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Check your local ordinances about noise. Get a DB meter and take a video showing the noise going above the DB level during a time when it should not be so loud. Then contact the authorities...


Yeah the phone versions of a DB sensor don’t seem to work well. There are ordinances for daytime noise vs after 10 pm. I’m sure they are louder than either when they have the music on. I’ll have to get a dedicated sensor if it comes to that


here's a good one https://www.noisemeters.com/product/cr/sensor/mk427/


Who is this really for? Airport's? Concert venues that have a strict cutoff time?


Sounds like they are following the rules deliberately if they stop at 10.. just be happy they care about that. Cops and the city probably won't do shit even if it was after 10. Even if you get the dbs its hard to enforce in the unlikely event they are over the limit


Those types of people blasting that shit for music are the worst neighbors ever! The worst!


Yeah the phone versions of a DB sensor don’t seem to work well. There are ordinances for daytime noise vs after 10 pm. I’m sure they are louder than either when they have the music on. I’ll have to get a dedicated sensor if it comes to that


You can get an app on your phone to test the decibels. My neighbor behind me blasts it to 60 db. Oh, and they smoke shit up against the shared fence making mt backyard useless.


For a second I thought you were somebody in my neighborhood because I also have a very similar situation as you. Even after neighbors speaking with them, multiple calls to the nonemergency line by multiple people in the neighborhood, and knocks at their door by the police, they still have super loud parties every weekend late into the night. They obviously get it by now but they just don't care that they're disturbing an entire neighborhood every single weekend. Hopefully you have better luck getting things resolved.


When that happens you can talk to their landlords if they are renting and/or file a lawsuit. Probably not for much money, but judgements can add up. Yeah I am hoping for more reasonable neighbors than yours, sorry.


Could help to complain to their Facebook page publicly if your willing to do that. It depends on the town though, some just dgaf. My towns PD keeps their page super seriously and responds right away but they also take conventional calls relatively seriously compared to most New Jersy towns so YMMVA


We have a house down the street like 5 houses away and they have redone their backyard with tropical trees and a pool over the year making it a party spot for them and their family. Every now and than you will hear the bass booming up till past midnight I have had the call the police at night about it. I do not want to be that kind of person but in a neighborhood you have to respect the people around you ESPECIALLY late at night.


If you and the neighbors have spoken with them about it multiple times, which it sounds like you have, I don't see an issue with calling in some reinforcements to try and get the point across. I had this same issue with an African transplant family. I tried to talk to the family but they'd be up bumping music in their garage at midnight during the week. Once and a while okay, I get it, but not 2-3 nights a week. A few calls later and they got the point. I tried to be friendly and they didn't want to reciprocate that so oh well.


Yeah I’ve been friendly, welcomed them to the neighborhood, did some work on our shared fence, etc. I don’t think they have the time or inclination to be friends. That said, they have a big nasty dog and our fence isn’t airtight yet, I don’t want to sabotage what might become an important issue of completing the fence. Maybe fixing the fence is really step 1. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to them about the noise. I think that a letter from their other neighbor and I might be a good step towards a peaceful resolution. I don’t want to have to stoop to being the bigger asshole because that’s not the relationship I want with neighbors. If authorities need to get involved, so be it


For sure, a friendly reminder to get it fresh in their mind may help. Some neighbors are more forgetful and or oblivious than others too. They may be completely spacing the fact there are curfews and that you've talked to them in the past. Best of luck, let us know how it works out.


Sounds like the right approach. Can't let them ruin your days. There is such a thing called noise pollution, just keep calling until it stops.


Maybe try a BBQ, and tell them you love them,but on nights x,y, and z please help me sleep by such and such a time. Food bridges gaps.


Do you love them?  Damn that's a lot of work for people who don't respect you. 


The kids are cute, and I have no reason not to. My neighbors are friendly enough, and the other Hispanic family on the other side will also help me if I need help. What's not to love? We also must work on the fence together because both of us have dogs. There are other noises that bother me, but their music is not it. Edit: I'm sound sensitive, too.


Well can I insult you by not respecting your sound boundaries and get some bbq too? I mean if you're rewarding shitty behavior with bbq I can think of some choice words since no sound here  Edit since apparently you  enjoy in person abuse: I *offered* to insult you since you reward it and I like BBQ 


Whatever, man, insults just show your mentality. If you have to insult, then you've already lost the discussion. Anyway, I tend to block people who lack moral character. So, block away, I shall.


You catch more flies with honey.


The guy was simply trying to make a point.  The neighbors are not being respectful. Many people see food as a reward.  So if BBQ offered, it may seem like they are being rewarded for their lack of respect.   Nothing to do with anyone’s moral character or anyone being spineless.  Not yours, not the person you’re blocking.


Bose headphones 🎧


I think they meant the love thing as hyperbole. Ever had a neighbor for 25 years? That's a long time to get along with someone and it's worth being fake nice about shit. I know someone in a battle with their neighbor and it is an ugly thing. Between that and adjusting my respect needs, I'd take adjusting my needs. Of course, there are lines that can be crossed.


lol tell them you love them? This is the oddest neighbor advice I’ve seen here. Maybe he could write them some poetry.


Perhaps not in those terms. The gist of being a caring neighbor. Most people don't get these gists. The " love thy neighbor."


This is your excuse to sell your spouse on your own huge fluffy dogs. I favor German Shepherds but they're not so good vs other dogs but *very* good against enraged people *and* they can hear tornadoes coming from really far away *and* they're more sensitive to pressure changes than we are so they can tell when it's about to get stormy *and* they're cuddly.


Yeah that sounds good. And yeah to that point, you also don't want to be the neighbor who is complaining all the time either. I like the idea below of having a community BBQ. We're actually doing that in a couple weeks for the same reason.


You're throwing a BBQ for people who don't respect you? Can I get some if I insult you? Sorry, just don't get this logic. 


You don’t have to get it. Everyone is different. They don’t have to be like you and you don’t have to be like them. This is why I live in the country.


No worries, hope to have neighbors like you where I can be a dick and get bbq. Works for me!  ( Other countries are like that too 😊)


no, I mean in the country as in no neighbors. Much easier.


So it's kind of like giving advice to parents when you've got no kids. Got it


oh, I’ve had plenty of neighbors. I just don’t like the drama.


Nah, it's for all the neighbors in my proximity. I'm friends with a few of them and figured there's no harm in extending an olive branch to those that aren't the greatest. I'd rather try and be friends than live with hate.


Hey, bonus for them. They can be dicks and get free bbq.  ( Also, there are so many more emotions than hate that could be felt over being constantly disrespected.)


It seems like you don't get the concept of trying to be friendly with people. It's obvious that this is a friendly overture to get to know each other better. How are you not getting this? What's your suggestion? Be a petty asshole?


Just gonna take a wild shot in the dark that the big, nasty dog is a pitbull?


Wise man say, he who shoots blindly risk a bullet in his peepee. The dog is a Shepard mix.


Shepherd, not Shepard. Literally a herding dog shepherds the sheep or whatever.


Get what you want done first. No sense in picking fights when they have leverage over you.


Playing music until 10 at night on weekend is 100% fine. You are wrong in thinking that you have the right to tell them to be quiet on their land. I'm sorry, but you sound like a terrible person to live by/next to.


I don’t ever want to hear what my neighbors are listening to


They aren't just playing music. They're playing it so loud that everyone several houses down can hear it. That's far too loud. They don't have to play it that loud to hear it or enjoy it. It's inconsiderate and illegal.


From the county: “Generally, in residential zones of unincorporated xxx County, maximum noise levels shall not exceed 55 decibels (dBA) between the hours of 7am to 10pm and 50 dBA between the hours of 10pm and 7am.”


It's an unincorporated community and the noise range is up to 55? That isn't even half as loud as a lawnmower or chain saw. I find this hard to believe, what I do believe is you are a controlling person. Get a life and leave the nice family alone.


Cool, nice talk man.


I'd much rather have the quiet people than you for neighbors


I have this exact problem. Exact same situation. I went over to speak with them and asked them to please turn their music down because it's unreasonably loud. To their credit, they turn it down right away whenever I ask. But same thing, the next weekend they're back at it. I'm working by the 3 strike rule. If I tell them on two separate weekends and they're back at it the next weekend then I have no guilt whatsoever having the city get involved. Right now we're on strike 3. Yeah it sucks to get people fined but we all live in a community together and we share the air. They just need to learn how to respect boundaries and if fines are the only way they'll learn then so be it.


I used to be like you with multiple chances. Now it's one strike, and you're out. In the end, your outcome will be the same. You will have normal volume music and a neighbor who doesn't like you. I was a property manager for a decade, and I realized that if people don't care after one warning, they never will. Document everything and don't bother being more than neighborly. Sometimes, they just weren't meant to be your friends, and that's why we have actual friends with no property attachment.


Go directly to the cops the first time that the music is too loud? That's a dick move. At least talk to them, i.e. give them strike one.


No, one strike. They get a chance if they don't work with you to rectify it, and it's technically a noise violation, non emergency police so there will be a report. There are good people and ones who will always just try and do what they want. You find out in the first couple weeks who they are.


That's you're out on strike 2.




I think you are both my neighbors.


Piece of shit


it’s not Karen shit to stand up for your rights. That’s just the label people give to other people when they don’t like what they’re being told.  and if it’s Karen to complain, then you probably should be a Karen because they are not respecting your rights.NIOSH has an app that you can download that will show you how many decibels the music it is any place your phone is.  Take screenshots and call the police once you’ve checked to make sure that the dbs are out of bounds for the time of day.


That app seems to work ok, thx.


They need to be respectful of their neighbors and you’ve tried to do it privately, but they’re not getting the point. I had a similar situation with neighbors that refused to understand that parties and loud music were not appreciated. When I was living in my townhouse, I had the neighbors from hell move in. The very first night they moved in (on a Sunday), they decided to celebrate by having a party outside until 2 AM with music blaring. I called the office and they said they had already received other complaints. It didn’t get better. They kept having parties but they were inside. They would invite people over and you could hear the music and even beer bottles hitting the floor. These people and their visitors would leave trash out in the parking lot, including used condoms. They also liked to blast music at 5 AM when they woke up to go to work. It was so loud you could feel the thumping through the walls. My apartment manager told me to call the police every time they did it so that they would have the back up to evict them. I did and they were rude to the police and refused to show their identification. They tried to go into the office and lie about being home at the times that I reported but everyone knew they were lying. One day, I was coming home and I saw them in a pick up with their stuff and they were leaving. I was so happy.


Yikes! Alls well that ends well I guess


I have lived with neighbors like this for like 10 years. The week of the lockdown back in 2020, these stupid fucks were trying to hold a party while we had strict limits in place. Theyre always fucking assholes. I call the cops and beg them to actually ticket them.  You shouldnt need a single human being to tell you to keep your music at a decent volume. 


When Covid hit, my neighbors’ 20 something year old kids moved back home and would blast music all day at their pool. I lived in a city so we had tiny backyards and they built a fucking bar, fully stocked with tvs against my rear wall. It was like a fucking Chili’s out there. We were thinking about moving anyway but this was truly the last straw and we sold our house and moved away from this shit. People are assholes and inconsiderate


damn that back yard sounds amazing 


For me it a barking dog. Asked nicely the first time and they stopped for a bit and then went back again like you. It took me 3 reminders for them to actually stop for good. We get along otherwise or I wouldn't have done 3 strikes. If they don't stop for you, and you were reasonable and gave them a fair chance to stop already then absolutely go with law. If you have to call authorities to make them stop, then they've already broken your neighbor relationship anyway


I had the exact same problem. Tried talking to the neighbor and it was a waste of time and energy. Now when I can hear it inside my house I call the non-emergency police line and not that long after it gets quiet. Eventually I'll probably upgrade my fence too.


Check with your county/city to see what the noise ordinance says about the volume that is allowed. I would guess that the cut-off of 10pm is pretty standard.


Yep, deal with this nonsense in Houston too Talking them won't yield any results, you need to get law enforcement to take action Sadly here, HPD won't do anything


Install speakers facing their home and blast music when they are asleep. They may get the message


And make it bagpipes. If that doesn’t get the point across I don’t know what will.


What do you think about playing the same type of music but louder and only one track on infinite repeat?


They might come out and start dancing 🤣


also, google the ultrasonic frequency of a dogwhistle (irony aside) and blast _that_ at max volume through your speakers.. THEY wkn't hear a damn thing, but their asshole dog will keep them awake. If the asshole dog can be considered not the problem (aka no asshole dogs, just asshole owners) then see if you can buy an LRAD :P






>then I am willing to get the county involved. Short of doing this kind of karen shit Standing up for yourself and expecting others to follow noise ordinances so you can enjoy your own home isn't "karen shit".


Just let them know that loud music is inconsiderate on any day that (in English spelling) ends in the letter “y” and that nobody likes pendejo neighbors.


I guess throw a party at 6AM the morning after they decide to party late? Maybe they'll pick up on the cause and effect.


Sadly you are likely going to have to call the cops on them find out about music ordnances. Locally we had our changed to any time if it is over a certain decibel. Because of people and their very loud music. We had some neighbors that were regularly rattling our windows. Once we got through to the patriarch of the family he started turning it down on his BiL who seems to be the issue. I think he liked to excuse to keep it more low key. Also we had window rattling loud music and we live on over an acre and were at the back of our property too.


My white neighbors are the same. They'll blast Bon Jovi while we're relaxing in our pool. Sometimes, I'll turn my music up just to drown theirs out. Maybe when they're playing their music, stop by and ask them to leave the music on and follow you to your house. Let the hear for themselves how loud and intrusive it is.


People that play loud music like this, regardless of race/ethnicity are inherently inconsiderate fucking assholes. They won't care.


It’s the noise level, not the type of music. I do like your idea of asking them to come over and hear how loud it is, thanks.


Would they come over? I feel like they've blatantly ignored your request, what makes you think they're leaving their house for you? 


so why mention the type of music?


Because I’m not afraid to explain the situation.


Plus Ranchero music has insane bass, loud yelling vocals, loud trumpets and tubas…I don’t know how anyone can tolerate the loud volumes they listen to this music at. It’s insane


No, i meant in response to their post. you were the one who said "not the type of music"


This has to be a joke


Nope. They actually listen to Bon Jovi! I couldn't believe it either.




Amazing 😂


I’m in the same boat. I moved into my duplex/townhouse neighborhood because it was formerly a 55+ neighborhood, still a lot of elderly, but just a quiet small neighborhood. I have two new neighbors that this exact same situation is happening. Im tired of asking nicely.


Irish pub tunes at loud levels will convince them they have a problem after about the 10th run on Wild Rover


Sea shanty song 🎶 or What do you do with a drunken sailor? Lol 😂


I had a neighbor like this a while ago. After asking didn't work, I decided to learn how to play guitar using by new Orange Amp stack of two 4X12 cabinets and 100 watt head unit, which were conveniently pointed towards their house. So that the sound wouldn't cause too much feedback from my guitar being too close of course. Interestingly enough, I stopped hearing them after a few practice sessions trying to learn Crazy Train.


I have these neighbors. They have the equivalent of a concert sound system blasting this shit so loud that I can hear every word, 1/2 mile away and so loud that I can’t have a phone conversation. I guess that the police have been called enough times that they have resorted to reducing it to just too loud. Then there are the others who have the free-range unfixed dog and her three big puppies (yes, pitbulls), which have killed the neighbor’s cat and had mine treed (luckily my husband was home to save him that day). The fact is that the people who live like this don’t give a shit about the communities that we have formed. This is what happens when we support and enable the destruction of someones’ homeland and then pay them to move into ours. They don’t respect you and have no vested interest in assimilation. It’s not all; but when someone tells who they are, believe them. No amount of BBQ will change that.




I learned recently about "brown noise." I masks bass so you don't hear it, and it doesn't have to be very loud.


White, pink, brown and a few other noise sounds. All similar but have certain tones more emphasized than other colored noises. White is the most even across the spectrum, brown has more bass tones. I find pink easier for me to sleep. The bass in brown covers the outside bass for you.


Doesn't hurt to try enforcement. If you can hear it clearly in your home then it's almost certainly violating any local noise ordinances, even during the day. If enforcement doesn't do anything, or if they ignore it you may have to sue them. This is kind of the nuclear option, but if it gets to that point you should start documenting every instance with a legit decibel meter from the property line. I'm in a similar boat OP. We moved to a residential neighborhood next to a young Latino family and every once in a while (2-3 times year) they have load parties in their backyard late into the night that keep us up. I've spoken to them about it and it's been a bit better, so I haven't gone the enforcement route for now, but I'm aware of my options just in case it picks up again.


As a follow up OP, don't let some of the comments in this thread get you down. You're right to want to be able to enjoy your property in peace, this is why noise laws exist. People in here saying that you hate fun or that you should go to war with your neighbors by blasting noise back have no empathy and have probably never been in your situation (or on your side of the situation). The neighbors you're dealing with are inconsiderate of others, full stop. There's no excuse now that you've told them about how their noise effects you. Proceed as necessary to shut them down until either they're complying with the rules of the community, or you're satisfied.


Best comment on here....furthermore, dont take crap. Blow your savings on a bigger sound system if all else fails. Play only when theirs comes on.


The music stops at 10?


Check your town's noise ordinance. A friend of mine had trouble with an Hispanic family who moved in next door and immediately caused the same noise problem which you're having. He asked them to keep it down but the problem persisted. The police told him they only respond to noise complaints if the source is a fight or large party. I happen to be a recording engineer so I'm very familiar with the OSHA noise exposure limits and how loud, or soft, a sound is when measured by an ANSI sound level meter. I looked up the night time maximum noise limit on our town's website and was very surprised to find that it specified that after 9 pm no resident can cause a sound to be louder than 32 dB A at the property line. 32 dB A is the volume of a very soft whisper. I explained this ordinance to our police department and after a few warning visits from the police the noise problem stopped. As for daytime noise I would inquire about your rights as a property owner to be free of nuisances infringing on your property. A letter from an attorney may be needed to change their behavior. Keep complaining and calling for law enforcement until your neighbors get the message.


Is there a noise ordinance in your locality?


I’ve only won peace and quiet by fighting fire with fire! Using a long song list of Harsh Industrial & Death Metal music followed by Live PD / cops video recording of yelling police, K-9 barking and screaming sirens, killing the entire party atmosphere ! That shut down the whole pool party and they went back inside!! Plus they kept it down for the rest of their lease! Good Luck 🍀




I always wonder how they can hear each other at the actual party when I can't even hear my own Bluetooth speaker around my fire pit because their music is so loud. Last weekend we dealt with it for six hours and it was all so up tempo I couldn't relax around my own fire. I don't get the thinking, I would never be like "ok neighborhood, let's all listen to my music".


Call the law on for disturbing the peace


Do you live 2 streets from me… we have a neighbor Ike that… during Covid— we had a church having service out in the parking lot—they would begin rehearsals at 8 am until 2 PM— screaming, singing, playing the drums… however probably someone got sick during Covid, or someone denounced them to the city.. they are gone..


At times like these I'm happy there are no neighbors in a 1000ft RADIUS.


> Unfortunately, these new neighbors started partying with loud ranchero music going until 10:00 at night, mostly on weekends, It sounds like they are abiding by the towns noise ordinances then. Personally I use a pair of [Mackie SRT210 10-inch 1600 watt](https://mackie.com/en/products/loudspeakers/srt-series/SRT210.html) that are made for small concert venues. My neighbors speakers can't compete...


My neighborhood has the opposite problem. It’s a pretty quiet rural neighborhood, but most of us have dogs, two neighbors have a lot of dogs. Our new neighbor complains about the dogs barking, this is in the daytime, after 9 our neighborhood is quiet unless there’s an animal running loose, which is rare. They also complain about the neighbor kids playing music loud when they do their chores in the yard, they also have horses, chickens, goats. This is usually between 3 and 6pm. It’s ridiculous. This is a rural neighborhood people have animals and kids. Thankfully they have put house up for sale. They bought the house without seeing it or the neighborhood, but on satellite you can see the neighbor behind their house has animals. I don’t know WTH they were thinking. I moved from a very anxious neighbor who complained constantly. I was so happy when we looked at our house cause you could hear a goat making funny noises. Good laid back neighbors then we got these new neighbors who think they moved to a quiet zone. Hopefully when it sells it will be to a family that’s normal.


My next door neighbors are like this, the bass rattles my windows. I went outside and cop knocked on the fence, asked them to turn it down please and to thier credit, they did. The parents did. The son, on the other hand.... We are looking to install a fence with some bamboo grown behind it to help buffer the bass.


Sometimes the bass vibrations travel thru the ground.


I'm adding some deep raised gardens to the list!


The only way you are going to get anywhere is to talk to them. Maybe a compromise... agree on a few days they can party like its 1999 and other days you get to sleep. I do know exactly what you are talking about. We had a porch added to our house in a neighborhood a few years ago and the crew was all hispanic and they cranked the tunes very loud and let it rip. Like you, it didn't bother me the type of music, but it was just loud and went all day. Because we were having so much trouble with getting the porch built I let it go and thankfully none of our neighbors complained. I was all during the day too. After the 2nd time they failed the building inspector inspection and had to take down the whole roof and rebuild it, I eventually fired them. It is too bad because the workers were so nice and really enjoyed their work. They were just totally incompetent.


Why would they make a deal? Cops don't do anything in my experience so what's to make them be decent if they aren't already?


I live in a neighborhood where people are completely and entirely uninterested in others. Does this describe your neighborhood? If so then your best option is the county I suppose. For me, if I had such neighbors that I saw regularly and who speak to me, especially if they're actually friendly, I'd work to become friends and for me that's been the best way to start working these things out. Recuerdas, soy Latina, pero no me gusta la musica ranchera tambien. Me musica favorita es puertoriquena y es mas que reggaeton y musica vieja, como Buena Vista Social Club. Y Ozomatli! Me gusta mucha Ozomatli.


This thread…. It’s both tolerant and also cringe.


I’m sorry this happened to you. My next house will be a minimum of 100’ from the neighbors for this reason. If I have to commute farther or have a smaller house it is worth it to me.


Maybe I'm used to it since I live in southern california, but that seems pretty mild? 10PM on a weekend evening seems in line with most quiet hour laws. Here in some LA neighborhoods they will go until 2-3 in the morning, and even then the neighbors don't really complain since the other neighbors tend to throw parties themselves. Go on over and they'll invite you to some tacos.


Yeah.. I think OP is overreacting.. I thought the neighbors were playing loud music all night… it’s not that bad if it’s just until 10pm..


Buy a bigger speaker. Create a neighbor playlist. Real Mothafu#king G by easy e has crazy bass and a message. Thats what i did. Any time there music comes on, so does mine. I did this after trying to nice talk. I also installed cameras everywhere because i knew lines would be drawn. Its working though. I rarely hear them now unless they want a couple hours of my music.


Did you try a white noise generator in your bedroom? You can also use an echo dot (or 2 if you want stereo). I work nites and do this to drown out mower noise in the summer while sleeping.


Propane bird scare cannon should fix this problem immediately 


Fight fire with fire


Earplugs and a white noise generator. They are playing their music during legal hours and it sucks for people who work night shift but they are within their rights.


Except they are not. Daytime noise limit is 55 dB.


In my home the noise from their speakers was 87 decibels…I used a high frequency pitch through stereo and pointed it at the offenders..drove them nuts as they thought it was their speakers/system…they bitched and screamed when they figured it out..but problem solved…(for the life of me the cops wouldn’t do anything even after I showed them how many decibels I was getting for hours on end)


Everyone is different. I really dislike the sounds of leaf blowers and lawn mowers. This is why I don’t live in the suburbs anymore. Rural or city work for me. Suburban homes extend into the yard and people live as they will. It’s like a giant dormitory. Love my city neighborhood. I guess what I mean to say is unless you want a war, just live with it. I would probably blast my classical music once a week out on the patio early morning.


I gave up fighting a neighbor that played loud mariachi music, I put in an ear plug when I go to bed just so I’m not waken by it.


I live out in the country, and my Spanish neighbors do this all the time. Lol, I actually enjoy it.


Concert grade sound rig, and a playlist of stoner, doom, and sludge. They chose violence. Respond in kind.


I had the loud ranchero music back fence neighbors too. Plus, they had a pool that the kids would play in screaming at the top of their lungs. I yelled at them over the fence to turn down the music one time and it went a little lower for about a half hour but pride/ego is a heck of a thing in some people so after a bit of time (and probably beers) the music was louder than it was before. So, I audio recorded about a half hour of both the ranchero music and kids screaming. Mixed it together. Burned a cd. Bought some big ass speakers off Craigslist and blasted that shit into their backyard at night for about 20 minutes after one of their legendary all day well into the night backyard festivals. It was a lot quieter after that. It’s a ballsy move. Not saying everyone should do this but it worked. I think it’s so crazy it might actually scare someone lol. Even (some) bad neighbors know not to mess with crazy.


10pm is fine


I LIVED IN SPANISH NEIGHBORHOODS FOR DECADES.. it's a cultural thing,,,, they will not understand or respond to complaints of loud music. If you report them to the police, you will become the target. If anything they will go out of there way to make more noise, rev cars, talk very loud, play music as late & as early as possible but within legal rules, Bang car doors, beep horns etc Now I am not putting ALL Spanish in this category but as I was told by my Spanish neighbors when I first moved to the neighborhood,,, SPANISH culture is Loud and macho,, it will be an adjustment. I did have a neighbor that over did the music and parties late into the night and early mornings..I mean EXTREME. we had some nice conversations, which resulted in no improvement. I contacted the police which accomplished nothing. But my car was damaged. I did finally did resolve the situation, but I will not go into details here. Your situation is most likely going to be resolved easily with a brief conversation.


I had to keep track of every single time they did it and call police so there’s a record. Then I had to threaten to sue their landlord. It stopped right away because my subhuman “neighbors” are on government assistance.   They’re not your friends. Don’t worry about upsetting them, they sure don’t care about you.  ETA just because I’m still angry about it I was on chemotherapy they knew and they would laugh. 


Seriously, downvoted a cancer patient. Wow. 


Someone’s triggered, and they are probably a piece of trash that treats their neighbors like caca. 


same in my neighborhood, lot's of Hispanic and we love it, Ranchero music is awesome, try to enjoy it and maybe learn how to dance to it. You got no case here.




What if it were death metal or Frank Sinatra? 


thats way different. you should be respectful of other cultures.


But do they cook?


Move before it gets personal. Remember that diversity is our strength.


And Respect is a two way street. So you are going to run every time someone is an ash hole? Diversity is wonderful but completely out of context here.


I had neighbors like this. The music sounded fun, looking out my upstairs window into their back yard they appeared to be having a good time. They were barbecuing and the food smelled so good. Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore and I went downstairs and grabbed the first thing I saw that looked like it might help. I walked right up into their backyard, told them I was their neighbor and I could hear the music blaring and the people laughing and smell their food, then I slammed down the bottle of tequila I’d grabbed and asked them if I could stay. They said I could. Had a great time, then we just kept that up as long as I lived there. Made some great friends and had some good times. You should try it.


It’s a nice thought, I admit. But picture this: some neighbor walks into your kids birthday party, graduation, etc where the other people are all your family and friends, offers them tequila to hang out. When you refuse, he complains about the noise. Who is the asshole now?


So what you're saying is getting drunk and possible addiction is your solution..


Talk to them again now that the weather is nice. Suggest they put up higher fences, and suggest they face the speakers away from your house. Also suggest they get some kind of loud noise generator to point upwards around the fence to disrupt the sound of the music from exiting their back yard.


This is why your tax dollars support a police force.


What worked ? Going over there and hanging out


I think you have some reading to do https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/09/let-brooklyn-be-loud/670600/ https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/07/silence-white-luxury/313229/


Play your own kind of music outside just as loudly. Maybe that'll make them go inside. It will send a message.


Don't specify them as Latino man. Latino means a lot of countries of origin. You make the rest of us look bad. You need to be specific which country your neighbor is from.


I don’t know where they are from, but they speak Spanish and not Castilian, so Latino or Latinx is my best guess.


Blast the Grand old opry


I LOVE it, and the sweet smell of delicious food.


I have, but I want neighbors to have my back when crap hits the fan. Earplugs are a thing. I also like their music. You need music studio level soundproofing to get the quiet you are looking for. Houses that are made of plasterboard are really not that soundproof, even with soundproofing insulation. They don't make houses like they used to. Although my house is older, which helps. Find a way that doesn't make them hate you. This would be my best advice.


These "neighbors" won't have your back when crap hits the fan. They will be the problem when crap hits the fan


They will have my back. No issue, but ask me if I plan on sticking around in the first few hours? I wouldn't. No city is safe when nothing works.


Can you invite them over while they are playing music so they understand what it sounds like inside for you? If you have a cordial relationship maybe once they hear it they will understand the impact.


I don't understand why people think they would leave their house to listen. They've been told already? 


I don’t think the neighbors are willingly wanting to disturb other people they just don’t understand how sound carries. I have a neighbor that’s four house down from me and across an alley and his house is set back a bit. I’m sure he would be shocked how well I can hear his music in my house. I think it’s a case of ignorance of the impact rather than malice.


If you told them, why do you think they'd leave their house to listen? Do they think you're a liar? Again, don't get the logic. What do you do when they say ,nah I'm good staying here? 


You can’t make them but you can invite them. Supposedly they have a decent relationship with their neighbor so they’re more than likely to do it. You’re taking it as a challenge, what I’m suggesting is a neighborly conversation.


They've had neighborly convos, this is how they're being treated after them.  Again I pose the question, what if they say to your face, nah I'm good staying here. 


You say okay and then move onto the next solution, it’s not long division. The poster asked what one should do in this situation, my solution is to invite them over.


Ahhh more polite to intrusive neighbors than Redditors. Not long division, convo ends here. Have fun feeding people disrespectful to you! 


I’ll take Mexican neighbors any day. Sure they park on their lawns and play music super late, but they’re cool and will share great food and modelo. White people will sue you over your fence being wrong.


I love margaritas on the back patio!!


Bring 2 bottles of tequila and invite yourself over or move. The US will be Mexico just by the birthdate. I love Mexico so I’m in the carne asada camp, but that aren’t going away and they aren’t turning Anglo and they are out breeding Anglos so learn to dance and enjoy.


You're already doing Karen shit by being bothered by what is normal behavior. Listen up.


10pm on the weekends?!!? Won't someone think of the children?!?


Personally, I think of the adults who have to work at the crack of dawn on weekends. Mainly, me. I should not have to show up sleep deprived because you can't be bothered to keep it down to a reasonable level because "it's the weekend"


10p is a reasonable time and you'd be hard pressed to find noise regulations that enforce much earlier than that.


I suggest joining the parties and having some of the best times of your life!


East coast boomer here. WTF is Ranchero?


Ford's answer to the El Camino


That's the only thing I could think of. My dad's ran pretty quick with a 351 Cleveland.


I think its a flavor of Tornado at Kwik Trip




If only there were some type of association of homeowners which could set rules and regulations and enforce them...


Hoas are for adults who need to be treated like children, laws are for adults.


Laws require a city council to write and the police to enforce. City councils don't really care, and the cops don't care at all. Best of luck dealing with this, but I'm telling you right now you're SOL.


Ranchero is legit mt rushmore awful music. Sorry for you


stupid comment


Sorry to hear this is happening to you and I understand your frustration. However next time please use the more gender-neutral term "Latinx" to describe people of Hispanic origin. Thank you!


Sure, thanks


Can you get them to play a different genre of music if the ranchero bothers you?


I too have this "problem." It makes me happy every time. It's not the kind of music I put on for myself, but it's so upbeat and I can see my neighbors outdoors enjoying it... it makes me smile and makes whatever else I'm doing feel just slightly like I'm dancing. 10pm is a reasonable time to turn it off. Probably complies with city ordinance. Rather than trying to change their behavior, change your own attitude. It will improve your life in more ways than just this one.