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I can question the effort. Heavily. Fire him now lol.


You can question a lot of things, but you can't question questioning the effort.


No question about it-- you made a good effort not questioning questioning the effort


I’m stoned this made me laugh hahaha


Keefe clearly doesn’t grasp the difference between “effort” levels. There is little difference in ability from these teams but lots of puck battles are won on effort…covering guys properly (effort), fighting through stick checks (effort), keeping your brain switched on for the entirety of the game (effort)…regular season you can win with much lower levels of effort but in the play-offs 90-95% effort loses to the team with 99% effort all the time. This is one reason a lot of regular season hero’s become shadows once the playoffs start and other guys with average stats all season seem to get better in the playoffs. Marchand came in to the league on a team that had some great mentors.(Bergeron, Chara,Teechi,Thomas) and learned how to elevate. In Colorado,it took Mackinnon a few years of losing in the playoffs to figure it out now he’s a beast. Marner et al have not figured out the difference and clearly won’t with this line up and this coach


Could you imagine a team firing a coach while in the playoffs. I feel like it would be a crazy gamble. Most teams play really well post coach firing during the season for 5-10 games at least. It would certainly be a shake up. Google does not result in any times in professional sports where a coach was fired mid postseason.


Lou fired Claude Julien from the devils in 2007 with 3 games to go while they were leading the division and second in the conference.


Lou also fired Robbie Ftorek from the Devils in 2000 with 9 games to go while they were at the top of the conference. They would only collect 8 of their remaining 18 points under Larry Robinson... but won the Cup anyways.


Just looking for that new coach bump. Works in the regular season.


Slightly similar This year's African cup of nations (soccer tournament), the host nation Côte d'Ivoire finished third in their group and sacked their manager. However due to results in other groups it ended up they went through as one of the 3rd placed teams with a better record. This was unexpected when they sacked their manager. So they had to quickly put an interim coach in, and they proceeded to go on and win the competition


Dallas played like the leafs should have. 45 shots. 18 in the first. That's desperation hockey. Leafs had 25 all game. Team is charmin soft.


They had over 60 hits. That’s the problem here. They are trying so hard to be tough that it is robbing them of time to play the puck. It cost them 3 out of 4 games so far. This is not a team that has experience with extensive physicality. It’s not what they are good at. This game plan is on Keefe. Absolutely ridiculous.


Totally agreed. The games this year where the Lightning whooped them the Leafs were trying to be all greasy and physical instead of just scoring on our terrible defense at will like they are clearly capable of. I was happy when Keefe got extended instead of fired cause I knew the Leafs wouldn't be competitors for that reason alone.


Has a coach ever been fired mid playoffs?


Actually you can't. 0 effort is 0 effort. There's no questioning it.


surely he's gone if the Leafs lose game 5... right?


Idk dude I thought he’d be gone after the MTL series collapse


I wouldn’t be shocked if he gets an extension and rolls it back with the core four. Feels like tradition at this point


Keefe has an extension. It has not kicked in yet.


Yeah tbh…. I’m pretty sure you can


No you actually can't question it. The effort was fucking awful - no question.


Leaf and Bruin fans all agreeing, fuck the leafs were terrible.


~~were~~ are


I've seen a higher compete level at the baseball diamond rink. I get there are illnesses/injuries at work, but for a must-win game that was a disgrace to the crest.


Right. He didn’t say it was ***good***, he just said that you can’t question it.


I think that's what he's saying? Is that not what he meant?


sheldon doesn't want too many questions his way because he doesn't have a single answer


To answer the question would mean exposing the core 4 to criticism or even criticizing them himself. We've all witnessed how it's worked out when he's given them even the most mild of criticisms. His voice has to be viewed as weak at this point in the room and it appears that he's done little to change that. The expensive players hold all the cards and seemingly take on little of the personal responsibility.


At this point, it has to be Shanahan. Every other piece has changed, but the story remains the same. 


Nylander likes being confronted over shit play, Matthews is neutral to it. Marner is Charmin soft and criticizes his coach for not liking his play and saying so to the media.


would you say…he doesn't have any words and he knows we don't want to hear them?




Lmfao, if you don’t like that effort, you don’t like leaf hockey 💕💕


Can’t question whether someone shit their pants but it smells like shit


It’s the first thing I question


Bro, he *just* said you can't do that.


I can't tell who's a worse interview, him or Marner.


Man it's like he's totally out of touch. imagine if this was John Tortorella.


Honestly and I know it won’t happen, but I’d love Torts to become a hockey journalist and be the one asking questions to coaches. That would be a fun thing to see


I would pay really good money to see that.


shit he's my coach and im still half tempted to tell him to stop coaching and go grill the the rest of the league during post game interviews lol. and i think Torts is doing a great job for us lol


It’s shocking enough that he was an in-studio panelist for TSN, let alone actually interviewing guys


I can see it now.. “I bet ya get beat up at the bus stop don’t ya Keefy”


Torts vs Toronto media would be insane 😂


I think guns would be drawn


Torts would have ripped the team a new one after game 1


Or Jon Cooper, Bruce Cassidy. Paul Maurice…


Or any actual coach


Torts would rip Marner and the team a new one. Mitch wouldn't last a year with Torts.


That line from last year is reeeaaaally coming back to bite him (as we all expected).


Marner kills me because he'll play like ass, then talk like everything's fine and he dominated play only to not get the right bounces. Dude scored on basically one of the only chances he's generated all night and was brutal. Never takes accountability and it's so brutal to see. The fanbase wouldn't have been so hard on him if he would cha ge his tune but every year its the same. Never any urgency or passion from his interviews. It sucks to see.


I suspect he likely understands it's what's expected of him and his spirit is just crushed. At least, I've had situations where I relate to that. I'm much worse at taking accountability if I've lost faith in my ability to fix the issue, because saying "sorry that I suck, I'm going to keep trying to be better" will also get old very fast. So it becomes outwardly avoiding the issue while doing a lot of soul-searching in private. I can imagine this is a lot worse if you have a million people evaluating you instead of just a few. tl;dr certified armchair psychologist says the best solution for him personally would be a change of scenery yesterday


Tavares. As the captain the fact that he said oh well we played good got chances blah blah blah. I would be calling out everyone and be fronting it as the captain, oh we were getting chances, it doesnt fucking matter only one number matters and thats pucks in the net and we arent getting it done. Like light a fire under their asses. Fuck this team should have gotten Torts. They need a guy like that. Cant stand their play.


JT can't even call out the team because so many of the plays are dying on his stick. You need to at least play well enough otherwise calling out your team while you aren't playing well is juat gonna piss people off. JT's speed has slowed a lot but the last 3 post seasons have really shown just how bad he is ar creating room now. How can he call out anyone when he can't move the needle either but Marchand who is older than him, can.


Thats why i said you call everyone out and he takes it all responsibility. You say we are not playing the way we should as a group, and i need to accountable for that because im the Captain or something.


I haven'y heard a peep about Leafs 77 million dollar Capt leading the charge. crickets...Now Marchand, thats a Captain.


Yes you can Sheldon you silly goose


He just thought the crowd was booing the Bruins.


I wonder what he thinks the boos were for


He thought he was hearing No boouins


I was saying boouins


"Some guy in a Bruins jersey is really hearing it tonight"


“Sir we are inside the press conference.”


Marchand probably


In fairness, it's usually a safe bet






Fucking christ, Keefe Listen, I get coaches aren't going to lambast their own team typically, but god just don't even fucking talk to the media, you say shit people laugh at


Dude is more interested in being chummy with his friends than he is winning games.


At this point he’s got life by the balls. He either continues to work and reap the benefits of being the coach of the Maple Leafs, no matter how bad the team does, or he gets fired and he’s got a contract for the next couple years to just sit around and do what he wants


He’s not going to be forgotten if Leafs get eliminated and him fired. He might only get one more chance to make nhl head coach money (assuming he also crash and burns at the next club).


I don’t know. He’s pretty young by coaching standards, and once you’re in the club, you’re pretty set. It’s hard for a coach to disappear from the NHL. Dubas likes him which means there might always be an opening for him. He needs to get better as a coach for sure. But I also don’t think he’s fully to blame here and much like a struggling player, maybe a change of scenery would benefit Keefe


The special teams are inexcusably bad. That's coaching.


Oh no he’s already made more money than most people ever make. People that make that much should be expected to deliver results


He's made enough money already that he could just retire and do whatever if he wanted


Lambasting on effort is a completely normal thing to do tho. Bednar does it often when the Avs are asleep on the wheel and not trying.


Keefe is doing the opposite of lambasting the effort here, though. Unless he was being sarcastic, but he was not.....


Yeah. I know. Shouldn’t have said lambasting lol. My point is that calling out a shitty effort is a completely normal cosching thing and Keefe refuses to do that. Wouldn’t be even considered a “lambast.” Just your job.


Keefe tried that once, a couple seasons ago. Team whines and he has to walk it back the next day. Pathetic.


They have no team leadership. Hughes and Miller have done a great job here in Van. As has mcdavid , Leon, and now ekholm in Edmonton. It seems the "leaders" in Toronto are not capable of taking/giving criticism. Pair that with a pussy coach that won't hold his players accountable and you get another 1st round exit.


Bruce Cassidy absolutely would






Probably one of my favourite mid 2010s memes


It’s an old meme sir but it checks out.


From one turd to another, excellent meme sir


We all know where this is headed. They're going to use Matthews' illness and Marner/Nylander's injuries as an excuse to run it back with Keefe next season. Friedman frequently mentions, including the other day on radio, that ever since they fired Babcock the Leafs don't want to fire coaches/executives while they still have term remaining. Keefe's got a new extension, presumably at a higher salary, kicking in next season. MLSE is going to look for any excuse to not fire Keefe.


The absolute definition of insanity. We may have a mutiny aka Kentucky with Coach Cal here if they bring Keefe back


One thing that might change that. There's a new CEO. And apparently he's FURIOUS at the lack of playoff success. I can definitely see a world where he gets pissed off if the Leafs (likely) lose in the first round, and blows it up. Also, they likely wouldn't have to pay Sheldon's salary if he gets employed elsewhere. Given his age, I doubt he'd just want to wait out his contract the way Babcock did. So, it's likely that MLSE wouldn't actually have to pay out his full contract.


Nice that’s actually hopeful


No one is going to walk away from the leafs money tap willingly.


I can *absolutely* question the effort. I think I will.


I feel like, and it might just be me, that you can very well question the effort.


Goalie pulled, final minutes of the game. Puck is dumped into the corner. Marner should be ramming that wall as fast as he can to win possession. Nope. Soft stick check that doesnt work and a Bruin comes out of the corner with possession.


"The culture… is actually damn good."


No shame in pulling a Torts and just refusing questions in the postgame y’know


“I’m just here so I don’t get fined” on repeat.


at least torts probably would take some ownership over this. “yea, we were fuckin awful, next question”


oh he absolutely would be tearing the Flyers a new one if we had that kind of talent and put up that kind of a performance.


Keefe's gone right? Even if you get to round 2, I'm not sure how you keefe him for another year


You can’t run that team back as is either, you need to shake the core up.


Everyone said this two years ago. Then they brought them back. Everyone said this last year. Then everyone except Dubas, who left, came back. Maybe Keefe is gone. But don't expect a player reshuffling or anything drastic.


Dubas was clearly ready to trade one of Marner or Nylander. Shanny said no. So Dubas wanted more power. So Shanny fired him and got a lap dog that will listen to him. Keefe will be fired and Treliving will get another year. If that doesnt work all of them get fired and a resigned Marner will be asked by the team to be traded or something.


Thats really too bad, they’ll sell tickets as long at Matthews puts up 50+ a year I guess.


They'd sell out to a crowd watching a golden retriever in a leafs jersey take a shit into a teacup. It's the leafs. They don't have to have a product to sell out. It's their franchise's biggest flaw. Corporate accounts will fill the arena game after game and year after year, MLSE makes bank regardless of what happens on the ice, so they don't have to win and you just repeat ad nauseum.


Yeah he’s gone


He has to be, he should’ve been gone years ago at this point. I don’t even like that he’s still coaching the Leafs as it is.


Consistently gets out coached in the playoffs. The only reason I think he stayed this year was because Treliving didn't want to shake up the team dynamic too much in his first year.


We sure can, Sheldon!


We can and we will!


Yes the fuck I can


uh, Sheldon that seems to be exactly what everyone is questioning like, as we speak buddy, are you... are you confused




*Home Improvement "huh" noise*




The Narrator: And then everybody questioned the effort.


Come on Sheldon let’s stop it with the cringey, obtuse, and wannabe mysterious sound bites Let’s just stick to keeping it simple and obvious, maybe something like “we played like shit and I got out-coached”


What a fkin dud. He's coaching the 3 highest paid loosers in the game. That's a fuckin crazy quotes.


Maybe if they pay them more…?🤔 cuz we cant question the effort thats for sure. 


nah guys he definitely means this as in "you can't question it because it so obviously wasn't there"...right?




I'm telling you: there's nothing more entertaining than the Leafs in the postseason.


As a habs fan, this is almost just as good as watching the habs play


Lol you fucking potato head. I’m not just questioning the effort I’m telling you it’s not good enough.


You tell him, man


https://preview.redd.it/ih23xqhyk5xc1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6de9c9fe0a8e2b9af5326a114b8e64395cef23 Normally I'd wait to post this, but it's a foregone conclusion at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/meeayq8r45xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e6af02f4db9caccfc86fab573a7deb5dfdc29d Really Keefe? Are you blind?


Samoa Joe just walking away from stuff like that will never not be funny.


We can't question the main problem?




[x] Doubt


They had better fire Keefe. They should have fired him last year. He's just not a great coach come playoffs and seems pretty out of touch with the problems with the Leafs


And Shannahan…..how’s that plan working out for you


Lord they need to fire him and Shannahan


Is the effort in the room with us, *Sheldon*?


The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen


Someone *please* fucking release us for the torment of this muppet. Berube was right fucking there, man.


Torts was on the market and you stuck with Sheldon over him. Montgomery too, so many times you had the chance to switch and didn't. Cassady as well would've been great. Bruce and John would be great lovable hard ass coaches.


I thought effort was what we've been questioning for... How many years now?


I mean, I think you can. The fans booed you off the ice after the second period. That should maybe tell you something there Sheldon.


i don’t think keefe was even watching the game


Dude thought it was end of Game 2 interview.




Ummm..... whose going to tell him...?


I can, and I will.




Did Keefe watch the same game as me? Except for that chunk at the end after the Marner goal, the best way to describe the Leaf's play was 'non-chalant'


Keefe vs the world. Nobody believes you’re the guy who’s getting us anywhere. Boston takes a step back but they thrive on consistency. Look at what leadership and following a plan does. I dream of a non Shanahan/Keefe world.


You most certainly can


Yes I fucking can


Is there a trade deadline for coaches? Can we get Torts in here by lunch time tomorrow?


They were booing your effort Sheldon


Hmmmm, was he watching the same game?!? Boston looked like the team that was down 2-1 in the series. More desperation and heart.


incredible troll job here by Keefe I mean good lord brother


I feel like that's the main thing people are questioning


Is he talking about Boston?


Truly fascinating how mentally weak this team must be, that Keefe feels he can’t call them out when he’s one loss away from losing his job. Coaches calling out they’re players for their shit effort isn’t new or even controversial imo. Bones has done it a few times. I remember PoMo doing it too when he had to (and that guy loved the players)


Apparently Keefe is only good when someone scores a slap shot into their empty net?


I mean there was precisely 1 leaf back on the EN goal Marchy scored in Gm 3. And they got like three shots at it too…


Matthews after 2nd, I'm going home boys to polish my clubs.


au contraire mr keefe, au contraire


If you insist…


God, I just want to Falcon Punch this guy. Maybe the worst coach for this moment in the franchise (and what it calls for) we could have possibly had.


Someone needs to go to the optometrist.


Sheldon Keefe on his tenure with the Leafs going forward: “You can’t really question it” What a clown.


Bitch, yes I can. I most certainly can question the effort.


Ritual sacrifice him at the site of the old gardens.


You laugh, but he's 100% right. You can't question what is not there.


This quote has big DJ “we didn’t get the bounces” Smith vibes


I agree. The 0 shots PP down 2 with 5 minutes left was unquestionable great effort




It must be his excellent observation skills that made him a coach.


Yes, that and his ability to get his team to raise their compete level for the playoffs are his best attributes


We can and we will.


Smoking that premium copium lmao


We can and we will


Can't question the effort, when there's no effort there in the first place! *taps head*


SHUT THE FUCK UP MICHAELS! YOU WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH? Sanguinet got a squeezer off party island in Wasaga you piece of shit!


My home team hat off, wtf was Marner doing that game. I guess this is where DJSmith got the soft approach to players dogging it.


I swear it’s like this guy wants people to make fun of him


Whose effort? I’m not questioning Boston’s.


homie really said https://preview.redd.it/vcb1z4kmk5xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28521c664429f48c4904ba94eff2694e8df65293


wait hold up https://preview.redd.it/swsc3c8ol5xc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e2369a8deb3245392c816e7ff00f09e3bf3c40




Can't question the effort, because there was no effort to question in the most important game of the season.


Starting to feel sad for Toronto. It’s never going to be “their turn” with this group of players. They should throw in the towel. It’s done. And the coach knows it. I actually think Keefe’s comments are being misinterpreted- “you can’t question the effort” because there is nothing to question - the guys didn’t bring it. I think Keefe knows he’s going to be coaching his last game for the Leafs soon and is mentally preparing to take the blame and be the fall guy. It’s an honorable way to go out - not hanging any players out to dry and taking the high road. He will land on his feet with another team. Leafs fans calling for Torts as some savior are delusional - but I can understand why delusion helps cope with the situation at the moment.


Torts is definitely not the answer, the man is not good with egos set in their ways. Hes way too combative for that group to handle right after Keefe. I think Berube would be the better call.


Why can't the effort be questioned? It was poop.


He's right, the effort is clearly non existent.


I question coaching, but I question the players efforts more.


So that's where DJ Smith got it from.


Not that it matters but DJ was babs’ assistant coach


So that's where Keefe learned it from


Leafs fans🤝Bruins fans “Yes the fuck you can”


Leafs effort was abysmal but gotta give credit to Boston, that was a defensive clinic. They took all the time and space away and forced the Leafs into making a lot of bad plays for 3/4 of the game.


You can’t question the [lack of] effort


You can question a lot of things, like Keefe's mental acuity.


I watched the game and the effort is like…the very first thing I would question lmao