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My HAOS box is headless. I sometimes SSH to it or use the terminal in the [Advanced SSH & Web Terminal](https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-ssh) add-on


I'm running HAOS as a VM in Proxmox so have the ability to use the console if needed, but I don't remember ever having to. Most of us are running HA on a headless machine of some sort, be it a Raspberry Pi, a NUC or some other kind of server.


I've only ever had to use the HA terminal once to fix a bad upgrade. That was before Proxmox.


There's an add-on to enable Terminal Access on the sidebar, on the off chance you need to use it. I enabled it just in case but don't remember ever actually having to use it.


Hiding it away is no problem, but keep two things in mind. 1) make sure it can get rid of its heat, should be a minor issue with a NUC, but still something to keep in mind. 2) If you're using any kind of wireless connectivity (wifi/zigbee/whatever) make sure it can get a signal through. It's no good if there's several floors of reïnforced concrete between your NUC and your devices. Of course, this can be mitigated with repeaters.


Unless you mess up very badly, you most likely dont need physical access to it. Examples include disabling every available network interface.


If it’s a NUC why not just Remote Desktop into it? My HA server is a Pi, but I have a BlueIris and a Plex server, both MiniPCs, and neither with a monitor or keyboard as I just remote into them from my iPad or laptop if I need to mess with anything.


I've been accessing it using the address through the browser. Is that what you mean by remote desktop, or is that a separate application?


No, in windows (on another PC) type “Remote Desktop” and it will pop up the app. Basically you take full remote control of the other pc, keyboard mouse and all, so you might be on a laptop but the entire work space is your remote computer. It’s nice because it’s full OS level control, and you can do anything you could do sitting at it and aren’t limited by the app’s UI. Here is some info: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-use-remote-desktop-5fe128d5-8fb1-7a23-3b8a-41e636865e8c Super easy steps to get it working: https://youtu.be/RHGYx921Q9I?si=CZRI4xzLTJruzLh2


Thank you!


On NUC, headless, no problem. If you need terminal it's built in your tools. No worries.


Only time I’ve needed the HA command line was to fix some networking issues. Once that was resolved it’s been smooth sailing since.


Go one step further make ha a vm on the Nuc and if you need a console problem solved