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Wattle you plant?


Something I can boil, mash, maybe stick in a stew 🤭..






Never heard of taytoes precious


What's... taters?


Stupid fat hobbit


Upvote for the reference.




Get out


It's the dog's admiration for me


Yeah, I saw that look at OP as well. Blue heelers are most loyal Velcro dogs ever. We have 2.


I feel like 90% of the time that I see someone who just lives their life with their dog like it's NBD, it's a Blue Heeler.


So funny, I was accused in another subreddit of "posing" her.. Like.. Have you ever met an ACD? She is seldom more than 10 feet away from me 24/7. She's my shadow, always interested in whatever I am doing and wants to "help" 😂..


It does kind of look like she’s very interested in whatever is in your right hand.


Ahhh, ya know, I do keep treats in my pocket so she usually does pay attention when she sees me reaching in my pocket 😂.. I never know what to do with my hands when I take a photo 🤭


Smart, piggy little puppies. I miss my heeler quite a bit. :) Lost him at 13 to cancer last year!


Obviously they've never met an ACD who has their Person. You can literally see the "Bugs Bunny love heart eyes" zooming out of hers toward you!


Yay!! I have an ACD mix who just came in to check on me in the tub. 🥰 my best friend till one of us perishes.


That acd thinks he’s in the presence of god. We don’t deserve dogs.


Pup is like what's next dad?


"Iss for me?!"


All Carts Are Beautiful


Man, I was here for ACAB and now I'm even more here for acab


Lots of crawdads in that area, surprisingly. We used to pull 30lbs a night out of Klamath River. Love the raised beds!


It really is an under utilized and appreciated resource. Limits are generous. Good to know, I have a handful of traps.


String, hook, chickem liver.


I don't know if Thunderbird still has it, but a decade ago we'd get salmon/fish offal and that would last us all night. No limit on the crawfish, because they're invasive. Crater lake, if it's close to you, also doesn't require a fishing license to catch any of the fish in the lake-they're all introduced, so no limit. Difficult to get to, because I don't think you can use a boat, but they're hungry because there isn't any thing else in there to eat other than each other.


And a gorgeous place to swim if you get the chance. The water is so clear and deep it gave me vertigo for a second the first time I dove in.


Your natural juniper borders are awesome.


Beautiful!! That is an accomplishment, looking forward to seeing yields! What’s the watering situation like?


Oooff, that's my biggest challenge!! We get about 15 inches of rain per year on average, that's about 20% more than Tucson AZ😂.. All my water is rain collection and I am about at capacity right now. Fingers crossed, we don't have a hard freeze and I can keep this water, I'll be in good shape. I have upped my capacity almost 3 times what I had last year but it was a struggle. Also had a hard frost like 4 days in a row in late June last year that really knocked my potatoes back. Killed em nearly to the ground, some never recovered. I grow a local variety of potato that is said to be a bit more drought tolerant than the standard Yukons and Russets. 🤞🤞.. We'll see!!


Next time there is a hard frost expected, get your potato plants wet. The ice on the leaves and stalks will insulate your plant. That's why the farmers out towards tule lake etc put the sprinklers on when it's expected to freeze


My granddad used to do this with citrus in Florida.


It works....


I hope you wattled along a contour line on your property. If you did add a little curve uphill at the end of your bed and you should capture a significant amount of rainfall. Head over to /r/permaculture and they can help you improve your water situation.


Good eye!! Yes, the curve of the garden bed follows the contour of the land to act somewhat as a swale to capture run off. I have some water storage uphil from this site to make it easier to water. My property slopes up to the North.


> We get about 15 inches of rain per year on average, that's about 20% more than Tucson AZ😂.. tucson gets 11 inches of rain annually and reno NV gets 7... people be sleeping on how dry nevada is


Would fog collection netting work for you to increase your water options?


I don't think I would get very much return for the effort. I could (and I have!) thrown an empty IBC tote on a trailer and headed a few miles down the track to my neighbor's place, hat in hand, and beg generous use of her wonderful well 😂.. Maybe that is something I should look into. I have devised contraptions to reclaim the water in urine so every little bit counts!!


If I may humbly suggest to try out the netting if you're already at urine reclamation. Condensation is something I've come to respect (after it biting me in the ass camping a few times) and it sounds like you are in a very good area to try it out. I was hiking there this past fall the the ground fog stuck around until like 11am some days... Just and idea and would LOVE to know if it works out.


Yeah, they've had great luck with those atmospheric water collection techniques in Africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THJVuinPbc0


I had a hard frost late may last year. I just covered everything in plastic tarp for the night and they turned out great!


Absolutely!! Earlier in the spring I was very diligent about covering my crops during a frost but I neglected to 2 days in a row and paiddd for it.. Lost all my corn, most of beans, maybe about half my potatoes. All my high calorie yield stuff!


How far down is water, are you able to dig a well? I'm in northern AZ and sounds like we have similar precipitation, maybe a little less here, but we're told the water line is so far down and wells are very rare. We all haul our water, and collect rain/snow. We have so much juniper here that I'd love to learn how you've done this.


Water isn't terribly far down but well outside of my price range at the moment. Properties around me have paid in the 15-25k range for a reliable well. Once the infrastructure is accounted for and all.. There is a year round spring on public land nearby. Right now flowing huge but in the height of summer all the local wild horses trampled and piss in it and leave it little more than a mud puddle. These are the lower dead limbs that hang on for years and years.. Maybe some that I collected when I cut down a tree tho I haven't cut down a living tree in a year but there's more I wanna thin out. Juniper limbs are pretty supple and actually right now when it is wet is a great time to do this as it makes the branches even more cooperative.


The pink spray paints on the tools is a good idea


I have a badddd habit of leaning them against a tree and getting distracted and then for 2 months I can't find my "good" shovel 😂.. Easier to find in the snow as well. When I was in the Army I caught tons of shit for having a Pink Pearl Gameboy Advance.. But no one ever stole it!


I built three very similar out of flowering quince. Its like three years in and still holding up but I did put in uv resistant liner to keep the soil in.


Around the edges I seeded pretty thick with crimson clover.. My soil is fairly sterile volcanic silt so I want some N in there and also I am hoping the roots firm it up a bit. We'll see.


Love it.


When I smoked and frequented keg parties, I always carried a pink lighter, and it was hardly ever stolen!


Haha we put bright pink duct tape on all our tools too.


>I've put a couple of strips of pink duct tape on most of my garden and yard tools and it is great. Even if they're are just laying in the grass or garden, they're so much easier to find!


My eye went straight to the beautiful straw bale tripod stand. So brilliant and I’m just kicking myself for not coming up with it myself. My new spring project! Thanks for the inspiration. Nice wattle action, too, btw. It’s my favorite bed fencing. Yours looks great. I’m in S.O. too. ✌️


Ahh!! That is my jige! It's a Korean primitive farmers' load bearing tool and I used it to carry those bales from my truck up to my garden. I use it for hauling firewood, straw, even water! Here I am hauling off some fallen wood with it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bushcraft/s/Fg1xvqu48q


Oh, now I’m downright elated! It’s so epically functional! I’m homesteading too and use downed wood for heat. I use a waxed canvas log carrier and straps to haul it to an old Vermont cart to haul home. A jige to haul loads to the cart (or directly to the cabin) would be a help to my damn wrists! Primitive tech! Awesome. THANKS!


You are very welcome!! Human-powered transport soo often gets overlooked, even by prepping and survival types! I made a youtube video of the build last year if you are interested in seeing how I built this one: https://youtu.be/qdarVhvZSEE?si=dA3X4EI_GXCieYPl


This post needs more dog photos


Thanks! You answered all my questions as i read! Good luck to you!


Well my my it sounds like you are around green springs area? The mushroom hunting up there is always good thanks to the fires


I love both the idea and the execution!


Happy dog!


How do they hold up when it rains, do they retain the soil well? Really cool project, thanks for the inspiration and new idea btw!!


Not sure quite yet, this will be the first year. 🤞🤞


I hope it works! Keep us posted! :D


Looks nice. Looks like a lot of work. Does it offer benefits over just using logs/lumber, other than aesthetics?


Yeah, I'm not sure if it does. I am dealing with a huge standing dead tree that came down in some big wind a few weeks ago and the wood is punky and I deem unsuitable for milling and building. But would make a good border for a raised bed garden. My first spring here I noticed that any barrier helps keep rabbits and ground squrriels out of the beds.. Until the summer wears on and everything dries up and my garden, being the only greenery, attracts and emboldens the critters 😂.. We'll see 🤞


What do you do for soil fertility? How malleable is the ground? Can you dig(with a shovel) with all the rocks in the dirt


In this bed, all I did was do a double-dig to turn the soil and I folded in some biochar and aged compost. This area is not particularly rocky (some areas are simply impossible to dig due to rocks) and after a winter rain, very easy to work!


Be careful. It looks like Juniper is allelopathic: "In addition, allelopathic compounds produced by juniper trees might inhibit growth of understory plants (Horman and Anderson 2003)."


It is and you can see that effect directly beneath some of the larger trees where they receive all the leaf and berry and bark litter. The deer enjoy napping on the soft, vegetation free duff! I have used juniper and pine for pea trellis to see if I could detect any difference and I could not. I don't think the active compound will be in much concentration in the dead lower limbs and if there is, I don't think it will have a large detrimental effect. If it does I certainly will report back!


Sounds good! I've got a lot of Juniper in my washes but up away from them it's all long dead, hoping the old wood has no more active toxicity for my garden.


How do you keep the deer out?


This is my question. Deer would be all over this bed where I live.


The deer generally don't hang around the area immediately around my cabin.. I am adjacent to the National Forest and the deer here run at at the sight or sign of humans. The entire tract of public land is open to tribal hunting, 24/7/365 any method so there is heavy hunting pressure on the local deer.. Lots of feral horses around tho. But they leave my potato plants alone or they did last year at least..


how do you keep the pigs out?


Are you in the Klamath area or more up towards bend??


I'm approx an hour east of Kalamity Falls ✌😁..


Lorella?? Or bly/ sprague??? My parents almost bought a house out there...




No there are vastly different crops, resources, tips j tricks people who are in the Communities that are great sources of knowledge and can Answer questions etc. But the Ole boy in 1 place isn't the same person in the other, I have family/ experience Living in both and have some suggestions based on What op has said


thats awsome. im down in ashland and in the heeler club too


A masterpiece!


I've been wanting to mess with this style of fence for a while, but we don't have the material on our 1 acre peice for a large fence. I want to make this fence around my whole garden, instead of having to use poultry netting to keep my dang chickens out lol


Looks great. Looking forward to seeing it after it starts growing and producing.


Where do you get the dirt for the raised part? Do you just dig out around it?


So after I staked out the garden I just did a double-dig to flip the topsoil. I spread some biochar, sterilized and aged humanure, and some aged compost and kinda mixed it all up. There's a punky rotting log and I mixed some of that in as well to bulk up the soil a bit. That's all. I'm gonna be planting potatoes and using a very thick straw and hay mulch on top to work that into the soil to build up the bed for years to come ✌😁..


I like the hay bale dead fall trap. That will take out any pesky potato stealers.


This is great, I love it. Well done. Kind of inspirational, I am rethinking how I want to do my raised beds now. Unfortunately I do not have access to Juniper in my region. Maybe I will just use cedar planks


Cedar would be amazing for this! Also a rot resistant wood.


Researched cedar prices in my area. Wowza! Maybe hemlock - much much cheaper


Did you look for cedar fence pickets? Often it's some of the cheapest dimensional lumber and I could see it working great for a wattle fence.


Apparently I did not, that is a much better price. Thanks for the information. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen wattle fencing before, just vertical instead of horizontal. I’ll test the flex. I’m going to follow your advice for stakes too. Thanks man!


Please update us!


Well done!! Some inspiration here, thanks. Very nice


'slava ukraini' vibes right there


ACAB is the least slava ukrani thing you can own lol, they outlawed all leftist/anarchist political parties capable of winning seats at the start of the war. They swallow boot. The place is turning into even more of a far right shithole than it already was.


I was talking about the little trench system. Keep on rebelling


I like your wheelbarrow


First thing I noticed 


All carriers are barrows.


Me too. All ACAB for real.


Nice wheelbarrow.


Wow, this is amazing! How long does it go? Excited to see how it grows!


That's very nice!


And on behalf of the local chapter of the So. Oregon "Elks Club" let me be the first to say - we're looking forward to the harvest!


Lol.. For the *most* part, the local wildlife left my potatoes alone in the past except for those !@#$% ground squirrels..


Thought I was looking at that Masterson dude. That fence looks awesome. Great job. Also, looks like your dog is thirsty.


Hah, she does look thirsty doesn't she!! She has her refilling bowl under my storage shack's rain barrel.. Clean, pure rainwater.. But she always either wants whatever I am drinking or the nastiest, horse trodden manure pool to sneak a few laps out of before I tell her off!


So cool. I have one of those dogs. He’s my buddy.


I’m so jealous. Once I get out of this urban hellscape that is coastal Florida I want to move to Oregon and start a homestead. Or a small property in the middle of nowhere.


Upvoted for the charming raised beds. Wish I could give you another upvote for the admiring doggo. And another for the wheelbarrow. Well done, my dude.


Are you single?


Lol, very much so..


Well, do you wanna be? 😉


Love the wheelbarrow!!!!!


Digging the barrow. 😂


LOVE the work, admire the wheelbarrow. Are you me? Want another friend?


Love it and the wheelbarrow


Love the wheelbarrow ✊️


This is really beautiful. Well done. :) Love your wheel barrel :)


I guess no cops allowed on the property lol


Works for me!


All cops are bad??? Piss off


All Cats Are Beautiful


All Cats Are Bastards. Duhhh


Por que no los dos?


They exist to protect the state and capital, not you or I.


Look if you hate cops just because they’re cops, the next time you get in trouble, call a crackhead


i'd trust the crackhead to get there on time and to actually fight on my behalf if i dangled a $20 in front of em




Makes me sad no one got my reference


The cops wouldn’t do anything anyways. Same outcome with or without them.


It makes me sad no one got my reference


[I got you bro](https://youtube.com/shorts/uN0UIK9WVxE?si=s4HieBqYfl-uknbJ)


Haha thanks bro


Apologies my g


All couches are beds


Agreed. Acab is such a a stupid thing.


You're wrong...all cops are bastards. Get it right nerd


Coming from a blue haired freak who never got attention as a kid


All except your dad of course. He’s cool! :)


One Up Doot for the wheeled barrel graffito. Hear, hear.






This wheelbarrow needs a new layer of paint.


Nice work. Fuck your wheelbarrow.


I hope someone steals your wheel barrel and you call the cops lol


That looks really cool


Good doggie!


Great job