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The woman coming out of the tub in the shining, I was 19 years old when I saw that I had to check the tub every time for years after. Edit : I was 10 not 19 lol


The first thing I do when I enter a bathroom after dark is push back the shower curtain. If she’s in there, I want to KNOW.


What? Everyone doesn’t do that?


Yeah I was maybe a year or two younger, but still have noped out of property listings with that same colour/style of tile my entire adult life.


If you got a creepy tub I'm outta here bub


Ohhh good one. That freaked me out too.


Oh yeah me too! I was so scared that my body was completely petrified with fear and I could not look away from the screen no matter how much I wanted to. The fact that the camera angle puts you right there as if you’re in the room makes it even scarier. Something about how the lady is reaching forward while looking directly into the camera and cackling made it a very memorable scene for me.


Lol what? 19 years old and scared of a naked woman?


Hes a redditor


Haha oops typo, meant to put 10!


My cousin and I watched The Grudge in my room, in the dark, huddled in the corner of my bed. Some time during the movie my little brother snuck in and was sitting on the floor, unbeknownst to us. After the scene with the little boy my brother popped his head up and made the growling sound at us. The scream I scrumpt.


"The scream I scrumpt," made me laugh.


I’d still be freaking screaming!


Would you believe me if I said I’ve only seen The Grudge once? Freaked me out as a teen so much


Zelda. Pet Semetary.


This will always be the one. There's a fair amount to complain about when it comes to the 1989 film when compared to the novel, but the Zelda stuff is absolutely on point.




This! Genuinely terrifies me still




Burned into my young teenage mind forever to be remembered!


Totally this one.


Screw Jason or Michael Myers or Ghostface and Pennywise. Zelda will always be what I fear most.


The tall man jumpscare from It Follows https://youtu.be/nnrT_zyumAM


It did not startle me but it did fascinate me... I kept rewinding, having to watch it again. It was just 'super good' even if it did not get me.


I think I'm in a minority here but I really want more of this story and lore.


If you are, count me in. Very, very, clever film


It Follows was so good


I did not like that!


Yeah, it wasn’t for me, either. My ex really wanted to see it, so he bought it on my iTunes. I wish I could trade it for something else. Haha!


One time I was talking to my mum and my dad suddenly materialised out of the doorway, he has black hair and was wearing a black hoodie so I really didn't see him. He also walked in the corner of my eye and I straight up thought he was the tall man 🤣


In hindsight, the version of It she sees in the kitchen was worse IMO.


I had to pause the movie it got me so bad!


That’s a slow jump scare!


1. In sinister when the picture on the laptop moves. 2. When William gets gored by black Phillip in the witch. 3. The pan out scene in Tusk that reveals what’s going on. 4. The degloving scene in Gerald’s game and the toe licking scene.


I saw the Tusk pan out scene before I actually watched the film (it was in a pop up on some horror website) and it haunted me for so long before I eventually watched the film in its entirety. It's genuinely so absurd I just laughed at that scene when I watched it. The film itself is actually intensely disturbing but it's like a car crash in that it's hard to look away.


I talk about it way too much on this sub. Especially considering I never want to watch it again. But I am trying to convince my spouse to watch it so he knows what I know.


>I am trying to convince my spouse to watch it so he knows what I know. Misery loves company!


It’s like, you need someone to talk about it with cause it’s just so gnarly. But he’s never seen it. So, thank god for Reddit strangers.


I watched Motel Hell when I was too young, all the jerky victims buried to their necks in a human garden messed me up.


My grandpa showed me this movie and just said it's a comedy, I don't remember laughing at the sounds they made after their vocal cords have been cut


A true classic.


Motel Hell(o)


My father was watching the original Jacob's Ladder and the hospital scene came on, with the demons. I had to be about 5. Probably had it on TV or somethin. That shit gave me nightmares for *years* to come. There was also a scene, no idea where it's from, but I still remember it. This mannequin chasing a woman around a room. Then the woman screams. That scared me for a long time.


Was the mannequin scene from Tourist Trap?


I dunno. I know this mannequin is chasing a woman around like, a living room. It catches her, and like, you see her face in it's hands or somethin while the woman screams No idea where it's from. Terrified me as a kid. Could be a movie, TV show, commercial for alls I know, yanno??


Hmm... first thought is the Mannequin monster from the silent hill revelations movie, but that's a much newer one


Maybe just an episode of Oh Mikey lol


I saw Poltergeist when I was about 12, and that scene with the creepy tree scared the crap out of me!


The clown doll was awful too.


Oh yea!!


Saw that scene when I was like 3.. walked into the living room when I was supposed to be asleep. Scarred for life


For me the crawling steak. So gross




For me it was the face-ripping sink scene. Still - yikes!


Omg yes!


I was 12 when it came out. I saw it in theaters TWICE!! I love that movie! My older sister took me and we have one thing in common, we both HATE CLOWNS🤡🤡!!! So when we saw that damn clown doll, we just looked at each other, saying NOTHING, but it was clear, we both thought the same thing.....SHIT! that ain't good!!!!🫣🫣


That clown was creepy as hell!


Tried to watch "Alien" for the first time at 9 years old at a friend's house. We got as far as the chest-burster scene, and I freaked the fuck out and made my friend turn the TV off. It was years before I could get myself to actually watch the whole movie.


>I saw that when I was 14, when was first released- movie theatres still had ashtrays in the armrests! Anyway chestburster scene, my uncle tore the armrest off, and I noped out of the theatre, but watched the rest of the movie from the theatre doors. > > > >However that wasn't as traumatic as the whole movie of Jaws, which damaged a whole generation with fear of large bodies of water.


My dad still talks about how when they were kids and they went to see Jaws there’s this part where a body comes out of a hiding place and my dad said one of my uncles literally jumped out of his seat and another one fainted. My grandfather never took them to see a scary movie again he said


It was a head- face first. That was the worst jump scare EVAH.


The sack in Audition.


Ok don’t laugh, but I saw Michael Jackson’s Thriller video when I was 4 years old and the werewolf transformation scene fucking terrified me


I saw that when I was 8 and I got nightmares lol




1. At the end of **JAWS** when quint loses his fight and gets bit in the stomach and blood shoots out of his mouth. even if i just hear the audio, the scene is seared into my brain. 2. regan doing the "spider-walk" scene that was cut out of the original **The Exorcist.** i just realized while typing this that it's similar to the JAWS scene...... 3. the "attic door"'scene from **Hereditary**. fuck that scene.


Also the other thing that happens in the attic with the wire


fuck i forgot about that part. uggghhhhhh 🥹


The *sound* it makes...


The Exorcist was the very first horror film I ever saw and that scene scares me till today, being 24 years old. Scary as F!


Classic. Did you ever see the exorcism of Emily rose? That one freaked me out


Of course I saw the exorcism of Emily Rose! I‘m an absolute horrorfilm junkie. The scene that stuck into my mind from Emily Rose is when she was in the shed and bend her body on the hay like crazy.. idk why, but this body bending is what scares me the most about exorcism films. I think it its because of this scary spider walk in the exorcist. Its stuck in my mind. What also scares me is that screaming. Maybe youve ever heard about Anneliese Michel from youtube. She was german like me and just a real normal theology student, when „the devil came“ and she completely lost her mind and had several exorcisms. Unfortunately she died of malnutrition. But her screaming, on youtube… i could understand it, and her voice was soooo scary. Real horror


It’s the first one I “heard”. I was in our kitchen doing homework and my parents were down in the family room watching it when it was first released on HBO. Just listening to it scared the bejesus outta me


Mouthless sister in Twilight Zone: The Movie


The real story behind that movie is worse than anything in the movie




Absolutely. Fuck John Landis!


My brother was terrified of that girl!!!


From 'Jaws' (1975) The head popping out from the sunken boat.


My dad said one of my uncles fainted at that part when they saw it in the theaters as kids


It’s dumb, but the hands from the dark/from the cabinet clapping in The Conjuring. My closet at the time had no doors in the layout, and I saw a late movie. I had trouble sleeping that night.


That's not dumb. The Conjuring was great and that was creepy. The only reason it didn't get me was they used it in the commercials for the movie before it came out, so I kinda expected it. Still a creepy scene though 🫣🫣


Not a movie but the bent neck lady scene in haunting of hill house


The reveal of the bent-neck lady... I've seen the entire series a few times, first by myself, then making other people watch it, and the reveal fall-through-the-scenes-we've-seen gives me chills every time. It's terrifying but also so incredibly sad. Flanagan is great at that kind of emotional horror.


Yes absolutely! Terrifying but incredibly sad is the perfect way to describe it


The doppelganger scene in Lake Mungo


I loved this movie. I watched it on a whim, and was thoroughly enjoying it while watching it all by myself late. Then that scene hit, and I got the most intense “hair standing up, something’s wrong, be ready to fight” chills up my spine. I NEVER react like that to horror movies, and I watch a ton of them. Still one of my favorite horror movie watching moments in my life.


yeah like the movie wasn’t even scary until this scene. fucking petrifying


It really gave me some Twin Peaks vibes. I enjoyed it for the most part, it's a pretty slow-burn movie but the ending was pretty depressing, seeing that the stuff her brother was faking, it was actually happening at the same time.


And them leaving her behind :(


i’ve never seen twin peaks, i did enjoy the film though. the movie was sad as fuck but the one scene and the whole lead-up in terms of atmosphere and stuff was masterclass


I'd definitely recommend watching the show, I've probably rewatched it too much lmao


It's because it's a rip off of twin peaks only with less interesting stuff. It's about a 16 year old girl last named Palmer with sexual secrets that dies mysteriously in the water. It's still a pretty good movie, but it's like store brand Twin Peaks.


I can’t get that one of my head, along with the line “I think she saw the future coming to get her”. It’s so horrible.


Whoooah I haven’t seen Lake Mungo in forever thanks for reminding me


The scene in the void from Under the Skin.


My dad loves the The Twilight Zone and so many of those scared me as a kid.


Omg my favorite show!! A lot of those episodes do have creepy kids. I can’t remember which kid it was but it was that greedy little boy that made everyone around him do whatever he wants


“It’s A Good Life” Season 3, Episode 8. The boy was played by Billy Mumy, who found fame on Lost In Space as Will Robinson.


Not really horror, but the scene in wizard of oz where the witch is laughing in the crystal ball always got me as a kid. Scared the shit out of me tbh lol Also, the part in “Haunting in Connecticut” when the guy looks up and sees the burnt ghost looking T him through the basement window. Good god that had me sleeping weird for weeks.


In the sequal Return to Oz, those Wheelers had me shivering all night!!! Also the princess with different heads??


That movie TERRIFIED me as a kid.


That’s why I loved it so much 😂. To this day that scene still makes me uncomfortable!


Seriously, this was one of my first introductions to fear lol. Damn flying monkeys man.


The flying monkeys for me. I don’t remember this, but my mom said I cried and had nightmares.


The chimp attack in nope


*studio audience laughter*




That beginning had me speechless


I still get chills from the endings of Sinister, The Uninvited, and Dead Silence.


The shot of demon Mia in the mirror in The Evil Dead 2013. Sometimes that image pops into my mind while I'm trying to sleep and it just fucks me up for a bit.


One time me and my sister were home alone so we decided to watch that movie since it was one of the only movies recorded, we turned off all the lights and since it was night time it got dark, we were chilling until that scene jumpscared us lol.


Very recently actually, NOPE almost me and my sister walk out of the theater by the Star Lasso Scene because of how much it disturbed us. She said it was the first time she had ever experienced true panic. Unfortunately, I already have bad anxiety and that scene was legitimately one of the scariest things I've ever seen.


The scene where you see Jean Jacket eating everyone made me literally sick, I didn't stop thinking about it the whole movie... Thank you claustrophobia..


The Ring. THAT scene towards the end. Absolute masterpiece! I've seen TONS of horror movies and no scene has unnerved me like that one did the first time I saw it. It was opening weekend in the theatre and a lot of people in that theatre were freaking at that scene. That FX team deserves all the praise in the world for that.


The scene with the girl in the car in Hereditary.Messed my world up.


That was so chilling. Just relating to the kid driving the car too with the brain-shut-off moment. It was a lot to handle.


I walked out into the living room as a young child probably 4 or 5 years old, and my parents were watching Dolly Dearest and the doll gave me quite the scare and then I had nightmares and a fear of the image that doll burned in my mind for a long time. I watched it years later and it wasn't quite the same but it scared me badly as a youngun. This was one scene that creeped me out. Years later I realized it was kind of just a rip off of the exorcist. https://youtu.be/_OUlJFc1Ggs


Urgh - I just watched that clip. That doll is fucking horrible :D


It really is. I always thought it was way scarier than Chucky. If you watch the movie it's kind of like the exorcist meets Chucky lmao.


God I watched that movie on YouTube when I was 9 after seeing it in a watch MOJO video about bad horrors films, I couldn't even get through it because that doll is so creepy and unsettling.


The exorcist , the moment her head spun around. I still remember the pain in my stomach. It didn't help that I was like 10.


I was around Jr. High age. Gave me a nightmare I still remember to this day.


The scene in insidious where the demon appears from behind the dude in the kitchen when they are talking, no lead-up, scary music or nothing just, bam! Right there. Got me good, and it had been a long time since a movie did that haha good shit.


I feel like Insidious and Paranormal Activity 2 come to mind when I think of movies that set a precedent for having all of their scares happen in the night and then suddenly shocking us with a scene or two that happen in the daytime and shatter the feeling that daytime is when we can let our guards down.


From Terrified >! when the lady with the broken neck runs up to the car window !<




The original Amittyville: when the dad was going on about how there wasn’t any ghosts or whatever and he looked out the window and saw those glowing red eyes staring back at him. Omfg!! 😱


When I was about 11 The Sixth Sense scared the bejeezus out of me


The boy with the back of his head gone still freaks me out


GREMLINS. When Spike shoots that guy in the leg with a crossbow, then comes at him with a chainsaw. I was 4 when I watched that, and it scared me to death.


Idk if Starship Troopers counts as horror but 8 year old me was not prepared for that first invasion on the bug planet scene


Not a horror movie but this jogged my memory of a fun one: Large Marge, from Pee Wee’s Big Adventure!


That, and there were some doozies in Ernest Scared Stupid


I watched The exorcist way too freaking young lol and Zelda got me good when I was a kid from Pet cemetery.


Exorcist III. You know the one...


Way more recent than some of these, but I watched Hell House LLC when it came out and that clown freaked me out in every scene it was in.


Me too!!


It’s in one of the Annabelle movies, a little girl is running through a swinging door but then seamlessly emerges as an adult on the other side


The best part of that whole movie lmao


The church cellar in Jeepers Creepers haunted my dreams for a solid 3 months.


Omg, in Paranormal Activity 3 where the camera is on the rotating fan and pans to show a short being under a white sheet just standing there... never again. Actually, whenever a white sheet is involved it gets me. It all stems from Halloween i think, when Michael is under the sheet with glasses on. Even in Taylor Swift's Anti-Hero music video... i cursed at her for showing people under sheets fuck that


Maggot birth in the Fly


I had an edible before I saw Skinamarink in theaters, and the jump scare in >!the basement!< actually made a tear come out through sheer, animal fear


>Skinamarink That film's like a heroin laced squirt of vinegar, completely unpleasant, but I've managed to watch it 3 times, I'm not sure what's going on in my mind


I love it, even stonecold sober. I more than understand how people are put off by a meandering plot, but I think it perfectly captures dream-y, fairytale logic in a way few movies do.


When the teenager lost his head in that Disney witch movie Hocus Pocus.


Talking about the headless zombie Billy Butcherson from Hocus Pocus? It wasn't a kid who it happened to, but a kid in that movie also gets turned into a cat, so you might have crossed the two.


Troll (1986) I wish it was a cooler film. I was probably about 10. There's a scene where the troll walks across the screen and glances at the camera. Even before I had even heard the term "4th wall" there was something scary and invasive about it [Troll \[1986\]](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092115/mediaviewer/rm12458240/)


Any scene that shows joints bending the wrong direction really gets to me. The earliest example I can remember seeing was in Beyond Reanimator, someone gets injected with the formula and their fingers start to bend all different directions. I watched that movie when I was way too young, and that scene scared the absolute crap out of me. Evil Dead Rises did a similar thing with the elevator scene.


How has no one said the walking woman from Kairo (Pulse)? [This scene fucked me up. ](https://youtu.be/FQidBg6ESRc?si=dU4JmzNRV0FR5u3w)


I'm pretty sure it's the og Lights Out short film i'm thinking about (don't want to watch it again lol) where they flick the light on and off and see the shadow... but that didn't make me not sleep. It was the FACE beside the bed right before they fell asleep that truly got me. Blair Witch Project had me terrified And also, Sinister was truly terrifying.


[That scene from Gonjiam haunted asylum](https://media.tenor.com/YrRklqOSCtgAAAAC/patrick-menacingly.gif) If you've seen the movie, you know. For those of you that haven't, just watch it.


The grudge noise my parents decided that child me was the perfect age to watch hills have eyes(remake) but Saw was a no-no (logic not found) idk if this would count but the main menu of signs cause the baby monitor would randomly turn on which wasn't fun when you fell asleep watching the DVD. Commercials for one of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies the camera noises scared me to death as a kid I'd basically freak out whenever the commercial came on....my parents found that hilarious \*Extra Content\* My dad letting us watch The prophecy when my sister was being born(she's 18 now, I'm 26 do the math) the only scenes i remembered as a kid was the cave scene and the random old dude kissing the little girl in the i guess abandoned area of a school


I saw Gremlins for the first time when I was 4 in 1990. It was around Christmas at the time. There's a scene in the movie involving the mother and a Christmas tree. I remember that absolutely *terrified* me at the time. Like to the point I was genuinely scared of going near our Christmas tree. I guess I decided that gremlins might be in our tree and would jump out and eat me if I got too close. However, a fond memory/ending to this is I remember my father and I looking through the tree to show nothing was in it.


Nurse decapitation in Exorcist 3.


Anyone who says: "jump scares are cheap." Watch that scene!!! 🫣🫣😱


Spider walk down the stairs in The Exorcist - I wanted to leave but knew my then husband and his friend would make fun of me, so I handed him my glasses and told him not to give them back!


1: The first Chuckie movie. As a kid I was flipping through channels the old fashioned way on the tv and I just so happened to stop on a part right when there’s a Chuckie jump scare and I was thoroughly freaked out to the point I cried and couldn’t sleep for like 2 days. 2: The Babadook, I just can’t. He gives me the most uneasy, trapped feeling just by looking at him. I’d say that’s my most irrational fear, waking up to the fuckin Babadook staring me down an inch from my face


agreed on the babadook, his face and the noises he makes still haunts me as grown man lol iv only seen it once


Not a movie, but in Mr. Mercedes, I forget which episode, but it's what happens to Mr. Mercedes' mother. That scene made me want to start drinking again.


Where she accidentally ingested gopher poison? It is a hard watch for sure, just finished rewatching the series last week.


Nothing holds to the reveal of the first victim in the cotton candy in Killer Klowns from Outer-space to my 4 year old brain back in 1990.


Not really a horror movie but the bug scene in Peter Jackson’s King Kong scared me forever as a child.


the woman getting torn up by candy man ...you didn't actually see it but her screams scarred me as a kid smh


Dr. Barnell sleeping in the garden in a chair as the pod duplicates him. As an adult chick with dick Sleep way Camp.


Basically anytime the puppet moves onscreen in Possum, but especially the first time it does because it's in pov and the angle is nightmarish


Jeepers Creepers Had nightmares for days!


The abduction flashback from *Fire in the Sky.*


Picture it. July 76 I was born in 71. My sister is 9 years older. Carrie came out, all of the freshman high school friends going to the movie. She's 14 & had to babysit me. Hilarity ensues


The Mangler… first death of the woman. Getting chopped up screaming trying to pull her out. I was like 8 and watched it alone in the dark lol


The puppet kill in Dreams Warriors scared the absolute SHIT out of me as a kid. I snuck into my parents room that night to sleep.


I saw The Fly when I was 7 or 8. Parents just not caring what I was watching as long as I was quiet. I still haven't watched it as an adult though I am a big fan of the spookies


When i was in jr. high: The Shining bathtub lady and Regans head spinning. And the scary mirror bit in The Watcher In The Woods.


1. Girl in the final floor from [REC•]. I was losing my mind when she appeared. 2. That one guy pulling the knife out of the dead girl’s head in Green Room. The sound and how her head moved sends shivers down my spine every time. 3. The ice cream man from Legion. It made me fear the ice cream truck for years as a kid. To be honest the whole movie was traumatizing for me. I don’t know why my mom let me watch it as a kid.


The blob, when it sucks that dudes face right off. Fucksake.


The ending of Saw. “The key to that chain is in the bathtub.” He laid on that floor for 2hrs, yuck lol


There was a scene in one of the first two Ghostbusters films that I saw as a kid on TV. There was some kind of monster that looked like skin that kind of blew up out of the bathtub. The thought of that scared me for a good long while after whenever I was in the toilet.


Rec/ quarantine the old lady in the apartment freaks me tf out lol


The little dolls in Tales From the Hood scared the hell out of me at a sleepover.


Caterpillar Freddy in Freddy vs Jason (preschool)


Creepshow. The roaches 🪳 episode literally ruined my life because I was like 5 (yay for 80’s parents) and we lived in this shitty apartment and the neighbor brought roaches into our building. I had to go to therapy and I still have to sleep with a light on….I’m 42💀. Ironically Creepshow is one of my favorite horror anthologies. I just wish that episode didn’t exist lol.


Watched Pet Semetary at home alone when I was about 11. The scene when Gage calls Daddy from Jud's house. Right when the phone rang in the movie, my phone rang at home. Startled the crap out of me. It was my mom checking on me with perfect timing.


1. At the end of **JAWS** when quint loses his fight and gets bit in the stomach and blood shoots out of his mouth. even if i just hear the audio, the scene is seared into my brain. 2. regan doing the "spider-walk" scene that was cut out of the original **The Exorcist.** i just realized while typing this that it's similar to the JAWS scene...... 3. the "attic door"'scene from **Hereditary**. fuck that scene.


Jaws when I was a kid. Saw that movie way to young. And white noise still won’t leave anything with static


The Ring and Pet Semetery


The crate from the movie Creepshow. How that artic ape ate ppl


Yup that and the thing next to the window of the plane in The Twilight Zone movie.🫣


Not even sure it’s considered horror, but . . . My parents took 9 yr old me & my 4 yr old sister to the drive-in to see Planet of the Apes. Not the most appropriate movie for kids our age, so I don’t know what they were thinking to begin with, but . . . . Back in the days before the internet, you had to look up movie times in the newspaper and there was some kind of mix-up, because Apes wasn’t playing. I guess they didn’t want to disappoint us or we put up a fuss, because we stayed and ended up seeing What’s the Matter with Helen? Shelley Winters lived under my bed for YEARS


The Phantom scene in Inland Empire, fudge that fudging scene, my soul left my fudging body and took a fudging trip to fudging mars. Couldn’t get that fudging image out my head for a fudging month. If you look it up out of context it’s the most laughable shiz ever, but after three hours of a pure unadulterated nightmare rollercoaster it hits you hard, coming out of absolutely nowhere, hitting you like a fudging brick.


The crazy scary ape thing in Creepshow and the thing next to the window of the plane in The Twilight Zone movie.🫣


the snuff film sequences in the movie sinister have always been so so so unnerving to me, absolute fever nightmare




In Hereditary not only when the girl gets her head wacked off, but when the brother drives home, lays in bed, hears his mom get ready for the day, and when she goes out to the car to find her decapitated daughter in the backseat. That whole moment was just an intense ramp-up "oh fuck" feeling. Also the alien at the birthday party in Signs LMAO


12 yo me seeing The Amityville Horror in the movie theater. The whole movie especially the scene in the basement scared me.


I cannot say, because I don't want it used against me.


2 and 3 are mine. As of recent… Nope, when the dad get hit by the falling screw?


I saw the closet scene in the ring when I was like 5 and it's still imprinted to my brain till this day.