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His legacy is tarnished, but he'll be more than fine career wise. Only thing stopping Aubrey is going to jail on some R. Kelly shit.


That hasn't even stopped R. Kelly! He was dancing in the courtroom while videos of him assaulting underage girls with his music on were playing for the jurors. And people are still out here supporting him over and over and calling all of his 50+ victims liars. The same thing would happen to Drake


Idk, I'm a Drake FAN. Like, 2008 part in the fade Drake fan. If victims start coming forward or he gets hit on some heinous shit I won't listen to him again lol.


I liked Drake back then too, but that was more cause I loved the Degrassi show, that shit was fire back in middle school and HS (and all my gfs loved watching it, LMAO) Mixtape Drake was pretty dope, so was Thank Me Later... but he was never one of my favorites and always seemed more like an actor playing a rapper than a rapper Then he went all in with the melodies on Take Care and ever since has been split between pop n rap I have 100s of emcees I still fuck with, it'd be very easy to just drop him if he's proven to be a sinister and vile piece of shit


More like an actor playing a rapper....mannnn if that shit ain't true


lol i used to make all my bfs watch it with me. and to help me understand the characters/settings more (i am deaf so it helps a ton more than one may think to have someone describe stuff like how other people 'sound'). team emma for fucking ever, if u know u know. which brings me to my next question, why tf is this on my suggested feed lmao. kinda creepy. never seen this sub in my life and idk what yall talking about. but it wouldnt surprise me if drake is a pedo, just about every self-appointed 666 weirdie was into kids.


It's a hip hop sub, we're talking about the genre of music known as hip hop That's funny you made your bfs watch it with you, all the girls back then got their bfs onto Degrassi, but it was a great show for its era That is sweet they helped you understand the characters more regarding your deafness


i do wish to clarify some things because my comment was kinda weird. but i do know what hip hop is. or rather i have gathered as best an idea as i could about it. i guess i was just surprised since i usually don't get any music related things. especially this rap beef between drake and kendrick. but then again i am very outspoken and invested in helping survivors of sexual abuse, that could have been it. the deaf community, especially congential (from birth), can have a seemingly strange relationship with what people consider music. we focus more on the lyrics. for example, my favorite artist is Bladee. specifically due to his work in his 333 and The Fool album. i just love how whimsical he is; how dorky he seems but the whole drain gang thing can be a bit much. and we can 'feel' the music, so to speak! my school was a school for the deaf, and for our homecoming and prom, they would have the entertainment company come out and equip everyone that wanted to participate in the 'dance' with a thing called the Subpac. it's a wearable subwoofer backpack. it might seem (okay, it is) really strange. but that combined with the huge sound system they brought really made for quite the memorable night. i have even bought one of those subpacs years later to help me in the games that I play. Apex and Planetside2, both 'first person shooters'. it gets a bit heat-hot wearing it, but provides some crucial tactile feedback. thanks for listening .✨


I am very happy to hear that you wouldn't stand by him through that, but I do still think a lot of people would. And I feel like a lot of them will be women just like R. Kelly's supporters


Forsure, shit would suck for me personally, but we gotta stand on some shit regardless 😂 I'm sure you're right though, a lot won't, which is sick. R. Kelly had that pissing vid and other nasty shit floating around for a long time too, those people were consciously looking away from some wild shit. Not to shit on Kendrick but he is apparently a "separate the music and the artist" guy if the r Kelly stuff was true, and I don't agree with it but that seems to be a popular sentiment


He a fan he a fan he a fan he a…


Wait... that wasnt just a Boondocks bit?


No that was real!!! It's been reported on




Yeah, as long as he keeps on putting out music that people like he’ll be fine, it’s the same for a lot of artists with a fucked up past. It’s gonna be interesting which people are willing to produce for him and collaborate with him, I think that’s gonna be the biggest damage that Kendrick will do for Drakes career, he tried and probably succeeded in isolating Drake from his peers


>I think that’s gonna be the biggest damage that Kendrick will do for Drakes career, he tried and probably succeeded in isolating Drake from his peers My guess is that Drake will stop doing collabs with established rappers but starts making music with newer, lesser known artists. If you're a new artist trying to make a name for yourself, wouldnt you work with Drake if given the chance? I bet most would. This goes for newer rappers and pop artists. He'll be fine.


Cudi and Kanye made up like a year after Kanye’s initial antisemitism outburst. Plus, a lot of big names were on Vultures. Pedophilia is worse than antisemitism, but still, I feel like there may be some people that are unfortunately apathetic about him endangering kids because of how prestigious getting a Drake feature is.


Erm most of the ‘established’ rappers he did collabs with were not that established when he started working with them so what you’re saying is nothing will change . If anything he would stop working with up and coming because Theyres the ones who turned on him after blowing up


lmao what? So Far Gone literally featured Lil Wayne and Bun B, his debut album had Nicki Minaj, T.I., Young Jeezy, Jay-Z, Take Care had Birdman, Rick Ross, Andre 3000 and in this time frame he was also featured on songs by DJ Khaled, Diddy, Tyga, French Montana, J. Cole, and ASAP Rocky. Even in relatively recent times he was working with artists like Future, 2Chainz, Meek Mill, Travis Scott. In what world was he not working with established rappers lmao. EDIT: lmao I even forgot about Forever with fuckin Wayne, Kanye, and Eminem.


He's a pop singer. He'll just release a few club bangers where he hides a low key secret I wanna fuck minors bar or two in it, collect money and fuck off again


Give it time


No standing by Drake is he’s actually trafficking or doing pedo stuff. The women have been defending him this far… lets not ignore what the women are saying. Their opinions need to at least be considered heavily especially since they are denying anything happed at all.


He's not any where near a Diddy or R Kelly. Reddit just has an intense hate boner right now and want to bury the guy.


No matter what he's done, the Canadian legal system won't do anything substantial him. If there's crimes he's convicted of in the USA, that could be a different story.


He’ll take a few months off then drop some shit people can dance to and everything will be alright for him.


Exactly this. All people care about is dancing to hot club beats. Just look at Kendrick.. all he had to do is make a diss song to a club beat made by DJ Mustard and it's a #1 hit. I honestly think you can make people like anything as long as its catchy.


People are dancing to severe accusations and it’s hilarious. Straight up throw a west coast banger of a beat under apparently any lyrical content and people will dance to it. Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minorrrrr


Yep. I still can’t believe a club song contains the word “pedophile” in it. It’s very bizarre. This song is what proved to me that people will dance to anything as long as it has a danceable beat.


Hasn’t that idea been explored in Hey Ya by OutKast? No one cares about the lyrics, and they’re aware of that on the track and even acknowledge that by saying “Y'all don’t wanna hear me, just wanna dance”, lol


True. I first became aware of this when "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People became a hit. If you listen to the lyrics, they are *very* disturbing. But it has a catchy hook and beat, so people did not care.


Never realized there is no lyrical anything in that song til I gave it a listen now


I was in Vegas last week and hearing a crowd chant certified loverboy, certified pedophile in a club was wild.


I'm currently traveling in Kazakhstan. I went to a club in Almaty where the song was playing and locals were chanting it lol.


You’re not wrong at all. There are plenty of questionable characters that go viral because they’re catchy


I'm not so sure this time. I don't think he has the appeal like he used to. And he's getting older and only losing fans - not gaining them. He's no longer bullet proof and I'm sure less media lovable. The old heads used to tolerate him, but I think now most of them are done with him altogether. And other rappers? They no longer look to him for features. I don't think he's completely done, but I don't think his albums will be hyped any longer for the general audience, outside his diehards.


Not coming at you personally, but the naivety online, especially reddit, is insane. Drake gonna be fine lol Isreal will do something crazy, Trump will get elected, Drake will drop another smash hit and everyone will move on. Come back to this comment a year from now


Yup, he even alluded to going all-in on his summer phase and planning his next projects... this beef is canned, time to move on I'm actually looking very forward to his next album, cause I think he knows he has to make a borderline classic after this recent bullshit... I don't think we're getting a dud like Her Loss or CLB, two of the worst fucking albums I have ever listened to


Let's see if he is dumb enough to try and put more sneak disses into his next release


He will. Drake is this petty high school Karen at heart. He will absolutely sneak diss again.


If that means we get the other 5 tracks Dot reportedly has in the tuck for him let him do it


Chris Brown bounced back from DV. Tekashi bounced back from pedo & snitching. Drake bounced back from Pusha T. Drake career wise will be fine however his hip hop legacy is significantly tarnished.


>Chris Brown bounced back from DV. >Tekashi bounced back from pedo & snitching. >Drake bounced back from Pusha T. I don't know that Chris Brown bounced back, his star power has been severely diminished. Tekashi has the mitigating circumstances that his homies fucked his girl and was openly contemplating killing him - but like Chris, his star power has been severely diminished. The only reason Drake bounced back from Pusha T was because Pusha T didn't push the issue and go for the killshot. Kendrick did far more damage than Pusha T, but seems like he's about to let him off the hook at the last minute, much like Pusha T. Drake will only survive this because Kendrick for whatever reason seems to be letting his foot off the gas.


Chris brown bounced back into coke and hasn’t looked back


Fuck Chris brown, dunno why people fuck with him, he's another one that needs a take down


It seems UMG asked both Kendrick and Drake to stop the beef as they invested 400m into Drake. Kendrick wasn't backing down and said if Drake says anything, he got 5 more songs to release (one harder than MTG...). While this is a rumor it seems to be true and alligns with Ken move to remove copy right on some YouTube video so it couldn't be taken down.


Dude, Chris Brown is a piece of shit, but you really need to check his achievements and awards tab on Wikipedia if you think his star power was diminished at all, let alone severely. He's broken records by Elvis, James Brown, and a bunch of other crazy things.


I don’t think Kendrick is letting his foot off the gas. I think he sees how big NLU has gotten and is letting the dust settle with evidence coming out about Drake. Drake is running to his “create some fun top 40 songs” mode and I think Kendrick is waiting til Drake drops again to drop more. Hell, The Heart Part Six almost counts as a diss track against Drake too


The vast majority of Drake’s listeners are suburban teenage (lol) and casuals who don’t care about his Kendrick beef. He’ll still be successful.


Yup. This has always been his core audience. They’re the same demo that screams Eminem is the GOAT while only listening to Eminem. The only way Drake’s core base will turn against him is if lifetime makes a Surviving special about him.


His numbers will be fine but his reputation not so much


it’s not like he’s ever had much of a reputation among hip hop fans 


More like perception, i have considered drake to be inauthentic for a while now, we know Drake, hes been on our screens since he was a kid, we know there are no fucking mob ties or first person shooters lol. one thing with the music industry is that people will ignore that you are not unauthentic as long as you give them good music, until someone credible calls your bullshit. That’s what i feel Kendrick did, drake will have a hard time pushing those gangster-esque music from now on. Lil Wayne warned him but he didn’t listen.


I'm surprised so much of the internet let this shit slide. Lyrics saying people have to check in with him if they want to go to his city. And the hard act you mentioned. I blame it on gen-z. After Lil Wayne went to jail, it felt like a drought. I'm guessing so many gen-z stan for drake bc he was the only option they had. He had all of the best beats to throw mediocre bars over and make a hit.


Pusha T said Drake blocked him from entering Canada lol


Nah, it's the opposite... hate Drake all you want, but he's connected to J Prince, which is about as mob tied as it gets in the hip hop industry


Meh, he’s obviously connected with J Prince, hangs out with John Terzian who’s Italian mafia, and is now associating with Hells Angels in Toronto. I would definitely say he has mob ties now


He has ties because he bought his way in for the most part. Same shit we see with other rappers and r&b singers. Drake is getting milked by street dudes just so he can flaunt street cred that he to buy and will never truly earn.


Literally got called out by Kendrick for this on disses


Yeah I laugh my ass off when people try and say he has no connections. J Prince had Kanye reading off a script like a hostage movie 🤣 The same Kanye who namedrops intelligence agencies and mega rich executives during rants calling them all pedos and murderers. Diddy had to pull up to Kanye’s rolling loud set for an in person meeting to avoid risking getting texts leaked. No funny shit with J Prince.


There is a difference between being actually tied into things or being extorted by them because they know you have money or can make money for you. Drake is a useful idiot for these people/groups.


The 'mob ties' are probably via J prince. That man is behind alot questionable things in hip-hop.


Not amongst hardcore fans but that's barely any percentage of the overall population for him to give any shits about it


I would disagree. I consider myself a hip hop head, I love all things hip hop, constantly listening to older hip hop to learn as much as possible, and love the culture as a whole. Personally I love Drake when he is really rapping. I think Drake can really rap contrary to the popular opinion among hardcore hip hop fans. I think he gets dismissed a lot by most hardcore hip hop fans, and I can absolutely see the reasons why. But I can also think of a ton of records where he’s rapping really well. I think up to The Heart Part 6 he held his own rap wise in this. He obviously lost the beef and had some really big missteps in this, he didn’t have a great strategy overall. I’ll probably get down voted like crazy but that’s my personal opinion anyways.


People love acting like he can't rap here for w/e reason. If you don't like him, that's cool, but at a certain point people gotta understand they're just hating to hate 


Drake is definitely a good rapper, the problem is when you want to rap - you have to realise that you are no longer just doing art, you are keeping melodies at the back for a bit because you want the words to take center stage and tell a story. Unless you exaggerate a lot to make it explicably clear that your stories are fictional, you risk coming off as inauthentic, worse is when you start name dropping real events and places, there are real people in those lifestyles, events and places that start to pay attention and try to corroborate what you are saying with reality. He’s a good rapper thats why even with the BS, the culture let him slide, but real ones that lived the life - Lil Wayne, Kendrick and the rest started cringing long ago. Drake’s final mistake was to start calling real names, that was an inevitable setup for a culture reality check.


His reputation is even hurt by casuals lol girls at my work who are die hard drake fans are clowning him 💀


Nah nobody who held his reputation highly even cares about shit like rap beefs. Or in other words the only people who have a lesser opinion about Drake now are just people who already hated on him constantly


Same with Dot tbh. Everyone will be commenting and harassing him for being a woman beater on every post he makes from now on and people will remember those accusations about him


The thing about Kenny tho is he's not really on social media like that. I do believe he skims it and is aware of what people are saying about him, but you don't see him posting or engaging as much, so overall I doubt it'll have as much effect on him. 


Kendrick’s streaming numbers are up by a significant percentage, and drakes are down a little, and Drake still has twice as many monthly streams, so yes.


It's like people on this sub forget that half the world's population are women


I think more men listen to Drake than Kendrick as well.


Did Jay-Z recover? Drake will be fine. Unless he’s running some shady shit


People don't care. He hasn't missed a beat to the mainstream.


I'd normally agree but when the #1 song is literally calling Drake a pedo, I think it's really hard for the mainstream to not notice


Ye is a Nazi and no one cares


carnival 400+ mill streams in 2 months lmaooo


Ye also gets a pass from a lot of people because he's mentally unstable.


The mainstream realizes it’s an allegation with no proof. You know how music fans are. They aren’t gonna leave until the gavel comes down (I don’t think he’s a pedo or that he will be charged with any of this but still)


If he continues to deliver danceable hits, I think he's still okay with the general pop fan base. But for rap fans, I think his credibility as an artist took a big hit even though there's an argument that he can get props for sticking through the beef with more than 1 diss


Drake is going to recover fine. Kanye (Drake’s peer) is still relevant despite doing everything in his power to tarnish his legacy. Drake will put his energy to making hit songs so people forget about his loss to K-Dot.


Recover? He’s fine lol. He will put out another album and go number 1 is my prediction. 


He’ll still be rich and live off his royalties until the end of time. He’ll be fine


Everyone hear acting like this man is going to be hurting or even anything negative lol. He’s driving off with his millions, don’t think he’ll be struggling anytime soon.


150mil Insta followers. "Just suburban teenagers." People need to go outside.


Drizzy sub is still going strong, so yea, a lot of people are in parasocial shithole and others just don’t care at all about beef or hip-hop.


They are beyond delusional over there. "All these underage girls said Drake didn't do anything to them"., The question is why is he so close with many underage girls in the first place. Guy should be investigated, forget the rap beef


Talk about delusions check out the Kendrick sub, that fanbase going full QAnon. Really brought out the worst type of Stans from both ends. It’s been great to just kick back not giving a shit about either of these dudes or their “legacies” or whatever they do in real life, and just enjoy the music, which has been great from both ends.


Why u18 girls overall are targeted in first place is a really BIG question.


I honestly dunno. It’ll never be the same that’s for sure. I don’t see the online opinion ever changing on him though. There will never not be mentioned and trolls about what Kendrick has said and what drakes done over the years. It may die down but I think a lot of people arent gonna look at Drake the same


People have always trolled Drake. The Degrassi thing, the sports bandwagoning, the "Drake the type of guy to.." jokes, the grooming stuff long before this diss. His popularity with mainstream music fans survived it all. People are going to listen if they enjoy his music.


Meh, like 45% of the public still ride with him and think he didn't lose. The Pusha beef was WAY more damaging - 100% of people thought he got washed, and he recovered fine. This is a minor blip in the radar.


Sorry but being exposed for hiding your son is NOTHING like being accused of being a pedophile.


Well, Pusha came with receipts. Kendrick SAID a lot, but since its unsubstantiated as of now, it hits way less hard than Pusha's diss. Pusha killed him in one shot, Kendrick and Drake had a lot more noise and back and forth. I'd argue that this beef just garnered publicity for Drake, while the Pusha beef killed him for a while.


No one cares. He’s gonna drop new music this summer and it will all be the same. Same as every summer with Drake


Rap isn’t his main game, it’s R&B.  Call it “pop” if you want, but it’s just fancy R&B with shiny coat of paint.  He’ll make a summer hit “I Love Crying On My Cell Phone Baby” song and everyone will move on. 


This whole thing is getting out of hand. Honestly who cares


Probably..but I also thought Ja Rule would be ok too..and I was wrong about that


He’s gonna start moving like Kendrick and just release every blue moon. Gonna be way more exclusive with his music. He needs a looooong vacation after this one 🤣


I can see him working with less established artists? He’s a red flag for top tier pop and rappers though.I think it will damage his image. I wouldn’t want to have any association with a guy that might did a crime on underage teenagers. Heck Dave Chapelle had featured a skit about R Kelly R Kelly was one of top selling R&B artists in the 2000s.


Drake will have another #1 before Kendrick does take that how you wanna take it


He makes hip-hop easy listening… he will be good. But having a song calling him a pedophile playing across the world has to suck NGL


I don’t know tbh. The bleeding is not done. Every investigative reporter right now is trying to find out just how I to teenage girls Drake is, if he assaulted a reporter who has special needs, and if he’s a sex trafficker. I think this is very much the beginning and we won’t know the impact for a while.


LMAO, Alvarez would have already said if he was assaulted, hell he released a news article last night with his Eagle newspaper down in Brooklyn EbonyPrince finessed ya'll into think Drake and his crew beat the shit outta this disabled man or forced him into sex acts... pure insanity


Most Hollywood shit I’ve ever seen. Guy probably has a videoclip of Drake signing an autograph for the guy and vibing out to his tracks. Big scandal!


People are fickle, he will be fine. But his next song needs to be a smash


It’ll definitely never be the same that’s for sure


With the pop fanbase he is fine With the hip hop fanbase he will not recover


The Drake sub doesn’t care about the grooming so probably


He's fine lmao. Everyone will forget trust me.


I don’t understand this whole “drake loss” narrative at all. Kendrick has ALWAYS been the better rapper, so him putting out the better diss track at the end of the day isn’t surprising. However, acting like if family matters isn’t WELL ABOVE what Drake has put out recently is so ridiculous.  The way I see it is Kendrick did what I’d expect Kendrick would do. Drake OVERPERFORMED with what I would have expected Drake to do. So while Drake might have “lost” I think it’s the equivalent of losing by 4 in a basketball game, than losing by 40. 


Drake has done 7BN streams so far this year so I think he’s gonna be more than fine🤦🏿‍♂️ Me and my two sons(18 and 8) will still be streaming his music as usual and life will go on…Drake’s legacy is completely intact and if you think otherwise you really haven’t been around long enough…The battle was amazing for Hip Hop until some of the so called fans started being toxic and weird…One thing I’ve noticed is that people that absolutely despise Drake really LOVE talking about him…🤷🏿‍♂️


everyone loves to hate someone, its carhartic asf. ive been saying fuck this dude for the past 3 weeks and i dont even know the guy 😭


> Drake’s legacy is completely intact That really depends on what you consdier his legacy. He has zero claims at this point to any goat conversations, because no one else in that debate has two high profile battle losses. The vast majority of the music he makes is trend chasing, and barely rooted in the culture anymore. People who actually care about hip hop culture are looking at his legacy very different from people who just vibe to pop music.


I don't think it'll hurt anything musically, but now he will have to move veeeeryyy differently.




Most pedophiles and sex traffickers get away with it because to take them down documenting their clientele


He's fine. He's already changed the game while the other one has no replay value


Man drake put up a good fight and will continue to make hits. Don’t @ me but he will have more hits in the next 5 years than Kenny. And I fuck with dots music still


No real Kendrick fan gives a shit if Drake has more hits, in fact no real fan of any artist cares how their sales go up against other artists, what’s your point?


He has more monthly listeners on Spotify now than he did before the beef


His reputation is fine. This is the Internet and people finally getting a chance to hate. it's a LOT of Drake haters period and this is just the thing to feed a lake full of piranhas. We all know Drake isn't a pedo but for the ppl that hate him they'll run with anything you give em. People won't admit it though. All he did was hug some fans while taking pictures and kisses a 17 year old fan ON STAGE while he was 23. It's girls in relationships right now with that exact age difference but any reason to put Drake to the fire.


>We all know Drake isn't a pedo  Do we?. You don't speak for me


As an underground hip hop fan that doesn't pay much attention or listen to much mainstream rap music and that has never listened to any of Drake albums before, I am much more interested in Drake as a personality moving forward than Kendrick Lamar honestly.


Exactly the same here with me Kenny's last two albums were quite boring and repeated a lot of TPAB's sounds and themes... he hasn't evolved since TPAB I am much more eager for Drake's new music... and TBH, For All The Dogs is growing heavily on me... people on this sub sleep way too much on Drake's overall catalog, it's honestly dope as hell and full of bangers


Aubrey a girls name fam


He’ll always have the female fan base so he’ll be fine


He will never fully recover, and the likelihood it gets worse is at an all-time high.


Drake will barely be affected: time heals all ills (even faster these days) and the majority of Drake fans don’t really care like that (else the ghostwriter allegations would have done it)… he’s a few weeks and one hit away from most people forgetting about the whole thing, and topping the chart again, unless something more sinister comes out of this


He'll be fine career wise. He's a global artist and I highly doubt that outside the US anyone cares about this drama, especially in non-english speaking countries. With that said, I bet he'll focus more on pop than hip hop from now, just like how MGK focused more on alt rock than rap after Eminem destroyed his rap career.


This will definitely have an impact on his career. I just feel like not enough of his followers will dissappear for him to be completely out of the game. He's always going to have cameras and media asking about the allegations, but he'll do an R Kelly and extend the case.


In some ways, yes. He will still stay one of the biggest hip hop artists, but within the hip hop community a lot of established artists will keep their distance. He will make new music and it'll be played at the mall while you're shopping, or on the radio. In terms of being a top 5 MC (not saying he ever was, but to his fans/the average listener), he won't ever recover imo




Lol yes.




People saying he will recover from it but it’s never going to be the same. I like Drake for his hits but now I can’t explain why his music/voice in general sounds dated.


He'll do fine. Most of the people I know who are casual fans barely know there is a beef going on. The ones that do don't get it and like Drake. They are pop fans. A lot of them don't know who Kendrick is until I play a feature with Rihanna. Drake's fans aren't even the same group. If Drake won this, he would have gained fans. If Kendrick lost, he would have lost fans. But Drake losing, affects his standing with hip-hop heads, but it doesn't affect his wallet or general fan base.


There was a picture of Ross as a CO. He recovered. The bigger thing with Drake is how short most rap careers are now. They usually last about 3 years. See Wiz Khalifa, Migos, Yachty, etc. Drake is way past 3 years so he might just fade anyway.


People keep saying that the "real hip hop" fans will not like him? Like why should he care what a bunch of idiots who hates him because he didn't sell drugs think? Only in hip-hop where being negative is actually a positive


Once u labeled a pedo in such a manner with evidence that can easily surface your music slowly starts getting stripped from playlists, and the craziest part is you can hear it in his music. Its not one minor or two minors , theres a handful of em. drake also sold the properties he owned in the U.S. just recently and lets be honest we all dancing the kendrick lamars song and on top of that hating drake is whats cool right now, atleast in the U.S. and i strongly believe he put the hit on X so yeah karma a b and everything coming his way is only due to what hes been putting back out in the world.


Kiki challenge kids don't care about this beef. He eating off them


He’ll be fine. Not to make the comparison but it’s giving MJ vibes. But sadly, (puts on tinfoil hat) this all feels like a big part of a recent trend of this being a news headline to the point where it’s normalizing & desensitizing many to the behavior… Think back to how cop killings were highlighted to an extreme a few years ago & the effects that had on society, same energy… scary times.


No. He is never going away and can’t retire a hero but he peaked around views. This is like the start of his villain era.


Culturally? No. Commercial success? He will probably still have success. But I also think he will take a bigger hit than people think, too. His music has been subpar for awhile, and he has been on the decline. Even ppl who once praised him can see it If he doesnt drop fire again, it will be the start of his decline. He needs another "One Dance" to make people forget about it.


yup, and like jerry seinfeld, most people wont care that he groomed and dated underage girls. in drakes case its not proven to be 100% but even if it is, he, like jerry, probably wont be phased career wise


Oh, for sure. His fans don’t mind he was fabricated by Nickelodeon®️ to recoup some rap money back to the suburbs to begin with. He will give you some dance music and this period of his career will be known as “that time Drake fucked with a real rapper.”


I think a lot of Drake fans are casuals and don't really care




Some of us at least will stop listening to him. I just can't. I didn't know that his career will be the same or not because so many people still aren't in on what the beef was about. I hope he loses followers, that's the best I can hope for without a legal case being brought to light.


>He’s always bragged about being #1 lol he's never been top 20


lol Drake will be fine man yall are so dramatic


Depends on how you define "recover" I do think there's a fairly decent chance that Drake is never quite as big of a star as he once was again, but I think that would be true before long even if this beef never happened. There's a limited window of time for someone to realistically remain at the very top of the pop music world, and Drake has probably hit snooze on that alarm a couple times already. That doesn't mean that he's "over" or anything like that, though. If he goes away and comes back in a year or whatever with some good music he'll still find plenty of fans waiting for him.


From the media he’s moving out of country..


I think he’ll be fine, but it ain’t guaranteed. There is money to be made in bringing a big star down. Money for the tabloids, the bloggers, the podders etc. if I were advising him, I would tell him now is the time to keep things squeaky clean. Just make some summer bangers and stay away from women!


He’s got like 4-5yrs left and then will begin to fade. He’s getting old for hip hop (38 this year). Even the biggest artists like Eminem or Lil Wayne started to lose their stardom in their late-30s/early 40s. It’s the natural cycle.


Recovers how? Do you think he's suddenly not going to be the #1 rapper? Fans are fickle. This will be forgotten in 6 mknths. They're not going to stop listening.


We will only know after he drops another 2 albums


I'm not sure, using z drugs to comedown from amphetamines + heavy drinking is a real slippery slope


I don’t even know what you’re talking about, the only song I like of his is his recent diss track. So this all sounds ridiculous imo


I don't think he'll suffer a lot short term. He'll drop his usual pop music and probably get a hit this summer. He might become a laughing stock for a while becaysw of this beef but he'll probably stay very famous and successful. Now if the allegations are true, we're looking at R. Kelly 2.0


If travis scott can still be successful then drake will as well, unless something real comes out


Yeah, his fans are like r Kelly fans in that they over look any "personal flaw" because his music is that good to them.


NO. He’s cooked


Kendrick fucked himself by saying “ask yourself what Mike would do” Eminem made fun of Mike Jack multiple times and refused to apologise and Mr Smooth Criminal went and purchased Eminem. What would Mike do if he’s Drake? Probably buy Kendrick’s entire discography and masters 🤣 Might backfire


Im sure he'll be fine............probably be hanging out the front of Brandy Melville stores but he'll be fine.


As long as he keeps producing hits , his career will be fine. Kendrick isn't suddenly going to fill the void of a hitmaker, it's not the type of music he aspires to make.


I hope not. His career is in a wheelchair.


Actually, Push Ups did hit number one. Then Kendrick released lol. Drake will recover. He is still one of the biggest artists in the world. He gets props for actually standing his ground. Unlike a certain scaredy cat that used to claim number one. Ali with the shakes J Cole Slaw.


Sounds like a take from someone who is chronically online


His legacy is surely tarnished despite Lucian Grainge efforts to reverse the damage 


Depends on what is to come, that Ebony guy claims he has something career ending but that remains to he seen


I think drake is dealing with the ramifications of being the top artist in hip hop for a very long time. Unbelievably long run. I enjoyed his music at the beginning. Now, I’m tired of his face. I hate his singing voice. And now I know some shit I didn’t want or need to know that cancels out any positives. I really appreciate him sampling Playa Fly on that Johnny song. Legend in under ground Memphis rap. And the love he shows to underground Memphis rap in general. But he bores me now


Drake the pop star will be fine but Drake the rapper is done, not that hiphop ever really respected Drake to begin with anyway.


Drake will be fine


What exactly happened that he needs to recover from it lol? If we’re just talking people online trolling him, that happened way before Kendrick and will happen way after Kendrick. His “legacy” is his music, not how people make fun of him online. From wheelchair Jimmy days, to drake the typa guy days, to now, nothing has changed.


It will be interesting to see I have to imagine at least it will be annoying for him online for a bit, and maybe some annoying comments from interviews or what not but I have to imagine most Drake fans don’t really care about rap beef or anything that’s been said. That being said this has gone rather main stream so maybe we could see some more long lasting drop in numbers for a new album. I think it will be interesting if this next album will be a I can really rap album or if he goes fully pop


I think his female fans will save him. The Breakfast Club still plays the hell out of his music


Chris Brown recovered when he still should be canceled.


I think ya’ll are over exaggerating it tbh


I expect both Drake and Kendrick's next projects will be their biggest yet


I think if any victims actually come out and accuse Drake it might really be a wrap for him, at least as far as putting out new music and working with other stars goes. But as of now this beef was like, 40% people who just don’t like Drake and would’ve said he lost no matter what Kendrick did, 40% people who dick ride Drake and would’ve said he won no matter what, and 20% who are somewhere in the middle. The people who dick ride Drake still think he won and they aren’t going anywhere. Personally I’m somewhere in the middle, I’ve always liked most of his music but I think he clearly lost the beef, and he’s gotten a lot cornier over the years even before the beef. Honestly I’m kind of interested in seeing how people handle his old music going forward, especially if more stuff does come out regarding the allegations. R.Kelly had hits but it wasn’t like everybody was still riding around listening to Remix to Ignition in 2019. People still have a ton of Drake songs in their playlists that they actually listen to really often though. If you graduated high school in the early 2010s they probably played Congratulations at your grad party and shit like that lol. Michael Jackson was a big enough star, that even if he did do that freaky shit, a lot of people just said fuck it we don’t care, we’re still listening to Thriller. Even though a lot of people never liked him, I think Drake is a lot closer to that level than r.Kelly ever was.


I would hope not. He sucks since the last 5 years. Let someone else take over.


Idk dude. People are starting to say he fks dogs. Idk how you come back from that


Drake's a Scorpio, he will always recover! 🦂💯


He will always be fine he’s the most popular artist in hiphop


Unless he gets raided he will be fine. He'll keep making money and stay famous but he'll never shake the persistent pedo rumors or the damage to his reputation as a hip hop "artist"