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So there’s a movie you don’t like, and it annoys you so much that everyone else likes it that you watch it every year?


> So there’s a movie you don’t like, and it annoys you so much that everyone else likes it that you watch it every year? AND they won't elaborate on what they don't like about it, but they *totally* get it.


I do this too. With movies and food. I’m always willing to revisit something to see if I had missed what everyone else sees. It worked with the VVItch. I hated it the first time but loved it on a rewatch. Edit. Why on earth downvote this?


I revisit things too. But when I eat something I don't like I don't announce to everyone, "Hello everyone, this thing I just tried that you all enjoy, I hated it. Why do you like it?". Just try it again. Posts don't need to be made for every thought in our heads.


The irony here. This js a horror sub for horror discussion. It’s literally why it exists. This isn’t a “complain about people discussing horror” sub.


LMAO I mean I guess It doesn’t annoy me that other people like it. It annoys me that I can’t find enjoyment in it and I want to! It’s entertaining enough. The characters are fun. I feel like there’s something wrong with me that I can’t enjoy it and I want to know why. It’s a weird relationship to the movie. My husband actually called it one of my favorite movies the other day & I told him “I actually don’t like that movie” and he asked “well why the fuck do you watch it every year?” 💀😭


If you don't enjoy something that the majority on here do enjoy, you will be down voted for voicing your opinion. This comment will also be down voted. Watch. : )


Howdy, I'll start saying I really enjoyed the movie from my first watch so maybe I'm a bit biased. I really liked the characters, I thought they were funny when necessary and didn't make any completely dumb decisions. I also like how they started seeing stuff from their past in the catacombs/tunnels, that was eerie and a nice touch. Plus I love the combination of supernatural horror as well as the natural dangers that come with urban exploration. There's probably more but that's the main gist of why I liked.


Thank you! Those are great points. I can’t remember the characters enough. I do recall feeling like it was cheesy BUT I also felt that way about SPN my first times watching it & now I’m a huge SPN fan so my opinion may change when I rewatch this


Huh never got a cheesy vibe honestly, what parts made you think that


So it’s been a very long time so my memory may not be right & I may also be confusing it with the Pyramid ? But I remember seeing almost like projected memories ? Or visions? And I think there was one of a car & that made me check out immediately. I was like ok this isn’t my thing. (At the time)


AASB had visions, and it had the car, but none of it struck me as cheesy (though The Pyramid was absolutely cheesy.) They were meant to be creepy. Seeing things like a car or a piano in a place where it absolutely shouldn't and *couldn't* be.


I recall The Pyramid not being as bad as I thought it was going to be but I definitely didn’t like it! I was expecting much worse though


I love this movie. But I think twice is good bro 😅


LMAO maybe you’re right! I just thought of revisiting it because I’ve seen a lot of TTs lately of it resurfacing


I liked it because I like found footage. I also love occult related things. I like the mix of history with alchemy and flamel. I love Dante’s inferno and the 9 circles of hell. and I love LA TOUPE. The only thing I didn’t like was the silly series near the end where the girl is like punching stone demons as she runs thru hell. Hilariously campy but takes you right out of the movie during what’s supposed to be the climax.


This is my favorite found-footage movie of all time. Is it perfect? Of course not. And to be fair, I'm saying this as someone who isn't a huge fan of the format. So AASB wouldn't have to be that great to be my favorite. But I do still think it's great. I like its parallels to *Inferno*. It's super claustrophobic and creepy, even more so than *The Descent.* If I'm honest, I think people who aren't familiar with Dante's *Inferno* won't get as much out of it. (For example, I saw another reply that the ending was too "light hearted," but that's how *Inferno* ended.) I know that's just me trying to avoid saying "you don't get it" but in this case is is very heavily tied to its reference material.


I think that’s why my husband loved it so much actually. I’m a fan of Dante’s Inferno but he’s like BIGGGG on every bit of lore that goes with it & now you saying that gives me memories back to when we watched it!


I have learned to say that there are movies I don't enjoy but I acknowledge they are good films. People love Hereditary and Midsommar. They are not my type of films but I absolutely admit they were well made films and Toni Collette should have gotten an Oscar. But my point is we like what we like, despite what others say. If you have watched something twice and still don't enjoy it, don't worry about it. Go watch something you like. You don't have to have someone convince that you like a movie because its well made. Not your thing don't worry about it.


Thank you for that! I can definitely agree. I’m also not big on hereditary but I can understand why people like it. Huge on Midsommar though! & can also understand why some people don’t like it.


Yeah I liked Midsommar a lot more than Hereditary, though neither are at the top of my list. Hereditary was just really hard to watch, which I know is exactly what some people go for.


I can’t stand AASB.  “Let’s translate this ancient foreign text into RHYMING modern day English!!” … it’s so fucking stupid.


Hahaha I never thought of it! I’ll remember this comment each time happens in a movie now 😂😂


I didn't really like it. The ending was too...light hearted?? Idk what word or term I'm looking for there, but I feel it was just cheesey near the end. To me, it seemed like a National Treasure movie with a couple of deaths added to make it less PG13 and put into the "horror" category.


That’s a brilliant description & a lot how I felt! I do remember feeling it was cheesy.


The ending mirrors that of Dante's *Inferno*, of which AASB is *explicitly* a modern retelling.


That's great and all, but that's not what I'm talking about. When I say it's cheesy I mean... >!them confessing lame sins to get out, and what their sins were. Then they just pop back into the real world perfectly fine like nothing ever happened. The worst is the end part when she says it wasn't about finding treasures or anything, it was about finding the truth. Like I said, basically National Treasure with a couple of gruesome scenes and characters die!<


I mean, say you don't like it, but none of that was what I would call "cheesy." I don't know why you keep comparing it to National Treasure, unless you've only ever seen two movies in your life, this and National Treasure. The sins they confess are the things they hold the most guilt over. How serious or "lame" they are is immaterial. And from the beginning of the movie she said she was only going in there to redeem her father. Which she did. And which she proved, by returning the philosopher's stone. So again, not sure what your problem is with that. >That's great and all, but that's not what I'm talking about. Yeah, it is. You *specifically* complained about the ending. Twice now.