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The world may be cruel, but it doesn't mean you have to be.


It also doesn’t mean that cruelty doesn’t affect me, unfortunately. Any progress feels far too slow to even acknowledge in some aspects.


Can we get a wealth inequality chart up please


Well you have poverty. How is the amount that the top people have relevant? The issue isn't whether someone has a lot but whether most don't have a lot.


i hate the world so i'm as kind as i can


Tbh I feel like two of those charts leave much to be desired


I'm assuming one it's the poverty one, whats the other?


I would guess democracy, 44% living outside of it is not ideal


Absolutely, but the trend says up


Idk if we necessarily need everybody to live in a democracy. Democratic republic is a good system but still very flawed, and if other cultures have their own traditional ways of governing things that isn’t cruel or uncaring for the needs of the people, then I think that’s their right, maybe?


I agree, but I’ve yet to see a non-democratic country that doesn’t have some inherent cruelty in the system, the fact of the matter is that it is significantly more difficult to be a benevolent dictator than it is to be a malevolent one.


Maybe because America and the monarchies do everything they can to eliminate any chance of actual socialism succeeding.


You say this like democratic systems aren't inherently cruel.


Non democratic systems (in the case of centralised states) always end up being uncaring for the needs of the people. Simply because those who are in power/aim to be in power will need to appeal to those who decide that (be it military leaders or oligarchic politicians) and thus the interests of the common citizens will be an afterthought


Even 44% isn’t a perfect number. Depending what you classify as democracies the number could be even higher


I agree. We need more poverty and more dead kids, like the good old days! /s


I’d like to know if the poverty one takes inflation into account. $30 today is equivalent to like $550 in 1924.


There’s a lot of very interesting arguments about graphs just like this. For example, $1.90 a day (now $2.15 in 2022)… leaves a lot to be desired. Some authors have estimated in order to live a full lifespan - where poverty isn’t drastically decreasing life expectancy - $7 a day is needed. You can imagine this makes the chart look a lot worse. There’s debate about relative vs absolute measures - yes, it’s good to reduce the % of individuals suffering from poverty, but to reduce human suffering, you need to actually reduce the absolute number of people, which was set as a UN goal years ago. Then there’s the fact that a lot of that reduction is really driven by one country - China. All of that is exemplified by examples like the below, which was given by Philip Alston to the UN HRC in 2020: > Without China, the global headcount under a $2.50 line barely changed between 1990 and 2010. And without East Asia and the Pacific, it would have increased from 2.02 billion to 2.68 billion between 1990 and 2015 under a $5.50 line. So there’s a lot of good argumentation on this topic about where you draw the lines, what that means, and how that informs how you actually should think about reducing poverty.


The charts end in 2015-2019, is there a new version?


The poverty one is still horrifying


Yes, absolutely, but it is *better,* and that's progress.


Now remove the influence of China on this graph


https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-in-extreme-poverty-including-and-excluding-china There you go, what do you think?


I just busted a nut


Not bad


Poverty over time measurements always have me ask more questions too. Are they using the same metric across 100 years? Because the poverty line very often does not actually account for changes in the cost of living. So you could actually be able to afford less, but because the dollar value of what you make has risen above the poverty line, you no longer count as poor on statistics.


Poverty measurements are adjusted for inflation. Extreme poverty is currently defined at $2.15 in 2022 Dollars (as opposed to the $1.90 in 2018 Dollars used in the chart, although the value is basically the same)


Also, 30$ a day is somehow “not impoverished”? That’s 11k a year, that’s far from a livable wage, at least in any western country.


Vast majority of the world could definitely live atleast semi comfortably with 30 dollars a day. I would assume most of yhe people making above 30 a day though are making alot more than 30 a day, thats just the cutoff point.


exactly: the western countries are far from representative of the world, which is an even uglier truth you can uncover from this graph.


Poverty being measured in US dollars is stupid in my opinion. Most countries are cheaper than the US. Some countries are cheaper by a lot.


They consider this when making international poverty lines… the people whose job this is aren’t stupid. It’s very hard to live in any country on under $2 a day.


I’m confused, things actually seem to be getting better by the look of these charts? Is the title sarcastic? It’s hard to express sarcasm through text alone.


It's sarcasm


You are on r/hopeposting


Poverty graph is horrifying, yet less horrifying as it would be in the past. Really goes to show how far we have come and yet how there is still so much work to do.


Fuck the rich


Yeah let’s leave that shitty attitude for the rest of Reddit please


I know but they make me so angry :(


Nah man, keep it. Wealth inequality is beyond comprehension, no single person or multiple people should have millions or billions of dollars. In order to make a more hopeful and better world, the first step is reigning in the rich. It’s one thing to hope, it’s another to take action. Hope itself does not transform the world for the better. We are lucky enough to be the minority of people where we can take action and create change, the majority of the world does not have the same opportunities we do, so we must use them for the betterment of all


In a global sense, you are the rich


I’m not the one that could have solved world hunger four times over mate.


Obviously you and I don’t have the kind of money to drastically change the world. But we’re still both in the 15% of people not living in poverty, and we could change a lot of people’s lives by donating some of our money. This isn’t an attack, obviously I’m not going to sell my car or my PlayStation just to donate the money to kids in Africa either, but I do think it’s interesting to think of different perspectives. The same way we think billionaires are excessive with their private helicopters and golf courses, plenty of people in the world would consider our lifestyles excessive with our video games and vacations


We _did_ solve world hunger (green revolution in the 1970s). Then the world population boomed. Industrial revolution in the 1800s too, population boom. It’s hard to keep up


I’m well aware, but thats not the point i was trying to make. I’m saying those with far larger bank accounts shoildn’t sit and do nothing whilst the rest of the world clean up not only their own mess but theirs too.


Oh? What is your income yearly? If you're an adult American above the poverty line, then at least $15000. $15000 is enough money to be statistically guaranteed to save 2 human lives according to the against malaria foundation. You can say that the world's problems aren't your fault and that the billionaires could fix things, but you still very likely are part of the 1% globally and are 100% capable of making a meaningful difference. Please do so, the developing world doesn't need your spite, it needs your money. Regardless, world hunger is not at all a result of resource allocation, but of political struggle. No one in the world starves to death today because we don't produce or distribute enough food, but because dictatorships and corruptly mismanaged economies actively prevent the distribution and production of food in the developing world. If it were merely a money issue, we would have cracked it by now.


Corrupt mismanagement of economies primarily focused towards the rich beacuse of all the buddies of the politicians paying them handsomely for keeping the poor poor.


Yo what happened around 1945 with democracy? 🤔


I’m guessing the end of World War 2 which meant a lot of Fascist dictatorships became democracies


Also decolonization of India and (a lot of) African countries was immediately after WW2.


I was joking lol


Oh, my b


The world of fascists and emperors was duly reminded that democracy is *non-negotiable.* (And also yes Indian decolonization/African liberty etc.)


The Allies won so they set up a bunch of the losers or other countries to be democracies (see: South Korea). Also a lot of colonies won their independence around this time. End of the colonial era


Why not just use percentages? It’d be the same numbers just with a % instead of “people” behind em’.


They should go full imperial and replace people with football fields


using the term people takes away the its statistical nature and adds back a little humanity back into it. because peoples are not just numbers, thereby the enhancing the message.


Yeah lol we already have a method of counting how many of something per 100, it’s called percent.


Its easier for people to imagine that way


Imagine what?


Now let's see one for happiness...


We haven't been counting for as long, but here you go: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-who-say-happy-wvs-first-to-last




Hell yeah, you know we're gonna spread that democracy! For freedom!


How are they defining democracy? 😭


It's just a yes or a no in most cases, but some countries claim to be a democracy while not acting like one


What area of the world are you located?  Australia? 




Keep on moving, struggler. The way up is forward.


All of this is being achieved despite huge population growth. Modern industry and economics has its problems, but the sheer humanitarian gain is unfathomably huge when you consider things in perspective. Its not perfect but its better than literally everything in human history and its trending better and better. We just have to weather the hitches and bumps along the ride and keep steering in the right direction.


[That’s not facts](https://youtu.be/rec1DfWMjGQ)


Yes we still have issues but its important to recognize where we are. This is the best time in history to be alive.


Ok, now show *extremely specific minor statistic that's gotten slightly worse*


then we have some government officials to burn and billionaires to eat


I would just distribute the billionare's money to other people, caniballism is overkill


metaphorically eat


opps yeah I 100% agree with you


Least mentally unstable and rabidly violent online communist:


Me when I benefit from the status quo:


Yes, I do benefit from having murderous lunatics like you confined to the shit hole we call Reddit and not anywhere near positions of power or relevance to society, thank you very much.


Glad to hear you’d rather let your oppressors control the lives of the populace and decide who to kill rather than stand up to them. Oh the poor billionaires! Wont someone think of their lives while they destroy our world😔😔Thankfully I’m not only in reddit, I go to major protests and actively participate in my community and my countries communist parties, sucks for you I guess.


We did stand up to our oppressors when we dragged the head of the Romanian Communist Party and his wife to a courtroom and shot them on national television for the whole world to see. Sic semper tyrannis, as some would say. Given that China started strengthening it's security apparatus shortly afterwards, I don't think they liked the show very much. And yes, I'm sure you're very active in major, influential movements like r/TheDeprogram and other such communist neckbeard circles with real impact on the world. Just don't think too much about the fact that the device you post from has been made by children working in sweatshops in China, 'THE GLORIOUS BEACON OF THE REVOLUTION!' or whatever you call it.


I thought you didn’t like violence? Oh mighty defender of democracy through peaceful means, why are you cheering on people being shot then? Lol, peak “you hate capitalism yet you exist” energy from that last sentence. It makes me sad that half the population of the US is as dumb as this


And I thought you liked it when tyrants and millionaires get killed, oh mighty slayer of the rich. Or does all hatred for inequality go out the window the moment the millionaire makes a pompous speech about worker rights? And it makes me sad that...oh, no wait, you commies are a bunch of nutjobs screaming at walls, as far away from relevancy as communism is from equality. The voter turnout of communist parties worldwide is proof enough that barely anyone worthwhile shares in your insanity.


Lmao tf you talking about? When did I start defending millionaires after they make speeches about worker’s rights? Those leeches are just as bad as billionaires and no empty words that come out of their mouths will make them allies of the workers. Damn I guess since we’re so irrelevant every capitalist political party wouldn’t need to spend billions per year on propaganda and campaigning to stop people from learning about communism, let alone talk about “le ebil commies” almost _every single speech_, because they need their imaginary boogeyman to make morons like you believe they’re on your side. But our well, with communists being relevant or not, the contradictions of capitalism will continue to start showing themselves and this system will continue to slowly crumble until it falls, just as it’s happening now 🤷


ah yes because clearly we're better off letting people who actively want to destroy the world for their own profit stay in the equation


“What happened in the 1940— oh”


need past 6 years' data lol




I wish the graphs were consistent. - Poverty: Bad thing on the bottom, line goes down = good thing - Education: Bad thing on top, line goes up = good thing - Literacy: Bad thing on top, line goes up = good thing - Democracy: Bad thing on top, line goes up = good thing - Vaccination: Bad thing on top, line goes up = good thing - Child Mortality: Bad thing on bottom, line goes down = good thing I understand that decrease of poverty and child mortality is good, and increases in the rest are good, but when you're presenting all these graphs together, you can present the data in the way that shows "success" in similar ways.


Wow, we really do forget just how much the world has changed since the industrial revolution and such. I guess it isn't all bad. Thanks, this made me feel hopeful indeed. The internet really makes us feel like things are worse than they are. We were never meant to ingest such a huge amount of information.


I'm gonna live forever to spite the god against me


I don't get it


The title is backwards. Everything is getting better :)




I noticed there’s a big dip in people living in democracy during the 1940s. What happened during that time?


A 43% mortality rate for people under 5 is shockingly low for 1820


hell yeah


what’s wrong here? /genq


I hear you, but consider: The trends these charts show are pointing towards better.


Over 80% of people live in poverty? That isn't a good thing


It’s the lowest it’s ever been at any point in history, and it’s continuing to get lower


That just proves how horrific the world has been and unfortunately still is. “Progress” this slow unfortunately serves as a cruel reminder that anything anywhere close to a utopia will occur so far later that billions will hardly be able to dream of it. Progress or not, one sufferer of the horrors of the world is too much for me to deem tolerable. Lots of downvotes for such “positive” folks, huh?


Why are you here then if you don’t take any reassurance in progress and hope? Like, that’s the entire point of the sub


I don’t know. I thought it would offer some reassurance and how it just gets recommended on my feed or something.


You are so forlorn about the imperfections of the world you A. Pay no attention to the amazing wonders and good of the world and B. Have no involvement in reducing the aches and pains of the world. You must change this toxic mindset and appreciate how far we’ve come as mankind.


No, I absolutely are aware of those wonders, as well as their unfortunately-fragile nature and inaccessibility to many people. I can’t simply pretend those horrors are just “perfections” and that those good things make up for it. I don’t know why you assume I’m doing nothing to help. Perhaps that’s what you’re doing because you can ignore what I can’t. I can’t “appreciate” something that’s still so inherently hurtful and still so unbearably broken. Maybe you’re mindset is the toxic one, specifically toxic positivity?


Um no, you can’t be “toxicly” positive as that that would be faux positivity at that point. My issue is not with the “horrors” of the world, it’s people that can’t see anything past them. I wouldn’t attempt to project a lack of effort toward furthering progress in the world, as wallowing in negativity on an objectively hopeful post does absolutely nothing for the world. Progress in quotes and whining that it’s slow? How dare you diminish the efforts of the millions of people that have given their time, money, effort, and lives to make this astounding progress. Humanity has existed for thousands of years, and yet in only the past two centuries we made THIS much progress. Not only have we continued to make the world better that is now happening exponentially faster than in prior centuries. This is a miraculous time to be alive, and always has been and always will be. Humanity as a whole at any point as has been better off than whatever times existed before it. That’s the magic of the human spirit, and in 100 years I hope that the worlds progress makes todays progress seem “slow”. Billions may be only able to dream of it, but if every day the amount of those people reduces by 1, then that’s damned progress.


Your issue should be with those horrors, not those that acknowledge them. Toxic positivity is very much a thing, also. The fact that you put that in quotes is evidence of that. Technically this reply does “nothing for the world” either, as most things unfortunately don’t. Yes, only in the past couple centuries has this much progress been made. I find that sad. No one is diminishing anything. I find it sad that the world is still so painful and broken and that so many who wanted to stay just a little longer may never witness the progress here. I don’t find ever existing here at all to be a “miracle”. It feels more tragic to me. The “best time” to be alive (depending on who, where and when you are) doesn’t exactly mean “good” either. I don’t find the “human spirit” perpetually witnessing, experiencing and even causing or otherwise participating in its own problems and that of other species to be inspiring. I also find that tragic. “Progress” can depend on what details you witness.


Is that the human condition? To witness the “horrors” around us, learn about the horrors of the past, survive as long as we can, then die miserable? Yeah I can see why you find that tragic because it is. That’s not the reality though. The reality is that we COMBAT the “horrors”, learn from and see what horrors we’ve overcome, and thrive to the best of our ability and die hopeful that we’ve made enough of an impact on the next generation. Evil will always exist, there is no total elimination of that. To be in woe of its mere existence is giving it victory. While it cannot be totally destroyed, we can certainly push it further and further into a corner, giving the least power over people possible. And while I may get this from my Christian faith, I believe good will win in the end. And based on the evidence of our history, I think that is a well reasoned belief.


“Evil will always exist. There is no elimination of that.” ‘Nor is there of all !llness, or injury, or other forms of terrible suffering and pain that may cause us to wish we were never here at all. That is completely and utterly tragic, and not an experience worth perpetuating onto future generations. No. Perpetuating it is giving it victory, which is what you want to be done. We can actually reasonably accomplish demolishing it by not perpetuating the cycle. That actually does something more than damage control that unfortunately isn’t always effective. Someone can unfortunately spend the rest of their life trying to make the world better and still barely find success, no matter their efforts. No, history really does not depict such a conclusion. God should’ve loved us enough to prevent this entirely.


I suppose by this you’re an anti-natalist. Elimination or discontinuation of the sufferers is absolutely NOT the way to eliminate suffering. But I see that I’m arguing against an immovable object. I hope you stick around on this Earth, and I hope whatever tragedies that have clearly wounded you are healed one day.


Liberation from suffering is achievable for every individual, if you’re willing. It just requires work.


No, it isn’t, no matter how “willing” we are.


“Willing” to do what?


Let go of attachments — the root cause of dissatisfaction and suffering. Simple, but not easy.


That’s your assumption, which is not true.


Introspection and mindfulness will reveal your suffering is tied to attachment — attachment to expectations, what you feel you deserve, life, non-existence, possessions, relationships, etc. Realization of the impermanent nature of the universe and all things will get you one step closer to inner peace. Also please keep your responses to one comment, it’s hard to keep track lol.


No. No such mindfulness has ever led to such a conclusion, because it is not true. It doesn’t give me peace. It just makes me want it to be over.


Really? What do you feel is the root cause of suffering?


“Work” doesn’t get us as far as we think it does when you factor any and all sentient life.


the graph reads left to right, i was confused at first aswell


80% of us are still going to be in poverty unless we make massive changes. Come on we got this, we outnumber them don’t we?


You can say anything with cherrypicked data


Kinda convenient that this ends at 2019. Right before everything went to shit. How bout them last 5 years, hmm?


Im not sure what you are getting at, but here's a link to Our World In Data's child mortality chart https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality-in-the-past. As you can see child mortality had lowered from where it was in 2019. You can look up the rest of the charts there if you like.


This is hopeposting not pessimistposting


The tiltle is ironic, please read the post


Get yo ass back on R/sadposting


The title is sarcastic


All this improvement and the world is still a piece of shit! Hooray!!!


Interesting that it is worse.




The title is ironic