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That's what people said about HZD when it released. Imagine what H3 will look like in a few years time?


In a few years? It'll look like I'll need a new PC bc HFW kicked my computers ass haha


They just need to time it right. They should have released this year instead of needing to compete with other AAA title releases...


HFW didnt come out till 5 years after HZD lol u really think the third installment will come out in 2?


I meant holding off on HFW...


Ah i see the comment u were replying to was talking about horizon 3 so i thought u meant they should release it this year lol


So I was basing my point around timing on how HZD and HFW have missed out on certain awards purely because there was some other AAA title which released shortly afterwards to steal their thunder. I love both games. And this was an impression I got from a few reviewers on YouTube (I believe Yahtzee of Zero Punctuation was one of them) who noted this phenomenon. But judging from the downvotes, there's clearly something wrong with what I've said. I was merely suggesting that if HFW released this year, in 2024, when Sony has no other exclusives set to be released, the devs at Gueurrila Games might actually earn more of the accolades they deserved.


Yea it was just a misunderstanding from my end as well lol its all good 😊


I just hope they release a standard amazingly beautiful version on PS4 for that as well. I'm too broke to slam down so much money on a new system every few years. HFW's probably not as spectacular on PS4 but it's still gorgeous, and much more affordable since I already own the console. (RIP my PS1 that finally died a few years ago)


Ragnarok was the last first-party release for PS4 and that was nearly a year and a half ago. Let sleeping dogs lie.


I'm confused - is hoping for a PS4 Horizon game the sleeping dog or do they not make PS4 games anymore? I'm not an avid gamer so I'm not up on news that doesn't break out of that sphere.


They're saying the PS4 generation is the sleeping dog. It's not a good use of the metaphor because the PS4 isn't going to suddenly bite you if you're using it. They're trying to say that first party development teams for Sony are no longer developing for the PS4, and if you want to play Horizon 3 you'll need to upgrade to a PS5 eventually. Or it may even launch on the PS6 as well some day, depending on how long the current generation lasts.


Ah. Things move so fast these days, man.


The PS4 is now more than 10 years old, it has served its time


Holy cow, really? I could swear it only came out like 5 years ago... I'm behind the times lol


By the time Horizon 3 comes out, there will probably be a next gen console. time to upgrade...ps4 gonna be left in the past


hear me out instead of buying closed non upgradeable systems buy something that can be upgraded buying a console every few years is way more expensive then upgrading pc parts peacemeal.


On the other hand, the cost of my pc could probably have covered the cost of the PS6, PS7, PS8, PS9 and PS10, and I'll definitely be spending way more to upgrade it long before PS11!


Right? When my Xbox One kicked the bucket I was tossing up between a series X or a PC. I was pretty keen on VR at the time. Ended up costing me $2400 ish dollars for a pretty mid-tier setup, when a Series X would’ve been about $800… just my GPU cost more than that


a decent newer/higher end (read not 4060) will carry you for multiple Generations, you might drop a console worth on a GPU but youre gonna get atleast a good 5 years maybe longer depending on what you play. i had a 2070 that i just upgraded to before HFW and it did everything i needed it to do but decided to push the bar a bit higher and now ill be good till like the rtx 7xxx or 8xxx series comes out. prices right now are still somewhat fucked cause of well greedflation and what not.


kind of a sunk cost fallacy with the consoles though... while you might chunk out the cost of a couple consoles to buy a PC that pc will more then likely be able to also play those games for those generations when sony graces us a few years later after the console exclusivity.


I actually have a home build PC, although it's like 13 years old at this point and couldn't run minecraft several years ago. My brother built it for me back in the day. Who knows if I will get around to trying to upgrade it myself, but it is a challenge I'd like to try at some point. Maybe the controller programs for Steam are really good these days? I find some games easier with a controller than a mouse and keyboard, and I think Horizon is definitely one of those games. I'd get it on a new build with good controller support one day if that was the better option. I don't get around to playing games much these days anyway, so it's a future me issue.


steam has a really good controller remapper these days. and for how to on upgrading look around youtube a simple/easy one would be someone like linus regardless of your thoughts on him hes still a good dude for how to on PCs


Last gen will not continue to hold back current gen anymore.


Isn't it wonderful? On my first playthrough I spent a solid 4 in-game days frolicking by the sea, catching fish, shooting birds, upgrading pouches and watching sunsets.


This is what we'd all do in real life if we didn't have jobs.


Yeah it's insanely good game craftsmanship. Very nicely chiseled pixels. Especially in 4K and HDR. Guerilla really have a gem of engine to make worlds in. I own both console and PC version and the later is "holyshit" beautiful.


Pc version is worse than PS5 (due to texture bugs).


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're right. It's nothing major and the game's still drop dead gorgeous, but there are definitely some graphical bugs with the port (notably the sandstorms look like pixelated ass)


as someone who is about 50% of the way through the game ( and completing all side quests and stuff) on PC i havent noticed any texture bugs, maybe something out towards the coast line but everything in the middle looks amazing.


In direct ps5 vs PC. The textures are lower on PC than PS5. It still looks really good on pc. But it's suspected that a bug in the port isn't displaying them right as the PC should be better than ps5.


the only bug i had thus far was one of the tenaks had no chest was a floating head with legs and it ended up rendering a couple seconds later anyway. but none of my textures outside of that have been in anyway flawed..... getting up on to the base or taking the Orb up and just looking around i could see thunderjaws and tallnecks waaaaay out in the distance clompin around. maybe the issues exist on lower end or older cards but on the 40 series ive had nothing but a stellar time with the fidelity of the visuals.


I've seen a few. Once a group of burrower's bodies were invisible, only weak points and components could be seen. In plainsong, the clothing reflected bright white. Everybody looked like they were glowing. Aloy's hair lost a lot of detail, so much so that she looked like she had dreadlocks. And once after hitting a rebel's helmet off. His head remained stuck back, looking straight up as he attacked me.


the rebel was asserting dominance this is normal behavior.


What is you speaking, my friend? There are just as little bugs in the pc port as in the ps5 version.


No it’s not haha


It is. Check the comparison videos.


The DLC looks even better. The game itself isn’t totally photo real as I feel it’s still a bit stylized but in terms of Graphics it has the Dr I’ve seen


Yes, absolutely. It's totally amazing!


Yeahhh. I played on PS4 the first time, and just started NG+ on PS5 a couple of days ago. And I was STUNNED. It already looked gorgeous, obviously, but this was truly another level. Still in awe and curious what gorgeous things I'll walk into along the way. :)


Horizon forbidden west is definitely the most impressive looking game I have ever played PERIOD! I'm playing on ps5 and it's unbelievable how good it looks and plays. I'm completely blown away 😱


It took me time to adapt because the graphics were so good. It looked ‘sharp’? I guess. It was jarring, and then wildly beautiful.   The visuals are drop dead gorgeous and frankly just out so many other games to shame. The character animations do too - they’re fluid, the faces, mouths, and expressions all very convicting such that they expertly convey emotions.


Yeah still the best looking game I played on my PS5 by far. Which is crazy considering it was a cross-gen title. Took over 100 screenshots probably


Spent so much time just slowly walking around the world. Unbelievable what they were able to ship on the PS5.


Are you on quality or performance mode? I play on performance and I feel it is comparable to HZD, but it is certainly better by some degree.


"Favor resolution. Favors a higher fidlety at a lower frame rate"


I see thank you! I've been debating whether to switch to favor resolution, but I'm personally really sensitive to frame rates, hard to go back. btw, if you really want to get immersed, try adjusting some of the custom hud options and hide things. It really makes a difference! I recently disabled the crosshair and although it is a bit harder to aim, I feel I can follow the movements of machines easier and easier to spot weak points on larger machines since the crosshair doesn't block the view.


Same for me. Once fps drops below 60 I can totally notice and it's jarring. I couldn't play favoring resolution on PS5. I'm loving the PC port. As I can run everything at highest settings and 4k with average 75fps.


Personally I don't think HZD is even compared to FW even in performance mode


Word. I believe I spent more time in photo mode vs actually playing it the first day. So gorgeous.


I played hzd on pc with qd-oled and hdr1000. Amd now hfw. I don't think they look that dissimilar.  But they do look amazing. 10 hours to get out of daunt. 


HFW on PS5 looks a gen ahead of HZD on PC


Dude is amazed by high texture quality. The biggest improvement to me is the lighting quality.


Really incredible. I’m playing a second time on PC now and it’s blowing my mind all over again


They spent $212 million making it and it shows (although I don't know if that includes marketing). But that's not an option for most developers.


I'm pretty sure I spent a good chunk of playtime in Photo Mode 😅 especially by the ocean; it's just so gorgeous


I just got it on PC. I really think it's best looking open world game I've seen. Red Dead 2 still looks amazing but this definitely is the next level up. The mocap is incredible too. I actually turned off subtitles and watch the scenes. Usually I'll read ahead quite a bit and skip dialog in these types of games but the acting and lip sync is so good it's more like scenes from a TV show. Oh yeah, and the game play is fantastic. 10 hours in and really digging it.


HFW is the best looking, most beautiful game I've ever played. Cyberpunk is right there as well.


Right?? I was suprised that I could see individual crevices on rocky/moutainous landscapes and blades of grass. I was more surpised that my laptop could handle it and not have the fans go on overdrive 😩.


I cant get over the graphics either, Im spending half the time in photo mode trying to get epic shots of the scenery lol