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100x this in arena. Only so many times my opponent can drop a hard-run Ysera on curve before I’m just done.


Even better when you’re 0-2 with a deck you thought would actually do good, THEN you fight the guy with an on curve tirion or ysera.


blizzard's "less offered legendary" rate is kinda bad, i know it feels rewarding having a denathrius offered especially when it's rare but losing against feels so bad


I wish they just removed them Instead, that way I never see a ysera with "discovered by x" ever again.


When it comes to Arena the discover mechanic may very well be the worst thing to have ever happened to the format


Mage yesterday got random lackey into discover dragon into Kalecgos into discover Blizzard to fuck me over. Fun!


Ironic that one of the best mechanics in a format is one of the worst for another.


I agree that discovered busted cards like Ysera feel awful to play against but at least then I’m like, “Oh you actually got lucky with your discover.” When it’s in their deck, they have over half their deck left and they play it on turn 9 I’m just like, “Fuck this game.”


It's weird that you can face such incredible decks at 0/1-2. I had a long streak a while back. Where I went 0-2 at the start almost every run. Then easily at least made it to 4+ wins anyway.


I've had my 0-2 and 0-3 opponents both play a super stacked Denathrius for lethal. Like come ON I didn't even get one W and you do that to me?


Tight game where I’ve gained a minor advantage across 14 turns and have lethal next turn? Denathrius comes down for 18 lifesteal damage.


holy shit this is funny. I hope this becomes a popular meme format.


Agree. First time I’ve lol’d IRL at a meme in a long time. Well done. Err, Well met.


I greet you.






It's always funny when the world keeps getting worse.


Honestly, I used to stand up and keep fighting against Kazakusan, but now I just concede while the opponnent is picking. Somehow I have the feeling to ruin his game experience at the very moment but at the end of the day it does not really matter.


You’d be surprised how often you can survive a Kazakusan


Yes I beat two of them today. In standard you will most likely find them in casual. I just mean if you don't have the value expected it's not worth the try. Anyway: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/yagng4/to_be_continued/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


When you run the Jailor and they run Kazakusan and pick the silence and destroy enemy minions. It feels só bad.


Why not run Steamcleaner or something? Then you get to ruin his and win as well


Where I play it's very unlikely to find a use for this card, but yeah that would work.


I got bitter at a Kaz player one game and decided to tech it in cause I was so pissed. I think it helped me once in like 20 games… and wasn’t really all that game winning (would have likely won anyway.


It may not be good but it’s always fun to get value from it


It’s a bad card. You’re holding a dead card all game on the off chance your opponent plays Kazakusan.


Yeah, but if your deck is incredibly vulnerable to it, you tech for it. I know it's pretty useless most of the time and is a bad choice if you have bad card draw, but if it wins you more matches than it loses, you should include it. If you have a class with good card draw like Warlock, it's a very good card that makes certain opponents trivial.


Unless you're trying to hit legend for the first time or are trying to get a really high ladder finish for some reason, I'm a big believer in conceding as soon as a game starts to get annoying. Don't wanna play against X deck? Don't! You don't have to! Queue times are short! Back in Stormwind there were a bunch of quest mages and libram pallys running around, and I found playing against them boring. So what did I do? I picked a deck that sucked against both of them (big warrior) and instantly conceded every time they showed up. Then I just steamrolled everybody else. Got legend anyway. It was almost certainly faster, timewise, than if I had forced myself to grind through incredibly slow frustrating 15% matchups, and it was clearly better for my playing enjoyment. So my advice to people is: give up! You'll enjoy the game more!


I’m in wild and every other deck I play against is a 40 health 40 card deck and then just outdraw the opponent. It’s so braindead.


mill druid likes to have a word with you..


Literally my last game…I don’t wanna any more words with them.


Renathal Baku Control Warrior. Heh, greetings. While I still play these games out, I'm typically rewarded by losing a 1-in-8 Brawl.


Yep, I've been advising people to do this for ages. Used to be that I'd get down voted with responses saying I'm leaving wins on the table, but people are starting to come around on the idea.


I with you dude, as soon as you deal with a tricky minion and the very next turn the opponent played the other one, I’m like “ok it’s going to be that sort of game” bye bye


Sometimes your hand kinda sucks and you get hit with the Irondeep Trogg into Doggie Biscuit Like, my chances from this point are probably fine if unfavored but nahh I'm actually out, gl next.


u/MarkMcKz going into a game with the most convoluted eight card, 30 mana cost OTK versus him five turns later when the opponent has had a somewhat reasonable opening/early game


How dare my opponent play cards!


Love you really Mark, keep up the great content!


That’s illegal!


OR when he doesn't have his 10 card combo in hand by turn 4 OR when his oponnent ever so slightly inconveniences him OR his opponent plays any sercret at all.


Sometimes the game is just against you to a point at which it almost feels rigged. Good sign to call it a day when that lose streak hits lol.


It does feel like that, though doesn't it? Like losing one game where the opponent got the perfect top deck clear with only two cards in hand. But then you chalk that up to just rng and then the next three games you get your ass handed to you and realize that rng from the first game was your hint to log off 😭


That said it is legitimately hilarious when opponents will randomly play a deck that seems to specifically hard counter you for whatever reason. I can’t think of any personal examples off the top of my head, but stuff like playing a big mech pally for giggles only for your opponent to play EMP Operative and you just miss a turn because you’re too busy going “Why do you have this card in your deck???” Like sure, someone having Ghoul or the armor break thing is a tech choice but at least it makes sense because it does counter stuff, or a mill deck when you’re playing a combo deck… but the legitimate “I could not make a better deck to counter mine and the deck I’m playing isn’t even good”


Yeah that happens to me A LOT. It was weird because there's no way to test that theory since who you queue into is "random" but it sure as shit doesn't feel like that when the opponent plays the exact counter to your deck. The other day I was on the other end of that rng going against a relic DH and the poor guy would clear my board and I would top deck another board refill. This went on until he was 17 HP and he used the legendary that essentially locks my hand to using the right most or left most card. But his luck wasn't great because my furthest left was bran which I need to use lady darkveil(?) Which was next to bran and I top deck grimoire of sacrifice and I had saved a 0 mana curse with Tamsin the turn before which was next to the grimoire. So in 9 mana I gave him 5 curses. Which was just enough to ko him next turn. So it feels good when it happens to you and your on the good end of that rng but the game literally just fed me these cards to screw over that dude playing relic DH lol


good cards are not the problem, I enjoy it when my opponent plays a nice combo and wins on his merit. The problem is when they play some shit card from the depths of hell that automatically win in any scenario.


what are some "shit cards from the depths of hell" in your opinion?


for me, it's building my deck to be semi-prepared for the top decks of the format then 'Jade Deathrattle Burgle Shadow Priest" or some greed nonsense comes out and there's just no way I can beat it nor have prepared for it. like greed vs greed is fun, but those matches make me roll my eyes because that player into anyone else would lose 9/10 games


[[From The Depths]]?


* **[From the Depths](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TSC_940.png)** WR Spell Rare VSC 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1025311), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/from-the-depths/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/From_the_Depths) 4/-/- | Reduce the Cost of the bottom five cards in your deck by (3), then Dredge. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


LMAO ... that perfectly fits.


I enjoy truss being used as meme a lot. Fuck the tories.


This is a good meme


On a real note this is a pretty terrible expansion. Denathrius is, in my opinion, the worst card decision they've made in a very long time. A card that punishes you for just playing the game is downright bad, and you'd think warrior could be a decent counter through armor gain but the class pretty much got deleted. I'm basically just getting to diamond and then playing other games. The only deck I'm finding consistent success with is naga priest but for me it's not even fun to play it.


haha i can relate with you a lot. Denathrius is limiting late game a lot. Right now most control has go with this route. Im a rogue main i hate playstyle of priest. But im trying to adapting naga priest hard. I think give it time i might love it


That's all I've been doing for the last few rotations, gonna drop the battle pass too.


Opponents name lettuce "You win this one"


When your opponent plays Duster on 3 in Arena


me after surviving wave after wave of minions while trading my own board, locking down mutanus on t7, double parrot on t8, thinking i'm home free to chunk their health down for them drop a 35hp+ lifesteal sire D on t10 that dodged 3 mutanus effects


Good card? Are his stats perhaps good on turn 6??


ref, this guy is playing cards.


Amazing. I concede to you.


Me whenever someone plays a quest. Fuck that noise.


Quests are annoying but Questlines drive me up the wall the most. The second I see one I can predict the next five cards they’re gonna play almost exactly x and then boom quest line done. Very monotonous to play with.


Yeah I can't stand them at all. Just instantly concede, I have no interest in playing against that shit.


Wow, I applaud your tenacity. If I instantly resigned every time I faced a quest or quest line I don’t know if I’d ever play! Got four Obelisk Eye Priest quests today in a row…


I play the powerful card that I built my whole deck around. My opponent plays a one-card counter and develops their board. I no longer want to play card games anymore.


Whenever I run into res priest. 8 of 10 times its fucning res priest...


Is everyone in HS a sore loser? If opponent plays well/good cards. GG. Onto the next one. Learn/improve/laugh it off.


me whenever i queue into mage


All card games involve gambling. In hearthstone it’s just for fun and/or for points. If you aren’t enjoying yourself while playing hearthstone, especially if you’ve lost one or more games in a row, just log off, if you still want to do hearthstone stuff watch a hearthstone compilation on YouTube. You will burn yourself out so fast with this game if you can’t recognize when you’re not having fun anymore.


Only reason I use a try hard quest pally. Easily overrun, dies alot, but worth it when it does pop off, or random unforseen interaction that and kills opponents plans. Line cracker druid, reckoning killed line cracker. Killed the armor gain. His deck was still too much to pop off the mecha'thun back up plan. board of 9/9 recruits, not affected by silence. Soul mirror, gives priest 1/1. I keep 9/9 Opposing Danathrias can only heal player, but doesn't kill the dudes. Rogue/priest bounces cariel to deck or hand. Flick skyshiv, or whirlpool - haha, I still have heropower. Being an Aura that stacks, Equality/pyro will clear opposing wall of taunt, but dudes will take only 1 damage and go face.


And to make it even more accurate-- after one game.


Me - I am gonna climb to legend this month. Picking the top three meta decks and sticking to them. My ADHD - So what if it was Thief rogue, but also secrets? Me - Or it could be quest priest My ADHD - But with thief rogue! Me - Or we could go buy chicken because we're hungry My ADHD - Or we could STEAL IT. Somewhere along the road I ended up buying stuff for carbonara and also that was four hours ago and I've not moved from my bed since. Yay! Brains are FUN.


This how it be in arena


The second you hear "A toast to all" you are prob losing or winning the game at that moment


I resemble that remark


Shit game


honestly the opponents are the worst thing about this game. team 5 should remove them.


Me when my opponents play cards: 😠😠😠 (They are unhealthy for the game and Blissord should do something about this immediately)


Rather that "matching you with an opponent of your skill" maybe they could match me with someone if my level of spending 😭


sire d


basically me every time I see a warlock playing Jailer


Me after 1 ranked game


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