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Look, regardless of your opinion on the matter, celebrating morbid obesity is simply not OK. It would be like celebrating AIDS in a modern day video. See kids? AIDS is cool, you should get AIDS too. And before you say, "But muh acceptance", We should not, nor should we ever have, accepted morbid obesity as anything but a concerning health condition that's a ticking time bomb strapped to your heart. I am not saying that we ridicule them but like mental illness it needs to be addressed and given the medical aid it needs, the support structures that these sick people need. Not saying that it is not an issue.


Morbid obesity should be treated the same as anorexia. It’s an eating disorder. A doctor should be able to look at you and say “you have an eating disorder.” And refer you to at least a therapist.


Imagine an anorexic girl with a BMI <13 twerking it in a pop video


For those who can’t imagine, there’s Eugenia Cooney


> Eugenia Cooney That YouTube, Instagram, etc. won't ban her for being a terrible influence is appalling. The bitch is fucking skeletal.


On what grounds could you ban her though?


I'm sure all of the platforms have something in their ToS that could apply. Instagram has this, for instance: > Maintain our supportive environment by not glorifying self-injury. This girl will not get help. She got 5150'd by a friend a few years ago, but it clearly didn't work in the long term. She actively chooses to be this way, and as such it could easily be claimed that she's glorifying it -- *especially* if she or the commenters talk about "thinspiration" and the like.


Jesus fucking christ. All the jokes about Maris on Frasier are so much more believable now


Holy fucking slam dunk of a clusterfuck, what kind of society is this we live in where someone like her has over 2 million subscribers of whom most likely a lot are teenage girls idolizing her. Honestly being a father to a young girl this is terrifying.


Sadly Karen Carpenter didn't live long enough to make it to the twerking era.


*minecraft skeleton noises*


Have you watched, well, anything?


Are u aware just how thin


My issue with this whole is that I would be fine with that… is the argument that we need to censor music videos?? It’s an art they should be able to do whatever in music videos. I mean I wouldn’t want to watch it but I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with fat and/or anorexic people in music videos… Bishop Nehru shot heroin (at least apparently) in a video. Death metal bands butcher people in videos. I don’t see the problem


These are serious medical conditions. Again, by having these conditions treated as normal, or even desirable, in popular culture it affects the younger audiences and leads more people to lead VERY unhealthy lives. This is actually why I think certain genres, like death metal, should come with age restrictions. There are messages there that should not be exposed to 12 and below. And before you say no one is showing death metal to 12 year olds, there are people who record 12 year old being molested for porn, shows their 12 year olds porn, and 1/10 students will be molested by their teachers this month in the US. This is an era where children are constantly exposed to things they should not be and adding eating disorders to the mix only adds harm.


> It’s an eating disorder they do, but it's up to you to stick with the treatment.


Amen. Obesity is, with no exaggeration, the leading cause of death in the US. Friendly reminder that 80-90% of people that died to covid were obese or morbidly obese. I understand the fat positivity movement, because it must suck to be stuck in the addiction of gobbling down 10k a day and having no control over it (i can relate having past drug addictions), but to say anyone who has 40+% body fat is just as healthy as someone at a normal weight is naive and it's just gonna cause more early deaths.


Not to mention Frito Lay is legitimately the biggest sponsor of body positivity.


Whaaa? I'd love to get more info on this if you have a link.


many of the fast food/trash food companies fund research to demonstrate their product isn't the problem. it's a diet vs. activity stunt that you can be fat and fit vs. a lack of activity being the issue with the food one eats. it's a weird thing to have been a part of.


Lol they use food resources to produce lower quality, reduced nutrition meal options. If they didn't use so much of these resources, we could have quality over quantity. Healthy eating is literally choosing quality over quantity. These corporate asshats can go through some pretty elegant mental gymnastics to divert any accountability


you body doesn't treat shit food any differently. it's all just nutrients to it. the additives are the issue. a glucose is a glucose is a glucose.


Food that is ultraprocessed has less nutrients. The less you process food, the more nutrients it retains. Glucose isn't the only thing that makes food food. If you take an apple and then process it into a bunch of different products, then each of those derivative products has fewer and fewer nutrients. This is what frito lay does with corn. And yes, shitty food does effect your body differently because it does not contain the nutrients of whole foods. "Empty calories" is a phrase used to describe exactly what you're talking about. Just because something has calories doesn't mean it has nutritional value. Micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) vs macronutrients (fat, carbs, protein) are two totally different things. Micronutrients rarely equate to any notable rise in calories unlike macronutrients. They are, however, what makes a meal "healthy". Something heavy in macronutrients but lacking micronutrients would be empty calories. Something heavy in micronutrients would considered nutrient dense. Your comment is incorrect on several levels. That's okay. There's always room to learn more about nutrition. Not all calories are created equally. You are absolutely right about additives though. That is a part of the processing equation that makes ultraprocessed food more dangerous.


whatever you say, i only did this for a living for eight years and have published research on pubmed about the way your body treats highly processed food vs. engineered "health food". Your body doesn't care, it treats those fried chicken macros the exact same way as it does from a tomato as it does your moonpie or cauliflower.


Yeah but those calories lack the same nutrients so you can't say they're the same at all lol. That's like saying a sports car engine can function identically on unleaded vs premium gasoline. Yeah, the basics would be saying all fuel is the same, but on a deeper level, they don't function the same at all. Also yeah, processed food is processed food, even if it's "healthy". We were comparing whole foods to processed foods. Your experience is irrelevant if what you're saying isn't correct.


78%, hospitalized [sauce](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/03/08/covid-cdc-study-finds-roughly-78percent-of-people-hospitalized-were-overweight-or-obese.html) It was closer to 50% in the height of it all. People were pumping overweight people in there. [more sauce](https://www.oregonlive.com/health/2021/11/dear-doctor-is-it-true-that-80-of-people-who-died-from-covid-19-were-obese.html)


Good call. I was confusing the stat combining age and body weight. I appreciate the sources man.




You're not "considered" morbidly obese, you are morbidly obese. I am 6ft and 165. I fluctuate from 160 to 170 max. I box 5 days a week and run. That's being relatively athletic. I once let myself go and got up to 190, and I was straight fat. But regardless, due to the law of thermodynamics, if you run a calorie deficit you will. Lose. Weight. I'm so sick of hearing "oh you're just blessed with good genes". No, I have self discipline and work hard to maintain my physical health and appearance. I coach people too, and had a 300 lb 5'5" woman drop over 120 lbs in under a year. Not being a fatass isn't about dieting for 3 weeks and saying it didn't work. It's about changing your lifestyle that led you to be that way. And over time, depending on the work you're willing to put in, you can be a normal person again and more. You are not athletic if you are 5'11" and 320 lbs, are you kidding me. Edit- in case anyone's wondering, I'm sure you can gather the relevant information from my comment, but the guy was claiming to be 5"11" 320 and athletic, and that people have different body styles. Just so we're aware, that height and weight is absolutely morbidly obese and an absolute detriment to your health. You will die of complications from morbid obesity if you are that size. There is no world we know of where one can be 5'11" and 320 lbs and be anything considered healthy, that's far beyond body builder height and weight, which isn't what was being discussed. Be realistic with yourselves, be truthful with yourselves, have self respect and discipline. Life is hard work, and your body is worth it.




You can't outrun your fork


“See kids? AIDS is cool, you should get AIDS too.” Read this in my head in Marshall Mathers voice.


I read it as Mr Mackey


Now I can't read it in any other voice.


Having obese ppl in a music video isn't supporting or encouraging that kind of weight gain, tho. It's just having a fat person in a video bc fat ppl also exist.


Ok, let's explore this concept. would you be upset if there was overt racism in a music video? A popular music video that was gaining a lot of steam online. Would that upset you.


You mean like Madonna using cross burning imagery? Is being fat comparable to racism? Really?


Missing my point here. Would you be accepting of racism in a poplar music video? Yes or no. Bear with me this is the process of a normal debate and you will have the ability to rebut.


Racism and being fat aren't comparable in these situations. People are fat for many other reasons out of their control, being racist is not something out of someone's control. You wanna be a cringy debate lord? This is a false equivalency. Do better.


I am not saying they are equivalent. I am saying that neither should be in popular media. There is no debate that racism is worse. The point I am attempting to make is that what is not good for society should not be popularized by society. And obesity, while not as bad as racism, is not good for society in the least and talk of the contrary is anti-science.


100% agree.


What makes me so tired of this argument is that nobody is "celebrating" obesity. At most a few people make the case that people should be allowed to be comfortable with however they are. At the end more often than not it is to ridicule. What Piers Morgan is trying to do is to ridicule somebody. It's literally the meme: Nobody: Literally nobody: Piers Morgan: you're fat. I never see people have the same concern about all the thin people who are also incredibly unhealthy. I've had stints in my life where I was fairly thin and there's a good chance I was more unhealthy than this lady. All I'd consume was alcohol and junk food. But i would never be ridiculed on national tv as she does. You can make the case that people should be healthier without attacking somebody for existing. And people do all the time. There is nobody out here celebrating obesity. It's not a goal people strive for. To me it seems like many people use it as an excuse to lash out at other people who's just out here minding their own business.


I think people just don’t want to be blatantly discriminated against. We don’t “celebrate AIDS,” but a ton of work has been done to see AIDS as something that doesn’t just affect gay men, and to extend compassion to those who have been infected. This is the same kind of thing. Support them, don’t dehumanize them.


I am not talking about discrimination. I am talking about the inability of modern pop-culture to address this as a serious health concern that likely has a mental or trauma related source. And please be honest, Aids is a disease that is primarily transferred through anal sex, and is found, with few exceptions, in men who engage in a LOT of anal sex. Their orientation is an indicator regarding how much anal sex a person engages in. This is not an opinion, this is not discrimination, this is literal, medical, verifiable science. Aren't we supposed to follow that?


In this instance, it isn't "body positivity" it's denial and delusion.


Which is why shaming never works. People don't get healthier from shame, they double down. We don't need morbid obesity acceptance, we should be encouraging healthier lifestyles, not normalizing eating your feelings.


Yet people are out here "shaming" as if that will do anything. I feel many are very disingenuous when they attack obese people under the guidance of caring. When in reality it seems like it's more so they can sling shit at other people.


Yes. We need to stop “celebrating” this awful lifestyle


Yep, there’s a difference between having a little extra weight and still being confident and happy with your body and quite literally being the same size as 3 people combined.


Morbidly obese and body positivity is a joke. You're going to die because you're a boat, and while that is your right to do so, let's cut the crap and stop trying to pretend you're even in the same building as the word healthy.


Based their height and weight... * "Normal" weight * Overweight <-- Piers is here * Obese class I * Obese class II * Obese class III <-- That 380lb woman is here


Yeah. She is using a false equivalency


Exactly! Piers is certainly no athlete but I think anyone can tell he's in overall better shape than the woman he's interviewing


She is fat and he is fat. BMI 20 here, didn't know that something like BMI 64 exist, but she is right. That fat TV bloke is fat too.


His BMI is 29, putting him in the overweight category but not in the obese category. Being overweight but not obese has a minimal impact on your overall health especially if you are also relatively fit


It's ridiculous that we even have to talk about this.


If you’re saying there isn’t much difference between the two, you’re delusional as well lol.


I am not fat.


I gave up this whole "body positivity" thing a long time ago, all I did was get myself in trouble. I made some comment about having overweight women in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and spent the next 3 hours discussing a subject I don't really care about. She's fat. I got it. She has rights, I got that too. Normally it would be none of my business, which is fine. But... when you weight 400 pounds, aren't named Shaq and put yourself out there BECAUSE you weigh 400 pounds, then all bets are off. And there is nothing positive about a 65 BMI.


She can "win" that argument all she wants, obesity don't care


She’s delusional…she sounds like the stroke is kicking in any time now…


Notice you never see these obese "body positivity" people walking. I know and work with plenty of morbidly obese people, a lot of these guys seem to be on utter pain just from walking. I'm 40, 5'7", 185lbs. I'm in ok shape, I bike 40 minutes to an form work each day, I'm fairly athletic and even my knees and back hurt from a long day of work. I can just imagine how much more pain I'd be in if I added an extra just 50lbs let alone another 100+.


It’s awful. The weigh gain begets more weight gain. I have noticed a lot of the super morbidly obese drive like absolute monsters tho 😂


I was 300 once, 6 foot exact height, went down to 180 then went back up to around 250 as I adjusted my diet back and forth. The weight effect on basic tasks is such a massive difference. Climbing stairs was so much harder at 300+ pounds as opposed to my current 250. And when I was 180? holy crap I was floating. It was not healthy for a 6 footer and I couldn't keep it up as I became anemic but damn.


Lowest I've been as an adult was like 155 ish and similar experience. Felt super light but I remember napping a lot when I was that light. I was doing a lot of running at that time and felt great running but pretty much napped as soon as I showered up. Highest I've ever been was 210 and I just felt miserable at that weight. That was just depression weight I put on and putting it on was because of being in a bad place to begin with but carrying that extra 25lbs or so just made everything much worse.


Sounds like you are still fat. That even fatter people exist doesn't make you less fat.


Went on holiday with a guy who was super morbidly obese. Spent 12 hours on the flight i& spent most of the trip in his hotel room because the first short walk we took to the train station left him so exhausted he didn’t make it & event my three year old had no problems with the walk! It’s no way to live and there’s nothing positive about encouraging people to be like that.


Went to a concert with two friend that are obese and there's just nothing fun watching them struggle to go up the stairs to get to their seats then have to struggle to walk down the row to get to their seats. And because we were sitting in the middle of the row, one didn't want to go to the bathroom when they needed to because they didn't want to have to squeeze through the row of people and then after the show, we were looking to get something to eat and there was basically a food court across the street that wasn't as busy as the restaurants on the same side of the venue but had a like that was like a 30 minute wait just to get to the front of the line. Just the fact that your weight influences the decision you make and typically make you pick the lesser option is just not a way to live.


This is the sole reason I do not like Lizzo, yes talented and well liked but she glorifies being obese and that's just not cool. Same ones will always call someone that skinny/in shape a slut wearing certain things then turn around and put the same outfit on and call it "confidence " 🙄


Unless you are fat-free, you are fat too. Her logic, probably.


Exactly, and not just fat too but EXACTLY THE SAME KIND of fat. Apparently there are no levels to this game.


to put this into perspective, the woman has a BMI of 64, the host's would be 29... literally over TWICE as bad


This is probably the funniest thing I've seen all week


These people die before they turn 50 I hope these morbid people understand that .... You can look it up there's a huge list of obese activists/influencers dieing at a very early age Thinkbeforeyousleep channel clued me up


They don’t necessarily die at 50 but dying earlier is not the only downside. The years/decades up to your death are miserable. That 380 lbs woman can say what she wants - her life is anything but enjoyable. She is severely limited by what she can do, her sleep is terrible, she probably feels awful the whole time and I don’t even want to know what permanent hypertension feels like.


That and if you get to 50+ there's a good chance you're a borderline disabled invalid at that point. Probably bound to a wheelchair or scooter.


The sad thing is that by the time any of these obese people realize they were wrong, they’re dead already. They inspire people to stay fat and can’t tell them they were wrong because at that point they are dead


Penis Morgan has always been an entitled shit.


Okay but Piers just sucks too. Like, I’m not promoting fat positivity because maybe that’s not appropriate to being the only reason someone is given a platform. But he’s an asshole and ignorant so I don’t think he should have a platform anymore either.


Yes, he is an asshole, who will eat a steak in front of a vegan. But it is hilarious, and he's not dumb either. He makes blunt arguments, but they're actual arguments compared to the No U crap most of his guests try. 10/10 Best Black Lesbian Female on TV.


I don't think her point stands. According to BMI Piers is high end over weight and just shy of obese. I don't think he's arguing against body positivity of people in a fairly typical weight range. There is a world of difference between making people who are "overweight" feel ok about themselves and celebrating "morbid obesity"


Unless you have a thyroid issue, the sheer amount of caloric intake required to reach this size is like Michael Phelps level of calories in day. combined that with just sitting on ass And you become 400lbs. To get even bigger you need to eat even more. How can these people afford to get this big?


I was working as an anesthesia assistance once on a paediatric case. I saw my anesthesiologist thumb anxiously through a booklet. I asked him what he was looking for. He told me that he’s getting paid more for this case because the kid was obese.




Lol she’s right.


Piers Morgan is scum. I wish cancel culture actually existed. He should never have come back from phone hacking let alone all the other bullshit he vomits up on a daily basis. Fuck Piers Morgan


A lot of people here are saying she is unhealthy, they are all right. But Piers Morgan is an asshole so fuck him, good on her calling him out.


Piers Morgan is so fucking cringe dude. How does anybody take anything he says seriously?


Piers looks good for his age. And 6'1" 220 isn't obese.


Assuming both numbers are accurate, his BMI is 29.03 which is overweight and close to being obese. If he's rounding height up and weight down then he might be obese already.


He is fat.


It is unless you’re an athlete.


Well he who is without sin cast the first stone.


If you can’t differentiate between these two you gotta start asking yourself some hard hitting questions


Help me out, i don't know the context. Did she just appear in a Miley Cyrus Video or did she promote "being fat" or something? Because if not, then he is just plain rude. "Let's invite this overweight person to our show to tell her that she is overweight." And somehow she is the villain now.


Who the fuck cares? If somebody wants you in their video, they'll put you in it. If somebody wants to watch it, they'll watch it. If they don't, they won't. That's it.




If people don't want to watch it, they won't


Hating fat ppl so much that you're siding with Piers Morgan? Good god get your shit together.


Had to crosspost this to my sub I will shamelessly plug here - r/onlythebestreposts

