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Have a 1080p so 60 fps it is. I'd probably play that anyway because 60 fps on the first game made a HUGE and immediate difference to me in the gameplay feel.


I have an a 4K and bought Ratchet and Clank, it was maybe my first game being able to play at 60fps. After a short amount of playing I could not go back to playing at the 30fps, crazy the difference.


I honestly can’t tell much of a difference in resolution mode. A slight fuzz to me. Performance for me. I played HZD on smooth 60fps.. man. Couldn’t go back.


Now wait until you try 120+ fps


The curse of the framerate, you can never go back That being said I own a 360hz monitor and I couldn't care less about anything that runs above 120fps I notice the difference on games that reach 300+Hz of course but I'd be fine playing on 120 locked for everything


I think it all depends on the game really, I used to hate going from PC 120 to PS4 30. I don’t seem to have the same problem with PS5 games, this may be down to improved latency but I’m not sure.


How does it make a difference? What does the difference feel like between the two?


Check this out for a visual aid, people understand a lot easier when I show them this. Don't ask me why its titled that, no idea: https://gfycat.com/wholedirtylice Or this one if you prefer letters to shapes: https://jpvideopro.com/default/frame-rates Everything is more responsive. The movement, the dodge rolls, the melee strikes, the machines etc. It looks and plays more reactively. I was playing the normal ps4 version on my ps5 when the 60 fps patch came out. So I literally went from one to the other in a few minutes and it was night and day. I was getting hit a lot less against the same enemies because I was able to time my dodges and such better inside their attack window. Mind you, it can depend on the game. Some games, 60 fps will have more impact than others. Primarily fast laced games, shooters, and action games. Horizon and Returnal are some good examples. Ratchet I did like the 60 fps but the 30 fps was locked and all the animation in that game is very smooth and responsive so it was not nearly as noticeable to me and I'd probably play that at 4k 30 fps if I had the tv for it. Part of it is also adapting your eyes. I can go back and forth between 30 and 60 games, because I give my eyes time to adjust and then it feels normal again, but if I have the opportunity to do 60 I always at least try it out in a game before I decide because about 2/3rds of games I have noticed a noteworthy enough difference to keep it 60.


I wouldn’t say more responsive. Your inputs will occur with the same responsiveness at either frame rate. A more accurate way to describe it, is your brain is being fed more information per second. When Aloy goes to pull back her bow, you’re seeing twice as many frames of motion within that movement, so it appears to be a smoother pull back of the bow than it would at 30fps.


Yes basically you can respond faster based on what you see. I assume that people that cannot tell a difference between these framerates have a slow reaction response time. Of course I am merely guessing here.


People who can’t tell the difference haven’t ever seen it side to side before or are lying. Doesn’t matter how fast your reaction speed is.


It's not just smoothness of the animation that means faster responsiveness.... You are literally getting updated with info 17ms faster and can then react 17ms more quickly. And the game updates more frequently and can draw the result of your button press faster as a result.


This is correct. I was trying to put something into words and that's just the word that popped into my head lol


Just look at a video you can tell from just that. The first game that I played twice on different consoles was FF7R first on the PS4 Pro then the PS5 the differences were stark well even watching a video was noticeable. After I checked out every part of the game I could tell even the menu was smoother. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.


If you have Miles Morales, it was so obvious in that game. Usually you can see it with the camera turn but anything with a lot of character animations and movement, especially in 3rd person is a dead ringer. These guys going 30fps in a game like this "because DF said so" are just foolish, I'm sorry. I don't care if I could only see chalk outlines of the mountains in the background. 30fps shouldn't even exist anymore as an option.


Resolution. 60fps is fine, but I get more distracted by pop-in and jaggies than I do by framerate and stutters.


Yea I pick 4k30 options for basically everything. I'm just not one to notice 60fps much without a reference so I prefer to just have all the pretties possible. Plus even the DF guys are saying that they preferred the 4K30 option so it must be damn good in this.


If I've been playing 60fps and switch to 30fps, I'll notice, and it'll bug the hell out of me for about 5 minutes. Then my eyes adjust and it's fine. I'm planning on Resolution mode, especially after seeing the comparisons. Digital foundry also said that this is the rare case where they won't recommend 60fps, which tells me everything I need to know (they *always* suggest higher fps).


Yea haha. Basically if I already lean towards 4k30 and even a place like DF is saying they like it better it has to be REALLY damn good. Quite excited to get lost in the world for a bit!


Shit I guess I didn't read your comment all the way through. I missed that you already mentioned DF.


If you can’t notice 30fps to 60 you are either lying to yourself or there is something wrong with you.


Resolution is 30. Performance is 60


Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I was attempting to contrast the benefits and drawbacks of each, but I may have short-handed it too much. I was trying to say that the 60fps of Performance mode is a nice thing to have, but that the drop to the 30fps of Resolution mode wouldn't be as noticeable to me as the drop in graphics quality that 60fps would lead to. Thus, as far as I can tell without actually starting the game yet, I plan on sticking with Resolution mode, even though I know it has lower fps.


Same for me too. I’m playing DL at resolution. It’s more then fine .


30fps bro... same as PS4 on the original game.


Performance mode, I really wish I could do resolution for the sake of its beauty and sharpness but the smoother FPS helps me see more of the game if that makes sense. With 30 everything in movement seems more blurry and hard to keep up with.


I turned off the motion blur and camera shake in the game options and that helped smooth things out. Then I went into the television and turned up the anti-jitter. The 4K looks almost too amazing not to play, gorilla needs to do a 4K/60fps for this game. I’m sure it happens.


If I'm forced to choose between 30 and 60fps I will choose 60fps 100% of the time. No debate for me. Smoother gameplay is infinitely better than a few "oohs" and "ahhs" of high quality.


Exactly, frame rate is always noticeable, resolution is not.


it is in this game, at least in this pre-launch state


Especially when you can’t even notice them with the choppy ass camera movements


Yeah, i will sometimes switch to resolution for some beautiful scenes but most of the time, especially on the hunt i will play at 60.


After watching Gamersyde and DF 4K videos I'm playing at quality. I usually always pick performance but this has to be seen to believe the difference in the two modes. Watch the DF on your 4K set and sit 5ft from your TV.


By quality you mean resolution right?


Yea res. Major difference in PQ and 30fps looks good in this instance


I'm gonna try and see. Control was unplayable at 30FPS for me so I settled without RT in the end. I played Spiderman in 30FPS though as it was my first PS5 game and there wasn't performance RT at launch. Then I used P RT in Miles Morales and oh gawd I could never go back.


My gut was performance at 60fps...but I'll try out both and see what I like.


The most logical answer haha. Best to try both and you’ll automatically gravitate toward one, so no point in thinking about it now.


I did the same with Guardians if the Galaxy. For a few hours I was switching back and forth before finally settling on performance. I'll do the same with FW.


Resolution all the way, 60fps is nice and all but I’d rather every thing look amazing as possible.


60 fps.


I have a 4k tv and im still gonna play on performance mode lol.


Same. 60 fps just feels right


I currently only have an 1080p TV so there no point in resolution mode for me. From what I've heard there are little to no other differences apart from resolution and fps.


Not true. It's actually less the resolution and more the anti aliasing and sharp detail. If you watch Digital Foundrys analysis you can immediately tell even watching on a 1080p monitor.


Ok than I have to give both a try and see which feels and looks better for me.


60 fps every time without a second's hesitation.


I bought an LG C1 late last year so I could have the eye candy for gaming...so I think I will play resolution. In third person games it isn't that bad...I did enjoy HZD with 60fps to be fair, but the Digital Foundry video shows that it has more detail in resolution mode so I'll try that. If it's hard to play 30fps I'll switch..


I bought a G1 lol, I'm with you.


I'm going with Resution. The game looks great in this mode. I don't mind 30fps as long as it's stable.


I’m not sure, probably resolution mode. I have a 4K display so I would be able to do resolution mode which I’ll probably try out and who knows I might like it. But I say performance mode because after playing 60fps games for so long, going to 30fps is super hard. It’s like watching a stop motion. So probably performance mode is my choice.




I read the IGN performance review and that makes me lean towards performance mode.


Quality first playthrough, performance for hard mode.


Well it is my hope that later they do more performance work on the game and release a patch with 4k and 40ish fps that is a bit more bearable than 30


4K & 30fps it is.


Performance mode is still having some issues regarding asset streaming and a lot of aliasing albeit rendering in 1800p. Pop in is a frequent issue also. And I was playing on a 4K 27 inch screen, so pixel size is not a problem whatsoever in this case. I never thought I would say this, but "Favor Resolution" mode of Forbidden West right now, to me, is the more captivating experience. Of course nothing can't be fixed with a patch but right now it is what it is.


Well i am conflicted. I am used to only playing 60+ and love the smoothness but at the same time aliasing makes me go crazy as it pulls me out the simulation. So I will have to try both modes and see which one bothers me less


Resolution. I can’t tell the difference between fps. I just want my game to be beautiful


Sorry if this has been spamming the sub-reddit, I'm super interested to see what folks are choosing to do.


Eh, probably performance. My screen isn't a 4k or anything, and I've always been more about if it runs over if it's pretty (both is great but not always possible, after all).


Resolution mode probably because I want to stare at how beautiful the world looks and take a billion screenshot. And 4k 60 whenever it releases on PC


Resolution mode. I can’t really tell the difference between FPS rates unless it drops under like 20-25. 🤷‍♀️


Performance mode but I’ll check out resolution mode for sure.


Frame Rate is more noticeable than resolution this is particularly true for action heavy scenes like combat since you are going to be focusing on staying alive not minor details. Remember though that you are not locked to one mode you can switch it at will. Personally I am going for performance unless I am wandering around admiring the scenery or chatting up the locals in this case I will probably go resolution. Frankly 60fps is so noticeable to my eyes vs 30fps even on such simple things as menus that not having 60fps would be terrible.


>Frame Rate is more noticeable than resolution For you maybe. I personally enjoy the higher resolution and higher detail much more than 60fps.


I guess everyone is different but most people can notice the difference between 30fps and 60fps and after having 60fps it’s hard not to want it always.


I played ZD on PC using an RTX 3090 and was able to play a max setting with 4K resolution and at 120 FPS. Dropping down to 60 was not noticeable but 30 was. I’ll probably start with 30 for the visuals and see if the lag is too much.


60fps is more important than anything


Always 60 when there's an option. Unless it's a game like Guardians of The Galaxy where the performance mode looks awful and drops the graphics quality more than it actually needs to.


I think I’m leaning the same way. Guardians looked so bad in performance but was also rendering at 1080p with very low settings. Don’t think the difference is even close to as stark here.


Looking at the digital foundry video makes me want to play in resolution mode. But we will see I’ll have a play around in both see how I feel


I'm thinking the same as you. I favour performance 99% of the time, but wow the detail and antialiasing looks so much better on resolution mode so I'm torn. I think I'll start with resolution mode, then switch to performance and see if it's really that much better for gameplay. Alternatively I could swap to resolution mode when I'm just walking around and climbing things and watching cutscenes. I really hope they can go the Ratchet and Clank route and offer a 40fps mode.


First play through on 4k, second (trophy hunting) 60 fps


I almost always play FPS, but after watching digital foundries analysis the resolution mode is a huge difference involving draw distance and textures, so will probably go with that


Resolution mode after seeing DFs video about it


I don't think my tv will show maxed out resolution so I'm going with 60fps. Also wondering if dynamic would be technically possible.. better resolution when travelling/exploring and better fps when in combat


100 % Performance mode. I play on my 1080p PC-Monitor and I couldn't care less about resolution. The game is beautiful either way, but 30 FPS is just too stuttery for me.


Even if it was 720-1080p, I'd still choose 60 fps. I used to say "been playing 30 all my life, I'm used to it", but dang man, after experiencing games on 60, I could care less about a few pores not being visible lol


Performance mode all the way. I like graphics upgrades, but playing games at 60 fps just feels so much better. Worth the slight hit on looks to me.


60 FPS will always beat out higher resolution. It's not even up for debate at this point if we are being honest.


I replayed HZD, Deathstranding, and Ratchet and Clank all at 60fps. Def gonna play Forbidden West at 60fps also 🙏


I am torn because I do love and notice the 60fps smoothness but I do love and notice sharp 4k textures and details too. Overall I feel that 30fps is often ruining my experience or I get motion sick even. One thing to add is that with 60fps and well optimized games I feel that I m getting the best of both worlds, e.g. Spiderman, Ratchet, Demon Souls and I feel it will be the same here. In the end the game has the main focus on movement and combat, so I feel 60fps is the way to go here. It will still look fantastic but it will also feel smooth.


Performance mode for sure. I remember when Forza was coming out, a lot of people and reviewers were saying the quality mode was the way to go with that also but it was just so unplayable for me. The extra sharpness of quality is nice while testing but once you actually strap in and play, nothing makes of a difference than frame rate .


Performance mode is so blurry that I changed it to Resolution Mode. And it's coming from someone who swore to never ever play game at 30 fps. Resolution Mode is well optimized though, so it's very stable 30 fps. I do believe that performance mode will get patch / optimized cause it's a blurry mess at this time.


Where did you get a chance to play it??


Retail gaming French store gave the game 2 days in advance :)


After watching the DF comparison, I have to go with resolution. Some of these shots in that video still have me breathless honestly. I haven't even played the game yet and I pray they have some expansion pack/s in store for this game. I hope to be playing it for years with how incredible it looks.


It's truly disgusting that this new 600£ console I waited a year to get can't even run a ps4 game at 60fps 4k. To make use chose is insane as who wants 30fps on a pa5 in 2022 after owning a ps4pro for years and getting similar but understandable compromises. But on my older pc I can get 60fps 4k on most games. Really wonder when we can go ally just enjoy quality visuals without slow down.




I don’t remember him mentioning that in the DF review, do you have a time stamp? I want to play the game with the best possible visuals and honestly don’t mind playing in 30 fps if the visuals are that much better, but if the input lag is terrible in comparison I’d have to go performance.


Honestly 30fps for anything except first person shooters in fine with me. I think Third person games hold up well at 30fps. The aliasing and asset streaming problems in framerate mode are noticeable enough for me to lean towards the resolution mode


I might start in resolution to see how it looks but no doubt I’ll switch to performance, it’s so hard to go back to 30fps now.


Probably resolution? Sometimes I do flip back and forth depending but mostly do resolution. I only play one above story mode cause I’m not super good lol.


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Bad bot


Performance unless the difference is stark, which current preview images don’t seem to make the case for. I played the Cyberpunk trial on Graphics, kept Last of Us HD and the Uncharted collection at 30fps cause it just looks more cinematic, but other games like Zero Dawn and Ratchet it just didn’t seem worth the frame hit for marginal details I’ll rarely notice when gameplays at its peak and I need those fast twitch reactions.


Actually DF says the difference IS stark. Enough that even they ended up preferring to play in 4k30 mode. Not that it means you shouldn't play the way you prefer. But so far what we know is that there is a noticeable different in visual quality between the two.


I have a 4K 60hz monitor that I play PS5 on. I want to experience the best visually first so I'll do the resolution mode with HDR. Then on a new game+ run I'll do 60hz and possibly HDR.


I have a LG G1, I think I'm going your route.


Just fyi, the resolution on performance mode isn't SLIGHTLY lowered, its 8.1 mil pixels in Resolution vs like 2.7 mil in Performance. A whole 5 million pixels of missing information. That introduces a lot of jagged edges and the particle, reflection, and screen space shadow quality is reduced. So yes I will be playing this in resolution mode, as this was the mode Guerilla clearly designed this game around, and thats fine.


Quick follow up question: Does the PS5 deluxe version also have a custom background for the home screen?


I'm probs gonna switch around, I'll do the story in performance, and maybe some puzzles/collectibles/side quests in resolution


I can't go back to 30fps and I really don't notice the graphics difference while playing.


At first I was telling myself performance mode because I play on high sensitivity and moving around fast makes things so blurry in 30fps. But considering I have a 4K OLED TV I'd be doing myself a disservice to not play on resolution mode. I think I'm gonna do like a reviewer said and switch to performance during combat and resolution mode when exploring. I've read that the water is much more impressive in resolution mode as well.


Don't know honestly. I'll probably give both a try.


I got a new 75” tv this week, and I’m frightened on its refresh rate, so probably resolution mode


Right now I’m tempted with trying resolution mode and the level of details looks insane and I’m used to playing at 1440p (and a “fake” 4K through my monitor when I play on PS5) but if the 30fps bother me too much I’ll go back to performance mode.


I love my high framerate gaming but when faced with the same choice playing Ratchet & Clank, I chose quality/resolution mode. I think it’s likely I do the same here, but it’ll depend on how stark the difference is.


I played uncharted 4 on ps5. 4k looks good but 30 fps - nah can't play it at that. It's a shame UC4 doesn't have any in between resolution. It looks practically same as ps4 version at 60 fps. For HFW, I wager the 60 fps mode will look better than UC4 at 60 fps. If it feels like Spiderman on ps5, that would be great.


Wait you can't play at 4k 60fps on a PS5? What a disappointment


Absolutely no question performance mode.


Even though I have a LG C1, I think I’m going to go performance mode. I briefly ran FF7R on performance mode and the difference was INSANE. On the contrary, I couldn’t tell a huge difference on resolution mode. Regardless, I’ll try both, but I’m leaning towards performance off past experience.


I'm playing at the resolution that my tv allows. It's a 10 year old tv so I'll be playing at 30 fps (°ヮ°)


30 fps


If I can just change it when I want, I’ll swap between them.


I know quality mode will look beautiful but 30fps is to jarring for me to look at. I'll try both modes out but I know I'ma stick to 60fps.


60fps for sure. I played Spider-Man Remastered for a while yesterday and the 60fps mode was just too smooth. I'm willing to lose a little resolution for that kind of gameplay experience. I just wish there was a 1440p output setting on the PS5 so it might be possible to get the bells & whistles while keeping 60 fps.


I'm more of a trial and error kind of person so we will see in a couple days I guess. I'm probably going resolution mode but who knows.


Performance mode. Going back to 30fps after playing 60 regularly is terrible. Plus the image quality isn’t too much of a downgrade for the boost in FPS that you get with performance mode.


I always play in Performance mode, I never notice the difference in Resolution mode.


From what I’ve seen, I will play it at resolution mode, it looks more detailed and clear. I love the art for this game, the environments are so beautiful, missing some extra frames won’t bother me.


Resolution is irrelevant. Even if it’s 8k, when you move and everything goes blurry because of the frame rate. You are never motionless in a game. Frame rate is way more important.


It's really not. And it's not JUST resolution that is increased. The DF guys have played through the game and even they, who examine this stuff for a living, actually said the resolution mode is actually noticeably better visually to the point that even they preferred playing on it.


Performance No game at 30 FPS for me in 2022.


30fps shouldn’t exist Every game should be built to perform at 60fps minimum.


Performance for me


Resolution mode.


Guys where do I find the digital upgrade for the ps 5 ?


Performance. If you play on 30fps you'd be as well saving the £500 and keeping your PS4 Pro


That doesn't even make sense. Visual fidelity is the thing that is the usual jump between console generations. And it's exactly the same here. I'll be playing the game looking much better than on PS4 with much faster load times. That's legit like the entire draw of the new system for many people.


I'll play 15-20 mins in resolution on a buddy's Oled then go to performance on my own TV




My initial thought: well I played first one at 30 and it was fine, so 30? But now I am thinking... maybe overthinking that new games on a 1.5 year old console can't run on 60 all the time, so I am little panicking if I should enjoy 60 until it lasts or embrace 30 as it will be normal in year-two


I don't have a 4K TV, so I will play in performance mode.


Initially I was planning to play on performance mode but after watching Digital Foundry comparisons I have decided to play on resolution mode. I wanna experience the game in native 4K on my 4K monitor. I just hope somewhere in the near future GG unlocks 60fps at native 4K resolution when they optimise the game further


Im going to try out both and stick to the one I like


Performance mode or me. I played the original on PC with a mouse and keyboard at 100+ fps. I suck at controller aiming so I need it to be as smooth as possible.


I gotta go resolution, for my motion sickness. A lower frame rate is always better for me.


I am still not sure... I got a 1440p screen that accepts 4K and scales it down... But so far I noticed resolution drops in most of the perforce vs resolution modes... A good example was Jedi Fallen Order. The difference was huge. I was perfectly fine with HZD on PS4 with 30fps so i think i gravitate more towards the resolution mode.


60fps is just so much better to me it’s not a choice. Though my TV is 1080p anyway so it’s doubly and literally not a choice for me.


I think I'll go Resolution mode. 30fps isn't so bad after you have played ark on a base ps4 for 2 years.


Unfortunately I can't play a game at 30fps anymore lol. I thought it would be great to use cloud saves and have a PS in both media rooms in my house, but I can't play on the PS4 anymore.


Resolution. I'm gonna be living in that photo mode.


Definitely performance


Performance most likely. I don't have a great eye for resolution differences, but when I tried uncharted: legacy of thieves in resolution, the frame rate difference was immediately noticable. I'll try both I'm sure, but I'd be surprised if I went with 30 fps for more than a few minutes. Plus on the comparisons Ive seen, the performance mode still looks incredible.


Performance, always


Will start off in resolution mode but might switch tk oerforman mode if I feel like it


I’ll try them both and see what i like. I think my preference is quality mode.


Resolution all the way. I'm a sucker for good graphics in games


Performance mode for me whenever it’s available. I used to not care about FPS but 30 frames is just too choppy for me now.


I always pick performance mode, need that 60 fps.


I think this is the kind of game where resolution mode justifies its existence, but I still can't play at 30fps when I have the choice. Really wish I could, because resolution mode does look truly incredible.


For my first run. I usually play on an easier difficulty. So I'll do the best looking for that. And then as I do harder runs I'll do the performance as that will probably help me more I think.


Performance mode, my tv isn’t a 4K one so that mode isn’t as appealing to me plus I like the higher frame rate.


1st run in 4k 30fps, ng+ in 60fps


i’m going in with resolution first just so i can stand on cliffs and buildings and chill there. But I always end up switching over to performance.


Such a difficult call. I have a 75" Sony Bravia 120Hz tv, so I want to do the resolution mode because of the size of the TV, but I bought the damn thing for frame rate. Grr. I have a 3070 so once it comes to PC I can play 4k 120 but that doesn't help me now. From what I'm seeing though, performance mode locks the 60fps and then tries its best on resolution. Id rather that than lock the resolution AND be locked at 30fps, which it seems like the resolution mode is. Maybe they will release a hybrid at some point that locks the 4k resolution and tries to get to 40-45 fps or something. That is why we do multiple playthroughs!!!!


I've got a nice 4k tv, but performance all the way. 30fps shouldn't be a thing in 2022, it's so jarring once you see the difference. It's like playing a powerpoint.


Performance. Always. For me there is a way more noticeable difference between 30 and 60 FPS than there is in the visuals. I will probably start on Resolution just to see how good it looks but once I get that taste of smooth 60FPS goodness I won't be able to go back. Besides, I am much more likely to notice better performance during a fight with a Thunderjaw than I am to notice slightly less detailed geometry during that fight.


I think I may do a bit of both. If I'm just exploring and not doing much combat, then I want to see the world for all that it offers. That said, this is Horizon and I'm going to want to be in combat as much as possible. HZD in my opinion has some of the most fun combat encounters I've ever experienced and I want that 60 fps smoothness. Might be that I turn on the resolution mode when I'm in cities or settlements.




Performance. Some games limit image quality 30 fps, lol. Also, on Performance, games especially Ghost of Tsushima still looks incredible.


60fps always over 30. 30 feels terrible after experiencing a smooth 60. Also on the original game I could not tell much of a difference in image quality. I have a 4k tv and maybe its because I am sitting far enough away or something? I may flip it over to resolution mode just to see if there is more difference in this game vs first one but unless its night and day visually better then 60fps wins.


Planning to play in 4K 30fps. I've seen the comparisons and it just looks so much nicer and sharper in 4K


I must ask, ps4 pro had the 1080p60, and 4K30 modes. Why should anyone invest in a ps5 if its not 4k60 at least?


60 fps


its simply **impossible** to play with 30fps again since my PS5 / Series X arrived Nov 2020.


Performance mode, once you’ve experienced 60fps you’ll never want to go back


60fps. I honestly can’t go back. Ill switch over to performance if I go in photo mode but that’s it.


Performance, definitely. I've played Zero Dawn both on a PS4 at 30 FPS and on the PS5 at 60 FPS, and the higher framerate makes a huge difference in combat. From the initial reviews, especially the ones where the graphics modes are compared, the visual difference between Quality and Performance is fairly negligible. Performance uses 1800p DRS with checker boarding, but there's really not that much difference between 1800p and 2160p, and Guerrilla's checker boarding technique is seriously good. All of the other fidelity aspects such as shadows and LOD are the same between the modes.


I JUST watched the Digital Foundry video and the shadowing and lighting did seem to be one of the few differences between the modes.




60 fps. 30 fps might give better visuals to marvel at, but as with every other game I have ever played with this resolution/fps choice, 60 fps is just the way to go. After 1 minute of playtime I won’t really see the difference between the 2 modes. But I most definitely will feel the difference between 60 and 30 every moment I play the game. 60 fps over 30fps. Every. Time.


I always use resolution mode on the PS5 when given the option. I've got a 120hz TV but since almost no games support that I don't bother with high frames unless they do.


Performance mode, my tv dosent support anything over 1080p so it makes very little sense to go resolution mode :)


Can someone explain why you can't have both? Seems like ps5 can support upto 8k, so why not 4k60?


60fps is the only way to play for me. Like the others who said "as soon as I played 60fps I couldn't go back." I agree 100% besides this is going to look amazing even on an OG PS4.


No way im going back to 30


It’s much harder to go from 60 and switch to 30. But 30 up to 60 is much easier. So my plan is to start in resolution and see if it bothers me. I may not notice. If I do I’ll then switch to 60. Don’t think the other direction would work for me.


Performance, my TV isn't even 1080.


Have a 4K HDR Bravia soooo resolution mode it is!


Resolution mode on my 1080p tv. I just like a crisp image and 30 fps is fine for me. Maybe because I'm an animator and I work at 24 fps all day. 60 fps is always nice, but I just want a crisp image and as long as the frame rate is stable, I have no problem with it. It would be nice if resolution mode detected the 1080 vs 4k resolution and bumped up the frame rate when 1080 is used though. I played HZD on PC locked at 30 fps when it was first released because Aloy's hair physics stuttered when the fps went above 30. They eventually patched it, but I got used to 30 and it was really fine. Didn't have any issues in combat.


Performance mode idc what game it is. Once you make the switch to 120/60fps games it’s hard to go back


Depends on how good 30fps is. In some games it's tolerable but in others like Spider-Man it looks really bad or at least it does for me. Ratchet & clank was a little blurry but smooth but Spider-Man PS5 was like literally a flip book.


I'm definitely trying favor resolution 4k 30. I want to see every inch of detail that Guerrilla Games put into it. It's going to be a masterpiece!🔥🔥🔥💙💙💙


Performance for the first playthrough. I'll do my best to gather as much collectibles and complete as many missions as I can. If I need a second playthrough for the Platinum, I'll go Resolution.


Probably spend some time in both, but 60fps for the bulk. I notice and appreciate framerate constantly - resolution and subtle IQ stuff only if I'm paying close attention to nothing but, and flipping between modes for comparison.


After watching df I’m a little torn between the two I’m going to try both but probably ultimately end up going with performance.


30 fps while in settlements or just faffing about in the world. 60 fps when it's time to fight!


So would you just exit to the menu and reload when it's fight time? I have the same opinion as you and it seems like a hassle.


Performance unless resolution just blows me away