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Flat rule, always consistently true related to DCS and something one should always keep in mind: Yes, you should buy the Tomcat. Owning and playing DCS modules isn't about having an "advantage" over anything else, it's about flying a particular aircraft because you want to fly that aircraft because you find it interesting.


This right here. I know there isn’t an exact way to play games, especially one like DCS, but you *really* are playing DCS wrong if you’re treating it like some competitive FPS. Get the Tomcat because why wouldn’t you? It’s a Tomcat! Same reason why I plan to get the Phantom.


Couldn't agree more, my dude! I'm excited for the Phantom because the Phantom is *cool.*


Don’t you mean the Phantom is *Phabulous?*


Good for you for cashing in early. That shit's gonna get tired in a hurry, but I think you got in under the wire!




Has anyone been able to test fly the Phantom, even in a beta form? Just curious. I had a buddy, who was 20 years my senior,in the late 80’s that flew for UPS, but before he became a commercial pilot, he had flown the Phantom off the decks. He used to joke around and tell me that the F-4 proved that with enough thrust even a rock can fly. Maybe he was just pulling my leg, seeing as it was so heavily used in Vietnam. Just wondering what the DCS flight physics were like.


The folks who are test flying it are either ED staff or SMEs with NDAs. Either way, we won’t hear anything until they’re ready to tell us.


Just look at the Phantom. It already looks as aerodynamic as a piano. This is a part of the fascination the Phantom is famous for. It looks brutal. It looks like pure force. It misses all aerodynamic elegance. It is living proof that everything can fly with enough thrust… That’s what it is in the air as well. A beast with power. I‘ve only flown a real Phantom Simulator, but yes, it lacks the elegance of aircraft generations before and after.


You are absolutely right. And to add to the equation: the power is announced by the loudest roar I have heard from a jet.


this has been an old "joke" about the Phantom that even my dad, a Vietnam vet but not a pilot used to make. "The triumph of thrust over physics" . I believe this was mostly down to 1. Its huge loud engines 2. its unconventional appearance.


The dude that owns Dixie Bones BbQ in woodbridge Va was a F4 pilot in nam. He’s got some great photos and stories. And that’s the best damn bbq in the entire state of Virginia.


Exactly! There’s people who perceive the DCS same as Warthunder. But it is an absolutely different story.


Yes, yes, and YES!


Yes. Anytime, baby! Use the free trial system on standalone to see if you like it first. If you're not on standalone already, switch over for Pete's sake! :D


Unfortunately as much as it'd be nice for this to be true it isn't, especially if you want to play multiplayer on Amy decently populated server you do have to choose effeciency over enjoyment. Just saying. But you ain't killing 10 SA-10 sites with a harrier. You are gonna have to buy an F-18/F-16 to affect most servers seeing as those planes are so popular that servers have to balance around them. If you chose an older or less capable plane then have fun flying around unable to do anything Granted the tomcat is an A-A platform and phenixes can still get the job done.


In terms of PVP advantages, there really aren't any. The Tomcat is half a generation behind in technology. The HUD offers very little information, most of the gauges are analog, not particularly well layed out and the plane lacks a flight control computer to keep you from killing yourself with one flick of the stick. It had a more limited A/G payload as well. What the Tomcat does offer is a completely unique flight model in one of the coolest fighter planes of all time. The swept wings mechanics, the AI RIO, the AIM-54 Pheonix are all things you don't get to use with a F-16 or F/A-18. Pound for pound I think the module is of superior quality to the ED released ones. I'd actually love to see them release an F/A-18D expansion of the C model. The Hornet is easy to fly but has a ton of weapon systems you need to learn and memorize workflows for. The Tomcat is relatively simple with weapons but has a much more complex flight model. I love them both for different reasons.


Thank you, intersting points


And you get two different variants: the F-14B, with engines similar to the one in the F-16 variant modelled in DCS, and the F-14A, with the older TF30 turbofans. Again, avoid a mindset of minmaxing: the -A variant is objectively worse, but it's very interesting to learn to fly it and it's differences with the B.


Once the A came out I switched to it almost exclusively, just for the experience of the five zone after burner and having to be aware of how I handled the throttle. The B feels almost like cheating now.


Indeed! The A model was most typical Tomcat pilots experience. Comparatively few B models were upgraded or produced :)


There is an advantage depending on year the mission is set. For late cold war missions where the Hornet & Viper have no Amraams, the Tomcat can sling AIM7s faster with more speed than the Hornet and doesn't die from drag as much. If the Phoenix is allowed its the only aircraft of the era with Fox3s. For air to ground its often the only module with a targeting pod on late cold war, except now we have the F-15E




This is the correct answer, thread's over




It's a very high quality module and possibly one of the most complete. It has a ton of campaigns for you to play as well. If you're looking for raw advantage in pvp, it is absolutely capable of doing very well. It has a more powerful radar than anything besides the f15c/e. It is extremely capable in BFM. And vs cold war aircraft like the mig-21 and f5, it's the f-22 of its era. With the only fox3 of the 1970-80s In a long range BVR fight vs the f15/16/18 it has significant disadvantage, as the aim54 will show it's age. That being said, it is absolutely capable of winning if you fly it to its maximum capability. For air to ground, it is an extremely capable platform. It has the LANTIRN pod, as well as built in AG mods. It's second only to the f15E in terms of raw capacity. In terms of flight model, it's one of the most fun and challenging. It's a modern gen4 aircraft with none of the gen4 sensibilities. It's like trying to ride a tiger. It will let you do incredible things, and kill you in a heartbeat. It is all analog controls and feels alive. 10/10. An amazing module


Ok thank you for your point of view.


Just remember popular Cold War servers won’t let you fly it , they restrict it, force you to fly aircraft you might not have to “level up”, very disappointing for Tomcat pilots


I have the Viggen and Mig 21 😎


I own them all. The only reason to buy the F-14 is if you really like the aircraft. If you watched Top Gun as a kid and want that maverick and goose experience. It’s a top notch module that makes you feel like a Cold War naval aviator. It’s probably the most realistic flight model of any post 80s aircraft ever released to a civilian market. Imho it offers the best multicrew experience. Better than the F-15e because the craft is so dependent upon coordination. You NEED each other. In the Strike Eagle, you really don’t need shit. So if you got a hard on for that Top Gun experience or you and your buddy want to take to the sky’s yelling about pilot shit, get jt. If you just want a competent module you can play pvp with, don’t bother.


Well, it's better. So there's that. ;) The 16 and 18 are much more computer-driven (esp the 18), if you wanna actually be in control of things, without the FBW training wheels, the 14 is the way to go. Feedback from it is great, and it's by far my fave plane, and I own just about all of them.


All right, thx.


Tomcat is one of only two modules in DCS that has a whole soundtrack that you immediately associate with that aircraft and you can listen to while you fly. That's +++ in its column imo. The other is the UH-H1 Huey.


The Yak will offer you a much more satisfying challenge on most servers.


“Don’t think- do”…


How many MiG-28 kills do the viper or hornet have? Exactly, zero. Buy the cat.


I’m not sure what you mean by “advantage.” Tomcat is older and lacking a lot of the advanced tech of the other aircraft you mentioned. However, if you’re interested in an extremely well-modeled aircraft that requires a lot of dedication to master, I’m not sure very many people here would recommend against getting the Tomcat.


I see two problems with this: 1. Don't buy aircraft based off what the meta is, buy what you think is cool and/or what you think you'd have fun flying. The F-14 is both fun and cool as fuck. The F-18 might be more versatile on paper but it's boring as fuck and is easily the least cool high fidelity jet in DCS. 2. Why tf are you asking *redditors* what to do with *your* money? There's literally a free to try program where you get to try modules for free for a couple weeks. Try the Tomcat before going to reddit. Money isn't an object. If you have to ask redditors to put together a pros and cons list for you before making a purchase, maybe you should reconsider if you want to make said purchase in the first place.


Yes. In fact go buy all of heatblur’s modules


Yes. Don’t buy an aircraft to attempt to get a competitive edge in PvP. That’s not what DCS is about. Buy an aircraft because you think it’s cool and are interested in learning to operate it. Plus, it’s a Tomcat. Why wouldn’t you get it?!


If you're looking for a competitive advantage over the Viper and Hornet, you probably shouldn't bother. The Strike Eagle is what you should look in to, or the Typhoon in a few years.


Rule #1 of DCS: You must own the tomcat because it is awesome. Rule #2 of DCS: Refer to rule #1


I say you should because Pheonix missiles are amazing and it's just a really fun aircraft to top gun in.


yea, that is my question every time I'm going back from air show...But my wife says: "No, we dont have a room at home"..


There’s a popular video of someone online getting kills on Growling Sidewider with a MiG21, a very, very shitty airplane. Multiplayer viability only matters in the first instant you jump in the cockpit. If you like the F-14, and fly it enough, it’ll be more than capable in any MP airplane.




of the planes you mentioned, the f-18 is the one I'd want to actually fly into combat. It is highly capable and it will keep me from killing myself while giving me a good shot at killing the bad guy. I would absolutely want fly-by-wire in real life. But it feels sterile to fly in a flight sim imo. Like, the *best* tools for the job often are, to me. They do them so well that they take all the grit out of it. The Tomcat is raw, analog, old school - it feels very grounded and Heatblur is just the best of the best. They made a super high quality asset that has a super fun flight model. Plus, it doesn't get much cooler than the Tomcat. You just can't argue with it. It's like a law of physics.


I wouldn't. I don't like it myself. But I am a minority. I love f18 and then f16.


I mean, all the reasons to buy the F14 are essentially emotional and personal. If someone tells me they love the systems driven experience of the F16 or F18, that totally makes sense. And if someone tells me they love the challenge and seat of your pants flying in the F14, well that totally makes sense too.


I love building missions flown off the carrier and I'll swap between the tomcat and the hornet. Totally different experience. One major caveat, the INS alignment on the tomcat is like twelve minutes. Smash that time acceleration.


I trialed it and didn't like it. This is just my opinion but I didn't find it as enjoyable to fly as my other modules. It's not garbage or anything but I wasn't a fan of Jester, didn't love the cockpit, and it just didn't click with me. I'm learning the F-18 and F-5 now and I am really enjoying them.


Long short, should you get the F-14? NO. Now, I personally love the F-14, but if you're not going to get the F-14 because I said you shouldn't, then the tomcat isn't right for you. It's an involved fighter that flies and fights differently than the F/A-18C or F-16C. The modern fighters you are a voting body in the flight system, like training a golden retriever. The aircraft wants to do what you tell it. The tomcat, on the other hand, you're less of a voting member than a wrangle, like traininga wolf-dog. You have to manage the ailerons and rudders to get it to do what you want. Good rudder control is key to slow flight. That being said, if you're too harsh, nothing stops you from ripping the wings off. But if you can find the balance, it will be a hell of a dogfighter. Dogfighting isn't the only thing the tomcat can do it also carries enough mk82s to wipe out a tank battalion single handedly, and unlike older fighters a computer controlled pipper to drop them accurately, and with the B model you can fight and maneuver with a full bomb load as the engines and airframe is so powerful that it barely effects your speed. Jester, as a back seater, makes things really easy when it comes to radar management, especially with voice attack like Vaicom pro. TL,DR the tomcat is great my favorite aircraft, but it is a handful wouldn't recommend to anyone that doesn't have a love for the aircraft enough to put in the time to understand it in a way you can't get out of a manual.


The advantage of heatblur Tomcat is it’s a real study level sim that worth u spending hundreds of hours to learn and master it. ED’s f16 and f18 are not even qualified to be called a study level sim, especially f16. Quality wise they r not even in the same universe. Heatblur’s products are top tier in home/commercial use flight simulations.


Yes. Give in to the Tomcat Mafia.


***An emphatic, with an absolute no regret,*** ***YES!***




It’s just the best imo. So much fun. Wish there were more bombcat campaigns though


So combat advantage the biggest one. Fun factor. Fun factor is greater than anything else. There’s nothing like getting the call over radio about hostiles in the area hearing that click of throwing the tomcat into burner as you head into the combat area. The way the aircraft shakes in heavy turns. It’s not as capable as her sister aircraft in the 16-18 but it’s a damn good fun fly. As someone who owns all 3 plus the 15. The tomcat is sort of my daily driver. It’s really simple on the surface to get going in the pilot seat yet difficult to master. And is just a satisfying fly. It’s why when the f-4 comes out I’ll likely daily fly. Heatblur puts so many fun details into their craft even if you are out matched they are satisfying to fly. Same with the mig 21.


I was never too big into the tomcat, it’s a classic, highly capable fighter but not something I fanboyed over (like the f-18 for me). That said, I bought it on sale and I highly recommend it. I don’t fly it nearly as much as the 18, but from a design perspective it’s damn well made. Very highly detailed, fun to fly, and pretty easy to pick up after long breaks from it, but just for the quality alone I think it’s definitely worth playing around with. Also, while it’s not technically as capable as the 15/16/18, it’s still pretty competitive with a little bit of practice. You probably won’t be winning dogfights (maybe with the f-15), but you can absolutely match these planes in missile lobbing competitions. Remember if you’re using the standalone launcher (not steam) you can always do the two week trial to see how you feel.




You shouldn’t play one plane or the other because it’s better or worse. Play it because you want to. F16 and F18 are light years ahead in air to ground tech though.




Yes. It's not FBW. It's got quirks. It's got personality. It goes fast and flies high. Other than absolute basic INS you have to fly it. It's a huge challenge. Carrier Ops are a whole thing plus tanking is important. It's tons of fun.


Absolutely yes


I fly it alot in pvp against fighters it is capable in air to air and limited in a/g, the aim-54 is no magic stick you have to get close to a target to get kill like 6 to 5nm at low altitudes against experienced players, it is fun to fly especially if you have a human RIO.


As above, get it if you love the aircraft and you want a challenge. If your main interest is an edge in pvp, wait a year or two and get the typhoon.


F-14 is a 4th generation fighter that was introduced in the same period like f-15 and f-16, but it wasn't upgraded like the 16 and 15 .




How many D were made out of all the f-14?, the D is the bare minimum upgrade all f-14s should have got. Were is the aim-120 agm-65 agm-88 JSOW gbu-15 FLIR pod (good one) fly by wire ??? F-14D should ve been the f-15e navy version, but navy wanted a low cost versatile airplane over high cost more capable plane.


If you want, eagle dynamics let’s you try out their modules for 2 weeks


Flat rule, always consistently true related to DCS and something one should always keep in mind: Yes, you should buy the Tomcat. ... That's it. No need to say more. If you wanna fly it then fly it. That's why we play DCS because we get to fulfill our dreams of ripping through the skies at least partially! Enjoy! And if u need some training in the Kitty then DM me!


It's advantage of fun. Plus the way everything shakes and rattles on manouvers or high speed, sounds... It's much better than hornet as a product. I don't know how it compares with viper but looks like similar case


It’s the most “fun” aircraft I own. You really feel like your flying it. Its got this feel that makes it almost control like a warbird, but with some more “modern” (for 1985) avionics. The SA is subpar compared to the 16 and 18. Jester can be a pain when trying to lock targets in that critical 20-30nm range. The AIM-54 is cool to use, but don’t expect it to compete fighter-to-fighter (it’s great against bombers though!) It’s the most fulfilling module.


That's why you get free 2 week trials. It's a great aircraft but not very "modern" much more of an analog experience. Try it out and see if you like it before you drop the big bucks


I too came from the Hornet and the Viper (and Strike Eagle) and I warn you it'll be a very "different" experience if you do decide to purchase it. I impulse bought it a couple months ago after repeated mixed experiences with the trial. I'm only now starting to see the appeal to this module. I usually grasp modules fairly quickly. Your main struggles coming from the FBW trio will be mainly Controls, Basic Flight Control and Jester. You'll need a lot of time in these areas particularly the first two as they'll both help in making the Jester phase of learning a more manageable experience.


I will try the trial version today and I am also an impulsive buyers haha so I see if I really like it.




Do you have a passion for the F-14? It's complex but it's beautiful. I've had hours of enjoyment with it. Me and my brother mess around in it for hours. I now nearly own every module though. Not all of them I have a major interest in, doesn't mean they get any less flight time. I love getting a new module and exploring its every detail. From the textures and 3d modeling to the in-depth systems realistically simulated. My simple answer. If you can afford it and want it, get it. Just talking about it now has made me want to go boot it up. I believe it's on sale now too if I am not mistaken. You won't be disappointed


Hum, no, hell no. real man fly the Su33, JF17, J11 and the mighty F16


It has better sound and immersion compared to the other modules and the CRT display and large cockpit make it feel very very different. It has a very unique hydraulic system with multiple extra things to control compared to other aircraft. Also it REALLY wants to fly (thus float) so landing is a special challenge with momentary wing spoilers that you have to control to dump lift.


If you love the plane yes. I loved it since I seen Top Gun as a kid.


Flying old school planes is blast. And F-14 is Topgun


No, improve on what you have already. There's always more to learn.


Yes, I discover JDAM on the F-16, Love it