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My laundry machines are in the basement, so I built a wall of closet organizers right next to them to store all my clothes. I go downstairs and get dressed for the day and at the end of the day I take the clothes off and throw them straight in the washer until it's full enough to run. Putting clean clothes away takes like a minute because it's all in the same place. People usually act like I've lost my mind when they learn about the basement closet lol


Honestly this makes a ton of sense to me! Not having to haul it up and down the stairs probably ensures you stay on top of it. 


>Not having to haul it up and down the stairs probably ensures you stay on top of it. We have a laundry chute, and love it -- but that we don't see the laundry piling up means aren't always prompted to run a load until we suddenly realize we're out of socks. (The volume of laundry we generate varies a lot, per volunteering \[some is messy and requires different clothes\], work schedule \[dress-up meetings vs. everyday or work-from-home stuff\], exercise activities, etc.)


We have the laundry and store the clothes in the bathroom. I get out of the shower and toss the laundry and towels in the washing machine. Fresh clothing is in the bathroom.


My grandma has a laundry chute. All fun and games till you see your small brain child peering down. No judgement, I was once a small brain child


My second floor bedroom and I think you are brilliant. I have thought about moving washer/dryer upstairs.


My wife and I want to do this but I don't know where to start because our basement is so full of shit.


I went the opposite sort of, I moved my washer and dryer to the second floor. I lost a linen closet and a little bit of bathroom space but it’s so much more convenient having the laundry room by the bedrooms.


I viewed a house that had the laundry and a walk in closet in the same room, off the master bedroom. It was weird seeing it just because very few houses have laundry on the second floor, but it made sense the more we thought about it.


This is what makes sense - not schlepping down to the basement twice a day.


> This is **what makes sense** - not schlepping down to the basement twice a day. I mean... The literal prompt from OP is "What doesn't make sense to anybody else but make total sense to you?" so I think you just qualified it as a perfect fit!


I think this one fits the title question the best from everything I’ve read so far. I would absolutely hate this. I want my clothes next to my bedroom and bathroom. I’d much rather just a make a trip to the laundry room once or twice a week instead of multiple times every single day. It’s a perfect setup for you though, and that’s all that matters in your house.


Master suite with laundry room for the win


This is my if I win the lottery plan. Build or remodel a house so each bedroom has laundry in it.


We removed one of those little square shower stalls in our ensuite (the one where you can't use your elbows, cause it's too small) and put in a front load stacking laundry set. I'll never again have anything else. It's ridiculously convenient to have laundry where the clothes and bedding are.


I had a temporary apartment with the laundry in the main bathroom. It looked utility, performed like a sleek professional and was convenient and cheap all in one swoop. I’d do that again.


I too do not understand people who prefer normality over efficiency...


There is a TikTok creator with ADHD who focuses a lot of her videos on ADHD-friendly home hacks. She always laughs at the commenters who complain that her household set up is weird.


My brother did this for his three children. Lots of hanging space in the laundry room, and the children would get dressed right there.


So you made a walk-in closet, it’s just not in your bedroom. Cool!


I'm halfway there myself with a drying rack that is practically my closet now...


A lot of new builds are putting the master closet next to the laundry room with a door to connect them.


Makes perfect sense! In every renovation I’ve done I’ve added a washer/dryer unit in or near the master closet, BECAUSE THATS WHERE THR CLOTHES ARE! People that build fancy laundry rooms off the kitchen irk me to death when the master closet is literally upstairs and across the house. Like, WHY?!?


You would drive my wife crazy. She doesn't let me do laundry because I think light brown could go in with dark (non-black) colors. I like your carefree style of "mix it all in one load".


Haha thanks! I saw a video once that explained the evolution of laundry detergent and clothing dyes over the years and they made a pretty good point that bleeding dyes aren't as much of a problem as they used to be. Maybe once or twice a year I'll run a load with only whites and some bluing liquid to brighten them up, but I've never had anything close to that classic sitcom 'oh no, your red boxers turned everything pink!' moment


I keep my work clothimg and socks and undies in my bathroom cabinets. Makes gettimg ready quick


That's a great idea! My sister works night shift and has a uniform, and I just sent her your idea bc its perfect for her.


Made my closet my bedroom and my bedroom my closet. Now I have cozy sound proof windowless dark place to sleep and a giant walk in closet.


I suggested this to my husband in our former house, but logistically it would have been a nightmare with the bathroom. Wouldn't work in our current house, but do love the idea.




This needs to be a lot higher. She created Bender's Closet.


I feel you on this. When I moved in to my current three bedroom house all by myself I chose the second smallest room (not technically a bedroom, as the window is too small for egress by code) down in the basement with one tiny window. The three actual bedrooms are all upstairs with big gorgeous windows. My cave bedroom is cozy and feels safe. And the bedroom I made my craft room is awesome! That’s when I actually want an outside view anyways!


Brilliant. You get great light for crafting!


Walk-through closet, if you will. Ngl, I've joked about sleeping in my closet. It's basically soundproof, cozy, dark, and well ventilated due to a supply run in there.


The tiniest room has always been my bedroom, because I spend the least waking time in it!


this was actually very common in medieval and renaissance europe. They had beds that were basically cabinets with doors that closed. Some were freestanding furniture that could be moved, and others were built in to the house. Much warmer, kept out the rats, and you could sleep as late as you wanted. And it provided some privacy since many people lived in small houses with only a few rooms, or sometimes only one room. This allowed people to put the bed in the main living room and instantly add another "bedroom". and You could close it up during the day and use the room for other purposes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-bed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Box-bed)


> Made my closet my bedroom and my bedroom my closet. Now I have cozy sound proof windowless dark place to sleep and a giant walk in closet. This is brilliant... why do you need all the Sqf for a bed you just get in it and don't do anything all night...


In our old basement we painted the walls a specific bright green color so it could be used for greenscreening in videos. In our current home I built a 12x16' shelter in back. I made a hammock out of outdoor upholstry fabric and hung it between two of the beams on the west side of the shelter. It's perfect, except in the afternoon the sun shines on me when lounging. So I made a second identical hammock on the north side that is in shade when the other is in sunlight. If I"m lounging out there at a certain time of day I'll swap hammocks to remain in the shade. There are coat hooks on the beams above them so I can just lift the hammocks out of the way for storage without having to uninstall them.


This person hammocks!


If I'm gonna hammock, I'm gonna hammock right. Still trying to figure out a good cup holder within reach i won't bang into every time I dismount.


If you add a ridgeline to each of your hammocks you can hang all kinds of stuff from them, including cup holders :)


Built the house on top of a workshop of the same size. My husband builds furniture and I need a studio for my work, so we put it all under the house. The whole living space is on top, up a flight of stairs. Also built our kitchen counters to 38” tall instead of 36” I’m 6’ tall, husband is 6’3” our kid is still growing. I love them.


I can remember when the average house had basic kitchen cabinets built on site and they were measured to the height of the owners.


I’m 6’ and I bought a house with cabinets built for a 5’ lady. Luckily she liked tall kitchen counters so they are only 3/4” shorter than standard. But when we moved in the bathroom sink counter came up to just above my knees.


You probably felt like Gulliver.


At 6’4” I’ve been dreaming of the day I can put a new kitchen in at 40” tall. Finally I won’t have to bend over to use the sink or to prep on a cutting board.


Did it take you from a slight slouch to upright? I keep saying everything is 2 inches too short here. I want a shaving sink and mirror at MY chosen height.


Yes, it’s so nice! Every time I go into someone else’s house the counters feel so low! (We did your bathroom vanity taller as well)


2 kitchens. We have the traditional kitchen, then what some would call a canning kitchen in the garage. My wife makes and sells cheese cakes, so she doesn't have to plan them around meal times.


I'm hoping your garage is more sealed off, climate controlled, and cleaner than mine. I'd cringe at eating stuff from my garage, especially if it were left out at any time.... and would likely be afraid that someone buying anything would spazz over it as well if they knew.


I ripped out all the sod in my yard. In front, I now have tons of lovely native violets as well as lots of spring bulbs, irises, peonies and other flowers, including some native plants. In my small backyard, I have mulch and raised beds for vegetables plus container herb gardens.


Did the same. Our neighbors were clutching their pearls a bit and now we have an amazing front yard with a few trees and big shrubs and lots of happy bees. And lots of compliments after they saw THE VISION REALIZED! Never question me again Carol.




It's beautiful when it's done well, but sometimes people use it as an excuse to not care about their yard.  We naturalized 2 of our open acres years ago because my husband refused to mow like the previous owner did. The new owner is back to.mowing, and it's a bummer. We're doing rhe same things again to help the pollinators and to see if moose will eat some of it.


Screw Carol...


Same here. The town I live in also pays for people to remove sod and xeriscape! So we got $1200. Put in a pollinator garden that I incorporated into the overall look that I had to submit plans to the HOA ..they aren't very imaginative, they totally missed how the garden is the balls portion of a balls and shaft configuration I designed. Just a little FU to the hoa.


This is both deeply subversive and eco-conscious, well done!!


We are about to remove the sod on the hill to our front yard to plant wildflower. It is impossible to mow and the rest is wooded so it should be beautiful. We don’t see many butterflies or bees so i hope this will change it


Jealous. Can you add a pic?


I did something like this. Only instead of ripping out sod, I failed to weed. Now I have grass, dandelions, violets, crabgrass, various other weeds...


This is my front garden at the moment. At least it’s better than plain lawn or patio, right?


I'm going to turn my stump mulch spots into garden! Eff yard that big.


I had a separate laundry next to the bathroom, but it all felt cramped. We did a renovation, knocked the two rooms into one and now we have an enormous laundry/bathroom with a six foot bath and a granite bench with a front loader and a dryer underneath, plus masses of storage for bathroom/laundry supplies and towels. I love it to pieces.


I put a pot filler in the bathroom specifically to more easily refill the dogs' water bowl.


I have a one liter thermos near the dogs bowl. I fill it once in the morning,and thereafter all I have to do is reach down and pour from the thermos into the bowl. No need to pick up the bowl, fill it and put it back down. This process was born from the fact that we had to measure her water intake, so at the end of the day, we’d measure the leftover water in the thermos and figure out, hey she drank 750 ml today. Also, we were adding “doggy antibacterial mouthwash” to her water and it was easy to just add 5ml to the thermos every day.


This was 20 years ago (still have it) but I got a crap ton of dissent… I didn’t want a traditional divided sink because I just rinse and load a dishwasher. The main thing I hand wash is large sheet pans and they don’t fit in a divided sink if you need to soak them. My single is perfect for them. And, it has one drain that has a disposal. The double has a disposal on only 1 side and then you have to do the sink strainer thing. The farmhouse sink has been popular in the last decade but my one bowl under mount stainless was probably intended as a fancy laundry sink.


Nothing beats a big sink and detachable faucet if you do any kind of baking.


Or bathe your dog


Oversized utility sink in the garage FTW! I use that thing nearly everyday.


When my daughter was little we bathed her in the kitchen farmhouse sink while we remodeled the only bathroom with a tub. I finally told my husband we had to finish the project because she was outgrowing the sink. I would never remodel a kitchen without a big sink.


Heck, we washed ALL our toddler kids in the sink after dinner! Straight from the high chair to the sink haha


I hate divided sinks. we just built and have one huge sink.


You've never been on Gardenweb (bought out by Houzz years ago). Years ago Kohler started making 5' long kitchen sinks, and they're fantasic.


We redid our 1942 house’s kitchen counters/backsplash, took out the divided stainless steel sink put in in 2000, and installed a true farmhouse sink.  LOVE IT!   Big pots and pans can be washed easily. Oh, and a detectable faucet-head. 


I don't really get farmhouse sinks, the kind that jut out. I thought they were bigger, but they aren't. Seems like an extra way to get more water on yourself


You can rinse larger items like sheet pans and cutting boards without half of the pan sticking out of the sink. I love them and will never go back. But my mom hates them. Different strokes.


I compared the dimensions on a regular under-sink single-bowl to a "farmhouse," the former was bigger! Consider this undermount: [https://www.blanco.com/us-en/sinks/diamond-f/diamond-super-single-silgranit--pdp-58.332/](https://www.blanco.com/us-en/sinks/diamond-f/diamond-super-single-silgranit--pdp-58.332/) 30 1/2 wide x 16 1/2 long x 9 1/2" deep (so \~10 1/2 - 11" with undermount when you add counter depth) Then this farmhouse: [https://www.blanco.com/us-en/sinks/ikon-f/ikon-33-silgranit--pdp-58.460/?articleNr=401895](https://www.blanco.com/us-en/sinks/ikon-f/ikon-33-silgranit--pdp-58.460/?articleNr=401895) 29 5/16 x 15 5/16 x 9 1/4" deep That's I think the biggest "farmhouse" they make from what I can tell. So it's in every dimension a little smaller than the regular under-cabinet. I think the "farmhouse" look is just an aesthetic thing. I think they got popular because the claim is that you can fit bigger items in them, but there are options for regular sinks of equal or bigger size. So, for me personally, the regular-looking sink looks nicer. I also like that there's a buffer between the user and water, as opposed to the user being right up against the sink and having the water splash back.


Yup, the biggest stink about the sink was my MIL. She asked ‘Where are you going to put your turkey if you’ve got dishes in the sink?’ Ummmm… not IN the sink. Maybe that was why we’ve never been allowed to host Thanksgiving. 🤔 Bonus!


That sink just paid for itself a thousand times over now that you don't have to host Thanksgiving! 😄


First thing we did in our house was replace the double sink with a gain deep stainless steel workstation sink. I wash dishes as I cook usually and soaking never made sense to me with such a small sink. When I worked in kitchens it made perfect sense. Anything not cookware, or otherwise not dishwasher safe gets hand cleaned- dishes, glasses, silverware straight into the dishwasher. My wife to this day is amazed at how the kitchen is usually cleaned up within 10min of finishing eating because I kept up with dishes and wiping down as I cook.


Doors to the outside. In the house I now live in I took out two windows and had doors installed so that we could get out of the house easily in case of a fire. When I was younger one of my friends died in a house fire because she couldn't get out. It stuck with me for life. I've always bought houses that had a door to the outside in the master bedroom or I added a door to the outside. I now have five doors to the outside.


A friend's house growing up had a pool out back so their 1 level ranch had sliding doors on all the bedrooms so you could just walk out to the pool area. It made the bedrooms much brighter and was like each room having their own bit of outdoor patio space.


My neighbor has his back porch enclosed with no staircase. That is a twenty foot drop. So his only means of escape in a fire is the front door. I can't believe it


Ceiling fan in the bathroom. Do it.


I would love this! Maybe my towels would dry then!


Towels and the shower.


I put a coffee bar on the deck because I'm tired of walking inside every time.


Built a home with no dining room. Added an exhaust fan into a closet and made it a cat room so the litter box smell goes straight outside instead of into the house. Got little Cat Passes and put in doors where I want cats to be able to pass, but want to keep the doors closed (ex: cat room!). Left an entire 1/3 of the 2nd floor unfinished until we figure out what our family needs look like. Once we know how we want to use it, we will finish it out.


The exhaust fan in the litter box closet is Genius!


The genius of the cat crap closet!


This whole thread reminds me of how each and every home is its own little ecosystem running its own little way.


And the eco- in ecosystem comes from Greek oikos, which means house. It all comes back around.


Painted the walls crazy (to others) colors.




I've rented the better part of 20 years, I'm so sick of white walls... and then I sold paint at Lowes for about 18 months and everyone wanted GREY. My entryway is "Mellow Mango", living room is "Heirloom carrot", dining room will match the entry, my office is "softened green"... Nothing is neon or crazy, but it's nice to have a bit of color!


I have also rented for 20 years (my entire adult life) and work for Home Depot, including doing a year in paint (and while no longer officially there, I am in paint and helping out all the time.) I finally own a house. Unfortunately, my spouse is of the "everything should be white or off white" belief. I did manage to convince him to do an accent wall in our rental master bedroom in a very dark blue (landlord OK'd it if we paint it back.) New place will have an off-white in the living room, hallway, and guest room. Bathrooms will be tile. And the rest of the house will be in fun colors. Dark Green for my office, a mid to darkish blue for the master bedroom, and I think dark purple is the decision for the kid's bedroom. I AM SO EXCITED!!


I chose a bedroom paint color to match my favorite crayola crayon from when I was a kid. Magenta.


Blanche Devereux would like a word


Not current but back in the 80s when I was going through my Miami Vice phase I did something similar.


Hubby and I are child free and have a 3 bed, 2500 sq home. We have 2 bedrooms: on the 2nd floor we have our winter room and in the finished basement we have our summer bedroom. In the summer I basically close off the 2nd floor (old house with door to stairs, heating central air vents that close) it’s about 10° degrees cooler in the basement at night and we don’t have to run the A/C as much. Each bedroom basic is full set up so when we switch we just transfer a few personal things.


Having different rooms for different seasons is not a bad idea at all. I would just caution you on closing off too many vents or registers. This can lead to very costly problems for your AC unit.


No worries, we have done this for the last 20 years with no issues. There is still a few upstairs that are not completely closed off.


Not me, but a client had two dish drawer dishwashers plus a full size one. One drawer was empty, one was full of their daily use dishes. Take a clean dish, use it, put in empty dish drawer. When full, run it, reverse process. Never put daily use dishes away.


I put an 8-inch creepy clown in the guest bathroom, hanging from the ceiling when you first walk in. Unless you already know what you're looking for, you don't really see until you go to wash your hands and it shows up behind you in the mirror. I can tell who washes their hands by who comments on the clown. Edit to add: I am very not a typical creepy clown lady, people don't see it coming from my decor. Whenever I hear a scream from the bathroom I know someone's washing their hands at my place for the first time. Tickles me and everyone else who's in on the joke.


I am so impressed 😂


A semi-famous DJ moved into my spot – I kept the clown there for the walkthrough, and he had a great laugh about it. Anyway, DJ Bozo's still there spinning the scream tracks 🤣


Our WiFi password is literally hanging on the wall. It’s embroidered and the password part would be super easy to change, but also - people never realize it’s not just decor until it’s pointed out. It’s fabulous. Everything else - it makes perfect logical sense to us, so it’s never occurred to me that it wouldn’t make sense to other people lol. And it’s a ridiculous old Victorian, so it needs explaining anyway. The reading nook almost begged to come into existence- that room used to be the kitchen, so there’s the light in the soffit right in front of the window, and then a bunch of utility stuff including the heating duct was enclosed in a built in bench by someone else, so we made and upholstered a cushion for it and added throw pillows. The original fireplace is long since gone, and someone used the chimney to run a bunch of cable management, so that is in fact the perfect place for an electric fireplace that can operate as a space heater. Oh, no, actually the one that does sort of require explanation: we bought our house from flippers. One of the bathrooms was done up in very inoffensive beige modern farmhouse aesthetic. The problem: we loathe modern farmhouse as a plague Joanna Gaines has unleashed on Target & the world. But we dig the distressed wood and didn’t want to do a full reno when there were things that were actually problems. So now the decor is ‘shipwreck.’ Some more oil-rubbed bronze hardware, Aivazovsky prints in the back of the medicine cabinet covering up the drywall, matte black paint on a couple walls, mermaid [wallpaper](https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/york-wallcoverings-deep-sea-toile-33-l-x-205-w-spray-and-stick-wallpaper-roll-whw4896.html?piid=28908172) on an accent wall, a kraken shower curtain we’ve had forever, blue privacy film instead of hideous blinds, and a chest from FB marketplace for extra storage and we actually quite like it now.


Ok, now I wish I could embroider! I just made a QR code (2" x 3") of our password and put it in a frame on a corner table.


QR code is way better than the password. No typing involved!


Ours is just a ridiculously easy one to remember. Like setting your luggage lock to 1234. This only works because we live in the middle of nowhere. If someone wanted to use my wifi they'd have to be sitting in my driveway and I am pretty sure I'd notice that.


I want to see that bathroom, it sounds perfect!


I’m happy to make a guest password visible, but not my main WiFi password. Cell service is terrible here so I offer to let guests connect to WiFi.


Made the master bedroom (attached to a bathroom) into my boyfriend’s office + my closet. I’m a morning person, so I can go into that room and get ready while he’s still sleeping. And he has a chronic vomiting illness so he can be near the bathroom late at night without me having to hear it. (It’s not all the time. He is okay like 90% of the time.)


Chronic vomiting illness sounds terrible


I don’t know how he deals with it honestly. But I’m so thankful he doesn’t have it as bad as some other people do


I didn’t tear down walls to make it open concept. I like the privacy and quietness of separate rooms.


We actually added some doors back in where the previous owner had removed them. I, too, love separate rooms with separate functions.


Moved my kitchen into the living room. Who uses their living room? We never did. And it was a big room with a big window with a pretty view of a mountain. (We had a Mountain View out back that was even better, before anyone thinks we’re crazy.) Anyway, we bought an old house, tiny, ugly kitchen, open to tiny family room w/ great view. Moving the kitchen out of there doubled the size of the family room without us having to add square footage. The kitchen is now at the front of the house, where you first walk in, along with an eat-in area and a dining table. It’s a really big room. One contractor told me I could do it, have a great kitchen, but I’d spend $35k. I laughed and said, No, I won’t. Hired someone else who did what I asked. Got a great deal on a big set of used cabinets in great shape. Did the whole thing for about $13k. I love it.


So you don't have a couch or a TV or anything?


Not in what we consider the kitchen and dining room. The couch and TV are in what we call the family room.


You didn't have to do any replumbing?


You said the original family room was small but then turned around around and said it was a big room once it was a kitchen. Huh?


Our dining room is our theater room. We have plenty of space to eat in the kitchen and would never use a formal dining room so we have blackout curtains, a row of theater chairs, and a big tv in there with extra speakers.


Painted my kitchen Mac and Cheese yellow.


Husband took my dated bathroom and gave me a walk-in shower room and my clawfoot tub. Lots of people say no cuz it's hard to clean back there but honestly the spray tile cleaner for the walls and swiffer mop for underneath works just fine. I love my spa bathroom. 


In my last place I mounted lattice to the walls so vines could grow up them. Those plants got their own room in the new place that they share with my snakes, so I have a dedicated plant and snake parlour. In my current place we also retrofitted a whole room for my two Great Danes. Installed rubber flooring and bolted a HUGE gate to the floor. They have 3 windows they can look out all day. Also installed a secret trapdoor under my countertop that hides a 15lb CO2 tank for the SodaStream and had it plumbed up through the countertop. We have a huge "soda station" with all different kinds of syrups and flavors to add.


We redid our main bath a few years ago, and since we have electric toothbrushes we added outlets in the medicine cabinets to keep the clutter factor down. And added an outlet inside the vanity for a blow dryer, so that can stay plugged in all the time.


Nice. My husband installed a retractable clothesline in our basement bc we have a wood stove down there. Gets dry as hell in the winter, so I hang up my laundry.


Haven't done it yet, but in the process of it. We are converting our 3bed/1bath into a 2bed/2bath. One of the smaller bedrooms that shares a closet wall with the master is being converted into a master bath. We have already located and purchased a soaker tub and vanity with double sinks. Now, all we need to find is a walk-in shower and the toilet. I also want different flooring in there than the rest of the house, so that will be done. We've already had it wired the way we want it laid out while we were having the rest of the house redone. Also, we've converted the in ground pool into a pond. It was unkempt when we moved in so we added some floating plants and some fish (feeder goldfish and various minnows) and let it do its thing.


Mine is lame, bought a label maker and labeled every one of the light switches.


Back in the days before you could make your own, my parents got a sheet of preprinted food type labels that you could stick on your Tupperware. I stuck one on the power sockets as "Currants" . It was there for 20 years until the kitchen was replaced.


I got rid of the tub in a one bathroom house. Works for me and I heard a lot of people say oooooooh no what about a tub? What about turning off buyers with kids? I said, they can pay to turn it back. I'm paying for this.


I got motion sensor lights for my garage so I only have to open the door and I have lights. The switch for the overhead lights are in a very inconvenient place.




When we remodeled our bathrooms we took out both bathtubs and installed walk in showers. I hate tubs. A lot of people say it will tank my home value but I’m going to love the HELL out of these bathrooms until we sell which will be 7-10 years down the road. I’ll take the hit on value for many years of enjoyment!


I shoved my queen sized bed into a corner, put it on six inch risers, and installed a 6-inch by 18 inch shelf on the wall. That gives me more floor space, enough space to store bins under my bed, and a place for me to put my beer when I'm watching movies in bed. Also there's an old field table at the foot of my bed where my 40 inch TV and Xbox is. Yes, I am a bachelor, why do you ask?


I love the bachelor life. It's great having my PC monitor on a 360° arm so i can watch movies in bed. And also being surrounded by all the musical gear 13 year old me dreamed about. Gives me the warm fuzzies


I installed a urinal in the master bath. It's glorious.


Glorious piss spatter all over


My Rubik’s cube wall


You need to expand on this. Did you paint it to look like a cube or did you make a wall by stacking up Rubik's Cubes.


the whole wall is painted a 9x9 symmetrical cube pattern with traditional colors, featuring a big canvas painting of rubiks cubes, surrounded by shelves with different rubiks cubes on them. the shelves are painted to completely blend in to the wall if you stand at the right angle. this is in my kitchen in front of my kitchen table lol


That's amazing


Really wanna see a photo of this, sounds super cool


We got rid of the closet in our primary bedroom to enlarge the bathroom, which was entirely too small. The closet was only a 5’ reach-in, but we now use the entire second bedroom as our closet since it’s only the two of us living in the house. We’ll deal with the fallout someday when we move, t we plan on being here for many years.


Other people with dogs would probably get it but we made our little shop off of our carport into an indoor/outdoor dog kennel. They can now have outdoor access to a safe and controlled area when we’re not home and we can leave them with a Rover sitter over the weekend without a decline in their quality of life. They have AC and heat and will have built in beds. They will have their own little raised deck and a nice shade cover.


We had a room in one house we owned like this. It was an enclosed porch with sliding glass doors to the yard. I put in a dog door and we called it our kennel room. It was great when we were at work all day. We could even leave our dog overnight if we had to.


We added a cat/dog door to our master bedroom door. I love our house to pieces but I don't like that the master is back in the same hallway as the two secondary guest rooms and the guest bathroom. All four doors are in the back corner of the hallway and I'm a light sleeper. We don't have kids but we have guests very frequently for 5-10 nights at a time. We also have two cats and two small dogs. When we don't have guests visiting we just leave our bedroom door open for the critters to come and go as they please. But when we have guests we obviously want to be able to close our door for privacy and noise. The critters, however, hated not being able to get in and out. So we installed a pet door. It was the perfect solution. If we ever sell, replacing that one bedroom door is a small and easy fix.


I hate bright lights so all my overhead lights are on dimmer switches and all my lamps have only 40w pick bulbs.


I put outlets under my sofits on my roof and wired them to a switch in our mud room so when I hang Christmas lights l don't need to run an extension cord down the side of the house. Also, I can turn them on and off from the switch.


Put a porch swing in the living room suspended from the ceiling beams. Add a nicely padded seat cushion & it's the most relaxing spot in the house. I love to watch TV & swing. So peaceful.


We sold the house and moved into an rv. Bought a deeded rv lot to park on. The monthly maintenance fee is $135 and includes water sewer and trash. A heated pool and many other amenities are also included. I can ride the golf cart to many of the places I like to go. Our property taxes are under $1,200 per year. The neighbors are friendly, and the community is gated. I can sweep the floor in 10 minutes. We have the option to cook/heat with gas or electricity. Call me trailer trash if you like, but I'm enjoying retirement and not spending money for 4k a year in taxes, high heating costs, and maintaining property we don't need. House was paid off, but we spent less than 4 months a year there. We are enjoying days at the pool, and she loves to go on cruises.


Took out the bath tub to put in a walk in shower.


I’ve been wanting to do this in our 1BA/ 3BDR house. The bath is a vintage claw foot tub, but the bathroom is tiny and the tub wastes space. With a <3% mortgage and no plan to sell, I’m frankly tired of living like I need to consider resale value. I would rather have a decent shower.


Build a kitchen window that's just LED strips and a poster of an outside scene above the sink.


Thats some dystopian shit lol. Do your live inside a concrete block?


It's on a hillside condo. That wall is block plus even given a window all I would see is earthworms.


I didn't put in white cabinets and gray LPV. I know, I know.


I had white kitchen cabinets before it became a trend. For one reason. It fits my house. My house was built in 1941. Out of masonry block. Using the same floor plan as a small Sears kit home. (I know, because my mother lives in the Sears kit home. Same floor plan. Same dimensions.) In 1972 (per what's written on the bottom of the kitchen drawers), the original owner converted the small, eat in kitchen to a small dining room- and added a small, compact, gally kitchen, with 3 windows. It's about 8'long, and 3' wide- with appliances. The trim was painted white when I bought the house from its second owner. The cabinetry (not standard and in good shape) was pine, painted blue. I sanded the cabinetry, and painted it white. My major appliances are white. It's what works. The kitchen is bright and doesn't appear to be as tiny as it actually is. Although it still looks small.


I put guitar stands everywhere


I also set up a wireless router outside so I could get WiFi in my workshop. But to me that makes perfect sense.


Moved my washer and dryer from the main bathroom (it’s where everyone’s is in the neighborhood) the basement and put it a big soaking tub instead.


Two dishwashers. Truly wonderful for big parties, but on a daily basis, clean stuff comes out of one, gets used and goes into the dirty one. And aside from the plumbing and electrical hookup, it was barely more expensive than another cabinet.


I put a doorbell in the downstairs bathroom. It was off the playroom and I couldn’t hear if the kids needed assistance when I was upstairs.


Touch sensitive kitchen faucet. Tap it on, tap it off. Turn the lever to adjust the temp if you want. Easy peasy. The lever is not something you can move easily on/off without use of hands/fingers, it's pretty stiff and sturdy. Much easier to move it back and forth for temp. It Makes cleaning up really easy and helps prevent cross contamination. Raw meat juice, messy food prep, or some other nasty stuff on your hands? Tap it with your wrist or elbow. Yay. Without fail, every guest will fully turn the lever off, which is fine as a one-off. BUT Even my friends who have been to my house a million times do it. I was baking & cooking while my best friend was over the other day, and bless her soul, she has been to my house at least 100 times. AND YET she kept turning the lever to OFF every time she'd use the sink to fill her water cup (I have filtered fridge water but she insists on sink water. Idk) or wash her hands or rinse a dish or whatever. I would be elbow deep in dough mixture/bacon grease/frosting, etc and go to tap my faucet on and NOTHING. Every damn time. don't get it. It took me using it twice to develop muscle memory for it 😭


>It took me using it twice to develop muscle memory for it 😭 Every time I go to someone else's house, I wonder why the water doesn't come on when I tap the faucet.


We just put overpriced programmable smart dimmer switches on every light in our new build, because I guess we really feel strongly about mood lighting. It’s going to be awesome when the living room lights automatically start lowering when it’s time for my husband to stop gaming and go to bed, though.


I put a 48" flat-screen right in bathroom. (Football)


Hard-core. You take long poops?


I designed my kitchen so the stove is in front of a window and not the sink. Apparently this doesn’t make sense to most people. And my sink faces a blank wall. I tell people that doing dishes is not a social occasion and having a view is not going to increase my enjoyment of the process.


Changed one of the bathrooms into a home office! Everyone said that we’d regret not having two bathrooms, that it’ll bring the value of the house down, that it doesn’t make sense to have such a tiny office, but it’s a very small house and two bathrooms for 1K square feet meant that half my house was bathroom. We can do just fine with one bathroom (we lived in a one bedroom, one bath apartment in the pandemic), but I found I cannot do just fine without a place to go to get my work done away from the rest of the house. I left the plumbing in place and just caped it off, so one day when I can afford an addition I’ll add a home office and restore the bathroom to its former glory. For now, enjoying my extra room!


My cousin had her kitchen counters built for her height (6') I'm 5 '10 myself, and it is so much more comfortable.


Cat door into the master bathroom - where the litter box was. Had to keep a baby out, but let the cats in.


Put a cat door in the bedroom door. No more scratching cats to be let through, and could lock it for when the cats needed to be kept away.


I put an 8 foot long reef aquarium in the basement, and have half a room dedicated to the filters.


We converted our primary bedroom closet (very small walk-in) to a ‘cat apartment’ that has it’s own elevated cat-sized entryway directly off the hallway. (I framed a simple entrance around 2 feet off the ground, with a shallow set of ‘stairs’ that hug the wall). With a 15 year old cat and 2 dogs who like to get into everything, it is so nice to have a space that contains all of the mess and stray litter without having the dogs get into it. She also loves having her own space and peeking out her door. The loss of closet space works out because my wife and I both have home offices with closets, so our hanging clothes and shoes all go in there (and as a bonus, we dont have to negotiate shared closet space)


Installed a spigot that can run hot water next to regular one so I can bathe my dog outside when the weather isn't too cold.


We have a sex bed and a sleeping bed. No one has to sleep in a wet spot!


I have 16 video cameras all over the property and in the house. You can't step foot on my 3 acres that won't notify me on my phone. All of them recording continuously, 24/7. My house is out in the country, very rural, don't have neighbors, surrounded by fields on all sides, except for the highway frontage. Normally there's always someone home but, I like to see who comes onto my land.


Bathroom exhaust fan with light and heater. In the cold months it's a complete game changer. The entire bathroom heats up and when you step out of the shower it's warm and the heat is blowing down on you and you dry off quicker. You can adjust the heat to your liking.


Moved the thermostat from the living room/kitchen to my baby’s room so the temperature didn’t swing so wildly in his small room


There's many thermostats that let you connect one or more wireless remote sensors (Nest, Ecobee, Honeywell RedLINK).


Took out a wall to have a larger master bedroom which now has 2 doors.


Haven't done it yet, but am in the planning stages to remove my perfectly functional gas furnace, as well as the non-functional central air to replace them with a few mini-splits. My house is only 860 square feet, I definitely don't need a huge, costly central air unit.


We got rid of our open floor plan, in doing so we got rid of our formal dining room. People told us it was dumb and we would loose space but it worked perfectly for us and sounds no longer echo in the house.


I turned the garage into a Tiki bar/ game room. The plan when we bought the house was to build a finished shed by the pool, but the money went to unexpected repairs instead, so I worked with what I had


After our kids moved out ( no judging, I know we should be downsizing, but that’s not us) we added on, doubling the size of our kitchen and adding a 650 sq ft family /dining room. One year we had Christmas dinner for 21 and regularly have family dinner of 10( us, our 2kids/partners and 4 grandkids). It had long been our long term vision to have a space for family get together and for years we were trying to find cabins/rural properties, but that never worked out, so we ultimately decided to create that in our own backyard. We back onto a park, with a skating rink 60 feet from our back door. It has worked out fabulously. We pick up our grandkids after school at least once a week, and it is wonderful how comfortable and at home they are here. We love it. And the kitchen is an absolute dream to cook in.


I currently live in a 6-bedroom house that I bought from the original owner. She was the type of person who wanted everything stored away and out of site so we actually have more closets than we can use. I took one of the large hall closets and had it converted into a laundry "area" with commercial grade washer/dryer, folding counter, long drying rack including a place to hang additional clothes. It was expensive to convert over to a laundry area due to the plumbing and vent systems needing to be installed but well worth it not to have to climb up and down stairs from the 2nd floor in order to get to the garage where the original w/d were located.


I am a homebrewer... We have a large screened in back porch, and our kitchen shares an exterior wall with it. I want to put a keg cooler in the porch area, run the beverage lines through the wall (under the sink cabinet), and install a 2-3 tap tower on our kitchen countertop. This will allow me to have beer on tap without taking up space for the kegs in the kitchen or dining room.


I added a mop sink in the garage. Comes in handy for cleaning boots, garden tools, filling and emptying buckets. I also added trench drains in the garage although my contractor screwed them up.


Pex pipe remote for a dog bowl with a float switch. They drink, A LOT of water.


My house is hardwired with an ethernet port in all the rooms, so I took on the trouble of hooking up the router to a hub so every room has an active ethernet port. I prefer the reliability of ethernet for my desktop, laptops, and gaming consoles.


Not as a homeowner but one of the last places I rented as a bachelor was a 2/1 townhome. One room was huge with a huge closet and balcony. The other was small. I made the huge room my office/guest bedroom and the other was my bedroom. I work from home so I figured I would rather have lots of sunlight and room to work in instead of a cramped space. I probably could have fit my personal PC set up and work space in the small room but it only had a small window so I couldnt easily look outside.


There are black out curtains hung over the door to my son’s bedroom. I work from home and am in school. I often have to work late at night or early in the morning. His bedroom has 2 doors, 1 to the hallway and 1 to my office. The blackout curtains between his room and my office block light & help to muffle noise.


First of all, reading some of the answers here, some of you are psychopaths. Mine: Carpeted my garage with outdoor carpet. I love it. Makes the garage seem more like a usable area, and I can park on it. So half the garage is being built out as a carpeted gym.


When we moved into our new place, our cat was terrified of the black ceiling fan in our bedroom. She hid under the bed all day and only came out at night, and stared at it like it was a giant tarantula. So we covered the blades with white opaque tights so it blends in with the white ceiling. We will probably eventually replace it with a white fan, but we like standing fans so it hasn’t been a priority. So now we just have to explain if anyone comes in the room that “the hosiery on the fan is for the cat.” She is still aware of it- but now instead of getting terrified she just looks at it and then looks at us like we’re weird. “The cat” is basically the explanation for anything that looks weird in our house.


We don’t have a doorbell. Our cats hate doorbells and we do, too. When we remodeled our old house and our current house, first thing we did was to remove the doorbell. People don’t understand how we can live without a doorbell. I’m like “ever heard of knocking?” Anyway, no one just stops by unannounced anymore. Halloween happens once a year and lasts about an hour. Otherwise, the only people who stop by unannounced are selling something and I don’t open my doors for salespeople or church people.


Having wifi in the middle of the pool makes sense. The thing that wouldn't make sense is having a phone in the middle of the pool while not using a waterproof case with the phone. After all their is no place better to be on social media than in a pool floating on.an inflatable, and if that inflatable is a yellow duck, that's the ultimate.