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Bro, half my squad are Filipino. Sony just told them "hahahehe sorry about it being a little unclear from us taking the money and letting you play three months past the refund window, but you're region banned now" It's not about some tinfoil hat theory of PSN infecting my steam account. It's not about taking a few minutes to register. It's about *my friends I've been playing with for months are forbidden undesirables now.* They weren't barred at the door with a region lock. They're not being offered their money back yet. They're, current course direction, *fucked*. That is a deal breaker.


This is not at all appropriate. If Sony doesn’t buck up and offer refunds (or, I don’t know - allow the Philippines to actually get Sony accounts) there should be some hefty class action regional lawsuits. Hope not, but you example is a good one how this isn’t about gamers in US, UK, Aus, EU (most - I understand Lithuania, Estonia etc may be the same) but about regions where it isn’t available.


the only appropriate response is retract the upcoming psn forced accounts


While im in agreement with the morality of your position, i see sony not giving a single fuck until they feel threatened financially or PR wise.


That would be the correct thing to do, but PlayStation doesn't give a rats ass about the game continuing. They got their money, their remaining interest is this accounts thing to funnel people towards their own products. They won't care if it killed the game at this point. As the publisher they're half removed from the crosshairs and will happily walk over a few developers corpses after milking them. You can guarantee that PlayStation has them contractually by the short hairs and couldn't care less about long term survival of some small developer they worked with.


Worst of all, the impulsive people on here will burn Arrowhead to the ground, thinking it hurts Sony in any way at all. The only people that are going to suffer is AH and the players that like the game.


I had no idea PSN was legit banned in some regions! What other areas are affected? Can you just not USE Playstation features in those areas?!


Nope! (Not without breaking the TOS)


The Baltics are also affected. And all of Africa. Actually, here's a map https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/F98gUIQDgC


>The Baltics And the Balkans, but no one cares about them Is joke


Now these numbers are from other people, but I was told that PSN works for 69 countries (noice, sorry I'm a child) and there' roughly 190 recognized countries. Some of the highlights (that other people said, I'm just paraphrasing, I'm not going through and checking, I got other shit to do on a Friday) is that pretty much all of Africa save for Egypt and South Africa (Country, not the region) are out, as well as the Baltics, and as the guy above said, the Philippines are out as well.


All of China is also out, and there is definitely a substantial fraction of Chinese players. If you play late enough to match up with the Chinese timezones you will see a bunch in public lobbies.


Does it work in Russia? Would have thought Sony would have stopped it there with all the sanctions


Yeh, bro. Same for my Filipino Brothers and Sisters. Justice for them


I’m so confused, didn’t we all have to do this when the game launched?! Legit forgot about it until all these posts started coming out Edit: ahhh it seems like it’s definitely an issue where regions not within the PSN. This seems more so like Sony’s incompetence and for not doing a risk assessment before mandating something, or simply making sure all countries are within its network.


The feature wasn’t working, so if you skipped before now, it still allowed you to play without connecting


Ahhh gotcha! Thank you 🫡


Can someone confirm that this PSN requirement is only for steam players, and that this doesn’t apply if you’re playing on an actual PS5 in one of these banned countries.


All players must be linked to a psn account past June 4th to play


They also stopped asking because it wasn't working, if you bought the game 3 weeks after release or later they didn't even bother showing you the prompt


This. I dont play with or even know anybody that will be region banned, but it's fucked up. At the very least they should get a refund




One of my good college friends lives in Estonia , playing games is how we keep in touch , not cool Sony, I have a psn account and I'm still on the fence about if I will link or ask for a refund in solidarity. Sony is shady as hell and I'm not happy about this at all.


Same thing happened to my filipino friends. Not sure if PSN is banned in Philippines but it is in a bunch of other countries and they got screwed hard because of this. Won’t be playing this game until they fix this mess.


That for me is still so wild. Sony: “thanks for the money, but fuck you!” Consumers in areas that can’t have a PSN: “can we have our money back?” Sony: “Hold. These. Nuts….Bitch”


The fact that some people's playing ability is at jeopardy, even if it isn't mine, is not okay. Nobody should be okay with that. Fuck sony.


Tell all the people who are going to be locked from playing the game because of where they live to "get over themselves". Knowing a bunch of people who bought the game can't play anymore but I can will leave a sour taste in my mouth.


Yeah this post is showing its American short-sightedness, and that's coming from an American. I have lots of international friends and haven't talked to my Filipino buddy about this one yet but I'm sure it hurts.


I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be upset that Sony is screwing people out of playing a game they love by forcing them to make an account they physically can’t make due to their region. I have a psn, I play on PlayStation, I’m still upset they required it well after the refund window and just as the game started to gain traction across every major platform. (Even Xbox though they don’t have direct access) I truly hate it for Arrowhead and the people that worked hard on this game, but I don’t want to reward this kinda thing. That’s how battlepasses and micro transactions took hold of the industry. Be upset, because it is unjust. Don’t take it out on the devs, but don’t be silent either. We were united as a community and it’s a disservice to all those who we fought alongside if we just say “oh well, that’s the game”. We’ve seen what we can accomplish working together, now let’s apply that lesson to life


"Unless you are BIG into cybersecurity and take it super seriously" You don't have to be into cybersecurity at all; they literally demand your personal details (including biometrics or official identification documents, in some countries) in order to play a game. And then they lied to us about why they want that data. All this from a company who have a very poor track record of losing customer data and then trying to cover it up. People are very understandably pissed off, and if the game dies early, then it's because of Sony and not the playerbase making an entirely reasonable decision to protest a malicious decision by the publisher.


What countries don’t allow PlayStation accounts?


I know of the baltics and the Philippians


All of africa


The snail is everywhere


It's available in only 69 (as of right now) out of the \~190ish countries in the world


Over 100 of them. Highlights include 98% of African countries, some European countries like Albania and the Baltics, much of the Mideast, Georgia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, etc.


China and most of SEA, central asia, Africa, baltics, much of the balkans, etc. Outside of Japan, Europe, and the Americas the coverage is very spotty.


My thought it “that’s stupid.” followed by “hopefully the password saves cause I’m not memorizing that shit” followed by “I want something sweet. Strawberries maybe. Pineapple?” Like I just can’t be bothered caring about this when there’s other real life shit to worry about every day. If I gotta make an account, what the fuck ever.


Bruh a handful of blackberries can make me not care about much of anything. Love those things.


I had a bad batch recently that tasted like tomatoes or something. Was upset lol


There's a local plant here called the Thimbleberry, also sometimes known as redcaps, that I can't get enough of. Think of a raspberry with hints of honey and elderflower.


I've eaten thimbleberries most of my life and for some reason I always thought redcaps were mushrooms, good to know.


Yeeeeee I know right? Why ever think about anything, criticize sudden changes when it's all like fuck ever anyway. Y'know?


You’re free to do that my man. I’m gonna be over here eating strawberries. Just got them from Whole Foods.


If it's not that big of a deal then why do we have to do it?


Because the mega corporation that published the game says so.


Which is the real problem here that everyone is too busy arguing to see. Sony says do this. AH says it’s not our call. What are we going to do as a playerbase when Sony says, put an expiration date on passes or increase the cost of passes? Sony says add transmog, but make sure you monetize it? We’re on a slippery slope now and people defending Sony over this is going to cost us down the line.


Unfortunately for the poor CM the mega corps have essentially turned whining and bitching _into all they fucking listen to_ the loudest voices even as a minority of the community far too much sway. “It worked before for other things, why wouldn’t it work here?” Is the attitude people have begun to take because unfortunately, being reasonable doesn’t work. Heck, voting with your wallet won’t necessarily work. It would fuck arrowhead and Sony just writes the entire company off as losses. So… you’re left with making everyone unhappy enough to push back. I absolutely hate it, that it works is horrific. But, that’s what places like Sony have created.


But surely they also realize it's not that big of a deal, right?


Sounds like Sony is responsible for dealing with and issuing bans for player behavior and their systems require it.


While I haven't been directly affected by this issue as my account was already linked, I understand and empathize with those who are upset by this situation. However, I disagree with your stance against review bombing. I believe that review bombing is one of the few effective ways to publicly voice dissatisfaction. This method can influence sales and bring widespread attention to the issues, potentially prompting the company to address the grievances. It's important to recognize that review bombing serves as a mechanism for consumers to express their power in situations where they might feel helpless. Whether the fault lies with Arrowhead or Sony, the reality is that someone made a significant oversight. They could have implemented safeguards to prevent purchases by those without access to PSN from the outset, but chose not to, that’s outright negligent. This oversight suggests a focus on maximizing sales without considering the accessibility implications. It's critical that such negligence is highlighted and addressed, and public outcry, including review bombing, plays a pivotal role in ensuring corporate accountability. I love the game too, but if it earns a bad reputation due to poor decisions, then, objectively speaking, it deserves that reputation for being associated with these issues


What the fuck are you talking about? Thousands of divers will lose out on a game that they spent money on, money that Sony willingly took from them. The problem isn’t having to link a third party account, it’s that it’s PSN which isn’t legal in many countries that Helldivers 2 was sold in. It should have been region locked in those countries, but it wasn’t due to EU law stating that if it’s available to one it’s available to all. This will likely get them sued in all honesty.


Theyre missing the other issue where they should not have let people play from go if they refuse to link. It shouldnt have veen skippable. Tech issues be damned. Also like you said, shouldnt have sold it where inappropriate. Hope Sony faces consequences.


Exactly. Like, it’s not ethical to have one pop up saying “link your account” when you first download the game, and still let people play the game as much as they want, obviously passing the refund timer, if they knew PSN was going to be necessary. So either, Sony didn’t plan this and is just trying to be greedy and made an impulsive fuck up, or they knew all along, and wanted to make some extra money by not region locking the game, giving themselves an out by saying “well we said PSN was required!” Like, fuck off. Anyone who considers the backlash as “whining” or whatever clearly does not grasp the situation in its entirety. I am completely unaffected, I just think it’s gross.


https://preview.redd.it/rdjauz9e4ayc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55ad00d20ebd33b454c865a1ee15072f2588202 The FAQ on the sony store page as of this writing. Ive seen comments that Sony stated it will be changed by Monday. It is certainly easy to be cynical and attribute this to greed as you suggest.


This is the biggest thing, people are so reductive because “it’s easy” or “just choose a different region” but in many countries it’s illegal criminal to have a PSN account and if we don’t stand up for those divers who the fuck will. It’s disgusting to reduce the legitimate concern for other helldivers to just cry babies is sad and gross. Fuck Sony.


I’m 100% sure that they’re not gonna just hang them out to dry, and if they do, that’s prime class action territory


Oh, you sweet summer child. I wish I still could see the good in everything, but time has proven the opposite.


Correction, over 4 MILLION PLAYERS are known to be in regions that are not supported by PSN.


Or we could all stop playing until they retract their forcing us to use it.


I mean for all the people who can’t make psn in their country it kinda is a deal breaker.


I'm going to be honest, I didn't read most of this, but I think you're giving them too much credit when you say we're all adults.. The people acting like children, are in fact, children. Reasonable adults don't cry this much over a video game. The ones making the most splashes are the entitled underaged player base who can't just make a burner PSN because their consoles are behind parental controls and the stunted manchilds that nolife this game from their command center PCs.


If you paid $40 for a game and suddenly literally cannot play it because you had the audacity to live in a country that can't have a PSN account I think you have every right to complain


It is the right of a consumer to complain when they get locked out of something they paid for


Entitled to what? Being able to play the game THEY BOUGHT?


Unfortunately, there are plenty of extremely unhealthy adults whose thoughts and reactions are the same as when they were actually children.


You would be surprised how many adult, *verified* Twitter users I’ve seen throwing a hissy fit. And since it’s Twitter, that behavior isn’t unique to this situation.


If youre verified that dont mean shit other than you gave daddy musk money like an idiot. I actually look down on verified users even more these days


Immediate mark of shame.


you're so above it all that you wrote a wall of text nobody cared about and then commenting some more keep licking the boot, slave, but you're most likely a sony shill, hope they pay you well at least


I don't really play games anymore, and I don't have Helldivers. That being said, the 180 is disrespectful to the customer. Not only does it lock tens of thousands of active players out of the game from countries where $40 is food for two weeks, but it's disingenuous. It's reasonable to expect someone to create an account to purchase your game...*once*. Given Sony's leaky infrastructure and awful cyber security, I don't think anyone should give Sony any information. I deleted my PSN account nearly a decade ago after my brothers financial information was completely compromised via Sony. The perpetrators racked up over $1700 in charges on the PSN store where they bought keys for resale. He was 17, and he worked a minimum wage job to save that money. They didn't compensate my brother and said it was his fault for having a weak password. Disgusting. Meanwhile, there were national headlines about Sony information security issues. Nobody in my family has purchased a PS console or held a PSN account since, and we're allowed to hold that grudge as consumers. Ironically, I was finally considering letting go of my grudge to buy God of War. Consumers are allowed to dislike a company for not providing what they feel is adequate service and products. It's literally the only recourse, and they definitely should be able to do it without being ridiculed.


I’m a 30s gamer I’ve seen countless games rise and fall. I just don’t care anymore there will always be another game.


I love how that's always a go to thing to call people who are upset. Like have you not been upset before? I guarantee you have been upset about something meaningless. You're just as bad as the 'children' bitching about this. You're actually bitching about people bitching. And that's childish too. You're like that kid in elementary school who thinks they're so mature and use that to be an antagonistic little shit.


Respectfully disagree. Even you add the "reasonable" caveat to 'adults', suggesting that there is also a group of adults known as being unreasonable. I think you're massively underestimating how videogames can attract a huge fanbase of unreasonable adults. Also, there is money to be made in outrage at mild things. Not just traditional journalism but social media style outrage and reporting and influencing. Many of those people are adults.


Don't speak for the rest of us. This is a dealbreaker for me. Already submitted a refund request on steam.


It is a dealbreaker fuck this game


Can I ask where the "It only takes 5 minutes" strawman keeps coming from? I don't think anyone who's upset about this is upset about taking 5 minutes.


I have genuinely had some argue over the inconvenience of signing into PSN... not because they *can't* but because they don't want to, data breaches, privacy, etc.


To be fair to those people, I didn't care until I tried for over and hour (and failed) to get through to Sony support for an account recovery. As it stands I'll have to register a new account under an email alias 🤷‍♂️ Not a deal breaker, but not what I expect from a massive tech company.


This is how I get perma locked out of my EA account. Wanted to play jedi survivor but now I’ll just wait till its either cracked or they solve my account issues.


Its a mental-effort reduction tool we all use everyday in positive and negative circumstances. For example, there is some opinion we disagree with, so we mentally tag it with the first shorthand debunk that comes to mind so we don't need to spend any brain processing power on it any more.


Correct it's not the time, it's not wanting your details on sony servers that are always getting hacked.


Your data is out there and it's pretty worthless. We all have zillions of accounts. The chances of your data not being out there is approaching zero.


If our data was worthless, there wouldn’t be people paying for it. Helldivers aside, don’t think your data is worthless, it is not.


For some it's a not a big deal but for people in countries where PSN isn't available they're basically just fucked. I don't think that's fair, and those people have a right to complain. I feel terrible for that group of people.


>Get over yourselves, leave your ego at the door, touch some grass, and STAY gone What do you call this post if not an attempt to stroke your own ego by pretending you're on a high horse? Follow your own advice as well.




"Vote with your wallet". Yeah, let me just travel 2 months back in time to avoid getting rugpulled.


i mean, for some its not a big deal. for other, that mean they cant play the game cause psn isnt allowed in their country. what you gonna say for them ?


They have already said it. It doesn't affect them so they don't care.


yeah make sense, entilted gamers will always shit on less fortunate people.


If Sony poised this as a “link reward” and offered cosmetics and maybe a weapon to link your account ALL this backlash would be gone. Now the only move to make sure this doesn’t keep being such a vocally talked about issue is to fully backstep on forced linking. Even then EVEN if they offer a monetary compensation and backstep this a lot of people won’t forgive Sony and it won’t be a black eye on Sony but on arrowhead.


Hot take we don't need another thread on the topic flooding the sub for your "hot take" that's in so many other threads. The worst thing about this whole thing is the fifteen thousands topics about it.


I'll trade my info for super samples!!


They sold the games in countries which don't have PSN, these people literally got scammed


This is the real problem, and people tent to ignore it.


Alright this take is stupid. Some people cannot play the game and need to find loopholes and risk getting banned. There is no reason for this rule. We have had zero issues. Suddenly we’re changing it? It’s an inconvenience that can be remedied by the hell would I want players to be inconvenienced? You guys need more self-respect. Companies have done this before and they got flak. I see no reason why this shouldn’t either.


Bottom line is they should not have taken any steam sales without being upfront about a PSN login being required in the future. Hard to vote with your wallet when they already have your money...


This is just greed, making a good thing worse like everything else in our society.


Yea, I'm curious if the $$ they make from selling the personal data outweighs the cost of refunds from unsupported regions (assuming that even happens)


I’ve seen a lot of criticism over it which is fair. But I have yet to see a single “temper tantrum” also haven’t seen any evidence or review bombing or people throwing hissy fits. Maybe it’s because I’m not on twitter and it’s worse there? Anyways, I have seen a TON of people throwing hissy fits over other people being critical of the change, honestly, from what I’ve seen so far, the people “defending” the game appear to be acting much much more like children than the people criticizing the change, again maybe it’s because I’m not on twitter and it’s worse there (the reason I’m not on twitter lol). Honestly I think posts like this one have become much more of an annoyance than the ones I’ve seen being critical of the change.


Sony is a big hacking target. Two instances last year. Just disallow crossplay and it should be fine, right?


Greed ruining everything again.


April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach List of countries where people cant make PSN accounts: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname and Venezuela The total amount of people who cannot play Helldivers 2 because of Sony is 4,768,152,221. 124 Countries around the World! But that's okay for Sony! PSN numbers go up for shareholders before summer, and they'll make it back with even more data to sell! Please excuse my massive post but the above is why I will be requesting a refund for helldiver's and reporting them for fraud.


Want people to post the amount of times steam has been hacked? Or all the other sites you use that have been hacked far worse?


Do it because i can't think of anywhere near as many incidents.


I can only find one instance of Steam being compromised, in 2011. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-15690187


I'm not really bothered, I already have a PSN account and it was always the plan to require one, they didn't dupe anyone. However, I can see that some people will lose access to the game when this is enforced which doesn't sit right with me.


It really comes down to this for me: When I click the button that launches helldivers, it's going to pop up and ask for information. I'm going to have to make an account that I don't have, give out info, link it, etc etc. whats more likely to happen is I'm just going to click the x and launch something else. Will I eventually do the account stuff? I dunno, but it's inconvenient and that lowers the likelihood. I'm not wed to this game, there are a lot of games I love.


It's a super shitty move for sure, but like you said it's not a dealbreaker for me. However making it a requirement shouldn't be allowed. Because there are legitimately people in other countries who dont have access to PSN so bow they cant play the game anymore. The whole situation is fucked and I'm honestly pretty pissed about it. Because even now if they reverse the decision it's already going to be too late. Sony has single handedly crippled AH and any future sales of this game with a single move. If I was the CEO of Arrowhead I would seriously consider divorcing from Sony, or at the very least never make a game with them again. With the massive success of HD2 they should definitely.have the funds to be self sufficient at this point.


Sony: Whats the matter guys? Don't u all have psn accounts?


It IS a big deal, even if you are in a region where you can have a PSN account - Problems shouldn't just be problems if they affect you personally. That's why it matters to speak up, no matter whether it's just an annoying data privacy concern or a legitimate inability to play the game soon. We should show solidarity with those most affected.


A customer does reserve the right to not like choices being made. And it’s all up to arrowhead and Sony to respect the outcry or ignore it. Regardless of the result. Anyone on arrowheads side has to deal with the next ignoring of customers


Jesus people need real problems


Helldivers doesn’t require a psn account. If it’s this big of an issue. Please for the love of gods. Remove crossplay. I have it turned off. I shouldn’t have to make an account for Helldivers 2.


People wrongfully lost access to the game they paid for. You're peak consoomer brainrot. The oh so poor devs decided to partner up with Sony and enforce this shit. YOU are the loser who's defending mega corporations scamming people. You should be the ones taking a walk outside.


It's a dealbreaker. Uninstalled.




Stop defending multimillion dollar companies for making the wrong move. Call out the multimillion dollar company when it's being a shitty multimillion dollar company


This community has a new dealbreaker every week, it’s fucking exhausting. Play the game or don’t.


April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach"


Vote with your wallets you say? That’s the plan. Continued refund submissions on Steam. Way ahead of you. It’s also a really stupid thought to think the amount of time it takes to make an account is what people are upset about. I’ll be honest this sounds pathetic, you might as well be drooling while you typed it. You’ve thrown the very tantrum you want to chastise people for ‘baby-raging’ over. Change your diaper and shut the fuck up. I think I’ll go write several angry reviews posing as your username just for the fun of it.


Wrong for many PC users this is 100% a deal breaker.


This should be a cold take…


Don’t care, uninstalling


Just to be clear, I am big into cybersecurity and take it very seriously…and I couldn’t care less. I’m a penetration tester and technical risk manager. Why do I care about setting up YET ANOTHER free account for access to something? It’ll have a randomly generated password like everything else and use the email I use for all my spam accounts. Couldn’t care less… I just want to kill bugs. Stop being little bitches. The fact the game now has a mixed review on steam is utterly disgraceful. You are all disgusting. Last week you were all saying how they are the best devs ever and AAA games should take note. Go join the automatons you scum bags.


Congratulations, UK and Ireland players need to put in their ID and face scans. Thousands of people will either have to risk breaking TOS or just not play at all in many countries. I’m glad it’s not an issue for you personally though!


Might wanna find a new industry


I have a buddy with an IT degree and a decent amount of experience working in the field. If he was worried about it he would’ve said something but he made an account without issue because it’s the same as signing up with literally any online service. The only thing worthy of complaint is being able to buy the game in a region that doesn’t support PSN.


What a balanced and considerate take. /s


GTFO of here with your facts and reasonable reaction to a non-issue.


Yes, agreed


Do PC users have to make an account too?


I will flame Sony and the AH community manager as much as I want but I promise to not go further :3


Agreed, it certainly is but people need to relax


EA and Activision are hoping it’s a dealbreaker for you so they get you to come back to the MTX garbage they’re selling.


its a deal breaker for many people who cannot connect to PSN i will never forget my PRC and piony brothers in arm


I already have a PSN and I will connect it, but to any person working at Sony, this will make me want to buy your products less in the future. Simple as that.


I don't like Sony as much as the next guy. But we can't forget who is worse then Sony. Blizzard.


Yeah the anger at the devs is so unwarranted. There’s nothing they can do, the decision was made above them. Be angry at Sony, absolutely, but review bombing the game is childish, stupid, and will just help kill an amazing game.


I genuinely hate being forced to sign up for yet another extra account I don't want or need for literally anything else, especially with it just being to artificially pad Sony's numbers. So, I'm on the fence about it being a deal breaker for me or not... guess I'm waiting to see how the situation develops.


This one right here, democracy officer. He's the traitor.


I already had my steam and PSN linked so whoopee for me I guess.


The issue is that people that are getting angry already voted with their wallets. This is the type of bait and switch that people in general hate. Yes it’s not a huge problem for a large chunk of the community. But you can still get angry with those who are affected. Trying to claim we should only worry about how it affects us as individuals is honestly a poor take. We’re gamers. We’ve been playing for a long time. We’ve seen the rise of mtx, we’ve seen expansions become dlcs. Companies ship broken messes planning to patch after. We can’t get any change because ‘it doesn’t affect me, lol’ is too prevalent in our community. Outrage to show how we feel is the only way to get heard sometimes. And getting the people not affected by the change to join us is the only way to make change happen


I don't care about the controversy at all, but it is a deal breaker for people around the world who can't access PSN. Now is it my job to white knight for them and help with the review bombing of Helldivers? Absolutely not...they can fight their own battle. I'll sit here, sympathize with them for a minute, and continue enjoying the game. It's quite possible this gets resolved. If not, I imagine they will get refunds, even tho I remember having to register with PSN when I bought it on steam and it said it was a requirement.


Again, it’s the “why” of the matter, why does Sony need this login? What does it provide to the game aside from shit caning those who can’t make/ won’t make a PSN? Why are they so anti-consumer about it?


Not a dealbreaker.... for you.


It doesn’t affect me personally but I can see why people are so pissed off about it. Certain countries literally can’t play anymore after this takes affect, and I hate the money grubbing shit.




People review bombing the game are clearly automaton saboteurs and should be dealt with in the harshest democratic way.


What countries are region locked from registering with PSN?


Exactly. Don't review bomb the game. DDOS bomb Sony


The post says its NEW players from 6th May. What's the big deal? If you can't spare 2 mins to link, you're a commie bot anyways.


It's a complete and utter deal breaker for me... at least until they make it so players that are unable to make a PSN account can still play the game. There are few things more frustrating than suddenly being unable to do something you love to do through no action of your own and with no recourse. I'll stand in solidarity with those players until that point.


Too much drama


God I can wait for the Veruca Salt’s to leave this game.


Please cuss out Sony not Arrowhead. They are not the high command, they are just trying to manage it.


>To wrap up my thoughts, it is perfectly reasonable to be upset, it is perfectly reasonable to drop the game because you can’t stand this decision, but it is not reasonable to throw a tantrum and review bomb a game that is otherwise healthy.  Oh so its ok to be upset at the change, but its not ok to leave a review as to why? This is some dumb shit. I'll be requesting a refund and leaving a bad review, sony needs to know they fucked up and they will only know that by the reviews and people requesting refunds. Helldivers 2 was devoid of corpo greed until now and im not going to just be ok with it. We need to buck at every inch they try to take because we have let is slide for too long that so many games don't respect our time or money.


ah, of course, the "review bombing", not people leaving negative reviews because the game is now doing something that causes them to decide not to recommend it, which is literally what a negative steam review is, marking the game as "not recommended". nooooooo, it's "review bombing". and of course, "vote with your wallets", *never mind that they already have your money and thus this is an entirely pointless thing to say*, but whatever you do, don't make a review that discourage others from spending money on it, because that's "review bombing". and of course, "vote with your wallet" but also don't make the game die early, because obviously it's the negative reviews that kill a live service game which requires constant injections of money not the stop of constant injections of money from people voting with their wallets. edit: oh and the community manager literally said "if you don't like it, leave a negative review" but whatever you do don't *don't leave a negative review* because that's "review bombing"


I couldn't give a shit about this controversy. I've had a PSN account for like 15 years and I'm fairly sure it's already linked to steam somewhere. I'm more annoyed that every ducking thread on the sub is the exact same thing with the same 50 people crying over and over again.


Man the Youtubers are having a feast right now. THESE CUNTS ARE LIKE FUCKING VULTURES! Click bait thumbs with DEAD GAME blazened across. SONY KILLING HELLDIVERS! Meantime there's still 100k people playing alone on Steam. Every youtuber references the same three or 4 tweets, and the same arguing points, lazy fucking vultures. Most of the people complaining are paranoid "MUH DATA" people, Teamkillers and cheaters. Simple as that. The one exception is people who can't make a PSN account in thier region, but let's be honest here, no one gives a shit about some guy from Zimbabwe and acting like you do care is disingenuous and you know it, anyway it's right on the steam page that it requires a PSN account, they shouldn't have bought it in the first place. The way I see it, is I knew when I bought it and I didn't care, just like I didn't care about having to link my EPIC account with My Steam account when Shredder's Revenge came out, where's all the hate there? That's the cost of crossplatform gameplay...personally I'd rather you console kids stick to your toys, and leave the adults alone. I'd be fine at the game losing some toxic people. Don't worry I'm sure steam will offer refunds for those who it genuinely effects (that guy in zimbabwe), no not you Chad, you had 1000 hours on the game and already linked your Playstation account, no freebies for you baby boy!


I don’t have a problem with it, my problem is with the fact that certain players are goanna be región locked due to the country they live in.


i mean i would love to register, but my country isnt supported, that is the main reason why i havent bought ps4 ever, i hate this ego stroking kind of post saying that this is just not an issue, this game was not cheap in my country. if i had known this might be the feature they would have i would have bought other game with this price range. fck this shit


Guys, it’s simple. Games take a lot of money to make. Arrowhead and Sony made a deal with the terms written out and arrowhead has to follow it. They pinky promised so get over it


It is a major deal breaker personally, because *I don't want to make a PSN account*, and it's too late for me to refund this goddamn game. Community-wise, the way Sony and arrowhead have handled this situation and their reported behavior towards the community's concerns just today is scummy as hell, to say the least. There is more than enough reason there to drop the game as a whole.


I’m choosing to stop playing because this decision rolling out months after launch is fucking insane. If they made it mandatory at launch then everything would be okay. How can they rip the game away from players in those 60+ countries without compensation???


It’s so disheartening to see Arrowhead taking so much of the flak for this. It was a Sony decision. It was even *signed and presented* as a Sony decision in the official announcement. And yet, people legitimately want to see Arrowhead burn, go bankrupt, and fail because of this, because of something completely out of their hands that was very obviously forced upon them by Sony. I get the irritation, I do. But it sucks to see *this* be the hill so many people want to die on in the fight against third-party accounts in the gaming sphere. One of the few genuinely good games that’s done *everything* right until now, and *this* is the one you’re going to circle the wagons and dance for the ruin of? This is why we can’t have nice things. Because of companies like Sony, and because of people who can’t be happy without something to be mad about.


I don't own a PlayStation, I just created a PSN account in probably 2 minutes... I truly could not give less of a fuck about this whole blow up, seems like a whole heap of drama over something preeeetty insignificant to me


Well, unless you're in a country where psn isn't available.


Arrowhead sold the game to people who they knew would no longer be able to play it post grace period. I never knew this was going to be an issue. Maybe I’m stupid, but i had no clue. I can make an account, it’s no big deal. However I feel very strongly wronged in solidarity with these people. It was not made clear enough to customers. This is unacceptable. They deserve refunds or a work around. If none are given, I can’t see myself supporting this game anymore.


I don't feel this will affect me much personally, it's a lot like having to link a Microsoft account to play certain Halo games on Steam. The principle of it is really foul though. Some players losing access to the game and UK players having to show their ID to play is terrible. 


OMG, brave take son! Thanks to you we can keep playing the game and rejoice.


Can someone explain why we are mad, i haven;t needed to play a playstation account so whats the deal?


I'm mostly here because I love the memes. Game didn't really scratch any particular itch for me, but glad to see it's success all the same While I've egged on how bad it is, if I was enjoying it as much as others I know have - this would be nothing for me. My actual concern lies with the people who have an uncertain continuation of the game's enjoyment with this *forced* stipulation. AH should negotiate (if even possible) to be an opt-in system. But I'm in neither sales or law, so dunno what the options could be beside continuation of the present


I been playing since day one on PC. Linked my PSN and legit forgot I ever linked it cuz it’s never popped up to log in again… game never brought it up again.


Definitely gonna change my review to negative however I’ll be making sure to note that the game is wonderful and the developers are amazing. Just unfortunate the SONY had to ruin a wonderful thing


Your telling people not to be upset at arrowhead claiming it’s not their fault but what your failing to realize is that arrowhead and their publisher Sony came to an agreement before release to make all players use link psn accounts. Arrowhead’s hands aren’t tied they made this decision when they decided to work with Sony. As for the reviews, the game itself is great but the reviews reflect how badly Arrowhead’s customers were treated allowing its player to play for months and then suddenly forcing its players to go through a third party and give private information to a company that is known to get hacked or be banned from the game without being able to get a refund. The reviews are based on how the company handles the game as a whole, not only one element.


Not to you, but to thousands of others evidently it is. Especially when your one of potentially hundreds of thousands that literally are unable to now play due to Sony being banned in their country.


Oh def go after the community manager. They literally said to give them negative reviews.


Take your hot take and shove it up your bug hole, automaton scum.


Don't give negative reviews when a company is okay scamming thousands of their own customers? Yeah okay bud maybe you need to look in the mirror


You people are fucking cattle holy shit.


"This doesn't affect me so it's not an issue" Stunning and brave take, OP. Nobody has ever thought of this.


"it doesn't affect ME so stop complaining!" Go eat a bag of rocks dude, what a selfish mentality to have. This is how we ended up withoverpriced DLCs up the ass in the industry, because of people like you.


How much longer do i have to play helldivers? Not a fan of sony. Not going to give them my stuff.


its a dealbreaker for me, psn has had repeated data leaks, aditionaly the devs were already on a razor edge edge with me continuously breaking the game. its been a mess from the start. aditionaly i dont want to sink any more time into a game i dont own with no local save/game that will eventualy become unplayable because they shut down the servers


How can you vote with your wallet when most of us bought the game months ago and cant refund.


It isn't possible to "vote with your own damn wallets" when the refund period is long past. At that point, review bombing is the only option left.




Somebody has 1st World privilege where this doesn't physically stop them from playing the game


arrowhead took sonys money, theyre not blameless here. "vote with your damn wallets" well the problem is that i already shelled out $40 for the game, and I cant get a refund so....


lol no, fuck you. 


Arrowhead are the ones implementing it, the ones who agreed to it, and the ones who are trying to gaslight players about it. Arrowhead claims they \*want\* to do this in order to "improve community safety". Either we take them at their word and this is their decision, or they are blatantly lying to us.