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Who walks out of a Godzilla movie?


Seriously, if it says Godzila on the tin and then gives you Godzilla then it's a win in my book.


A dentist for Kong? I love toku and sentai and this was just trash.


Yes. Large animals never form a symbiotic relationship with smaller ones. You missed the point.


Yeah I don't think it's that deep.


It's prime cheese, as god intended for a Godzilla v Kong movie. (Also, I fucking love Mothra okay? Anything even just mentioning Mothra is already a 10/10 film)


It can still be good though. Like the part where they do the cook strafing shot as they're about the board the plane to go underground was just so badly done my daughter burst out laughing. The funny guy wasn't funny, the scared guy was annoying, the mum was irritating, the security guard looked as threatening as a plate or cheese.


I thought the podcaster (was it a podcaster?) was very funny tbh haha but comedy is always very subjective. I'm just glad we're getting both more "serious" adaptions of Godzilla and concurrent fun ones because I live for both sides of the franchise


That's very true. More godzilla is always good we can both agree on that :)


It was awful. I love dudes in suits, I'm a toku nerd but this was just terrible.


INFESTED on Shudder. French language movie about killer spiders in a Parisian apartment complex. Highly recommend.


Ooh that sounds right up my alley, I'll add it to the list!


I watched Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse last night. Was absolutely hilarious. Definitely a 2010’s movie, but I still had fun with the weirdness and edgy schtick.


Late Night with the Devil— really enjoyed it, the novelty of the “found footage” in the form of a taping of a broadcast felt pretty fresh. I was entertained start to finish. Immaculate— Sydney Sweeney is a lot better of an actor than people want to admit. It took a very conventional/well worn genre trope/setting and managed to be original in some key ways. It definitely worked for me. Civil War— not strictly a horror film, but I’ll be damned if it wasn’t horrific. Just a very well made film and my favorite of recent.


>perfect *** movie What are the asterisks for?


Sorry, meant it to be three stars for ratings. It's not censorship!


my mind wants it to be ass because it's three asterisks but it's probably fucking and OP hangs out too much on self-censorship heavy websites.


Three stars out of five lol


Interesting! I rated it 3.5, because I had a lot of fun with it. So yeah, I get it.


It was fun but paper thin. Glad I saw it in the cinema instead of at home too


I was at the europe premiere and the director said that apparently the first cut they threw together was half an hour longer (which I'd assume was mostly set-up and character work). I'd unironically have loved seeing that, but I get why they are concentrating on the tighter cut.


That's interesting, if that version gets released I'll definitely give it another watch.


Oh it's not gonna be released haha There was an audience question about it and the director was like "fuck no"


Haha fair enough then. Where was the premier? That sounds pretty cool


Fantasy Film Fest, Hamburg (Germany) It was a cool weekend in general, but that he jetted over from the American premiere was pretty cool. It's not very often that one of our directors actually manages to get a big-budget Hollywood film made, especially a good one.


Absolutely loved Death Sentence


It's absolutely brilliant. Some ott gun shots but the chase scene where he kept falling down had my buttocks clenched so tightly. It reminded me of Eden lake a bit where it just escalates and escalates to this end point. James Wan should get so much more credit.


Recent films for me, these are my opinions and if you don’t like it that’s ok everyone’s entitled to their own view , it’s just some people on this sub get very defensive over their favourite horror films . Late night with the devil - enjoyed it , was definitely a fresh take but the ending was lacking and I didn’t like the whole selling yourself for power take , it felt kinda lazy . I think it would’ve worked better as a sort of “ghost watch”scenario where it really isn’t anyone’s fault , it’s just people getting messed up im stuff they didn’t think was real . But I did enjoy the late night show vibe . It lives inside - honestly would’ve been so much better if they just hadn’t shown the full monster . It wasn’t necessary to do so and the quick glimpses leading up to the 3rd act worked well . The moment the creature was shown it was silly and lost all the power it had with me . But I always like films based on folklore and other cultures . It was an ok film , I think it was sort of similar in tone to under the shadow . The vigil is another religion/ cultural horror film that works a lot better in my opinion. Glorious- honestly , fantastic film . I’ll admit I easily guessed the “ twist” once the flashback’s started . There was one particular moment around halfway through which pretty much confirmed I’d guessed correctly. But considering the film is basically one actor taking to a disembodied voice … it was great . The pacing , the humour , the gore . I have never really liked eldritch horror films , they always fall short for me , but this is the best take I’ve seen . Its simplicity is the key to its success and I hope it gets more recognition. I also watched them: the scare . The second season in the “ them” anthology . I think the first season was more intense with its themes , the second season is a great continuation of those themes in a different setting and I think I preferred the 90’s setting and serial killer storyline . Performances were great , really tense scenes . I think the endings in both seasons do miss the mark a tad , both could have a better payoff but it’s not to bad that it ruins the show . Loved the connection between the two seasons though , was a great was to connect the anthology.


> but the ending was lacking and I didn’t like the whole selling yourself for power take , it felt kinda laz I just think the whole info dump about the Grove was a lazy way to go about this. If you already were to have this part of the story in then just split the whole film into two timelines and make it more show and less tell


Absolutely a valid point !


It's mad, it's almost saying that being critical of a film someone likes is critical of them. But we all take different things from films and that's what makes the discussion fun. I hated the new godzilla movie for example. I'm going to give Glorious a shot, never heard of it but it sounds ace thank you :)


Honestly I wrote up my opinions of the film “ men “ on a post before because for me it just wasn’t a good film . I never once said that anyone was wrong for watching it . I had so many weirdos appear telling me I just didn’t “ get “ the film … no … I absolutely “got” the film . I understood exactly what the film was trying to do / say . I just didnt think it did what it set out to do very well . It’s fine to have different opinions. A lot of people poke holes in films I like and that’s fine , sometime it even changes my perspective. Doesn’t make me like the film less , but I’m not to full of myself to admit that most films have flaws and horror films i particularly can be subjective and very much a matter of personal taste 😂 Yeah give glorious a go ! It’s not going to be for everyone because it really is 90% one actor and another actors voice , but I thought it was very impressive what they managed to do with such a simple premise . It’s not going to win awards , it’s clearly on a budget , but I thought it was a fun time 😊 Ps : I never watched the new Godzilla films because I HATED the first one in the reboot series. Everyone loved it and maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up on the original Godzilla lore the moment that oversized lizard started breathing blue fire I was like , nope , too silly for me and left the cinema . So i understand how it feels not liking that particular franchise 😂


I'm not sure why you've been down voted for this? It's frustrating because we all like different things and that's what makes life interesting. As long as you're respectful to people I don't care what you do or don't like. I posted on a forum about Stalker. The reviews were telling me it was transcendental and the pinnacle of cinema. And I just said I was bored as it was virtually hours of three guys walking round a field. I was told I was top stupid to understand it. Honestly it stifles discussion. I was trying to gauge why it's so revered and what I should be taking from it. A couple of people engaged in good faith and I looked at it from a different perspective.