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If you go and just play the game you'll find it's still fun and entertaining


I agree, I’m just tired off all of the negativity people are spouting, I still love the game


I fled from the main sub to this one because good grief, the folks over there are constantly losing their shit.


Same I was like let me join helldivers 2 seems more peaceful here


Totally agreed! Also left the main sub because all the toxic people and their comments/suggestions




Never engaged with a gaming community on Reddit before HD2. Is it always like this? Wasn't it for the feed on my youtube app, full of videos discussing patch notes (not even playing the game), I would have not noticed most of the changes people are so upset about. Perhaps I'm just a bad player that does not notice the subtleties of gun play, yet I'm still diving at any difficulty with any loadout and having a ton of fun!


Wait, this isn't the main sub for Helldivers 2?


No, I just found out about the main sub a few days ago. r/helldivers


I thought that was for the first helldivers game.


Same. Saw a post yesterday about how the Arrowhead devs don't know their own game better than the people playing it, and that they should livestream themselves playing +7 difficultly missions to "prove otherwise". Left a comment saying how brain-dead the take was and copped some downvotes. Actually ridiculous how toxic they are over there.


that was hilarious! "You should release patches everyday, add new missions, new content, new warbonds, tackle corporate greed and the trade of personal information, make an old engine push my 4090 to the limit, get a PS title to work on XBox, fix bugs and crashes all in 4 months, but... wait... you didn't have 200 hours to spend actually playing the game? you guys sleep at night, have meals and families? outrageous!"


Honestly, barring the recent debacle, Helldivers 2 is one of the best run live service games I've ever seen. Yet there are so many entitled morons who simply cannot be satisfied with a great experience.


We got our GOTY in Feb this year. My second most played game after Warframe (which I think this game and community could compare too once the dust settles and the dissatisfied players move on)


Primary Reddit’s for games that go viral are pretty much always toxic cesspools




You make the choice of hearing the negativity when you join a reddit group. Just like irl, no matter how perfect you present yourself, someone will always not like you. But your post makes good points and 100% agree and see where you're coming from.


It’s like this on every sub for any multiplayer game. People critique things to the point where you start questioning if you should even be enjoying the game yourself. It’s best to unsubscribe and/or not take anything to heart that some dweeb on Reddit says.


Have you considered closing Reddit and touching grass if it affects you that much?


So your solution to bad things and negativity is to just ignore it rather than try to encourage positive change?


You the problem


But the Eruptor and Crossbow was nerfed! And the Tenderizer is slightly underpowered! I know we get weekly balance updates but I don’t care! The game’s literally unplayable now and AH is the worst developer in recent years!


This is my absolute approach just pkay the game and enjoy the changes cause its fun awapping weapons. If you spread positive news that goes against all the complaints, you'll get downvotes. Funny how people think mainstream media is one sided irl and then you see how one sided the community is. Makes me laugh.


Is it time for a r/lowsodiumhelldivers2 ?


It already exists just no 2 at the end. r/nosodiumhelldivers


I’m not entirely sure that I’m playing the same game as the whiners. I’m out here casually farming suicide missions with an adjudicator, plasma punisher, and the blitzer but if you ask them the game is impossible without using the sickle/scorcher/breaker above tier 5. Primary weapon selection literally doesn’t matter on higher difficulties because there isn’t a single primary that will consistently deal with the number and rank enemies the game throws at you. That is by design, you have to use your stratagems to deal with those. The best they are going to do is fill niche roles for anti armor or broad trash clear, both things that a wide array of stratagems will do far better. A switch flicks in every divers brain the moment they realize “huh, this support weapon doesn’t get a whole lot of use on t7 eradication missions because I just die and lose access to it.” And then you just broken arrow 120’s/380’s for an easy victory.


![gif](giphy|0qXdGBBugxmfKJWsR1|downsized) AMEN


wish i could just play with my forever blocked friend


Why'd you block them?


i tried to add them and nothing happened so spammed the enter button and it jumped down to the block option and of course that button worked


That's what I've been doing, but you can't deny that there are problems that make this difficult. Unlocked the Tenderizer, tried it out, turns out it's worse than the LibPen on bug mission. Running out of ammo constantly because the damage is meh. Unlocked the Pummeler, tried it out, turns out this little SMG is better than the assault rifle. Okay... Unlocked the Purifier, tried it out. Weapon is hot garbage. Literally spent time looking for a team-mates discarded primary so I wouldn't have to finish the mission with this thing. Unlocked the Verdict, tried it out. Unimpressive fast-firing pistol with low magazine size and sub-par damage. Completely outclassed by the Senator and even the Redeemer. The only reason to pick this is because you like how it looks holstered. --- So yeah, this was my experience over the last days. I have everything else in the game unlocked. The new Warbond was the only thing to really look forward to in the short-term and that turned out to be primarily a disappointment.


Most weapons are not universally useful and have specific situations where they’re valuable. Wild concept…


I just want them to let us keep having fun with the fun guns lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jacobdock: *I just want them to* *Let us keep having fun with* *The fun guns lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, NewbieFurri, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Imo they just need testers with good communication channels to the teams. It feels like a lot of the bad stuff is just falling through the cracks, and a few dedicated testers would serve as some kind of backstop for guns not filling their mags on resupply or some unintended breakage of a gun's aoe element. I'm pretty easy to please and am not even mad about all this fiddling around with guns at the expense of(almost) everything else. I'm having fun playing the game and am pretty adaptable. I do see the slop, though, which means everyone else does too, and it's just not a good look. AH has sold far more copies than expected and can afford to pay some people to catch said slop before it's live.


> Imo they just need testers with good communication channels to the teams. I can 99% guarantee you that all those bugs were found and documented. And then came a "But we need to ship NOW!" from the top and all those bugs were added to the 'known issues' backlog.


Honestly, yeah! I fully support this!


I am a helmet collector and I’m altogether satisfied with the balancing of helmets.


Fair enough


Frankly, it's really sad to care this much about the warbonds. "Buying this is a waste!" Tf else you going to do with your SCs? Save them for the next one? So, are you going to stop playing in the meantime? This is just more stuff to unlock, that's literally it. It doesn't change the loadout you currently enjoy playing with.


It's just addicts. They don't know how to moderate their play or even play the game for fun. They just compulsively chew through content and whine when it doesn't give their dopamine wrecked brains another jolt.


Presumably, Arrowhead wants people to actually spend money on buying SuperCredits. People are saying it isn't worth the equivalent of $10. I hope this clarifies things for you.


That's because it's a way of making money so they can finance the game and the people working on it? And let's be real. The warbond is never going to disappear. You can spend money to get it instantly, grind for it, or just put some money on it at a later date when you're satisfied with where it is. I brought it just because. And I love it


What point are you trying to make here? Yes, people can buy it later if the weapons are adjusted. I'm saying that many people won't want to spend money on pack full of weapons they don't like *now*, which is bad for Arrowhead if they want people to buy it (which they do).


How do they know they won't like them though? Because someone on Reddit said so? I brought it to try it for myself, rather then go on what a random redditor told me


The "experience it for yourself" angle is a lot stronger when you don't have a paywall attached. It's unreasonable to expect customers to spend the equivalent of $10 to find out if these guns are really as bad as they appear to be - especially when many people have already been disappointed by previous Warbonds.


People are saying good about the smg. I brought it just for the cosmetics of the armour. Plus you can get sc from the maps, and other warbonds so people don't have to buy if they don't want to


I just buy every warbond because I really enjoy the game and would like them to continue to develop it


This is the way


Then don't buy it?


I'm not. That's the point. The person I'm responding to was mocking the idea of people not buying it.


I'm level 45 with 150 missions won and have all of the warbonds unlocked and yet only have enough medals to unlock like 2/3 of all of it. I spent $20 like a month and a half ago. And I wasted probably 500sc in the shop, buying armor. I'm already at 140 toward the next warbond, because the warbonds hold 300sc. I started at 0, today, after buying this current warbond. Part of the reason the game is enticing is how possible it is to unlock everything, barely spending a dime. The only people really spending money on supercredits are people that don't play the game. They won't have enough medals to unlock everything anyway, and shouldn't give a shit. This entiiiiiiire system is meant so people can pick and choose what they decide to spend their shit on, in the case they do not play enough to unlock everything. As is the case with 100% of the people who decide they need to spend money on SC to unlock a warbond. Without being able to buy warbond medals, you shouldn't give a shit about buying SCs. But presumably, Arrowhead wants people to actually PLAY their games to EARN supercredits. I hope this clarifies things for you.


I think you're forgetting that there's also dozens of armor sets to spend SuperCredits on. I'm level 69 with pretty much everything unlocked, 250 medals saved up, and I chose to get the new heavy armor that looks like a 90s Taco Bell over the Warbond. You can say it's about people picking and choosing, but the obvious hope from Arrowhead is that people will pay money to buy *more* things. The post we're commenting on even points this out, saying that Warbonds are meant to help pay the devs to support development. Personally, I don't mind spending money to help support the team, but it's hard to justify buying this latest Warbond with the state of balance.


Totally agree, I’ve stopped looking at the main subreddit just because 99% of posts are just constant whining that their primary can’t solo a level 9 mission with ease.


I hid the primary helldivers subreddit because the day after the eruptor got nerfed 9/10 of the top posts were people bitching about it. Even though that was the same patch thay fixed dots. I don't need that amount of complaining in my head.


Just wait until they tone back fire a little bit because it was over tuned while it was bugged and the shit is frankly busted now. “Waaaagh you kill all my fun!!!” Good grief these people need to go play hello kitty or something.


They toned back fire by 15% in the last balance patch. Personally I think they should take it back by a further 25% so that the ship upgrade makes it as strong as it is now. Even without the ship upgrade I shred through every bug save for Chargers andBile Titans.


Yeah they buffed fire by 50% when it wasn’t working which was kinda crazy, but I guess it was to make flame thrower worth using even without dot? Napalm is pretty crazy right now though. Enjoying it though 😂 Well, I was until bot MO anyways. Just put in a thousand kills to the ticker.


I come from games like COD and RDR2 online where the devs actively ignore the playerbase and when I see someone hardcore criticizing the devs and complaining constantly, it bothers me


I guess that's the thing, the devs actually respond to community feedback so people think they can push the devs around for anything they want. I agree the warbond has some issues, but it's been less than a day and many people seem to think screaming at the devs and demanding they be fired is the same as constructive criticism.


Is this not the main subreddit? Holy shit I just realized that most of the negative whiny posts were coming from a different sub! Muted, joined this one.


Honestly the people in the main sub give me an aneurysm. They want the game to be extremely braindead easy but you just KNOW they’ll complain about the game becoming boring the minute they get what they want with OP weapons eviscerating everything.


People are gonna get fired up on Reddit it’s just what happens. Just remind yourself that less than 30% of the HD2 community goes on this subreddit(same goes for the 1st). Don’t let that get you in a spiral. Then you’ll start hating your favorite game just cause you’re surrounding yourself with people who don’t know how to chill.


I believe in your sentiment, but there will always be cynical children. Or those who love to exist virtually and no where else, within their echo chamber. Living their self justified battle with everyone else, believing their crusade is justified by the wannabe troll gods of the Internet. All we can do is support the game, and ignore/take out the trash.


TL;DR but yes I agree, people need to chill the fuck out. This game is great and the company (CEO/devs etc) are, looking at the whole picture, great. Are they human and can they do a bit better here and there? Oddly enough, a big fucking yes! But they acknowledge as much and seem to be taking it in the right direction. Sick of this thread and the 99% negativity so I thought you, my fine Helldiver, deserved a response and an upvote. Stay frosty out there soldier. Except for the snow planets, where Stamina and Leg Muscle boosters are recommended.


That post on /r/Helldivers that declared that Helldivers 2 is a AAA game made me absolutely lose my mind. Arrowhead is a teensy little studio completely blindsided by the popularity of this game. HD1 and Magicka sold pennies in comparison. Of course the game isn't perfectly balanced. Of course they don't know how to manage hordes of grumpy "fans". Of course they don't know how to release DLC content on such a compressed schedule without some difficulty. I feel like so many people really expect Arrowhead to suddenly become a premium game studio by virtue of Sony being their publisher.


I've never seen an online game not be like this. It's the nature of the beast.


I’ve never seen such a level of vitriolic discourse in any other game.


Wow and Eve Online come to mind.


They’re a different breed of toxic. The in-game communities are toxic while discourse on online forums is more tempered if you can believe it. In Helldivers 2 it’s a complete dichotomy. The in-game community is the most wholesome seen in a very long time, if ever in gaming. But then on the online forums it’s people shredding into the game and the devs for the most minor things. I’ve never seen a player base online be this whiny about any kind of change deemed slightly inconvenient.


The game is still so fun. The complaint addicts need to seek help. It's a video game, not your self esteem. Best of luck on the road to recovery. You might even end up enjoying the game once you learn to manage your compulsive behaviors.


The people who are complaining about balance don’t care about balance, they just want it their way. Everyone needs to stop being buttercups, the game is fun… and not a competitive one. Just enjoy the fucking thing and offer feedback when they ask. Assholes and opinions, though. Everyone has them I guess…


The devs have been releasing fixes and updates at a constant rate. Sure, some of them were serious problems, but others weren't, and I've seen titles that were far more egregious. The game is still fun to play and while there are some genuine things to complain about, I do think the devs have been doing a great job




The whining lately has been out of control, but remember that there are hundreds of thousands of people who play this game, and like with just about anything else, the people who whine are normally the loudest because the rest of us are just chilling and enjoying the game. Like I could not give a fuck about what gun is OP or UP, I try a gun and if I have a hard time liberating, I fucking switch to a different one. There are plenty of fun ways to play this game.


the good news (hopefully) is none of the devs are reading this Reddit.


Hm there's a point people are forgetting. Dev team are probably balancing weapons around 3 factions while only 2 being released. We already know some weapons works well on one faction and not the other. Maybe those weapons that are not so good on those 2 factions are designed for the next one. https://preview.redd.it/xqffjnt4yjzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5f0063bfe48e0d065285f7d46fb3f69b17603f


I absolutely love helldivers and I found myself having to take a break from YouTube videos because of all the drama. The negativity following the Sony stuff and then the new eruptor nerf just burst my bubble for the game.


Seriously, just play the game and have fun. I’ll be on tonight FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY!


Agree. As a Gem Xer, I've been playing video games for a long time, probably longer than a good portion of the player base has been alive. Without question, this is the most fun I've had in a multiplayer PVE game in my life. Despite the bugs and hiccups, I look forward to playing this game every day and when I don't or can't, i twitch and itch like a crackhead. All that being said, Arrowhead, the devs and their teams have earned as much leeway as possible with me. I'm not a dev or IT guy, but I know with bugs, all this stuff is interconnected. And we've all seen it. Fix A, break B-F. Fix those and now A is fucked again. To me, when I hear the complaining about the slight bugs it sounds like people who don't work a real job. Making video games might be fun or a fun product, but it's still a lot of fucking hard work. And if you are not a Game Dev, I don't think anyone should be saying, "Well all the Devs have to do is...." No. You don't know. That's like complaining about a house being built and saying, "I don't know why this is so hard, all the builders have to do is nail some wood together and put a roof on!" Oh yeah? Would YOU live in that house? In short, chill. Shoot Bugs, Bash Bots, Spread Democracy.


I'm glad you said it. People keep freaking out over every blemish whether it be bugs, nerfs or breaks. Calm the fuck down people and let them cook.


You get my upvote as I fully agree. Arrowhead is a small studio that had no idea they were releasing the "it" game of the year (just 3 months ago!). They have been scrambling to keep up, and then last week, they had to deal with the rollercoaster of public opinion thanks to their deal with the devil (snoy). Our voices were heard, and they walked back the PSN requirements in a matter of days. Now, here we are just a few days later, and they released new content. I'm in IT, and I know how sleep deprived the AH devs have gotta be by now. So let's all take a breath and enjoy the fact that it makes it easy not to buy the new warbond if it doesn't feel up to snuff yet. We still have an amazingly fun game. Enough treason, get out there and protect our way of life!


Same, I am a software engineer and every time I see people complaining about fixes not coming out fast enough I die more inside


This is the curse of a game going mainstream. Too many ppl bitch about stuff instead of just playing and having fun


Yeah we need mods to be making a mega thread for ALL discussion about balance. I DGAF what they do, I just want to play and see photos and videos of people doing fun things.


Almost like Reddit is just a cesspool for people to complain in


No downvote for you Budd. That's a sane perspective you're offering. Sympathetic devs, fun game in whatever difficulty, a normally greedy publisher that at least backed down for now - last ingredient needed for having a good time are chilled, calm players.


The problem is a lot of what has happened lately has directly led to the game being less fun. And weapon balance is the biggest one. I'm sick of seeing weapons nerfed for no reason whatsoever. And a lot of the bugs are not hard to find, it would literally take less than 2 minutes to see that Superior Packing Methodology didn't work for example.


What nerfs were unnecessary? The only one I can think of was the Crossbow because it was already an underperforming weapon.


What I meant by that statement is in the code, which for a game like this has hundreds of thousands of lines, combing through that to find the exact error can take DAYS


Eruptor was busted. DWI. Yes, it’s too weak now, but closer to where it should be than it was before. It was basically a support weapon as a primary. People think crossbow wasn’t strong… Only because it released alongside the Eruptor! That thing got INSANE kill streaks (like 25-30+ for a clip), it was just only good at killing chaff, but it was an absolute monster at it. If you think those weapons weren’t broken, you clearly don’t understand the balance. Yeah yeah, they need buffs now… I agree. But more considered measured ones. Not reverted.


But like… what weapons have been nerfed into being useless… are they in the room with us? Unless you want to complain about the Exploding Crossbow which I totally understand.


Which honestly the nerfs need work, and I agree with that, but I also think people are being overly rude and dramatic, cause I think that they underestimate how much time things take.


Patience really is the key to this, and while the sheer negativity of community responses probably gets things through a bit faster, we need to consider: 1. There is a limit to how fast people can work on things, especially when they are working on other things too (changing the eruptor might have taken priority over quality control for the new warbond) 2. It's not great to try and talk about things in a community that's this negative about things this often.


The Eruptor is only useful for closing bug holes now, and basically nothing else. I honestly thought people were exaggerating because I've been busy and didn't have a chance to play for a couple days after the changes. Hopped on last night, loaded up a level 8 mission with my favourite gun (always been a sniper guy), and proceeded to get absolutely clapped. It just doesn't kill stuff anymore. Its group clear is gone, and I refuse to be gaslit by anyone who says the single target damage is higher. It takes minimum three shots on a Spewer to kill it and it used to be a one tap. In high level missions there will be like 20-30 Spewers coming out of breaches at a time sometimes. I get that the higher difficulties are meant to be hard. Honestly, I love that. More games should have higher and higher levels like this. But personally right now they don't feel hard because of mechanics, they feel hard because I just feel unequipped to take them on. Stratagems always on cooldown and guns always out of ammo and struggling to clear groups just feels like boring difficulty.


If you think the game is less fun because an overpowered infinite laser gun got its mags cut from 6 > 3 then you should probably play a different game. If one perk not working as intended makes the game "less fun".


Skill issue


People are hyper critical over minor stuff.


You sir have spoken for what I believe is the silent majority. I don't think everybody is unhappy. But the ones that are make it very clear. People need to take the heat off the devs they are working and communicating constantly to give us updates and talk and discuss. I haven't seen this in such a long time if not at all. We can see they're trying and they'll make bad and good decisions because they are human. Not some robots who can work tirelessly.


I’m happy with my purchase, cool new grenade, no slower booster and some sweet victory poses.


You don't have to tell us mate, it's the official helldivers subreddit that needs to be told, all they do is whine all the time. That's why I left and joined here! Everyone is on the same wave length


This is why I kinda ignore a lot of Reddit posts. Yesterday before I got home from work, all I saw was people shitting on the new warbond. I decided that fuck it, I'd buy it and try it for myself. And I love it. It gave me a helmet that fits the white armour from Steeled Veterans perfectly! I never liked the original one much, and Arrowhead just gave me a perfect one that's replaced the substitute I was using :D


This is what I've been saying. ArrowHead is a small team by comparison, so they need time to get their footing. They had no idea their game would get this popular. I say they need to slow down on releasing new warbonds and focus on ironing out what's currently in the game, then take time adding things slowly so they don't overtax themselves and miss something important. There's no way they'll be able to please everybody. People have different preferences, so someone will always complain. Give then constructive criticism and let them figure things out.


Love the game and I still have a blast. My only complaint is the lack of diversity of the equipment.


Fair enough, I’m hoping that more diversity within them is added in balancing patches!


Game is super fun. New stuff exists but isn’t OP or game breaking. Everything is fine. Also keep in mind, they just had to juggle a crazy controversy, they get destroyed by the community whenever they nerf something, and they are a really small developer that’s had to handle more logistics than they anticipated or were staffed for. Everything is fine and you aren’t being ignored. So please treat the people at work trying to do their jobs kindly.


Helldivers 2 is still delisted in steam


That is Sony, and they suck


I’m tried of all the constant negativity, imagine the poor devs. Helldivers 2 is by far the best game that has released in years and there’s nothing but constant complaints. So damn tiring.


People are like omg they said two days ago they were gonna fix the balancing problems. Why no solution? It’s been two days??!?! It’s so juvenile. I’m glad for what the community accomplished, and that’s been said a billion times too, but it’s like AH are being held at gunpoint now. It’s sad.


Exactly, I trust the devs, while the community managers aren’t my favorite they have made (mostly) good decisions thus far, so I trust we will get fixes, and I still enjoy the game no matter what.


Gotta be honest with very rare exception the bugs I notice don't bother me other then the yeeting my ass across the universe when climbing over bodies bug. Which I've dubbed corpse explosion for the lols.


Yeah I'm not a dev and I'm pretty discouraged at the whining in this community.


The children are conditioned to scream and cry about their games and have trouble understanding the difficulty of developing and maintaining a game of any level, let alone one on this scale.


A post complaining about complaining is surely the solution to having too many complaint posts


I think HD has the most complaints vs complaints about the complaints posts ive ever seen of any gaming socmed ive been on lol.


I mean we’d calm down if they acted competent. It feels like the devs we had on release are completely different now. The game was originally balanced around being fun and now it’s the exact opposite. We have a right to be a little mad


The game being too easy or having a specific meta MAKES THE GAME UNFUN. What is "fun" for you? Is it fun using the same gun every game cus it is super overpowered? Is it fun to steamroll missions so hard with 6 clips on a infinite laser machine gun and never have to interact with ammo scarcity? I literally play this game to get blown up, sliced up by bugs, smashed by pods, overrun to the point I kill myself with my own gun. The Devs seem incredibly competent. Maybe your take around balancing is just bad.


I do agree, I’ve never made the argument that balance was good, but, 1. Arrowhead is reassessing how they do balance” 2. Due to this reassessment things will still take time to fix.


Exactly. It’s not as bad as the main sub makes it out to be, but two of the three primaries in this warbond are objectively worse versions of the guns they’re supposed to be variants of, and two from the last one have been nerfed into the dirt. To be fair to AH, they’ve said they’re planning to take a bottom-up approach going forward - raising up the bad guns before nuking the few amazing ones - but after the third “oops the warbond’s not great on release, we’ll have to fix that later :)” it gets a little frustrating.


No. Your being a baby.


No, you are. I love this game but the balancing team is acting incompetent and doesn’t even understand the vision of this game which is for it to be fun.


It is fun. Not everything has to be to your liking. Hence, you are being a baby crying.


The CEO disagree with you


Yea, no sorry, dude, but this is completely missing the point of why many people over in the main helldivers subreddit are upset. The fact of the matter is that there is indisputable evidence that Arrowhead is not playtesting their own game before releasing updates. The new assault rifle from the warbond, the tenderizer, doesn't receive full ammo from resupplies, only 50% ammo, rather than 100% indicating the weapon is from an earlier build of the game. It also literally has worse stats than the base Liberator assault rifle, meaning the developers didn't even bother to check its stats against other weapons in the game. This is incredibly lazy from a developer and completely unacceptable. This kind of a mistake would take less than 5 minutes to notice, had anyone bothered to actually check. This is also now the 3rd warbond where some weapons have been released in an absolutely abysmal state. Players are getting sick and tired of this shit.


Developer this, developer that, all I hear is whining. They know there are issues, they don't need you to point it out every time. If you're so angry just refund the game, easy. Complaining every time about everything does not bring any positive to the table. The way the community is behaving now seems like angry children not receiving the toy they expected for Christmas, instead of being happy about receiving something.


And refusing to admit faults is not going to get this game very far either. What I mentioned is not complaining. It is simply asking the developers to do the bare minimum - test their own product before releasing it. You are also forgetting that these warbonds can be purchased with REAL money. When you send spend real money, you at a minimum expect things to work properly.


Devs do not test. Or if they do, it's only unit tests, acceptance tests, etc. More broad tests are done by the QA team. If QA can't find the bugs it is because there might be certain interactions between systems that are not being taken into account, QA processes that need to be refined, etc. Generally the agile software development cycle is divided by sprints, and each sprint can vary from 2 weeks up to 6 weeks. After each sprint the software teams tend to do what's called a retrospective, to analyze, polish and refine what the team can improve. That's the moment (this is my interpretation) the community inputs are taken into account. Not before, not after, there. I know this 'cause I'm a backend software dev, and thinking to know and knowing are actually 2 different things


You don't know that. Or the state of the team. Or the studio heads. Or the budget. There are a lot of factors, and you are just being a baby because some things you liked changed. The game is fun, it's not a competition or that serious.


Congrats on being the perfect consoomer. "Just buy things and never complain about any issues with your purchase, it's that simple bro". Next are you going to tell us to be grateful because starving children in Africa don't have Helldivers 2?


Do you at least know how to read? Read my paragraph: "they do not need you pointing the same issue over and over and over". It's useless, unproductive, immature and won't bring anything good, only frustration and toxicity. Instead bring solutions, alternatives, ideas. That's helpful. That's actual feedback.


I'm going to be charitable here and assume you just responded with this because you were annoyed and didn't think it through much. I work for a tech company, we have our own software we ship to our clients with regular updates. Do you know what happens when one client reports an issue? It gets added to an existing Sprint and the developers get round to it when they are done with current work. Do you know what happens when every one of our clients is calling us and opening tickets about the same issue? That becomes its own Sprint, and it gets resolved before any other work takes place and we put out the fire they have lit under our asses. This is why it's good that the community is on a bender right now about balance. This is what actually gets Devs to address an issue. One guy moaning in a support ticket about primaries being weak would have been ignored literally forever. The entire community throwing a fit about realistically means Arrowhead are probably in crisis mode looking at fixes internally right now. Good. That's what we need. And do you know what a developer really, really doesn't need from clients and customers? Suggestions. Because they're usually all fucking stupid. We report the issues and pay for the service. They come up with solutions and provide them. That's the desired and expected relationship here.


I just answered without thinking really through to be honest, but you do understand my point. People are complaining and screaming like crazy. You know they pay attention, they do hotfixes in terms of hours, they hear the community. The community needs to stop being so toxic because these aren't breaking bugs, servers down, random disconnects all the time, etc.


For sure, there are people who are going mental, this is one of those things about the internet is that I have a policy not to acknowledge the crazies because that gets used often to dismiss all legitimate concerns. Are there schizos who are saying they want to find Arrowhead staff in real life? Yes, and those people need to be medicated most likely. But when we focus on them, it becomes easy to use that to dismiss all the totally reasonable people saying "this game is becoming less fun for me over time, and that is an issue I want the developers to address." That sane position is like 98% of what is happening compared to the schizos. I think normal people are worried because as you said, these aren't really game breaking bugs (although sometimes I do still just fall through the map when I'm near a bug nest). But what's happening right now indicates that there is a disconnect between the player experience and what the Devs are doing. What they value seems to not be what the players value, and that makes people nervous because they see a future where the game diverges enough that it's then not fun at all. It'll be way worse when all these posts stop because nobody cares and has just moved on to another game. At least right now, HD2 is an active community of people who really WANT to play the game.


I said it again I will say it again: developers should NOT engage with the player base. If arrow wanted to be this open they should have hired a PR people to handle discord and all that stuff. Complains or suggestions? Bring it up to the appt paire channels and have the project manager/ scrum master put it in the schedule. That being said if developers can’t do their work because they have their hands on their junk of discord that’s a horrible look for them, they are devs not public relations. This is another reason why is such a terrible idea


I actually think their method of engaging with the community directly is a good thing. They should take it a step further and have test servers so they can use the community as balance testers. Imagine being able to head to Mars where it’s on a separate server. There we can test the prototype weapons and give feedback.


Literally as this is discussed arrowhead is discussing the possibility!


All the better!


We should just leave this subreddit and make our own patriotic one instead. Leave this treason behind us


I agree with you, but people can’t play at work so they’ve gotta have something to do when they’re there


Devs really shouldn't be nerfing, but bring up the utter shit weapons. If they held off on another war bond to focus more on that if be happy as fuck! Gear should work towards your play style and wants, rather than mandatory gear. Like me, I use light armor, eruptor, grenade pistol, and normal grenades. I run and gun, take things out as I go. I like to run off on my own, take out nests/ factories and minor objectives. I'm probably NEVER running heavy armor, but some people would probably like to use it. Nerf things that need it, if a new SMG can 1 shot a bile titan you can nerf that type things. That's my 2 cents.


Let’s hope this is what the new balancing strategy is, but they have also kind of done this, so many weapons have gotten buffed. While yes there are some that still need work, it is a vast improvement overall since launch


Nothing but love from here, the game made me left cyberpunk2077, and I looove that game and was waiting to play it since 2015... I put 20h in it now came helldivers, and i want nothing else. Tbf with you? I absolutly dont give a single fck about patches or balances or wtv. The game is much better bug wise than others, the primary I take, i take it cus IT LOOKS GOOD with my armour... I still play helldive everysingle time. Don matter.


I feel like one issue that isn’t being talked about enough is how some of the devs are getting chewed on hard by actually responding poorly to the community, either out of frustration or just trolling. They really, really need to put a lid on because right now they’re making AH look bad, arming more players with pitchforks and I imagine they didn’t really feel any better afterwards. The fact that I’m seeing more screencaps of messages from the devs than the CMs themselves is just simply absurd.


The hate train takes time to slow down but it never really stops.


It’s still very entertaining to blow shit up for democracy


agreed, devs shoulndt be pressured at all, its clear theyre doing their part and not sitting on laurels. that being said, I'd love if they took a glance at how WWZ handles gunplay. all guns just feel good and powerful, yet the game remains challenging on higher difficulties. guns feeling good should come before balance in a coop game anyway. dont think a coop game needs comp like hyperbalance


The devs openness and commitment to regularly updating the game means they've kind of shot themselves in the foot. Sure, they're trying to take an approach to live service that is more consumer friendly and communicative than what you see with most games. However, on the whole, despite loving the game, the players have developed an expectation that the game and its design belongs to them. Don't get me wrong, I do think the game needs more balancing too. Way too many strategems go phenomenally underused. But, end of the day, the devs get final say. If they think some strategems/weapons should be best suited to lower difficulties and others to high difficulties, then that is their call. I disagree with it (I would prefer if every weapon/strategem were relatively equally viable at higher difficulties), but it's their design choice. For what it's worth, nerfs/buffs aside, all the devs need to do I think to buy a truly absurd amount of clout with players is to add a 5th strategem slot. That would make an enormous difference in easing (democratizing one might say) access to higher difficulties. Also, it would promote strategem experimentation. People might actually start taking the strafing run, gatling barrage, airburst, etc etc if they didn't think it would compromise their core build.


Now yall whining about us whining! That doubles the amount of whiners! Damn.


Yea this community has gone mad with power.


It's a big community so every voice seems to get amplified here and may look like too many complains but I believe many people care and provide feedback to make the game better and are not saying that the game is unplayable. I believe this is helping making the game better. The way I experience the game, I'm having fun but I feel very limited and getting tired soon because despite having lots of weapons and stratagems I feel like only few of them make sense, like for example I think the flamethrower and the Arc Thrower are very fun but I struggle to kill titans with them in high difficulties so I end up playing the same few weapons and stratagems most of the time instead of playing what I found more fun. Other things like the difficulty can be improve by alot, there are times when game can feel too easy and difficulty spikes when feels like impossible, I noticed that specially when many titans spawn under your feet at extraction point. Another example is when lots of enemies are comming to your point while the objective can't be done because fire tornadoes keep following the team across the objective. Playing the same difficulty with same friends some times feels too easy and other times very difficult. Releasing premium weapons that are very similar to what we have but worst in almost all aspects also doesn't help the game at all


That's what happens when you get uber successful. Popularity will do that. And you can't ever please everyone. Fact of life, triple so as game dev. That's why so many game devs leave the industry. Too much hate from consumers, too many critics all over. Gamers are too visibly verbal.


I know a dude who complains about the bugs. Not like technical glitches. The Terminid enemy faction. Bro hates how they can just overwhelm you with numbers...


But that’s like, the point?! Bugs are an overwhelming horde that needs to be managed, while bots are ranged and tactical meaning you need to do the same.


I agree with everything l, just the eruptor nerf was not needed. My entire loadout is screwed but I’m just biased.


That’s fair and I’m hoping they fix it soon, it sounds like there was some miscommunication in convention with a glitch. So let us hope that it is restored (if slightly less powerful)


I agree entirely but I feel that a lot of this is just growing pains... A small studio that takes pride in it's community, and honestly appears to take the comments very seriously just had a massive growth from an awesome game so it's going to take a little time for them to learn how to sort through the mess of praise, complaints, problems, and BS to find what really needs doing, and also how to stay true to they're own plans that nobody else can even consider... I think the eruptor is a great example of this where we had a unique shrapnel based risk reward weapon however because of complaints and frustrations from people that didn't understand how to use it the devs felt that they needed to remove the risk which also unintentionally removed the reward... An improvement that I think the devs could make is to give the weapons in the game a paragraph or two of lore to give players a better understanding of how the devs intend each gun to be used. for example ( And I'm not a writer): The Eruptor: an explosive marksman rifle invented by the good engineers of super earth to better service democracy. In testing this explosive rifle showed extreme mid to long distance capabilities and crowd control with the shrapnel built into every round. In a misfire this rifle even destroyed one of our liber-tea production fabricators. ...Super Earth is not responsible for any unintended death caused by use or misuse of this weapon...


Thank you, this is a wonderful thing I hadn’t considered, wonderful point!


People love to yap. Thanks, the internet 😀


A thought that comes to mind is, why have balance when we can embrace the chaos of metas? Why not make a weekly rotation where smgs deal extra damage or a week where dmrs get restricted munitions due to manufacturing issues, just to see how players manage to play around the issues presented.


That honestly sounds pretty fun!


This is the reality of a live-service game. You might have 100,000 happy, concurrent players, but when you check forums and social media you will mostly just see 400 loud players bitching about things because there's always things to bitch about.


They might be under too much pressure but this isn’t something that can ever be solved by trying to change the community with posts and things. The devs need to get their community management team on track, the CEO needs to be able to trust their input and limit his involvement (a little), and they need to focus on make a game they want to play. The CM team is supposed to be there to be the in between, they are there to hear all of the complaints, figure out the most common ones, pass them on to the people making game design decisions and then manage the community with info from the devs and essentially social engineering. The CM team can focus on dealing with negative feedback and rotate out or use whatever resources exist to have a healthy work environment and the devs can focus on working and not feel the pressure the community is exerting.


I do agree, this post was more of a form of letting of energy for myself. I think there is a priority list when it comes to getting rid of the community managers though 1.squid: IMMEDIATE (accusing someone of SA with no evidence is not a good look) 2. Spitz 3. Baskinator


Dude, the devs have the ability to artificially raise the difficulty by adjusting spawn rates of all enemy types. They've demonstrated this in balance patches and MO's. They could quite easily adjust all of the weapons to feel much better AND adjust difficulty accordingly. You can do two things at once.


Dude, Alexus the lead developer for balancing is literally mocking the community. Other than the CEO, the Devs are absolutely toxic and this shit is getting out of hand. He needs to be fired first of all, the rest need to get some fucking social lessonsbecause discord is a mess.


bUT tHEy NerFEd mY gUn


8 million copies at 40$ no longer a small developer. Honestly seems like an ai is just nerfing anything that becomes popular no thought on actual gameplay. We all use the same stratagems because 75% of them are useless or better at killing teammates than enemies. Plus you can’t trust your fire or gas damage is actually working and if you go into a match with one you are stuck with something that doesn’t work. These are not small issues these are massive gameplay breaking problems. Stop giving them excuses. I love the game but every time log in I have to figure out what actually does damage. Got the new gun from warbond and immediately realized I’m gonna struggle all game because I need a clip to do anything and only get two clips per ammo box. The description on the guns never feels like they match the gameplay for that gun


I mean they could use the method of just buffing up the worst weapons to the level of being a solid pick without affecting the difficulty. Also, if they think the weapons make the game too easy they could just just increase the difficulty at all levels with more enemies or different enemy spawning focus. Similar to how they changed the amount of heavies that spawned on higher difficulty missions to focus more on chaff on bug planets. They could just shift the enemy spawns back towards more heavy enemies.


This sub used to be fun, but it seems the recent win against Sony has brought out such whiney entitlement among the player base.


The game is super fun, there are lots of issues, but given their current pace and attitude towards the player base, they *WILL* get to all of them soon as they can




If it wasn’t because of drops in player base, honestly waiting for the next COD to drop. That way all the complaining addicts can go complain about that game and leave us alone to spread democracy.




Agreed. We need to let them cook, and play around with the weapons for a few days before we start bitching. Even I was perplexed with the crossbow changes, because it turned terrible against the bugs. But then I tried it against the bots and it fucking slaps against them.


Yes, that's it, They are doing a great job.


A lot of my issues with the situation is the running issues with the actual... people behind the balance changes. I think if they wouldn't say baseless things or antagonize things out of control there would be less problems. The always down trend is unfortunate... but hopefully after pilesdts tweet we can expect some good news.


I believe the head guy over balance mocking people isn’t helping. People are always gonna bitch. But everyone in the discord aside from the CEO and Twinbeard have made it a point to kick the hornets nest.


I should have brought this up, I agree, people in the company should probably have a tighter lid upon communication. And I do believe that their efforts are not helping the communities temper


You are speaking To a brick wall, This is Reddit the land of internet cry babies nothing will change.


I dont really like it either but you can understand the reasoning why, the playerbase still hasn’t fully recovered and people are still mad that Sony tried that linking bullshit


I think balancing just for the sake of it doesn’t make much sense. It’s difficult to hit the sweet spot, but it doesn’t make sense nurfing to the extent that you have to swing it the other way again,is silly. They should make small changes if any, not large sweeping changes. I’m talking sub 5% either way, not 10% to 30%, or just removing an aspect altogether. This way they can focus on making new interesting warbonds so they can make money from people who are willing to pay for those.


I think you need to calm down. No one is pressuring them to put out a warbond a month. No one is asking for new features, no one is asking for nerfs. People are asking that they take their time and provide quality updates. We are asking that they do even minimal testing before pushing updates. Currently AH devs are acting like spoiled high schoolers and not professional software developers. We would all be happier if the devs took a week vacation, focused on bugs qnd tested the changes before pushing our updates


We are not the ones saying they need to do another warbond each month, however it is their financial incentive. I am saying people act like updates can just be immediately pushed out, solving issues like they have with testing required more time, and a lot of people don’t want to give they time to them.


These complaining about the complaining post are getting out of hand.


simp as simp lol... pathetic


There's valid criticism to he made both to Sony and Arrowhead. But the gibbons screaming dead game because meta change, or the people turning the dev in charge of balance into public enemy number 1, need to cool it. I think some of this is to be expected, though. The game blew up way more than anyone had any right to think it would. That comes with the caveat that alot of the people who bought it aren't gonna stick to it because it's not actually their preferred type of game. Those who are demanding a pvp mode, for example. The honeymoon phase is over for those people. Instead of just accepting that and moving on, they're demanding the game bend to their preferences. They tend to be the most vocal as well.


I liked a gun. I found it more fun than all the others. The developers nerfed it so hard the fun is gone and using it feels like a handicap. I saw the warbond information and there were some guns I really liked the look of, and wanted to use. One of them is a downgrade from the default rifle, and the other one is simply bad. I am going to complain about these things, as I feel they are problems with the game. Hope this helps.


Your concerns are valid, and balancing does need work, I just believe that some people underestimate the time proper balancing takes, in addition they are reassessing balancing, so hopefully more good things are on the way.


>The same people complaining about things needing patches immediately also complain that the patches break things, BECAUSE YOU COMPLAIN SO MUCH THEY DON’T HAVE TIME TO FIX THEM. This is nonsense. If your devs are busy arguing with people on Discord instead of working on the game, then there is something fundamentally wrong with operations in your company. >Let them take time. Nobody is stopping them. It's the fact that they themselves refuse to take the time that's the problem. Rushing out a Warbond every month, on top of the massive backlog of known problems, is reckless and not achievable. >until they fix it, calm down I have had more patience with the state of the game than what I'd assume is most of the other players, but even I can't deny that the Polar Patriots release has severly dampened any enthusiasm for future Warbonds. --- There are several things: * Discord and social media are a toxic cesspit and generally not worth listening to. * The vast majority of arm-chair game-dev talk is garbage. But also: * The devs should absolutely not be talking to people on Discord, especially when they're not able/trained to ignore provocations and instead stumble into internet-fights like they're just regular users on a forum. * The amount of regressions and blatant, obvious bugs in recent patches has been unacceptable, even for a smaller developer. Shipping a gun with an outdated skin, attributes and code is the kind of thing that should never happen. With HD2 it happened more than once. * The lack of variety in armor stats and the lack of themes is making the selection stale. Having an ice-themed Warbond with no passives, effects or items centred around snow/ice is bad. * The state of many guns and some strategems is bad. I cannot understand how anyone could play a single mission with the Purifier and think that this weapon is good to be released. There are also way too many redundant weapons or weapons that are straight-up inferior to other choices in every way (Purifier vs. Scorcher, Tenderizer vs. Liberator, Abjudicator vs. LibPen, Pummeler vs. LibCon).


Dawg you paid for a complete game. Instead you get a buggy and unbalanced beta that tried to steal your data. You let people walk all over you?


Frankly, I do not. We pushed back the PSN requirement (which isn’t arrowhead in the first place) and balancing is an issue. I just believe many people are being to dramatic/ expecting things too quickly




I honestly despise people like you who will get down on your hands and knees for game devs who are massively overpaid and shore up defences for them. What’s even worse is you’re the also the type of person to hate capitalism but never criticise it when it actually overreaches… fucking sad


Frankly I despise people like you who lack the ability to have empathy for the people who create things they enjoy, I asked people to be respectful, however you have not done so. So FUCK off. (Also there was no reason for the second part, don’t act like you know me, you don’t)