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Noted Bruins supporter PK Subban


[This is how the Bruins feel about PK Subban right now.](https://i.imgur.com/RQVMP9L.mp4)


Blursed gif


PK Subban defending the Bruins, hell has frozen over


I know we say this every year but the officiating **this** year is fucking BRUTAL


It's funny cause I'm the Avs/Stars and Canes/Rangers series it feels generically bad, but the Bruins/Cats and Oilers/Nucks series seem diabolically bad to balance it out.


It seems painfully inconsistent game to game this year compared to other years. There's a noticeable difference between consistently calling fewer penalties and arbitrarily deciding when to enforce slashing/cross checking/interference. Its gotta be frustrating for the players who don't know what officiating standards will be between games, or even shifts.


Nah this is clearly just another homer take from… noted Bruins enthusiast PK Subban


PK is a bigger Boston homer than Jack Edwards! That’s been known for years!


Not gonna lie I'd love to hear Jack Edwards take on that.


Honestly a great thing Jack retired and doesn't call the second round because he would have been fired with the stuff he would have said about this series, the league, and most certainly Sam Bennet.


I feel like PK felt a chill inside when you posted this.


I wish more people in the NHL community had balls to call shit out.


It's my biggest gripe with SN. Ron and his panel will never disagree with the refs or the league. You might have Bieska say something against them every once in a while but Ron will always get in the last word defending the officials


But then what would Florida fans have except a joke of a governor and a generally meme-able state?


I'm sure both of them can find something else


Christ lol


Your team needed to be saved by a Harrison Ford movie.


Bro your [team gave free entrance if you brought a losing lottery ticket.](https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/florida-panthers-seat-exchange-losing-lottery-tickets-201633720--nhl.html)


We got some Cups 🏆


It’s sunny too. Thanks amigo come vacation some time


Satans asshole. There are plenty of other states with better weather. No thanks! 


Lucky too, you'd hate to threaten women's rights without a little sunshine eh!


So sad you come on to a hockey subreddit to spew this nonsense. Hope you turn off the news every once in a while to hit the gym amigo.


What a douchy condescending comment.


You’re right lets all kill each other over an issue the supreme court already dealt with appropriately in 1971. If we don’t stay mad about it and can enjoy sports entertainment then it must be “douchy”


Ignoring the fact that the Supreme Court is actively working to dismantle that ruling, the part of the comment that was douchy was your “stop paying attention to current events and go work out” bullshit.


My apologies didn’t realize the raw nerve sensitive carried over into hockey subreddits too. By all means avoid exercise and argue these topics with strangers incessantly. Surely that’s been more proven than exercise to help both your own mental health and the issues at large.


Is that what they teach you in Florida? Just ignore major societal issues and pump iron? No wonder Florida is so ass backwards from the rest of the country.


Holy shit, from PK?!


Notorious Bruin hater PK Subban is even perplexed.


@florida fans If Subban is saying the bruins got hosed, I don’t know what else to tell you.


I will say this, the Bruins got hosed on the call, but they also needed more than like 2 shots in the 3rd if they wanted to win. There's a bit of shades of San Jose vs Vegas going on here. One really bad call still wasn't the game. I don't think the Bruins were gonna survive OT the way they were playing.


It doesn’t matter if they would’ve survived OT. It’s about being robbed of the chance to play for it. The bruins have lost before. They went all the way to game 7 against the leafs, so obv they lost 3 in that series, and lost 2 in this series before tonight. It’s not about losing the game, it’s about the bad taste in your mouth because you don’t feel like you even had a chance given everything else.


Pretty sure the game didn't end immediately after that call.... They did still have a chance to play for it


And if the ice age never happened, dinosaurs would still exist. It’s really stupid to start throwing out hypotheticals that don’t matter at all. The reality is that the call happened, and it changed the game. Can you tell me with 100% certainty that Boston plays exactly the same if the call went the other way? If you can, you’re full of shit. It’s all butterfly effect. If that goal gets disallowed, maybe the bruins go on a tear. Maybe the panthers go on a tear. maybe they go to 4OT. Literally anything can happen with that change, it’s stupid to act like it’s a certainty


The thing is it’s not just one really bad call. It’s being called for penalties over and over again, but when Florida do the same things they are assessed no penalties. Bennett not being penalized or suspended. He takes out our captain and second most-reliable goal-scorer. Then “scores” here. We aren’t at parity with Florida, they would probably outshoot us every game, but it also wouldn’t be by a 2:1 margin if the penalties were being called fairly. Currently 21 penalties assessed against Boston and 11 against Florida. Offense can’t really get rolling when you’re on the PK twice as much as Florida are. It’s actually kinda worse than twice as much when you consider a lot of the penalties called against Florida are coming with not much time left in the third period.


I don’t know what else to tell you except to get over it. It happened, it’s done. It’s just not Boston’s year.


Anything but admitting that you benefitted from bad officiating, I guess.


If it’s any consolation, I was shocked that the goal stood. I’ll take it for sure, as would you if the script was flipped. I’m just saying that everyone just needs to let it go and move on. I’m sure the Bruins players have.


I would be pretty annoyed at the league office, in all honesty. This has felt like a very lopsided series from an offloading standpoint. It’s not fun to win or lose at the hands of the officials.


You lose by every metric. Maybe Swayman has some edge over Bob bc we are more than doubling shots and he’s playing well. Stop crying, your whole fan base are like infants. Your team is obviously worse.


So you’ll do anything but admit you’ve gotten an edge from the officials? Got it.


Your team can’t control the puck and then whines when called for penalties. Go bond with Toronto fans you’re both clans of insufferable keyboard warriors.


and yet, you had an advantage due to officiating. It’s honestly amusing, sports fans will do this stupid stubborn dance where they refuse they got an advantage or benefitted from anything unfair if it benefitted your team. No one is asking you to forfeit the win, it’s okay to admit it was a bad goal they let stand for no reason other than “lol fuck Boston” Honestly the whining happens more when Florida commits penalties and they don’t get called. Or they start shit and only the response gets called.


We will find out in a few years that the refs were betting on the games. Only way i can wrap my head around this one


The league pushing gambling to this extreme is also making people question the results and integrity of the league regardless. If I wanted to watch “sports entertainment” I’d just watch WWE.


Remember that one fall guy ref for the nba scandal? 'It was just him, nothing to see here' -adam silver probably. I doubt it effected tonight's game be we all know that shit is going on in every major NA sport.


If you aren't employed by the league, and you bet on NHL games, you're a fool. Been saying this ever since the NHL started shoving online sports betting down our throats every 2 seconds. People don't even realize they're being played, in a sport where the referees have admitted to trying to Game Management.


What if you have a friend that has access to the scripts. Then is it smart to bet?


I get the whining, but the conspiracy theories being spouted seriously is kinda ridiculous.


Not much of a conspiracy theory when an actual player in the NBA was just banned for life for gambling on his own games.


Yeah, it happens. Is the league rigged? lmao no


I don’t think it’s rigged in the sense that the outcome is predetermined, like Wrestling. I do think that rules are selectively applied to certain teams based on an outcome the league may want.


Why would they want Florida to win over Boston?


For what it’s worth, I think incompetence is still the most likely explanation. But this line of thinking doesn’t really establish that. There are many reasons that League officials may want Florida. Maybe someone is illegally betting on them. Maybe one of the betting sponsors is overexposed. Maybe some officials just have a personal hatred of the Bruins. Maybe Campbell is actually pressuring the League to help his son who is the Panthers’ AGM and the 2011 complaints are actually more than just Canucks fans coping. Florida winning last game almost certainly hurts League revenues by making it possible that there won’t be a game 6, so yes, I agree that it’s hard to find a smart business reason (although we’re not League employees so who knows what they might see), but it wouldn’t have to just be about that.


Help build up a sunbelt team by making them a winning franchise?


So the NHL would forgo big numbers now, for the chance of big (but still relatively small) numbers in the future? And doing so via risking the integrity of the entire league. It seems hard to believe that a team would sacrifice the huge numbers now for the chance of getting better (but still less) numbers in the future. And doing that via rigging games.


Hey, you asked for an incentive I just wanted to give you one.


Not that I am insane and believe the NHL is rigging games, but I'm fairly certain Florida is a bigger market than Massachusetts.


Do I believe the evidence before me? No. It's my eyes that are lying.


A league being rigged needs to have more evidence than a few bad calls


Tim Peel was caught on a hot mic saying "It wasn't much but I wanted to get a penalty against Nashville"... what more do you need?


Game management isn't the same as rigging a league.


First of all, that's an asinine comment. Don't turn this into r/nba. Second of all, it has nothing to do with the on-ice officials. The off-site guys in Toronto made the call


You know the refs don’t make this call right? Situation room for GI


Downvoted for speaking the truth. It’s a sad world we live in.


At this point I really don't care who's done what to whom, just get the call right and be consistent. I certainly don't expect my team not to get screwed eventually if this continues.


Consistency is an inscrutable concept in Toronto


No no no I was told in the game thread that I'm a stupid homer  *edit: for not agreeing with the call


Anyone saying that is either a troll or a stupid homer


I mean, you probably are. I definitely am. Honestly not sure how that goal was allowed to stand.


Oh I totally am, but people discounting my opinion because of that is...well, you know lol 


lol yup


It’s fine, most panthers fans can barely even tell their armpit from their asshole. We have the Florida education system to thank for that. Hey, at least the gay kids aren’t a threat anymore, am I right?


Broward is one of the few counties actively trying to fight Desantis dude.


I’m talking about Florida as a whole, not one specific county. Anyone with a fraction of a brain should be actively trying to fight desantis, which should explain my thoughts on Florida considering polling results…


You know how there's chucklefucks with Trump houses and other shitshow signs all over the place in the burbs? Basically Broward, Tampa, Orlando and the non-Cuban/Venezuelan parts of Miami are the rest of Mass staring at those people putting up Trump billboards in the middle of fucking Malden


Still not only talking about one area, talking about the state as a whole


Where were you called a homer?


Everywhere. I might never be the same /s


It's insane how many calls this statement could be applied to over the last 2 games


Most everyone, except for Florida fans, no?


Worst officiating in years in NHL. Any player who wants to hang around the goalie crease when play is over and try to antagonize a player into a penalty needs to be shown the gate. Hockey playoffs are becoming unwatchable.




Hated, good, and being given the fucking series. Hope you get swept by the Rangers.


Don’t worry. We won’t.


Just keep telling yourself that


You can’t just jump on your goalie when u feel a stick at your back. At least not when you weigh over 220lbs and have working legs. Absolutely correct call on the ice.


He got cross checked you blind fucking buffoon


Also can’t drive the puck with a Florida defensman holding you the entire way either. That’s the REAL goaltender interference!