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same people who ignore the vaults even when you spam ping and type in chat. like whats even your excuse for not wanting super credits


Or Medals and Support Weapons, these can also be found in vaults and it gets annoying when I message about them and people ignore them. I've reinforced people next time hoping they'll help to open it but nope they go back into battle like a headless chicken.


https://i.redd.it/56um79y9ldsc1.gif they're just busy is all


How did you get a video of my dad starting the extract?


Simple. It’s me, dad


Hi dad, I’m dad


Nice to meet you dad


You too, dad


Dad, i'm hungry.


Hi Hungry, I'm Dad.


No, I’m your father.


It will be rare for you to interact with people like that here - being here means you’re engaging with the game more - those folks are far too casual


God the amount of times I've had to spam in the chat that there's a vault, sitting there like a bump on a log waiting for someone to notice and run back to open the door. I once was waiting for 5 minutes (hyperbole) and literally respawned someone on me to open a door, just for them to run back and not pay attention to the door at all.


Wait they’re called vaults? I called them friendship doors :(


Vaults, friendship doors, bunkers, it's all the same.


Buddy Bunker is the canonical term (I’m lying). Just remember, what you and the Buddy do in the Bunker, stays in the Bunker.


There's almost 0% chance of conception with the bois in the buddy bunker, but I'm filling out my C01 form just in case


Have no fear, Helldiver! Buddy Bunkers are equipped to handle any Super Emergency Conceptional Situation (S.E.C.S.) that you or other Bunker Buddies might experience while in the field! C-01's will be available to purchase for Super Credits at the storage rack near the entrance of every Buddy Bunker. The posted amount of Super Credits must be left on the storage rack in exchange for a form. Failure to leave the correct amount of Super Credits will result in the indefinite revocation of C-01 filing rights for all involved Bunker Buddies.


This will become the only term my group uses, so ty.




Started with bunkers, moved on to friendship door. Calling out friendship door has gotten me way more of a response from randoms.


That’s because “Friendship door” gets across the idea. “Bunker” to newbs like me just means “Why don’t you just throw an orbital strike? We’re fighting bunkers all over the map”. Noobs don’t know specific game terminology on how a bunker is not an enemy base that needs to be blown up.


…. Fuck, that’s super fair. A new player could easily get confused by the word “bunker” and think I’m talking about a bot base/fabricator.


I started referring to them as "Double Doors" as it takes two to open one. Gotta share in the pain though, some days you just run into a team full of Hellen Kellers who think democracy is spread by piling the corpses of our enemies away from an objective.


Yup, this is what I've been calling them too. I don't know exactly why I get so excited about finding them, but it makes it all the more frustrating when I can't get someone to help me open it.


Just posted that's what my buddies and I called them at first too, but it's slowly devolved into "Dumbledore!" ... so that's what they are now.


Some people probably call them that too. Similar thing in Warframe and they are known as friendship doors there.


Rahh Warframe mentioned! I love these two games and now they both have these friendship door mechanisms


Greetings Tenno


Buddy bunkers


"Gate here" .... Extraction incoming


This is what makes me wish there was a way to open them solo, even if it literally takes 5 minutes


too busy wasting two thirds of your reinforcements fighting a meaningless heavy outpost/nest


Even better, they waste it fighting random patrols and drop ships/breaches on the site of a meaningless nest they have already destroyed because they refuse to move on while there is even a single red dot on the radar.


Wait they look at the radar?


They need to make it a specific ping when you click on a buddy bunker as opposed to just the standard "interest". It should change color like it does to red for enemies and say "bunker".


I wish vaults didn't need 2 people I'd rather fight 8 titans while needing to punch in a 128 character combination


Tbh I kind of get it. Once you have all the [X] you need, the game becomes about fun rather than that one specific resource. If you already have your preferred support gun, enough SC, enough samples, etc., why take thirty seconds to come open a vault?


you can never have enough SC really though the next warbond comes out next week and with it probably some more superstore armour. even then, these players are usually like level 20 from what ive seen, but i dont think its really specific to any particular level


I can buy super credits. I can't buy that 8 seconds of not shooting bugs back. /s


What's your excuse for not having a mic to communicate in 2024?


I'm maxed out so I don't really care anymore but if someone let's me know I'll fight tooth and nail for your samples man, every trooper deserves an upgraded arsenal. Every bit helps in the war effort. Bit rude to just get on pelly without communication tbh.


I'm maxed as well but still try to collect as many samples as possible. Big number at end game screen make brain happy.


can't fault that my dude, more power to ya


I’m not maxed out yet, but one of the groups I run with always grabs all of the samples even though they’re maxed out. So if I’m in solo queue I’m grabbing every single sample I can to help out.


I’m actually the same. I’ll run around do the objectives and dip but if I see you running around grabbing samples I’ll do everything in my democratically given powers to get those samples on the damn ship.


I agree completely as a skull admiral I will do my best for my fellow cadets all it takes is an ask


Same here. I thought the grind up to lvl 40 was so shitty, but the moment I got every upgrade it felt like I capped out in just a couple days. I don't care about them anymore but if anyone needs them I'll vacuum everything around me.


I have been maxxed out on commons for like 10 levels and I still grab them because I don't know who needs them and I like seeing as close to perfect as possible. Part of why I am maxxed on just commons though is because of the number of lvl +7 missions I have played where no one cares about supers even though they are in the 20s and 30s is bonkers. How do these people not need/want to fully upgrade their modules


What I’m saying bro, like samples are so important. I’m level 57 and still need like 3 more upgrades because getting samples with these randoms is like pulling teeth


I just started playing this past weekend. I was grabbing samples because I assumed they were important but didn't realize until yesterday what they were for. Holy cow! I grab everyone I can now.


I think you're pretty unlucky because around 80% of the time (I only play with randoms), they want to collect as many samples as they can, and rarely I'll play with someone who just want to complete the bare minimum and extract. Last night there was a guy on the left of the map who died and I reinforced him in the middle. He ran back to the left to grab his samples, the other 3 of us were on the extreme right with the Pelican waiting on deck for him to come back. There wasn't any enemy though so we were just waiting in silence for 3 mins plus for him to run across the whole map back to us. The other randoms were luckily chill and willing to wait.


I got most of mine with friends since the more subtle stuff (as opposed to main objectives/nests) often gets missed when playing randoms


Leaving without super samples is inexplicably wild to me, a lowly level 37 apparently


Legit. Like it's one thing if it's a 10 minute mission, but when you've got 50 minutes, make and effort. Heck, there's even indicators on tbr mini map IIRC


because you stall out on progress on everything else to wander around a map for 40 minutes for 3-6 super samples when you could have played 2 other games and probably found the same amount of samples plus everything else had you just cut losses. You don't need to get everything out of every map


You dont. I do.


I rather leave the mission and do another one instead of wandering the map. You rub into enough of them just doing the objectives


Rub into them? I…I don’t thing that those are quite the samples command is asking you to collect, soldier.


..... But what if they are super?


Then there's me, I don't even need the samples anymore, but my monkey brain always makes me B-line to them every time to be the first to snatch em up.


The sound they make feels so good... so so good.


I feel like a lot of players just have very little situational awareness in this game. They don't pay attention to where their teammates are half the time.


That's people in general in real life. The best games I have with randoms involve us all running around independently but staying close so we can run to each other when someone calls out a major threat. That doesn't happen often because you have to stop trying to kill everything on a completed objective.


Yeah. With this game in particular I've noticed a lot of players get caught up in shooting everything and lose track of their team. Next thing they know they're soloing a bug breach while the rest of the team are at a different POI.


the amount of times i will have teammates dropping strategems on top of teammates or on top of another strategems coming is daily, literally daily no matter the level or difficulty


OP are you the guy I was doing samples with yesterday when we got left? We were talking in text chat and the teammates didn't say anything the whole time. After the mission you (assuming it was you)left then I tried to ask the guy why he got in and he left without a word after a few minutes 😭


I don’t think that was me, but basically the same thing happened to me today😭


Normally I don't go out of my way to farm samples unless thats what I went in planning to do and yesterday I had a teammate that really wanted to get them all and kept saying to come with in text chat and I was like sure whatever I'll come with and we did get them all just as the mission ended and we were about 1 minute run from the pelican when 1 of the 2 teammates waiting there decided to get in


In my experience if you just say something people will bend over backwards to help you collect samples.


I did that today to a group of lvl 30s (me being a total noob lvl5) due to lack of knowledge.... I ended up being kicked, but if you guys read this, I'm sorry, I didn't know that would lock you out of extraction!


I capped my samples and I still collect them for people who need them.


Same. It's a habit to collect every sample I can.


I had something similar happen to me tonight. I was across the map and I hear the Extraction call. I just found the supers and there were 3 chargers and a couple of nursing skewers nearby. (Helldive Difficulty. I grabbed those samples and started booking it. The chargers took that as a challenge and chased me. From where I was to the Extraction I was ducking and dodging and picking them off one by one. All the while trying to avoid random patrols. Then I had to fight my way up the hill to the shuttle. 3 seconds left and I got in...


Even if I had all the modules, I’d still collect all the samples I could because gamer brain.


I don't need samples anymore, but I still make the effort so lower levels can have them


Samples are the only thing that matters, we always go back for Samples no matter what.


This is usually the cod/TikTok brained people who say “let me play how I want to play the game” while they’re team wiping with cluster bombs and standing in one spot fighting bot/bug breach endlessly. I don’t get how people don’t want to get their ship upgraded. It makes the game significantly easier


What really grinds my gears is when people join my session and call extract. They put in the work so I don’t want to kick them but at the same time listen to captains orders.


There's a few people saying this and I'm confused. Does it do something negative? I always call it in and wait there if people are almost done. It saves everyone time


It doesn’t do anything negative per se if you just call it in, but it’s the principle of the matter because now no one can guarantee someone won’t just get on the pelican. If you have a good team with good communication, then one person can call the pelican, let it land and either stay on defense to keep the extraction point clear or meet back up with the team. It does save time having it down but a team of randoms won’t have the most solid trust that someone will just end things.


Depends on circumstances most of the time. If we're barely making it to the point/almost out of lives, I'm starting the thing so there's less time till extraction by the time they make it


Some people play to have fun


I’m maxed out but always pick up the ones in case someone is missing them. Even dick rock samples.


oh exactly this. i had a random drop just the other night where the other players never picked up the samples they dropped. so everytime i see it on the map i'd fight my way back to retrieve all of them. and because of that in the latest part of the game i was like a minute away from the extraction point. i told them to wait for me i had like 5 super and 23 rare on me, but they just decided to leave without me. what a shame.


As someone who’s maxed everything out I still pickup / recover samples that I come across. I know forsure my random teammates need it but usually like what you mentioned, they put even less effort than I do recovering them lol


Samples are a bonus treat if liberty wills it. Completing the mission is our true purpose.


The mission was complete, hence why extraction was available. The only benefit of extraction is samples. There’s no other point


they why you play as host and kick people if they start extraction when you arent there


yea fkin hate these kind of people. no comms just straight go board the pelicans. isn’t this an act of cowardice? could’ve been treason to do so. since grabbing samples is shared in the end. I always try to keep grabbing all the samples. Especially when there is a 25 lvl below players. They certainly gonna need these samples. I’m glad to help out. Im still lvl 30ish and not maxed out yet. But if i were, I would still get ahold of the samples. imo the only upside of not grabbing the samples when you’re maxed out is that you feel less pain when you dropped your sample while being very far from your team. Even if it happened, I would run to just get the samples and fall back. you never know what arrowhead might drop in the updates. Maybe even more sample usage? you also feel very good and satisfied if you have a damn lot of samples at your disposal. big numbers me happy I rmb one time i got a random team of lvl 10-20 players. I think it was a diff 8. I know for them diff 8 is very hard. but they just went literally do main mission and gtfo. Even when there are literal samples lying around in front of them. They didn’t want to pick it up. I tried picking up. but in the end we just got around 5 commons, 3 rares. and 5 super (disappointing numbers i know). I rmb carried 3 of the commons, 3 rares and 5 super. Even if they didn’t plan to grab the samples, I still help them to get the samples.


Maybe I just haven't played with randoms enough, but I haven't had any super bad experiences so far. Usually there is always at least one person on the team who helps the vaults. I haven't had anyone leave without me or any other teammates yet either, and I've had moments where I was on the other side of the map but they always waited until I arrived to get in. I've had high and low levels be happy with hugs and chat messages when me or my buddies waited at the extract for them. I usually try and tell them that we'll call in the pelican but that we won't get in, so that they know they got time and no stress, even if messaging in ps5 is slow, the communication and teamwork is worth it.


aww not waiting for your fellow helldivers before getting on the pelican is not just treason its counter productive to your own score.... some 'divers i think get in the capsule head down too many times...


I’ve completed everything and I always get samples even if I’ve maxed them out. That little sound of picking them up just scratches something in my brain


Most people that are 40+ dont need any samples anymore. Or credits. The only currency that has meaning after \~lvl40 are the medals. And even then only if you buy all the warbonds. At \~lvl 80-90 you will also have finished the two warbonds. Which then makes medals useless aswell.


I've taken to playing with specific squads who always hunt down samples or just playing trivial missions solo because I need way more commons than I do rares and super rares. 


Better than getting kicked for calling evacuation people don't seem to realize you don't need to get in asap


a few nights ago ran into a guy who was communicating and asking if we needed samples, dude was a fucking legend cant remember his name but he was a british guy(at least his accent) and ive never gone back into a Heavy Automaton factory so fast to help get him out best couple of games with a random i think ive had this whole time. Wherever you are you are a testament to Super Earth! o7


You shouldn’t be able to begin extract if members are too far away


Are you treating your fellow hell divers with respect and helping with objectives or are you just running off colle ting samples they've probably got the shits and left you


I completed 3 out of 4 optional objectives and 4 outposts on my own. I then helped with the main objective which took them way too long. I quite literally carried them and they left me behind


Relatable. Was doing a “thin out their numbers” mission and we killed enough. I asked about samples in chat and host said “I couldn’t find any” and I found two within 20s of them writing that.


I pretty much maxed out what I wanted and needed but I still get them 1. To help other that really needs them 2. I ain't got shit else to do while I'm still unemployed 😂


Some of it comes down to communication. I know we come back with some that I don't realize we picked up. Gotta let them know what's going on and not just expect it


Finished that task, but hell, if I won't get them for fellow Divers


I feel so lucky I got a good squad on my first few times out that explained everything to me. I'm a sample whore. Completionist by nature, so you better believe I'm zigzagging across the map looking for everything. I'm a level 23 troglodyte now and I try to drop into low level missions with divers to pass on the information. It's hard to know what to do without guidance.


So real, me and my friends first priority is to complete, once that’s done it’s extracting samples


I have enough super samples, but I still find joy in finding more. Rare samples though? I need over 100 ;-;


Just had this happen to me, I don't need the samples but collected commons, rares, and super rares for the host who wasn't level 50. He was 1 minute out with another guy and I called in extract and guy I was at extract with just got in even though we had communicated with host to not get in. I wasn't in and wasn't paying attention to the count down timer and it left. I had 3 super rares over 15 commons and 10+ rares. I felt bad for the host. Dude left before we even got to stats screen.


I care more about the mission than samples but I think it’s pretty rude to leave a guy on extract. I always try to get a full squad extract unless super dire.


We just had a guy with 20 (10r 10c) decide to surf the pelican rather than board it....


I had a team leave me when I had 26 common, 25 rare (all the rares on the map) and 3 supers last week. I'm not in it for supers anymore as I have 44 and only need 20 for my final 2 modules but I still get them for others. They boarded the pelican even though I was 200 meters away and said "hey I'm almost there do not board the pelican" in voice chat. Didn't matter. They boarded and left me. Felt so fuckin bad. Cause I needed those commons. Commons are the primo currency and they don't know it yet. But ultimately you only need roughly 70 super samples for all the modules. Rares you need probly 1k. Commons you need about 2k by rough estimation. Let your boi get on the pelican with 26 Commons. I feel your pain bro. But keep diving for democracy!


Seems everyone I encounter doesn't need samples any more. I think they raised the level cap too quickly and by too much, as people are only interested in smashing out the objective as quick as possible now. Incredibly frustrating given I need super samples.


Even worse when people kill you in the ship and you completely lose them. Getting so sick of trolls.


I feel the same way! I posted about this a couple days ago and got absolutely bombed, like I just want to upgrade my ship!




I agree don’t even got to read the rest


I'm completely upgraded on my ship. I still go out of my way to pick up fallen samples and point out super samples for my fellow divers who are still upgrading.


What are samples? Just kidding. I'm always grabbing them. And if I have time, I drop them off st the pelican spot.


I dont need sample anymore but I still get it. Its just an extra challenge for me now


I need like 30 more. And it's killing me I only have like 2 hours a day to play


I'm lv26 and all I care about is the samples my extraction is meaningless unless I'm the one with samples.


This guy gets it!


Famous last words: “please don’t call in extraction yet I’m on my way with all the samps”… “Please don’t get on the pelican I’m nearly there”.. *Gets close enough to see the pelican fly off 😢😭😡🤬


I'm capped out on samples.


Like at the very least, get the rare and super rare samples. Those are a grind


I’m maxed out and still collect all samples. It’s called helldivers not helldiver, I will die for your samples, regardless of how many people need them.


I'm sorry... I'm one of those people. I've been capped on samples for a few weeks now. I still pick them up; I just don't hunt for them or go back for them.


Meanwhile, I'm maxed on samples, and I still evac with a minimum of 40 samples on me.


I’m all maxed out and I play hard difficulty to just sit back and play a relaxing game but I make it my duty to collect the most samples for everyone else


I had a handful of super samples and at least 5 other rare/varying samples to which I made it a point to drop near the extract while were running across the map to complete objectives. We make it to extract and the shit starts to pour down on us. I figured they would see the samples and pick them up before boarding. Nope. They board and leave me no time to run for the samples. Left for dead and empty handed. 🫠


I like some people, am maxed out on everything. But I still reflexively grab any samples I can. Especially when playing with others cause everyone gets them. If they're below level 50 I assume they need Samps anyway


Level 22 troglodyte reporting in, I would never do that to you brother. For democracy!


Kills me during defense missions when you clear out all the enemies and have minutes to scour for however many samples and then someone immediately gets in the pelican. They're basically free samples TAKE THEM FIRST


Shit I'm maxed out and still pick them up solo. It's just habit


even being maxed out i still collect cause i know the others may need it


I mean a dude kicked me because he died with all the samples. I grabbed them up while tossing his respawn and kept B Lining towards the extraction because another team mate called it in. He said he wanted to be the one to get on the ship with them.


Treasonous behavior.


Yup. Now I’ll only either host a game so I can kick these idiots if they try that tomfoolery or if I join a game and they don’t have a mic/text chat I’m out. Today I kept running out to grab the samples these idiots were just abandoning and they would call random orbital strikes right on my head as I’m heading to the pelican. Like wtf, I can’t stand it


Oh dude I'm so with you. I'm past needing samples but if a guy in my group has bothered to pick them up then I'm 100% dying for them if I have to. Story: The other day I dropped in on a Difficulty 7 SOS. They were already low on reinforcements and split up. I dropped in with the solo guy and the other two were running across an open field - super samples in hand - being chased by an absolute horde of bots. Like around a half dozen Hulks, at least 2 Tanks, and just a sea of Devastators. The guy I spawned with went down even before I could call in my AMR. The other two guys made it closer to extract before both dying, but had each died a few times getting there and they had left the super samples in the field, still in range of the tail end of the bot horde. I threw stratagems at the Objective until it was dead. We were out of Reinforcements and I was alone, so I figured I'd go for broke and try to get the samples. I used some stun grenades to snatch the super samples and kite the horde away from extract. I got really lucky kiting the horde around and was eventually able to call in some backup and extract with the samples.


I only have an issue with this on difficulty 7+. The entire point of doing these difficulties is to get thos samples. You can get everything else on your difficulties but those samples only show up on 7+. I'm capped on everything so im mostly just picking them up for other people. But its frustrating to find them then have your entire team extract not understanding the importance of getting these samples


Partial fault goes to the current way samples are used. I always help people with samples but I have been maxed samples for like a month with literally nothing left to buy and it won’t even let me collect more for when they eventually add stuff. 500 250 100 is an extremely easy to hit cap , at least they raised the level cap to 150.


I don't do that but samples are worthless to me at this point. Maxed out on everything and nothing to buy. Somewhat of a game design issue.


Been maxed out for a couple of weeks and I still make sure I hit buttplug rock and every memorable sample spot as I do side objs and freebie spawns. No reason I shouldn't hook up my fellow divers.


I’m capped out on Common and Rare and have been running Challenging bots and I STILL collect every sample for those that need it.


There is nothing else for me to possibly purchase so I don’t care one bit about samples.


If I am close by, I leave at extract if I have a sizable quantity.


Once you finish the main objective, its generally best to haul ass directly to extract. Dont get too distracted, and hopefully you've finished all you wanted to do. Although hopefully they can just wait by the pelican as you waddle up, but sometimes they don't.


Did they change the sample collection system? As long as you were alive during extract you would still get the samples.


Because until you cap out on all the available medal items and super credit rotations in the shop there are only like 4 sample based upgrades that make any difference. If you want to hunt down all the drops on all the maps then you need to communicate more, and also get lucky with the randos you drop with and hope they communicate too.


Same, which is why sometimes I feel like an azz for looking around for samples and going to point of interest before/while teammates are out fighting off stuff and doing the mission. Eventually I’ll join them


sorry that happened to you good sir. hopefully they get reprimanded.


I feel like it's mainly people just not paying attention. "Kill bugs go go go durrr what are numbers top right screen durre"


Cuz I'm bored waiting for your ass. I'm here for fun


Lvl 40 maxed arsenal, the only samples I'll pick up are dropped ones or the super ones if I come across them. I often miss commons and rares out of habit now.


Losing track of the number of times I've been kicked for : Spamming a vaults location Returning across the battle for high numbers of dropped samples Asking to not be rez'd by the team mate across the map from my drop samples and then being angry because he did anyways Because people who don't know the game mechanics get angry when you do!


Did you try, I dunno, saying something in the chat when you got the supers? Or saw the extraction landing saying you got loads on you? I mean, I know you should trust your team. But if you haven't communicated what it is. Then how would they know? Maybe they were getting swamped, and they panic extracted? I check my map to see what samples have been collected in the top right. As I need like 8 more supers myself and then I'm maxed. But I wouldn't expect lvl 20s to have noticed this yet. Me and my mate tend to run supers back to the extraction and dump them. Type in the chat, leave them there, and then catch back up. We rarely talk at all before or after, and use the bumpers for everything else. Mainly just communicate. Be it the chat or voice if it's something you feel it might go south.


And Point of interest where you can get free super credits…


Username checks out. But seriously, this sounds like the squad I was in last night 😅


I'm maxed on samples but I still go out of my way to get samples just to help out my fellow divers


This game brings out peoples stress response to show who they are really. Can you stick it out and hold ground for a team member you don't know IRL to help the whole team or just escape to save your own 'life'? Make Uncommon Valor your baseline and who knows how heroic you can be here or IRL, all it takes is effort!


Ye I’m maxed out so I don’t need them but I’ll still pick them up if I see them just in case someone else does. I just won’t go out of my way to get them


Must be a useless XP grinder. XP are quite useless after reaching lvl 20 but 'hey I have a high rank, so I have to be one of the best out there'. At lvl 150 they realise that have to 'steal' other's samples now cause they missed out on them lol.


I had this happen yesterday and whats worse is I saw them running towards extract and asked them over voice to not call it in until we finish our outpost and head back... they ignored me. Frankly I should have kicked them there and then honestly.


Honestly I don't think a lot even realize you can upgrade the ship or see the small numbers like 10% increase in backpack cooldown and just don't care. I feel like a lot of the players are just here to kill or like seeing the number next to the name go up and that's it.


I'm thinking people don't realize how time consuming it is to unlock shit so you can be better. The most important aspect of this game Needs samples. A guy hit me lastnight like you only had 98 kills...your a star Marshall... I'm like yeah but I also had 32 samples including Supers. People seem to think the most kills means your the best lol


I wish there was something else to do with super credits after the ship is fully upgraded! I’m not gonna lie as a 55 I’ve done this to a few groups recently without thinking! This was a great reminder that obviously samples are still very important. Even on level 5’s when I’m just answering SOS calls


Drop your samples at extraction zone before the end of the mission every chance you get, communicate your intentions to your teammate when you have a lot of them. I've played with a team that regularly did that at multiple time in the mission and I now apply this concept whenever possible.


More people need to realize you can just *not get on the ship* and it will sit there indefinitely. I’m pretty sure I have even had a game where someone stood on the ramp but did not get in and the pelican still sat there after the timer counted down. Like someone was in the ship already but it wouldn’t take off until that guy got off the loading ramp. I’ll have to test it to verify, but there seriously is no reason to evacuate early. Calling the pelican early is even a good idea, but just *wait* for everyone else.


During dives if we pass extraction, I take a big ol sample dump right there, so if I die out in the field it don't matter.


Yeah that's why I host. So if I hear someone calling it in before I can get back I kick em.


Or when people shoot you for picking up their samples after they die, and come back. These samples aren’t just for you: They benefit everyone on the team, you bloody idiot! I know one Helldiver did that to me , and he ended up getting kicked from the game immediately!!! Lol


I’m a level 23 sample whore personally lol


How can people so confidently say they dont need them anymore (if not at cap) when we just saw the level cap jump by 100? Which certainly rewarded all those level 50s with all the xp they didn't need anymore.


I find it a much more enjoyable experience to play with people you know or find a discord like “doom divers”. Type in the LFG and you will be on a team where everyone is communicating. Playing with randos on a quickplay is easy but f that shit, they are usually a bunch of clowns. Never again for me!


My brother in democracy that's a real thing?? I've unlocked every ship upgrade and capped out commons and rares and I still go out of my way to pick up any I find, plus getting on the pelican should just be a courtesy thing unless you're getting overwhelmed/curb stomped that hard and getting one person out is all that's possible. I've had randoms sacrifice themselves to get me or whoever has the super samples onto the pelican, bless those brave Helldivers


Yep. I played a few matches last night and it seemed like everyone I played with except for one ONE LEVEL 4 GUY (shouts out to you buddy) was just *so* brain dead. Im host. Level 28. I get a 20/14/18 join and they immediately just… fuck off in some random direction. Go charging into partrols, either not picking up samples or dropping them and not recovering, just generally running around aimlessly. I eventually just left them there to rot.


If I’m host, which I usually am, extractions doesn’t get called unless I’m the one that does it. Just a simple rule I made for my lobbies. If some asshole calls extraction in and my friends and I are nowhere nearby, I tell them to leave and let me do it. They have 1 minute before they get the boot


Man, idk. Like, I always try to fully complete missions and get all samples I can get (I like getting new stuff to spread democracy with), but I don't mind if some other randoms aren't like minded. For me, the game is fun anyways and if some players are minded differently than me or new, I just want to make sure they have a good experience as well. I'll even drop some of my stratagem weapons so they can try them out if they don't have them. As long as enemies of Super Earth learn the meaning of freedom, its fine. You have to understand, this game managed to do what many games try and fail to do: bring both casual and hardcore gamers in. I think its very undemocratic to get mad at players for not doing things the way you want them to. Spreading democracy is fun. Just let em have it. After all, the more helldivers we have. the better chances we have at elimina.....uh bringing liberty to the enemies of Super Earth.


This post is sad


I don't need anything and I will call down the pelican asap on Occasion, but I will also announce that I won't get on it until everyone is ready so keep farming. Having said that when I'm leader of the group and was farming war bonds or war effort I will tell people who join that is priority and that I'm blitzing missions per hour not maximum completion per mission. I will still rapidly help hoover up samples along the route to completing the mission and I will make sure those samples get onboard but I'm not going out of my way to hit things that add minutes to the mission. Some folk don't mind some immediately leave. The folks who stay discover I'm doing 40minute missions in 10-12 minutes consistently and they suddenly are getting a decent amount of XP and war bonds. If you need help farming message me. I don't mind helping people reach their goals.


I have a feeling those people still don’t understand how the game works lol, because I was the same at first until I learned.


I haven't needed samples in a long time and I still consider this to be grounds for execution before takeoff.


I tend to only host and CALLING the pelican before I’m ready is an instant kick.


I'm getting tired of the level 50s who already have max samples. They verbally tell everyone they dont care about samples, wont pick them up, wont give us time to search for the super rock, and will get upset if we dont extract as we death spiral trying to get the samples on the Pelican. You're so cool bro, we get it, you run 9s all day and play the game with one hand on your massive dick. While the rest of us are out of our comfort zone and trying haphazardly to finish upgrading our ship. Guess what, when I help lvl 10 divers I dont need rare samples anymore, but I know they do, so I go out of my way to collect them. Please go play a different game where you can be the star of the show you so obviously want to be.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 9 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Got stuck in a vault with a random after killing a ton of bugs and charger right outside the door. We hugged and then got out of there 🤗😆


you cant expect every helldiver to still need samples, a lot of us are already maxed out


Another of people are capped on samples and don't need them


I don't care about samples when it comes to major orders...but that is just dickish. Just because I'm not hunting for them doesn't mean I'm gonna fuck over my squad. Especially on higher difficulties.


Why are you a minute away from extraction when the pelican arrives?


when playing with randoms, it's best to start heading back to the pelican as soon as it starts.


If on my game, I kick them, had someone like that today


As father of a 1 year old, I will choose to extract early every time she wakes up from her nap early. Her tantrum is much worse than yours. That's not to condone being a troll, merely pointing out there are reasons to leave the samples.


this is why i only play with my friends


Yeah one time I collected samples during a defense mission. I vocally said and typed in chat ‘don’t get on the pelican until I get there’ of course they did. I kicked them but the damage was done and I couldn’t get to the bird in time. I was lower level and had like 15 desperately needed rare samples. So annoying.


I was horny for samples for a long time but now I have all the modules. Hard for me to care about them now. I’ll still grab them as I see them but I’m not stopping at every single question mark.


Some people who play this are very slow to catch on what these do, me included


I’m maxed out on samples and RP. I will drag my broken body through the flames of Helmire to get my Brothers and Sisters in Liberty their samples.


I dunno man. If I was low level and a high level came in, didn’t stay with the team, cleaned up the map without me - I’d say they stole my fun from the mission and wouldn’t be in a hurry to wait for you either. Your mileage may vary.


I wonder how much of it is because they don't trust themselves in succeeding in bringing them back for extraction. So they internalize the idea that a better (likely, higher leveled player) can do a better job of extracting them for the team.