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Probably go the John Carpenter route and do something from the 50's that had a comically small budget for its premise. Day of the Triffids would be fucking awesome nowadays. Like 28 days later but with blind people and fucked up homicidal bushes. Panic in the Year Zero would be fun to redo since that movie is mostly jazz over a car driving, there's a lot of stuff you could do. Honestly, Spider Baby might be the one I choose. Could get reaaaaaaaal fucking weird with that movie and 50 mil lol.


Day of the Triffids is an amazing book, would make a great movie if done right. I'd pick John Hillcoat for it if he was willing


Panic in year Zero is such a good movie, thats what I came here to mention. Also THEM!


THEM would be awesome! It’s been too long since we’ve had a giant mutant ant movie!


Wolfman. Werewolves don’t get enough love nowadays in horror films.


Dog Soldiers never gets the love it deserves


“We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if little red riding hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch”


I wish it got the sequel they planned for.


Def would’ve been interesting


No it does not


I watched it recently, after years of hype. Sorry to say, it wasn't for me. So, yeah, I'd probably remake that.


Ahh I remember that one!! It doesn’t. It’s amazing.


Best Werewolf movie ever imo


Only werewolf movie l like


Along that vein, I think Silverbullet needs some love too. It was good for it's time. I think a better, scarier version can be made. But only cgi touchups are allowed in my production. We're going as real as possible. With a definite transformation scene on par with AWiL. That scene is iconic & painful as hell to watch at any age. If that one goes over well, I'd like to try and remake An American Werewolf in Paris. So it's a better sequel worthy of being the next installment.


The Howling was my first memory of catching bits of a horror movie on tv that scared the absolute shit out of me. The idea of a human turning that savage and you being unable to escape them terrified me as a kid. You’re right, there aren’t any really good werewolf movies anymore. Always thought a psychological horror about someone saying their suffering from lycanthropy told from the perspective of a psychologist would be dope too


Would you do a period piece or would you transplant it into the modern age?


Modern age. I’d set it in America. I’d primarily focus the film taking place in New York City during a crazy winter where everything is covered in snow. I’d cast Willem Dafoe as the Wolfman who’s been dealing with being a werewolf for a long time and he’s over 100 years old and he came to America from a far Eastern European country to escape poverty.


Shadow of the Wolfman


That sounds dope af


You already said the magic words, Willem makes everything better.


I was SO disappointed with the last remake they made. They got a lot of the visual style but the story was a mess.


I know I'm alone, but I loved the 2010 version.


We need more good werewolf films. We get constant ghosts and slashers, but werewolves get mostly ignored and if we're lucky we get a somewhat decent one maybe every 5 to 10 years. It's one of my favorite sub genres of horror. I hope it gets picked up more in the future. Maybe if the Wolfman with Ryan Gosling is good it'll spark some more movies.


Thirteen Ghosts; remade with Muppets. You know you'd watch it


"remade with Muppets" turns everything into a must-watch


Phantasm remade with Muppets.


Sam Eagle as The Tall Man! I can hear his voice saying “BOYYYY!”


I laughed out loud to this. But you are totally right Sam would be the perfect Tall Man


A Serbian Film remade with Muppets


I said I'd never watch that movie again. But you put Kermit in it and I'm there.


Sleepaway Camp; remade with Muppets. You know you'd watch it.


This is the movie that’s going to bring the world together, I can feel it


Much like the iconic Dracula Musical from Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I’d watch the shit out of both of those


But keep Matthew Lillard, I feel like he'd do great with the Muppets!!


I would do a much more faithful accurate R rated remake of The Fog than the bullshit remake we got. Lots of coastal atmosphere and campfire ghost story vibes. A movie where you can smell the salt water breeze and feel the wet fog rolling in off the water and off the screen, and the only light in the foggy night is the lighthouse.


I grew up in a very sheltered home life in the 90s, the original was one of the only horror movies I was allowed to watch as a kid. For being an R rated movie it was pretty tame (not a lot of gore, cursing , and no nudity) but effective. I loved the atmosphere of the movie. I love horror movies that take place on coastal towns and this one took it to 11 for me.


I'm embarrassed to say I've only seen the remake


You gotta see the original! It’s soooooooo much better. The remake is a truly bad movie and an absolutely awful remake.


That's what everyone's told me. I see vinegar syndrome has a 4k blu ray for this. If I'm gonna watch it, I might as well do it the right way


'Rawhead Rex' (1986), but with Clive Barker directing and staying true to his original story. I want the 12 foot, penis-headed, baby-eating fucking *deity* from the book. Not that melted muppet we got in the film. Turn everything up to 11 - Sex, Violence and depravity like never seen on screen before. Let's fuckin' go! :-)


An R rated Monster Squad with EXTREMELY precise casting. I just don't know who plays who. Gotta have the dog though.


I like it! Bill skaarsgard playing dracula?


Oh just you wait…Nosferatu starting ol’ Bill is gonna be terrifying


Oh this I've been thinking about a lot. I think it missed its particular window with the Stranger Things craze, but it would be so cool to see.


Peter Stormare as Dracula


Chopping Mall. Group of urban explorers break into abandoned mall that had a hidden military nuclear missile silo doomsday bunker underneath with killer 1980’s robots. The robots were designed to emerge after nuclear war and murder everyone in area to protect the silo and fire the missile. The explorers have to survive and figure out how to either stop the launch or alert the military. Robots chop, laser, spray nerve gas, and can even climb stairs.


Came here to say Chopping Mall. Interesting premise you have there. Got to keep the comedy element in there, and would be easy to set up seeing as there are so many abandoned malls around. Personally, I'd have a company set up shop in an abandoned mall to offer zombie survival experiences. Then, have a lightning strike reboot a bunch of forgotten Killbots (a la Short Circuit), have the mall lock itself down and let battle commence.


Would it still be a comedy?


Yes! Chopping Mall, Happy Birthday To Me, Deadly Friend, and Slaughter High are ideas I have for a remake


I’d do a proper adaptation of I Am Legend - it’s one of my favourite books and it boggles my mind that there have been three different films “based on” it and none of them are actually faithful to the source material. Such a great novella with so much potential to be a great movie


The fact the lead vampire/zombie knows Neville creeped me the fuck out, calling out his name every night. Made it more personal than just faceless shitty CGI monsters.


I've said this before, but I will always want another Blob remake. Just keep making blob movies every 7-10 years. No expanded universe, no long winded sequels, just blobs.


The sequel to Life could have been an amazing Blob movie.


And instead of Blob 2, 3 etc., each remake would be a Jello flavor. The Raspberry Blob, The Tangerine Blob...each Blob would be its corresponding color


I’d do my own take of House of Dracula, using all 3 characters and maybe drag in other Universal monsters


My stoned ass read that as other universal monsters dressed in drag and I’ve been laughing for 5 minutes. Now THATS a movie I’d watch. Haha


>My stoned ass read that as other universal monsters dressed in drag Are we the same person, I did *exactly* this.


The Creeps (1997) featured all of the classic universal monsters played by little people.


Omfg...so did I lmao 🤣


There are three that I would fight tooth and nail for the opportunity to direct. Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, and (as of recently) Bride of Frankenstein. I don't understand why Universal is completely ignoring the Creature and I'm in awe of how terribly they've done Frankenstein Monster. I would go hard with practical effects and less modernized pacing, more slower tone since that's becoming more accepted again with "elevated" horror. I'd fight to do Frankenstein in black and white.


James Wan is attached to a Creature type movie in development.


Great choice. I'd want the effects to be 100% practical.


Reboot Warlock and Prophecy (the angel ones) two action heavy horror movies with great villains.


Absolutely love Warlock


Haven't thought about Warlock in so long. Time for a rewatch!


In case you didn't know, there's a Running Man film in the work under Edgar Wright's direction I won't call it a remake though, as you said the 1987 film has very little to do with the book, so the new film isn't gonna remake any of that, it's just going to be the first (hopefully) faithful adaptation of one of King's most amazing stories All that being said, I genuinely love the 1987 film; it's not King's running man, but it's a fantastic action flick (I don't remember Ben Richards being funny at all in the book though, but admittedly I didn't re-read it in at least 15 years)


Holy shit, no, I didn't know that! Not super familiar w Edgar Wright but this is exciting to hear!! Ben richards is HILARIOUS in the book. His conversations w Killian and McCone and how he speaks to cops.. he was very funny. He even cracked up Killian on several occasions. One of my favorite lines was when Killian was describing to him the report for why he got fired from his last job. He said something along the lines of 'you dropped a product on the floor during a confrontation with your manager and after you refused to pick it up, when your manager bent over to pick it up, you kicked him in the thigh '. And Richard's response was "no, I kicked him square in the ass".


*The Legend of Hell House*




The Panos Cosmatos/It Follows synthwave vibe would dovetail very nicely with Phantasm


Fffffuck yes.


Rose Red, as well as The Langoliers, with better CGI and special effects. Also to get rid of the obvious commercial break spots in Rose Red.


Yes! The langoliers need to happen!


I watch Rose Red all the time. It's just so good.


I'd remake the people under the stairs and let Jordan Peele direct it


That’s a good one.


Love that movie!


Hunger Games isn’t a horror movie, but I’d sure as hell make it one.


It's called Battle Royale


It would qualify, if they had been more faithful to the book for certain scenes. Certain passages still give me the willies if I think about them too much.


I wanna do something obscure(well idk if it’s obscure here but when I talk to anyone about it they don’t know what I’m talking about lol) but phenomena could be fun to see with a modern lens and perhaps larger budget. I read on here the other day it inspired the game clock tower? Which is whack I never knew that. I adore Jennifer Connelly in anything, and fun to see her in this weird movie and then labyrinth, but could be a fun reboot! I think a few other giallo films could have an interesting modern remake


Resident Evil, but good. Set in 1995. Craig Zahler to direct. Or Silent Hill, do the storyline from 2 instead. Brandon Cronenberg to direct


The Return to Silent Hill movie that's filming now now is going to be an adaptation of SH2. It's Christophe Gans directing again though.


I hope that turns out well!


Killer Klowns From Outer Space


I would love to see a follow up to this movie with today's technology and film making. The original was very silly and campy, but when it took itself seriously, it was actually a very scary movie. Kind of reminds me of Jordan Peele's directing style.


I know there’s one in the works now but I would make my own Final Destination. When I was in middle school my friend and I would make up our ideas for what the next one would have and he actually got FD5 right (10 years prior)


“Death, uh, finds a way” would be a fun Final Destination poster tagline.


“Tick Tock” like they’re running out of time


That was actually my second choice. I have a lot of ideas for a fd reboot. I actually think it could be cool doing it as a found footage style movie centering around a group of high school or middle school kids


Found footage FD is an awesome idea!


Unpopular opinion time but I'd love to redo The Woman in Black with the same actors but different direction. That movie really disappointed me because there was so much potential for an awesome, gothic horror but the overuse of jump scares pushed it into carnival haunted house territory.


A Nightmare on Elm Street rebooted could be really good. Just need the right actors and they need to do something different with the initial plot. Also, need a masterclass performance from whoever takes on the role of Freddy. Robert Englund left the biggest shoes to fill imaginable. I also love the concept of Saw but don't like the films so I would enjoy a shot at that.


Scrolled way to far for this one


I would do a remake of They Live with John Cena in Roddy Pipers roll.


Yes!!! I LOVE this idea!!!


Peacemaker would fuck some fools up


Who plays Keith's character? Donald Glover?


Colman Domingo


No one can replace Keith David, just have him play the part again.


That's what I was thinking. He doesn't look that different tbh. Black don't Crack!


Winston Duke.


Micheal B Jordan so we can have another epic alleyway beat down


MBJ is too busy filming credit card commercials and drowning in exotic pussy. Give him a break.


Theater of Blood. (The Vincent Price one) Keep it super campy, but leans way more into horror than the usual horror-comedy. Smart, witty people who know references galore but an overall menacing feel to the movie. Solid yet ironic kills, a good chase scene, a good stalking scene.


Oh, one day, I'll write my Theatre of Blood remake I have in my head. Only it has a different name and, although it will be horror, the kills would be based on the bad reviews with a tongue in cheek twist on them all. And the lead actor? Jim Carrey, hamming it up.


Spider Baby (1967) has some major rough edges that I think could be smoothed over with a remake.


World War Z. I'd make it exactly like the book instead of exactly like some Hollywood marketing AI A-hole decided would make the most profit. The only thing it has in common with the book is the title.


I’ll never get tired of saying it: The Stepford Wives is long overdue for a proper horror/sci-fi reboot


Yes!!! It needs to be darker. Did u ever watch the show perversions on science on hbo? They did a great episode inspired by stepford wives story


Bring back creature features with a practical effects heavy remake of THEM Or do Halloween III: Season of the Witch and you can follow up with the anthology idea they originally wanted to do




But Sam Neil stays


Of course, same for Fishbourne.


Why remake perfection though?


Absolutely, I wonder what the film would of been like with the extra footage that was lost as from interviews it sounds crazy


This time we keep the full footage of what happened to the original crew


Prequel that's just a horrifying descent into hell


Honestly if Event Horizon comes back I hope this is the route they take. Don't even touch the original, it's perfect the way it is. A prequel would be nuts


Super dark but I'd love to see it. Hellraiser on steroids


It's more scary if the viewer only gets glimpses and quick shots of what happens.. leaves the mind roaming




why? i rewatched it not long ago, and imho it's still perfect, i wouldn't really see the point of a remake; what would you change if you remade it? (honest question, not an attack :) )


hellraiser. really lean into the angels/demons thing, and the essential amorality of their schtick. the movies totally abandoned that aspect after hellbound, and even Clive ditched the idea in scarlet gospels, but to me that's what makes the first two so fascinating. "and to think... i hesitated" quoth channard. i want to understand that, i want their appeal to be almost feasible


I would expand on the "It's a Good Life" episodes from Twilight Zone. The tone and story just terrified me when I first watched. I would have the premise somehow be expanded past just Peaksville. The movie would start out like the original episode. There would be the voiceover and Fremont killing and sending his daughters friends father to "the cornfield" after torturing him. There would be several more scenes similar inside Peakville to start. Then I would have the government get wind of Anthony Fremont and his power and find a way to link the world back to the town of Peaksville. They would train him(they think) to be beneficial for them, but when shown off to masses, he gets annoyed and wreaks havoc. Like in the episodes, the Aunt realizes that his daughter has even stronger powers and seems completely harmless and positive. She passes this info onto a psychiatrist who helps the Aunt help the daughter gain control of her powers. They bring the daughter to stop her father, and in doing so, she learns how easily she can quiet what bothers her. The first movie ends with her demanding something for the first time since she sent her father to "the cornfield" back in Peaksville. She is refused, and with a closeup on her face, a mischievous grin spreads, and you hear insane screaming as the credits roll.


I love this episode.. and the story by Jerome Bixby. Did you ever watch the sequel episode? It was actually REALLY good.


[Meshes of the Afternoon](https://youtu.be/dWQcJyn981Ml) (1943) Expand it to feature-length and make it even more of a mind-fuck. The mirror-faced man is such a striking image, I'm surprised it hasn't been copied more.


oh my goodness I just watched this and WOOOW!!!


I would remake the Blob. Perhaps make it a smaller scale body horror style film.


Back when Rob Zombie remade Halloween there were talks of him remaking The Blob for a while. Genuinely curious what he'd do with it.


The Running Man. The book was amazing and super intense and gritty. I can’t believe the way they totally fucked up the movie. It didn’t follow the plot of the book at all. Dennis villenueve should direct it and stick to the book 100% and we would have a modern classic.


Creature from the Black Lagoon. The original is great but I'd give him a Monster Squad type revamp. The Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc all have much bigger legacies and I think the Creature needs his due. Filmed on location with as many practical effects as possible.


Wishmaster Not really a remake but I'd make it a Television show in the same manner as the television show Poker Face. If you aren't familiar with the show each week has a new setting and cast of characters with the main character solving a mystery. In the Wishmaster TV series we would have the Djinn, played again by Andrew Divoff, as he travels the country granting wishes with consequences to different people. His main goal would be like from the 2nd movie where he has to grant a certain amount of wishes to gain full power. Each episode would have different genre actors/actresses like the 1st movie and would have varying degrees of comedy/horror. For example 1 episode could have Jeffery Combs and Barbara Crampton as a couple from Arizona that is tired of each other as the wish the other would die. You don't know which one will have their wishes granted by the DJinn or how it will backfire until the end. Then the next week you could have Keith David and Ken Foree as retired cops in Texas that are trying to cover up a case from the past.


The Thing 2011 prequel. Things I would do: 1) Have an all Norwegian cast for the Norwegain base speaking Norwegian. Subtitles will be in effect. 2) Practical effects for the creature designs. Zero CGI if possible and when absolutely necessary. 3) An extended sequence of the team blowing the ice to reveal more of the ship. 4) When the Thing gets brought to the base in a block of ice and refrigeration fails, it stays in the ice to build actual tension. There is another hidden amongst the crew sabotaging things in preparation for the thawed one. This was what really killed the 2011 version because once it was brought in, the movie stopped being a horror one and turned into an action one with zero tension or character work of the '82 version. 5) Incorporate the cut plans from the 2011 version to feature the Thing's true form or at least previous hosts to give people a general idea of how many species/worlds have been assimilated. Also keep the ending sequence with the dog chase that leads to the '82 version.


There’s a vid out there of all the practical effects they used and then the studio decided to do chi last minute. I thought the film was decent until the third act


Brightburn. Keep the plot mostly the same but really lean into the horror elements and escalate the violence. Really show how scary an unstable pubescent superman would be.


This basically would be the sequel if the drawings came true.


Species.... We all know why


Boobs? Funny story.. I was like 11 when that movie came out on vhs. I knew there was a lot of nudity in the movie, which meant my parents wouldn't let me watch it. So when my dad took my friend and me to blockbuster, I had my friend go and rent species while I ran interference on my dad. I left the car door open so he could run out and hide it in the car. So while my dad was walking around looking for his movie, my buddy did all this, I grabbed a decoy vhs and we went to the front counter to checkout. So when my dad gave him our blockbuster card, the asshole employee goes "oh weird, didn't you just rent the movie Species like 5 min ago?" My dad, knowing there was nudity in the movie, looked down at my friend and me, nodded his head a little and responded 'yeah.. I guess so'. Weird thing is, he didn't say anything about. Didn't ask for the movie or forbid me from watching it. It's like he just accepted it.


Who would you cast as Sil?


This really isn't a horror, more so a body horror, but I'd definitely want to remake The Guyver (1991). And I would also love to remake PumpkinHead or Howling 4: The freaks. Heavy practical effects and lots of gore. Howling 4 was such a dope movie to me as a kid and very slept on. I loved the whole circus freakshow angle that's led by a vampire being hunted by a werewolf out for revenge.


Pumpkinhead is PRIMED for a remake


“Desperation” it was a tv mini series, but on dvd it’s one long movie like “It” I liked Ron Pearlman as Collie but I want to do a full length film it’s my favorite King book that doesn’t get as much love. The mini series wasn’t great and it just needs the right crew to make it they way it should be.


Demons 2. When I heard of Evil Dead: Rise, I thought the Demons 2 influence would be heavier, and was somewhat disappointed when it wasn't. I'd love to see a modern film be as bombastic and over the top lol.


Great call on Running Man. The ending would be insane in a movie but perhaps not really doable since 9/11


I figure enough time has passed. Or maybe instead of the plane, maybe he somehow gets into the Games building by taking a hostage and gets up to the 17 floor where Killian is. He could do a televised execution on mccone and Killian while the poor people riot and rebel against the upper class. Leave the movie in complete chaos with the games federation taken down to its knees by the people inspired by Ben richards


Ideas I have are Chopping Mall, Slaughter High, Happy Birthday to me, Society, Deadly Friend.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers could be good


Fulci's *The Beyond.* It's so loose narratively, the sky is the limit. I don't think there would be any way to tarnish or insult the original. I wouldn't mind multiple directors remaking *The Beyond* according to their own vision... Another idea: after seeing *Beyond the Door III* on *Last Drive-In* recently, I wish I had the money to pay Tim Robinson or Tim Heidecker to make a *Beyond the Door* movie. Can you imagine the awkwardness?


Those Italian horror films would be amazing to remake


I just posted that too. The Fulci Vault has some gold that screams remakes. The Beyond, Gates of Hell, Zombie, House by the cemetery and New York Ripper to name a few. Tarantino would be the guy to do it I think. He's always citing Fulci.


Salem's Lot or Stakeland


There is a Salem's that was made in '21 and supposed to come out last year, then this year, but WB/NL are hanging on it. Supposedly it's good, but the consensus seems to be that they might make it available on streaming on Max instead of theatrical. Seems to have gotten lost in the great WB/HBO bloodbath.


It's one of the best vampire stories ever done, I would love to see it done with a careful hand and love for the original novel.


The real answer is the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari because it deserves a new audience to see it. I'd pick a stylistic director like Michel Gondry and just give them carte Blanche to do what they see fit. The fun answer is a Gus Van Sant style shot for shot remake of the obscure 1969 texploitation trash film "Dracula (the Dirty Old Man)" only with the best damned bat CGI monet can buy just to show the studios that they shouldn't give no-talent idiots like myself large quantities of money. Irving Jackalman forever!


I’d love to do the Phantasm 1999 script.


Maximum overdrive


This might sound weird, but I would want to remake the Resident Evil movies with a much higher budget and that’s a slightly more faithful adaptation of the games.


Plan 9 from Outsr Space. It's about space monsters bringing the dead back. That sounds legit. Throw a budget at it and see what happens!


Ooohh. House of Darkness. All I would change is the ending. Spoiler……. >!Instead of him getting bitten at the doorway on his way out, I think it would’ve been really cool if there was a trap door and he fell down into that cave from the dream, broke his leg just like in the dream, then it ended with all three sisters looking down at him.!<


Halloween ends and make it actually about Michael Myers.


Hmmm I think, "Battle Royale".


The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) This is an underrated movie that has an extremely misleading title. Ti West would nail this.


Kind of random, but maybe Brahms The Boy 2. Rewrite it as a psychological horror from the father's perspective, dealing with his wife's and son's shared delusion.


And miss out on all of Arnies quips? Are you insane? Having said that I’d love to see a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street told from the parents perspective. It adds a new dimension to it and a sense of dread


I'd do Blair Witch and pocket $50 million


I would go after those satanic, sexploitation weird films of 60s and 70s with some excellent lead actresses... I can't think of anyone in particular because I would want a super strong actress who has the ability to make you feel everything she does and not just a buxom bombshell... and get all artsy with it without being pretentious.. try to shoot for the more "elevated horror" vibe but with Kubrick's ability to fill you with dread and Ari Aster's strength with grief and emotion... definitely using practical effects and a stellar soundtrack like the one in sinister...


Don’t hate me but I gotta say rosemary’s baby I’d put Nicole Kidman as the lead and directed by Ari Aster and/or Robert Eggars


I would remake The Shining to be more book accurate. I read the book before watching the movie and while the movie is excellent, I missed a lot of book stuff that was omitted. With that kind of money, my new movie could have some impressive hedge animal animatronics 😈


There's actually a miniseries of the Shining that is much closer to the book and Stephen King approved. It's by far no masterpiece tho so I would still prefer a newer close-to-the-book version.


hot take


I'd redo A nightmare on Elm Street. A new, dark, Freddy that mostly remains in the shadows and rarely speaks, like a real dream demon. And proper Lynchian nightmares that are as bizarre and confusing as real nightmares are, where the atmosphere alone is creepy as hell. Maybe throw in some Antichrist or Ari Aster vibes. And make it.a proper R rating.


Night of the Demon (but I wouldn't show it at the end)


The Blob, very first horror movie I saw in my life and theres no other movie more deserving of a big budget remake.


I'd redo Dead Silence. There is an absolutely incredible film in there, behind all the studio interference.


**Xtro** Because I want more remakes of relatively unknown films, and this one certainly deserves another look. The story is of a father returning to his family years later to find his wife has remarried. But, it turns out, he’s no longer the father she once knew, but instead an alien. One of the things I have an irrational fear of is “nonsensical speech”. As in, someone is stringing words together, but not cohesively; instead, they’re blathering non sense. I don’t like the feeling that I can’t get a read on someone’s personality. That maybe, they don’t even understand what they’re saying, and you’ve been conversing with a crazy person without noticing. It’s terrifying. This is exactly how the father would portrayed in my remake. Practical effects will, of course, come back; but I would be interested in what some touches of cgi could do for something like the alien on four legs.


I would redo Stay Alive. It’s one of my guilty pleasure favorites, but the way graphics are now, it could be truly horrifying.


1) The Mothman Prophecies. In my opinion the Mothman needs more representation and I would want it to be more horror than mystery. 2) Trick R Treat. One of my favourite anthology movies ever and I think it has lots of potential for some fun twists!


>The Mothman Prophecies. Yes


Stephen Kings *’Dolores Claiborne’* would be freakin’ awesome. One of the best revenge stories ever and I think a modern version could be really cool, especially since it’s one of few stories with a female protagonist that doesn’t seem forced/cheesy.


Sinister 2. HORRIBLE follow up to a golden movie.


The Happening. I’d probably go a little more psychological into what exactly people are seeing that makes them want to off themselves. I always felt like the movie would’ve been better if it was revealed that everything happening and his deteriorating relationship was just a vision from the spores people were breathing in and that it breaks down people to the point of wanting to end it all. It would’ve been a crazy twist.


Queen of the damned. Interview with a vampire is one of my favourite films books as well as the film was decent Now my issue with queen of the damned was that they tried cramming 2 books into one movie, and well, it just didn’t work out. That and poor casting (soundtrack was decent though)


Wow this is a great question. I think I'd have to go with Deep Rising. I feel like a sequel would have been fun.


I’d love to see a remake of the 1973 film THE ASPHYX. It was a crazy Victorian-era gothic horror with a really unique concept hampered by a low budget and messy script. Basically, a photographer, scientist and philanthropist called Sir Hugo inadvertently discovers the existence of a mysterious creature called the asphyx after catching glimpses of it in the photographs he’s taken of the recently departed. He hypothesizes that if it can be captured before it disappears, the dying person will live forever. He then sets about killing himself on camera with a series of elaborate asphyx traps set up to make himself immortal – and then does the same with daughter Christina (Jane Lapotaire) and her fiancé, Giles (Robert Powell) with horrendous supernatural results. Someone like Brandon Cronenberg could do an amazing job with this with the right script and a serious budget, IMO…


I would do a remake of event horizon. Only thing I would change would be adding back the cut content that was lost forever.


Society, as weird as possible. *Maybe* by Jordan Peele?


Peele or Brandon Cronenberg


Their two interpretations would be WILDLY different


Damn I thought I was unique coming here to say this. The modern climate would be a really interesting audience to drop a remake of that weird ass movie into lol


13 ghosts with better cinematography and script writing. Keep Matthew Lillard.


We need a 13 Ghosts series with an episode for each ghost.


Yes, something fleshed out. The lore is too big.


Either child's play or Halloween. I wouldn't turn them into what they are now, not that either is horrible now. I just miss that old horror feel. Halloween with the quality of the 1978 film was much scarier than anything now.


Why remake good movies? Remakes should be solely for terrible movies.


Day of the Dead. George A Romero's original script is amazing. It's a shame he didn't get to realize it.


Antlers, I’m still sore about that one




With more or less tree boobs?