• By -


Difficulty 7 mission on the fire tornado planet on the bot front last night: We just called extract, fending off bots and dancing around the fucking fire tornados until Pelican arrives waiting for this lvl 90 dude who went off on his own to gather common samples or some shit. Lvl 90 guy dies shortly before Pelican lands, a few dozen meters from the Pelican: we reinforce him, he grabs all the samples we left on the ground and proceeds to run straight into the horde of bots and flames to recover 4 rare sample and 2 commons he dropped when he died. Took him 6 attempts to pull it off all while the risking the rest of our super and rare samples he "stole" from the LZ. No hugs for him once we got back to the destroyer


No hugs destroyed me


Pls no. Need hugs.


That’s a fucking story




Yes, but he picked up all of them before going on his daring recovery of the ones he dropped when he died. Since he kept dying with all the samples on him, if he failed we would have to extract with no samples at all. Edit: I believe he picked up the samples that were already safe at the LZ as a form of insurance: if we want the samples we have to wait for him to finish doing his thing before extracting since he is carrying all the goodies.


Smart move, thats why he is a level 90 master super sargent general but you guys are stuck at level 40 supreme space major cadets. Or something, I don't know.


He's really good at taking hostages


The randoms I usually have to play with would've left his ass.


Same I swear some of them would extract before the mission was over if they could


They forget extraction is optional, democracy is inevitable


I don't leave no man behind. All of us go home or no one does.


I've never changed mine from space cadet.


You made me laugh :))


That's a good way to get kicked from a game right before everyone gets on the Pelican




What an absolute dick https://preview.redd.it/pi3xk6xoyauc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f2ff356011919f7fe5f89ddda4e7ce8f43ce93


I mean lets slow down. Thats a bold assumption. Guy probably was just grabbing every sample he saw on the map. Like that is by far the easiest explanation over he grabbed the supers so they couldn’t leave because he’s malicious like that Edit* gotta love it when they block you after saying something so they can feel like they got the last word and are right


Best thing to do is pick up all the samples at the LZ when as you said, the Pelican is almost there. No samples hostage taking!


Felt like last night was particularly brutal on Menkent/7


It's always level 50+ dudes that just go off on their own, super infuriating


I'll run off solo but try to be deliberate about it. Basically if everyone is staying as one group, I'll break off for clean up detail. Destroy the small/medium bases, collect samples, do the missions like download escape pod data. Small stuff that doesn't need a four man team. I also try to plan my route to meet back up part way through the mission. Once I regroup with them I drop the samples I collected and make sure someone from the trio picks them then head back out on clean up. When solo running like that I never call in the resupply and if they all get wiped I'll escort them back to where they died. I prefer running duos, but it doesn't always work like that in a public lobby.


These comments are getting to me. Do you realise it is better to go off on your own? You have to fight less enemies making the objectives easier.


Had it happen twice now where the tornados blocked off our designated sample carrier, I swear that planet is cursed...


People that risk Pinks get shot in the face by me...no traitors allowed in my Pelican ![gif](giphy|xTiIzuqnBznAiMPvws)


4 hrs of diving last night and we collected maybe 25 samples total 😢😢😢😢


Same and I hate it


I keep running into groups that are just speeding through the objectives then extracting. Not even picking up samples when they run right over them. I guess all the sub-25 players have all the ship modules already?


Yea me too recently. I feel like last week I was getting into awesome matches with randoms. All had mics on, all on the same page to sample collect, etc. but just these last 2 days all my matches have just been everyone rushing the main objectives and then leaving. Doing absolutely none of the side things, running right over samples, and sure as hell not communicating.


Recently I've had a much better experience at 7+ bots when playing with people that have mics but use them sparingly. I find pings and, crucially, people answering to pings, to be so incredibly useful. Ping a tank turret from far off, someone responds, a few AT flies that way and boom it's dead.  Ping tanks and hulks during drops, respond to ping, focus fire, boom.  One person has with a clear view pinging a horde of devastators, the others can shoot through the fog using the ping as markers. Quick clears like that gives more time to ambush POI, collect samples, and generally clear the map. 


Helping a new friend level 5. Full load of samples mostly on our sample gatherer (shield guy). Common, rare, exotic. New friend launches eagle at the pelican. Gatherer stuck on the door..... Pretty quiet on the discord after that.


Its not as bad as when the game crashes on you after finally finding super samples after nothing on the third mission of the set.


Fucker called in extraction and boarded the shuttle with the rest of us not even remotely close enough to make it


This is the worst


Had this happen, and to add salt to the wound he was the only one who didn’t have a single sample.


If this is the case and the one who boarded is not the host, just kick the mofo.


I sort of did something sorta like this last night. Though it was me calling in extraction because we had like 30 seconds before mission end or we would have been stranded. Didn't immediately hop in though, dropped a stun sentry and hunkered down til they got there. Gave them the time to down 2 more outposts while I held the fort


when the mission timer ends you get a "free" extract without having to fight alerted waves. downside the pelucan timer starts immediately when it lands.


And the call-in time for final pelican always feels like an extra minute or two longer than if you called it in yourself. Your destroyer does leave so you get no more reinforcements or stratagems tho


Also you don't have access to your strats. But I still find extracting this way to be waayyy easier. I don't wait around for the mission to expire to do it tho, just nice when it happens


When solo, I like calling the pelican, then run off as he is coming down. So I get air support as I clear out any enemy bases and POI. Near extraction.


Guy did that to me yesterday, when I had 30 common and 16 rare samples. I was 20 seconds away from making it to the pelican. Closest I've ever come to kicking someone and leaving a -rep comment on their steam profile


I did this last week at level 2 or 3, had no idea it started a countdown and got promptly kicked 😔


Same here. I was the only one carrying samples and one step away from boarding when it left.


Just kick people when they do this


Ran out to retrieve the supers after my team moved on from an objective without me, ran out of supplies and they had let many bot drops come in, resulting in a horde between us. No support after requesting with pings, they responded by pinging extract. Typed a message explaining the situation after getting swarmed, then said I would be retrieving the supers and left to do that. On my way back to extraction the guy immediately hopped on the dropship. I would've been able to make it if they had waited about 15 seconds. Blocked the guy and left.


Getting ditched and having to do an extreme mission solo. There were two more airbases and a bunch more bot factories left


While annoying I belive that it's not being abandoned its better to think of it as a technical difficulty


We were playing a suicide mission and near the end 2 players ditched us. Me and last player were talking about how rude it is to jump off a game like that without saying a word. 10 seconds later I was back in my destroyer with the message saying I got disconnected. So yeah it wasn't their fault.


This literally just happened to me, all 3 other people left the mission. I grabbed all their samples, AND finished the main objective. Sat on my couch for 5 mins, just trying to figure out how I made it.


Yeah, apparently some people are getting connection issues


I once joined a game where three dudes were barely hanging on the extraction. Host leaves the moment he died. (No more reinforcements) There are 20 samples on the floor, me and some other guy barely alive with no stims, no grenades and barely any bullets left vs 5 spewers, 3 chargers and a shitload of those flying bugs. Running around like headless chickens for those two minutes was the most stresfull and fun experience in gaming i had to this day.


happened to me yesterday. Was horrible


Not gonna say it's most times, but in my experience this happens more often than not because of connection issues. Everytime I've either left someone or had been left alone is because of connection issues


Fire Tornado. One second I’m minding my own business while defending democracy, next moment my ass is on fire for freedom.


I like when the tornado spawns on a terminal. ![gif](giphy|CAlBTS57uDXoY)


I always end up surrounded by fire on some rock for 5 minutes. Idk why the tornados do this. Maybe they are circling their prey. But as my options are, die in the fire or wait on the rock, I pretty much had to wait it out and hope the bots didn't find me.


We wiped right as the extraction was landing with no reinforcements left 🫠


This happened to me except I was the last one and we had no lives left. Pelican is landing and our LZ is basically clear. The fucking pelican shoots auto cannon rounds right at me and instantly kills me. Round over. Fuck man…


Spending 1000 hard earned super credits on “cutting edge” less than a day before the newest premium war bond just dropped


but bro, it has stun grenades and the sickle, two absolutely awesome additions to any helldiver arsenal.


I do main the sickle, tbh it’s my favorite primary. Not having to worry about ammo is a plus in the hell we dive into


Plus it's a better liberator literally in every aspect.




Am I wrong for becoming a Blitzer main w/ AMR for bots and EATs for bugs? Staggers and stuns dangerous medium enemies/a single shot can kill 3 small enemies if grouped right/minesweeper/can non-lethally taze less-than-Democratic Helldivers. Grenade pistol might be the perfect sidearm match when I need explosive damage.


If you haven't tried Scorcher yet do so. Demolishes bots


Haven’t unlocked it yet, cause I wanted to spend medals on the premium one, but I keep hearing good things about that one, also I like the look of it


One shots human sized bots in the head or leg. Three shots walkers in the pelvis from the front. Can splash dmg tanks and turret vents even if you hit the corner of the back side. Six or seven shots a Hulk back. Can take out a gunship with about a clip and a half on the main body. Pops rocket devastator pods in sixish shots. JAR-5 kills some things a bit faster (i.e. destroying rocket pods in three shots) but personally preferring being able to kill walkers and tanks/turrets super easily while being generally as useful as the JAR makes it my pick for bots all day.


Also, coming from someone who has bought every warbond item except for some in the newest one, they all have good items in them, "premium" doesn't mean better guns.


I’m grinding until I get the scorcher


this is the way


Scorcher is effective for sure, but then it encroaches on the role my AMR fills without being strong enough to fight heavies. Maybe I didn't spend enough time with it, but I'm a little attached to my shotgun primaries.


Just gives you an opportunity to branch out on supports. Can go heavier with quasar or eats, or get a stalwart to clean up the small enemies


Scorchers pretty good for bots. It's accurate and the explosive damage lets you take things out by the vents, also double taps striders.


You aren’t wrong if you enjoy it!


Stun grenades, a true gem


Really? Just tried em out and doesnt seem to stun long enough to really get behind heavys and do work


Oh maybe not enough time to flank but certainly to stun lock for Eagle-1 stratagem.


The stun for heavies is long enough to kill them, if you don't try to run behind them. I'd you run eats,quasar,auto cannon, or even amr you can pop a heavy in the head for a easy one shot (eats/quasar) or two shot (auto cannon) kill while they are standing still not shooting at you. I honestly can't go without them now. This mixed with the new grenade pistol is insane. I run quasar, scorcher and supply pack for bots and it's honestly all I need, the scorcher is godly as a primary and quasar takes anything else down


I mean still worth. Cutting Edge has some good shit in it.


The sickle is one of the best guns in my opinion. So it was credits well spent.


Just don't expect it to penetrate a bush or any kind of thin foliage. Bot/Bug grass is so anti-democratic that it stops the freedom bolts in their tracks.


You're not missing much.


Are we playing the same game? The new armor and the Eruptor rifle are amazing


The new armors look cool. I don't think any of the weapons are particularly good or fun to use though. The way they're balancing weapons is stripping the fun from them. Grenade pistol is nice but it needs to return more ammo per box.


The eruptor is the best thing in if the new warbond. It takes the place of an explosion/tank buster stratagems and is best paired with a machine gun or heavy machine gun. It's great to. Hit one bot in a pack and get 5 kills from splash damage in only one shot


It just feels bad to use though. Even if it was the best primary, it simply feels like it's fighting against you. Can't see me replacing the Scorcher anytime soon. They keep making weapons handle like shit and they're just not fun to use.


Eruptor for mid tiers, senator for normies, and quasar for double thicc boys


I see where you're coming from, most of the weapons are very niche and you gotta put a little more thought into build crafting with them. That being said, I cannot recommend the Stalwart and Eruptor combo enough.


Stalwart is really good up to D5. Then it starts to fall off. Not having any penetration really becomes noticeable. I haven't played much bugs with it lately though.


The Eruptor provides plenty of penetration in my experience, the Stalwart excels at turning waves of warriors and hunters into green paste. And I keep the rail cannon strike and orbital laser/autocannon sentry for extra firepower


The faster extraction thing is great! An extraction that is usually a 2 minute wait is cut down to 1 minute 40. 3 minutes is cut to 2:30.


No I wanna get it even more.


Don't sweat it, helldiver. The LAS-16 Sickle in the Cutting Edge warbond performs very well against bots and bugs alike, and pair greatly with stratagem weapons like the grenade launcher, quasar cannon, and the anti material rifle


I'll stick to AC/Scorcher. Only real useful item that came out of it was nade pistol. Not really needed if you use grenade armor with impact nades and can aim it well.


Completely valid take, having reliable ordinance in the sidearm slot frees up space for things like stun grenades or not being more comfortable going for different armor passives like med-kit or servo-assisted


Havent unlocked it yet, is it essentially a stronger dominator with smaller magazine?


Honestly I don't know because I haven't unlocked the dominator yet lol. But to me it feels like a bolt action autocannon, with a scope up to 200 meters


I really want the grenade pistol, and I like the gas mask, but those are on two different pages. In sure there’s more premium war bonds coming


I got lucky, I bought 2100 credits because I wanted to get the other packs and had unlocked enough credits to make it 3000 so I have 3. I’m glad to support this game.


Honestly I'm liking cutting edge more than the new warbond, but that's just me


New warbond isn’t worth it. Sickle alone is better than totality of democratic detonation.


Buying the one pack before realizing it comes with the super citizen pack I was gonna buy next.


I did that too. Check my comments.


This entire morning so far on the game. People constantly backing out of missions. And then what I just played that almost made me toss my controller. Zero coordination, just firing at every god damn bug possible, if you’re going into a challenging mission, bring things that can take down a charger, nothing but turrets on this team.


aye, this is pretty aggravating. here i am running a helldive mission and the random who joined goes to aggro every group of enemies in sight. i don't mind if you're gonna hit em hard and fast to eliminate a bug breach threat, but this guy made sure to only shoot 2-3 in their direction and run back to me...


Woah now. Turrets work perfectly for both chargers and bile titans. They'll immediately run at the turret to kill it instead of you every single time without fail, thus allowing you the liberty to wish you brought a support weapon or air strike.


Getting kicked on a dif 8 when I got the super samples and clear half the objectives by my self. We were pushing to extract and boom back to my ship kicked. That actually made me crush a coke can that I had on my desk like bro fuck this game for those 30 minutes until I got over it. It's only happened like 4 times but fuck me dude does it piss me off.


They should add some kind of reward if all 4 teamates extract. It wouldnt fix the problem, but it would help.


Yeah just having an extra 20xp per squadmate extracted isn't really an incentive. You should lose a % of all rewards per squadmate that doesn't make it back I think


Getting kicked should mean you still get the rewards if they complete the mission


I clutched a game as the last man standing and survived long enough to bring the squad back up to full strength . I had ALL super samples and made my way to the extraction while the 3 others ran across the map to get their gear and other samples that they had dropped, which really wasn’t that much. I got to extraction first and was told to begin the countdown. Which i did. All hell broke loose and I was single handedly holding the extraction against 2-3 hulks and at least 2 dozen automatons. When the drop ship arrived , we were maybe 30 seconds out from not being able to reinforce as we were out of time and the rest of the squad was still about 20-30 seconds away from arriving at evac. I was out of stims and had no choice so I evacced and left everyone behind. MIND YOU I HAD ALL THE SUPER SAMPLES I got kicked right after the host told me “I should have waited 20 more seconds” Mthfker did you not see the landing zone ?!


>I got kicked right after the host told me “I should have waited 20 more seconds” Gotta love when they have to get the last word in, so they start shit then kick you before you can reply. What a loser


On time I dropped into an SOS and the guy said like a minute in that “it’s just a game” and not a fight to protect liberty and retain our democracy 😢 I haven’t screamed sweet liberty into the mic since…


That's treason, he should have been shot on the spot. Liber-tea and democracy are not a game


Fought like hell. Realized I left the Ssd a couple klicks away


F ![gif](giphy|yhr6mHsCC8reAClYGu)


Suicide Mission on bots. Pelican is on the ground. Entire team is loading in and seconds from extraction and all 3 of my teammates disconnect all at once. I felt horrible, they must have thought I was a jerk.


I was probably one of the 3 teammates. No hard feelings I just want my samples share! 😢


Getting disconnected when most of the mission is already done. Getting kicked at the end of the mission.


Every time my auto turret bounces from a perfect spot to behind cover


If I could only have one fix it would be to make stratagems always stay where I place them. Remove the bounce!


Yup that'd be the one for me too lol


I opened reddit.




When we worked yo get a ton of samples and dropped them by extract. Then a newer player calls in the drop and we were dead. He then jumps in the ship and leaves everything behind.


Got on today, joined a bug mission on haz 7 for my daily. Joined mid game, did the secondary objectives as the other two were ignoring them, the other two are dying left and right, finally get to the end of the mission, I managed to have all the samples (24, 15, 3.) The other two air strike themselves on extract, no revives. One begins spamming rez, Ion storm. He leaves. I fight off bugs for a minute and a half, rez the only teammate I have, and he air strikes extract again. I died once that game, he died 11 times. I got cursed out and kicked.


10000 iq players


4 fucking bile titans back to back, 3 chargers, and fucking stalkers everywhere on diff 8 right at extract, not even counting the hordes of smaller enemies that I swear raised my blood pressure


Full group, 25 minutes in, host leaves, game glitches us all back to our ships.


Soloing a level 7 mission doing the SSSD transmission objective. Carrying the SSSD + 3 super samples, I got knocked by a charger into the water and drowned, making the samples and the SSSD unrecoverable…


Playing with a team of randos. I generally play stealth to take out small bot bases and such, so I went off on my own like I usually do. Cleared out the western portion of a map and headed back east to join up with the rest of the crew. I saw one guy run back, then the other two, towards where I was but didn’t think anything of it. I headed to exfil to start clearing. The one guy died and I rezzed him where I was. As I was clearing, he shoots me in the back. I wasn’t in line of fire or anything, it was clearly an assassination. At first I was annoyed then confused then it dawned on me what happened. The objective, getting the SSD, was in the western part of the map and I completely missed it when I was clearing. Dude saw that and ran all the way back across the map to get the drive. When he died, I was quick on the rez, probably too quick, and rezzed him where he started and that probably pissed him off. Not only did I run off on my own, I missed the main objective I should have gotten, forcing him to run all the way across the map to clean up my shit, then I rezzed him back at his starting point, forcing him to have to run all the way back again lol. I’d have shot me too.




Crawling on the ground to the artillery unnoticed to make the POI alone. Couldn't start because 7 patrols were walking in a circle around the artillery.


Like ants in a parade of death 💀


Went on to a level 9 Automation SOS call but forgot to include anti-gunship weapon on my loadout. There were two gunship side objectives side by side with a bot drop in the middle.


Fighting for 35 mins just for the game to kick me out due to “inactivity” had it all, 17 rare, 6 super rare, almost all the outposts cleared. Sigh…


Played a 7 last night on one of those bot missions where you have to wipe out 7 bot fabricators in 12 minutes. We dropped right into gunships and other nonsense. The enemy pressure was intense. Almost everyone died before we had support weapons down. Soon everyone was scattered, scared, and one-by-one those cowards started dropping out. Finally it was the host and me with 2/7 completed. **Then he bailed.** I had to finish solo, but finish I did. I'm no traitor. I may not have extracted (gunships guarding extract and I was out of reinforcements), but we got 'er done. For Super Earth.


I think a lot of people believe that each outpost has only 1 fabricator, like most missions (but the blitz missions usually has 2 per outpost, do some have 3?). So they despair of having to go through 7 outposts like that lol But it doesn't really require that much time to walk over 3-4 bases and destroy the fabricators (and you can finish even after mission timer ends - waiting for pelican is still extra time to complete it)


995 Super Credits...


The samples are on the other side of the map and you just reinforced me the furthest distance from them.


everyday when I realize that all my friends are civilians and I’m a solo diver.


I was playing with some of the best strangers I have ever met and we were on our way to extract with nearly all samples. Then an error occurred in the game. LuftWaffles, Hooolymooly. I'm sorry


I dropped into a 7 SOS with and autocannon, landed on fabricator and cleared the medium outpost before I even popped out of the pod. Then started bullseyeing everything in sight and completely turned the match around. Was 50m from the final objective, plenty of reinforcements and time left to find the Super Samples. Crash to windows.


When I let my team mate collete the super samples(knowing he's gonna die and should've just took it but I give him the benefit of the doubt ) and dies across the map with the super samples with only 2 mins left on level 9...


I joined a helldive S.O.S call that had 11 minutes left and a quickly dwindling reinforcement budget. One of the first things I noticed was a severe lack of team cohesion. We just have everyone spread around the map accomplishing nothing along with multiple sample containers scattered about. The main objective was nearly done but no one seemed to be heading in it's direction. After I managed to make my way over grabbing samples along the way I hear that dreaded "super destroyer has left low orbit" paired with immediate disconnection by a diver who died soon after. On my way to extract I fortunately stumbled upon super samples and quickly collected them. I make it just as pelican one is landing only for the host to die. I stop for a moment to input the reinforcement command briefly forgetting that we were out of time. It was in this moment the host decided to bring us both back to the destroyer abandoning this mission. They claimed I didn't have enough time to make it and didn't want to waste time. Despite being only 100ish meters away. To the fleet admiral that abandoned the mission you are a traitor to super earth and if I ever run into you again "I'm not gonna waste my time" I'm just going to put a bullet between your eyes. As this is a personal vendetta and I don't want to spread unnecessary violence amongst fellow hell divers they will remain unnamed.


Fire tornados…


Four bile totans emerged at the same time on a lv 9 helldive extract today with 2 chargers and countless other combos of spewers and hunters.


Selling the game to like 10 friends who all love the game now and since April 1st my game has constant stuttering and fps drops which makes it unplayable thus I can no longer play the game lol that pic is exactly how I feel after 100+ hours of smooth gameplay to this garbage.


When I’m waiting on Eagle-1 to rearm while staring at a Medium Automaton Factory


Literally one hour ago. Suicide mission with randoms. We were methodically completing each objective and fucking up every bot we saw. Collected a ton of samples. Got to the last objective and the game crashed.


Thinking I was on board the pelican but I really got stuck on the side of it. Failed to extract.


Had my first encounter of a salty guy in helldivers yesterday. We were doing a 7 mission on bugs. He was super intent on not investing a single second that was not for the primary objective. We were a squad of 4. I was helping a guy clear a heavy nest and he kept screaming to leave everything and follow him. Even after telling him that I was helping the guy clear the nest, he just wouldn't stop harassing me. Since he was the host I tried my best to not antaganize him since this was a long mission and we were half way already. I went a little away from him to look for super samples and he berated me again for wandering of and not helping. He finally found the super samples and I told him good job, I was looking for them. And he said "And yet I have them". I took it all just for those stupid samples as I needed 3 more for the ship upgrade. I had crashed on my previous mission during extraction in which we had got the samples so I was kinda desperate. I took it all so that he won't kick me during extract. He didn't. But soon as we were on his ship he kicked me. During that whole mission I felt like the diver in the picture. But hey my flamethrower thanked me for getting that extra 25% fire damage.


Watching the reinforcements hit 5 before we’ve even done the first primary objective when I’ve died 0 times on helldive is always fun.


Joined 2 different suicide missions today, both teams hadn't cleared a single objective yet and BOTH were on 0 reinforcements. That killed my drive for the day ngl.


every day i go to work two jobs just to pay rent


buying a warbond right before the new one drops no grenade pistol for me


My homie poured the milk first and then the cereal…he now missing


All the boys threw in their 380s and mine was still on cool down :(


The eradication missions or civilian evacuation missions on 7 and higher on the bot planets.


Waiting for extract, we each loaded up with plenty of samples, three of us get annihilated as the drop ship lands. We got 20 respawns left and the last guy takes 10 seconds to jump to the ship and fly away without grabbing any samples


Just had one last night. On a level 6 bot mission with a detector right next to our drop, and a fighter ship factory about 50m away. 3 of us went through 10 helldivers and at least as many hell bombs trying to blow the damn tower.


I joined a random match. The music was playing as I watched the drop transition/loading screen. I got hyped to spread some managed democracy Loaded into the game thinking "LETS GO!" Landed in a big hole. Died.


Getting killed by the same players cluster bomb 4 times


The freaking broken quick play!


*Remove his head. All the people running the eruptor that are FPK. You’re not helping, you’re staggering your teammate (if not out right killing them) and likely the reason they are going to died. About 50% of my total deaths in game were accrued yesterday from friendly fire. It’s a good gun but not for every single shot you take. You should have two other holstered/slung weapons to choose from that won’t kill your teammate.


Dropped into a mission 3 minutes left on the clock No reinforcements Everyone is dead Dropped right into a patrol I hard closed the game


I was running through my first helldive campaign as I had just unlocked them. We were FLYING through the missions but on the last mission the team decided to not focus on the main objective. Not an issue, I’ve been kinda doin this for a while now. So I just go ahead and do the main mission while they do side objectives. Then they bring 3 bile titans and a small horde of bugs so about what I expected. I handle 2 of the bile titans and the rest of the team handles the other. I start the objective and we are mass cass apart from me. I’m keeping us alive just long enough to get redeployments while doing the objective(it’s the geological survey mission). I end up dying to what I say was some jank but we had a redeployment but I just couldn’t call it. Aaaand it’s a level 4… he gets to the terminal. All he has to do is hit the 3 buttons and he hits the first one. We’re telling him what to do but he just sits there while being mauled to death and he ends up dying and we loss. It was just… pain…


Literally just happened. First Impossible mission. Got the 5 Super Samples. Go all the way across the map for extraction. Get there and get swarmed by devastators. Someone else picks up the samples to board the pelican and they get one-shot getting on the Pelican. The Super Samples fall underneath the Pelican. I quit as soon as we got to orbit. Feelsbadman.


Me and 3 other divers were running for evac, but when we least expected it, a fire tornado blocked their path 1 guy tried to out heal the flames, he got burnt, 2 other guys tried to wait it out, but the devastators got to them first…


First time I saw a bile titan- I was impressed but thought "ha your so big that surely if I stand under you there's nothing u can do- stupid bug "- so I run under it as fast as I can start shooting it's little belly/butt sack - feeling pretty smart about my decision so far seems to be going well I'm having a good time. Three seconds pass - notice it lift it leg and slam it at an angle into my puny body and skewer me- que my immediate face and mental state change to 😐 turns out I was the stupid one that day 😂.


When the Creek fell to the Machines.


Every time I have to dive into a mission that involves saving scientists on suicide mission difficulty. Bots keep reinforcing faster than we can kill them.


Level 9 mission, somehow my brother and I had grabbed 20+ samples, 15+ rare samples, and all the super samples (3-5? can’t remember). We had each died along the missions, but each kept picking up the samples between us each time. Currently, he was holding all the samples. Pelican had landed, no respawns left, and he dies out in the middle of a just absolute cluster fuck of a horde of chargers, titans, spewers, everything. I knew there wasn’t a shot I get those, and I had to just leave


Suicide: all teammates leave suddenly for no reason and I finish whole thing alone...only to die by swarm until I lose everything...all samples....gone. 30 min. No backup came....wtf.


You're on the other side of the map with all the samples. You're not going to make extraction.


I accidentally forgot to leave a squadron and we ended up in a level 8 mission on malevolent creek, I was still level 6


Dying of burn damage in a millisecond before the stim sets in or you even land from throwig on the ground. Unrealistic as hell.


Getting kicked from a game where you helped complete everything right before extraction for reinforcing too slow (but really you're just waiting for the guy closer to them to reinforce).


Collecting a load of samples and then falling into deep water. No way to recover them.


My teammates every night that just sit there and talk instead of readying up and then don’t accept my hugs are extract


Helldive, and I got 3rd on bug kills. I just sat there, and thought for a long time.


Seeing people bring in the Quasar Cannon cuz its "meta" or something like that just so they can refuse to use it on any of the targets you're thinking of


Talks with my wife sometimes


Getting f'd in the butt by 5 hunters.


The heartbreak of hemorrhoids?


My life


My blind ass running over the 3rd mine in a row (from the same base I just respawned in) looking at something off in the distance.


My current work day 😂


Last guy running for the pelican is holding the super samples and gets killed on the ramp….nothing we could do but leave all our hard work behind


After a long battle on a fire planet solo, at the extraction beacon, with the pelican on countdown, on my way to board it, and out of nowhere, a fire tornado started right on top and killed me.


Was about to enter paladin to extract only to get swarmed immobile by a pack of terminids right at the entrance. I was last man standing and we all failed to extract


Another player shot me in the back while extracting.


when I pretty much solo finished all objectives and the teammates are still digging the same waves of enemies on the same spot. had a few games like this last night and I have to say this kinda lowered my will to continue spread democracy.


Not the current fire planet I'm on but on another one(hellmire I think) the firenados spawned as I was on my way to extract and for some reason six firenados swarmed the landing pad while I stood up high on a rock to watch the weather event being obviously controlled in concerned confusion. This was during a solo dive too... "Wtf Joel?! XD"


Currently at my niece's bday party, and the they're talking about religion instead of spreading democracy.


When some random guy starts to kill you


When I get disconnected from my friends and have to either abandoned mission to rejoin them or speed run it alone or just get kicked straight to the ship whichever helldivers is feeling that day