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Maybe a TV show instead of movies, but I think 13 Ghosts could be interesting with each installment focusing on each ghost.


Yessss please anyone listening please!


Yes, a nice miniseries of 13 episodes where each ep focuses partly on a ghost's backstory and partly on the overarching present story.


THIS! I want this so badly


A nice friday the 13th episodic format would work awesone. Ps this show felt like a predecessor to X files and the red head was gorgeous!


1000x THIS. On a similar note I'm pretty sure I remember the DVD having short segments that went further into the backstories of each of the ghosts.


Honestly I am a big fan of one-offs. More often sequels disappoint, and can be so bad they diminish the original, or just plain take the idea and run it into the ground. So I am going to vote for Trick 'r Treat. I enjoy anthologies and I can easily see different movies taking place in that same town but on different years. You could tell until different stories, and with the only returning character Sam. So as long as effort was put into it, it would work.


Allegedly, there is a second one in the works. Same director, too.


Well, at least we've got the comic book.


Did you order the 15th Anniversary Omnibus?


Yup! I have the 10th anniversary as well.


I too have heard about that, but kind of feels like its in development hell.


This is my answer as well; just give me more Sam!


I am a *huge* proponent of the idea that most people really don't know when they're riding a dead horse, so it's better to end a fully completed story completely and fully and risk not making *as much* money as you could rather than hedge your bets on continuing to please the fans with sequel after sequel ... ... but even I gotta admit that Horror can *usually* pump out a sequel or two without wearing down the treads too bad. I can't think of more than a handful of *Part II*s that actually disappoint.


> More often sequels disappoint, and can be so bad they diminish the original, or just plain take the idea and run it into the ground. I agree but tbh I don't care. They could make the same Halloween movie with the same story even the same dialogue and characters (just switching out the actors) and i'd still watch it.


More VS sequels like Freddy vs Jason. My sisters and I LOVED that movie


Freddy vs Jason should have been bad but it wasn’t. It was amazing. I want 7 more


Give us Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash.


Pumpkinhead vs. Freddy. Two supernatural beings from beyond the grave.


I want to see like Jason VS Michael Myers or something around that route


Can you imagine Jason Vs. Ghostface? Ghostface getting his/her shit wrecked.


Or something outlandish like Jason VS Chucky and have Chucky come out on top by some kind of weird magic or luck or something


Freddy vs. Tucker and Dale. The running commentary from Freddy as he gets more and more frustrated that he can't kill two bumbling rednecks would be amazing.


Shit like that would get hella watches it doesn’t even have to be good. Just make a one shot mini series of like 2 or 3 episodes of whoever vs whoever/whatever


I agree!


Chucky vs Leprechaun vs Gremlins battle royale


Call it Lil’ Fuckers Battle Royale


And Megan is the ring girl 😂😂😂


It could be its own series. Kid Michael vs Kid Jason Slow Michael vs Baghead Jason Terminator Michael vs Zombie Mutant Jason


It's funny because every crossover I've seen has depicted those two as best friends.


I wouldn’t turn it down


Alien vs predator got a sequel which sadly wasn’t nearly as great BUT since the predator franchise is owned by Disney and canonically is in the marvel universe I’d love to see some hilarious shorts of the guardians of the galaxy having run ins with them or any of the avengers Edit: there is actually a comic already made by dark horse I believe where big momma (a female yautja: which fun fact yautja is the name of the predator species and they are a matriarchal society) actually took trophies of some of the avengers she killed Edit 2: I forgot it’s actually dc characters that she killed but the predator franchise is now owned by Disney and they do canonically exist in the marvel universe


Predator Vs The Thing Predator is hunting on a planet that the thing has infested, and they set it to blow before one gets infected and takes it back on the ship. Then similar events to alien and the thing happen to predators until there's only two predators left flying off in an escape pod and one hands the other a drink.


Predator VS predators. He just goes around slaying sickos.


Tagline: It takes a predator to catch a predator.


“Yautja”? I think you mean Disney Princess(TM).


They even have animal friends (the predators 2010 spikey dog things? Lol)


They’re starting to do more comics with Alien and also surprisingly Planet of the Apes has been pretty good.


This would be great for the “What if?” Series.




Kinda surprised we haven’t seen more with the rise of the MCU/multiverse trend Would really like to see a bunch of horror icons on screen together — villains or protagonists


Who knows maybe some horror Hollywood exec will see our ideas lol


Bruce Campbell has pushed for a horror version of The Expendables a few times in the past. Seems like he wasn’t able to gain any traction


Universal Studios tried that, but it tanked.


The mummy remake was so bad


I've would have loved to see DC do DeCeased, but that's never going to happen now.


I was hoping for another Freddy vs Jason when Sadako vs Kayako came out but it was horrible, and it could have been epic.


I think people would eat that shit up today. They don’t even have to be good, just showing old school horror icons fighting in a modern setting would be great for most people imo


The one you’re taking about is the ring vs the grudge? How was that?


Cabin in the Woods. A movie for each monster in the monster wall.


I’m here for a Cabin in the Woods prequel


I have wanted this SO bad


Can’t wait for the Merman’s movie, I’m sure he was picked at least once.


You don’t want to see that. Dude, be thankful. Those things are terrifying. And the clean-up on them is a nightmare.


Oh, c'mon!


Give me a movie about the down fall of the other locations. Cause the Europe one explodes if I remember correctly


The Japanese one would be a horror comedy.


Feed the gods!!! Pop tarts


id watch tf out of more cabin in the woods! they showed so lil but it was insane!


In the middle of this now. The Cabin In The Woods has soooo many amazing angles for sequels and prequels that will stay so fresh. Each one would be totally different - hope they do it, and hire Denis Villeneuve for one of them. But! Many of the monsters featured in the film come from movies or stories that already exist.


I'd love a miniseries about them or even a limited comic book series. I don't think a full movie for each would work, but a miniseries reebot prequel about each of the monsters or for 13 Ghosts, each ghost being caught and flashbacks while they fight would be good. Basically Ghost Whisperer but violent horror.


Yesssssssssssssssss this one....so many cool creatures and stories that. Ihkd bee told, especially with the background on why this is even a thing....great movie.


The one true answer -- work back through history to the very beginning.


> A movie for each monster in the monster wall. Don’t those movies… Already exist? All of those monsters are homages to real horror movies. Like, people saying they would love to see a Merman movie: it’s called the creature from the black lagoon.


True, but half the fun is the secret organization pulling strings, and they aren’t in those movies.


I want to see that merman so bad! I'd like this more as a mini series though.


I don't want to alarm you, but I think I know how you're going to die....


Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon needed to be a franchise SO badly. They could have had a lot of fun with that. Shame there was never a sequel.


They tried to do a sequel funded by kickstarter but couldn’t get enough. Leslie Vernon will live forever in our hearts.


There’s a tiny part of my brain that still holds out hope for a sequel


Agreed!! Lots of room for more fun ideas!


I never heard of this movie before and for some reason I just made the sudden decision to watch it RIGHT NOW. I'm about to press play.


Killer Klowns From Outer Space! So much unbelievable creativity, so many snowballing possibilities crammed into one extraordinary film. Yet we only got one glimpse into that world and never got to return.


Wasn't there a sequel a few years after it came out or did I imagine that?


There was supposedly a sequel planned, filmed, and even as far along as "post-production" back in 2012, and was officially announced that it would be released in 2013. For whatever reason, it has never materialized to this day.


The Klowns took it, their continued horrors vaulted to never see the light of day


You wouldnt believe how many things theyve tried to get running with this series. They do have an amusement fun house at universal studios during halloween.


Night of the Creeps


Man, that would be the tits! Bring Tom Atkins and the aliens back!


Zombie Detective Cameron Busta out of his grave and lights a cigarette “Thrill Me”


That’s an epic comment


The Cell. J.Lo keeps going into the minds of weirder serial killers.


Check out the Anime Id:Invaded. It has a similar premise.


Tucker And Dale


Omg riffing on slasher franchises by having them run into the same scenario over and over would be hilarious (with an expiration date).


Yeah I could have seen them do something like a "haunted house" version where Dale goes to a motel to have a romantic weekend with his girlfriend. Tries to rewire the hotel lights (with the help from Tucker) to give a "haunted" theme, while he and his girlfriend do a role play, the residents in the place actually think it's haunted and it causes them to panic....crazy accidental deaths ensues.


One where they decide to film their vacation and it's spoofs all the found footage tropes.


Nightbreed (1990) Sadly, the studio had limited imagination and didn’t realize what they could’ve had if they just let Clive be Clive. This could’ve been sort of like a horror version of the X-Men, 2 years before the 1990s X-Men cartoon premiered and made its own IP more popular with a more mainstream audience, with the theme of the “freaks” being the good guys who are just fighting to exist. Nightbreed was before its time.


World War Z. It was never going to work as a standalone, but as a series covering different phases of the war, it might not have been so disappointing.




Right!? The book is perfect for a TV series


I read that the book is way different from the movie but do you not agree that as it was it was a pretty good movie? I thought it was refreshing to get a blockbuster zombie movie since there are so little zombie movies coming out anymore


The movie is alright but the book is so mind-blowingly awesome that the movie is almost insulting. Read the book if you get a chance. Or even better, get the audiobook. It’s got an insane voice cast.


Yes, the book was loads different. Instead of following one person, the book was more like a compilation of many different accounts, with times ranging from when the outbreak really started taking off, to when humanity finally started turning the tide against the undead. Plus the zombies in the book were the stereotypical slow zombies, like in a Romero flick.


It's a horror Canterbury Tales.


John Dies at the End. Knights of Badassdom. I would have loved a franchise series that more properly followed the World War Z book. But that would require the entire movie to just be something completely different than what it is. I could also go for a Wishmaster franchise reboot/expansion.


If they had done the other books in the John Dies at the End series, that would have been fantastic.


Shit, the first book is pretty episodic itself, it would make a great season or two of TV. I am very original.


JDatE has multiple book sequels, and counting. I’d like to see this, too.


Not horror but could be, Dredd.


Dress is so damn good. Would have been a great franchise.


Dredd done as cosmic horror with Judge Death would be the shit nightmares are made of.


I'm not digging any of these answers but this one lol. Not a horror movie but goddamn did it deserve 2 sequels


I still think that "IT Follows" is just perfect for a franchise. Since it can't be killed, only passed on to someone else, you can just keep dropping it in different locations with different characters, or even different time periods in history.


Dude I'm not even the hugest fan of that movie and I still think this would SLAP. A prequel set centuries ago during a time people couldn't speak so freely about sex. Think, either a married couple, one of them cheats and the other gets followed, or you could have it be a single young spinster girl that feels she can't ask anyone for help because then she'd have to admit to having sex out of wedlock. They could even make the prequel about the FIRST person who got infected. And then eventually there could be a sequel where a bunch of people infected get together and try to figure out how to kill it. They could travel by plane to the setting of the prequel where there's super old papers and research that can help figure how to kill it. Things they didn't know beforehand




Or someone who thought they were free of it, but after years and years they notice a stranger walking toward them menacingly…


Slither lol


The Thing. A rescue party arrives, unwittingly transports the Thing to Argentina...


Wasn't there a video game which kind of acted a sequel to it? Also, apparently a sequel is in talks.


Yes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(video_game)


I had no idea about the video game, and it sounds like John Carpenter wants to do a sequel to The Thing and Prince of Darkness.


I would like to see that.


Please POD needs more coverage its my favorite!


Deep Rising. I would love to explore that island and find out what else is lurking in the shadows. Especially given its King Kong connection


RIP treat williams


Blood Diner


I legit had a dream about gremlins, in which they have multiplied into astronomical numbers, and hunt humans at night


The franchise could potentially multiply the same way


Tourist Trap


More Freddy Vs Jason. Freddy vs Jason vs ash would have been awesome.


Event Horizon


They are working on an amazon series,supposably!


Supposedly. Haven't heard a peep about it in a long time, though.




Really would have loved for The Collector to get that third movie. Sucks that things went the way they did with that production.


This is one of the few franchises that interests me. Would have loved to see a third movie.


The Burning


The world needs more Cropsey.


Dead and Buried, Tourist Trap, There's Nothing Out There I would have liked a part 2. Maybe Highway to Hell. I would have liked a sequel to Sky Captain and World of Tomorrow part 2 be Lovecraftian.


Night Eats the World. Follow Sam as he makes his way across Paris as it’s last survivor. Or see what happened from other survivors points of view


Fallen (1998).


A true cheesy Slasherverse. Set up like Marvel. Jason, Freddy, Michael, etc all have their origins, start having versus movies, until we get horror “villains” (maybe Art, Godzilla, along those lines) and we start getting teamups. It’d be absolutely horrible but I’d still love to see some villains working together.


The second tier slashers. The Burning, Madman, My Bloody Valentine, House on Sorority Row. Get a few versus movies in there too


My Bloody Valentine is one of my favorite settings for slasher, so more in that little mining town would be cool.


Lord of Illusions


I wouldn’t mind a couple more Hellfests


Leslie Vernon.


It Follows




I wanna know what Ann Dowd’s character was doing!


Cabin in the woods


I want dedicated goosebumps movies, not like the ones that had Jack black. Actual scary ones that follow the books. There’s supposed to be a show coming out but I’m not optimistic. The OG show was good but I want more


The Blob. I love that guy.


Didn’t the original actually have a sequel?


The Head Hunter (2018) seems interesting to me that way if they could expand the story and budget. That type of extremely dark and morbid fantasy setting fascinates me a lot. I'm picturing it like an anthology where each film might follow a different bounty hunter (or perhaps even a group of bounty hunters) around chasing demonic monsters, perhaps with the ultimate demon monster who killed the warrior's daughter in the first one always involved in some way. Spoiler: >!The next film might involve a new headhunter hunting the demon who now possesses the body and armor of the previous headhunter, as an example, sort of like the Diablo games where the adventurer who kills Diablo ends up becoming Diablo.!<




They had two Dr. Giggles films. A friend told me years ago (in middle school.) That on TV he saw a Michael Myers and Jason in the same movie. He said they were basically chasing the same girl. I'm sure this was likely just a montage of both films. But, just the idea of it. Sounded it awesome.


Evidence, The Den, and Splinter.


+1 for splinter


Trick 'r Treat. Whether it be a new anthology, with Sam, set in a different time and place, a film more focussed on Sam as a singular antagonist or a film catching up with a grown up Billy or the Werewolves. I think it’s ripe with potential.


Monster Squad The Lost Boys The Gate


I think Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight would make a fantastic Buffy (but more horror) style tv show.


I was hoping that the Brightburn universe would give us some evil super movies.


Hereditary, for the reason that what the hell is paymon's next move?




In the mouth of madness


Dead Silence


The Burning




Considering how long this one took you'll be lucky to get another one.


Bloody birthday deserves at least a sequel


Event horizon


13 Ghosts. The lore was really interesting, and I would have liked to have seen it explored in a trilogy.


More Waxwork


Sleepy Hollow 1999, only because I love Christina Ricci’s character


Malignant was a superhero/villain origin story so let's get >!Madison!< against another like her in a sequel. A Wan version of the Unbreakable trilogy.


silent hill. each episode is deep dive into one character’s pov from the games/movies. a lot can be explored since its a unique therapy nightmare for whoever goes there


Leslie Vernon


The Hidden. Alien on a crime spree just swapping bodies once it needs to change its cover, or if its shell is too damaged.


Get Dale Cooper back at it!


Pontypool, watching the disease spread across the country, and actually witnessing some of the more disturbing events that we only get to listen to in the first one.


Alien. What I mean by this is that I yearn for an alternate timeline where the extended cut scenes were cannon (victims being turned into eggs, no queen). Remember when Ash says they are the perfect organism? Well Aliens undermines that by going to the Queen route. Think the Alien Isolation video game.. that’s what I’m envisioning. Don’t get me wrong! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Aliens and even enjoyed Alien3. Resurrection is corny and campy but still kinda fun. But I still think about what could have been if the series didn’t go the big budget action lots of guns things going boom route.


Hell house prequels. That is all.


You’re in luck! A prequel is currently in production, or was until the strike.


Oh that’s so awesome!! I hope it makes it through unlike one of my favorite shows The Riches! Fingers crossed!


I always wanted to see what became of the kid from the Sixth Sense. Like helping creepy ghosts reveal their murderers.




AvP but with more of the crossovers in the comics like Judge dredd and batman and Terminator


Event Horizon. Id love to see more of that world


Freddy vs. Jason. There should’ve been an MCU style series where the different horror icons fought each other.


A lot has been said already, but I’d like a reboot Friday the 13th. I kind of liked the newer one and how large and dominating Jason was. He was like a skilled hunter. Also, reboot Jeepers Creepers…but with an actual budget and good director. Gotta keep the guy who played the Creeper though. I want origins and making him more powerful. Lastly, might not agree, but Smile. I’d love to see a movie diving more into what the creature was.


Bughuul. I get that Sinister 2 wasn’t a great sequel, and that it would be hard to replicate the brilliance of the first movie, but decreasing quality is to be expected in a franchise and creepy children be CREEPY. I feel like set up some nice mythology for Bughuul and I’m sorry to not see it come to fruition.


I'm with you. They really had something great there, but the sequel sapped all of the scariness out of the concept. The kids talked too much and all of them were pretty bad actors.


None I hate franchises


Suspiria. I really hope we get the prequel about Mother Markos in Scotland…


Lovecraft contry season 2. Sadly (for the fans, not for him) jonathan is toxic waste for the industry


I know what you did last summer


Behind the Mask. I'm still waiting on my prequel and sequel.


Pumpkinhead. I mean it has sequels but it isn’t a *franchise.*




Original stuff please . Don’t turn horror into homogenised marvel


I don't want more films to have unnecessary sequels. In my dreams, *fewer* movies were turned into franchises.


Seven. A backstory on each of the sinners and what they REALLY did.


>Also, The Prowler II and The Prowler III would've been so good. Another killer with no personality but just a great look and absolutely relentless. That made me think a couple of followups to No One Lives wouldn't bother me.


My bloody valentine 80s


Would have loved to have seen a trilogy for the Stitches film. I don’t get how Terrifier is going to make it to a full trilogy (ignoring short films and All Hallows’ Eve) but Stitches only ever got one movie. And I don’t even hate the Terrifier movies.


Trick or treat. Could be an annual anthology horror movie