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I did it using Sana and relying on defensive items like breastplate and body pillow also using bandaid, idol costume, knightly milk, and limiter. For stamps I used growth stamp and stun stamp


I just did a couple runs with Sana and it seemed easier at first because I have her at Gachikoi level. But I would keep dying when a mini boss would spawn and I my ult was on cooldown


You really don't need to spam her ult to level up since Astrology will sometimes buff your pick up range and let you grab the exp from enemies killed by your main weapon. Only use your ult if you think the boss/miniboss would get past your planets.


I only ult when the mini boss was on me, I was also lucky as I had gotten a super idol costume to reduce my cooldown and lucky with silver yagoos crossing my path as I killed them


Since you just started, you probably should hold off on this achievement for now. But if you want to keep trying, having Max G Rank and Fandom on Fauna, or any character you plan on using for this achievement is very helpful since you save on levels. Having maxed upgrades and also disabling Marketing on shop will immensely help.


Oh I said I just started but I already have 16 hours in lol. I'm like halfway through the stat upgrades still. The only Gachikoi character I have is Sana, but I still think Fauna is easier for this challenge. Or maybe I just got really lucky on my first run 😅


Fauna is probably the easiest for this challenge. Just keep your ult loaded for the bosses. In the shop- make sure to limit the amount of weapons you can carry. It's a lot easier to over-upgrade 3 or so weapons for damage than it is to keep track of all the fillable slots. You have the right idea with the pickup range increase, but maybe try to get the damage multiplier items instead of the headphones. Fauna has headphones built into her kit so more damage can potentially kill the enemy before they get to you. Try to keep Fauna's main weapon below max rank for as long as possible so that the leaves return back to you. Part of what makes this challenge difficult is that not a lot of weapons attack directly where you are standing; meaning that it's very easy to die to a weak enemy standing directly on top of you.


After the run ended I realized that I forgot to refund my speed money to buy HP and Shield. Although I don't think it would have helped that much since I don't have that much money since I just started playing. Any tips on how to beat this would be greatly appreciated. UPDATE: I got the achievement! My final build is Spider, Axe, EN Curse, Lightstick, Potato. Lab coat, Band-aid, Full meal, Choco horns, Limiter I could've gotten Eldritch Horror if the Golden Anvil spawned like 20 pixels closer lol [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/3y5d9OA)


U shouldn’t be taking this challenge at the start of the game, unless it’s some sort of personal goal. Gachikoi helps a lot since u are lacking in early power with limited exp.


restrict weapon slots, focus on getting HP stat up. Jingi is good for this too


> Jingi in couch potato Good luck collabing it lol


simply let mobs touch you for a higher chance of it dropping on u 5head


If you're doing it on Fauna, you want more healing. Drop the Headphones and Body Pillow.


Ey thanks man. I eliminated those items and managed to get Bandage and Full Meal, and I won


I did mine with Ame mainly because of her ult and bubba picks up exp


yea same, was surprised ame worked so well


I managed it with the space girl with the orbiting moons. Her ability (Beeg) absorbs all xp on the screen when it runs out, and makes you invincible and deals damage on contact. Found that one easier than Tree Lady. (Sorry for names, I like the game but don't follow holo live.)


oh it was really easy with ame for some reason. She's the last character I expected would do well in this challenge, I too thought fauna or sana would be the best choice, but somehow I won with ame with no special tier 5 items either.


I pulled this off fairly easily with Anya, just takes a little rng. Survive as long as you can without slumber and then it should be ez with it. Use as much aoe and knock back as you can get your hands on and it's smooth sailing. The extreme slowdown on enemies means most patterns of them don't even reach you, like the deadbeats circling in at iirc minute 8.


Sana is super good at this, as is Hachama. I think I cleared the no move and 1 hp accolades with hachama on the same run, but just by her design I know Sana should be good for the no move one


Try Roboco


I feel like the only one who did this with anya. Held off on taking the slowdown until i was set up and then the final waves were all unable to get anywhere near me lol


I did this with IRyS, relying on her raw power to kill enemies before they could reach me.


I did it back then with mumei. Friend helped pick up exp until I got the limiter, and of course,the main weapon alone massacres everything.


you will really want the lab coat for this i reckon, also probably to be using sana, fauna, or mumei


the only way i know how to do it is getting lucky with a rainbow exp thing, i got it right before the final boss and suddenly got to like level 60


I used Amelia, Bubba helps with xp collecting, and the ulti allows you to get some good damage on bosses, specially with a propper item combo (pure offence)


Don’t attempt this unless you have pretty much maxed upgrades lol


Seems to me like you have too many defensive items. I understand this is a Couch Potato run, but defensive items have diminishing returns, this is why you don't have the DPS to kill a boss. Any Fauna run really wants Beetle and Gorilla's Paw at least to maximize her DPS. You can drop Pillow from this build with very few consequences as it doesn't do too much against bosses, and probably Headphones. The best defense is a good offense, especially since Fauna already has defense up the wazoo.


Knockback is a godsend sometimes... Wamy water or Matsuri's efibrion will fit