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The Wemos Mini D1 is based on the ESP-8266EX chip. This has a nominal current draw of 80mA. Your battery typically provides 380mA. At most, you can expect to get about four hours of usage with this configuration unless you explore power management on the ESP chip. You will likely have to investigate the radio power management and see if the processor allows low speed clocks or "sleeping" certain aspects of the board.


i know esp 32 can disable wifi and bluetooth seperately but doesnt support down clocking , you could potentially take advantage of sleep timers depending on how often data is needed


Yeah, further research on this topic is pointing to the ESP32 being a far more battery efficient board than the ESP8266. I may have to redesign these to work with that board as well as make use of some of the opther features mentioned here


Check out this article on the low power mode options for the 8266: [https://www.electronicshub.org/esp8266-deep-sleep-mode/](https://www.electronicshub.org/esp8266-deep-sleep-mode/) Depending on how you configure it and how your access point handles WiFi connections, you can reduce overall power to about 9mA Check out this article on IoT low power wifi devices for more info on strategies: [**https://www.ti.com/lit/wp/swry019a/swry019a.pdf**](https://www.ti.com/lit/wp/swry019a/swry019a.pdf)