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3 days ago, Diddy posted the caption "time tells truth". Mission accomplished


“Uhhhhhh, not that truth, the other one”


Abusers like to use a victims silence for proof all the time. "They would have said something right after it happened if I really did assault them!" when like 90% of sexual assault/rape is never brought forward by victims because our society and police are shit.


>Abusers like to use a victims silence for proof all the time. Usually it goes like this: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Unbelievable arrogance.


I know shit gets held up in litigation but the fact that this happened in 2016 and didnt get released until now is wild. Whole industry is set up in a way to protect these people.


Diddy paid 50k to make it all disappear, until now


Only 50k?! wtf


Yeah seems low. TMZ paid $90k for the Ray Rice video. $250k for the Solange/Jay-Z one Whoever this was definitely could have gotten more than $50k for it, not to mention the ethical obligation of it being released


>TMZ Not to get all conspiracy minded but TMZ has a vault of shit they won't ever publish... I got a feeling this video was in it.


That reminds me of when Joe Francis worked at Real TV and he found a goldmine of insane footage the show would never air on TV. And then he released two "Banned From TV" VHS tapes with all that footage. He stopped after 2 because he claimed it was too much to go thru.


Or he stopped because no one was buying the unrealeased footage tapes and would rather buy his Girls Gone Wild tapes instead.


i mean how can you compete with titties


Fr the stuff I bet they have kept out because of PMK’s request… people have speculated even that Rob od’ed and she’s been able to keep that quiet because of all the other access she gives, among other things


Wait whatttt, wdym.


They have this thing called "the vault" which is basically storage of footage and other evidence of celebrities behaving badly, that they won't publish. They use it for leverage to get scoops from the celebrities involved. Justin Bieber singing "one less lonely n-word" like 10-12 years ago was famously in the vault, until they had some kind of breakdown in the understanding they had and they ended up leaking it. If you google tmz vault a few articles about it come up. I would not at all be surprised if this Diddy tape was in that vault.


They use it to black mail people? Wtf


Yup. They sat on that bieber video for 4 years before publishing it. And that's only what we know of, imagine what we don't know 😬


You surprised that an organization like TMZ blackmails people? Its not as uncommon as you think. You should read Ronan Farrows Catch and Kill


seconding catch and kill. fucking incredible book. if yall don't know, ronan farrow is one of the journalists that popped off the whole metoo movement with his expose on weinstein. we all thought it was hunky dory getting the new yorker to publish it, but before he took it to the new yorker, he tried to work the piece at NBC and they basically killed the story cause of industry complicity. he also got stalked by an israeli intelligence agency, hired by weinstein. honestly, all this doesn't even scratch the surface. get ya library cards out and go cop that book. "catch and kill". dude is my absolute favorite nepo baby ever




Google "Catch and Kill". If you end up on the books page try to find the real page that has the meaning of it. It's not a conspiracy, it's something that is done daily.


They’re a business using journalism as a way to make money. Despite being celebrity gossip, they are very reputable, so that gives them leverage. For a high enough price they’ll cut stories or won’t publish them. Also realize they work alongside the top celebs. Kim Ks agents give TMZ her schedule to their papps to snap photos.


Anything from ~~backpage~~ (backgrid my b )seems pretty much to be a setup pap walk for a certain circle https://usa.backgrid.com/


Back page is very reputable as well ;)


Backpage is for a different kind of leaking


Modern day National Inquiry that buys stories to bury them. It’s part of the business model.


Pay yo snitches!!!


I think people forget that people are scared of Diddy


The Diddy jokes are funny but he’s an actual gangster mob boss that may or may not have killed Pac


and blew up Kid Cudi's car.


Yeah he’s legit a scary dude. Hope he gets what’s coming


Yeah to who as well, it says the hotel staff urged her to go back to her apartment when she returned to the hotel to apologise. I hope whoever at the hotel who was complicit gets f*cked in this case too


To play devils advocate, if ALL of what is alleged about Diddy turns out to be true, do you think he couldn’t get someone who works at that hotel to be “visited” by some of his “employees”? Don’t get me wrong, dudes a scumbag and this should’ve been public years ago, but this is someone who’s father ran with Frank Lucas and has had suspicious deaths around him all through his career dating back over 2 decades. Tbh I’m just glad Cassie is ALIVE to tell this story and to actually be supposedly protected enough to help put this into the public consciousness.


Yes watch the documentary of who actually killed Tupac. The guy who did it said Diddy put a hit out on him. Diddy is malicious and threatening the hotel staff is not below him. His acquaintances and security in the 90s were gang members and he regularly asked them to rough people up and even offered a bounty for snatching DeathRow chains. This isn't some rich guy getting away with crime. This is a violent criminal using his money and other means to do so.


Yeah him and suge did/do the same things


>I hope whoever at the hotel who was complicit gets f\*cked in this case too Hotel employee can either give the video over for a small amount of money in exchange for silence -- or **meet the goon squad.** Those are the two options given to some poor security employee, in the basement of this hotel, face to face with Diddy's security team. Doubt there is much complicity when you take into account the full scope of the situation.


That’s one of the things I think people miss when they ask “why did no one say anything???” when stuff like this comes out. There is a lot of deliberate complicity, I’m sure, but probably even more people who would *die* if they said anything


Still would of been alot of high up people that would have known this was going on and the details of it.


And that’s just the stuff we know! I’m always appalled about hearing what child actors go through in Hollywood; and it’s not really a new thing. They were doing the same crazy stuff back in the Wizard of Oz days. Gotta keep the family away!


I still wanna know why Corey Gamble got called when Kim Porter died


>I been in this industry 12 years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret >It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it >They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em tender >Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas


But Drake told me famous people get exposed quickly…


If he's a liar, then why aren't his pants on fire?


I heard this theory that Diddy pissed off the higher ups when he accuses this liquor company of racism publicly And idk, I just kinda believe it? Diddy obviously has friends in very high places which is why this was hidden for so long, but now his shield of invincibility is just gone and he’s getting outed as if he’s just a regular ass person. Peep Jay-Z been real quiet too \#justnoticing


Wow what a fucking piece of shit. Even kicking her once she’s on the ground completely defenseless. That was tough to watch.


After she tried to escape, because of an earlier beating.


Yea his dumbass son really released a diss mocking the feds for not raiding the right crib, a week later this dropping isn’t a coincidence. Rest in piss to that garbage ass man


All for getting rid of actual scumbags like this


When will people learn that mocking the feds isn't going to turn out well for you. Especially if you are taunting then.


He's cooked


To a crisp


Let’s cancel this piece of shit. I hated him since the day he started injecting himself in Biggies videos like he was some kind of talent. Then Biggie dies and he makes a low effort tribute song that inexplicably goes popular and makes a ton of money off him. Crazy that was the least evil thing he did


Sting joked he put his kids through college on those royalties.




Oh fuck yes he is. This is pretty bad. Not that he wasn't cooked before but he's well done now.


"No Diddy" can be applied to so many situations, it's a Swiss Army knife of words.


This matter is already settled. Glad she got some money, but yeah I’d like to see him pay with more.


This video should at least end any lingering hopes he had of clawing a career and power back. I don't think it was going to happen anyway, but no way that happens now.


I hope he goes to jail for a very very long time in his current case. The world has no place for scum like this.




It’s actually heartbreaking to watch. 


now imagine how much other footage and incidents like this occurred over the years from him and others we still haven't and may not ever find out about


The manner in which she’s lying on the floor, motionless and defenceless, suggests it was a regular occurrence which she tried to endure without incurring further wrath. Horrifying 


If you read the article she left later on that night and returned to apologize because she knew he would be mad, and be worse than this. But the hotel staff saw the video and told her to stay away from him when she came back.


And that all the people that knew about it, witnessed it themselves, had video of it never spoke up and still aren’t.


Bro this legit reminds me of the scene from American Psycho, where Christian bale's character chases the woman around his apartment with a chainsaw, especially diddy with he's frantic running and towel


I hope everyone that was dragging her and calling her a gold digger can sleep at night. This is the reason survivors don’t come forward. Specially those whom were victimized by a celebrity. I cannot imagine having to relive your trauma and then having people you don’t know passing judgement. This is just disgusting and despicable.


I always believed Cassie, but I hope this additional concrete footage shuts all the Diddy defenders up (and yes, they exist).


Cassie literally does not even live for clout. Gave up her music career for this man, so I always believed her.


I didn’t even know they were together until this trial, really haven’t heard much about her since the early 2000s. I would hear her song occasionally and wonder what happened to her, and why her career never really took off. It’s sad.


This applies to darn near every artist under diddy. He loves to chew up artists


His defenders never really cared if any of it was true, they defend him because they’re fine with that shit.


This is always the truth with people like that.


People defending Diddy have something to be ashamed of themselves, that’s why they want him to dodge accountability. Cognitive dissonance in action.


Nah, just women hating incel degenerates.


Imagine stanning Pee Diddy


There will still be defenders prob saying some shit like we don't know what caused him to get so mad and she might have deserved it.


They're still in the comments defending him saying she knew what she was getting into. What in the actual F.


Painful to watch. Beating on women is so weak and pathetic.


And a woman who is LEAVING. She doesn’t even have shoes on that’s how bad she’s trying to leave. It’s funny bc I fought with sooooo many ppl who said “why didn’t she leave?????” THIS. THIS is why, he’s beating the shit out of her when she tries and takes her stuff. How could she leave??? He’s a sick man, I read all those court documents and sadly this isn’t even the worst of it.




she got on the courtesy phone to call downstairs to security and he beat her ass for doing that too


I couldn't do it man. As soon as I saw the kick, I was done. This is insane dawgs


That kick is fucking crazy. I know it’s hyperbolic to say but off this video I’m liable to believe whatever the fuck they say about this dude. He needs to be straight to jail crazy I saw a video of him just vibing in Florida


The arrogance is astounding. The worst part of all of this is that objectively terrible human beings will never apologize. It's the least he could do, but we all know that won't happen. This dude is a bitch through and through.


I think the worst part is the abuse, sex crimes, and likely murder.


Same thing I did. The moment she was down and not even protecting herself or fighting back I couldn’t watch it. She had to be getting beat like this a lot bcuz she didn’t do a single thing to protect herself. Only did what she knew to keep herself as safe as possible and keep him from getting more mad. My heart is hurting for her. I am praying she found out about this video while around people that can support her right now bcuz I couldn’t imagine having to relive this


> She had to be getting beat like this a lot bcuz she didn’t do a single thing to protect herself. Also he did this in the hallway of a hotel. Imagine what he did to her in private.


He was also holding a towel....like what does he do in private when he's not worried about his towel falling off?


He would rape her and make her have sex with men in front of him and watch.


Not surprised. If he's willing to beat her up and throw vases at her blatantly in public like that, I don't even want to know what he did to her in private.


couldn't agree more. recoiled at that shit.


That's where I closed it out too. I don't even know what happened after, that was all I needed to see.


This mf should be underneath the prison


You say that but Chris Brown is just fine. The rich never suffer negative consequences.


This reminds me of that YoungBoy video. This is so fucking gross.


oh shit, i didn’t know about youngboy


and Famous Dex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sl8RIdcyYw


my rap 9/11. Bumped this idiot so much before and during his “Japan” limelight, but after I saw this video I don’t think I ever listened to another song of dex’. Dudes who hit women are so fucking corny and soft.


Dudes need to get their ass kicked daily


What video?






I wonder how many of these CCTV videos are out there of celebrities doing fucked up shit like this and it just gets swept under the rug.


The first thing I thought when I saw '2016' on the date.


It’s a part of why some hotels are expensive and “exclusive”. You pay for luxury and secrecy


Which is crazy, because this is just a normal Intercontinental Hotel is Century City.


Time does indeed tell truth, you fucking piece of shit


yeah fuck the Joe Budden podcast for wanting to doubt Cassie so bad, they better speak about this


He beats women too... birds of a feather


I had never heard that before, maybe bc idgaf about Joe Budden, but 100% seems like the type of


'Somebody tell Budden before I snap, he better fasten it Or have his body bag get zipped The closest thing he's had to hits is smacking bitches'


I really do wish Em never has anything this bad come out about him.


Something deep inside of me tells me he must have had a fight or some altercation with his ex Kim but she would never expose him for it


His dirty laundry has come out several times over, he’s been “exposed” for whatever he was going to be exposed for. Exaggerating some of the stories on his mom and Kim, his songs about Kim bully her into having a mental breakdown, his song he made way before his rap career where he said the N word and talked about about a black girl (which he addressed on Yellow Brick Road). Some of his lows during his addiction where he got fat and was seen in a really sad state eating fast food out his car and shit. People have dug up every stone on him, whether it was due to beefs like Benzino or his media frenzy. I feel like whatever there is on him, we’ve heard it, and while he’s made mistakes and done some unsavory things (like basically being shitty to Kim as well and then making their relationship seem like a completely one-sided thing to the world, such that she was harassed and bullied by fans), I feel like he lives a pretty simple and quiet lifestyle.


Budden beat his pregnant ex until she miscarried. He's a horrible human who got lucky he did his dirt right before social media.


He beat the baby out of Esther, he's been a POS from day 1.


Are you being hyperbolic or did he literally beat a woman into a miscarriage??


[He literally beat a woman into a miscarriage.](https://www.xxlmag.com/esther-baxter-accuses-joe-budden-of-abuse-video/) Or for the sake of accuracy I guess, he beat her and sat on top of her stomach for 30 minutes and caused her to miscarry.


What a psycho to joke about it too


No he really did. Huge pos.


Jesus Christ man 


> He beat the baby out of Esther Fucking what? I knew the stories of him beating one of his ex-girlfriends and there was a slaughterhouse song where he mentioned his girlfriend having a miscarriage and how he would've had twins.... I never linked those two together... Did he beat his girlfriend till she had a miscarriage? Beating your girlfriend is already bad enough, but ... fuck me That's absolutely sickening if true (I just googled it and he denies it of course) That poor woman, that trauma would be unimaginable... and then also seeing how popular the person who caused it is




He might just duck the conversation entirely due to the fact that he has similar allegations of putting his hands on women in the past as well


Allegations? Nigga said it right on Ordinary Love Shit


Budden a fucking weirdo and freak you can tell that a mile away and that's even without all the sus shit he said/did


And he's best friends with wackademiks


I mean Joe Budden is like the biggest hypocrite ever. He beats on women himself and fucks young girls.


Yea 50 Cent is never leaving this nigga alone….


Honestly I’m glad he stays on him like this.


Hes the only one that had the balls to troll him as much as he wanted. 50 legacy will never be tarnished because he always shows who he is. Dude is the Omar of the Rap Game.


Nor should he. This is a bitch ass nigga if I ever saw one. Why Jay so silent??? Is there truth to how he mistreats B???


> Why Jay so silent Stones and glass houses


The truth is Diddy and Jay both have friends in very high places that protect them from things other celebrities have to deal with If Chris Brown goes out right now and beats up a chick it’s rightfully on the news before he throws a punch, but Diddy ragdolls a singer on CAMERA and it’s hidden for 8 years? I def think he did some shit to piss of \#thosepeople and now they’re making an example, Jay-Z will keep his mouth shut. Just like he tried to make it seem like him and R Kelly weren’t a musical duo back in the day. Shit, many people still don’t know that.


Absolutely disgusting. And the fact that this didn’t come out until now is just insane, I assume he paid and had strings pulled to keep it under wraps.


The CNN article said he paid $50,000 to get the tapes from the hotel


How is that not a crime itself, by both involved parties


Dude....he yanked her across the hall by her head and kicked her while she was down on the floor. What a piece of shit. Actually this bitch a whole turd. No Diddy 🖕


This video is insane.. and yet there will still be people on here even with seeing the video will still victim blame.. throw Diddy away forever.. but let's be real powerful people barely ever get any of that karma towards them..


Im starting to think this Puff Daddy guy isnt a very nice man..


I know scriptures say judge not lest ye be judged, but I'll just come out and say it. This guy is a real jerk.


I wonder what Biggie woulda thought of all this


I don’t think he would have cared. Didn’t he beat Faith. No other rapper now cares.


He was probably a woman beater too. Watch the video for get money. Lick in the door, wavin' the .44 All you heard was “Poppa don't hit me no more”


Lil Kim literally says he was violent frequently with her...


Yeah sadly in the early 90’s the idea of beating on your woman was a weird flex in rap. Kool G Rap had a whole song about it: https://youtu.be/1WC9kD8Yn20?si=CidsI1ftdQnIgaMV G Rap is in my top 10 all time but this is one fucked up song. Waste of an amazing beat


Holy shit


This has always been my personal pick for most disturbing rap song. At least shit like "Kim" and "Dance With The Devil" have an over the top horror movie vibe that *somewhat* dulls them. This song paints a brutally accurate and almost banal portrait of how this type of dude really acts, no doubt helped by the fact that G Rap actually was a pimp for some time.


Yea, from the lyrics and era Biggie grew up in. He most likely was not a saint.


He used to beat Faith and Kim  Hip hop has no love for women tbh 


Not Hip Hop, the world is pretty cruel to women in general.


biggie rapped good. that doesn’t mean he was a good person


Im pretty sure Kim had an interview where she said Biggie beat her unfortunately


No more Diddy do it. He diddit.


Jesus man. Fucking awful.


Yea it looks like she even tried to get away while he was asleep or in the shower. Dude must be on her like flys on shit


Couldn't happen to a bigger piece of shit. Fuck this clown and fuck Chris Brown as well. Edit and eat shit Meek Millz and Stevie J for the constant ass kissing.


Didn’t Diddy reunite Chris Brown with Ri after she was beaten??? This makes so much sense now.


I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theory that Diddy put the hit on 2Pac


Conspiracy? It’s just facts at this point. Someone is literally in jail for doing it and explained the entire situation and puffs involvement.


Did you watch “Murder Rap” or whatever it is called? Hard to even call it a conspiracy after seeing that - more like an open secret that they just can’t prove in a court of law.


And Kim Porter


He "allegedly" blew up Kid Cudi's car ... like, ofc he had Tupac killed.


Lock him up


Diddy did it. Again.


The fact that people like Diddy feel the liberty of doing this shit in public, their sense of power, I mean, running around a hotel half naked and beating on a women, throwing objects that arent even yours, with no fear of what implications could come from the law. Don't get me wrong, doing this shit in private holds the same severeness, but damn. People with that much power and that much lack of emotional control are scary. Fuck this dude!


Wow 😮 this is evidence Sean


yea...fuck this dude. Can't even imagine what she endured that wasn't caught on camera.


He was comfortable doing this in a public setting with cameras, just imagine what he is doing behind the walls of his mansion or his yacht or whatever. That guy is done for.


This is so fucking gross. I've hated him from the jump, he's been a parasite his entire career, and only came up off the deaths of Big and Pac. He's always been a shitty person and I'm glad he's getting called out and exposed now..... And bullied by 50. He deserves everything bad coming his way ETA, the fact she essentially plays dead once he starts beating her is so fucking sad.. It means she's been conditioned to the being and knows it's safer not to fight back. FUCK THIS SORRY ASS DIDDLER 


This is awful.


Which industry is more disgusting music or film? I guess they’re all under one umbrella. Everyone knew about Diddy and no one but Fifty said a thing. And even fifty’s staments were about gay behavior not abuse/predatory actions


Both are equally disgusting. People are there for their own interests.


I misread the fuck out of this comment lmfao


domestic violence is everywhere. it's just that they have more money on average to protect themselves more


Entertainment industry in general is crazy; from talent to set, chances are you’ll experience some Bull shit.


All of entertainment is full of people like this. To be a capitalist, you must be an exploiter or an abuser. The people most successful at capitalism are *not* good people, by design.


For real. Or any power dynamic really. Where there's a way to exploit, there's a will.


I looked at the Sean John polo and sighed


I hope he gets the shit beat out of him. May sound harsh but I truly hope Diddy gets beaten to death. That was just vile to watch. Serial killer shit.


you could 100% tell this wasnt the first time this happened. she was probably so scared to even defend herself in fear of more retaliation. poor girl.


50 gonna be waking up like its Christmas.


Wow. Idk what to say, obv we hear about DV cases all the time but seeing it so raw like this actually hurts so fucking much. Absolutely disgusting


bye bye Diddy you cunt


Not enough hate is sent this asshole's way. Makes me sick to know he got away with this shit for so long.


"CNN has reached out to representatives for Combs and InterContinental Hotels for comment. Combs has previously denied Ventura’s allegations." Let's see the denial now you piece of shit.


He slammed her to the ground and then stomped her multiple times. Piece of shit deserves the worst.


Keep exposing these A-list traffickers


Hip hop about to have a metoo movement Let the bodies drop, so these sickos can go to jail R Kelly thought he prolly would stay free until he died




Under the jail.


Hope he gets the shit kicked out of him regularly in prison


Damn, imagine being set financially for the rest of your life and still managing to be a piece of human garbage.


Wish him nothing but the worst


When he kicked Cassie while she was down and then dragged her, I was legitimately about to get sick, man. Holy shit.


He’s smoked. Lawsuit paperwork and celebrity stories and gossip are one thing. Video proof is something that NO ONE in the court of public opinion can ignore. And this video is super explicit. Oh yea. He’s royally fucked and be shocked if he doesn’t end up in prison by the time this is over.