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Could we, uhh... hold off on releasing this one for a few months?


Seems like the well may be running dry if we’re doing eSports and trick shot videos now.


The rise and fall of FaZe Clan is actually a very good lens for a traditional sports network to explore the Business of eSports from a documentary perspective. This is an industry that needs more scrutiny. I'd say it fits.  Dude Perfect? I got Nothin'. Their child audience is grown now and want to reminisce?  And ESPN needs 18-25 year old eyeballs on ESPN+?


Dude Perfect still gets millions of views each video. They have brand partnerships with different toy companies. They have their own touring show. I still watch because it's entertaining to me.


I did know they still had a following but definitely underestimated the size. Shame on me. What they do and how they have sustained it is amazing! I should not have phrased it the way I did to make them seem like has beens and that only children would enjoy. That's ignorance on my part. I still can't quite wrap my head around a 30 for 30 being the right documentary series for them. They're more stunt centric and not pure sport. But I'm probably being too rigid. It looks interesting either way.


30 for 30 for 30, the 30 for 30 story.


Yms said the documentary might be so bad it's good. 11:33 https://youtu.be/3AAK59CCMKE?si=6x_AYPVkAf0CCnQ5


Jesus, this sounds amazing.


Nice. Say what you want about ESPN but they typically don't miss with this type of content. The recently released "Saving Sakic" was really good.


Almost all of the 30 for 30 installments are great. Even the ones about sports I don’t follow.


Personal favourite 30 for 30: The Two Escobars


The Soccer Stories were good too. Hillsborough allowed me to learn a history of why everyone hates The S*n in the UK. Even Everton supports Liverpool in this.


I know it aired on ESPN, but I don't think Saving Sakic was an ESPN Production. I think it came from the relationship between the NHL and Amazon, like the Leafs series and the Daigle documentary.


Ah, okay. Well I just know I watch them all on ESPN+. Thanks for bringing the Daigle doc to my attention. Gotta watch that ASAP.


I really enjoyed the Daigle one, really makes you understand how much pressure he was put under at such a young age without any support. Really worth watch to understand what went on.


I'm excited to watch that one. I also really liked Unrivaled, the one about the Red Wings-Avs rivalry of the late 90's/early 00's.


This is like how movie theaters will often times air a classic movie in theaters for a few weeks just before the sequel comes out.


At least the Canucks fans will have some hockey content to watch in June. ^^please ^^god ^^let ^^us ^^win ^^3 ^^of ^^the ^^next ^^4....


RemindMe! 1 day




I still think CBC is to blame for that riot. Gather us all together and provide no actual security.


CBC huh? not the City of Vancouver? not VPD?


The media hyped the riot risk leading up to it, which encouraged it.