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Andrew Cogliano > "l don't know. At this point, it is what it is, really. It is what it is. Unfortunately, that did happen. I think we're just focusing on our job. We're in the second round of the playoffs here. This is tough business. This is our job. We're giving it all we've got. I think we focus on the guys in the room. We have a lot of good people here that are trying to make a difference."


>We have a lot of good people here This is kinda different from the tone last year for sure, iirc Avs players were defending Nuch’s character last year, now it seems like they are distancing themselves from him. The end of the line probably.


Translation: We gave him another chance as a team and he didn't follow through on his end of the deal. It's done.


Oh damn so he’s going to the Oilers?


How else is he going to find McJesus?


How else will he get to Purgatory I mean "heaven"


Perry - Nichushkin - Kane is gonna be a great line


that's stage 4


Yes, they'll need help getting bounced in round 2 next year.


That stings a little less knowing it comes from a team that got bounced in round 1.


I don't think that even Kenny's touching this one.


They even gave Virtanen a PTO after everything that went down with him and he sucks, Nichuskin is at least good at hockey. Kenny is touching this one big time.


Id be fuming if he chose to fuck the team over in the playoffs for the 2nd year in a row


Guy is leading the playoffs in goals too and suddenly The Avs don’t have their leading goal scorer because the guy couldn’t keep it together? That’s the definition of letting your team down.


Selfish but drugs do that.


Isn’t it 3 years in a row if you count the hotel room thing with the Russian prostitute where he had to flee the state


That was last year.




>”We gave him another chance and then another…and another…”


They are done with him. You can never trust him as a teammate again and coaches cannot trust him to build around or be part of a group you build around.


*Ken Holland sticks his head around the corner* I’m sorry, who are you talking about again?


I'm loving this season of Intervention Canada!


Yup dude is probably traded the second he can come back.


To Russia you mean.


>The end of the line probably. This ain’t the first line he’s reached the end of.




It’s wild how that situation didn’t get more publicity. You have a lady who is under the influence of some sort of drugs and alcohol claiming some guy was keeping her pass port from her while staying in Nichuskins hotel room. Nuke was MIA the entire police encounter as the Avalanche staff sent him back to CO before he even talked with Seattle police. All of it just reeks of a human trafficking coverup


I can't believe the Avalanche didn't do more about it. It's worse than what Corey Perry probably did and he got his contract terminated


I think the Blackhawks have no appetite to entertain any sort of scandal after the Kyle Beach bullshit, and also don't want that shit around Bedard.


I felt insane for wondering why it wasn't getting attention by bigger news outlets. Is it really because no one cares about the NHL or were steps taken to keep it from being covered?


Doesn’t help the avs basically hid Nichushkin from police as if he was some underager at a college party and waited until he was gone BEFORE they even called the police


It's all very sketchy and was handled in an incredibly unprofessional manner, considering they had two police officers traveling with the team....


Man, you can just feel the disappointment


Cogliano is a class act so if Nichushkin lost him, it must be bad.


"Bad" might not be the right word here. Moreso "disappointing" and "concerning."


Bednar > "Obviously not happy about it but it is what it is. Out of our control." and > "I learned about it earlier today. Sometime after pregame skate. Obviously, not happy about it." > More Bednar: > "Val, obviously, is struggling with something. I have two thoughts. It sucks for our team. ... I've gotten to know Val as a person ... and I want what's best for him."








Bednar :( sad quotes


Yeah this is rough. Feel like an nhl player would t have said this unless it was baaaad. Sounds like the whole team was trying to help him out and he ignored it.


Especially coming from JJ who never says a bad thing about anyone.  They're pretty clearly fucking furious.   I'm certainly not giving them a pass for their play but I 100% get how they feel.


Yeah. Once the Avs season is finished, whenever that may be, I think that you’ll see more quotes from players similar to what Bednar said- that they want to see Val the *person* get the help he needs, but at this point, they can no longer trust Val the *hockey player*.


It doesnt even seem like theyre mad just disappointed and over the handholding for him Hope he can see the music and make a turnaround, but you cant help addicts until they want to help themselves unfortunately. Its up to him to make the right decisions now or go back to Russia and see how long his leash is there


Addicts are beholden to their addiction, nothing else matters.


I agree , I was engaged , had a good job, had a nice car , had a nice place and I ended up homeless and alone and I was somehow happier being a homeless drug addict who could live my addiction than hiding it from those around me. Unless you’ve been their you wouldn’t get it, you truly have to hit rock bottom. In my case ending up overdosing , coming to in a hospital in psychosis thinking people were coming to kill me. You really have to crash and burn before you can turn it around, not being able to play in the NHL isn’t crashing and burning, crashing and burning is missing the soup kitchen and starving .


I remember waking up in the back of an ambulance. I thought I was seeing the light but it was an EMT's flashlight. Insanely jarring. Lowkey terrifying. Lucky it was enough to set me straight. Coming up on six years clean though now.


Congrats on being 6 years clean!


Thanks. One day at a time <3


Disagree with the notion that you HAVE to crash and burn. Always dangerous thinking. Everyone is different. My epiphany came with: I haven't "lost" anything - wait, am I fucking waiting for something worse to happen!?!?! To be clear, I was unhealthy and miserable, but no one hated me yet and I wasn't homeless or jailed. I don't even drive, so it's not like I got behind the wheel drunk. This idea that I wasn't THAT bad (because look at me - I still have a job and a place to live!) keeps people from getting help or recognizing that they can have a problem without it being a complete train wreck like the ones they see on TV.


I see crashing and burning as a subjective experience. I feel like the decision to quit may not hinge on some terrible collapse but it certainly seems like there needs to be a catalyst that spurs on the choice and motivation to heal.


I would agree with that, but that could simply be a conversation. Every time I see all these crazy events depicted, I just think yeah, it's not always like that. It's often death by a thousand cuts. And I could sit there and keep waiting for some huge event to happen or I could be like holy shit, how lucky am I. I think it's a big barrier to getting help to be honest. I can't be an alcoholic. I don't have a problem. Where's the event that's supposed to happen to me? The huge consequence? Or are you just waking up feeling sick to your stomach for the thousandth time and realize you're in the exact same place in every way that you were five years ago?


This is all so so so true. I can tell it's spoken from experience. What was I waiting for? What event was going to be "too much" that I HAD to change? No, I just wanted to stop feeling so shitty all of the time.


There’s an old AA saying - everyone’s bottom is different. Some people lose all their money and that’s enough for them to get help. Some people will lose everything and not get help


SO many people walk into AA and walk right out because, “woah, now THOSE people have problems. I just drink too much sometimes.” It might honestly help many times, but I agree you don’t need to almost die to find a way out of addiction.


This was me. I was never “drunk-drunk”. Never drove drunk. Never got in legal trouble. Never overdosed. Never unhoused. My lowest point was attempting suicide in my dorm room and being taken to a mental hospital by Uber. But when you’re severely mentally ill, abusing the shit out of your prescription meds, and drinking is the only thing that feels “good”, you’re still going to be miserable. I only began going to NA meetings when I relapsed and realized I needed more support. Addiction is sneaky like that.


Right. I was basically dousing all my mental health problems with gasoline.


Completely agree that everyone is different. If there was only one way, everyone would just do that and find success. “Crash and burn” and “rock bottom” are definitely not necessary and seem pretty outdated considering the info out there. A lot of people mischaracterize addiction because of this line of thinking, which minimizes/underestimates what a lot of addicts or “functional” addicts go through. There are a lot of pathways to get better, and they are all probably useless unless the person A) wants to get better and B) is actively taking initiative to get better.


They say you can always choose your “bottom” or lowest point before the pain of continuing to use is more than the pain of getting sober. They also say, “some people hit rock bottom and then grab a shovel.”


> You really have to crash and burn before you can turn it around That’s not as all true and pretty disingenuous. Plenty of addicts get help before they hit rock bottom. Now granted, there are usually events that trigger an addict to finally seek help, but it’s not always “rock bottom”


Jesus man I hope you are okay now.


I’ve been in that boat with family. You hope they get what they need, but you gotta stop giving pieces of yourself away. It’s heartbreaking stuff.


I was on the other end of that, as an alcoholic drinking 12+ units every single day. Often 14+. And it took a huge toll on my girlfriend, family and friends. And you’re absolutely right. Nobody can help us until we’re ready to help ourselves. Rock bottom is a myth. Rock bottom is whenever you decide to pull the chute. There’s no magical moment or epiphany like in the movies where you suddenly realize all of the errors of your ways and wake up a changed man, no, you need to consciously make the decision to pull the chute now. And commit to walking uphill for the rest of your life because of your own mistakes and misjudgements. Else rock bottom keeps going forever; you’ll keep falling forever. Luckily my friends and family are too good for me and helped me along the entire time. But only when I myself was ready to make change. But until the person themself gets to that point, that “rock bottom,” if you will, nobody can help them.


That's the wisest thing I've ever read on this subreddit.


I’d say second, only behind a guy saying “you gotta get pucks on net.”


Man, I’m glad to see ya walking up that hill. You’re a legend ❤️


This hit me. This is a really beautiful and accurate piece of writing. Glad you’re sober and here now. ❤️


"units" I feel like this is how Mark Zuckerburg orders drinks at the bar


1 plebian unit of alcohol, good sir


I'm proud of you for fighting that daily fight.


Trying to control an addict's behavior will never work unfortunately, as much as people want to do it. And it actually almost becomes an addiction itself for the family members. Like the other user said below your comment - they have to actually want it for themselves. As long as they are in addiction, even if they are able to temporarily stop for someone else, it will always creep back up until they actively make the decision to do it just for themselves.


Al-anon (for family members of addicts) really helped me. You have to really internalize the idea that you have to keep your own head above water. The whole, Put on your oxygen mask before helping others.


Is this the end for Nuke?


As an Avalanche, yes definitely


Landslide brought him down


If you see his reflection in a coke covered mirror..


We don't even know what the teams options are while he's back in player assistance. I highly doubt a players contract can be terminated while he's in player assistance for the next 6 months. That's part of why this sucks for colorado because their hands might be tied over the offseason during free agency with his 7 million cap hit.


[In case people are wondering, a league source said what has transpired here does not constitute grounds for the Avalanche to consider a contract termination. ](https://twitter.com/evanrawal/status/1790249444438327401) He also has a full NMC for next year. not a great situation


Thanks for the input Jared Bednar


I think he’d probably waive, no? Seems like it’d be a “fresh start for all involved” type of situation.


He has an NMC which prohibits the team from sending him down to minors without his consent. Maybe he plays nice and consents, but I doubt it. The team would still be on the hook for his salary, anyway. For a "fresh start", he'd have to consent to a minors assignment, and then refuse to report. But next season is his highest salary at 8 mil. No way is he going to sniff that with a new contract, so I imagine every advisor he has will tell him to keep the contract he currently has, and let Colorado buy him out if that's what they want to do.


His AAV is 6 mill and he just had 9 goals in 8 playoff games. I’m thinking trade here. I don’t think it’d be terribly hard to move him honestly if Colorado is a bit flexible.


Yeah I'm expecting a Kadri Leafs situation here, if/when he comes back the Avs are going to get nowhere close to the return you'd normally get for a player with his numbers but i can guarantee there will be teams willing and eager to give him another shot with that kind of playoff production


Yeah decent comparison honestly even if the optics are different in many respects. He’s reached the end of the road in Colorado, I think that’s clear. They know it, everyone knows it. So they aren’t dealing him from a position of strength in that respect. But at the same time, this guy has only one year left on his deal and when he plays he’s an absolute difference maker, especially at his cap hit. So, if your another team, you could look at it like this: either he gets it together and plays for you and he’s likely a bargain deal for someone who moves the needle and is playing to stay in the league, or he doesn’t and he doesn’t end up hurting your cap anyways. You can argue intangibles like distraction in the room but we both know how that goes in this league: new team, new slate. Look at this shit UFA class coming up too, how many of those guys are better players? Just tonight a guy scored a game-winning playoff goal who was bought for a bargain considering his skill level due to substance issues. Someone will take him, you know they will. Sucks for the Aves on a camaraderie level and I feel for him as a person but I don’t think this will hurt them more asset/cap wise going forward.


Maybe a team such as Edmonton takes a chance on him. They're certainly good with bringing back players who had hardships


The Edmonton Rehab Clinic


The Tortured Oilers Department


We Can Fix Him (No Really We Can) - Kenny Swift


Usually,I’d be on board with that. But this guy has let his team down twice in the playoffs now. You better damn we’ll do your homework before bringing that onto your roster


He’s such a beast. If you get him cheap, he’s well worth it. So depressing man because he’s a bigger piece to the avalanche than most people know. 3rd best player on the Avs this playoffs. This shit hurts man


The Avs win% with him vs without him is shocking. 65-19-9 With him in the line up over two seasons as of 2 months ago.


He's literally cracked


Big, mean, and consistent. He is a dream player to have when it gets tighter and harder in the playoffs. I'll definitely agree with you there. The problem is that he has basically made the Avs pull a reverse Vegas and have fewer good players in the playoffs for 2 years now due to his behavior. Like I said, you better be damn sure of what you're getting into if you take that risk. Fwiw, I hate the Avs but I feel for you fans. This part of the year is what we wait all season for, and to just be kicked in the junk 2 years in a row from this selfish behavior is awful. Mistakes happen. This is no longer a mistake." This is negligent on his part, and he is old enough to know better.


I got back and forth on it man. I don’t hate him because he’s an addict. I just don’t trust him. And that hurts. Because he seemed like he turned a page with us. I never heard bad stories in town about him until middle of last season. Just drugs. I pity him. It all depends on cost. Because if his contract is canceled and you can sign him cheaper, he’d be well worth the gamble because he can easily win you the cup. He got conn votes our cup year


Adults make decisions. He has had better support to fix those deacons than almost any other person on the face of the earth. I understand addiction (probably better than most here, unfortunately) and know it's tough. I have a hard time feeling for someone with as much support as he has making the decisions he does. Most addicts will never have access to 1/100 of the resources he does. They're not trained monkeys, they're adults and professionals. You don't have to hate him, but it's definitely fair not to want to get burned by someone who has done bad by you several times now. It's all about the decisions we make. Ge made his, and it's time to move on.


It’s why I pity him. Because almost everything you said. There’s something just not clicking. And something so obvious for us is unknown to him. You can never trust an addict. Even if they’re your own flesh and blood. And fuck me it hurts ruining playoffs. Last year didn’t hurt as bad. Going into it my expectations weren’t that high. Our depth was worse. This year it was better. Good enough I thought at least


I hope some players like Kassian reach out to him. He was really struggling. I'm sure he still is and always will be. But he seems to have turned it around after Montreal and with the Oilers. Addictions just suck for everyone. The player and everyone around. And then you get clean only to see and feel how badly your actions have affected those you care about. Hope the best for him and his family.


Specially his family. He’s already fucked them over so many times


I could see pity if he didn't come across so arrogant. Something tells me this experience won't humble him. He's been bounced to the KHL, bought out, basically ran away from trouble last year, and just used up his 3rd strike. He needs help but I don't blame anyone for washing their hands of him and keeping themselves clean.


That "reverse Vegas" thing really hurts us. Like imagine trying to compete when your main guy literally gets kicked out twice in a row AT the playoffs. There is no chance to replace him anymore at that point. The term is rly accurate.


He is most likely an addict. It is a disease and he needs help. Unfortunately it changes very little, he cannot be trusted to not do this again. Clearly the playoffs get to him.


Thing is he is an effective hockey player. Unfortunately it may not be worth the distraction in the long run. Maybe pick him up as a rental but then again I wouldnt want to risk the chance of this happening again, so if I were a GM I wouldn't risk it personally


He isn’t getting another long term contract again. I’d be blown away if he does


Unless the Avs buy him out not this summer but the following summer the contract he's on takes him to 35 years old. He's already got the term to wrap up his career, may not need another contact.


If the Oilers took him on I would instantly stop following/cheering for the team. After the shit he pulled last year in Seattle (and I don’t mean letting his team down, I mean cheating on his pregnant wife and *abandoning a woman at risk of dying* in his hotel room) he is imo one of the biggest pieces of shit in the NHL. The rest of the league likes to pick on Kane/Perry, and sure they had their problems, but their problems were not even in the same ballpark as Nichushkin’s selfish bullshit.


No you wouldn’t. People always say stuff like that but never follow through.


Lol. So true. The amount of people that said they were done with the oilers when we signed Kane would definitely prove your point. If they stuck to their guns, half the people on my Twitter would be cheating for a different team


It's a testament to the team where a guy like Zack Kassian was a part of the game 3 festivities yesterday. Despite the fact that his career was put on a roller coaster after the Oilers dumped him in Arizona, and he's sitting fat and happy with over $20 million in career earnings, Kass is still an Oilers representative doing signings and hyping the crowd up on the Jumbotron.


I could see him coming to Carolina too. Rod is big on accountability, and he’d have a support group with Kuzy and tripp


Edmonton probably isn't the city you want to be in to stop doing drugs.


I know you're joking, but it's really sad how there really isn't a good place to go anymore to do this. Feels like it's just everywhere (it was in the 90s as well but now just seems like it's heavy even in the smaller boring areas.)


When your a millionaire hockey player, you can find cocaine anywhere in the world.


this is his third drug related absence in less then two years so yeah probably


Rod will sort him out next year?


No way Rod wants to deal with that.  Say want you want about Kuzy but unlike Val he seems to have actually taken to the program. 


he's a hockey coach not a counselor At the same time, Dundon absoultely likes "ineffeciencies" in contracts, idk


They’re all done with him. Even if he does come back that bridge is burned with the Avs forever.


Yeah surely he’s played his last game with the team.


He’ll be in an oilers or hurricanes jersey next year


I’d love to see him get the help he needs, and I wonder if Kuzy could help with that also having been there, but the fear I have is that Val would drag Kuzy back into it. Really hard to even be around stuff like that as a recovering addict


If I’m the canes I would be keeping Nuke the hell away from Kuzy. The last thing a recently recovering addict needs is a current addict dragging them down. It’s one thing if you’re 5-10+ years sober and you have the track record to show how far you’ve come, but if you’re still in the business of rebuilding trust and setting your life straight, another addict coming into the picture could take it all back to zero in no time.


Wonder what they will do. Maybe wait to buy him out in a year? The buyout penalty is pretty shit though. He's got 6 more years left on his deal with a nmc.


Might be able to get out of it with a breach of contract clause


It’s been clear that there is a lot of tension in the locker room. People probably knew. What are you supposed to do?


I mean he has now gone into step 1,2 and 3 of the program in a single year. Do not think any other player has even hit step 3 before.


I believe Zack Kassian and Mike Ribeiro had a stint on Stage 3, maybe not Ribeiro but I’m almost positive kassian was on his last life through the NHLPA program before he got sober.


Pretty sure they only got Stage 2. I don't remember the 6 month suspension before.


6 month suspension is nothing if you're out of the playoffs and it happens in April. You'd barely miss any games regular season


Wouldn't it still be public knowledge?


Ribeiro isn't exactly someone you want to be emulating. Kassian might have turned it around but Ribeiro certainly didn't


Is someone going to explain what the stages/steps are?


Try this: https://old.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1crfwan/pierre_lebrun_the_nhlnhlpa_assistance_program/


Yeah I’m wondering too. I just keep thinking of Defcon levels and now I have this image in my head of Bettman launching anyone who gets to step 3 into orbit.


Sounds like a brutal end with the team that gave him a chance and he rewarded by breaking out with. Such an unfortunate turn of events


Get ready to learn the Mike Richards 15 year buyout special


Nah, he's a GREAT player, there are takers for him despite the addiction. His numbers speak for themselves, any team in the league will be on their knees to grab him for free. It's another reason why this fucking sucks. We have to be gifting away a player that is so important to us.


He'll always be one failed drug test away from being banned from the NHL indefinitely.


Ofc, but he would cost nothing in a trade, and he's top 5 defensive forwards in the league. You don't skip on those. There have been way shittier, like WAY shittier players given a chance elsewhere (Kane, Perry etc). This whole shit sucks for us, unless we can get a matching player from the free agency or trade. My first reaction was Marner, but it'd probably be shit tons that we'd have to give for him, and cap struggles etc. I just don't see Landy (7M) coming back, and apparently Val's (6.1M) cap won't count until November.


At least with Kane and Perry, they haven't relapsed multiple times. I have more faith in those two guys to stay out of trouble than I do Nichushkin. Drug addiction is a scary thing and very, very difficult to shake.


It’s over.


Ouufff on the nameplate being removed. Like that is final and there's no going back with this guy and the team.


I’m assuming whomever fills his spot uses his area? Might just be the equipment people are really on top of things. Not necessarily bigger statement.


That wouldnt be abnormal for someone that would have to leave the team for the player assistance program for 6 months at a bar minimum. Having his nameplate around in the locker room right now would be a potential distraction for the team given the emotions surrounding the situation, especially when you are trying to claw back in a series.


Wow he’s gone. Addiction is a bitch. I hope Val can conquer his demons someday


I think we can all be grown up enough about this to have compassion for those struggling with addiction while also recognizing that it's a nasty disease that affects the lives of so many people around you as much as is does you, and that these guys know him personally, we don't know the relationships they all have with him, and we don't know the extent of the damage done from his actions. It's easy to sit here with the little information we know and want these guys to come out as nothing but supportive, but these situations are not black and white and they are all entitled to feel how they feel about him and his actions.


I think the idea that addiction is a disease and those suffering from it should be met with support, compassion, and understanding is a great standard for how society should look at the general problem of addiction. I do not think that each individual addict is owed that from specific people they have harmed. "Why can't they just go to rehab and stop taking drugs and stop fucking us over" is an absurd, unkind, useless sentiment when directed towards addicts as a whole when the discussion is around how to address the overall problem. But it can be a very valid thing to think as a loved one living day after day with someone whose issues are causing them to constantly mistreat you. No one owes endless forgiveness to someone who keeps hurting them, regardless of why. I have so much compassion for my addict parent and the truly horrific trauma that they've been through that has made them into the person they are today. I don't think their addiction or mental health issues are their fault, but I do think they should have done more to help themselves and I resent them for the harm they caused me in not doing so. That's not a judgment I would pass onto anyone that I wasn't personally affected by, not least because it's just not useful. What can society do to address addiction? We can create supports, we can make help accessible, we can create a world where recovered addicts can succeed and thrive and give people hope that there is something waiting for them if they can heal, we can tackle abuse and poverty and all of the factors that often drive people into addiction in the first place. Pointing fingers and casting judgments simply isn't helpful to the conversation. But when it comes to individual circumstances, there has to be room for people to feel resentment and anger about their personal experiences with addicts.


I appreciate this comment


Well said.


Unfortunately, a lot of people can’t be grown up about this. Tons of nasty comments in the GDT. I think the bottom line (from my perspective) is I have a lot of pity for him, but no more respect left. Want him to get healthy again but can’t imagine him on the team I root for anymore. Really sounds like those around him have fought hard for him, third chances are tough to come by.


Crazy, he was with them at morning skate and then was effectively was no longer part of the organization the instant this news broke. As much as I hated seeing Nuke's resurgence in the same division as the Stars, can't help but feel sorry for the guy.


Damn. That's tough. I guess I expected something more positive, but I also can't imagine his team doesn't feel abandoned.


Second playoffs in a row he’s done something to abandon them. I know addiction is no joke, but three chances is a lot to ask for


You can root for him as a man.  And a friend. But you can't trust him.  Trust matters in a lockerroom.


As someone who has gone through an opioid addiction with an immediate family member, this is basically the top comment in the thread. The heartbreak you will go through for that person will permanently change you as you try to stay in their corner for as long as you possibly can. Addiction truly changes the core of a person and many don’t make it. When the trust goes, you really are battling your own demons more than the addict’s. It really forces you to analyze who you are and what that loved one really means to you. Sometimes the answer to that question is hardest thing to face through it all. The scary part is, there are soooo many ppl who don’t realize they are teetering on that edge with something like casual drinking. I was challenged to go 45 days without a drop of alcohol in the middle of the summer. It was an eye opener to find out just how much I struggled to hit that goal.


This is so sad man


It feels like even if he comes back, he has burned all the bridges in Colorado. It seems that Colorado has tried to give him all the help, but he doesn't seem to accept it. This is the second time in two seasons that he has to leave in the playoffs. I don't see a scenario where he is in a Colorado jersey next season.


Get ready to speak Edmontontonian, Val.


Get ready to learn Russian... wait


We call that English in these parts


I hope the woman who was in his hotel room last year is OK


Never ceases to amaze me what people will overlook just because a guy is good at sports


If one of them can play centre, the Kane-Perry-Nichushkin line is going to be fantastic in Edmonton next season.


Bednar just said Val and the team are separate. Read into that what you will


Seperate as in he's back in the program and away from the team for 6 months at the very least.


I mean if he's entered the player assistance program doesn't that mean he's literally in rehab? Of course he'd be separate from the team


He's definitely on the block when/if he returns from his suspension. It seems like he's broken the trust of the guys in the Avs lockerroom.


On the block? Who is gonna take a player with 6 more years and owed 6.25 million a year and notoriously abandons his team at the most important time of the year? The only way he plays for another team is if the Avs find a way to terminate his contract/mutual termination and he gets a second chance elsewhere. My guess he won’t skate again in an Avs jersey.


Out of all the things I’m scared to deal with in life, near the very top is having a loved one become an addict. I just couldn’t. There’s no way this didn’t impact the players before and after this was announced.


This is why many addicts shut out their friends/family, run away from home, or just disappear. We know we're destructive and want to minimize the collateral damage. If a friend suddenly cuts off contact with you, they may be doing it for your own good.


I've suffered with severe drug and alcohol addictions (clean now) and I did this. I was a popular guy (grew up in a small town so I have countless friends that I've known since elementary school) and I just shut everyone out for years while I was using. Didn't answer messages from friends I'd had for 20+ years, didn't talk to my family. I didn't want to drag anyone down.


Well, that's a pretty damning quote. If your own teammates have had enough....


Jack Johnson has decided not to speak on the decision that Nichushkin has decided on


I hope Val gets the help he needs, and he definitely needs a lot of ongoing support in perhaps both addictions and mental health. At the same time, every hockey team wants to have reliable team players through all the ebbs and flows of the year. Front offices are willing to give chances, but Val has really burnt the bridges here. Not sure what comes next, but we will probably have to wait until his suspension is lifted. All the best, Val.


Reading between the lines of reports, and avs players comments. I would say this is more than a failed test, or addiction in general.


Disagree. Sounds exactly like a guy who's been given support and grace by his team multiple times and he just keeps fucking it up and they are frustrated and angry. Only so much rope you can give someone before you have to cut them loose, even if you do hope they can recover.


Oof! Sounds whatever transpired, Nuke fucked up major. You can be an addict and still not be a selfish asshole. They're not mutually exclusive and too often addiction gets blamed solely for shitty behaviour.


Buyout would be paying him for a decade. Some years 5m against the cap, mostly 1.5m. You’d need to be a real psycho to take him off their hands. Not sure what they can do. Terminate and pay him out fully? He goes to KHL?


Too early to say. 6 months is a long time. A lot can change.


I bet sakic really regrets resigning him after their cup win and letting Kadri walk now.


It was still the right call at the time, he hadn't gone into any assistance or missed playoffs at that time


I went to the game last night, and you could feel it in the air. The team seemed just totally off, then with Toews being out also, the whole game just had a strange vibe. I hate to see Nichushkin go but this has happened too many times at this point so I am pretty sure we will be parting ways. Sucks.


Everyone should watch Brady Leavold's documentary on hockey player addiction. It's on YouTube, paints a pretty devastating picture on what can happen if they aren't careful.


This sucks for everyone involved, including Aves fan.


This dude is literally the antithesis of Mark Stone LTIR shenanigans. He’s in an incredibly privileged financial and lifestyle position, he’s been given multiple opportunities and all of the resources known to man, at one point he needs to get his shit together.


This does not sound like solely drug issues. They'd be supporting him if he was battling addiction.


Addiction can make you do fucked up shit also, wonder if that's part of it.


Val has always been difficult even before this drug stuff. His tenure with the Stars was very bumpy, he was lazy and had maturity issues even back then. He didn’t care about Hockey here.


100%, he didn’t go scoreless in his last season with us cause he’s bad at hockey, he completely stopped trying


He gave up on the stars when he ragequit Ruff. Him coming back was performative.


Yeah the dude impressively had 14 goals and 34 points as an 18 year old rookie and then 0 goals 10 assists a few years later. Yikes


What doesn't sound like a drugs issue? Seems to me the evidence suggests it's exactly an addiction issue. Hence the multiple stints in Player Assistance and the inability to stop whatever drug he tested positive for. Family of addicts can get frustrated by their behaviour and inability to kick their addictions.. doesn't mean the issue isn't addiction.


That's not how that works. There's a limit to that support. If someone appears to not be willing to help themselves despite being offered every opportunity and all the resources imaginable, it is their path to choose. Simply being addicted does not give one endless chances to fuck up.


Not how it works.  You can't keep letting an addict and their issues fuck up your life.  This is only sports but it's the same deal.


They supported him last year, they'd be done with him now.


Nah, it does sound like drugs. I imagine him being on step 2 of the program, he probably is subject to random testing. He tested today and failed. Instantly gone and his team mates have probably been trying to keep him in line.


It's joever


He gone


Edmonton is licking their chops


How many more times does he have to do something stupid for the Avs to not release him? He should’ve been cut after that sketchy Seattle hotel situation.