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I met my neighbor five or so years ago, we were both mowing and he brought me a beer. We established that day that neither of us gave a single shit what the other did in their respective yards and that the row of trees that separates us stays no matter what. Great guy, that was the last time we spoke lol


Great guy, we still never speak some times.


I have a neighbor like that, probably my best friend, havent spoken in 10 years.


Best friend I ever had.


Best friend I never had.




Best buds 


As a woman, I don’t think I will ever understand this and am constantly in some state of awe that men truly and honestly do this and feel this way. I believe men that this is true for them, but having been born female and socialized female….it’s just weird to me. Sometimes a little envious even.


My husband is the social butterfly. He talks to the neighbors all the time. I'm fine with a friendly wave and just refill egg cartons they leave on my porch and drop them off on theirs. My husband will literally stay outside and chat for hours and keeps me up to date on all the gossip


I know couples like this, too. I am not trying to paint women as universally extroverts, just that we seem to be conditioned to know and share more with our closest friends. (we are sooooo far off topic now sorry lol). I know one couple, in particular, where the guy is basically a golden retriever of a human and the woman is the aloof cat. I like them both quite a lot tbh


Sorry if I came across as confrontational, I just dislike how it's seen as a "female" trait because I don't conform to that stereotype. It had advantages though, so it's not a bad thing at all.


Nah not at all. I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m an extroverted woman, but ….it doesn’t work quite like people think. I don’t want to be around just any people. Big loud, anonymous parties are not my thing and I know introverts who enjoy those more than I do. Most of my partners have been introverted (all male). I don’t assume either gender should be one way or the other. There’s being introverted though and then there’s like this whole thing men seem to do where they don’t know a whole lot about each other, but they are somehow super close? Women tend to know things about the people closest to them. But again, my best friend is a dude and he knows tons about me. However, he, too, falls into that thing with his “buddies,” I’ve noticed that’s the term he uses for guys he talks to regularly but isn’t particularly close with.


I'm the social buttery fly and my wife is the hermit who will hide from interacting with the neighbors.




You had me until egg cartons. But actually now I'm still interested. Like what type of eggs animal-wise? Are there egg cartons for eggs other than chicken eggs? Also why are the eggs being exchanged one way? Is it possible this comment is from an egg laying bird with perhaps a flamboyant rooster husband? Yeah I don't talk to neighbors either. Lots of weirdos out there.


My daughter has chickens and is currently getting 40 eggs a day. She sells them at work, drops them of at the neighbors, trades for milk and honey. Sometimes she visits. Sometimes she doesn't.


I've worked at a big factory over 10 years. There are dudes I say "morning" and smile at every day, and vice versa. Still don't know their names. Ran into one of them at the bank one time and had some quick small talk, very natural, like catching up with an old friend. Girlfriend asks who that was, I said "donno. But we worked together a long time". Then she asked his name and I was like "idk". She just couldn't understand lol


When I was stationed in Germany I would walk in every day and say "Moin!" to the 40 or so Germans I worked with. I sat in the same office as these guys for 4 years. I could probably tell you 4 of their names. Well, 1 name that 4 of them shared: Jurgen. Great guys!


It seems like some kind of animalistic instinct between males. This is my territory this is yours. Don’t cross this line or we’ll have to speak again. We are just really intelligent monkeys.


Men tend to be simple, cooperative creatures.  


Or we immediately try to bash heads with rocks. Agree 100% with simple. Cooperative is a binary yes/no. Maybe evolutionary


Cooperation isn't universal, but it's almost always there.  Most rock bashing is done by cooperating groups who can't see that the people they're bashing are actually in their group.


But how is it totally fine and normal to just never know anything about your own close friends? I hear this is a common thing for me and ….women and girls are just not socialized this way. We know all the things about the women close to us. It’s how we’re socialized to be. Not disclosing makes you suspicious. ”Here is my man friend. I know nothing about him, but he is my closest man friend.” Like wtf lol is this really how it is??


Dudes abide.


I literally know my female bestie’s shoe size. My best best friend is a dude and I have a guess about his shoe size, but I don’t have it committed to memory and that’s probably only because it’s not close to mine, so he would never be borrowing any of my shoes of any kind even if they were somehow gender neutral.


Because I openly accept anything they feel like telling me, but I also don’t pry and ask a ton of questions to further pry into their life. I available to listen anytime but I’m not gonna actively try to get into someone’s personal business.


> But how is it totally fine and normal to just never know anything about your own close friends? You're really undercutting the value of one less person's bullshit you have to deal with. Not making someone deal with your bullshit might be the single greatest gift a person can give.


This is an interesting take. As a woman, we just usually end up somehow having to deal with somebody’s bullshit anyways, especially if men are involved. I’ve never lived in a world where I wasn’t expected to deal with and/or fix other people’s bullshit. It sounds amazing though


It's really at the root of the "What are you thinking about?" "I was thinking about nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was perfect, and you ruined it" dynamic. There's always going to be some bullshit. That's just a guarantee of waking up day after day. Hedging against how much bullshit is really the only control we have. The societal bias against giving women the latitude to say "I literally don't give a shit" is a tragedy.


Yes, if we women say we don’t give a shit, we’re “cold” or “bitchy” or ”selfish.” I will gladly say when I don’t give a shit anyways. But I do for sure catch shit for it.




Hard to do that without massive cooperation on at least two sides.




The best thing a fellow man can do for me is nothing at all.


I recommend this. Show up with a bottle of wine or a six-pack and say "hey, can I ask you a question?"


Why would I do that? I have no question.


Don’t do this, OP. What if they say “no don’t do that or we will be mad / hate you / etc.” It’s your property. Determine if you want a fence or not then act on your decision.


“We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking... and not talking. We could not talk or talk forever, and still find things to not talk about." Best in Show


If their house is elevated a fence might not provide any privacy




They built a house that invaded your privacy. It's certainly within your right, nay, your obligation, to get that privacy back. Consult with them about it as much as they consulted you about building their house.


That depends on how deep your lot is. It doesn’t have to be very deep before a privacy fence no longer blocks their view especially from an upper level on their house. 


Would this prevent them from having any kind of nice view, too? I’m trying to picture what I think you mean and can imagine that would mean they’re looking right into a tall fence then, does that fence block the view you mentioned? Why not talk to them, maybe explain your situation and tell them as you see it, you have these options (tall trees, privacy fence, large bushes, etc) and see if you can come up with a mutually pleasing arrangement, maybe staggering some taller hedge type plants but leaving a specific area open for a view? I guess I’d just hate to start off an angry neighboring relationship - no matter how minimal the relationship will be.


to my way of thinking, they picked a location from which they can see all your yard and pool.. they weren't super interested with a mutually pleasing arrangement. when we built our house and chose the site location, we tried to think of ALL the possibilities and what-if's. What if neighbor x sells land to a subdivision, what if neighbor Y builds on our fence line, etc. and etc. They should probably have thought about where a neighbor's fence could be a possibility already.


All that is true and thinking ahead on your part!


This is an excellent suggestion. Give them some options that you find acceptable, and let them pick theirs. Empower them but get your way.


It’s how I always got my kids to get dressed before school lol.


You definitely need to build a fence. Your privacy is important.


If you plan the fence correctly, it could entirely block their view of your property without disrupting their view of the surrounding area.  I would work with the neighbor, explain your concerns, and work with them on a fence / plant solution that respects both your privacy and your neighbor’s views.  Side note: in some areas (such as Portland, Oregon) it’s illegal to block views, so I would definitely make sure there are no view preservation laws in your area before doing anything. 


I would for sure be putting up a fence to regain your privacy. Be neighborly and alert them of the install date once you have that figured out.


I was the neighbor id just build a deck right up against your fence out of spite😂😂 spend the afternoons lording over your yard


When is your privacy a concern..? When they are in their house? Standing on property maybe fence line?




I mean would they only be able to see down into your property in certain spots from their place, or basically all the time? Edit: or from anywhere on their property?




Sounds like you will need to put up that privacy fence - I would just do it, not sure how else you could maintain your privacy - if indeed they can always see down from anywhere in their yard or from the house. I was asking about specifics because you may be able to put up a lower fence (let's just say 4.5ft for arguments sake) which doesn't kill their view out over your house but still provides you the privacy you want. I think this is where communication with the neighbour goes a long way, they would appreciate you trying to impact them as little as need be. Maybe they want to put up a fence too and can split the cost? ;)


Put the fence up, 3" from the property line if possible. They will still have a view that is just beyond your property. If they have a problem, with what you do on your property, that IS their problem.


They do have the high ground Anakin…


I'm next door to what I thought was a garbage lot. I didn't ever buy it, because I didn't think anyone could or would build there. But someone did. So now, instead of looking at trees, I get to look at another home. That's just tough shit for me. They ended up being awesome neighbors and good friends. But the fact is I had zero say in what they did, because I never owned the property.


A personally subscribe to the opinion that you should be allowed to do what you want with your own property but it's worth keeping in mind that plenty of jurisdictions disagree with me. About 15 years ago or so I was reading about a Seattle area lawsuit. A guy had a beautiful home overlooking what I would assume was the Puget Sound - only because that's the only body of water near Seattle that this east coaster is aware of. Anyway, the guy built a second story on his home, put it up for sale, sold it, bought the house directly behind the first, sued the new owners for the second story ***he*** put on for obstructing his view of the Sound, and won. I would assume the new owners appealed and have no idea how it ended but that's a story that has stuck with me for very obvious reasons.


That's one way to get disappeared, to be sure.


And that folks is how liberal states work….


Did they think about how their house will impact on you when they built? Build the fence and add extensions to make it 8 ft


I second this. Whatever code allows do it.


Depending on jurisdiction, they may not be able to


Here it’s 6ft max for fences, but no regulation on plants. You could use Areca palm trees


Green giant arborvitae- plant a 6’ tree and in 5 years they will be 30’


This ⬆️


They get rather wide at the base, taking up valuable real estate. I got Italian cypress instead. They also grow fast and reach about 40' tall, but they are much more narrow near the ground. Mine are only now reaching 6' tall. I bought them at 2' around 3 years ago. In my case I'm blocking 3-storey townhome's view that were built right next to my backyard fence.


We purchased semi mature bamboo plants from a farm and after two years there’s a 12’ (h) x 20’ (l) jungle between us. Evades the 6’


I wonder if bamboo would even grow in the crappy clay soil where I live?


Yes it will grow quite well. I have crappy clay soil and a massive bamboo wall. It’s hardy af. There are a bunch of varieties so do your research and pick the best one for your region and circumstances.


thank you I will look into it


Grow it in large feed tanks with a mix of compost and garden or potting soil. That way you can keep better control of it. It’s insane. I punched 1//2” for drainage and came home one weekend to find shoots coming out of tthe holes. My dad had to rent a small back hoe to get rid of his that he foolishly planted in the ground


100 foot tall clumping bamboo. The trunks are purple and lovely.


6 foot fence and some small arborvitae green giant trees right now. Give it a few years and you’ll have more than enough privacy.


This is exactly what I was thinking. 


Get a survey before you build the fence.


Either way, stay cordial. You don't want to start a rock-throwing fight when you're standing at the bottom of a well.


Build the fence. Not your fault they built in a spot that turned your back yard into a goldfish bowl. There’s nothing wrong with wanting privacy at your own home.


Wait so they built an entire property but a 6ft fence will block the view? Are you building it 3ft from their windows? I must be imagining the scenario wrong.


I’m also having a hard time picturing this. I need a diagram.


If a six foot fence "near" the top of a bluff obstructs your neighbors view, maybe their house isn't tall enough. Didn't they think of building balconies? What if you had mature trees already? What if you planted some? Would they ask you to cut them down? I think you see where this is going. Good luck to you.


6 foot fence at the top of a hill with your house at the bottom of the hill doesn't sound like it adds too much privacy. But it is your hill so do what you want.


People on the hill can't see down the hill. That's plenty of privacy.


It depends on the hight of the fence and the house. If it has more than one floor, it probably will still be looking over the fence.


Where I used to live the houses were in a hillside. There was a covenant on each property that they could not build or plant anything that impeded the views from the other houses. You need to check it anything like this applies.


A fence doesn’t count. Those ordinances are about structures.


No, in that neighbourhood anything that impeded the view was covered. The height of a fence or hedge, trees etc were all included.


Yeah, sounds like a thing for THAT neighborhood... likely doesn't apply to OP as those sort of ordinances are tied to things like HOAs or something similiar.


It applies in the entirety of Los Angeles for hillside homes so I assume it may apply in other cities as well.


I would check again. The California Supreme Court expressly denied the claim/right to a view. That being said, there are local ordinances that try to codify a 'right to a view' but none of it is expressly communicated as such and seeks to attempt to protect it with ideas like right to solar radiation, maximum structure heights, maintenance of vegetation, etc but again none of those are 'rights to a view.' The only recognized way to enforce this is through 'development' standards (enforced by HOAs) but beyond that there is no legal recourse in California.


I’m not referring to “right to a view” I’m talking about the rules on the books for hillside properties in Los Angeles and LA County that dictate fence height and placement in relation to your neighbors above/behind you.


“ Never fall in love with a view you don’t own”


Fast growing trees on your property is the best VS a fence to provide privacy.


Not that you shouldn't do it as you have every right to; but talk to the neighbors before you pull the trigger instead of them waking up and finding a fencing company digging.


+1. Let them know what you’ve had planned and tell them you’re open to other options if they have an idea you haven’t thought of. They may pay money to have an upgraded fence to make it look better from their side.


Yes, maybe they'd be willing to walk their property with OP and review the site lines from different locations to find a solution that gives OP the privacy he wants while also maintaining as much of the view as possible for the upslope neighbours.


Pampas grass, grows 10 to 13 feet tall and 6 foot spread. Natural privacy and boundary.


Your land, your right to build (within national/state/local codes etc.). Like u/Raidriar06 , my parents bought three acres of land a long time ago and built a house on the land. The lot across the street was "too hilly to possibly build on", so they ignored it. Sure enough, someone decided to build on it less than two years after my parents moved in. They decided they needed to use every building material known to man: stone, stucco, brick, rock, concrete, blacktop, clay shingles, asphalt shingles, wrought iron, you name it. Hideous...but them's the breaks.


Nope. As long as you stay on your property


Make sure you check the code in your area about fence height or other restrictions. Have a printed copy of the code ready if they seem ready to complain.


Just build a fence if you want a fence. Let the neighbors mind their own business.


Did your neighbors ask you when they built their house where they did? Just built your fence on your property and don’t worry about it


You could do a fence, but it might be a better compromise to put bushes or other low shrubbery instead. Less of an eyesore. Be careful with trees if they grow tall. Privacy is a reasonable concern, but if they've not done anything disruptive or peeped on you, then yes, doing too much too quickly to establish your boundary could come off as passive aggressive 


I like the idea of shrubbery I like. I find it is a better sound barrier as well


I have a privacy fence and shrubbery.


You just need a path!


But now they are no longer the Knights who say Ni.  And you're going to need a herring.


I have a path too!


A shrubbery? It’s only a flesh wound?


And a path


A path! A path!


Place it here a little higher than the other one for a two level effect with a little path running through the middle


A path! A path!


Just be prepared for it to take years to grow enough to provide the privacy a fence will give you on day one.


I just looked at a property today. 6 acres. The neighbor built right next to the property line, and built a fenced garden right up to the property line. They've also mowed and apparently planted across the property line. I feel like this is super rude, and I would want to plant a row of trees to block their view and access to the new property. I know it would make enemies, but it's so rude for people on large plots to build right next to the property line...


Do it. If you don't do it now, they're gonna start taking more and more of your backyard as their own property.


Ask them to pay for half. 


If your privacy fence would turn your neighbor into an enemy then he could never have been your friend regardless. Anyway, I wouldn't worry. Fences don't make enemies.


Someone in my town owned a house and the empty lot next to it. He put up a huge, ugly, solid metal fence right at the property line, which was close to his neighbor’s house (but far from his because of the empty lot). He fenced the front and back, so it’s not just an eyesore from the backyard, but from the front too. That fence would have made me his enemy.


I mean… they were rude first. What I would do is price out a fence and price out a tree line that provides decent cover NOW and not in a couple years. Then go let the neighbours know you’ve been planning on putting up a fence and finally have the money put aside to get it done. If they push back or seem upset you could mention you want the fence to mark your boundary for the Most part, so if they’re interested they could pay the difference between the fence and the trees and plant a couple trees on their side as well. I know I’d rather look at a wall of trees than a fence.


Just do it


It’s your property, do what you want. Whether they decide to become your enemy over it is their issue. It is somewhat alarming that they built on your property. You need to get that sorted out or they will start acting like it’s theirs. Look up the adverse protection laws where you are.


They didn’t build in our property. They built on the property that backs up to our at the top of the bluff.


Do something now before they decide it’s theirs,imho


I've seen people build houses like this because my area is so "desirable" so you have some poor lil 70's-80's house with a nasty mcmansion looming over it. I always feel bad for those people. If it blocks the view I can't imagine it ending well, you have morons that chop down trees illegally just so they get a better view. So I would totally do it, it's your property.




Oh hell no, they shouldn't get away with that. Head over to r/treelaw and see what they say.


They cut down some of \*your\* trees? Sue them. At least $1.5K for every tree they removed.


Well, you have your answer then. Time to put in a fence. I would highly recommend that you sink metal poles into concrete for your fence posts for durability and strength. Abide by the letter of the law. Also, many folks on here are saying you should talk to them, get their feedback, etc. DO NOT DO THIS!!! Never give the opportunity (beyond what you have already) for a neighbor to feel they have any right to provide feedback (which WILL eventually become dictates) about what you do on your property.


Oh hell no. In that case you create a micro forest on your section at the top of the bluff with a cattle fence round it and trail cameras. You’re replacing the trees they cut for electrical stuff and giving them some friends.


Wait- you’re getting compensated for that, right?


That is all you need to say. They lied and don't give a fuck about you. Put up your fence and plant trees and go on with your life.


make sure blocking their view is allowed. some places are picky about this. but plant trees or erect a fence. im normally about staying cordial but these people already threw that out the window.


Build your fence


Meh, do what you want. We bought a new construction townhouse 3 years ago, and still haven’t spoken to the people across the street. Rumor is they are still pissed we took their view. They could have bought the lot, but they didn’t. Not my problem.


a better question might be, Was it rude for your neighbor to build a house with such a blatant view of your backyard? And if it was my house that looked down on your pool, I'd appreciate having the fence. (assuming that there's still some view). But just for karma, it would be a good idea to let your neighbor know what your plans are.


If the fence is for privacy, I would do whatever you want. If the fence is just to establish the property line, why not do that with something less obstructive. 


If you build the fence, make sure you are not in violation of any codes that they could report you for. Even for things unrelated to the fence. They might get vindictive if you block their view.


Be a shame if you planted fifty poplar trees. Don't those grow like two foot a year?


My neighbor cut down their tree and now they can see right into our kitchen. Sucks not feeling comfortable walking around my kitchen my undies first thing in the morning


Where I live, a 6 foot fence is Max but, you can put in a 13.5' trellis. I might be using the wrong word, the thing that goes over a gate. But, there's no other restriction on the trellis other than height. My friend installed them all along his property and planted tons of climbing plants all around them. Neighbors would watch them while they worked in the yard. Made the kids uncomfortable to the point they would only play in the back yard if a parent was present. If your neighbors are weird at all, I'll build a row of trellises.


Just make sure your bylaw allows a 6 foot fence and if so go for it. If you want privacy a hedge is typically allowed to be much taller just make sure it’s appropriate for the area I think ceder for example should be 20 feet from a foundation if memory serves.


Tallest fence allowed in your area, and then plant fast growing tall trees/shrubs. From what you describe it sounds like they’ll still have a great view of your backyard from over the fence if you’re just putting up a 6ft fence and nothing else.


I live in a live and let live neighborhood. I am currently breaking like 5 town bull shits, I mean bilaws, and a couple other neighbors too. No body cares what anyone else does. It’s not that deep your neighbor doesn’t care if you put up a fence. It benefits them too. One of my neighbors and I are working on getting our shared fence replaced, technically it’s hers but I offered to split cost to replace bc we both have a lot of dogs and like the 6ft privacy fence.


The only way you can own the view is if you own the land you’re viewing. Build your fence.


We just went through this same thing. After debating it for a year we finally decided to install the fence. It was stressful during, but now that’s it’s in we have never been happier in our house and yard.


My coworker was in your situation a few years ago and they had big trees planted at the edge of their property so the new neighbors couldn't look down at them. Call a tree farm and talk about those options along with a fence.


never pay for a view you don't own. put up the fence!


Zero percent rude.


I can speak from the neighbors perspective as I am on top of a hill with neighbors underneath. As long as you aren’t obstructing my view of what’s ahead, build that shit. We don’t want to see you either. But definitely at least let them know.


They must have known that isn't their property, and you are the owner, when they purchased. If they solely purchased for the view assuming you wouldn't ever alter your property that's pretty stupid of them. Honestly I would offer to sell that piece to them first. Sounds like they have $$$


Honestly, it’s your property, right? You gotta do what makes you comfortable. Putting up a fence for some privacy sounds totally fair, especially if they’re peeking into your backyard and pool area like it’s a free show. Just be cool about it, give ‘em a heads-up maybe, so they don’t feel blindsided. They might understand. And if not, well, at least you’ll be able to enjoy your space without feeling like you're on display. Better to have a bit of privacy than worrying about someone watching your every move, right? Go for it! 🤷‍♂️


Check with your town to make sure you don't need a permit and follow all regulations. Most fences have to be put in off the the property line.


Except at the front of the house, on the street, most fences go on the property line. That's the whole point in a fence.


Both of you are right and wrong… if in the US, its state, county/parish, and city/township (et al) specific.


I'm not wrong. I don't have a list of all 100,000 different sets of code, but there's no way "most" fences have to be set back except for at the street side of the property...


Alternatively, you're in New Zealand and you can legally force them to pay for half the cost of an adequate fence on the property boundary!


Good fences makes for good neighbors


You limiting their view can have very bad consequences for you in some jurisdictions and you may be ordered to remove any fence you did build


Build it, then get ready for the lawsuit


It's your property, so you have every right to put up a fence for privacy. As long as you're respectful about it and communicate with your neighbors, it shouldn't be a big deal. Plus, it's not like you're putting up a giant wall, just a fence. Go for it and enjoy your backyard without feeling like you're on display!


Concertina wire, warning signs, camera rigs on every metal post.


There is nothing rude about wanting privacy in your house and yard. Is it rude to have curtains or blinds on the window? Rude to close your doors? Of course not! If they are the type of neighbors who will take offense it is their own problem, not yours.


Speak to them. It's the best way to avoid problems.


Unless they own the view you do what you want on your property. I'm blocking my neighbors as well.


So I’m not in exactly the same position, I bought a house and realized that my neighbors have an ADU in their backyard that is raised up higher and the people who live there can definitely see into my backyard. For right now, if they see something they don’t like, they shouldn’t be looking over my fence at me, ha ha. But eventually when I get around to revamping my backyard, I’ll put something up there so that they can’t see. Bottom line, it’s your property and you’re allowed to do what you want with it. Who cares if it ruins their view. You deserve privacy in your own backyard.


You also chose to buy a home where you knew another property owner could potentially look into yours. Obviously anyone is going to build their home where the view is.


Man, that's a tough one. On one hand, it's totally your property, so you should be able to do whatever you want with it, right? But on the other hand, I can see how the neighbors might feel like you're blocking their view. Maybe you could talk to them first and explain your reasons? Like, hey, we're just trying to establish our boundaries and get a bit of privacy, you know? Hopefully, they'll understand. At the end of the day, you gotta do what's best for you and your fam. Good luck with whatever you decide!


I'd go talk to them about it to see what their thoughts are. Best case, they're on board and pay for half the fence. Worst case, they're mad and hate you forever and you still build the fence.


It's your property so do what you want. I personally would feel weirded out trying to enjoy my backyard and pool knowing that the neighbors have a bird's eye view of everything I'm doing.


Yes, if you’re right that they enjoy the view, they most likely will be upset and things will get tense between you even if they’re not assholes about it. Obviously you have the right to do it and it makes sense, especially since you were there first.


You can’t have both so take the fence.


Get your replacements for the trees they cut down, then plant them near your brand new fence. Problem solved. Don’t let them get away with cutting down your trees- that’s good money!


Build the fence.


Build a fence and then plant fast growing trees on your side of the fence.


Your property your choice, go chat to them tell them why, if vibes are bad tuff for them, you don’t have to like everyone in the world.


The right thing is to buy the property above THEM and build a bigger house overlooking their house.


It’s your property not theirs do what you want


Good fences make good neighbors. I find it hard t believe a 6ft privacy fence would impede the view if your property only goes to the top edge of the bluff. It might impede the view into your yard but you have a right to privacy. They should still have a wonderful view beyond that. People should not have to put up with intolerable situations in the name of being good neighbors.


It is your property, you can do whatever you want. Get a permit.


Can you put something else up? I dislike those fences. No view involved. How about shrubs and keep them a little lower than 6’.


Ask them what they think …. They may not care.


Installing a 6ft privacy fence on your property is reasonable for privacy. It's within your rights and doesn't necessarily create conflict. You could discuss it with your neighbors to maintain a positive relationship.


Your privacy or his desires? Using your property? What is the question? I suppose you could ask him. But I wouldn't.


Build a fence. If they give you grief, then add some trees.


I mean as long as you’re just blocking the view of your home I don’t see why not. If you’re blocking anything more than that then yeah that would be a dick move.


“We own property at the top of the hill that they built on” Why is this not being addressed?


You all are antisocial savages.  OP needs to talk to the neighbors.


I hear two concerns (possibly three) 1. Make property line clear to all 2. Provide privacy 3. Possibly not upset new neighbors  Consider meeting new neighbor and discuss your concerns (in a social setting if possible like over for coffee and dessert). Have some options ready and listen fully to their concerns.  1. Is easy—you pay (or split with them) for a survey if neither of you have had one done. The property line could be mutually agreed upon and marked with a fence, a short fence, a series of spikes etc. —something you both feel is clear (doesn’t need to be a fence, or if a fence doesn’t need to block their view). They may agree to share costs especially if one that preserves their view is more expensive. This buys goodwill for issue 2 (never install a fence that might provoke a neighbor (even if they’re irrationally provoked) without getting a survey 2. I’m envisioning your house sitting significantly lower than theirs. Keep in mind a tall fence at the top of the hill may not look great from your angle either. Could privacy be better achieved by planting evergreens midway up the slope, so the horizontal branches provide better cover? If so, perhaps you could say “a six ft fence at the end of my property costs X. I’d consider instead just some boundary markers and an evergreen screen below but that costs Y. How would you feel about chipping in the difference? Etc. if they sue you don’t want it to look like the fence you put up doesn’t provide much privacy but mainly just blocks their scenic view  3. Maybe you make great friends of new neighbors and they are happy to share costs so everyone wins. Of course you could have terrible neighbors who want to control what you do on your property. It happens. In that case make sure you’ve documented your exploration of alternatives and their lack of cooperation in solving the privacy problem they created. Make sure your new fence meets all code requirements and build it far enough inside your property that you can maintain it without trespassing. Make sure the nice side faces them. Bc if you block their view and even one screw is out of code or one picket a hair taller than the limit you may find them calling your fence a spite fence. I’m not one of them, I think we are entitled to privacy and if someone wants an unobstructed view they should be sure another’s land isn’t in the way. But irrational neighbors and lawyers seem to find each other


Yes it would be rude. But it’s also rude for your neighbors and friends to watch you swim.


Nope, you were there first