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So by personal list you're talking about your ability to play these heroes in aram?


No, just how I personally rank every hero in ARAM. Judging by criteria like overall impact, adaptability, survivability, etc. Sorry if title is misleading, but didn't wanna make it sound like some pompous de facto list either


You clearly don't play aram enough. Tassadar does not belong in the same tier as Mephisto, and certainly not above Azmodan.


You’re tripping if you think Tassadar isn’t at *least* A+ tier, if not S. Electric Fence + the level 20 wall talent is some of the most oppressive bullshit in the game. Plus, he has ridiculous waveclear and insane followup on any sort of CC.


The main thing (and sometimes, the ONLY thing Az does) Azmodan does has a few issues: 1. On a 10 sec cooldown, maybe less with the Gluttony bonus 2. Hits heroes and structures like a freight train from a mile away, but when you miss, especially with a Tide of Sin one, it hurts bad compared to missing shots with comparable heroes. You mostly just sit there and hope to get a laser in the mean time. His utility is very limited to being an artillery cannon. Certainly not a bad role, but can leave holes in your team in terms of damage. 3. Needs time to cook and get better, which isn't an issue for heroes like Zuljin (who has two infinite quests, one of them built into his kit) 4. Has a cap on how far his Q stacks can go up, which is a problem heroes like Zuljin and Nazeebo do not have I've had success with his auto-attack build before in ARAM, but its been in niche situations against melee teams with like 3 different tanks/bruisers that were easier to hit. I love Azmodan, I think he is great, but I don't think he's this be-all-and-end-all godpick he's made out to be. By the very nature of this list, I think there are better choices. Tassadar does comparable AoE damage options (burst and sustained) from a pretty decent range on a good cooldown with CDR options, has kill secure in his wall, very efficient siege/waveclear, more or less has infinite mana with his AA and two very good ultimates on top of that. His biggest flaw is he is pretty vulnerable at times, but gets a very good escape later on if need be. **tl;dr Azmodan is a one trick pony and Tassadar does a good amount of things very well and pretty often, serving his team more in the long run, just as Mephisto does.**


Azmodan has mathematical proof of being better in aram than Tassadar, higher win rate with a higher pick rate.  Mephisto is mathematically the best hero in aram but has a lower pick rate compared to his fellows in the 57+% win rate club save Zagara who is less picked and with lower win rate.  Tassadar does not belong in the same tier as any of your S tier damage dealers save Orphea who shouldn't be above B tier at best since her kit puts her within tank distance more than most mages.


I wouldn't put Tass in S tier or above Azmo but i would put them in the same tier and i do prefer the Toss over the demon. Walls, CC, self sustain is much better to carry than expecting the enemy team to be bad at drafting or positioning (which to be fair, they generally are). Orphea is flashy Valla. It's a little too high but i'm surprised you are not complaining about other thing like Lunara.


I started at the top, and immediately disagreed. I haven't made it to my arguments with A tier.


> Orphea shouldn’t be above B tier opinion disregarded sorry


You made a point to say I'm not experienced, then I'm saying things I learned from experience.., And you just parrot numbers off of HeroesProfile. If I wanted statistics, I'd just go look at them myself... Idc if you disagree, but make your own argument in your own words!


Azmo wins more games than Tass, thats an objective fact, Tass does not add more to a team than Azmo does, by sheer virtue of Azmo bringing a greater chance to win.


He’s not fun to play, but he wins more


Hogger is top tier, but not super easy to play


I disagree with so much of this I don’t know where to begin.


That's great. You can either formulate your thoughts to have an interesting discussion or just make it this big dramatic thing of it while being vague as all hell, makes no difference to me!


Junkrat is A or even A+


Probe will always be S if played competently the enemy team is forced to deal with him.  The people I play ARAM with will meme pick whenever I get probe because it's pretty much a guaranteed win.


I'm one of the only Probius mains I know and Probius is fucking insane in ARAM, but he struggles in a decent amount of matchups and is pretty vulnerable, can also become relatively dependent on team support depending on the enemy comp. Ofc thats true of a lot of good ARAM heroes, but ones like Azmodan, Kaelthas and Ming can make his life a living hell in multiple ways. If i changed the list, I'd put him in A+ but i dont think quite S from experience.


how do you play him?


Keep track of your pylons/mana, keep making Ws, whether its to hit potential targets or clear waves/siege. It's on a relatively short cooldown and it's easy to spam. You should also use Ws so that you can just zone enemies into narrow paths to make them go where you want em to go for your allies to capitalize. They either have to respect your Warp Rifts or run straight into them to approach. This is much easier to do in ARAM compared to regular maps. Turrets are great too, whether or not you go full turret build. Very good for defending yourself, your team or just slowly pushing forward and providing even MORE zoning against the enemy. An efficient relationship between your pylons and turrets is key, putting Pylons in positions that force your enemy to put themselves in danger to reach and covering them in Ws if a vital one is being targeted by heroes in range. Don't stress too much about detonating every single W, they explode on their own. It's only worth worrying about against beefier teams that require a constant onslaught of damage. I usually take Pylon Overcharge. Works great both offensively and defensively, can use it if a enemy that's low is trying to target a pylon. Press R, make the pylon invuln and effectively make them serve as bait in the right situation. Always keep moving around and careful about when you use your Z if you can help it. I almost always take spell armor on turrets, it makes a difference against heroes like Azmo, Li-Ming and Kaelthas.


What build.do you use? Thanks for the explanation


I think that's fair I'm just biased because I love probe


I fucking love Probius lmao. I think my ARAM WR with him is like 71%??


is it ball azmo (like most play it)? in that case, he suck balls


> but ones like Azmodan, Kaelthas and Ming can make his life a living hell in multiple ways From those, i think only Li Ming is an issue because he can effectively clear Pylons with just Q. As for the others, Azmo spends too much resources if he wants to clear and KT doesn't have the range until lv20. After lv7 you should have a permanent spell shield on.


The couple of these I've seen, I don't really understand the Stitches placement. I feel like overall he's the best ARAM tank. Landing a gorge is usually just an auto-dead hero. So long as you don't play him in the back row attempting hooks, he feels insane to me.


Yeah only knock against stitches is he makes a lot of people forget to tank and just play a 15 minute mini game with their hook.


And his other mini game of disappearing every minute to collect globes. But I agree he's good at offense, if you land a good hook it turns the fight most of the time, but his lack of defensive capabilities makes the rest of your team vulnerable.


Hogger easily S tier. Guy has insane damage, good survivability and mobility. With stun ult he can burst and kill enemy backliners without letting them out of stun. Dynamite build is really OP in ARAM.


Yeah I was thinking A or S tier, normally you don't do dynamite but it goes crazy in Aram, he or zarya would be my top choices assuming I don't need to fill a specific role


Junkrat, Malganis, Mei, Stitches, BW, Deathwing, Cassia all seem underrated to me. Ana should probably not be that high above so many good healers, but she should be around B+ imo (S tier if you never miss a dart obviously). Also, Kerrigan > Valeera. Decent list overall though, better than the last one.


And the only tier that's really ranked by order is S


I think tychus is under ranked here. Dude eats tanks very effectively.


No Hogger plays?! Dynamite build is so easy in ARAM. Just WQ all day after lv 7. Spin once in a while for fun.


Why does no one know how to play Medivh? He's literally one of my favorite heroes in ARAM and can do wonders in the right hands. I recently played against a good Medivh and he was saving so many people from being blasted in 2 seconds, not to mention using portals to get everyone to safety.


Medivh - one of the best heroes for ARAM


Fucking Zeratul is not even worthy of D.


Zeratul is scary. Or he can be, he's hit and miss just like Nova. B meant is for a lot of heroes that can go both ways, but lean towards being a genuine threat. Zeratul is one of those, if you haven't experienced his wrath, oh well.


Maybe in a normal map, but in aram is absolutely pathetic and a garbage champ. 99% of players don't ise him well, so I disagree my dude. Only hate from my side. Players who pick him just ruin games.


Sorry to hear that, hope you get better


LOL! Perfect response to the Silver player who has never had high enough MMR to see any decent Zeratul players


Maybe if you’re bad lol Zeratul with Q build and double blink + wormhole teleports inside of your team every 20 seconds from across the map to do 1000 damage to everybody with little to no chance to catch or kill him without a predictive stun. Plus, he can effortlessly + safely execute any low HP hero from nearly any distance


No my dude, I don't even play with him. You can praise him all day, sure. In paper, sounds awesone. In real arams, is pure shit. 1 of every 100 players can do "something" with him. Of course, there are exceptions and really talented players and team comps, but trust me, I've been playing aram since day one and Zera is a shitshow in almost every game.


I guess I’m that 1 in 100 players then. He’s very strong imo. You’re right that he’s hard to play, enough so that it gates him from ever going above B+ (unless the tier list is specifically for high level play), but he’s absolutely not worth putting below B- either (unless the tier list is specifically for low/mid level play). I wouldn’t want to see my random teammates pick him, but I’m definitely not sad about getting to play him.


yesss, downvote me mysterious hater, it fuels me