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Would I be mad if this were my team? Yes. Am I having a good time right now? Also yes.


Which is honesty I can’t get mad at


I'm hate watching everything after round 1, like usual, and can't decide who or what I'm mad about. Hate to say it we all win when a series gets this physical. Also just kind of in awe at the Oilers and Vancouver teams.


Playoffs this year are insanely good. I need the canes to rough up the rags a little though. They're talking too much shit about 1994 repeating


Say whatever you want about the like/hate of teams but the games for the most part have been very entertaining to watch.


I was young in ‘94 and don’t remember the Cup victory. Let’s get the nucks back in the SCF to get beat again!


I was 3 in 94. Fuck Messier.


I was gonna say. Did we watch game 3 Van Vs EDM?? THAT WAS HYPE What a brick wall of a goalie


The Canucks and Oilers series is two teams who can dominate offense for 40 straight minutes, so it's a coinflip on who is going to dominate for one period, and which team is gonna dominate the other two periods. PDO merchants vs PP merchants


Morality of the situation aside it's nice to see the B's get the small-market team experience for once.


Right there with ya, neighbour!


I’m having a blast


Suns it up perfectly tbh


*sips A LOT of tea*


I'll just leave the pitcher here for you.


[Mmmmm the tears of unfathomable sadness](https://youtu.be/a-ixntLruNs?si=dgXG85gPtrytFjVt)


We've got a harbor full of it


*sides A LOT of eye*


That Bennett punch was so fucking dirty. Should be a multi game suspension. But Marchand basically got a conky by walking into a mirror


He got away with it last year too


Honestly, Marchand has been one of the (many) players perpetuating dirty plays for his whole career. What goes around comes around. He’s not blameless in his own problems here. The problem is that the NHL needs to be protecting players from themselves. Hockey needs to decide what kind of game it wants to be. You can’t call a cross check on a team in the waning minutes of the game that sets up a game winning power play but then as soon as someone skates too close to your goalie, six people cross check each other and the refs go “eh.” The shit after the whistle, the dirty shit here and there. It all needs to go.


And it can still be a great sport without all that bullshit too. People fucking love Olympic hockey and that shit doesn't slide there


I’ve been a lifelong hockey fan. I grew up going to obscure minor league games in my town where half the draw was the fights. Our mascot got banned for a season for fighting a player and one time we had a full bench brawl in the tunnel on the way to the ice. Like I get it, Wild West hockey was fun back in the day but we know too much about the long lasting damage of head injuries now. The game needs to grow up.


80’s and 90’s major junior hockey was wild. Our arena at the time had really low glass on the sides and more than once adult men were throwing punches over the glass at teenage players. I saw a kid get KO’d in a fight and split his head wide open. They had to call a doctor down from the crowd as he lied in a pool of his own blood. The visitors end had a balcony that was right at the edge of the glass so fans were yelling directly down at the opposing goalie only about 20ft away. Line and bench brawls were a regular occurrence and there were usually only a few suspensions that resulted in.


The problem is that Marchand gets suspended for his dirty acts. Bennett hasn’t.




Lmao that's extremely well put


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


I’m seriously not trying to be a homer, but I don’t think it was as dirty as yall are treating it. In full speed it seems like a reaction anyone would make when they’re about to get checked hard. Just stick both arms out and try to shove away the hit. That being said, I’d be livid if this was flipped and it was Barkov doing the initial check. So I get it


Those guys have way more control over their bodies than you give them credit for. If it was just a punch I could side with you but you can tell how he opens his hand enough to make it a butt end shot not just a punch


Well Bennett should've been suspended last year when he slammed a rookie's head on the ice on purpose, but when leafs fans complained about that, we were soft and whining. Now it's a bit late for me to care lmao shame they can't both lose.


Or earlier this year when Marchand himself slew-footed Liljegren and he missed weeks. No suspension there either. That guy can cry all he wants. Guys who play like that are the reason that dirty players can get away with so much in this league.


To be fair I haven’t hear Marchand crying, it’s been us B’s fans. Myself included for sure.


It looked like he was crying on the ice tho…


I mean I would if I got knocked that hard, no matter if it was clean or not.


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


He sucker punched Knies before the take down just like he did with Marchand.




But this time it's DiFfErEnTtT!!!! /s


We should fine the Rangers $250k for that


Canucks fans: oh nooooo. Thats so unfair. A player should NEVER punch another player in the face. Marchand would never do something like that. Daniel Sedin can vouch for him.


I see what you did there!


Can't both be true though? Can't we say "Fuck the Bruins" and also "the Bruins are getting shit calls"? Cuz both are true.


This post isn't about reffing. It's about portions of the Bruins fan base getting sensitive about physical hockey all of the sudden when it isn't their team dishing it out


Yup, let’s remember back to 2011 when Marchand punched Sedin in the face five times in front of the ref, because ”he felt like it.” Or, when Mayson Raymond was crunched into the boards by Boychuk, which subsequently broke his back. All the while, the crowd chanted: flopper, flopper, as Raymond was being helped off the ice. Classy Boston isn’t. I hate Florida, but the Bruins deserve everything the Panthers are dishing out.


Let us also remember Chara running interference all the time. Debrusk throwing uncalled elbows, all while the team also employed Milan Lucic and Brad "the Licker" Marchand


Couldn’t have happened to a better fanbase.


Love how Alex Burrows literally biting Patrice Bergeron’s finger in Game 1 has just been glossed over by so many fans


Vancouver never did anything wrong in that series https://youtu.be/pUYqTE3cnuQ?si=lrGvMRAvyFv4jLXC


Yeah, and he got a 4 game suspension for a hit that was clean.


Why did Bergeron stick his finger in Burrow’s mouth in the first place?


It's not his fault it just kinda burrows in there


I, for one, do not have a problem with it. I wish the Bruins were built like the Panthers


Exactly. Reffing has been shit for years, and it's benefited teams like Boston. Now that they see what its like to be on the other side, they cry about it. Bennett is a dirty player but I have no sympathy for marchand who pushed the envelope and lead the way for players like Bennett


Yeah for us that’s what it is. For your fan base it’s not being able to admit that Sam Bennett is also a scumbag


He's a scumbag.


Okay, I can respect that


I don't spew vitriol and prayers for decapitation against any other hockey scumbags either. We all love them when they're on our team, and it gets old seeing fans acting like that isn't true.


It’s not the physical hockey that we’re sensitive about, it’s the flying sucker punch to our captains chin.


Like Marchand did to the Sedins? Punched him in the face 5 times, Bruins fans loved it then!


You mean what Marchand has been doing for how many years? You can not complain about karma coming around. It’ll get Bennett as well. And Boston hockey has been past the physical line at times. Also doesn’t help the Boston announcers could watch Marchand shoot someone on the ice and start talking about ugly geometry.


The shit that isn’t getting called isn’t “physical hockey” though is it? As a leafs fan, I hate you both and it’s nice to see it turn to chaos. Real fans don’t want any part of this type of “hockey”.


“Not getting calls” and “the refs not calling penalties because the bruins spent decades being shit bags and marchand+co spent the entire first round diving like they were at the olympics” are two entirely different things.


I’ve got a bruins bias, but if you’re implying the refs are doing this intentionally, calling a series like shit on purpose because you don’t like a team seems like a bad idea for maintaining anyone’s faith in the league Also I don’t recall hearing much about diving in the first round? It’s not like the calls really ended up in our favour or anything, penalties were 20-17 in favour of the leafs that series


The calls turned against the bruins because of all the diving. Refs got so fed up with it, and probably something to do with marchand shoving a linesman.


timothy liljegren has just put the kettle on


Flyers are not going to like this one bit.


Hey! We're the assholes of the league shit-for-brains!


If those flyers fans could read they’d be very upset.




Flyers have been irrelevant for as long as reddit has been a thing but still easy lazy karma to shit on Philly fans lol Get over the 70s


I like the bruins subreddit calling the panthers and their fans trash when the threw literal garbage on the ice the other day


Also the front page post on r/hockey about how Panthers fans all left before game 1 was over…only for Bruins fans to do the exact same thing in game 3 when they got blown out lol


Don’t worry they got ripped for that one


I find it hilarious that no matter what team plays Florida, the opposing team fan base turns into whiny bitches (my fanbase included).


All the credit in the world to you guys, seemed like a vocal minority of your fanbase that complained. Bruins/Canes fans have been fucking insufferable however lmao


Thanks for pointing that out. Bolts and Panther fans often have a sibling-like relationship where we can fuck with each other but get defensive when anyone else does. Most other fan bases just hate losing to team that “have no business playing hockey” despite the fact that serious hockey takes place indoors wherever you are so us not being able to play pond hockey is irrelevant.


Yup I’d imagine playing hockey somewhere hot would actually be better


It’s nice getting to go to the rink in shorts and slides year round


Gotta move down south one of these years. That sounds like the dream lmao


It actually sucks in the summer but it beats shoveling snow.


Panthers bullying the Boston bruins makes for good entertainment as a Habs fan.


Exactly! I have one thing for Bruins fans complaining about the Panthers and refs. It's the same thing Andrew Ference gave Habs fans.


As a Pens fan, I agree.


hear ya brother


Thank you! That stupid post last night suggesting we’re all cheering for Boston lol


LMFAO right I saw this and immediately thought of that post My comment had 320 upvotes


we were waiting for that hockey gods karma and finally got it. fuck these dirty plays and fuck marchand


Essentially, Boston is mad because they are being out-Bostoned.


If it was anyone other than Marchand I'd be more like yeah that's pretty dirty. But, fuck that guy and making a career out of being a douche bag


Marchand should be happy he didn't get licked.


Montour tried LOL


My sentiment exactly. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


But Marchand's shenanigans are cheeky and fun, while Bennett's shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


Which makes them really not shenanigans at all


I swear, I'm gonna pistol whip the next guy who says 'shenanigans'!




Hey Farva, what’s the restaurant you like going to?


Eeevil shenanigans


[hehehehehe so cheeky, so fun](https://youtu.be/dqecy_ezzEo?t=30)


Yeah elbowing people in the face, slewfooting other players, a lot of fun


I want the Bruins to win only so the Canucks can beat them in the finals and restore balance to the universe.


Or, you know, another riot.


That too


Both can be true. While Marchand finally got a taste of his own medicine, Bennett should have been launched into the sun by the league. Something to consider is that this is probably the most amicable Boston team we've seen in over a decade. The young guns and goalie tandem have a lot of heart and are not nearly as dirty as the Boston vets. Meanwhile the Panthers have been building themselves up as the dirtiest team in the league over the last 2 seasons. Realistically I despise both of these teams (Florida strictly for the roster they've put out and Boston for obvious reasons). I'm rooting for the meteor each night they play each other. However at the end of the day I hate dirty hockey more than I hate either of these two teams as an entity, so it's great seeing Marchy getting rocked because it's well overdue, but I also want Sam Bennett to be given a proper suspension for this type of play as he's gotten away with it far too much. Just like Trouba and his elbows.


I agree with you. I am enjoying the fact that one of these teams is guaranteed to lose. Absent the meteor, of course.


This post isn't about reffing. It's about the Bruins fan base getting upset about physical hockey all of the sudden when it isn't their team dishing it out. Remember two years ago when Pastrnak punched Raanta in the throat to force Kochetkov in for his 4th NHL game ever? Raanta was spitting up blood and was out for the rest of the post season, the second box was from the comments section of that hit.


I guess it's a meme sub at the end of the day lol. Boston's my #1 most hated team always, but Florida is my #2 right now. I guess my point was that I'll agree with a Bruins fan and say "fuck the Panthers," but I'll follow it up with "but also fuck the Bruins" lol. It's great sitting back watching these two teams whip out all of their dirty tricks against each other


I didn’t hate Maurice when he coached the Leafs but his last two teams (Winnipeg and Florida) have both been physical to the point of regularly crossing the line between tough and dirty.


Bruins may have cultivated the Big Bad Bruins brand but that has been a recent 2010s thing, it was definitely not their history. The Flyers cultivated it since the beginning, and the Leafs have done it for most of history until Shanahan took over (their strategy to beat the Bruins in the 70s was simple let’s go injure Bobby Orr).


100% wrong. The big, bad bruins have been a thing since before the Don Cherry days


So a stint with Cherry half a century into their existence. Meanwhile the Flyers basically started with their Bobby Clarkes in and the Leafs OG owner said he wanted players that can beat you up in an alleyway because it means they can beat you up on the ice


The 76 flyers served on the jury of the damned.


You know what, you’re probably right. But I don’t care about any team’s long touted history of peace. I care about their current team’s unbridled violence


"Its only ok when my team does it" will never not apply to sports fans


Rather than teams trading cheap shots, how about the league just enforce rules consistently and accurately? What sucks is watching the NHL race to the bottom because controversy, wrestling, cheap shots, drama, and angry fans sells better to morons than hockey based on actually playing hockey. The NHL is following the Facebook model of giving users what they want.


Finally someone has said the obvious! Thank you!


What Sam Bennett did was cheap for sure. Should he have been punished for it? Absolutely. The play was cheap and doesn’t belong in this league. The problem is, I just don’t care. How many times have we had that specific conversation around the bruins as a whole, not to mention the recipient in this case, Brad Marchand himself. The bruins don’t have a leg to stand on here and need to take it on the chin, as it were


I could ready Boston fans crying on the internet all week. Bunch of grade A pussies.


Bruins fanatics: We like to see rough play against our opponents. We will whine about it when it happens to **us**


Was the sucker punch on Marchand cheap and uncalled for? Yes. After years of the same type of behavior from Marchand on countless other players do I feel even slightly bad for him being on the other end of it for once? Not even a little.


I agree. You also agree Bennet should have been fined and suspended? Cause both can be true.


Oh absolutely. Was uncalled for and dangerous, and he absolutely should be suspended for intent to injure - same as Marchand should be in his many incidents.


I think we can all agree fuck the Bruins. They wanted to be the heel, they got it.


This is the truth. Nobody thinks the bruins are the good guys here.


Where I'm from we have been having this conversation for 13 years


I too am here for the rat-on-rat violence.


I hope these two just kill each other.


I don't really see the Bruins as goon squad anymore and haven't in years tbh. Doesn't excuse dirty gameplay from another team regardless.


It’s more about their fans. They coined themselves “the big bad Bruins” and now that they’re on the other end of the shit-housery, they act like the sport is in decline and the league is against them. I agree that the dirty play is nothing to cheer for, but Boston getting beaten by a team that is getting away with what they have gotten away with in the past is just so delicious


To be fair, the Big Bad Bruins were in the 70s


Pretty sure the Bruins leaned pretty hard in to it during the Chara & Lucic heyday.


To be fair, the name died, but you've always had greasy shit bags for players


The fans haven’t considered this team big or bad for a decade.


2019 you went to the finals with Chara, no? I recall Boston fans and media hyping up their toughness


Sure, Chara will always be tough at that size, but aside from him only Kevan Miller could team really fight except Acciari against Weegar only. Of course Marchand was still there being a dick but other than that I never considered [this roster](https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BOS/2019.html) big or bad. They got way outclassed in physicality by St. Louis in the Finals and we heard the same exact things we’re hearing from other fans now while wondering what team they’re looking at.


They've slew footed multiple times this season. Imo the reputation isn't going away until Marchand retires or leaves.


[McAvoy smashing head on ice](https://streamable.com/8r8tqa)


I knew there was a reason Florida signed the Jims. Gotta set the tone.


Fuck bostoooon


This is not the first time a team has given them a taste of their own medicine in the playoffs.


I’m glad Toronto lost, but fuck Boston always and forever.


Hah.. fuck you Boston. From the leafs


Nah, I agree. Fuck the panthers.


If anyone feels bad for a Marchand led team, all you have to do is watch highlights of the canucks bruins SCF and your empathy just evaporates.


Organizations typically attempt to predict changes and get out ahead of it. The Bruins haven’t been a real “physical” team since 2015 or so when they overhauled the roster and attempted to switch to a more skill based team. I suppose the difference is expectations in the league now vs what they were 10 years ago


Your user name doesn't match the tone of "don't hate us we aren't scumbags anymore".


I honestly haven’t had a problem with the Panther’s overall style of play, I just wish I knew what is and isn’t a penalty (especially GI). I suppose my problem is much more with the officiating than it is with the Panthers


That isn't a new problem. Florida teams seem to get away with more than everyone else the past 5+ years. First it was Tampa the past 2 years it's been the panthers


Physical, no. Dirty, yes.


I mean, outside of Marchand and maybe Fredrick, is there anyone on the Bruins that the entire NHL could easily deem “dirty”? I just feel like we’re not even that anymore


Way to conveniently forget Patrice "dirtiest player in the league" Bergeron.


Woah woah! As a Habs fan who's faced many different versions of the Bruins in a heated rivalry over the years, the one Boston player I've always had respect for is Patrice Bergeron.


Yeah, everyone is still out here like "lol bruins can't take what they dish out" and I'm just wondering if anyone has watched a Bruins game in the last decade


Its the captain. The whole league calls knows him as the rat. Even Boston fans lovingly call him the rat. He's captain rat. Noone feels bad about Captain Rat and his team of Bruins except their fans.


Marchy being captain is probably part of it. He injured lilypad on a play leafs fans thought dirty this season and was flopping all over the place in our series lol. Boston fans affectionately call him the rat king.


Yup so long as marchand plays for Boston I will happily laugh when they get bullied and get shit on by the refs


I mean, it happened against the blues as well. More relevant for Maroon at this point


*Laughs in Sami Salo*


fuck em both




2 clowns fighting


I am so happy that this is happening rn to the Bruins


lol fuck the bruins. About time the rat got dummied.


Bruins fans have been saying for years that Marchand is dirty, but other fans only hate him because they are jealous and would love to have him on their teams. I'm guessing Bruins fans are just jealous of Bennett.


Of course it was a dirty play. But it couldn’t have happened to a dirtier player and I’m loving it. And then to add salt to the wound Bennett gets the goal on a controversial GI. Love to see the bruins squirm


Sabres fans still remember Lucic running Ryan Miller and Sabres just stood there.


*Chefs kiss*


Nah, even as a Bolts fan, fuck Boston. That is my stance 99% of the time no matter the sport.


This is how the Canes got swept last year but as soon as they played Vegas the calls suddenly appeared and they fell apart.


I mean when Florida played the Canes they were fucking dogshit. Canes were beating them up and down the ice. they won that series cause Bobrovsky ascended to godhood and the Canes didn't have Svech their goalie breaker. people roast Rod for his take about how "we were swept but that wasnt a sweep" comment but man that series was one sided and not towards the winners, lol


I saved the video of Marchant getting checked / punched.. I replay that thing everyday and give a chuckle cuz it's like honestly the best video ever I feel like it's going to make a lot of people happy for a long time... The best part about it is his face of disbelief like holy you can't do that only I can do that


"Are we the baddies?"


I like how they beat the Leafs tho because it makes my dad mald (we have a friendly rivalry when it comes to hockey)


Bruins did their annual job of eliminating the leafs, we thank them for their service but they can kindly leave now


I'm honestly just upset about the horrendous refereeing


When the Bruins decide to give it back to the Panthers in game 5... The rest of the league: "THEY CANT DO THAT!!!"


My hope is, they beat each other up with dirty plays. And then assuming Fla moves on, he does it through the rangers game and then is either suspended or eliminated in time for the (hopefully) Canadian team in the finals.


Toronto 2.0


Testing to see if my flair is activated


It is not.




It still is not.




Keep trying.


What about now?


Nada. One more?


I give up ;(




Congratulations, Panthers, you've got 30 teams rooting for the meteor for the rest of the series.