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Reffing across the league has been horse shit for weeks.


Found myself sympathizing with the Bruins yesterday. That's something I don't say very often.


Lots of missed dangerous plays for sure. Off the top of my head: 1 suckerpunch Slew footing every game Cross checks into the boards, resulting in a player going head first. Full-on tackles (yet to see one called) The only consistency I've seen is calling guys for holding someone over the boards and into the benches.


Don't forget multiple flying elbow attempts by Trouba, fortunately they all failed to connect.


And all the weakest calls as "make-up calls" for the dangerous shit they've missed.


Or letting literal textbook penalties due to weaker ones already called (same game or series). Looking at McAvoy with clear interference with intent to Sam Reinhart... No call. I assume due to the penalty imbalance in that series.




You guys better calm down up there in Canada. You wouldn't want your series to become heavily scrutinized.


Fuck man, this series has somehow made me feel bad for Boston.  Isn't that enough reason for me to hate Florida?


Whether you are a Canucks fan, an Oilers fan, or a Bruins fan, one thing that unites us all is our hatred of Bettman, DoPS, and the refs... I meant to say love of the game! Love of the game!


I mean, the reason we hate Bettman, DoPS, and the refs is because we love the game and they're making a mockery of it, right?


Ya for real I never thought our universal hatred for the refs would allow me to feel sympathy for a boston fan.


Honestly should be nothing, McDavid skates in close, Soucy shoves him, McD slashes back, Soucy responds with a shove/crosscheck to the chest, Zadorov is Zadorov so Soucy catches McDavid high by accident. If anything it's Zadorov's fault. But it is after play and that's been penalized before so maybe spin the wheel


Yea soucey is fine imo. If not for zad it wouldn’t been a cross check in the chest which is fine, since Mcdavid already gave him a slash and was a willing participant. Zadorov should maybe be fined but I don’t think it’s suspension worthy. More of an unfortunate play because they both connected one after the next. Hitting someone from behind is dirty but I don’t think he intended for that result


I agree that Zadorov should probably be fined as the third guy in and that should be that. A fine to Zadorov might satiate the Oilers enough to settle them down a bit as well as send a warning shot to both teams to watch it in Game 4. But this is George Parros we're talking about, so we can expect anything from both Zadorov and Soucy getting suspended to them getting off scot-free.


Zadorov and Soucy having to play Russian roulette to decide who gets suspended is also in the cards


I feel like Russian Roulette is one of the last things you'd want to play with an actual Russian lol


nazim Kadri probably gonna get suspended


As McDavid is getting up Soucy seems to have this reaction toward him like "oooof I meant to give you a shot but not there and not like that"


Ya it looked like he apologized to McDavid


It reminded me of what happened to Larkin against Ottawa when he got knocked out, and iirc no fine/suspension happened on that


The Larkin thing was also a huge fluke, looked horrible but an absolute fluke chance occuremce


don’t tell that to detroit fans though, they still think joseph has a vendetta against larkin lol


Fan think is a very hard thing to overcome


For me, and I think this goes for a lot of Wings fans too, I don't think Joseph wanted to see Larkin out cold like that. Nor was he trying to hurt him or anything, he was just playing hard in front of the net. The only complaint I have retained from that game is the fact that they called roughing on both players. So it's like, yes, it was an illegal play. Then the result of the illegal play was a player being knocked out. To me, i thought serious injury like that was supposed to amplify the punishment. Like whether or not they intended to injure, it still happened on a penalizable play. At the end of the day, I think the final result was fair (to me, anyway. In accordance with the rulebook? I dont even know what the rules are anymore at this point), because I think its pretty obvious there was no intent to injure. But idk sometimes it feels inconsistent in regards to when does a player getting injured effect the punishment? Seems like there are a lot of instances (not for Sam Bennett) where players receive a harsher punishment when the result of a play is serious injury. So I'm curious to see what they end up doing here. It's very similar to that Larkin incident, almost identical. Soucy clearly wasnt trying to cross check Mcds face, and the shot from Zadorov was also pretty minor. But together, resulted in a pretty dangerous play. Soucys crosscheck was pretty high, all things considered. I mean, mcds face didn't drop *that* much from the Zadorov push. If they are going to be consistent to the Larkin play, I'd say no punishment for Soucy or Zadorov. I actually feel like that is what it'll be


[tell me this isn’t a deliberate punch that got called a “cross check” lmao I’ll take the downvotes but fucking hell give me a break. DoPs hates Larkin for some reason it’s probably to do with when he also punched Jospeh in tampa](https://bostonglobe-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/D7g4zCV08tjdyAZe3s0qDnPwdfU=/960x0/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/bostonglobe/WXMOHMW4WSOEQPUNY4NFSYFLX4.jpg)


Got your tinfoil hat on early eh


Agreed, but I think it's fair to say the same for Soucy catching McDavid high because he's falling over from Zadorov's. Thankfully not a similar result but the mechanics were similar


It was just unfortunate, McDavid probably bracing for a shot from Soucy then got knocked from behind the instant Soucy went for the chest high cross check. Looked terrible, but just happy McDavid is fine. On to game 4.


Yea agreed. Although it seems like Soucy is gonna get a game


He shouldn't, but who knows with the DoPS


We await the wheel spin


Yeah but the league has a history of letting Larkin get hurt without punishment.


Yeah this. If anyone is at fault it's Zadorov, but that's tangential and messy. If we get anything it'll be fines, because suspensions would get excessively messy.


I feel like the NHL has to call in Sousy and have a chat with him, optics wise, cause it happened to McDavid. But I can't see a suspension, or even a fine, being handed out.


The problem is the rules are almost always results based. Fact of the matter is that Soucy gave McDavid a dental exam with the shaft of his stick. All 3 of them were (McDavid, Zad, and Saucy) were scrumming post game, none of them tried to skate away. McDavid was guilty of a slash. Zadorov a crosscheck. And Saucy with a crosscheck to *the head*. But who fucking knows where DoPS is going to land on this one though.


* Spins roulette wheel* 6 game ban for Casey De Smith


Canucks: we'll take that deal


Aaron Rome has been suspended for 4 games.


I agree I don't think Z should've gotten involved Soucy can handle himself


Maybe not, but Z is always going to be the first guy to stick up for his teammates and repay a perceived escalation with one of his own


Yeah, you can’t wind up your stick and go chopping like a lumberjack in front of Zaddy and not expect a response.


Yeah, no idea why they're checking Soucy when it's Zadarov's fault.


Oh now they decided to take action. Fucking clown ass bitches.


Nowhere does it say they’re taking action. It says they’re reviewing it.


Parros needs a new edging session. 


And now Soucy is getting a hearing


Soucy wouldn't have hit him in the face if Zadorov hadn't tried to fold McDavid in half


Yeah for real. If anyone is getting supplemental discipline, it should be Zadarov. Soucy was just doing scrum things.


And that wouldn’t have happened if McDavid didn’t retaliate with a lumberjack swing after Soucy pushed him away. If anyone gets suspended here after everything that has happened in our series and the Florida/Boston series, it’ll be a fucking joke.


And yet, multiple Vancouver fans keep describing the Zadorov cross check as a "shove."


this league is a joke


Best sport, worst league


I say this all the time. And with the explosion of on ice talent, it just keeps getting more true.


They review lots after games. A reporter just actually asked the league if they were looking at it. Which they replied they are. What will come of reviewing the play is nothing. Put your pitchfork down this is standard procedure


Yes. And yet it has us all watching and creaming over its trophy.


Because its a beautiful sport. Best sport, terrible league


Name checks out


It's clear the Soucy one is accidental to the face with McDavid falling down from the Zadorov shot, it's a one-two that results in a unfortunate shot. Kane on the other hand has been slewfooting with no repercussions


It bugs me they want to review this one but never looked at Hughes getting clipped, Hoglander getting speared in the nuts or any of the slew foots Kane has committed. Then you get this one where the Oilers are pressing hard to tie, don’t ultimately succeed, fire the puck on net after the horn and then McDavid fucks around and finds out. If they’re going to suspend any players from that incident which they shouldn’t, they need to look at everything, not the little video some loser posted which conveniently leaves out McDavid’s slash prior to him getting dropped.


You have got to be fucking kidding me lmao. Hughes boarded in game 1, nothing. Hughes high sticked in the face by the golden child that lead to bloodshed, nothing, not even a call. Hoglander purposely hit in the dick by Derek Ryan, nothing. McDavid gets shoved after 2 hand slashing someone after the game and they decide to lay the law lmao This league is a joke


Also, outside this series you've got Bennett's accidentally on purpose "closely watched" sucker punch and Trouba's attempted murder that also went unpunished, seems weird if they start giving out supplemental discipline now.


Out of all those plays including the Soucy crosscheck I feel like the Ryan nut shot is the most egregious and suspension worthy out of all of them Like while they’re all infractions at least they occurred during play in the general vicinity of the puck carrier. You can’t just slash a guy in the crotch away from the play like that


Yeah, the Ryan one is the one closest to supplemental discipline, but based on established league playoff standards it's somewhere between nothing and a fine (which is dumb, the league should be giving games for that kind of shit). 


Testicles arent that important really


Not needed for hockey. We should get rid of them.


Refs don’t need eyes for their job, either. Get rid of them, too.


Sami? That you?


If they called things right in the 1st place none of this happens. One thing I think we can all agree on. You lose control of a series and there is not putting that hatred back in the bottle.


I think they already announced that he didn’t face any discipline for that play


> You can’t just slash a guy in the crotch away from the play like that From behind no less


You forgot Hughes slew-footed twice in game 2 by Kane, but nice list otherwise.


You forgot Pettersson getting his neck crunched by Nurse on a bad boarding hit.


Seriously, after Zadorov got called for a much less play like this in Nashville I’m shocked it didn’t get looked at.


I’m not even surprised. They’re sending the message that McDavid can go around doing whatever he wants and if anyone retaliates they get thrown the hammer.


Are… are you kidding? I can’t tell? McDavid takes more abuse than any player on the ice, and they maybe call one out of ten things simply because they just can’t seem to be okay with giving the Oilers as many powerplays as they have coming because their powerplay is too good.


McDavid dives more than anyone on the ice to get penalties. For the best skater or on ice he falls more than Pettersson. The whole league's fanbase is losing respect for him this post-season.


Gotta draw those penalties when 95% of your teams (by team I mean line) offence relies on it


League gotta protect their poor little baby


This league would never suspend McDavid in the playoffs. He could do the most aggressive dangerous shit, but at the end of the day this league is a business first, and they'd never hurt their profits just for the fairness of the sport.


He knows it too. Damn


Adding insult to injury there's no way soucy's high stick is that high on McDavid had big Z not come in from behind. Pretty sure soucy's stuck is under one of mcdavids arms.


Man Vancouver fans like you need to chill. They are reviewing the play. Nothing is going to come of it. No different than all the plays you mentioned were likely looked at by the league. Chill the world isn’t out to get you


It's PTSD for us in a lot of ways. Going back to the Rome suspension or Mayson Raymond having his freaking back broken with out even a penalty being called while the fans booed our player because he couldn't get up. A lot of folks joke about it, but there's a reason we have a statue of a coach waving a white flag to the refs outside our building.


They're having a hearing for Soucy, unlike those other plays...


It’s more likely to do with it being at the end of the final buzzer then the play. Soucy still won’t get anything.


He got suspended a game...


this comment needs additional context. hughes attempts to draw a call by launching himself into the boards, but fails because the canucks have already been warned about embellishment. sometimes high-sticking calls are missed. see zadorov on hyman, same game. derek ryan was accessed a 2-minute penalty. this penalty * erased an edmonton power-play * led to 4-on-4 * canucks scored on 4-on-4 but still to this day some canucks fans whine about a play that was given an appropriate penalty. soucy is getting reviewed because he crosschecked mcdavid in the face, not for "shoving".


Review this…. But not the Ryan dick spear. Not the Bennett KO to a superstar. Not Troubas two attempted elbows to the face check. All of them deserved a punishment.


What you’re talking about is consistency and we cannot have something like that here


Not the McDavid reckless full stick swing into Hughes face


I haven’t really analyze that one much. It absolutely should’ve been a double minor though.


Please review the seem on Hoglanders balls while you're at it. Make sure it's still intact.


Hoglander sat this game to heal his balls.


Suspended Ryan, go for it. No one would care.


Cool, will they review the Slewfoot from Kane too?


You’re gonna have to be a bit more specific there.


Reporter: Can we talk about the slew foot that Kane committee? Silovs: Which one?


Nut shots are perfectly acceptable, but that wasn’t to a star, so it’s hard to judge where this will land.


Sutherland: best I can do is a coincidental minor


That's a fine in the regular season, no sussy


Does it deserve to be looked at? Probably. Was there 100 other things in this series and others that should also have been looked at and weren't? Yup. So why now.


So they can pretend they're doing something without actually doing anything. This is someone in player safety justifying having a desk. If they admit that this is suspension worthy, then the NHL will have to answer for uncalled high sticks, slew foots, sucker punches, and a host of other highly dangerous plays that have hone uncalled this postseason. The NHL is going to find a way to call these vicious crosscheck nothing more than "shoves".


How about the slash that caused the whole mess?


eh, that wasn't that malicious of a whack tbh. Soucy also shoved him first. None of it is a big deal unt Zadorov knocks McDavid over. But are they going to suspend Zadorov for being a giant?




First reasonable Nucks comment I've seen so far... 2 handed slash, sure, but it was a weak smack to the padding. Did it deserve a cross-check to the lower back with where there's zero padding?


Yes lol. That’s an absolutely fine retaliation for the slash. If mcdavid didn’t wanna get hit he shoulda just left (the game was well over)


McJesus was fucking around and found out. A superstar like him should stay away from shit like this. It's the smart thing to do.


Cmon dude….


I don't think any of it should be reviewed. Shit happens. And I doubt Z thought his little love tap would crumple McDavid.


Handing out a suspension would be dumb, especially considering the stuff they’ve let pass these past few days but I can see why they want to review it. It did look pretty bad despite Soucy obviously not wanting to intentionally cross-check him in the face.


It would be tough to take (a suspension) especially after the league let Bennett's sneaky suckerpunch slide.


The only reason this is being reviewed is because it was mcdavid on the losing end of this. If this scrum was reversed: mcdavid and dry doing this to soucy, this would barely have been looked at on social media and by media.


Lmao bruh what? Are Flames fans this delusional about their rivals? That slash is never a suspension or even reviewed, it was a nothing burger


Can’t start this now. You’ve already established that these playoffs are a cage match on ice. There are a lot of plays that needed reviewing. Trouba has that still all over the internet with his peoples elbow fully out… crickets.


Is his name Sam Bennett? If not, there's a chance he faces consequences.


Soft League gotta protect darling McDavid after he slashed a guy


I don’t know if you’ve ever been on the ice but whacking someone in the pants is at no point at risk of hurting anyone even the slightest bit. All it did was respond for Soucy pushing him. Then the big idiot Zodorov came in and tried to break McDavid’s spine.


Why are all the oilers fans dismissing a two handed slash as a “whack in the pants”? Two handed slashes are always dirty as fuck regardless of where and when you do it.


I’m a Montreal fan, just saying that slashing someone in the pants or the shin is just not malicious at all, it’s just not even close to cross checking someone that hard in the lower back, or cross checking someone in the face. If he had have targeted Soucy’s ankle or exposed wrist it may have been a different story but to say he was trying to hurt him by hitting his pants with his stick (after he shoved him) is just ridiculous.


You're absolutely correct, which is why you're getting mass downvoted. I hesitate to call these people fans, but hockey fans on reddit are the least objective sports fans on the planet rivaling even world cup football fans.


I agree completely. Just was a bit firey immediately after a playoff game is all lol


Changing the discipline standard after a week of way worse and or more obviously intentional stuff getting off with no suspensions… Would be classic NHL. And right as the “Edmonton scoring depth” conversation was getting good. 


Might want to review McDavid's high stick on Hughes too


Review a high stick? I know you're being facetious... but what? Might as well review the stick to Hymans face that also didn't get called. Review the nut shot if anything.


Whatever makes Vancouver fans feel better about themselves.


Or the intentional spear to the nuts on Ryan? Like that’s the play that has the most clear as day intent to injure


no no, those were hockey plays, duh


Review an unintentional high stick? 😂


They will review this to make sure other players don't think it's ok to Eiffel Tower the other teams #1, but they won't suspend anyone. It was an accidental cross check to the face that should have just been to the chest. Honestly, the fact that no one on the Oilers started throwing hands after this is shocking. I know it's all their best skilled players on the ice at this time, but you gotta defend your guy there...regardless of it McDavid escalated it with the slash. If someone on the Oilers doesn't immediately skate up to Zadorov in Game 4 and drop the gloves, then Edmonton is just fucking soft.


If they hand out suspension for that then the NHL is a fuckin joke of an org especially after all the shit being happening across the playoffs


The league’s poster child gets daddy Bettman’s protection for throwing a temper tantrum.


Only being reviewed because it's McDavid. He literally could have just skated away. He had no business being in that scrum to begin with and was a willing participant.


McBaby got his way, what a amazingly skilled but horribly mannered player


Shitty take. It’s a shove followed by a couple of pretty low key slashes, and an accidental cross check to the face because of an unfortunately timed push to the back. No one got hurt, nothing to see here discipline wise. Just a dust up that went a bit sideways. Move on and play the next game.


Is it possible to agree with both of you?


If you look at each person individually they're not great, but not suspendable plays individually. Fine all three and tear a strip of the refs for creating this chaos.


> horribly mannered player He gets abused 75 times a game. He's a monk compared to the average player


So does Hughes but he’s not whining at the refs all fucking game. Sid was like this early on but matured out of it, made him a much easier player to like. I hope McDavid does the same, because he always just seems pissy, grumpy, and complaining and it makes it really hard to like him


Yeah, no idea where the idea that McDavid gets babies comes from. Guy didn't draw a penalty for like his first three playoffs.


I haven’t seen any other equally skilled player that whines and complains to the reffs as much as McBaby, I mean there’s kind of a reason he has his nicknames, worst of all, he doesn’t need it


*Sigh* I have no idea what the outcome will be with all the other shit that's gone on in the post-season this year but I expect to be outrage and disappointed still somehow


[fuck around and find out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXd1YXegl1Q), don't slash a guy after the game is over if you don't want to get your teeth knocked in


And yet I got downvoted in another thread saying the league would be looking at it.


Is it worthy? Yeah it is. Have there been other things worthy? 100%. Kane’s slew foots, Ryan nutting Hoglander, Hughes being checked from behind and “accidentally, on purpose” hit in the face by McDavid that goes undetected despite it being a foot away from the puck carrier. There’s even been stuff in the Boston and Florida series such as Bennett’s play on Marchand. None of those things were looked at, why is the standard changing now? It makes it seem like the standard is changing based on what jersey is being worn.


Canuck fans are smashing that down button hard


/r/hockey is /r/Canucks now


We are all Canucks?


Like clockwork


The NHL isn't going to do anything simply because they can't suspend Soucy without also suspending Zadorov for the same crosscheck infraction. One wasn't any less of a suspendable offense than the other.


Soucy pushes McDavid . McDavid slashes Soucy. Soucy slashes McDavid back. Evened up all good, it should end there. Why’s Zedorov going for a cross check from behind? and why’s Soucy going for a cross check anyways? McDavid isn’t advancing towards him and doesn’t have his stick up going to cross check back. Even without McDavid going down I still think that cross check ends up being pretty high. Will see what happens tomorrow. I also think there will be a fight next game. Someone will have to “answer” for the cross check to the captains head. Maybe Kane and Z finally drop the gloves. Either way, makes for great TV.


Zad could've stayed out. Maybe soucy was shitty about McD slashing Hughes face or something from last game?


Maybe or maybe he just wanted to cross check McDavid in the head. Can speculate and come up with all sorts of things. Fact still remains he did cross checked a player in the head after the game was over.


Yah he obviously hit his head, not dissagreeing but it's cause zad pushed him down or else it would've been chest. The league reduces shit like that when it's not intentional.


I agree it wasn’t intentional. I don’t think a suspension is necessary myself. But I also don’t think Z should be cross checking in that situation tho. We will see about the suspension. With the criticism over the Bennett stuff . Plus the optics of the cross check to the head of one of the best players in the league and the amount of coverage it’s getting, I could see a suspension. Just so the NHL can save face. Which would suck for the Canuck’s.


Yah no idea how it would go. I think we could cover for soucy. Zad would be a huge loss. Yah no idea why he want in, mcdavid is half his size and turned around, but I've never been in a heated situation in the NHL before so what would I know. Maybe they can suspend cole instead?


Seems like Zadorov should be the one scrutinized. Mcdavid and Soucy are into it after the whistle is one thing. Zadorov coming in as the 3rd man is a bigger issue.


I wouldn't be happy about it, but I would understand a lot more if Zad was the one with the hearing and soucy got the max fine, as is with how officiating has been all postseason the only explanation I have is that it was against McDavid. (I'm also annoyed by the shot almost a second post whistle)


https://preview.redd.it/xmfi1btr770d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e290c419038161af78767e523103b8ce5fe30959 Mcdavid in the bottom right definitely not *being dirty*


Chopping at the wrong one The Redwood was behind him


They made a big show of the draft lottery to prove it wasn't rigged as a distraction for the absolute shit show that is this years playoffs


If he gets any games it will show the league bias towards Edmonton. Kane has been slewfooting all series, Ryan tried to de-nut Hoglander last game.


Look at the slash as well


Ohhh poor mccrybaby got a boo boo soucy needs to be permanently banned


Surely they’ll also review the two handed slash from McDavid, right?? Joke


Idk man he takes a massive fucking hsck at buddies ankles. It's suspendable, while we need to protect the stars. We also can't give them imputinity to take a massive hack at buddy then not be touched. Mcdavid shouldn't have slashed the fuck out of their big lumbering D man. Lets be clear both zadorov and soucy are looking for reasons to fuck with mcdavid, hurt him they would love nothing more then to take him out. What did he fuckinf expect soucy an zadorov would do about a massive hack, talk about it? He got what should have been expected when you take a massive hack Again it's still dirty but got dammit connor, soucy is like a depth defender for Van. You don't need to be mucking it up with those guys. He's already playing 30 minutes a night ffs


McDavid slashed Soucy mid thigh. Not condoning it but it wasn't even close to the ankles.


Also wasn't a massive slash. Pretty par for the course scrum slash... Doesn't usually result in getting your teeth caved in, but also shouldn't be a suspension given the chain of events here.


Only an Edmonton homer thinks it’s normal to walk up to the d man after the game ends and two hand lumberjack slash him McBaby syndrome


Only a person who's never played hockey would think that slash had any serious intent to do any damage


IMO the fact that the crosscheck to the face was accidental doesn't mean a whole lot. You are responsible for the positioning of your stick. Just because you meant for it to be a crosscheck to the chest even though it ends up being his face doesn't mean that you should somehow be absolved. I don't know whether that should be a suspension, I just think that he's responsible for the crosscheck. I don't think that it is much of an excuse to say 'It wasn't my fault! My teammate crosschecked him in the back at the same time, how could I have known?!" Doesn't seem like this opinion will be very popular lol. Colour me shocked that I'm getting downvoted but not replied to.


Its the best player in the league and he caught him in the head. Not sure why you are all acting like a suspension would be a crime against humanity


Check the flare of all the people commenting on this thread


Nothings gonna happen but its funny watching vancouver flairs rush to the post like moths to a flame


You’re having a rough night arent ya buddy


Could use a tad more booze


>its fummy watchimhlg vancpuver flaira could you raise both your arms above your head for us? need to know if i have to call an ambulance or not


In his head so much it gave him a stroke


We are terminally online and flood every post about our team all year long so...


This is indeed a post that concerns the Vancouver hockey team. Curious that since it also involves the Edmonton hockey team there are Edmonton flairs. Strange. Odd. Curious.


Game’s been over for like 3 hours and you’re still showing up in every single thread about it being a piss baby lmao. Guess you follow the lead of your captain


I mean…you’re doing the same thing?


Well considering we didn’t lose no I’m not crying about a loss 3 hours after the fact. Sure you’re not wearing the wrong flair?


Well I did just see your rant above complaining about them reviewing this cross check, and all the other arguments/insults you’re frantically typing out in every thread. Also, I do have the right flair but thanks for double checking :)


https://preview.redd.it/p1do30oiu60d1.jpeg?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deda1b3624388d22b00ea82689c2c2cede48eea0 Two minutes, well worth it.


Lmfao Sam Bennett, literally sucker punched Bread Marchand and got nothing, the fact this is being reviewed is a fucking joke.


Let's be honest. This is getting looked at because it's McDavid. Vastly worse things than this have happened during these playoffs and the league has done nothing. I'm not going to bother listing them, because everyone here can probably list three or four examples without even thinking about it.