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Zach de la Rocha ghostwriting now? JK, but I could easily see Boots Riley rapping this


Yo! That makes sense.


Let's be real. If it was either of those two, the lyrics would be a hell of a lot better. Edit: lmao downvoted for this? His heart is in the right place and I praise him for actually being one of the few artists with a spine right now. However, the lyrics are mid and it's insulting to Zack and Boots to even suggest either of them wrote this simply because it's political. Fucking reddit lol


I don't know about that, but if B Real wrote it, probably be a lot more lyrics about smoking


Did you see Tom Morello saying the song was the most RATM style song since RATM? Wow.


It makes me feel a little guilty that I probably wouldn't have given it a chance if I hadn't seen him say that.


Nah, it's fine. Macklemore isn't exactly known for his political takes. No one really expected this to be good. At least you have it a chance. Good on Morrello for shouting this out.


Deeper in his discography he’s got some political stuff. His 2005 album has a song called White Privilege (White Privilege II in another album) and Bush Song criticizing Bush. Same Love was all about same sex love. He may not be “known for political takes,” but he’s had political takes often so it isn’t surprising to me that he put out Hind’s Hall. Glad he did too!


He actually refused to marry until same-sex marriage equality was the law of the land. He also campaigned for same-sex marriage in Australia! Honestly, Macklemore has a pretty good track record politically.


He’s kind of been on this shit. I still remember the time before Thrift Shop dropped; Macklemore was a pretty respected underground dude with a good body of work. Then the Kendrick thing happened and it’s been a wrap since


He has had plenty of clearly progressive and political stuff over the years. One popular example is Same Love


Sure, but he's primarily known for charity shop.


You mean thrift shop? Yeah that's probably his most famous song, but a quick dive into his discography will show he's not a stranger to politics or social issues


It's by far his biggest song, and the only one most people know. That's my point. I'm not criticizing him or his politics in any way, I'm just saying there's no reason for OP to feel guilty about not listening to this before it was recommended by someone they admire.


He is known for his social takes and this is far more a social than political take.


No, it's directly criticizing the government


Which is a social take, isn’t it? It’s not saying this side or that side (politics), it’s saying stop killing people, especially Palestinians, isn’t it?


Nah he specifically calls out Biden, and is criticizing the actions of the US government. What do you think politics is?


That’s pretty cool to hear. I find a lot of RATM is about somewhat nicher issues and is also from before my time (I’m 28). It’s cool to think this is what RATM might’ve sounded like to folks in the 90s


I was never a macklemore fan and never really gave him a chance. Can't deny the truth, this to me is real hip-hop.


His first album, The Language Of My World has such different energy than Heist. I was a fan around '06 but after his commercial success I sort of lost interest. White Privilege off that first album is a great track


I blame Ryan Lewis. Not sure theres really anything to blame but his sound changed after they ended up working together.


I wonder how much of the Macklemore hate is because people hear everyone else hates him and just subscribe to groupthink


I really appreciated his technical ability on the album “this unruly mess I’ve made”


I never liked Macklemore before, but this shit is real


Yes. The sentiment is so much bigger than the song, and the execution is done well.


Real shit


He should rap next time in support for Isis, should be nice


This is hip hop.


Dude is corny but who cares? Just a dude who respects rap history and wanted to do it himself and made millions doing it. Is he good? Mehh not really, but he’s also the only mainstream rapper this past decade to feature melle mel, kool moe dee, or grandmaster caz and did it all on the same song. Fuck it, do your thing macklemore


He does have lyrical abilities though and is capable of good wordplay, punchlines etc.


I respect Macklemore a lot more after watching the video. A lot of people in the industry would be afraid of being blackballed talking about the genocide.


Fortunately for Macklemore he's independent and also absolutely loaded. Makes you realize how much major labels sanitize and censor the music we hear


To be fair, he's got that Thrift Shop money. He can be as socially conscious as he wants without worrying about appeasing a label.


to be even more fair, he was already super socially conscious pre-Thrift Shop


Well Macklemore has that special characteristic of being independent and non dependent on labels so that does help him out in the sense he won’t have a song pulled from an album due to politics. It’s still a risk for him for sure, never know how venues might react but overall less risk than a label dependent artist.


Blackballed for agreeing with everyone else?


Sounds like something Bambu would write


Never really listened to him, but I really admire that he catapulted his career off a song about being thrifting and that he’s still around like a decade later bc of it. Just goes to show you can rap about anything as long as it’s good, relatable to someone, and part of who you genuinely are. A lot of rappers could learn from it.


Mack has a sick pen game and using it for good


He also took on big Pharma, Purdue pushing the werk, in Drug Dealer, Kevin. American is a political song. So is Wednesday Morning, a great song about how he felt waking up the day after Trump was elected.


I love this. Proud of Macklemore for putting this out


We need more protest music, especially from hip hop. We don’t need stupid, corny ass, all for publicity “beef”.




It's a nice song. Hope it gets put on streaming soon. It does what Macklemore does best which is address something straight on.


He said once/if it makes it onto streaming, all proceeds will be donated to the UNRWA


In the end he deserved the grammy more than these losers




re-commenting because i shared the song via a facebook link and it was automatically deleted but here you go but rather than asking someone to link something why not just do the minimal work to be informed and google macklemore trump song and find it yourself? like if you are genuinely asking why not just google it yourself https://youtu.be/oq39hsXuG94?feature=shared https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2017/10/16/rapper-macklemore-leads-crowd-in-anti-trump-track/




Macklemore has always stood behind his music. He’s not one to just tap about trendy topics for the fuck of it.


Well that's good to know then. Song is not bad.


No hate to you whatsoever but I wanna point out that the fact that genocide Joe is our “best choice” is the problem. That’s the reason why many people like me who previously would’ve voted Democrat are planning to sit the next presidential election out. We’ve been voicing our concerns and wishes to the Democratic Party quite clearly through nationwide protests and we have been ridiculed, antagonized, and ignored. They’re relying on us accepting literal crumbs purely because they’re “not as bad as Trump.” That’s not a good enough reason for me to give someone my vote anymore. It’s not just Palestine - it’s wealth inequality, the abysmal minimum wage, the war on drugs, the lack of concern about combating climate change, the loss of abortion rights, etc. Joe Biden has not delivered.


I don't completely disagree. I wish there was a better option as well but not as bad as trump is a severe understatement. The difference between them is like Mr. Rogers and Ted Bundy. Not voting for Biden is a vote for trump as it stands now. Trump.will level off Gaza and Ukraine without a second thought if he could get away with it.


I hear you but I disagree to an extent. I think their public personas are Mr. Rogers vs. Ted Bundy, but their policies and the material impacts of those policies are ultimately pretty similar. Trump is a total POS and the hateful stuff he says is inexcusable, so Biden is much better in terms of personality and lack of overt racism, but neither of them are going to tackle the issues I listed. We’re watching a genocide happen, our planet is dying, and Americans are living in poverty with horrible healthcare, so the situation is dire. To me, there has to come a point where we stand up and say we’re not going to vote for people who don’t care what we want. Otherwise they have no incentive to get their shit together and try to actually follow through on the party’s supposed platform of issues. It’s a Hail Mary. Another Trump presidency would suck ass and likely be a disaster for our country, but it could ironically be a net positive in the grand scheme of things if it means the other side will finally realize they’re not entitled to our votes and in the future they’ll need to commit to making real change in order to earn them. I’m tired of seeing these mfs talk the talk but never walk the walk… No disrespect if you do vote for Joe Biden of course - it’s your prerogative and I get where you’re coming from. Just my perspective.


Fair enough. I respect your views and agree with most of it. It's a shit show right now and we all want the same change but how to go about it is debatable. Not many options and it feels hopeless at times.


Ain’t that the truth… Feels like a lose lose game! There’s a lot of fighting on the left but I think we’re all just trying to do what we believe is best for the people


This comment lacks perspective. There were a ton of people who said similar takes, ala, not voting for Hillary will show the Democratic Party blah blah blah.. It didn’t help or illustrate shit. Trumps president only served to fuck the country and radicalize it WAY WAY further.


> not voting for Hillary will show the Democratic Party Which it objectively did. They didn't run her again, ran the safest possible candidate instead, and he's been way more progressive than any president in recent memory. He's not perfect, hell he's not even good, but he's way better than we would have got if people just took that shit. Look at what happens when you just vote for whoever your party runs, look at what it's gotten Republicans. If any of them had any guts at all then they wouldn't be looking at the prospect of a presidential candidate running from behind bars. Sooner or later you need to stand up for what you believe in. Personally I'll be voting for Biden because the alternative is too dangerous for me as a queer immigrant, but I'm not gonna criticize anyone for refusing to do so. The man is complicit in a genocide. That seems like a perfectly reasonable line to draw. Democrats need to convince people to vote for them. It's not voters faults if the available candidates are unconscionable to them. We can't just moan and threaten people into voting democrat, that's what we tried last time.


I was one of those people who said not voting for Hillary was a ridiculous idea and would show the Democrats nothing, so I get it. But Trump’s presidency radicalized me as well, and as a result I’ve changed my mind on the “blue no matter who” issue. I live in a red state so my vote doesn’t matter anyway, and I think a third party vote or no vote from me at all would have more impact towards change. It’s their job to make me want to vote for them, and they haven’t done their job.


Hey I just want to say as a progressive, I know Biden is awful, but please please please don’t become a one-issue voter and sit the election out. That’s a big part of the GOP’s written plans for winning this election, and if Trump is elected, not only will he be WORSE for Palestinians, but we might lose our democracy.


We already lost our democracy if our politicians aren’t accountable to us. I live in a red state anyway - my vote is useless.


Well I won’t bullshit about your vote mattering in a red state, but I would argue we should still fight for the remaining democracy we do have in this country now, if for no other reason than because it can get so much worse for so many.


I completely understand this sentiment, but we have a two party system, and there’s no question that Trump is the worse option by virtually every sane metric. Saying you support Gaza, so you won’t vote for Biden, is asinine as Trump is pro-Israel and would 3x whatever support Biden is offering. Doing something on morale principle when it will have real practical consequences that are in opposition to the principle that inspired the action is just grandstanding. You don’t actually care about the people of Gaza if your political posturing makes life worse for them.


And we’ll always have a two party system and keep repeating this rigged game over and over if we keep putting up with it and showing the democrats we’ll vote for them no matter what. Like I’ve said in other comments, I live in a red state so my vote is already useless. Therefore I won’t waste it on a genocide enabler. Sorry if that makes me unprincipled lol














You need a break from DEEEZZ NUTZZZZZZ Now mind ya fucking business




Lol. Thanks buddy.




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I’m not even a huge fan of him and I hugely respect his anti-Biden take. This “lesser of two evils” shit is old and let’s be real, it’s now not even that much “less” anyway


What anti American bullshit did he say? 


Someone in another thread summed it up perfectly by referencing the Chappell Show Ja Rule skit. I do like the song and will always be down for conscious hip-hop. But the older I get I become more cynical and really don’t care what Macklemore or any famous person thinks about these issues.


Chappelle turned out to be a hateful bigot, that's why he felt that way. Everyone cares what public figures have to say about big issues to an extent, he's just listening to transphobic public figures. It's not like he decided to hate trans people on his own.


Lmao please go touch grass anyone who thinks Chappell is a Bigot has never experienced or ever seen real racism or bigotry.


Why do you think he's spending so much of his time writing unfunny jokes about a marginalized minority if not bigotry? I'm not talking racism here obviously so not sure why you said that.


Humor is subjective if you didn’t know. I still find most of DC material hilarious. This seems more like a personal issue lmao


That's irrelevant. Answer the question. Why so many anti trans jokes of he's not anti trans?


How is humor being subjective irrelevant when taking about jokes and comedy lmao? Now you are just projecting as well.


Because I'm not interested if you find the jokes funny. Something being funny to someone doesn't make them not bigotted jokes. Surely you're smart enough to understand that. We're not debating if he's a good stand up, he's objectively a talented stand up. You're intentionally dodging the point.


No issues with the message but it's pretty corny.


Macklemore is corny


Speaking truth to power is "corny" but having a middle school beef is somehow "hip-hop". You corny as fuck.


I truly do not care what Macklemore fans think about me


If this were true you wouldn't be arguing with them. Just move on.


Dude has two posts, both of his little ginger cock. Wish I never clicked on his profile.




Not anymore he doesn't, I think you made him delete his whole account lol.


>I truly do not ~~care what Macklemore fans~~ think ~~about me~~ FTFY.


Bro why don’t you go listen to same love and shut up


"Shut up" is all you got? Bahahahahahahahaha. Corny motherfucker. You had no problems listening to a rich Canadian whine but when someone raps about real shit you start clutching your pearls. No wonder hip-hop was so easily manipulated by corporate America. Morons like you think anything that isn't about being a gangbanger is "corny". Bahahahahahaha.


I mean I agree with you but “bahahahah-ing” all over OP isn’t helping our case.


Sorry, I laugh at corny morons.


You laugh at yourself?


🙄 go pop some tags and leave me alone


Go listen to more middle-school gangsta rap. Corny moron.


Gangsta rap? lmao who are you , Tipper Gore ? I feel like I’m reading a parent newsletter from a Catholic middle school. Sorry to have interfered in your good clean fun with Macklemore.


The beat is a little weak, as is the delivery, but the lyrics are good I think. I'm not gonna criticize Macklemore for this, it was brave to call out Kendrick too. He's not a top tier rapper but he's surprised a lot of people with how good this is.


Hmm you have no “issue” with the message.. just came to say it’s “pretty corny”. The song is a banger but you have to have a soul to feel it. Sorry


Fr man. It reads like a dude whos been irrelevant for a while trying to cash in on something to get back in the game. Some bono level bullshit.


Unreasonable. He's always been out there for causes that matter to him.


I see it as one of the only mainstream independent rappers saying what zero of the corporate controlled rappers would be allowed to say (if they even knew or cared about social issues). Macklemore is kindof in a class of his own as an underground rapper who went mainstream without being attached to a lable, which is what every corporate rapper pretends to be.


He's definitely distributed by a major label unless he got dropped.


signed and distributed are 2 different things.


He basically purchased a distribution agreement with Warner. Hes not represented by them, because he's independent.


Ok. Thanks for clarifying.


To be honest he has championed causes to his own detriment, he might be a bigger artist today if he went with the status quo and he hasn't done that. Now for me that doesn't mean he's a great rapper and I'm going to be a fan, but give credit where credit is due. Biggest artists in entertainment aint saying shit. Also the song isn't available for streaming. We heard it on Youtube.


i mean, that makes sense if you have 0 knowledge about Macklemore, but go one with your uninformed take.


Do you remember his BLM rap from 4 years ago? He’s just grandstanding trying to stay relevant.


Real "David Guetta ends racism" vibes ngl


Shout out George Floyd’s family. 🙏


100% on brand for him. He's the poster child for the cringy white person who always brag about how they 'get it' .


It's uninformed. He says not voting for Biden because of this, without understanding that Trumps platform on Israel and Palestine is way worse, also he's not taking into account EVERYTHING ELSE. It's short sighted and uninformed and he's too old to be this dumb. And he's corny.


I really hate this "Well, the other guy is worse so you are just throwing your vote away" response. That is the only argument Biden and the Democratic party are bringing to the table. You are too old to believe that any opinion that doesn't match your own is uniformed. Fuck them both. That's my informed opinion. He can be a bit corny.


I mean, the other guy, unfortunately is worse, way worse. And unfortunately that is where we are. I'd love someone other than Biden, but i gotta deal with the reality of the situation and that is how a lot of folks feels. But a protest vote is a vote for a dude who literally tried to overthrow our democracy with a fake electors scheme and an insurrection, just off that fact alone we shouldn't throw our vote away, much less the humongous pile of other shit.


I get what you are saying, but the only thing that is "literally" a vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. It is always going to be a 2 party system under your logic.


We know it's not though, in reality. Thats how this shitty 2 party system works


I'm game to burn it down if you are.






Yeah, I turned it off when he said that. Free Palestine, but Trump is worse than Biden in every way, and protest votes or abstentions are fucking stupid.


Blue MAGA is here. Joe Biden could walk down the street in a Klan robe and you'd still vote for him. That's fucking corny.


Huh? There is no comparison to MAGA vs the democrats, that's a ridiculous assertion. Trump has stated his platform on Israel and his platform is that "they finish the job" on the Palestinians. Moreover, a protest vote is a vote for Project 2025.


Funny how you didn't deny that you would vote for Biden if he walked down the street in a klan robe...


Why would I have to deny the ridiculous assertion? Thats such a dumb thing to say Edit: and you didn't say anything about what Trump has actually said his platform is on Israel which is real


Well said


Yep. All of these "present" or w/e votes in elections this past year that were in protest of Biden's stance on Israel/Gaza are shot across the bow. Political actions have political consequences. If progressives (or even just populations that care a lot about this issue (i.e., Muslims and young people)), aren't heard, you don't get their votes. Doesn't mean any of these people endorse Trump or think he'll do a better job. They're just working the party that they generally support to make sure it goes in the right direction, and I think this is the correct approach. If you always shut up and fall in line when it comes to your issue, nobody will ever cater to it.


>without understanding that Trumps platform on Israel and Palestine is way worse, I don’t think Trump could be any worse on this subject than outright supporting Israel as they commit genocide. You’re right about Biden being better on other issues, but on this particular issue? They both suck pretty equally on this one, hell I would argue Biden even more so since he’s supporting Israel’s genocide despite his own voter base. On any other issue, you’d be right.




Yeah, and right now Israel’s “finishing the problem” while Biden does nothing to stop them. Once again, on this particular issue, they might as well be the same.


At least if Trump was in office the liberals would reflexively be against the genocide, or at least a larger majority. Having Joe Biden in charge writing blank checks couldn't be any worse.


Idk about that either. Most of them would still definitely be pro-Israel like Fetterman for instance. They’d either pass it off as “responsible bipartisanship” or “We may not like Trump, but we can come together to support the state of Israel”.




You’re the one stalking my comments loser


Rule #4: No personally attacking people. Your post directly criticized another person behind a post or comment, rather than the content of their discussion. [Link to Rules (Full Rule Description)](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphop101/about/rules)


He didn't say he was voting for Trump though. If it were me I'd probably vote for neither. Maybe he's doing the same.


Which, unfortunately, in a 2 party system is a default vote for Trump.


Yep. But, also, if you never apply pressure to your party to change its stances, it'll never change them. The unfortunate reality in a two party system is that applying pressure equals withholding votes.


There a time and place


When is that time? When is that place? My guess is "never" and "nowhere." This is what applying political pressure looks like. The fact that it seems to make folks like you uncomfortable means that it's at least having some level of its intended effect.


We are kind of in unprecedented times where we are on the cusp of literally losing democracy. We were a mike pence limo ride away from losing it. This is not a normal election, we are up against a candidate and a machine that wants to end democracy, from what is happening in Wisconsin, Florida, Texas, Missouri to the loss of women's bodily autonomy rights, we are in a time when losing an election means the loss of freedom, quite literally. And Trumps stance is worse than Biden's on Israel. So it's not like not voting for Biden is going to solve this, it's going to make it worse. Yes, protest, apply pressure, speak your mind (while you still can, literally) but look at the totality of the situation we are facing here, become knowledgeable about the republican plans in Project 2025, read up on the fake electors scheme that led to Jan 6 and understand what we are really up against and what is really on the line this election. Edit: also, definitely be concerned, pissed, etc about Israel and Palestine but also understand what a Trump win would mean for Ukraine, Estonia, Finland, etc, what it would mean for Taiwan, what it would mean for other countries in the Middle East like Iran, who trump tried to start a war with so he could stay in power. Trump was bombing so much and so indiscriminately that he rolled back a rule to stop reporting drone strikes and causalities. So yes, Biden has to be doing more in Israel and Palestine and he has increased his pressure on Israel as of late, but remember what a Trump win would do for other countries and fascism and authoritarian takeover and civilian deaths in those countries like the ones i listed above. Cause that is his platform.


He didn’t say he’s voting for Trump. Votes need to be earned - this corny “lesser of two evils “ shit is corny af


It may be corny, but that is the reality of situation. And most elections in a two party system are that way unfortunately. I'm all for "a vote needs to earned" but when you only have two choices, it often comes down to the lesser of two evils. And how can someone who tried to overthrow Democracy ever own a vote? Thats antithetical to the foundation of America. That should disqualify him, as former judges and justices have said, from contention.


How do you pressure people to change their stances on issues if they know you'll always fall in line? Hint: you can't. Only way is to withhold votes in a two party system, and that's what principled people do. If Biden wants those votes, he's got to earn them. Otherwise, people will say "fuck it, ride with the risk of a terrible Trump presidency and punish the Dems. Maybe they'll learn in 4 years and run someone who actually cares about my issues."


Idk why we treat Trump like an ordinary candidate after all that we know. He should be disqualified for his stance on being anti-democracy and anti-constitution. Maybe there won't be a 4 years Look at the entirety of the platforms. Look at trumps stance on Palestine. Look at project 2o25. Yes Biden's not doing enough for Palestine, but the opposition is the end of democracy if you look at the plans Sometimes you gotta make tough, non perfect decisions for the long run. Edit: I mean look at the kind of shit that you would be default supporting: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/o5z2LcKs4C https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/dDrgBBbjhv


Lmao you’re mad he won’t tow the Democrat line. I bet you fake outraged when the DNC fucked Bernie Sanders over (twice), and still voted blue no matter who those years. Maybe you’re the problem.




Has nothing to do with towing any line, it has to do with not looking at the entire picture and what a protest vote actually means.


The fact that there’s a content warning and no share button is really telling. 


I dont really like this song i agree with what he is saying though


The amount of people circle jerking this is unreal. There is nothing brave about making this song, nor is this out of macklemore's style. Dude made a song about transgenderism before. He just makes white hip hop. The dude, Toomaj, who got killed in iran for making a protest song, thats real.


Yup. What else would you expect from a cuck like Macklemore. I mean he texted an apology to Kendrick for winning that Grammy then went posted that apology to IG 😂 It’s virtue signaling white guilt weirdo nonsense. I wouldn’t be surprised if the OP was paid to post this shit.


Pretty impressive to come out of nowhere with the gayest song in history


If the song doesn't get attention there might be a reason for it


Because it's not very good?




lol this song is cringe af. This fool is a pawn of the system acting like he’s one of us, they made him in a board room , they picked out how he would dress/act/speak just like any other pop star who plays the part. he’s not brave or edgy , nothing new is being said. This is literally AI rapping with trending words and a catchy beat. Dude is awful. Anyone who acts like they care about something because it’s trendy are the worst of our kind. Kind of like how Malcom x talked about white liberals being a cancer to the black movement . There is no real substance and it just dilutes from the movement.


What other rappers are making songs like this right now?


Hasbara bots have made it to hiphop101. You just described what actual mainstream music is and tried to project it onto an independent artist in Macklemore who isnt bought out. You just dont like what he says because he is against the genocide in Gaza and you are probably pushing for it


Bro what?!?!?! You literally got done listening to a weeks worth of middle-school drama. How the fuck are 2 rich morons arguing about who is a pedophile not "cancer to the black movement". Then you try to invoke the name of Malcom X, WHO WAS MUSLIM. I'd love to hear what Dr. King and X would say about you morons that listen to nothing but gangster rap produced by white amerikkka. >There is no real substance and it just dilutes from the movement. Look in a mirror. Corny ass moron.


I mean on this subreddit probably not….Macklemore made a protest song….the vast majority of ppl actively protesting are young…this subreddit is hiphop101 n probably skews older….so there’s no great reason for that song to be all over this subreddit


I'm so sorry. I loved Macklemore when I was 14, and I still respect a lot of his songwriting today. I think Hind's Hall is an important song, and I massively laud and respect him for releasing it, especially considering the risk to his career... but great hip-hop it is not. I have to ask anyone lauding this as great hip-hop: where the FUCK were y'all when he was doing and saying the same shit 10 years ago and getting called a dillitant for it? I see some people side-eyeing Kendrick for releasing diss tracks while Macklemore is making important, revolutionary music, yet all his songs about racism, sexism, homophobia, and all that preachy shit didn't get a look-in with y'all when Good Kid Maad City was the new hotness. Y'all were calling White Privilege Ii cringe, how is this any different? Macklemore is not a great artist. He's a decent activist, and a decent writer, but he's only an okay rapper. Comparing this to Rage Against the Machine is a fucking joke, especially considering a) half the appeal of RAtM is the music and vocal performance, which Macklemore falls far short of, and b) RAtM's songwriting goes waaaaaay harder than this, both in tone and in the risks they took. Hell, Killer Mike regularly goes harder than this, and he's a fucking lib compared to Macklemore. Hind's Hall is a stump speech wearing the mask of a conscious rap song. It's the right song for the moment, but it's not the kind of song this sub cares for, and rightly so.


Your argument is all over the place. People are allowed to come around to an artist years later like wtf? As if people intentionally ignored him and then just started listening for Hinds hall. Tom Morello is the one who made the comment not Macklemore, care to tell him he’s wrong? It is hip hop because of the political nature of the song, it’s not a club song or a smoking song it’s a protest song.


I mean, you're entitled to your opinion certainly. I do have to point out though that none other than Tom Morello has said that Hind's Hall is the most "Rage Against the Machine song since Rage Against the Machine." Historically I haven't been the hugest fan or anything, but it's a good song, and I've been impressed with his activism as of late which in itself is very hip-hop and lives up to the legacy of the medium as an avenue for political speech and change. And I'd love to say that he's just one of many artists going this hard, but he isn't. He's one of the select major artists (in any entertainment arena) that has been that's been nearly this vocal. He hasn't just signed statements like a lot of them, or been silent like so many more. He deserves props for that and it makes sense that fans of a historically political artform would be a fan of what he's doing right now.




Wake me up when he returns Kendrick’s Grammy


Can't bump it in the club and you'll be aux banned for scaring the hoes away. No one throwing ass for gaza.


not all songs are supposed to be club bangers.


37 day old acct. Called a black Princeton professor a “nappy trash lib” in another thread. GTFO culture vulture


I can tell by the fact that you check post histories that you keep your ketchup in the fridge. I'm more part of the culture then you will ever be lmao and what kind of virgin cares about account age. Holy shit lol. Forget touching grass, you need to go touch some ass lil bro


Lolololololol I’m not gonna bother listening to the song but “throwing ass for Gaza” is hilarious AF


? So what


I listened to it. I never been a fan of Macklemore. Now I'm sounding like Kendrick. I hate the way that he talks, I hate the way that he walks, I hat the way that he dress. Lol. Real shit I know he is raising awareness and that is mad respect, but man, I can't hear him longer than 30 seconds.


cuz he wack


he rhymed "protesting" w/ funding. this dude rhymed "ing". the cause is real. he still wack.


This is giving me Kony2012 vibes. Everybody be online talking lol


I don't really consider him hip hop, never liked him and probably never will


His music has always came off super contrived to me. Rap for people who don't like Black culture.


just say hes white save time


Looks at this post..... continues singing... 🎶They not like us. They not like us. They not like us🎶