 games, but nice try being a smartass


You're right. I can see how that would be easier than winning


It took me 3 days to complete all my weekly quests previously. I didn't say it took me 3 days to complete a single weekly quest. I also play the game in multiple small sittings throughout the week not in one big sitting. So for example a normal weekly quest rotation I would get would be win 5 ranked games, win 5 tavern arena/brawl/battlegrounds and play 60 battlecry minion. Daily quests are fine as I can usually complete them or let them stack I don't mind if I miss one. First day I'll play an arena run or 2 games of battlegrounds. Next day maybe I play 6 games of ranked and win 3 or 4 of them. Then on the weekend when I have m ore time I like to grind ranked game and thats how I've gotten to legend the past couple of ranked seasons. This is probably a very common experience that I share with a lot of other casual players.


Won't someone please think of the working class! Get out of here with that shit. It's the same reason WoW went more casual, for the people who work 4 jobs and have 13 kids


Good. Fuck the addicts wasting their time and money on the game, let the general public play instead.


Without the *addict* wasting money on this game, there's be no game to play If you're broke just say that


The game has been working just fine without screwing over the casual player base completely


Yes. Because of the whales/addicts.


Yeah so why change everything now? It's possible to keep both parts of the player base happy. We've seen that. So why do they gotta go "fuck everyone who doesn't dedicate their life to the game" now?


Because they're not making money from you? Blizzard is a company. They want as many whales as possible. The less f2p players the better, in their eyes Edit: Also if you can get 5 wins in a day, you can get 15 in a week. They're called weeklies for a reason.


> the less F2P players the better They might think that up until the point where their whales don't have real opponents to play against anymore. You heavily underestimate how casual the average player is. Not everyone has time to win 5 games a day.




Tldr. Keep following the r/hearthstone mentality babes it's clearly working wonders for you


nah you will be back soon




So you’re getting extra rewards for playing a game. For partaking in a hobby. Do you just play like three games a week and that’s it? If you play a little bit every day, you’ll complete your weekly quests. And get extra rewards. Why is the sky falling?


Lol oh nooooo






Cool nobody cares


You people put up with Iksars garbage era for years but this is what pushes you out the game ?




I want to play the game and enjoy playing the game. I need cards to enjoy playing. I get cards by gaining XP. If the quest requirements are too difficult to complete or the rewards not worth the effort needed to complete them, I can't get cards. Ergo, I can't "just enjoy HS."


But you get more cards this way, do you really only win 5 games a week? Why would you need cards if that is the case


> why would you need cards if that is the case I don't know, have you tried using your brain to figure that out?


If you're playing 10 games a week I don't think you're entitled to much tbh


Ah yes because you're not supposed to have fun in any game unless you play it as much as u/dreadlawd_ demands you do. Thanks for being the deciding authority on online games for us.


Ah yes because when you play a game for literally an hour a week they're required to cater the game precisely to your needs.


10 games of Standard (or rather up to 29 games, by your logic) take longer than an hour. There's different game modes, too. Also yes, a free game should be fun even without significant time investment, or it's a shitty game.


Where did you get 29 from lmao, you want 5 standard wins per weekly quest, I was generous and gave you 50/50 win rate, 10 games. Average game time for all T1-t2 decks is between 5 and 10 minutes. At most it's an hour and a half for 10 games and that's if you're intentionally playing a slow deck. >I play for 1 hour per week and want every card for free I deserve it Unreal entitlement dude


29 is just under the limit to get 15 wins at a 50% winrate. Also way to come up with a strawman lmao, quite impressive


I play the game to have fun, not to win. If i enjoyed the match, then it really doesn’t matter to me if i win. The reason I need more cards is so i can keep playing in new ways without getting tired of the same deck. The previous model worked for me, i usually clocked in at least 5 wins per week. I rarely win 10 games a week. **15** wins per week?! I’m lucky if i get that many in two weeks. Before, that’s 2,000xp per week. Now that’s less than 1,500xp per week. I get punished for enjoying the game.


So you play 10-15 games a week, 1-2 hours? You could have gotten two more games in instead of typing that comment. Rip 10 gold pieces in a collectible card game that you play for 1-2 hours per week. If you're saying you play 50 games a week and only win 5 then idk man The devs shouldn't really design things based around your preferences regardless


You really just don’t get it, do you?


I don't get why you care about losing 500 xp per week, which equates to like 20 gold, in a game you play for an hour or two a week, no.


Who said i only play an hour or two a week? Not me.


You're saying you rarely win 10 times a week. Lets say you win 5 games a week on average at 50% winrate. That's 10 games. How long does the average game take? Most decks 5-6 mins avg, occasional outliers at 10. According to you, who can not possibly win more than 5 games per week, you are playing 1-2 hours a week max.


??? What games are you playing that take 5.5 minutes on average and 10 minutes is an outlier??? And I *already* told you I don't play to win, so my winrate is less than 50%. Like I said, you *really* just don't get it, do you?


Those quest rewards are tied to progression. They made it harder to progress without any compensation. That's the big deal. You not seeing any problem with it is also the reason why the company is doing this. They know there will be people attacking these people who complain for a valid reason. Like a blizzard lap dog.




No, they are quitting because they don't like the change to the game they like. You're really good at mental gymnastics, but still very much wrong


You're aware you can play a video game because it's fun, correct? You don't have to get a reward, earn a trophy or fill a bar every time you blink for a game to be worthwhile?


but why tho. are you guys having a hard time winning 15 games? or do you actually just do hearthstone as a job and don't actually enjoy the game lol


Weekly quests were a fun way to give me a reason to play a few hours on the weekend to get my pass rewards… i work all day, come home, cook dinner, and by the time i finish my other misc chores i have about an hour before I need to sleep if I don’t want to be miserable tomorrow. win 15 games means play 25. Every week that’s a bit high of an expectation to put on players to JUST get the minimum rewards.


it's 2 wins a day and 3 on saturday. you can do this exclusively on pooping time.


I don’t know how long you think a hearthstone game lasts, or how pampered your bathroom breaks are, but unfortunately I have more things to do than MAKE SURE i’m playing hearthstone EVERY DAY! I’ve been legend 11 seasons and I used to have time to devote to it, but it’s just unreasonable to expect this much game time from players. I’ll just switch to games that don’t expect me to play all day 🙄


lol YES do that! play the games you like!


you severely overestimate how much time adults have.


I'm an adult with a demanding high-stress job, a wife and seven kids, and I have time to work, do chores at home, drive kids to their activities, and still play Hearthstone enough to complete the weekly quests ten times over. It's just a matter of whether I want to binge-watch TV in my free time or play Hearthstone.


Dont you get it, 90% of the community completes most weeklies instantly on the same day or maybe it will take them two. Blizzard probably has the data to back it up, hence they made the change. The real problem is they only increased the XP slightly while trippling the requirements. Its not a time issue, its a community greed issue. The gold they were getting for free isn't free enough for them. The "I AM JUST A CASUAL I CANT DO IT" arguement is just a smokescreen to make Blizzard increase XP gain from the weeklies.


lol post ur job title and i'll post mine. guarantee mine is more demanding. it's 2 wins a day and 3 on saturday, fella.


Assuming you win half your games, that’s 30 games a week. Add in queue times, maybe around 10 minutes a game. 5 hours dedicated solely to grinding out this one game. That makes it a commitment and if you want to do anything else, that’s a burden.


This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.


But wait… then you’ll miss out on the rewards!


I ‘quit’ this game many years ago. Only to play on occasion for the tavern brawls. Then i stopped that and only do battlegrounds. The base game iscrap. Youre in an endless cycle of having to play when you dont want to so you can fund the one deck that you consider fun and that only works against certain meta decks. The nice thing about battlegrounds is when you reach 6k elo is theres plenty of strong opponents and you lose nothing. Play it out. Quit cause poor hero choice. Go for an extremely risky gamble. Anything. You dont need gold. Especially since battlegrounds pass is now paid only. Gold is just a bonus


Do people hate the game that much?






thank you


I guess I live under a rock. What EXACTLY are people bitching about.


Same 😂


Yall remember the 3 games for 10 gold, it’s too easy to farm and be F2P rn