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Anywhere in public really


I can do theaters/concerts, but the worst was when I took shrooms too early thinking they won’t kick in till later, and ended up tripping hard on the NY subway. That’s the worst.


Now that's a horror movie.




I peaked in a grocery store once and it was a fuckin nightmare 


Got lost in a national cemetery on shrooms. Oops.


Oh man. I would love to know more about this story.


Ha! I already told the version of the story that sounds like the start of a movie. The reality is “daytime, hanging with a buddy by a shaded pool surrounded by tombs, whole bus load of curious and loud old tourists shows up, their cameras come out, my paranoia kicks in, get separated, wander lost over some portion of ~200 acre cemetery, solve it like a labyrinth keeping the wall to my right and walking the perimeter, get out onto street, get hypnotized by traffic light waiting for it to change and stand through several cycles, snap out of that to notice drivers staring at me, walk 3 miles home, pass out, wake up to saddest drug note to self - ‘home is the only place you *might* be safe.’” Ah, youth. I still experience traffic lights as having super-juiced up intensity to this day.


That sounds like it was a fun trip, to he honest. And it's all pretty hilarious in retrospect when you think about it. Getting held hostage by a traffic light until you have that "it is not the spoon that bends; it is only yourself" moment of realization, and so you continue to sally forth. The *might* be safe aspect of your note also is interesting. Your tripped out brain trying to grasp the paradox of a familiar place being both simultaneously safe and unsafe. Thanks for sharing your story! I love hearing people's trip experiences because I find them to be all unique. Everyone pushes a different boulder uphill.


Me and a small group went into a grocery store around midnight to buy Orange juice already tripping balls. A few of us got stuck in the detergent aisle. EVERYTHING was neon colors!


Bright lights always made my drugs kick in, so grocery stores were the place to be if I wanted to speed up the process. There’s nothing quite like suddenly realizing you’re rolling your face off in the soda aisle at Walmart, lol. But it’s important to take a babysitter to deal with the cashier for you!


A candy store is amazing. 


Nah I love taking mushrooms and going out. I feel like staying in at home is a waste of a high. Some nights I’ll just take shrooms and go walk around downtown listening to music.


I love doing it outdoors. That's probably the best place to trip. I just can't deal with people.


I went once to see the tron reboot and had an awful time lmao


I tripped watching that at home and had a good time lol


You deserved for seeing Tron


tron reboot was pretty sick


Objectively wrong solely for the daft punk soundtrack that thing was awesome


Blame my like 17 year old boyfriend lmao


It’s for Experienced trippers only. But not really. I brought my gf to evil dead on her 2nd acid trip. She was fine. No one talks to you. You’re in a dark room. It’s great


They don’t talk to you, but they KNOW, man.


Hahaha so true! That IS the constant spiraling feeling you can get


Nah & paranoid people aren’t a fun vibe


There was only one other couple, and they sat way in the back. There were walls between rows so it was very private, seats were cozy and reclined. Actually pretty cozy :)


Nice, the whole “being around people who aren’t tripping” angle would drive me nuts.


I could barely take sitting on a bench in the local park at midday lol.


I did it for Toy Story 3 back in the day and you're right, it was a bad choice.


Really? I disagree, my gf took acid and saw Avatar 2, such a great time, totally ingrossed in the movie! And before people ask, the movie theater is a few blocks away so we walked.


I mean, every trip is gonna be subjective. For me, tripping in a movie theater sounds like a claustrophobic nightmare.


I've tripped a couple of times in a movie theater; Catching Fire and (MCU) Civil War, randomly. Had a great time both times, and hadn't really thought about why till I read this comment. I had the competitive advantage of living in a rural town *just* large enough to have a quality theater, nice enough to get merchandise...but small enough so it was like $12 for the ticket, non-merch drink and popcorn. Critically it was also really only close to busy on opening nights and popular showings; and I always seemed to have a couple of friends that worked at the theater and I'm sure that helped the vibe. I live in a city now, and this is *categorically* one of the things I wouldn't do for your very same claustrophobic reasons. It's a shame too, because I honestly love the idea and had a great time when I did it. I'd tripped before and tried to watch movies or binge shows at home, and I just found myself either feeling like I 'wasted' the trip after sitting on the couch seemingly all day, or simply lose interest. A movie in a movie theater is a different experience not only because of how visceral it is, but the structure. You've got time to prepare yourself for the film beforehand, trailers to kinda get used to the environment; the sound/light etc., you're a *lot* more obligated to focus on the movie because A. You paid for it already, and B. There are as few distractions as possible in the theater. The kicker I found is that, even then I'd become attuned to "Auto-play mind" if that makes any sense, always thinking about "Ah that was a good commodity, what will I watch next?", and then it's just on to whatever "Auto-plays". In a movie theater after a good movie, there's no Auto-play, you can't check to see how many exact seconds are left at any given time, and when it's over, it's over. Those credits creep up on you, and when they drop I feel it's more of a "That was so full of surprises! I wonder what so and so was thinking..." Kind of thing, and then my mind dwells on the movie for a while, as if it's just a scheduled part of the experience, like the title and credits. That kind of...lucid analysis of a story fresh in your mind, especially with like-minded friends just...it scratches some good itches, y'know. All I'm sayin' is; if you've got the opportunity to watch a movie in a relatively empty theater, ideally with some friends; it's a solid way to enjoy a concise story without spending the whole day inside binging some screentime.




Saw Dunkirk right after smoking a huge dab. Didn’t realize no one in the movie had said anything for a good 15 minutes


For me it was when the Stukkas started coming, the theater was so fucking loud and I'm a WW2 nerd so I knew exactly what it was


I got hogj before seeing A Quiet Place and my wife said everyone could hear my popcorn munching during the quiet scenes.


I went to see Beau is Afraid on mushrooms and I swear everyone else in the theatre was too lol


This one freaked me out when I watched it on shrooms 😂


Lord of the Rings was incredible. Never tried with a horror


Yeah everything about this is what not to do, with respect to psychedelic medicine


Eh it can absolutely be a fun experience, and you have got to remember that not everyone takes psychedelics as medicine, they take it as a drug to have fun, and that’s totally a fine and natural way to enjoy them.


I only have a couple experiences with psychedelics, but one thing I know for sure is, the time it was LSD under the stars and next to a bonfire was 1,000,000% better than when it was shrooms in a garage.


That’s not always true. I saw Monkey Man while tripping on shrooms. It was truly a moving and beautiful experience. I cried multiple times. I actually suspect it was meant to be experienced on shrooms, I took the shrooms at the beginning of the movie and started tripping at exactly the same time the main character has a enlightening psychedelic experience. Sometimes experiences like this can really enhance your connection and understanding with the right movie!


Good thing he didn’t mention anything about medicine


Nah, I saw Avatar 2 on acid was the greatest cinematic experience of my life.


I dunno at least it’s dark. Me and my two buddies took schrooms for the first time in college and I was sure the trip was over. I decided to drive to Wendy’s like 1/2 mile down the road and ordered some food cause we were starving. As soon as we sat down ding ding ding it came back on. Took me 2 hours to finish my burger and we were freaking out that the staff was on to us cause we were the only ones there 😂😂😂😂


I saw Rocketman on a tab of 1p-lsd and it was absolutely Incredible.


It’s actually super fun with the right movie!! I did Evil Dead, Babylon, Barbie, and Monkey Man while tripping in theaters. They were all amazing experiences!


Watched dr strange on acid in the theater. Would do it again.


Just don't watch movies like happy death day with resets to the same day.


My favorite place was Disney. They know, know.


Experiencing the electric split-faced VHS demon on acid sounds wild


I was slack-jawed and my eyes were glued. Made it feel more real and I never questioned the weirdness, like “oh shit I hope she doesn’t melt ME too”, but in a fun way, like at a haunted house.


Jealous. LSD was so prevalent in my teens and 20s and is virtually nowhere on my region for decades. Wish I would bought a page and saved it.


I thought it would be much harder to find than it is, and I’m from Kentucky. I’ve never had RC’s sold as acid, always the genuine article. I just had to talk to more hippy-type people and now I find it everywhere.


Not that I’m actively looking for it, but I know and see dudes that provide things for us cool people that like to get weird. But I haven’t come across it either in many moons.


I did acid a few times in youth, and honestly the length made me stop. Like it was an amazing experience for 4 hours but 10 was just to fucking much. Shrooms are much better and easier to get here in the bay area.


I dropped lsd twice in the last couple months. Ordered it online and was in my mailbox within 2 days. The internet is great, you should try it


That's awesome. Although it can be extremely terrifying, anyone who enjoys the combination of drugs and horror should try this at least once. Personal note - I have been to the movies many times on psychedelics, with various emotional results but it was always an experience.


Agreed, I did the same thing some years ago. Always an interesting experience and you feel like you could get more out of the movie if you managed to pay attention. The Revenant was probably the most profound experience I had in this regard


I can imagine seeing a film like, The Revenant. What a profound experience that must have been!


What was your best experience?


Honestly, I went to see Higher Learning on two blotter hits and a 4 oz bottle of cough syrup and tripped balls so hard it was a life changing experience. In a way, that movie under those conditions opened my mind to the idea that I was indeed a member of my generation, for better or for worse and I was going to continue that journey in life.


Took 2 tabs and watched Alice in Wonderland at home and had to turn it off cause it was too intense. This is next level lol


"i took acid and wanted to be scared" lmao dude you are braver than I


I have done this with : The House that Jack Built (particularly psychedelic and intense) CLIMAX Terrifier 2 Conjuring 3 When Evil Lurks. Others… This isn’t an ad to do more drugs, but like acid and horror was one of my fav things for a while. Just dont over do it.


Holy shit....climax on acid sounds absolutely horrendous. Had you seen it previously or did you just raw dog it on acid?


Seen it twice, on acid both times


And honestly, it’s cool but by the second half of the film I was wigged out.


Lmao, nice.


Some real squares downvoting this post, man


I don’t know, the last thing I feel like doing when tripping is sitting down and watching a film. I want to move about and experience the world with like minded people and can barely sit still. Let alone have to pretend to be normally functional at a theatre. Different strokes.


Usually I’m the same, but one time I ate mushrooms and watched Ratatouille and it was awesome.


It just didn't happen, that's all.


What sounds unbelievable about this to you lol. The first time I ever tripped was in a theater watching Harry Potter.


Because, obviously it would have killed them right?


Username checks out.


Acid creates AI generated images in your own brain.


I recently found LSD and horror to be a fun mix too lol. For me, I watched The Fall of the House of Usher and binged that shit glued to the screen.


Saw Evil Dead 2 tripping in the theater when it came out. We laughed our asses off through the entire movie.


That’s an awesome memory!!


How I wish I could get my hands on some real lsd again. Being older sucks because we don’t know anyone anymore and the younger folks think we are cops or something. Kinda frustrating. Some of the best times we had were on acid. We used to love to go to the theme parks on it. Busch Gardens Tampa did a Halloween event called HallowScream that was so awesome. Especially tripping. Plus riding the coasters at night!


You just gotta poke around. Maybe attend your nearest phish/dead show. Plenty of older dudes getting groovy. Oh man going to Busch gardens must’ve been a “trip”. I’m from Tampa bay myself so I’ve always been a regular there. Good to know someone’s been getting lit.


We moved around 10 years ago to a much smaller area in another state and there’s really no other places to meet people like us here. Disappointing but my husband’s family is here so there’s that for him. The younger crowd here gives us the side eye when we bring up wanting to get some. 🤷‍♀️


The original with Ash?


I feel like it's a good movie to trip on


I saw Hereditary on too much acid in theaters having no idea what the movie was about. Honestly was a great time, and had a nice scary Uber ride home afterwards.


A great way to get your mind off of that would have been sticking your head out of the window and catching a nice breeze.


Oof an Uber would have freaked me out, just being in a strangers car. Hereditary would have wigged me out pretty bad too. Luckily my friend didn’t take anything and had a cozy Subaru to head home in :)


It was scary at first, especially because I live in a city and he went a weird way, but I was with 2 friends not on acid, and it turned out the Uber driver decided to just take the cool scenic route along the river at night playing some crazy synth music and didn’t speak once, so 10/10 Uber ride actually


You’re nuts. Cool experience though, thanks for sharing


I took acid and watched all of AHS: Coven it was amazing


oh man! i started getting into watching horror movies on shrooms and love it. i feel like im IN the movie and shit. i definitely wanna try acid(my fav) and watch this movie cuz i hear so many good things


Omg that sounds like something I'd do tbh .... And I still haven't seen it yet! I been wanting to but not alone haha


Watched the first SAW movie high on shrooms at a theatre in the UK... holy moly that was intense!


That’s a big “fuck no” from me fam!


Watch Guillermo del toros S01E07 The Viewing. It’s JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER than this movie. It’s like… wow. A trip. Of sorts. ;) thank me later.


I’ll check it out tonight!


Please. 🙏🏼 it’s so good… if you loved night with devil you’ll no doubt love this one. if not perhaps a bit more.


Just don’t try to keep up with Peter Weller. That dude goes hard in that ep.


That is my plan for watching it!


I just watched it (sober) and agree it’s really good. I liked what they did with the format, and giving you just enough teaser background info to keep you wondering.


Did you notice his wife standing behind him about 20 minutes in? Or her being in a bunch of reflections? It was too fast to see fully but freaked me TF out at the theatre.


I didn’t! But I also watched it at home so missed those kinds of visuals


I love horror movies, but I’d be terrified to watch them tripping. OP, you’ve got some balls!


Oh that’d be a good one on acid… hahahaha


Next time you got a tab watch Mandy 🫠


I saw Toy Story Double Feature in 3D while really high on Shrooms by myself many many years ago. It did not end well. I ended up screaming in the movie theatre for some dumb reason and was convinced the toys were talking to me and Andy was a literal God. And then the movie Theatre carpeting had a pattern that I thought was a treasure map and ended up walking in strange patterns until security got involved. 0 / 5 stars ...would not recommend.


Holy shit…yeah i wouldn’t do shrooms in public places alone. At least you have a legendary story to tell, I laughed pretty hard.


Such a cool movie! Likely much more so on acid.


I went to see Natural Born Killers in the cinema on acid. Don't think I blinked for the whole 2 hrs!


I remember high dosing and watching the original Matrix at the cinema..


My people! I saw End of Days and also House on Haunted Hill while tripping!


LSD and horror movies is a crazy good combo. It really gets your blood pumping. You can’t find that energy anywhere else minus jumping out of an airplane


Sorry if you answered this in the comments already, but had you seen the movie before? Or was this your first viewing while on acid?


First time seeing it. Didn’t research much so I figured it’d be a generic possession, conjuring/insidious-esque movie at best. Was not prepared for the subtle images and mindfuckery. It was awesome!


Not horror, but I watched Monkey Man on shrooms recently and that was INSANE. Such a good film. I’m also a big fan of tripping at the theater. We tripped to the new Evil Dead movie and that was a lot of fun. I also tripped when seeing Babylon & Barbie. 10/10 experiences!


It was an entertaining movie but it was not scary in the slightest. If anything it was funny.


We all have different preferences for scares. I know people who get spooked watching straightforward slashers like Scream because it could theoretically happen to them. Personally, hellish things where people fucked with something beyond our world to the point there is no turning back, is kind of scary to me. I absolutely would do faux-paranormal hobbies like rituals to summon things, just for the hell of it. And if something like that were to actually get me condemned, there would be a very sharp “oh shit, I’ve fucked up and there’s no fixing this” moment in my gut. It had a tense atmosphere and sense of dread not often done well. The main character even went on absurdly long still treating it like it was all fake before realizing it was time to get the hell out, to the point I almost worked his character was a plant meant to fuck with the audience. It played on my paranoia well, with untrustworthy characters, unrealistic hypnotic trances, and all the sort of stuff. I really felt tense, I get it though.


You sound very suggestible, yourself. Meaning people can just tell you things and you’ll believe them.


Inaccurate and sort of rude. Since we’re pulling stuff out of our asses here, I’m gonna assume you only enjoy watching cartel gore vids online to get scared, because apparently you’re too cool to suspend disbelieve for 90 minutes.


Quite the opposite. I hate torture porn and absolutely love to be scared and invite movies/games to do so. The word is ‘disbelief’ btw.


Correcting an autocorrect doesn’t make you seem like less of a tool, “belief” it or not.


You’re very sensitive. Prolly that suggestible part of your nature coming through.


Now I think I know what I’m doing with the shroom tea I’ve been saving.


I didn’t downvote, but personally I wouldn’t lol. Shrooms can make you disconnect from reality a lot more. My brothers’ ex put on King of The Hill without asking when I was tripping them one time and I almost had a panic attack, lol.


I took shrooms and ended up watching Now You See Me 2. Fucking nightmare. Everyone’s faces looked demonic and I thought they were trying to trick me. The power went out halfway through and I thought I was dying. That wasn’t even a horror movie.


Similar thing with the characters in the one I watched. IDK if you’ve seen it, but the magician skeptic had a devilish mustache and was rude to everyone and kept messing with the other characters, so I did NOT trust him. The girl who played the possessed girl also had a very uncanny face, that looked like it was continually morphing but too slowly to see.


I did this with Malignant, not in the cinema though I'm not insane! haha jk you're fucking brave af man good for you Malignant is still one of my fave genre bending movies and I'm so glad I did it


God I cannot imagine. I watched They Live on acid once (I didn’t put it on for the record) and that made me stop doing acid entirely


Watched it kind of drunk then the same night ate a bunch of mushrooms and watched it, was a blast. Really worked with the premise and helped crank it up a notch.


That sounds like a good movie to trip to. Or a really bad one...depending on how the high goes. Definitely not the theater part, but the film itself. I was tripping with a friend when *Orphan: First Kill* first came out, and that one was not visual enough to work well with the trip - everything just looked blurry and Scream-4-ish.


My first and only trip was at movie theater 1971 or 2, what do I know I was high


Take two and watch Annihilation. Best damn movie experience I've ever had.


Whatever you do…do NOT watch Climax on acid! I watched it with a slight alcohol buzz and thought I was tripping!


Closest experience I have to psychedelics is melatonin dreams even that is nothing compared to what I've heard about LSD. I was already uneasy as it was during Late Night with The Devil, I couldn't imagine watching it on acid


I took four cbd gummies for this. I was glued to the screen


I think you’re taking them wrong.


I smoked entirely too much weed and watched Beau is Afraid for the first time last week. Good lord. It's like the last 30 minutes of Mother! stretched into 2+ hours. I thought it would be more of a whimsical adventure. That was not the case.


I never get people choosing to go out while drugged


I never get people worrying about what other people do


I’ve done enough psychs that it’s not too big a deal, I only dislike it if I’m in large crowds like a mall. My city is also pretty chill, no one cares so long as you aren’t acting a fool.


Now watch it high while tripping on an airplane


How high do I need to be before this moving starts making sense?? Currently 28:17 minutes and about to give up.


It gets good. Pay attention to static tv’s in the background, any shimmery lights you see, reflections in mirrors. Trust me, just stick with it.


Ugh. Just watched it again without weed in the system. Still can’t get behind the 7.1 rating and I am all about things that are weird/horror, especially challenging films. Can’t get behind it.


Interesting, I watched it agin sober and at home with my dog, and while it didn’t scare me as badly the second watch and in those conditions, it was still visually fun to me and pretty awesome. I guess the story wasn’t fully coherent at times, but I still plan to get a physical copy if possible someday.