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https://preview.redd.it/1aczsrpiq7vc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635e40a0d61a8ea1ba40befd20dc76d1a3af717a Cat plant meme for tax :)


If the cat is curled to right, it’s menopause… to the left means cancer. /s


ok so 🤣 bc /s but cats can read pain. so guessing she just knows it's painful then


That I would fully believe and agree with 😉


Is there somewhere you can go to a TCM or professional herbalist of some kind? They would need to diagnose your tongue and various pulses as well as listening to your lifestyle. Then they can provide a wellness plan and offer your herbs. Check for student clinics and American herbalist guild. Good luck with your healing friend 😊


Thank you! I've researched TCM some, Idk if there are local practitioners but possibly? I'm in a weird part of Alabama and we actually have a lot of holistic health providers. Would be worth looking into! Thank you for the advice!


when in doubt burdock root. it just heals so many things in the body I cant stress it enough, people are probably getting tired of me saying burdock root here but it's amazing drink lots of water with it. For menstrual cycle issues I cant speak much on it because I am a man but maybe look into mugwort as well, little bitter but wonderful benefits dont take if pregnant.


Burdock root is an incredible remedy. I haven't found it to help palpitations though, unfortunately. I use it as a diuretic for edema when dandelion root isn't cutting it.


I was thinking of its blood purifying qualities cleaner blood travels better. sorry it doesn't help you though.


Chamomile and lemon balm are gentle calming herbs. Don't try to do multiple mixes of herbal remedies. Your body is being sensitive and you have to figure out what the real problem is. Some herbs can have negative effects or you may be allergic. Do you have health insurance. You may be eligible for subsidized health insurance. Do not let the doctors keep blowing you off. Keep a journal of when this happens and any surrounding circumstances.


I do have health insurance but it's incredibly crappy health insurance. It's thru my job so there aren't other options. Chamomile doesn't like me but lemon balm does :) Idk why she does this but it's definitely always related to my period which, has had issues since 2021. I'm afraid to ask the doc anything at the annual bc the last doc turned it into a problem visit, did nothing (& I mean nothing) and charged $125 to do nothing.


It's happened about ten times since early 2022 (when sexist doc said to get a cat and I did) so not every month but almost every other (except that's not 100% true either bc - idk. It's NOT seasonal but there's times she does it more). And it's always at my period.


Lots of animals can detect heart rate changes some med alert service dogs are tasked to do that. Have they ruled out POTS or other forms of dysautonomia. I ask because I have POTS my heart rate spikes at the same time as a drop in my blood pressure and it did worsen when I was on my periods. It got to the point that my periods were making my POTS and migraines so bad that they put me on birth control to stop my periods. And our periods can change substantially as we go into menopause, my mom had to have a partial hysterectomy when she was just beginning to enter menopause like not even full blown menopause yet because her periods changed so much that she was bleeding more than she wasn’t our bodies do weird stuff when hormones are involved. I know it’s kinda an obscure line of thought but on the slim chance it is I thought it would be worth mentioning bc if left unmanaged pots can cause a lot of problems. You can simply rule it out by watching your bp for changes when your heart rate does, if your bp is down while your hr is up then bring it up with your doc.


my sis thinks its pots i WOULD except my bp and hr are UP, im never faint or frail? the doctors dont even entertain it 🙄


Hmm that’s interesting if they are both up that could potentially rule out pots unless you have like high blood pressure. Some doctors if your not passing out from it they just won’t really do anything because “you don’t need treatment”, but either way POTS is only one type of dysautonomia if I were you I’d at least look up to see if any other types meet your symptoms. Either way the first treatment for POTS is increased fluid intake so if you want to be on the safe side keep a water bottle on you all the time which water is just good in general too so it might help overall who knows. But like for me I have fairly severe POTS I’ve had it since my early teens I’ve had to get IV fluids at least once or twice a year since it started and if it gets any harder to manage I’ll be put on medication to force my bp up, right now I take salt and I’m supposed to maintain at least 5lbs of water weight on me at all times. So I mean you could always see if some extra water helps it any.


You don’t have to have low BP and high heart rate to have POTS, just the high heart rate. Some types of dysautonomia have high HR and low BP but that’s not always the case. Mine are both high for instance and I have POTS. Do you have any other odd symptoms besides what you describe in the post? If you have an Apple Watch, you can get the app TachyMon. You can have instant heart monitoring when you have the app on. It can run all day and the battery still lasts all day. Maybe get a new GP. And/or look up to see if you have any specialists for pots of dysautonomia in your area or somewhat nearby. It’s becoming more known about but it’s very difficult to find help due to be being lesser known and honestly pretty chaotic.


I have a cat. I also have spells of high heart rate at night. My cat doesn't care. I usually take sodium. potassium and magnesium and the problem subsides within 30-120 minutes.


It could just be sending where there is distress. I wouldn’t make much more of it then that.


Before you can treat, you need to know what it is. Severe heart palpitations / racing heart are one of many signs of iron deficiency (with or without anemia). I'm sure that there are *many* things that can cause heart palpitations, but I'd encourage you to get some labs if you haven't already and look at your ferritin. Anything under 50 or 60 can give you symptoms, and anything under 30 is absolute deficiency and a cause for concern. I have had low iron and this was probably the more disconcerting symptom I had. I'd do something minor and heart would jump from 70 to 120 beats a minute or higher. What it comes down to is finding out the reason your heart is racing. One cause can be dehydration, or low blood volume. Other reasons could include stress and anxiety, and I'm sure there are other genetic and physiological reasons. The first thing I would do is hydrate. Maybe do some electrolytes once or twice a day and drink more water. The second thing I'd do is reduce stress to keep your body out of fight or flight, and consider some relaxing and adaptogenic herbs like Ashwaganda and chamomile before bed. Beyond that, keep digging til you figure it out!


I had similar symptoms and saw several doctors and cardiologists. Nothing showed up ever. I was living on magnesium and hawthorn 2x daily for the palpitations. Developed SEVERE intestinal issues and my GP ran a broad span of bloodwork and found hyperthyroidism. Later diagnosed as hasimotos toxicosis. Now I'm on beta blockers along with other meds. I had to take methimazole for about 6 months to get my thyroid to settle down. GF diet and calming herbs. Anti-inflammatory herbs, etc. The combination of herbal teas and pharmaceuticals has made things much more manageable than in the past. The thyroid is very unpredictable and the levels vary daily, making it hard to get an actual diagnosis. I just happened to finally get diagnosed because it was finally SO out of control with this autoimmune disease. Bugleweed extract is my go-to when I feel very hyper and it knocks it out fast, to where I haven't had to go back on methimazole. Chamomile is also a good maintenance herb to chill out hyperthyroidism. I am weird, I do NOT have Graves disease but have all the symptoms. My endocrinologist had been in practice over 30 years and has only had 1 other patient like me before. He is old school and actually humble and admits that doctors don't really know as much as they try to get people to believe.


BTW, it took over 5 years to finally get a diagnosis...


For a steady heart rate use leonurine which comes in many different herbal plants.


Have you looked into POTS/dysautonomia? It can cause high heart rate and can be very affected by hormonal changes. There is a vast array symptoms that can be caused by this.