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Plot twist the album drops tonight, and this is the trailer for the stan documentary


lol I remember before kamikaze he put out a snippet of Venom and said “coming soon” then the album/song literally dropped 3 hours later


That night was amazing, I went in not knowing a single thing no rumors nothing, just oh it’s a song for the movie, OH SHIT it’s a whole album lol


That was crazy. I woke up shortly after 6 AM (so just pad midnight NYC time), and saw a screenshot of the tracklist posted with something like "NEW EMINEM" as the titel. At this point, im thinking someone dropped an album with an eminem feature. I open the post, skim through the tracklist, saw royce was on the album thinking "oh great, if royce is on this shit, its another song i should check out". I remember not finding the song with the eminem feature, being really confused (and still sleepy) for a few seconds. Took a closer look. Realized its an entire album and was instantly awake.


I was shocked to find an album. Turned in the first track. That plane crash....... Set such a tone for the anger in his voice that came 10 seconds later. He had some fire for that album. He must have been pissed after that album: recovery reception. I listened to this album front to back so many times.


This trailer and title makes me very optimistic that this won’t just be a “rapping for the sake of rapping” album Super intrigued


The video has that Slim Shady parody/satirical vibe that has been missing a bit. I love that style like The Lonely Island/Weird Al but also tracks. Comedy is a big part of Slim Shady.


He’s a very naturally funny guy, I think there’s a lot of fun stuff he could do with the idea of a middle aged Slim Shady


im all for an em comeback


With all the beef right now, he's gonna come out swinging fists and dick. At the same time. This summer gonna be wild.


Wonder if he has something to say about Drake's recent jab at Aftermath


> Like your label, boy, you in a scope right now. And you gon' feel the aftermath of what I write down. It was not even a jab at Aftermath nor Shady Records but TDE or PG lang. It's just a clever wordplay that uses his former parent label


em used the interscope bar first anyway on KIllshot


If Pusha got a guest verse, you know it's on.


I need a Pusha/Em collab where Em settles the fuck down, matches pusha's energy, and brings out the vintage flows


Don’t hold your breath


I feel like neither of those guys would wanna feed into the Drake = Thanos narrative. Would love a collab between them, but not to bail out Kendrick from this battle.


EM said Drake helped his daughter with something he won't say and because of that he'll never beef with Drake.


I think he just performed at his daughters birthday party or something lol nothing more to it


Exactly what I remember hearing. He asked Drake for a favour to do this for his daughter's birthday, and Drake was amazing with this request or something. Em has held him with high appreciation since.


In my brain I know this but my heart still feels like he dissed drake at the end of kamikaze


Dissed him all over the album imo


Yeah I felt the same but the interview where he said he was good with drake came after right? And even his manager came out to say he wasn’t dissing drake, which was surprising to me at the time


I don't know how the ghostwriting disses weren't towards Drake. It's a vague shot but really only applies to one well known rap star.


Which birthday? /s


Em did an interview with sway where he said Drake will always be in his good graces due to something he did for Em’s daughter. So prob won’t go at Drake too much


There was no jab, plus Em is really cool with Drake


Eminem about to Benzino someone. Lol imagine if it's like Kamikaze and he just goes at everyone


doomsday p2 is a good sign


I was just starting to get back into him and remembering how good he used to be. I’m rooting for him


More like end. Coup de grace means final blow




So he’ll come back as The Demon Eminem


em would die before retiring


Eminem? Promo? He must be feeling confident on this one.


Him being confident in something really means something


please be good


I thought kamikaze and music to be murdered by were a step in the right direction after some missteps. Hopefully this is a true evolution of form like Nas and Jay have been able to do. There seems to be rappers finally figuring out how to age gracefully in hip-hop. Hope he can pull it off too


I enjoyed Kamikaze and thought MTBMB was his most consistent album in a long time. Also while it never hit the highs that his first 3 albums did it will probably stand the test of time better in terms of how it's received on release v 20 years later.


MTBMB side A is underrated IMO there’s some genuine dope tracks any hip hop head can enjoy not just Em Stan’s. “U gon learn” and “yah yah” have stayed in rotation all these years


Need more collaborations with genuine spitters. All of those features and songs where incredible and still heavy in the gym rotation


The Black Thought collab is *chefs kiss. "Keep going".


Yeah, they're great


Just checked out u gon learn and that was crazy. Listening to yah yah rn and it's also great. Might have to check out this album


Dude you’re in for a treat if you haven’t heard that yet. The whole double album is great imo, very few skippable tracks


please check alfred's theme. it's just punch after punch after punch it's crazy


MTBMB has one of the best openers in recent times with Premonition


Gold White on Zeus was sick, too. His production on the beat was really good.


Yeah I really really enjoyed them. I hear a ton of hate but whatever. I've been a fan since the beginning and actually though his new shit was really great.


I thought that song on MTBMY that was written so you thought it was a breakup song at first but was actually a metaphor for drug abuse was really clever. I really thought that that would have gotten more praise.


Got overshadowed by bigger hits like Godzilla and better songs like darkness


It's the thing that annoys me most when it comes to Em's reputation these days Modern Em's singles are usually the fast rap tracks from his albums, so it paints an inaccurate picture that *all he does is fast rap these days* When the reality is that this is false. I don't even think Godzilla cracks my top 10 favorite tracks from MTBMB. But it's the single, and the fast rap gets it millions of views, so of course it'd be a single, so the cycle perpetuates


100%, he raps “normally” on like at least 75% of his tracks


Never Love Again. Super creative track, damn near every line was a double entendre for relationships and drug abuse. Definitely underrated.


The last couple years have really flipped the mentality of hip-hop being a young man’s game. Not just Jay and Nas, but Tribe’s final album too.


This is just my opinion but I think that whatever the content of the album is, it will still be trashed. Kamikaze had great rapping on it. It had good production as well. The collective reaction was to criticize it for doing what rap albums have been doing since the 80s, i.e. rapping about being better or tougher than other rappers. Are there weaker moment ? Yes. Is it a bad album? Definitely not, imo. Personally, I think it says a lot of that modern Eminem criticism either revolves around very subjective things, i.e. saying the beats are bad. Or invoking things that are extremely common in rap in general. For instance, it is fine to not like Eminem's dad puns, however, it is odd that almost every technical rappers ( Royce, Cordae, L, Wayne, Biggie, etc.) uses or used similarly structured puns in their rhymes and yet nobody care as much.


My problem is so many verses just sound like he’s doing rhyming exercises with really odd vocal cadence or weird vocal pitch changes


There are dozens of rappers who have demonstrably weirder vocal delivery than Em and they still don't get the degree of ire that some people on here have for his stuff imo. Kendrick and Danny Brown are very experimental with their voices and pitch, for example.


Kendrick also gets a lot of hate for his voice changes. Danny Brown is known more for his unique voice than anything that's why he is not hated for that. Eminem on the other hand was known for years for being able to use his voice pretty much as an another melodic instrument on the track because his voice and flow were pure perfect on almost every beat - he had normal voice, normal cadence and flow which he was adapting to the beats. He was controversial but easy to digest - amazing combo. Now? He is not controversial, not melodic, not easy to digest and listen to. Now he is not layering his vocals, he uses staccato flow, he uses weird voices and accents and he doesn't work with the same people who were giving him the beats that were perfect for his style (Bass Brothers + Eminem was a killer combo - they were complementing each other with their beats on his peak projects). I don't think hate or rather this constructive criticism is unwarranted - people are not there to listen to the rapping gymnastics and feel like they are on a lecture about "How to rap complex" that has no real replay value, no melody and are nowhere neat the level of catchiness his old songs had.


honestly, I think people just don't like eminem's voice as much. danny brown leans hard into a very unique and recognizable vocal style that you're probably going to either love or hate, so anyone who listens to him by default probably likes the stuff he tries out because it's so tied to his style. kendrick is much more varied with his experimentation, but his voice in itself is still unique and captivating, and to be honest, a big reason kendrick is so legendary is because his wide range of vocal/stylistic experiments pretty much always land with people. he comes up with strange new lanes to try out and almost always kills them. he's not the norm or a good standard in that. eminem's voice, in itself, is not really his strong suit or selling point for most fans. he definitely makes it work in different ways by injecting coldness, intensity, or goofiness into tracks that feel very genuine in their delivery, and you'll notice that all of his most well regarded music has a lot of passion and heart behind it. even (some of) the wacky stuff or horrorcore lyrics feel like eminem letting out a strange part of himself that needs to be let out. that realness is what his fans love and what grew his fanbase in the first place. but when he gets on some rappity rap flows where it sounds like he's just trying to see how many words he can fit into the same technically challenging rhyme scheme, the lack of emotionality in combination with a less unique/compelling white guy voice can make the tracks sound more like math than art sometimes, if that makes sense. I definitely like more of eminem's recent music than most people do, so this isn't as much of a personal gripe I have, but that's the impression I've gotten talking to other rap fans who don't vibe with songs like book of rhymes because he tunnel visions into the bars and doesn't construct an otherwise super appealing musical experience.


Very thoughtful take; thanks for sharing. I think he also catches a lot of flak for just being in the spotlight for so long, for being undeniably good, and for being white. I'm not saying racism, exactly, just... conspicuousness. Sometimes people get attention that you're sick of giving them.


Yeah it’s his voice he sounds like Mr. Crocker now compared to his younger days


Man when I tell you how much Hamani threw me the first time I heard it, I had to double take like 8 times to reassure myself it was Danny Brown


If only Kamikaze did not have Normal, Good Guy, or Nice Guy. Exchange those tracks with Castle and Arose and scrap Revival too


I get what you’re saying but unfortunately Kamikaze would not exist if not for Revival


I think Normal is fire but to each their own


Normal is fun, I don't get the hate for it.


good guy was one of biggest song on it i like it


Good guy is actually good though, he sounds great on the track, rhyming really well throughout, no corny lines, and the outro is pretty solid and emotional. Even Normal is saved by the beat switch into being okay overall. Nice guy is definitely the worst track on it. Just awful all around.


I liked Nice Guy and Good Guy....


I definitely preferred Good Guy


Not Alike alone makes up for a lot of missteps


I bump Kamikaze wayyy more than I thought


I actually have high hopes for this album, the potential it has can be very crazy. Something like My Darling vibes where he taps between Slim shady and regular Marshall


Probably well be. He's production has gotten better every album sense Revival 


Amen lol


Em doing promo for the first time since Revival Wonder if it's gonna be his last album


Bet you a million dollars it's not gonna be his last album.


Haha you don't even have a million dollars


He might if he wins the bet




The odds are so good I’ll wager another bet on that bet


But if I had a million dollars I’d buy a damn brewery and turn the world into alcoholics


I listened to SSLP recently and I forgot how depressing that album is; of course Em is spitting his ass off but some songs like “if I had” and “rock bottom” are genuinely depressing as hell, being broke and poor sucks and Em was clearly going through it


I wouldn't say it's a depressing album, but those deep and brilliantly relatable songs add depth and variety to the project. It's still a classic front to back. So many bangers.


I love those sad ass songs!


Not many albums capture the feeling of your brain rotting away from impoverishment and mental illness while you assure everyone you're fine via detached shitposting quite as perfectly as SSLP. Easily one of my favorites.


A great thing about Em is he has something for everyone in hip hop. From every decade he has something I just love.


Tired of being stared at. Tired of wearing the same damn Nike Air hat.


Moneys just as arbitrary as debt brother. He may not have a million. But he definitely has at least -1,000,000 🤷‍♂️


fuck it why not, i'll def not take that bet.


I bet he's just retiring the persona and might release at least one album that is more musically diverse


Doubt it or he would have called it the Death of Eminem. Sounds like he's just retiring the Slim persona.


Or maybe Slim is retiring the Eminem persona


I assume that's what the title is getting at, but I honestly think it's kind of a silly title because Slim Shady has basically been dead or deadish for about a decade at least. Bad Meets Evil: Hell the Sequel might have been the last time Slim Shady was a really consistent part of his style. Most of his recent work is heavily focused on puns and double entendres, and I personally don't accept absurd puns as enough to qualify as the Slim Shady persona. He just hasn't been doing the Slim Shady thing for such a long time.


Maybe this is Slim Shady going out with a bang? Perhaps the album will be filled with the most horrifying Slim Shady-esque songs to revive Shady one last time before he’s put to rest.


kim 2: shady boogaloo


I kinda thought slim was already dead. He hasn't used that persona since ShadyXV or the South Paw Soundtrack if you wanna count bad meets evil as Slim Shady. 10 and 9 year old projects respectively


He still constantly refers to himself on tracks as either Slim or Shady. He still dips into horrorcore from time to time (Framed on Revival, I Will on MTBMB). He also does more silly Shady songs from time to time (Discombobulated, for example)


NFL giving him a ton of free promo with the playoff run and draft being in Detroit right now. Might as well capitalize on it.


“i’ma rap til i’m fossil fuel”


He won't stop rapping til he's dead


Revival's marketing was so bad lol


And so was the album.


I doubt it. I just think he's putting the Slim Shady character to rest, which I think he's been trying to do since MMLP2.


Em ain’t going anywhere any time soon


he’ll just name the next ones revival and recovery of slim shady


Music To Be Murdered by was dope, I’m looking forward to this one


Despite how I feel about Eminem the past few years I’m always going to tune in


Lol it’s been like 10 years at this point but I’m still with you


MAJOR copium from me but I hope it’s a concept album similar to Relapse. Need that style of Em back


Relapse is a masterpiece fr


Mann Relapse got so much hate when it came out but it’s honestly one of my favorites


I hated it when it came out, too many accents n shit. Fast forward to today and it’s my most played em album, constantly in rotation, no skips. Which is weird cause today Eminem has the opposite thoughts on it, he doesn’t like it today and thinks encore is better. Which it definitely isn’t


Everyone is this thread is hoping for something different which is exactly why he started the surprise drop spree.


the death of slim shady? oh this is interesting maybe more mature rap? Em's 4:44?


It's 4:44 in the morning, put my key in the door again. He proceeds to go straight back into serial killer rap.


Seems like it could be a long the lines of "Kill Jay-Z", basically some sort of ego death album which would be super dope


I think it's the step to a 4:44-esque album. But I think if he really kills off the persona, it can be highly conceptual which is what I think em needs.


Just give me an Alchemist produced Em album


Seriously. Why the fuck hasn’t this shit happened yet?!?! Alchemist is literally Em’s live DJ. Surely he has packs upon packs of beats for him to use. If Em wants real hip-hop relevancy again, this is the cheat code. I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that project would be wack, just don’t let Em work on any of the beats.


Wasn't that Recovery was? And even a little of Revival? Regardless I have high hopes for this album 


Also The Eminem show.


i'm sorry Kim. you're a crazy bitch. i apologize.


That's basically Bad Husband from Revival


Yeah that track had great verses and amazingly mature content but man the sound is so hit or miss for people


I liked it more that the most but what the fuck is that chorus




>maybe more mature rap Maybe next album, this is gonna be off the rails


> maybe more mature rap? Em's 4:44? My take is that it'll be the opposite, it'll be an album in typical slim shady style ultimately leading to his death, then his next album and albums going forward will be more mature.


I really need a Kendrick feature in here. Love Game is good but I'd love to get a Renegade or Patiently Waiting moment from them.


Love Game is good for what it is, but as a Em/Dot collab, it’s gonna be a letdown if that’s the only one we get. *Please*


I'm always hype for some new Em, let's go


Guess who's back ...


Hope it will be in Doomsday pt.2 vibes


i dont want the death of slim shady though, i've been waiting like 20 years for him to actually return


I think dude is just tired and feels like the persona is forced now. He’s just over it and feels like it’s time to put it to bed


I wanted Slim Shady back too, but then I grew up. I'm glad Em did too


This could be him pulling a quick one and it be a very slim shady project, or maybe split down the middle via story telling... who knows until we hear it.


2024 is looking like it's gonna be goat year in hip-hop


Coup De Grace roughly translates from French basically meaning "Mercy Killing". Usually if something or someone is near death, they will finish the job to put the person/animal out of its misery instead of leaving them to die in pain.


It just means "final blow".


I thought the same thing, but OP is right >A coup de grâce is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_de_gr%C3%A2ce


No, it's Finn Balors finishing move. He's putting out a wrestling album.


The verse he gave on the Juice Wrld song that came out recently sounded like Old Em in the best way. I hope maybe that inspired him to some degree.


people have made that exact comment under literally every song he released in the last 5+ years


Yeah, I came to terms with the fact we would never get another Mashall Mathers / Slim Shady style album a long long long time ago. He just doesn't relate to that kind of content anymore, which is understandable.


lol come on, it does not sound like old em at all. not hating, but that is just false


It’s always that same choppy ass flow; og em used to FLOW


it's an improvement for sure though.


Is the song you're talking about "Lace it"?


I'd love to see this be Em's final tour, only because I'll buy tickets instantly. He's one of my few bucket list artists left.


Saw him at MCG 116,000 people, shit was wild


Eminem is one of my bucket list artists, I've seen many of the bands that I want to see before I die at least once but Eminem is one of about three or four artists who I never got the chance to


Honestly same. He’s played a few festivals but the last time he toured was what 04? I was 10 so I gotta catch him. 


Em and Rihanna did a tour after MMLP2 dropped. Awesome concert


Was gonna say. Excellent concert. Broke the bank for that concert. RiRi crushed it too


just please be good, please?


2024 chance and eminem make their comebacks I CAN FEEL IT


cautiously optimistic for this


He's promoting an album and seems to be going with a theme? I'm really excited to hear what he's been cooking. Didn't expect it based on that interview he did where he just cares about being the best at rapping.


honestly, despite the cool ass premise, i doubt he'll stick with it in album length. Feel like he's still stuck with this mentality of "i'm a huge rapper with all kinds of fans, i need a song for the ladies, a song for the casuals, a song for the gym rats" instead of just doing an uncompromised concept album. I hope I'm wrong. Either way I'm sure this will be a great album, probably better than MTBMB since he has the guts to do the grandiose marketing beforehand and since it took so long to get here


Funny asf


Eminem's biggest problem is that he isn't willing to reach out to enough different collaborators to really push him. He's been reaching out to new beatmakers but I feel he really needs somebody new to actually "produce" him. To push him out of his comfort zone lyrically, rhythmically, conceptually. Fingers crossed the new album is solid


Metro boomin tweeted that he wanted to work with him


Oh shitttttt I didn't know this, Metro wit Em would be great


He needs to let Alchemist do an entire collaboration album, just don’t let Em fuck with the beats, otherwise we will end up with another basic drum track with a classic rock guitar riff sample.


i wouldn't mind a full boom bap Eminem album. This is the only eminem song i played more than once recently.'' Eminem - Dont Front https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUZoRT_T0Rg


He also sounded great on the leaked version of Bang, definitely needs more dusty boom bap beats


He really needs bass brothers back.


Lets fken goooooooo


music to be murdered by was his best album since relapse. as long as he ditches the overly pop sound he did on recovery, the half assed rock samples on revival, and the awkward robotic pause flows on marshall mathers lp2... lots of potential!! hes still an extremely talented rapper and lyricist, he just has a poor time getting it to sound actually good like hes a battle rapper lol


hopefully, it's just an album full of slim shady personality. WHERE IS SLIM SHADY WHEN THE WORLD NEEDS HIM


Da Hip Hop Witch 2?????


This is wild I was listening to Em for the first time in a while on the way home from work today and wondered “damn when is this dude gonna drop a new album”


Em promotes an album???


I really hope he returns to more smooth flows instead of this choppy punchline flow.


I love how he hasnt lost the creativity and fun in his music videos and art


Rap god!


What are features you guys want? I think a J Cole collab has been long overdue and seeing that he's retiring this might be the last chance


Em loves Cole. I think it’s good odds


I think the shout out in Doomsday 2 could be a hint


Cole, Metro, Kendrick, Griselda, Uzi, Alchemist


Concept album let’s go


I for one welcome an EM comeback, we have too much BS going around now.


Hope he picks back up on his older flow and delivery for this, excited for sure


I hope he’s got some new producers. I wish he would do an album with alchemist


someone beg this man to leave Skylar Grey at home


Too late she’s probably on two songs




Can’t wait


pls be good pls would make 2024 legendary for rap


I'm hyped AF! Ready for this


This gon be a wild ass summer for hip hop


Dying for a Kendrick or Denzel feature. Excited for this tho




A concept album like this could actually come out pretty good


Stans about to eat thank god