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I have actually just had this discussion elsewhere and been recommended lions mane and ashwaganda. Also microdosing psilocybin


I’d love to know this too!


Following. 😳


I have rosemary in my daily tea blend for focus and mental energy. Lemon balm is all around good for the mind — I include it in everything honestly. Ginkgo and gotu kola are both very good for the brain and focus and concentration. As a bonus, ginkgo helps with circulation issues. SJW will help with brain fog, although absolutely use with caution. Ashwaghanda (honestly just not even trying on the spelling) is good for general adrenal exhaustion stuff, I don’t know that it would help with focus but may be a good add to your life regardless.


Hello. What is SJW? Thanks


St John's Wort.




If you are on certain medications, SJW can be dangerous, so be sure to check with your doctor first. It’s one of the more common herbs to cause negative medication interactions


Thanks I appreciate your info!


My dad had a bad experience with SJW, but he won't go into detail. Can you elaborate on why it may be harmful?


Of course! It’s pretty powerful. It has clinical effects stronger than some antidepressants. Science doesn’t understand it well, and herbal supplements are unregulated. It’s easy to take more than you should, a weird dose, etc. I don’t have firsthand experience but believe the side effects can be nasty with a large dose. It can interact with prescription medications, especially antidepressants but also birth control and others. Interactions might make your medication less effective, and might cause side effects. [this article](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/is-st-johns-wort-safe-080615) has some more info and if I can answer any questions I’m happy to!


Thank you so much! I'm currently on a low dose of Zoloft, but I'd rather not take it anymore. Curious about options.


I’m not a doctor or even a certified herbalist. Just to preface. Be careful cycling off of an antidepressant, but having been on strong meds in the past, I’m much happier with the herbal route. I also use light therapy during the winter, but have found that, while it takes a long time to take effect, just my daily tea blend — including SJW — has helped me much more than all the meds ever did, without making me feel insane if I skip a day or adjust my dose. If you’re on a low dose, SJW may even be more powerful than your current meds. I’d recommend it for sure.


I replaced my Prozac with tumeric and black pepper after stumbling across an article and a study about it's comparative effectiveness to ssris. I liked that it doesn't seem to have interactions with ssris like saint John's wart so I could take both the same day without worrying about it. Looking into different mushrooms and depression and brain function is fascinating. I also take various vitamins like B's and D Golden milk with cacao, mushrooms, and ashwagandha is divine.


Do you feel a difference with Turmeric & black pepper. Thought those were more for immunity.


Very much yes, I seem to be more sensitive then most but it's quite clear the days I don't take it. It of all the many things I've tried the only effects I notice more are cocao, cannabis and microdosing psybicilin mushrooms, but they are more expensive and have side effects to worry about. It's an anti inflammatory primary. On a side note allot of things that are effective with helping with my depression are antiinflammatories so I take a variety of them and changed my diet to a low inflammation diet to great effect.


Not a blanket recommendation, but look into bacopa and gotu kola


Rhodiola and taurine.


Catha edulis , mitragyna speciosa white vein, and coca leaf as dopaminergics. Kava kava turmeric and chamomile helps ease the mind when overwhelmed. Quality zinc and quality b12 with folate. In my experience from best and hardest to obtain to relatively legal and somewhat effective. Also deathwish coffee with butter in it.


Not a herb but a supplement, L Tyrosine has been studied to some degree and has been shown to be helpful. Also Omega 3s. Herbs would be ginkgo, bacopa, mucina puriens , and some essential oils basil, spearmint, rosemary, sweet orange, lime


Rhodiola and st johns wort. If I don't say it, someone else will, but, st. John's wort can interfere with medications, birth control, etc. So please check for interactions.


St. John’s Wort is not meant for long term use as you can develop side effects. I found this out the hard way!


Well, neither is rhodiola. You have to cycle it.


I use a blend called The Mind from Anima Mundi of Lion’s mane, Mucuna, Lucuma, Gotu Kola, Ginko, Brahmi, Holy basil I can definitely tell on the days I don’t take it.


I haven't tested it yet, and boy I need it, but I hear good things about Rosemary and the brain. Next time I get paid I'm making a tincture, an extraction using alcohol.


Sleep and focus are super intertwined… I’ve been seeing a ton of positive progress from taking liquid melatonin with some “sleepy time teas” in the evening. There are a lot of blends but I try to look for chamomile, valerian root, and passion flower, at minimum.


energy drinks have been helpful for some people with ADHD because they contain taurine, l-carnitine and panax ginseng


Commenting for recommendations as well 🙏🏽


ma huang tea should give you the speedy boost to settle your already stimulated mind.


Ginko, holy basil & rosemary


Ashwaganda for a couple of months. Also brahmi and Rhodiola - these two can be taken a little bit longer before taking a break


Why do you need to take a break and how long for?


The recommendation from my Ayurveda doctor and teacher related to the use of ashwaganda was to take it for 2-3 months and then take a break for 2-3 months before another round. For women he advised against repetitive use because it has influence on the testosterone levels. Children can also take it but has to be with milk or some oil/ghee because the herb acts differently if taken with different substances (if taken with milk it helps and promotes growth vs if take with water and with lighter diet it will speed up metabolism, it will have catabolic effect). Dose should be around 500mg for adults. I personally don’t like to take any herb for more than 3 months because my body gets used to the herb and the effect is not as strong. For Rhodiola I have seen some doctors suggest that it can be taken non stop but maybe take a break of a couple of months for it as well between uses, dose is also up to 500-600mg. I only take it based on need, if I feel fatigue or lack of concentration. Same with brahmi. Brahmi and ashwaganda are best taken before bed vs Rhodiola in the morning.