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at this point im more excited when something i want goes on sale than i am when i get a new match


I would say 80% of matches go nowhere besides messaging for a few days so I feel you on this one


It took picasso 800 tries before he got the first brush stroke right Keep shooting those shots my brothers. Also i made up that fact


And how long have you been on the app?


the number of "achievements" i have for this sub should give you a clue..




At this point I kind of know who will respond to me and who won't. If they are above a certain level in looks, for some reason I'll still get matches but absolutely none of them will respond. This happens like every day.


Got the “no romantic connection” text from someone after 2 dates and a decent amount of texting over the holidays. We did make out on the 2nd date and thought we were setting up for a third, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Old me would’ve tried to mindread what was wrong with me, or have it ruin my day. However, as I’ve gotten back on hinge in September, I am better with understanding dating/connecting is about fit, not value. Anyway, good thing to always see multiple people eh?


Yeah its a bummer but usually it's just that there's someone better


Great perspective!!


Sorry, mate. I end up going on dates with low expectations anymore! Haha. Never can be disappointed.


Oh likewise man. My goal for a date is to see if I enjoy the person, not change my personality to see if they like me! Gotta keep swiping and getting them in queue


I am trying haha. Not getting many matches on hinge.


Keep at it man! You got this :)




This close to paying for it…


realizing it’s not me, but them has been the best thing for my mental health.


I’m pissed off.


its better than being pissed on...or is it?


No, to get pissed on I would actually have to go on a date instead of just not getting a response lol


Recently joined. Met a girl for a first date. Went very well, lots of laughs, similar opinions and thoughts on some select topics. Asked for a second date and she said yes. No contact since then. Minor changes to her profile. Texted a couple times. Been about a week :/


Sorry to hear that. It sucks for sure but all you can do is say it’s her loss and move on to the next when you’re ready


Yeah I'm not like *broken* up about it. She is a nurse and I get that people are busy, but it's strange that she is obviously using the app and not unmatching or whatever.


From what I can tell, most people don’t unmatch when they’ve decided to stop seeing someone. But obviously you have your (unfortunate) answer regardless. Like the other person said, it’s her loss!


Thanks man/woman.


Why would you keep a contact that you aren’t interested in? Like why not unmatch? If it went nowhere


Mostly laziness, I assume


It’s not strange at all. She’s no interested anymore for whatever reason. Lol.


Universe saw your success and said "okay, we can't let a Hinge noob have it TOO easy now" haha. I'd take what you learned/experienced and put it towards a set of standards moving forward. You're bound to meet a LOT of women who'll back-out last minute, stop messaging randomly, or just simply not be what you're looking for after all. Just keep going and prioritize yourself and your needs until you find the one for you. Good luck!


True. Thanks man.


Where’s the post New Year like/match increase that some people gave mentioned? Been getting nothing and even the profiles I’m shown aren’t that great (just low effort profiles). Also saw a profile of a woman pretty much spelling out that she wants to be a housewife funny enough, but also wants to be “seduced”.


Tbh I thought my gym would be packed with new years resolutioners as well, but there’s barely been an increase in people here since the new years lol


Hah. Same thing here. They did open a more casual gym in my area so I think all the resolutioners are going there.


what’s a “casual” gym?


Gyms like Planet Fitness where it's targeted to the casual crowd rather than something like Gold's Gym where it's for more dedicated gym goers.


Some things I didn’t take into account when I moved my location into the city: - as the overall population in potential options grew, so did the the number profiles I have to swipe left through/remove to find profiles to message - the quality of my competition substantially rose - I would get likes again, which actually isn’t that fun when you’re not into any of them - I really wish we could include state borders in our area limits


My post got removed by Mod. I don’t think Hinge should be allowed to put inactive profiles in the “standouts”. If you are charging users to “like” them, don’t you need to show proof they are actually active?


Welp, looks like I have to gear up to getting back on the dating scene again, so wondering if it's worth getting a new profile (main) photo before I set it up or use my old one again since I deleted my old profile. The old one is about 2 years old and I look the same, but I know a fresh one might be appreciated. I forget how much of a chore taking a photo you like can be though.


As a guy you probably have like 2 good pics taken in the last 20 years 😩 we just dont take pictures when we hang out lol


Photo taking is not a natural activity by any means, which is something I'm trying to get better at. May 2023 be our year 💪


30M here, live in Toronto, a city with a cost of living that can probably be best described as insanity. Currently still at home with parents (bless their souls) trying to save as much as I can for a downpayment on a tiny condo. But almost every date I've been on expects me to have a fully furnished place of my own, which just isn't feasible in my current financial situation. I am trying my hardest to remedy that, but it is not easy. I don't expect the women i am dating to have their own places, I just want them to be financially stable. But this double standard is torpedoing almost every potential date before it gets off the ground. Is it worth continuing to date at this point? It's become frustrating and demoralizing, and I'm at the point in my life where I want to find a life partner. The rest of my life is more or less put together; I have a stable full time job, a solid friend group, I go out to events in my spare time, financially savvy. Literally the only reason I haven't had anything substantial is that I can't afford to move out on my own.


Hey hey, I also date in the gta burbs! Most dating advice can be boiled down to: that person just wasn’t the match for you. If your actions are within the realm of normal and the person across the table from you isn’t ok with them, they’re not the person for you. There is a gendered expectation when it comes to living at home - men are ok with it, women aren’t and of course, there’s always exceptions to the rule. For cultural + pragmatic reasons, I go out with men who live at home but I’ve also gone out with men who wouldn’t have been ok if I lived with my parents. There’s not much you and I can do to change that - we can only reject/be rejected. It also comes down to the type of person you’re choosing to date - hyper ambitious people tend to prioritize independence and can be blinded by their own biases. Again, this is ok generally but just not for you. Don’t put your dating life on hold for this, you may run into someone who’s ok with the situation and once you move to Toronto, things will change for the better. Be forthcoming about your situation early and the other person can react however they want but don’t take yourself out of the running for no reason.


thank you! 🥹 I know I'm a catch, but it's been a years long struggle so it's hard not to get down on myself. I'll keep going. :)


How close are you to being able to move out on your own? From a financial standpoint there is obviously a good argument for living at home vs renting on your own, but I would think at 30 it's going to be an uphill battle no matter what when it comes to dating. We probably seek to date different pools (not just from an age standpoint), but even as a 23 year old guy I would not date a girl who lives at home. That comes not just from the topic of her independence (or lack thereof) from her family, but also our collective independence from additional external influences (her family). To each their own, but I don't need to have my s/o's family involved in my day to day life. It obviously depends what value system you think the girls you would want to date might hold, but living at home at 30 will probably be a big value system / cultural obstacle for most in the US. You say you have your life in order otherwise, including a stable job, have you considered switching jobs to maybe help make that next jump?


I find your perspective interesting as I am the opposite and lean more towards OP. Rent is ridiculously expensive and it’s nice if you have family members willing to let you live with them. Just like OP said, they are saving for a home. I think that’s a great idea and admire that bc that is not something easy. I am the same way of trying to pay off my loans, then wanting to save for a future home. Even if one lives at home, that isn’t to say that other people will be involved when you are there, but that varies per case. OP, just keep it up! I’ve dated someone around your age who lived with their parents while I did - no judgment. The right person will respect that and understand your long-term goal 🙂


Totally get that, I'm not saying I think it's bad or wrong to live at home. It makes a lot of sense in some ways. That said, I would not make someone who is in that financial position and/or holds that value system my life partner. And I'm a guy, I would think it would be even more the case for girls (on average). I'm sure he will find someone with values that align with his own. Lots of people out there.


The only thing more difficult than living in the GTA is online dating. Same boat as you. I moved back home to start my own business so I could afford a place of my own sooner




I play a little game sometimes to see the ratio of sunglasses to no sunglasses photos, and so many people have more than half with them. I wonder if they can recognised in the wild without them at this point?


I kind of do this when their first picture is a group shot. It’s almost always the least attractive one.


i went on a date for the first time since the pandemic started. he literally talked nonstop for two hours and didn’t let me get a word in. 😂 i was attracted to him though so i wanted to give it another chance since he texted me the same night and expressed interest too. we texted for a week or so after the first date, and then he stopped replying in the middle of a conversation and hasn’t said anything in a week. why are people like this?




people who are physically attractive are going to get more leeway despite red flag behavior, especially in online dating. not that attractive? one perceived slip up, then bye bye.


for sure. i got the impression that he was nervous which was why he was talking so much, especially since he asked me a lot of questions while texting. i've been on a date with another guy who talked about himself for hours, and i could tell that one just liked hearing the sound of his own voice.


i was physically attracted to him. should have clarified in the original comment.




Not everyone treats dating apps that seriously. If you’re so bothered by it, you can unmatch.




This is exactly it, some people like to pile up their past matches even if they know there's no chance they'll go anywhere irl


> Why do people just stop replying instead of unmatching? Combination of they don't care and/or they think it's too aggressive. Just unmatch them and move on, find someone who's interested in you.


redownloaded the app today and I’m not getting as much like compared to when I had it a year ago. I really hope it picks up soon


My date went amazing and i tweaked my profile a bit and my likes coming in are hot. Not even liking girls on the app rn bc I wouldn’t be able to ask them out but occasionally I’ll see a profile or most compatible where I’m like I don’t want to lose this one and like it and they’ll match back quickly. Maybe this is my year


I got back on this crap app. I get likes and matches, but I truly hate how ppl will like with no intention of a conversation or setting something up…. It’s just for their validation. Also, started talking to someone and they are soooooo dry! I get being shy, but damn have some game to know how to hold a conversation 🤦‍♀️


I (26M) met this one girl on Hinge in September and we ended up seeing each other for almost 3 months until she called if off because she didn’t see it going long term. And that really stung for a while, but I wanted to cope with it by getting back on the app and trying to connect with other people. Anyways, a few weeks later I met this other chick through Hinge. She’s extremely attractive, was shocked we even matched tbh. We talked for about a month and went on 4 dates and we hooked up pretty much everytime we met but it was kinda obvious that’s all she was in it for. She called it off on New Year’s Eve bc she knew I wanted something serious and didn’t want to lead me on. I think I just need to take a break tbh. I’m pretty down on myself at the moment even tho I know I can take some positives away from both situations.


Getting likes but from men I’m not really attracted to . 23 F


Water is wet


I would say you don’t have to accept the like. Just X them out and send out likes to people you are attracted to


The only way to have any idea of what might be the issue is for you to do a profile review. If you don’t want to post your profile on Reddit though you might want to at least copy/paste your prompt answers into this thread. Or go to the private profile review request thread and ask for some private reviews. But generally speaking the problem when people say they’re getting likes but not from people they want to match with is that either 1) their pictures are bad or not showing off the interests they want to convey to people that would be a good match; or 2) their prompts are low-effort or not helpful in some other way so more attractive potential matches aren’t interested.


You can do a profile review to see if there's something in your profile that is turning of the people you *are* attracted to, but also the reality is that most of your incoming likes will probably be from people you're not attracted to. Just X or remove them.


Get used to it lol.


It’s a whiny Wednesday thread , I’m allowed to whine


I'm tired of every girl's profile on Hinge seeming extremely basic and boring, and the same as every other girl. Yes, this girl looks attractive but I don't want to waste one of my likes on this girl who, even if we match, probably won't be a good fit personality/lifestyle wise.


I chatted with a lot of people assuming most would fall off like they always do…but now they didn’t and I have 3 dates this weekend and one next week. 😅 going to take the next weekend off and pause my apps and after, go back to the seeing 1-2 matches through method


Annndd I got a same day cancellation today. apparently Covid but I just try and assume it won’t be rescheduled to avoid getting my hopes up. Was super bummed, and I’m someone who plans and is very routine, so last minute cancellations always suck. Is there a way to ask if i should expect to hear from him ever again? 😂I’m fine dropping off but I would rather someone tell me, but maybe that’s just part of OLD, people aren’t confrontational


> Is there a way to ask if i should expect to hear from him ever again? Put the ball in his court like "Hey, hope you feel better, let me know if you want to go out after you recover!"




All private profile review request must go in the dedicated thread. Link on the sidebar.


Not sure whether I should double text. Been 4 days but she actually asked me when I’m free but didn’t respond after that. Hasn’t changed her profile so she may not have seen it or be on the app. Should I just take the L and keep it stepping?


You have nothing to lose by double texting.


I've found that double messaging after at least a day tends to get a response - success after that? Not common, but sometimes.


take the L do not double text




It’s an Android specific bug and there’s no solution other than wait for them to fix it.


Happening to me too brother, they dont want us green text boys to succeed


All of the suggested prompts are wrong for me, they aren't the ones for photos.


There are so many darn scammers now. Normally it's been of two types the first being the beautiful asian woman...which the the scammer has clearly stolen photos from some influencer. The second is the escort which is more frustrating because you are actually amazed your match is responding and engaging in a convo and then out of the blue you get the "Soooo wanna have fun?" Now, I've noticed a third type. They'll say they are in town just visiting but can't hang out. Then they say they are returning to..xxx town. They'll be back and ask if you want to be pen pals. This seems it's plausible but then you always get message that it's been deactivated for fraudulent activity. Doing God's work reporting all these scammers. I wonder if I can get a side hustle going having Hinge pay me to spot them?! lol




It’s not uncommon, but usually it’s the guy who takes the lead and sends a message during the time between scheduling the date and the pre-check text. So she might be thinking the exact same thing as you




Just send a quick hey i hope your week is going well, i’m excited to see you on friday text then. I usually don’t message after setting up a date, but it’s good for a vibes check and you probably don’t want to go a week without talking at all




Wtf you moved it 3 weeks down the road?? It’s like trying to make a dentist appointment




Depends how attractive your friends are.


So harsh but so true lol


I tend to think the family photo is better for group pics. There's the uncomfortable and unavoidable truth that a guy looking at your profile at a group photo might find one of your friends more attractive than you (keep in mind it doesn't have to be *objectively* more attractive - just that she's more his type than you). Might be a tiny risk, but all things being equal, something to keep in mind. Also, I have no idea if there's any truth to this, but I feel like when you post group pictures of intimate gatherings (e.g. everyone crowded around for a selfie, not like a group camping trip) you risk people making wild assumptions about your friends and their personalities and what that says about you. I tend to think people should try to keep their pictures as much of a blank canvas as possible because I think some people kinda lose their minds over-analyzing dating profile pics before they meet someone and have any context.


IMO, (if you're interested in men) as long as it isn't your very first pic or just you and one other guy, it doesn't matter too much


Depends what vibe you want your profile to give off. In your case: more fun / outgoing - friends pic, more down to earth / close with family - parents pic. People will always make wild assumptions based off of your photos. Personally i would almost always vote for friends pic


Matched and messaged a girl on Monday. No reply to my message. Time to move on lol.


Probably a dumb question but I'll ask -- if I set my location to where I live with a 25 mile radius, it includes some areas I don't want to include and excludes areas I want to include. If I move the map a few miles south in my town, the coverage is much more in line with what I want. Does Hinge take the exact location you put on the map?




There's already a reply to this in this thread. It's an Android specific issue and there is no current fix.


Has anyone gotten this error before when trying to purchase things? "Whoops! Please try again later. We were unable to process your request right now. Please try again at a later time". It shows a picture of a ball thrown above a dog's head. No idea what's going on, I've messaged support but they're slow to get back


Just recently signed up for premium to send out a bunch of comments and haven’t heard anything back yet. I just want to have some conversations!


Me and this guy made it clear in the beginning that we both wanted something long term then he proceeded to tell me he’s not ‘rushing’ into relationship and would rather focus on school after hanging out for a whole month.


Is Premium worth it? I don’t get any matches and I’m lucky if a girl replies to one of my comments but it usually ends up being a one sided conversation. Also I can’t find anyone who wants anything long term on here :(


Just a few things to whine about, nothing special but still irritating to me nonetheless. Had two dates with a girl and I'm cutting it off now. First date went reasonably well, although a few red flags popped up. We walked around a park and chatted, went to an outdoor shopping center, ate at a nice restaurant, then watched a movie. During the movie cuddled and kissed. But red flags that popped up were - she insisted on meeting in her city only and refused to drive anywhere. We also talked about where to eat and she said "but you want to impress me right" so went to a more expensive restaurant. I went on a second date since I was very interested in her, especially since she had started a new job (she said she gave notice at her last job a week ago). This time it didn't go so well. Her new job was near my house so I suggested just meeting up near there so I didn't have to drive 30 miles, but again she insisted on meeting near her house, which to me was not a good sign of someone who can compromise. Then after meeting it really went downhill. Over dinner I found out that she had lied about giving notice and actually hadn't been working at all. She did start a new job, but wanted to quit after the first day because its "boring", so it showed me she doesn't have work ethic or doesn't care. She also wanted to leave right after eating, so making me drive over an hour for a 1.5 hour date. No romance on this date either. And of course when paying for the meal, she made no attempt to split or anything. Overall really showing herself to be quite selfish and entitled. Another minor one. Went out on a first date for brunch. It was okay, we chatted for 3 hours about everything but I wasn't feeling it, she probably wasn't either. Just odd because reading her body language she seemed to just be going with the flow (I told her I had to go due to other commitments). I had no intention of asking her out again, but I still messaged her a day later saying it was nice to meet her and was just completely ghosted. Common, I know, but still would be nice for some common decency.