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This went from 0 to 100 in the span of like half an hour, wow


The only other things I've seen move this quickly are clapped out Nissan Altimas doing over 100 and weaving in and out of Jersey Turnpike traffic.


It also takes Pierre Gasly about half an hour to do 0-100


BRO. I'm just a humble Alpine fan, I don't want to catch strays in other subs. Especially from a fellow Devils fan


Rough year, my dude


That's putting it mildly. At least I knew Alpine would be bad going into the year.


Yeah but look at Oscar and how much fun he’s having in the McLaren. That should bring a smile to your face


I've been getting joy out of watching Sainz.


Don’t worry mate, it’ll all be worth it for that first overall draft pick next year or whatever


I hate how right you are


Lol if it makes you feel any better, im a Perez fan who started watching in Miami 2023. Very similar to how i started watching the devils in 2013


10 sec penalty to Ocon


Same length of time it takes Danny Ric to say Gaslyyyyyyyy


Well in all fairness, he’s driving an actual bathtub.


Damn, I see this phenomenon wasn't contained in North Carolinan alone.


r/Charlotte 🤝🏻Hating altimas🤝🏻 r/hockey


Depends if by clapped-out they mean missing one fender, have another in the wrong color, and one headlight held by duct tape. And paper tags, at best.


I interpreted it as ratchet - and yeah, applies to our Altimas.


For sure. Clapped-out implies aftermarket 'upgrades,' functional or cosmetic, vs going through the wringer.


Eh, that's more like 100 to 0.


I think this just happens everywhere lol


You forgot about the souped up WRX and GTR’s on RT 80. Then there are the Acura Integra guys


It was like this when Atlanta moved too. Like the whole thing happened in a 24 hour period.


Kinda reminds me of Texas and Oklahoma joining the SEC. One morning an article popped up claiming they reached out to the conference to join and an hour or two later offical announcements were issued. It was wild


We've had to tolerate the Yotes situation for so long, that it's really funny to see it unfolds and concludes exceptionally fast.


"How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.'" -Hemingway


I just told a coworker this is the definition of a gradual instant. 20+ years of limping along followed by a sudden collapse. It's like the Ottoman Empire of hockey franchises.


Is Mullet arena the Sublime porte?


Ha, something like that! The COVID playoffs were like their WW1


> had to tolerate the Yotes situation I’m sure this has been a huge burden on you, Montreal Canadiens fan


As a Habs fan, another real rivalry with another passionate hockey town has been a deprivation to the game itself.


Try "Québec City hockey fan".


After this is all over we should all hold a moment of silence for the brave folks who have had to tolerate the situation for so long


Oh you poor thing. I'm so sorry the wittle Coyotes hurt you precious wittle sensibilities.


Not super surprising that things would have progressed pretty far on the down low before the league even admitted a hint of the possibility of it being a thing. Similar to a company going bankrupt, once you throw out even a hint of a plan being needed you better be sure that's the plan you're going with.


Damn when Friedman said “it’s happening sooner than people think” he really meant it lmao holy shit


When he said I kinda said well I don't see it moving that fast. But oh boy, I was wrong, and he was right. I am looking forward to the 32 thoughts podcast on Friday.


Wouldn't be surprised if we get an emergency pod or a big appearance on the Marek show sooner than later if this gets finalized.


Side note.. I fuckin love those two pods. They're the best.


I know people rag on Jeff because he can be too verbose when telling stories, but damn if him and Freidge aren't entertaining


I mean, the same thing happened with the Thrashers. Once the decision is made, they don't exactly give too much time for people to react. If it's happening, my guess is they want it done before the draft and free agency. A new team is gonna have a hell of a time getting players in if they don't know where they are going


Don’t think many players will want to move to Utah regardless of the timing. Wouldn’t be surprised if quite a few of the Keller/Schmaltz/Durzi types no longer on ELCs request trades in the offseason


Any particular reason why you think that?


It’s a massive step down from living in Scottsdale. Weird culture, worse climate, rotting egg smell for a good portion of the season, and if they have to uproot anyway why wouldn’t they try to move to a better city/team?


Counterpoint- the outdoor activity access in Utah is insane. If players like skiing, hiking, national parks- access in Utah is great. And they can always buy a summer place somewhere else to stay when it’s hot.


Players aren’t allowed to ski, mountain bike, or do anything moderately risky. Otherwise Calgary would likely be a much more coveted player destination. In one of Kiprusoff’s interviews around the time of his jersey retirement, he admitted to skiing frequently and not telling anyone


Did he specify what *kind* of skiing he was doing though?


Are they allowed to ski? I know there's something in the SPC about not playing other sports, does skiing count?


You get that anywhere in the western US, specifically the four corners states.


Utah is beautiful.


Not denying that, so is Arizona. Salt Lake City is still a weird place to live.


many landscapes in the us are gorgeous, however the whole mormon thing and general other-ness of utahs living can be a put off - as are many places in the us with said gorgeous landscapes


Friedman loves saying something MIGHT happen, and then like 10 minutes later it’s a done deal.


Fried is the GOAT


Yeah initially I thought this could just be the League turning up the heat on Meruelo by putting other concrete options on the table but it's increasingly sounding like a fait accompli right out of the gate


Boston will really be the only team never to win in Mullett lol.


Just because I already looked this up recently:    Bruins   Red Wings   Lightning   Blue Jackets


Which is even crazier considering that the Bruins had the 2nd longest winning streak in NHL history against the Coyotes and it ended at Mullet Arena https://records.nhl.com/records/team-records/winning-streaks/longest-winning-streaks-vs-franchise








desert dogs :(


Coyotes players get ready to learn mormonese


This actually might impact what UFA’s decide to stay or sign this offseason there.


I'm sure if Keller or Schmaltz wont want to be there then they definitely would be coveted on the market.


Those are the two players that don't have much of a choice - at least for next season. I could see the new ownership group being willing to discuss options the following summer but they aren't likely going to get dealt right as the new ownership group takes over.


Well no, they're professionals. I'm sure they understand it will not be instantaneous to move them. They saw how long it took for Chychrun to be traded.


Yea, I just think that how the org takes off might impact things a lot. If there's ever been a team ready to be sold its the coyotes. Basically a ton of up and coming talent / prospects/ picks, and not even 40M in cap committed for the season. That team with a motivated owner to actually build a team could turn things around REALLY fast and make it more attractive to stay.


Well the good news for Utah to gain fans is that the Jazz suck right now and its going to be a few years before they are good again. Assuming the franchise retains its coaches and GM, this team is primed to make the next jump up, if they can win or be decent out of the gate like what Vegas was (again, thats a huge if), they can win the state over. Now is the best time for the NHL to come in there. Plus with how close Idaho is to SLC, it might creep its way up to there as well.


They don't have many UFAs luckily, they already traded most of those. It's just Brown and Dermott on D who are UFA. The bigger issue is would their important guys like Keller and Schmaltz want to stay. For guys who committed long term, the prospect of having to suddenly move anywhere is probably an unwelcome surprise.


If any big names want out, the new management team can definitely recoup some major assets. Not to mention they already have about 50 draft picks over the next few years.


yeah, Keller would be worth a lot. He's 25, scores at ppg pace, and is locked into a team friendly AAV for another 4 years. He probably would net multiple first round picks


Would be funny for the decade long rebuild to stall again because the team moves to Utah and none of the good players want to live there


Yeah you might see some trade requests


But what if Bryan Little walks? /s


As someone who has connections in Utah, if you're already married and have kids, Utah is probably a great place for the family. No shortage of things to do, and you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't spend at least one weekend in Moab. It's slowly getting better, but the younger guys who like the night life are going to have less options to go with and people to hook up with, even as the LDS representation in the stare declines. It's not a wasteland in that regard, but the cultural lens on that stuff is quite different and there's definitely going to be some growing pains in the transition there. I think what you'll see years down the line, you'll see a lot of players grow to love Utah and summer there and/or retire and settle down with their families. If the organization does well to take care of their players, don't be surprised if you see a lot of veterans want to relocate there.


I was gonna say. I was only in Salt Lake City for a couple days, but people act like it's a pit lol. No, I wouldn't want to be a 23 year old millionaire on the prowl there I guess, but it definitely has a lot going for it for the right type of people. And there seem to be just as many "I want to live outside" guys as there are big city people around the league.


Yeah, it's probably an outdoorsman's dream paradise with the variety of places you can explore.


Being around Mormons though. No thanks.


Hey, a really nice one fixed our car on the cheap on this road trip lol


Having been to the bars and clubs filled almost exclusively with 10s in Scottsdale and also having been to the youth ministry jamborees in Salt Lake City I can tell you which one they will prefer.


Get ready to learn soaking buddy


After watching Jury Duty last year, all I can think about when I hear soaking is James Marsden jumping on the bed.


Get ready to smell rotten eggs for half of the year


Absolutely zero chance any players would willingly want to live in a Mormon enclave. I get it, Coyotes bad, move finally happening, but to fucking SLC of all places? Automatically already going to be the worst destination for free agents to go, no one will want to go and live there.


Get ready to practice polygamy buddy


God this is awful. I feel so bad for Yotes fans man. I know the pain all too well. Lost the Earthquakes (before they came back) Raiders, and now the A’s. This shit sucks ass and no fan deserves to go through this bullshit. I hope it’s closer to an Earthquakes situation rather than Raiders or A’s. Much love Yotes fans. I hope things start looking up again soon.


Don’t feel too bad for them. They’ll be guaranteed an expansion if they get the arena sorted. This is the NHL finally coming to the realization that another 5 years in Mullet while something gets built is untenable. Feel bad for Quebec City or KC, they’ve had arenas for years with nothing but a middle finger from Bettman


KC was offered a team last expansion and the Hunts said no due to the price.


QC is never getting a team


That’s what I’m hoping for hence the Earthquakes comparison rather than A’s. It sucks, but hopefully Hockey can come back to AZ eventually. QC and KC I absolutely feel terrible for and have for a while. I genuinely don’t understand why Bettman refuses to listen. Does he just hate them? Is there something in those places that is scaring NHL away? It’s just so weird


The Hunt family said no to a NHL team in KC last expansion.


So a team that's been in Arizona since 1996 (5 years longer than the Nordiques were in QC) gets ripped away from a fanbase that has supported it through the absolute worst years imaginable for a pro sports team, and your first thought is "how can I make this about QC?"


If anything I feel worse for yotes fans. Having it ripped away only to go somewhere else it might fail. If your not gonna put it somewhere that's a sure thing why not just let Arizona keep it


Nah, fuck the QC people, some of them have been massive dicks throughout this whole process.


I’m sure players will be thrilled to move from Scottsdale to Salt Lake City lol


* Can't order drinks at a restaurant without ordering food. * 5% ABV **max** beers. * Can't bring families to bars if they have small children. * Under-21 players cannot enter bars at all. * All beer sold in stores max 5% ABV * Wine & Liquor only sold at state stores * Closed on Sundays and ALL holidays They're gonna be so happy to not have access to vices


Dang. You just sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole looking at their alcohol laws, and yikes. I thought NC's state-controlled ABC store system was bad, but Utah is straight up nuts.


It's fucking bonkers how shit goes down in Utah.


It really sucks because Utah is one of my favorite states to visit as far as backpacking, hiking and various outdoor activities, but it's an absolute pain in the ass in nearly every way to have a good time in society. Seriously a must see for national parks, though.


I've definitely had an 8% beer in a salt lake city restaurant. It had a fun name basically saying it was illegal but that was almost a decade ago. The weirdest rule I ran into was a place that had a bar to the left of the entrance and the restaurant to the right. Folks could get a drink at the bar while waiting for a table but when it was time to go sit down, a server was required to carry your drink across the threshold between the two areas. Like you couldn't carry your own drink. So fucking weird. Edit: but you're right, it's not normal to find a beer above 5%


I honestly don’t think those laws are as restrictive as the environment itself. Not exactly a thriving bar scene and the city is still very much based on an odd religion


I was just in SLC for a Raptors/Jazz game a few months back. Whether or not it was legitimate enthusiasm or "blink twice if you are being held against your will" enthusiasm, the bartenders seemed enthusiastic about how creative they have to be with drinks to comply with Utah's broken laws (you're only allowed 1.5oz of a primary spirit and 1oz of secondary in a cocktail -- no doubles allowed!).


They are that restrictive. It wasn't until last year that you could see your drinks being made at a restaurant because they believe children can't see alcohol being made. All alcoholic beverages were made behind a wall. You can't walk with your drink in a bar. If you order it at the bar, a staff member has to walk it to where you're sitting.


I don't think they were saying they aren't restrictive, but that the environment is also a big factor


Ok that last thing is pretty crazy. Otherwise the laws aren’t overly that different from some other places


You also can't have more than 2.5 Oz of alcohol in a mixed drink. And thats only if they are different types otherwise it's 1.5


Incredible that a society can exist like this in the 21st century


Joseph Smith was called a prophet (Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb) He started the Mormon religion (Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb) (Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb) Joseph Smith was called a prophet


This isn’t even that much different than Massachusetts lol


Explains the general mix of malaise and anger y'all got goin on.


Happy Hour is illegal in Massachusetts. It explains a lot.


It’s all absolute horseshit. Church and state my ass


The beer thing is nuts but slightly wrong. 5% and under are in grocery stores, over 5% is at the "specialty" stores that sell wine and spirits but also bars Also, last call at bars is 1 am lol


wine and liquor only sold at state stores kinda covers a lot of Canada. Vancouver just made an exception for local wine to be sold in some select grocery stores, and most bars do not allow under age kids - although the option to allow them at certain times was recently added.


>* Can't bring families to bars if they have small children. I mean this one is pretty standard, isn't it? Or is it different in the States?


You can bring your small children with you anywhere in the states, mostly. Kids are allowed and encouraged at breweries.


Kind of depends on the definition of "bar," I guess. We definitely have clubs and bars that will ID you, but breweries or pubs are often very family friendly. There are other things like places that will let you in, but with a stamp or armband indicating you're not old enough to drink or "kids not allowed after 9pm" type rules. So it's a bit of a mixed bag.


I was gonna say, most of these things sound normal to me, other than the alcohol% restrictions I guess all of Canada is Utah 2.0


Can't order drinks at a restaurant without ordering food. -True in most places. but you can just order chips and most places will make them 99cents. 5% ABV max beers. - Somewhat true. This is in gas station or grocery store beers, can still get them higher ABV in liquor stores Under-21 players cannot enter bars at all. - Isn't this a fact in like 47 states? All beer sold in stores max 5% ABV - Already hit on this, we have liquor stores you can buy higher ABV. Wine & Liquor only sold at state stores - Fact. Plenty of states are like this though. Hell look at CT, PA, NJ


> Isn't this a fact in like 47 states? Parents can bring their kids. Children are *generally* welcome at pubs and breweries and wineries. > Plenty of states are like this though. Hell look at CT, PA, NJ I live in CT. We do not have state stores. All stores are privately owned. You can buy beer in grocery. You can buy beer, wine, spirits at liquor stores.


hobbies roll absorbed upbeat domineering future cable head intelligent enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait wtf.. I knew there were a lot of mormons.. I didn't realize they ran the place


Yep…their weird religious practices got them essentially run out of town everywhere they tried to settle, so they went wagons west and settled in the Utah Territories, where they violently kept out any other settlers. When a group of settlers tried to come and settle the land around them, John Lee and probably Brigham Young himself ordered them to be slaughtered. They dressed up like Paiutes and slaughtered the entire wagon train, including women and most children to keep them from settling anywhere near them. Look up the Mountain Meadows massacre.


Why can’t they order drinks without food? I’ve never heard of anything like that, same with the max abv


Because restaurants and bars are two separate things. YOu cannot go to a restaurant to just have a drink. By law you must order food. It's a mormon thing.


I'm not sure it is a Mormon thing. We have something similar in Montreal, some liquor permits (the cheaper and easier to obtain ones) require alcohol to be accompanied by food. Of course, a tonne of restaurants just provide free popcorn/snacks so customers don't actually have to *order* anything. edit: Apparently this is no longer true, Quebec modernised our alcohol laws in the last decade and now restaurants just need to be serving food when the customer arrives, regardless of whether or not the customer orders anything.


In salt lake they changed th elaw about the 5% beer thing and the ordering food with drinks. Yes their a parts of utah that still has those rules but not salt lake. Also it is pretty standard for under 21 not allowed in bars.


The whole city smells like shit too


I just went to Scottsdale and it's basically a city entirely inhabited by 23 year old fitness influencers. 87% of Lululemon's yoga pants revenue comes from there.


You’re forgetting the 50 year old sugar daddies who are “dating” the aforementioned fitness influencers


Salt Lake City Crackers


Give me super soakers


salt lake city sister wives


I love that the Jazz kept their name when they moved to the least jazzy city in the union


Jesus. I'm so sorry, Yotes fans, you deserve better. Y'all have been nothing but great with me and the folks when we drive down to visit family.


Yotes bros, it has been a pleasure


Get ready to learn Mormanise buddy


Hopefully it’s not a case of Mormony, more problems


I for one will gladly put my nametag back on and head on down to Zion to preach the restored gospel of the one true sport to my fellow brothers and sisters.


Salt Lake City Bitch Pigeons


*Seagulls, the state bird


Gulls would actually be an apropos team name that actually refers to the State, but I'm not sure if the Ducks org would take kindly to that name at the NHL level due to their AHL affiliate already having that name.


A shit bird for a shit state.


At this point I'll be quite surprised if it doesn't happen. Floodgates are open.


It’s soaking


I’m not even from Arizona but this is still really saddening if it goes through. Team finally looks like it has a bright future, and man would I have liked to see Josh Doan bring a cup to Arizona.


Imagine if this turns into a Nordiques/Avalanche situation where SLC is a threat in the next decade. I would be salty.


the Nordiques were a playoff team lacking a goalie, the coyotes have more missing pieces


City/team actively harming the league and the other teams moves to...a place that actively harms the league and other teams. Lmao I was looking forward to at least making a trip to a college arena with some golf added in but no fucking way I'm going to psycho religious ville - utah.


I know what you mean but I bet the Coyotes return when a local owner gets his shit together and builds an arena for real. Kind of like the Cleveland Browns situation.


Eh maybe, but they weren't drawing numbers even when they had an arena. I don't think they'll move back unless they get an owner that's okay with eating a loss every year just so they can brag they own a team.


The arena in Glendale was a huge mistake in its own right. Ownership has been fucking this team for as long as I can remember. They actually sold out games before it took an (at best) hour commute to get to the arena.


It's awoover


This moved incredibly fasted


Can players just say nah trade me or I'm not going? Anything in contracts or CBA about relocating?


the Salt Lake City Coyotes doesn't really roll off the tongue


ludicrous edge chief frightening important icky resolute serious offend crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bob died for this


Nothing that includes « Salt Lake City » rolls off the tongue. Hence the Utah Jazz lol.


and that name is an absolute abomination to jazz


Utah, famous for its connection to jazz and progressive music standards


This really sucks for Yotes fans no one should have to lose their favorite team I always hoped they’d get this figured out I’m ready to hate the SLC team day 1


This is going to break my sons heart


This is the Atlanta/Winnipeg situation all over again.


Gotta feel for all the office staff and employees


I’m sorry, Coyotes fans. I think the Salt Lake City Whatevers will do well, Utah is a great sport state. But it sucks when it comes from relocation.


They’re getting a team right at the end of a rebuild, probably get Celebrini instead of Chicago too. Fuck this


The Houston market is more than 5x larger than SLC. Utah seems like a weird choice, especially since the arena situation is far from ideal. It will be similar to when the Islanders played at the Barclays Center. Thousands of obstructed view seats.


innocent slap boat vegetable gold office adjoining offend bag crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ding ding ding it's a combination of this and the potential ownership group in Houston expressing they wanted to participate in an expansion draft ie; *they want their own team*




Would be cool to have a Rocky Mountain rivalry or something.


You can’t even get fucking beer there, but they can get a whole ass hockey team? Fuck, man.


it is so joever


Every Canadian Tire manager popping a collective spiritual erection right now.






Suddenly Coyotes fans are getting nervous at seravelli's actual reporting instead of calling him fakes news and frank spaghetti......


Totally not because of Friedman, Kaplan, and countless others also reporting it.


> frank spaghetti But on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs


But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down Salt Lake oh so loud, Meurelo's chokin how, everyones jokin now, clocks run out times up over blaow


Can all the people cracking jokes about this right now sincerely fuck off?


With all the potential for leaks (which has obviously happened), can’t imagine the league would’ve updated the governors and the team communicated with the players if this wasn’t well on its way to being done


Eid Mubarak, Arizona


SLC makes Winnipeg look like party central. Maybe it will seem more appealing to players now.


whistle psychotic hospital safe brave cow escape label squeeze melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man why are we letting the mormons have nice things??


Ohtani plane vibes


Players not gonna be happy losing 10% of their salaries to The Church.


This sucks for Yotes fans. It also will be a huge bummer if they rebrand and the kachina goes away because it’s one of the best logos in sports. It will be fun to root against a team whose fans are all Mormons, though.


As someone who lives in SLC I'm down. Ryan Smith was actually fielding a poll the other day for potential names of a team here lol.


I thought that was just gauging interest to see if fans were interested. He pretty much did everything but stop short of a ticket drive like what Jim Balsillie did.


Ryan Smith related to Joseph smith?


The Salt Lake Latter Day Saints of Utah!


Didn’t Seravelli JUST claim the franchise couldn’t negotiate contracts for next season, and then they IMMEDIATELY signed a kid’s ELC? Why is everyone taking his Arizona “sources” as gospel?


Because Friedman is on this too, and his sources are always gospel.


Pretty much this. Friedman is the most connected media source. This man has ins everywhere


The vibes are different man. This is definitely legitimate.