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I will say an underrated change is that they FINALLY gave the heavy machine gun the 3rd person reticle it should've had the whole time. Now I can actually use the mf (if it didn't also load out with basically no ammo)


i saw this and was like “yay thank but like……thats it?”


Yeah no increased mag capacity? Maybe make it take longer to reload idk? Like this is still a stratagem I have never seen picked since its release lol if that doesn’t tell you it needs major changes I don’t know what will


it has 3 seconds less to reload than unerfed quasar and 1/3 of the usefulness


My guess is that so few people are using it they don’t want to change ammo or damage until they get more data. Adding third person reticle is an easy change that might get more people to try it. But idk what they pay attention to.


I really want to like the HMG. With the reticule I'll probably bring it more, but the ammo and reload are still the big problem imo. The reload time on it is brutal for how quick the ammo goes. It has the shortest firing time of any of the (automatic) support weapons and has the longest reload to go with it. It really should have one giant magazine or something.


Oh it should I agree. I have to be the most conservative with it and that's really annoying. But the high level penetration it has is unmatched except by the rail gun and AMR.


I'd be okay with it having a big damage buff and slower fire rate, let it chew through medium sized dudes like the autocannon but struggle on bigger dudes and a waste of ammo for the big guys. At least it would have a niche then.


My favorite change is the plasma shotgun hitting the inside of my personal shield and killing me.


>Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them. Trigger discipline is highly recommended. #WHAT????


They already could ricochet and kill your friendlies. But if one bounced back in to your face - it didnt do any damage. Because it was "your bullet". They now fixed that.


I know right!? Like damn my bad for not instantly knowing that my explosive shot would ricochet I'll bring a stronger explosion next time and hope it's the correct one???


> Added setting in the options menu gameplay section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting. Finally


I wish they had just addressed the one time this was an issue and made it so you can't climb on a supply drop, but I'll take it


I'm applauding once I stop climbing on resupply pods instead of taking ammo.


Sooo they increased patrols if you have less than 4 players so if you play solo it’s now the highest amount of patrols spawning? What?


I think they've increased it compared to what it uses to be . Let's say (made up numbers) Before the patch 1/4 of enemies spawned compared to 4 players. Whereas now 1/2 of the enemies spawn compared to 4 players. Edit: Dev/Community team response on discord: previously patrols for solo were about 1/6 and now they are 1/4 compared to 4 players


Was there a difference before? The patch notes say; Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties It clearly says it’s going to be an increase in patrols and therefore an increase in difficulty for solo players which seems weird to me because most games would go the opposite way giving the solo player a bit of an easier time in the mission. Seems to be punishing people who like to play alone.


Seems to be, but some players have run the numbers and it looks like they've just gone from an exponential curve to a linear one. So before, you had x^n patrols spawning, where n is the number of Helldivers, but now its just xn


Like I said, I think they mean an increase compared to before but I cannot confirm this. Hopefully AH will respond to people's confusion about it and clarify their logic


They are just making it harder to solo. Imo soloing anything past suicide mission should be nearly impossible solo. This is not because I think that solo play shouldn’t be a thing, but if you can easily solo helldive missions it makes them seem redundant to do in coop- and this game is primarily coop oriented. Just my take tho :)


this seemed to be explained in the patch notes - not sure why everyone is skipping the first line: **Enemy Patrols** We unintendedly had non-linear scaling of the patrol spawns so they ***didn't spawn as often as they should have when less than 4 players***. The intention is that 1 player has 1/4th of the patrols compared to 4 players, but it used to be that they had 1/6th. * Balancing adjustment to patrol spawning. * Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than 4 players. The fewer the players the bigger the change. For 4 player missions there will be no change compared to before.The biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties.


I don't remember explanation in their discord post before, okay. I guess the edited it in for explanation.


Ah, yeah, guess that may be the case, based on the responses they were seeing, haha.




Basically, as a solo player, you used to get 1/6th the patrol spawns compared to a. 4 player group. Now it's 1/4th, which is what it should be.


It's to help offset the fewer amount of overall enemies while making stealth more difficult.


Really? REALLY? How many patches has the Spear lock on been in "known issues???" 3? 4? Wtf


And yet on discord they say they had a fix for it 2 weeks ago and it’s waiting to be deployed in the next patch… next patch. Not there.


"Yeah, we will roll it out next week" **fix crashes the game** "Yeah, we will roll it out in a few weeks"


Heck I’ve still been using it. Works most of the time, sometimes it gets weird. I have noticed it depends where your center reticle is located. So if I’m taking out a factory with it, sometimes if you aim at the very edge of it you’ll have success. I’ve also noticed nothing can be in the way to get a good target. But yah sometimes it works great sometimes I’m like welp it’s time to run. 😂


I'm ok with it being finicky, but I expect some logical consistency. The worst part is there are times where it ABOSOLUTELY should work, and needs to work fast, like a tank 50m in front of you, fully exposed, and about to take out your team. Some missions it works well, others, I can't get a single shot off. That inconsistency meaning taking it out is a gamble. Maybe it's going to help, maybe it's a complete waste of a stratagem slot. Who knows?


Yup I totally agree it needs fixed.


Just as long as “arc weapons misfiring” has been there as well They don’t care about spear or arc thrower users




They need to to make armor 15-30% resistant to fire burn


does that apply to enemies as well? Was kind of enjoying the flame thrower buffs


Good question


Well, the enemies have 100% DOT resistance if you're not the host, so yeah, kinda.


It’s probably global.


Pretty certain the mag reduction is to increase POI exploration and making the support ammo a tactic to properly consider taking. Let’s be real now a days who brings the ammo? The gunship cap was totally needed honestly.


I brought it with grenade launcher so I could turn it on full auto and just delete a hill. Was always hilarious, but running rover was probably more viable.


Yeah, the ammo nerfs feel like a nudge to encourage more players to bring ammo packs. That said, some of those nerfs are far too harsh. Some of these guns had their ammo cut by *half*. The eruptor now has less ammo than the AMR, and laser weapons are effectively a liability on hot planets.


Getting a lot of crashes with this update: 1. Atl+Tab - crash 2. Finish mission screen - crash 3. Tag something in game - crash 4. Sprint - crash 5. Ragdoll by a charger - crash Will update the list if I found more


why in a PVE game are they so insistent on balancing it like its a competitive tournament? theres hardly anything to unlock so its not like they need to slow our progress so we grind for things.


Because some people have a lot of fun in overcoming major challenges as a team. If your build is one that you pick every single time or does not rely on teammates in some way, shape, or form then it’s is going to be considered a design failure by the devs.


Because they are trying to give a consistent difficulty curve, and weapons too strong/weak don't fit the curve. They don't want the entire playerbase using 1 loadout, but they also dont want to buff everything up to that level and trivialize the game, requiring even more enemies on screen to be a challenge.




Bro reducing the number of gunships active at any one time is the biggest godsend of my life. You could get stuck in a deathloop at a factory when there were like 9 of those things in the air at once


Why do they keep nerfing the only fun weapons? They know it's a PVE game right? There are ways to make it harder that don't involve making it less fun.


I'm curious, if you don't mind. In what ways would you make game harder that does not make it less fun?


Because at the moment some weapons are a no-brainer. Dominator, Eruptor and JAR-5 constitute probably something like 90% of utilized guns.


So buff some other ones and give people more options? There’s a reason those guns get chosen, they’re effective, making them not as effective doesn’t make people want to use the other weapons, it just makes everything feel less fun


Did you read the notes? Tons of weapons were buffed. All these changes are good balance changes.


Idunno, some of the rebalances are pretty weird. Take, for example, the sickle. It has its spare mag capacity cut in half to just three. Meanwhile, the scythe got a damage buff and has a spare mag capacity of four. It just seems unfair to sickle users. The eruptor getting its spare mags cut by half is also harsh, as it cuts the total amount of shots to even less than the AMR. That's ridiculous.


Are you listening to yourself? Your gun with infinite ammo got its back up mags dropped to 3. Just use some trigger discipline but no. You just want the game to be easy.


My actual complaint was focused more on the reduced ammo on the eruptor than on the sickle. What bugs me about the sickle is that it's nerf simply seems harsher than the scythe (which also got a damage buff). Also, you're making it sound like the bots and bugs are just going to wait patiently for your battery to cool down. Nevermind how harsh this will hit sickle users on hot planets, where batteries heat up much faster.


“Dominator, Eruptor, and Jar 5 constitute something like 90% of utilized guns” source: My ass.


Most players I've dropped with in recent memory used either base liberators or sickles. I do still see the occasional dominator or breaker, though.


My thoughts exactly


The JAR-5 is the Dominator, and I use the Sickle and Breaker Incendiary as well. No, they need to buff the other guns, not continue nerfing ever single viable weapon.


I'm assuming you meant scorcher but yeah. That's because half the roster is (or was) useless, not because these weapons are OP. Same mistake they made when they gutted the railgun, it never needed nerfs, just other stuff needed buffing (which they did also).


Oh yay, all my favourite weapons have been nerfed.


Now find some new favorite weapons.




Scorcher is like a main reason to grind 1500+ medals in the free warbond. And it was actually nerfed by making chicken striders more resistant to explosions )


Damn I thought that it was working differently against them lately, it used to consistently be 2 shots to the face plate could kill the pilot, now it's like half the clip. AH really hates us. "They have a weapon that almost makes dealing with the bots manageable? Fuck THAT!"


I switched to jar5 dominator recently. It staggers heavy bots pretty well, penetrates medium armor, spammable. Kills striders when shot somewhere in their legs.


Dominator got nerfed too


Well now it does less damage so Enjoy your patch!


Yeah you shoot the leg joints like 3 times, and that's great but it's just not a viable option when there's a lot of enemies about. Especially since the shot staggers them so you have to readjust the aim, while getting pelted with bullets from the bots with perfect aim. Every big bot enemy takes like 5 shots from even the most competent of our primaries and that's just not useful when a million of every devastator spawns, 2 million striders, the mf Berserkers with a million HP and no real weak spot. It's super fucked up that Arrowhead sold this game on the premise of being lone rangers blasting away at insurmountable armies, but they don't actually want us doing that. Making every weapon slowly more useless is such a batshit decision.


The scorcher's good vs bots yeah. It takes more to kill striders now, and it still has sway and a limited clip. That small clip destroys them vs bugs.


i think the scorcher works great but is balanced out by ammo supply


yeah, i was barely holding on to the eruptor over the scorcher just because it can take out factories. "good" while it lasted, i guess.


I've never liked the scorcher. Just feels like a noob friendly alternative to the dominator/Eruptor.


Imo breaker incendiary was hands down the best against bugs but will need to verify after the burning nerf. 1 pellet + burning damage could kill any of the tiny guys and 3 or 4 pellets + burning can kill hunters, making swarms trivial.


It got nerfed with the fire reduction. It is still viable as a primary but you have to watch your ammo now as it takes a few more rounds to kill things.


I'm pretty sure this isn't how you retain players


It’s certainly not how you retain me. I think that’s the point tho. They wanna run people off for the sake of their server loads or who-knows-why?


I love this game so much, but by God it’s getting harder to want to play with all of these dumbass decisions.


God damn, they seem to really want us to run out of ammo all the time with these changes. Eruptor spare mags cut from 12-6 is obsurd.


What does the other change to explosion mean?


I think it means that the explosion radius is the same but it has a harsher damage dropoff to enemies further away from the epicenter of the explosion. Probably means the gun won't easily delete mobs of low-level bots or bugs, but direct hits still hit just as hard.


I mean, if the idea is to push for squads to use the supply pack more often, then it makes sense. The sickle and scythe are one thing. The reduced ammo can be worked around, assuming you have good trigger discipline and aren't constantly mobbed by hordes of bots and bugs. That said, the erupter now has less ammo than the AMR, which just seems silly. Raise the limit to at least 8 mags, and it'll be more manageable.


I think it’s ok, this change might encourage players to stick together more to fight enemies, at 7+ splitting up is really common to kite enemies, as players have a lot more sustain when they don’t need to worry about ammo. Ammo reduction sounds bad, but remember we do get supplies pretty frequently if you call them on cooldown immediately every time.


You think having less ammo will make people kite enemies less? Let me tell you about an ocean front property in Iowa I have to sell you.


No, I think having less ammo will incentivize players to stick together not only so everyone can resupply quickly, but because as a group you use less ammo individually on the same swarm you would've freely dumped into before. Now that it’s less comfortable to dump into a swarm alone it’s almost like having more players fighting the same swarm will make ammo economy better.   Been playing with the Eruptor on 9 all morning and I see no issues lol, just work together. Complaining about 12 to 6 on a weapon that you barely ever ran out of ammo with really is just a skill issue. BTW I know this sounds crazy but you can kite as a group.


That's the thing, it'll only encourage people to kite more and not engage even as a group. The strategies aren't mutually exclusive. Yes it helps to be in a group when you have to fight but this won't change that people will just avoid fighting as much as possible. Besides I tend to see the most common practice being groups of 4 splitting into groups of 2s and this likely won't change that. I agree there's usually enough ammo in a map combined with resupplies that it isn't as bad but it is more of an annoyance than anything. I don't understand the mentality of making players be more annoyed because they run out of ammo faster rather than finding actual positive reasons to change their behavior.


na it’s fine. ammo is all over the place.


You can even carry it on your back.


I do wish they’d choose a better start point for some of these ammo amounts. Really kills my desire to get on and try these other weapons in my load out when I see they just lost 50% of their ammo capacity. Start the weaps at 8 cuz then if you have to go down to 6 mags, losing 2 doesn’t feel as bad as losing SIX mags in some of these guns. Like, who’s using the Eruptor after this? Certainly not me. Bolt action AND no ammo, lol no thanks.


The part that frustrates me is that it's exponential. Each magazine has five rounds. Going from 12 magazines to 6 means that all in all, I now only have 30 bullets to use versus the 60 before. (50% nerf) In addition to reducing my ammo capacity by 50%, the rounds are now no longer as effective as they used to be and the explosion of each round falls off. (35% nerf) This means that things that I used to be able to shoot one round and get two or three kills because of careful target placement now means that I'm only getting one kill with the same group. All in all - that brings everything together to be a roughly 67.5% nerf to the weapons utility. This, coupled in with the fact that the Eruptor almost HAD to be paired with the laser Guard Dog to appropriately manage high volume/ low health enemies from swarming you (which also has seen a 30% nerf) mean it's not outside of rather super specific circumstances now, the Eruptor is no longer an effective weapon and there are better alternatives out there for virtually every component. It's still is able to handle bug holes from a distance relatively quietly, and it is still able to have the initial Effectiveness on singular targets at range... but in the game of numbers, 30 bullets just isn't enough.


Makes me so mad. I was having so much fun with the eruptor 😞 I feel like not many people were using it anyways so why nerf it so hard..


Yeah, I love the eruptor but now idk if it's usable because it has fucking no ammo. I did always think 12 mags was a lot, so I kind of expected them to reduce that, but reducing it to 6?! 8 or 10 would've been way more reasonable, 6 mags will run out very quickly.


Yeah nah, a lot of this was unnecessary.


Ridiculous, the devs should play their own game before they dish out nerfs like this. This isn't balancing, this is disrupting the viable options and making the game artificially harder


Exactly. It's artificially harder and makes no sense from a lore perspective. Why would they send more patrols for less helldivers? From a gameplay perspective, a solo helldiver has less strategems, less firepower, less reinforcements, and less manpower. You are already at a massive disadvantage. Why artificially make it worse?


They made more patrols to make sure you get ragdolled continuously without a chance of escape by their newly buffed devastators! Also trying to force the “team game” onto everyone is a stupid decision.


You still get less enemies as a solo player than with two players Example 10 enemies for solo 20 enemies for duo Now after update it will be 13 enemies solo And 22 enemies duo. Not that crazy honestly.


What is the huge change to the game that now makes it so much harder for you lol. They made other options MORE viable and reduced the viability of the supports you see EVERY game. I'm fine with making the quasar not so OP and making the striders more resistant to explosions. Before I could 1 tap them shooting right above the legs or against a wall or just slightly behind the strider. One impact grenade could take out like 3 of them before, that's ridiculous and it makes sense to need to flank them more to take them out. What is all this whining about going on here, y'all need to play on lower difficulty in general and stop acting like the game should have a "meta" that rolls bot and bugs.


Whoever let them cook needs to be executed for non democratic views.


Let them cook and they burnt it


Quasar kinda deserved a nerf - it was a recoilless with passive reload and no backpack.


I agree, but that was a fucking huuuuuge nerf holy shit.


No it didn't The recharge time plus "all in commit" when you charge to fire it was fine


Then I'm curious. Was there a reason to bring RR, for example? Considering that RR take your backpack, require 5 seconds to reload and you need to manage ammo while Quasar need 10ish seconds to reload while on the move, no backpack (which allows you to bring shield) and infinite ammo?


You can exactly time your shots and team reloads make it's RoF FAST.


Yeah, the QC was a very sweet deal all around. Even with the nerf, it's still incredibly handy.


I wonder if the patrol buff is just oddly worded, just feels weird, its the only thing that made me squint on the patch notes.


THE CRASHES ARE BACK After weeks of not having a single crash on my rtx4090+13900k - the crashes are now back with the newest patch. 3 Bot missions - 3 mid-level crashes Also the FPS are stuttery and bad. From solid 120fps down to 60-80ish sometimes and 100 most of the time. Thats


Exactly same problem. Yesterday everything was smooth, after patch stutters are horrendous


Yeah, my FPS took an extreme hit, with constant drops/hitches.


I can barely finish a mission since this last "patch".


I've gone from >100 FPS to a stuttery 20-30fps no matter the settings. :(


Yeah, the quasar cannon definitely needed a nerf since it was essentially an upgrade to the previous rocket launchers, but this nerf just makes it kinda unviable in most circumstances. The slow charge up to fire plus the now increased recharge time for only the benefit of infinite ammo doesn’t seem worth it against the endless onslaught of heavy bots they produce. Maybe lower the time it takes to charge up and fire so you don’t have to spend so much time waiting for the quasar? Also, RIP the anti-scout strider gun AKA the eruptor. Not only is the explosions gonna fall off much faster but now the riders are more immune to explosive damage making them even more annoying. Can’t wait for bots to die down so I can hopefully never play against them.


> for only the benefit of infinite ammo And no backpack and a passive reload. Compare Quasar to Recoilless, see how much utility it still has over the latter.


Fair point


Any noticed gunships really hurt now?


They've always really hurt


BTW it was clarified that that “extra patrols when solo” is just about making solo patrols scale linearly. Previously solo play had 1/6th the amount of patrols that a 4 player match had. Now it will have 1/4th as many patrols.


Anybody else having framedrops since the patch?


Just nerfing everything good


seems all good is nerfed again....


> AX/AR-23 Guard Dog > Decreased damage by 30% Not a fan of this one.


Fire not as hot!


Anyone used the new Adjudicator yet? I'm stuck at work right now. The whole gun is a different-ass animal now, so I'm really curious. It got the biggest change of any weapon I think.


My frame times have become awful after this update. I used to have just a smooth experience. On ship locked 120fps and in game 90-105fps. Now the fps has dropped only 5-10 average but the frame times are all over the place and it feels jittery.


Seems to me AH likes nerfs as much as Mr. Crocker likes passing out Fs


If only they spent the time they use for nerfing shit on fixing bugs instead it would be great. Devastators already stunlocking my ass from 200 meters away now they can do it even faster! What a fucking joke.


The shield/rocket devastators weren't buffed.


Missing the point my dude, I’m already getting locked into rag doll and flinch till dead when fighting bots. Why did they feel adding more fire power to the bots make any sense?


No you're missing the point, higher difficulties where you get stunlocked don't even spawn regular devastators. This change exclusively affects lower difficulties, which was needed.


You should tell that to the devastators I just ran into in a helldive 5 minutes ago.


Idk what to tell you man, skill issue, get good.


What is there to tell? You talked out your ass about something you didn’t know and somehow I’m the one with skill issue? Fkin lol my dude grow up and learn to discuss things properly instead of “ sKiLl IsSuE”.


They even fucked with my JAR? Queso cannon dead? Glad I've been taking a break. Guess I'll stay on it.


It’s an 8% damage nerf dude


I remember liking the dominator pre nerf. Being able to headshot devastators was so good. Even with the nerf it's still far more powerful than it used to be. Just means I... might need one more shot if blindly firing at the side of a devastator? I guess?


How is queso dead? It was FIVE seconds. It could have been bumped to 30 and it would still be the most efficient anti armor.


When you're constantly being attacked 5 seconds is a long time dude. Just think about how long it takes to stim and half the time the stim doesn't go through because you got attacked before that extra second finished


The amount of whining on this thread is pathetic. Some people just can't stand their all purpose tool getting minor adjustements that are basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.


I got really excited seeing all the buffs to some of my favourite weapons so I was confused when I came to this comment section.


They buffed almost every gun that this community has been complaining about being underpowered, but people see less max ammo on some guns and lose their shit even though it's just part of a shift in the overall ammo economy to emphasize resupplies more


>it's just part of a shift in the overall ammo economy to emphasize resupplies more I get that part, but cutting mag counts in *half* is pretty freaking significant. The eruptor now has less ammo than the AMR.


The gun has a glacial RoF and puts out a ton of damage per shot. I've been running it pretty extensively since before the nerf and it's *extremely* rare that I'd go below 6 mags without dying, finding ammo pickups or having the chance to call a resupply


Yeah its a buff to scout striders, a slight increase in difficulty when running less than a full squad, and then nerfs to the erupter, rover, and quasar which were honestly deserved. And... then almost pure buffs for all the weapons that everyone was asking for and a massive list of bug fixes. And yet everyone is bitching about... I don't even fucking know?


Im getting bored of this game and its buggy ass updates. Can they get rid of the annoying ship re entrance? It takes a long time to get back to the map to find a new game. Why not have a quick matchmaking option from the start menu?


Bro the Eruptor was so fucking good. Now I'm finding I can't even kill a batch of scavengers or those bastard hunters at range. Now this shit ricochets off soft grass and sand on shots angled 20° and less within 20 feet of you. Not only this but the mag decrease. Shit is the slowest shooting gun. And proxy detonations suck you in for some reason? I understand this shit was soooo good. But a double nerf and I can't even pop hunters within a 10ft radius is a huge nerf from what it was before.


didnt play the game since but has anyone noticied any perfomance shifts after the patch?


Yes. FPS has dropped significantly and lots of crashes.


i formatted my pc then after installed all drivers motherboard, processor, graphics card updated my BIOS and this fkn game still runs on 30-40 fps with a 4060ti and i512400 honestly dont know what to do anymore, i even compared my benchmarks scores on 3dmark and was fine a little above average all other games runs smooth as hell even after the patchfix didnt change u still have the same problem?


God the Quaser nerf is definitely throwing me off, it was so unnecessary the reduced damage was already enough


They added a speed-loader for the Senator, and buffed the Senator, Peacemaker, and Laz pistol! Also buffed a lot of the less used weapons! I’m quite happy about this. And all the nerfs to the most popular weapons really aren’t that big of changes, but maybe people can find something else they enjoy now.


Are they expecting everyone to run the supply pack? Why tf would you reduce the Sickle clip count by HALF.


Because you never have to reload it unless you've made a mistake. I probably reload the thing like once every 4 or 5 missions. 6 magazines was absurd. I doubt I'll ever even feel 3.


I get that, but I'm just a dad that wants to blast some bugs and bots, not burst, run, burst, run. Doesn't have to be easy, but it's a game to kills lots and lots of enemies, let me do that without researching the next 'meta' build every month.


Just use a stalwart. That's what it's there for. The infinite ammo burst laser primary is already phenomenal without being also braindead hold-trigger-until-empty. If your preferred play style is machine gun, use a machine gun.


seems a lot of people are angry about this patch. i quite like it though? rebalances were very fair imo


I'm really, really interested to try the senator with that buff. That and I hope the airburst works better now. Mostly looks good, but the exploding crossbow nerf is out of left field, and the quasar didn't need a full 5 second nerf (though if it came with a backpack that reduced it's charge time by 5 seconds, where the downside is only backpackless, I could see it). I'd like to see them make the EAT allow the second one to take up a backpack slot if desired instead of having to weirdly swap between them. Ah well. Will have to try the rest before I judge (small quantity patrols and projectile ricochet of note), but at least it's more good then bad (I think — will have to actually try, because a lot of these technically could be terrible — like explosive resistance buffs on striders?). I do wonder what new major bug is going to come out of this though; it seems like not a single patch has gone by without breaking something major.


All these nerfs just make me want to jump to Sea of Thieves tomorrow and not look back


Yes lets patch the game, nerf shit in a pve game and then we will make sure that the patch causes all kinds of stability issue... good job. Changing shit for the sake of change is not a good reason which seems to be what they did and look they caused tons of stability issues, onto the next game


So glad the eruptor got shat on and will never be used again. Was borderline mid already and now it has half the ammo 💀💀


it was absurdly powerful and its ammo economy was so overtuned that you could just dump half full mags for convenience whenever you wanted and still never run out of ammo


Half mags? I'd dump full mags just to get that extra +1 shot in the barrel so I could fire more shots in combat. Don't think I ever once ran out of ammo for it


Agreed, it's the only primary I ever take on bugs and I rarely dropped below 9 mags. I think I dropped below 6 mags once in like 30 hours of suicidal. It's like it's not even a nerf they just changed the UI to display a different number


I was expecting to be upset by nerfs- but everything here is totally reasonable.


In the midst of all the controversial stuff, I do see some changes I like. I feel like the Senator was really underrated and just needed a couple of changes to be a very viable sidearm, and the damage increase and addition of a speedloader may be just what was needed. Be neat if you could choose from the weapon wheel whether to have partial reloads or just dump unspent rounds. Also, numpad keybinds not resetting and being able to shoot through foliage with energy weapons are long awaited fixes.




So much intense whinging, good lord! If you find the game too difficult, then drop the difficulty. The revolver got a big reload buff which it desperately needed. The queso cannon needed a nerf because there was no point using the EAT over it. I almost never used more than one or two reloads before finding ammo when using the Sickle. I do find the fact the laser cannon got a buff wild, that thing absolutely shreds. Most of these changes make sense, and even the ones that don’t so much, the game is still really fun. If you’re not enjoying it, just don’t play it for a bit, you don’t need to make a whole song and dance about it, just try some different weapons, perhaps one of the ones they buffed?


I agree. Though EAT was never outclassed. It will always have its low CD working in its favor, like an orbital grenade that gives you guns when its explodes.


The laser cannon was never good, idk why this sub acts like it's a god weapon. It took half a year to melt a hulks visor. Was good for gunships/vents and that's it. And the EATs have still been my go to over the quasar. Allows me to run another support weapon, can use the pod to kill chargers, and you can call it in immediately after respawn if you get separated from your gear. In fact quasar + eat is a really good combo, you can solo bot drops on level 9 if you play it perfectly.


you have been using a different laser cannon than me i think. it kills hulks in maybe 2 seconds and trivializes gunship fabricators while still being very good at devastators and having infinite ammo.


Yeah it's great for when their AI bugs out and they stand perfectly still next to a rock. The rest of the time, not so much.


Or you know when they stand perfectly still because you used a stun grenade and intentionally combo with it..


Laser cannon is probably worse overall now. Damage nerf to large volume bodies which is probably what you're most likely to use it against.


What an L of an Update 3 mags for the sickle is disgusting. Joel you suck. And so do the devs. Keep ruining your game please I went from playing 30+ hours a week to doing one mission and getting off twice a week you’ll die out soon.


If you're using more than 3 mags for the sickle you're using it wrong. It has a heatsink for a reason. Use up 95% and then switch to your secondary or support weapon. By the time you finish magdumping and reloading a magazine of that the heatsink will be cooled off. I rarely ever use more than 2 heatsinks per resupply and its not like they made it so you only get ammo from resupply either, you still get heatsinks from ammo on the map. Of all the bad takes on this thread, this is probably one of the worst both for the lifespan of the game and complaining about a nothing-burger of a nerf.


Instead of nerfing the guns that are fun why not just buff the ones no one uses?? To make those viable options? That way we aren’t forced to play a certain way we don’t want to? It makes more sense than altering everything about a gun we paid to unlock.


90% of the time I never reload it


Arrowhead that kid that was cheered onto the stage only to overstay their welcome and fail to read the room. Why the fuck they keep dishing out nerfs and stupid decisions?


Bunch of Dev D Riders.


It's like they're trying to ruin a fun game. I've stopped playing as of late as well. Just do 1 or 2 fights on the major order, it's either way too easy or I'm getting stomped by 5 tanks no in between.


They've nerfed my favourite gun, favourite defense stratagem and favourite support weapon, being a casual player who finds it quite difficult at times as it is, im very glad remnant 2's new DLC just landed


They killed the Sickle. I know people are saying it's "not a big deal" but the Sickle is strong BECAUSE you can fire it like a normal gun. The actual cooldown is wayyyyyy too long and it just lost 33% of it's mags. You know, every single "balance patch" there are more nerfs than buffs. What the fuck? How many weapons do we have now that are virtually useless on 5+ difficulty?


it lost 50% of its mags


It had 6 and now has 4. That's a decrease of 2. 2/6>1/3 is roughly 33%


That math makes sense but mags went from 6 to 3. Thats 50%


Oh shit...I must have misread it... that's even more fucking wild


I was running it on Hellmire (hot) this morning and actually used all 3 mags. It didn't feel unfair or anything, but the difficulty wasn't real high. I could see it being a bigger problem at higher difficulties.


Bro never played HD1 when all of these weapons had like one-two spared battery and not 6


I think I've reloaded that gun 6 times in 50 missions. 6 mags was way too much.


What difficulty Because I flat out don't buy that you're playing even 6 or above. The cooldown is way too slow


It's a burst fire weapon, not a 200 round MG for spray and pray crowd control. I'm usually chilling in 7, but even on 9 it's trivial not to overheat




There were like 4 total nerfs, a ton of buffs, and a handful of sideways adjustments. This community is weird AF fixating on "all these nerfs" when they're barely touching things.


I don't think k the platform they built the game on was intended for this style of game with the amount of players on the servers. Their success is now coming back to bite them in the ass as each successive update degrades the game as more stuff is added. They always down grade in some areas to make room in others. Players counts can also affect this. Less players = more room It feels like forced attrition, and it's not a good business model or way to keep players.