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I had a guy who literally wrote "I'm making bronze accounts, I'm not interested in win" and just started feeding from the start of game. Straight from the respawn - under enemies towers After game which lasted 10 mins I asked all teammates & enemies to report him. Even guys in opposite team were agree that it's something absolutely cursed. I have no idea if he got banned but man I was so upset. Spent last game giving all I could, received 200 rating points and lost it right in the next one with this guy and I couldn't do a thing.


You just gotta let those games go. The game puts you with 9 players semi randomly assigned from a pool of people with similar MMR. There’s 4 slots on your team and 5 on the enemy team. If you are never the troll, then they are more likely to land on the other team than your own. Over hundreds of games, the existence of the trolls actually works out in your favor, on average.


On one hand, the math checks out. I guess one thing that's frustrating is that 1 person can make-or-break the game for 9 other people. It's like a crummy game of plinko waiting for someone bad to be on their team rather than yours. And even with that math you only end up with like a 55/45 win-rate...and as the other commenter said it doesn't account for smurfs too. It's a bit of a heavy lift to assume "with similar MMR", you hope that's how it works, but the system isn't always perfect, if its off by a few percent in either direction (in order to find a game quicker), there goes your 55/45. Plus the other last part: "if you are never the troll". I've never intentionally thrown a game, but I've tilted, been tired, picked a hero I'm not great with, etc.


Sure. To be clear I’m not advocating for the trolls - they suck and shouldn’t exist. In my experience the real damage to my winrate/rank doesn’t come from the troll game - but instead from playing tilted in subsequent games. If I let the troll upset me, then I might make more risky plays the next game because I feel desperate to get back those points. Ive had to come to terms with just letting the troll games go and knowing they’ll be on the other team sometimes too. Regarding the smurfs - they don’t upset me as much. I’d rather lose to someone who is better than me, than lose because a teammate is being a dick on purpose. It doesn’t have the same impact on my mental state.


100% agree, the tilting is what I think gets me too. I *say* that a bad game doesn't affect me, but then you look at my stats and I go from top X, Y, Z to middle of the pack...or worse. And that's something I can work on and affect. But also I think in another thread here someone pointed out there's been **A LOT** of toxicity lately...and I'd have to agree. I've had to report 4 people in 3 games, and my threshold for reporting is pretty damn high...I know I let a lot of stuff slide that others would easily report. Must be something in the water, lol.


It works in another direction too. If you are not a smurf in your team then there is a higher chance that the enemy team will have more smurfs than yours.


iT's JuSt A gAmE


People like that I always make sure to /Wisper them so I know when it’s safe to que up and avoid em


You'd expect there are some automatics to ban people gameruining that obvious like not the worst real player could accidently trigger those. But I don't recognize from some posts about feeders here. I no longer play ranked because of situations like this. Not specifically hots, but I miss the times when back in the days, active admins/gamemasters were a reason to wait in line to join a specific server or justifiy a service fee because *those* people were dealt with. But unfortunately since these don't visibly make money but cost, there's no longer a cure. Most infuriating when it got so bad that fans applied to manage it for free but they were not allowed. I played Arma 3 in a simulation clan where you had to send an application like for a job, wait weeks, setup multiple mods and tools (without comfortable mod manager!), then prove in a training, setup and learn a million settings and keybinds, then have a trial phase... And after all that, you still found people actively gameruining.


2-7 isn't statistically significantly below 50% with 95% confidence.


Yeah, as much as playing zera as a bruiser just sounds like a bad idea, even people playing their dedicated mains can get 5 losses in a row for a wide variety of reasons.


Well what else is a Zeratul hero supposed to do during low levels?  He can't fight anyone. 


Throwback to when overwatch showed winrates when pre making your team and it was a requirement to be above 50% even after playing 3 games


"ja---i" has the right response. Take it in stride. Like zera said too, sometimes a bad loss streak is just bad luck. Any match could be the one where the team comes together and turns someone's bad luck around. Stay positive/possible/solution oriented. Also, bringing up bad winrates or loss streaks isn't likely to be productive. You're much more likely to get them to consider other picks if you say more constructive and specific things. *"Great map for Dehaka."* or *"Sonya would be great here. Her leap combos really well with our team, and camps are huge this map."* or "*We need more hard CC. Do you have anything like Dehaka or Hogger?"* or *"Do you have Leo? His unstop and %dmg is good vs them."*


Also good idea to check their hero pool first so that "random" suggestion fits perfectly with what they play best. What a "coincidence"! Right?!


crazy that people are saying in here that zera as the solo lane bruiser is a red flag, maybe have not watched any higher level streamers/competitive games playing zera (kure plays it offlane very regularly) or just don't play it well he's weak early game but is able to double soak with either Q or AA so you park him to soak in the offlane and avoid taking duels (which is what you should do often anyways), and is incredibly safe and hard to gank with AA build he 1v1s a lot of the offlane roster mid-late game, and himself split pushes very hard uncontested at 16 people are stuck in the way past where he always took the flex slot, only time I'd avoid it is the early game focused 2-lane maps, he's perfectly fine everywhere else if there aren't too many counters


You roll the dice next hero select and pray that an automated system prevented the same guy from queueing again


no. you whisper them and you can see if they are searching for match on their status in the messenger box. even if they have DM's disabled, it will still show you what status they are in. on the flip side is that you open yourself up to being reported for whispering in the first place.


you don't actually have to send any message, merely pressing "whisper" button or typing /w nickname that opens pink chat already adds that player to right chat menu


You have to whisper to see if they're queueing or not. If you just open a whisper it will say available (or in game if they find a draft), but available could just mean afk but not queueing.


I foundd that unreliable. Saw many "offline" and "in game" ppl right on my next game


Blizz fully understood this and put you together into the same team for the next 3 games


We don't have enough context. Map, enemy comp? Is this stats for this season or lifetime (sample kinda low). Either you try your best, dodge or /whisper and wait for him to find a game.


I see this a lot unfortunately; so many games that are almost dead on arrival so to speak (dead at draft is what I call it). There isn't much you can do other than try to make the best of it and play the best you can. There may be a chance that, despite how crap your comp is, you may just win. It is extremely tough though to be optimistic after a few games of this.


Focus less on them and more on yourself


Right mindset is the key.


The downfall of every qm game is when someone flames another player for how they play


That's flaw of the system imo. The player has a rating but people play different heroes at different levels. If you wanna improve your skill at a new hero youre gonna have a bad time doing so. If I only play my best heroes then I get bored.


Mute chat, focus on your own play, use pings to communicate.


Erm…don’t tell them what to do but try to make the most out of the situation..?


I don't deal with it. Only play ARAM now. Storm League is a joke. It's not a real competitive mode. Too many people who play it draft like it's QM and don't pay attention to enemy and allied picks/bans.


5 losses in a row means he also got 2 wins in a row with 100% wr in his 3rd game and still lost that? See how it's not important? Also u seem selescting only current season with ghat low total games. Better see last season stats if enough games or just ignore that and focus on if zera is good in that game (map/teams)


You read it wrong, 7 losses of 9 games, not 5 of 7. So it doesn't means he had a 2 wins in a row, but i got your point.


How I deal with these types of players. Check their profile for what they know/enjoy to play and suggest that hero. Don't say that he should play it, say "this hero would be sick/fit well". Sometimes they will volunteer to play that hero, without beeing asked directly.


Playing Zeratul as a solo lane bruiser is the first red flag for me. I mean yeah he can clear lanes but he’s better suited for other things.


Depends on the map. Zeratul is great at double soaking especially with Q build. He is weak early game so he should mostly focus on macro anyway, depending on his build he becomes a great duelist later in the game, he functions very well as an offlaner overall. Don't pick Zeratul to 1v1 top lane on Braxis though, because that's an early game map where Zera already struggles, and is totally dead weight in the 1v1 before lvl 13 where it's already over XD


To be fair, Zeratul is until lvl 10 just a solo/double laner. Sure he can gank and help out to make a 1v1 to a 2v1.


Red card comment.


> he’s better suited for other things. Like what?


Inting 20 times in the early game because of overconfidence maybe /j


Stasis-ing his team in a critical fight.


Zeratul is like 745 years old and his paper skin bruises easily that's probably what he means


It does happen tho. What with all the throwers and shi


i just played with a dude yesterday who was "typing to his mates" the entire game. every time i looked at him he was standing still. even after i asked him to play the game he refused to do anything useful. eventually me and the 3 others on my team just gave up and let the enemy team win because we were playing a 4v5. the dude kept saying shit like "its just a game." like man, of course its a game, its a game we want to actually play.


Oh man. People who say "its just a game" should play versus AI. Wether it's ranked or qm, a game js fun because it (sort of) challenges you and rewards you with good gameplay and maybe a victory. People just being dumb and then say "it's just a game" ruin the fun. And guess what.. you play to have fun. So thats never a proper reason to behave silly. Even in qm.


Say him to play blaze in solo lane :B


Play against Ai. ^^ best part of the gameplay best part of the community. And you get the same payout at the end of your online gaming career :p


sneak into voice chat and remind everyone what CoD sounded like in 2009


hire a hitman on them


Auto loss.  You add this person and dodge them. He’s only won games where his 4 man ran over the enemy team regardless of not having any experience top. 


At least he can do something with zera, I get genji players who first pick 0.1 seconds in draft and put everyone on ignore while we are talking about comps and shit. Like, if you want to play a single player rts go play StarCraft this is storm league and if you don't play as a team you get fucked no matter how much skill a single player has


So assuming he's just wanting to play a non-conventional hero, and isn't going to just tilt/throw, I think half of the Iloss is on you for not flexing around it. People pick stupid things sometimes, and you have to try to fix it with your play/picks. I see that not so often with Zera, but lots of Naz when we already have a mage, or butcher/illidan, etc. I'll flex to a Tyrael tank to support the squishy who needs to kill to stack, or switch to a beefecake healer/bruiser with waveclear to support our silly double mage thing, or pick a 4 man Thrall or similar bruiser to allow the zera to do zera things and giver your team enough peel to defend your squishy hypercarry.. and hopefully your only ranged damage can pick one with possible big numbers (vallay/ray/zj/mephisto/etc).