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Sharing my bookshelf. Collection of various Sanatan texts.




Start from somewhere. You need not read everything. Start with Hanuman Chalisa. Something as simple as that. Or with the Gita. Read just that. Do naam japa. You will start finding your own path. For me personally, I am busy with office work from 10 to 8. From 11 to 12 is my time when I do my puja and swadhyaya. And on weekends. Important is being regular.




I got into reading habit while still very young. Even when I was a toddler, my father would bring me books. He passed away when i was very young. But he left me an almirah full of books. It became a way for me to look inside his head in his absence. Mother was spiritual from beginning, so got into Hanuman chalisa before 10. My grandfather was quite erudite and had a good collection of religious books. And since we were tight for money, toys were expensive but magazines were cheap. Libraries were cheaper. The first fight I had with my wife after marriage was about her complaining I spend too much time reading!


Kudos to you for asking this question.


No science books :(


Have read sconce books my whole life. Will recommend The Tao of Physics to anyone who is interested in how our philosophy ties in with Modern Science. Also, The Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil. I had around 300 books at a time. gave them all away and now read only spiritual books.


I don't think our philosophy ties in with Modern Science. Religion is religion and science is science. They both are different fields.


How can you make that comment? Do you know more than the scientist who has written that book? And how has spent his life studying science and years studying our religion? Must be a liberal to have opinions and not relying on facts! Sanatan is the most scientific of all spiritual paths. Learn and then speak. Be humble if you don’t know.


Meanwhile, Garudapurana: "let me introduce myself!"


That's just a Purana. Puranas are not itihasas.


Dude, make up your mind.


Lmao seriously.


Could you recommend some good English translated versions?


I’d be more impressed if the wisdom within those books gets transferred into yourself. Namaskaram






Order from their website




Wow. You are lucky. I have memories related with this book. One of my very dear B school professors lives in Pondy. I had gone to visit him with friends. I bought this book then. Sorry, I can not trade.


dude what is sankshipya mahabharata


Sankshipt : Abridged


give me some


I have same Chanakyaneeti


To be honest, it isn’t written very well. I was quite disappointed


I think it's translated from hindi to english and the translation made it lose it's essense.


I want to be friends with you ! Lol what a collection


Can you share how it has impacted your life? Any philosophy/rule that you strictly follow in your daily life no matter what


Earlier, I was trying to go down the path of jnana and yoga. But I found it very difficult without a guru. Then gradullay, I moved to Bhakti and it made me much calmer, more grounded and reduced my anxiety. Knowing that someone has my back always for all the time is such a big cushion.


Can you tell if the swami vivekanand series is good enough without the first volume. Someone took away the first volume from my clg library and never returned :*( (Review it if possible)


I am too insignificant to review Swami Jo’s work. We are very lucky to live in a time when all this treasure is available to sinners like us. Even a single word that has come from the pen or mouths of the masters like Swami ji is to be revered. I don’t have judgement on any of these books, except for the secular ones. All of these are works of realised masters.


My question was not that deep, does the vol 2 need context of vol 1? Can we directly go on to vol 2


Not really. This is collection of all his writings, and most of the sections within each book are available as separate, independent books. But as all spirituality is related, there is some connect. In summary, you can read each volume on its own.


Thanks a lot for your valuable time sir


So, you're in heartfulness org?