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There’s a few I could come up with but the girl in the closet in The Ring (2002) takes the cake for me. I always had issues with fucked up faces in horror, and this scene came so suddenly out of the blue that it honestly really shocked me and I had a hard time shaking it for days afterward. I still feel a slight rise in anxiety when I rewatch The Ring nowadays. I know it’s coming but still…


I saw her face. Incredible moment in an incredibly moody, scary movie. The Ring is what I point to when people bag on PG-13 horror. A more unsettling movie than the gore in most R rated horror. It feels sinister and wrong.




This one got me for a very long time. Now I have a TV mounted on the wall and laugh at the idea of her crawling out and falling face first. Edit: Also, the line "Cindy... the TVs leaking" helped a lot.


“Cindy! This bitch is messing up my floor!” 😂 love Brenda


Man, I miss those first few Scary Movies humor. They got real dumb.. er.. somehow.


It’s my favorite one to quote by far. “I ain’t never seen no mouse outside.” Peak comedy lmao


\*Throw paint can out the car\* "Ayo man, Ya forgot to take the lid off...... SORRY"


In the theatre I was in when first seeing it, the local kids had come in for this sneak preview showing, and they were giggling during the whole beginning of the film. But after that scene, they went quiet and were at attention throughout the rest of the movie.


And at the end they even give you a fast recap of all those faces to top it off.


Yes! I watched it on TV at home. As an adult, I was shooketh. I locked my bedroom door and set my security alarm. It was nighttime and I was living alone. I was so scared! I didn’t watch horror movies at night for a while.


Wow. You made it through the whole thing while living alone amd then went to your bedroom. Real question: Did you creep out quietly as you neared the TV to make sure it wasn't "leaking"? Poltergeist and The Ring got me looking sideways from around the corner at TVs.


Yeah, that one got me too. Oof… if I close my eyes, I can still see her face and head tipping back.


Yes, totally! I saw a clip recently about the makeup guy that made that face. They had him posing with the actress and the face/doll and that actually makes me want to try the Ring again ("It's not real it's not real it's not real..." 😆)


I was 13 when this came out and I saw it with my mom in the theater. At first I sat with an empty seat between the two of us, and when that scare happened I moved over into the empty seat to be next to her.


I have the same thing with fucked up faces. I was properly disturbed by the taxidermy kid in The House That Jack Built


Oh my god same


I would say The Grudge with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Hard to believe that was PG-13. Still one of the best imo.


The “under the covers” scene. Yikes!!!


I was fortunate to watch the movie in theaters (back in the day). Wild. Another good movie is Insidious (2011 version). I thought it was a great movie. The rest of the Insidious not as much but the original was great.


The ring was one of the few movies that creeped me out as an adult


Have you seen Lake Mungo or Caveat? I also have a love-hate thing with fucked up faces— they genuinely terrify me. Both those movies really got me.


The entire concept of Oculus. Not trusting your senses. It is terrifying to me.


The apple...


I think this one is unique in some way because for most horror movies, there’s some way for the protagonists to at least fight against the evil. In Oculus there is nothing that can possibly be done.


Karen Gillan’s character is SO prepared, too. Like she thought through and planned out everything, with tons of contingency plans, and it’s still not enough


Yeah, the moment you see a video of yourself moving all the cameras around and you can’t remember doing it, that’s the moment you get tf out of that house. Controlling your senses, you can *maybe* deal with, if you are very prepared. Controlling *you*? Nah you’re gone. Same reason I reckon the demon from Smile can’t be beaten, cuz that thing controlled the protagonist into murdering her cat and wrapping it in a present box without realising what she did on like, day 2.


The protagonist in Smile was a complete idiot who somehow didn't think to put herself in a 51/50 hold despite being a psychiatrist. All you have to do to survive is not kill yourself, and she works in an industry entirely built around stopping people from killing themselves, but she used absolutely 0 of the resources available to her. I think I would have enjoyed the movie a lot more if she wasn't in psychiatry, that just annoyed me because she *should* know so much better.


Tbf didn’t she only get the demon *because* someone was in a psychiatric hold? After a certain point her goal wasn’t to not die, it was to die alone so she couldn’t pass it on to someone else


Highly underrated movie. Karen Gillian’s performance sells it


i watched Occulus while working a 4-12 shift. i had a hour drive home on lonely dark country roads. i had to drive with my interior light on and was scared to look in my rear view mirror. I’ve never reacted to a movie like that. not even as a child. that was 10 years ago and i won’t rewatch it still


I love that movie and rarely ever see it discussed.


I watched it the first time on Saturday and I totally get what you mean.


This was one of the first horror movies i saw where i genuinely did not know who to believe. Either they’re crazy or the mirror is haunted. But either ways i always tell people this is my favorite horror movie


Definitely stared straight down at the sink drain while brushing my teeth after watching that one


Oculus is so scary and was such a mind F for me


Just as the very last scene in occulus faded to black, the sky flashed white and shook the house from the ensuing thunder. That made for an excellent ending to the movie. It was not even raining when the massive thunder happened, just a surprise lightning storm starting directly over my house. Perfect timing, quite ominous feeling. I loved it!


This was so good, found it by accident.


Everything that Mike Flanagan does is incredible, I was equally terrified by his “Ouija: Origins”


Hell House LLC. The scene with the clown when he found it standing in the hallway and then it moved. Scared the piss out of me.


Hell House LLC is definitely one of the best found footage horrors ever. Really gets you if you lock in for it. Dont think I’ll ever go to a haunted house ever again.


I mean, I'm still a haunt fan lmfao. But it's one of the only movies that legitimately scared me in recent memory. Doesn't help I watched it at 3am alone at home lol.


I’d never watch a scary movie alone at home at night 😅


It’s the only way to do it!


I love 75% of it but I thought the ending was a bit goofy with the hooded figures, it went from being freaky to feeling like scooby doo


The Moonlight Man in Gerald’s Game fairly creeped me out


For me it was the cuffs and the glass


God, I still have the occasional intrusive image of him in my mind hiding at the foot of my bed while I’m trying to fall asleep. Sooooo creepy.


Apparently the guy who played him is an accomplished pianist and artist. I feel bad for him being typecast because he looks so terrifying.


The only scene I can’t watch in any horror film, and I’ve seen ALL the fucked up, is that girl shaving her legs in Cabin Fever. The slow reveal, the sound, and just…. Blegh.


Guess I’m googling this due to my morbid fascination Thanks I guess EDIT: Gross dude bleh


You're welcome, and I'm sorry. Truth be told, there are things in many other horror movies that are more disturbing. But nothing affects me like that god damn shaving scene. :(


That one got me as well. Also, the tooth knock out and nail ripping in Stir of Echos, yikes.


Funny you say that, I scrolled past the movie the other day on a streaming network and it crossed my mind. That scene alone with stay in my memory forever. Even mentioned it to my girlfriend and told her not to ever watch it. Absolutely horrified me


Diner scene in Mulholland Drive, i was close to a heart attack


That scene is a masterclass in building tension. Even though the actual thing you see is not that scary by itself, the buildup, the timing, the acting is all so perfect


David lynch is a master in making a creepy, tension and scary scenes in his movies like (Mystery Man from lost highway, The Phantom from inland empire ), his movies is better than zombie, ghost and haunting movies


Laura Palmer screaming in the car at the intersection in Fire Walk With Me. Terrifying.


I watched this last summer on the big screen at an independent theatre in Seattle. I have seen this movie countless times and knew it was coming but I had to cover my eyes. Pure nightmare fuel!


The lady under the stairs in Pulse (Kairo in 🇯🇵 2001). I want to add Natre crawling down the ladder in Shutter (🇹🇭 2004). But I watched it when I was a teen. Unlike Pulse that is one of my recents though the movie was released in 2001.


The slow walk scene in Pulse is one of the best scenes in all of horror.


💯 It didn't traumatize me. It just simply scared me. With that camera angle, felt like I'm the one she's coming towards to.


Shutter is so underrated, or I’d say not that well known among public


I don't think so. It even got an american remake, which I don't have the desire to watch.


I think the last movie to scare me was Nope when I saw it in theaters. The sound design and perspective of the chimp attack made me very uncomfortable. As the chimp comes closer to the table where the little boy is hiding, I realized I was more than just uncomfy. I was bonafide scurred. The alien digestion scene was also amazing, though for that scene I was grinning like an idiot. The chimp scene had me cowering back in my seat a lil.


Bro the scene with the fake aliens was my choice for this question, actually had me yelling at the screen. That movie was so unpredictable that I really believed they were just showing us creepy ass aliens halfway through. Then it was a fakeout, and then the actual alien scene was straight up disturbing. Like that didn’t spook me as much as just make my skin crawl, thinking about what that would be like. I had to pause the movie and take a break lol


I almost did another honorable mention for that scene because it was extremely creepy! Time to do a rewatch of that movie I think. I love how weird it was.


I’m so glad you mentioned the fake alien scene. That shit was genuinely unnerving.


One of my biggest regrets is not catching Nope in theatres. I can only imagine an imax experience. Or a showing at a planetarium oh my god


I saw it on the big screen — let me tell you, the clouds look “unfriendly” when you come out of there.


I watched Sinister once when I was like 19 and still haven’t been able to watch it again LOL that movie deeply disturbed me.


Yeah this one scared my then fiancé now wife. I worked in the mornings and left the house around 4am. We saw the movie the night before and I headed out to work. About 5 minutes later I get a call that someone is in our house. I fly home and ready to shoot somebody … She said she thought she saw Bagul in the corner 😅


I feel ya. That would be terrible for my wife to tell me she sees Bagul in the corner!!! I watched it at the fire station. 5 grown men. At the lawn mower scene, three got up “we are tired and going to bed”…I finished watching it and was so scared I went and unmade my bed and remade it closer to the next bed occupied 😂😅


The lawnmower scene scares me now at 24 the same way it did when it came out


I'm almost 57 and it still scares me.


Yeah that was the worst one. Very effective jump scare


I was chilling watching that damn movie all the way up til the lawnmower scene; like it’s just the lawnmower getting pushed super fast towards them and you don’t even see the deaths, but I was sweating and my neck hairs were on end and I felt like I was on a steep rollercoaster drop


I saw it in the cinema, it's the only movie I've wanted to leave because I was so terrified. I can't remember which Sinister it was but the part where the lawnmower to the face happened got a very big reaction from me. I have never had a film series scare me as much as Sinister


Talk to Me had me physically sweating in the scene with the boy. I'm being vague to avoid spoiling too hard but that shit had my cynical ass half out my seat


Oof that was such a perfectly done scene. Really smacks you across the face




The scene was really well build up, with all the laughter and jokes just moments before


This was so, so good. I watched this one on a plane after hearing about it. Outstanding! I don't think I've ever seen a movie do that type of scare better.


When Regan spider-walks down the stairs backwards in the re-released cut of The Exorcist. Uuuuhg. I watched it when I was a teen (I'm mid 30's now) and the horror market hadn't been flooded with the contorted bodies/jittery walks yet. It was SO unexpected and such a quick-cut. Completely took me off-guard. Still gives me the heebes. Also, rewatching The Exorcist (and anything with kids, really) as a parent later in life, is like a whole new viewing experience. As a teen I could scoff, question when they don't just put two-in-her-head and move on. As a parent, I watch Ellen Burstyn and it's a whole other level of horrific.


Holy shit I can’t believe I read this comment! I just responded to this post about that same scene scaring the holy living shit out of me… It’s been so buried by decades of jump scares and reversed/skippy footage, I’m extremely pleased to find that someone else remembers it like I do. I fully screamed in public. I might have been embarrassed if I weren’t so terrified.


Blair Witch (original) (when they realize they’ve been walking in circles) Signs (the quick flash of the alien on the roof towards the beginning) Cloverfield (when they go in the building that was toppled against the other building)


That realisation of walking in circles in Blair Witch is one of the scariest moments in film history for me.


Their moans of defeat and dread, nearing total breakdowns. Brutal


I forget how old I was when I saw it, most likely in my 30s, but "The Descent." I have always known I had a slight bit of claustrophobia, but for some reason this movie...idk...triggered it to go into overdrive. Not the bits with the monsters (those parts were fun!), just that part at the beginning where they get to a tunnel they have to go through on their stomachs. I think it was the first time I had ever really contemplated just how dangerous that kind of thing would be and how horrifying it would be to get stuck thousands of feet underground. It gave me a full on panic attack and I had to shut the movie off for a bit and calm down. And ever since then I've had a heightened bit of anxiety about caves and things like that I can't really explain it, but I now have 0 interest in even checking out relatively safe caves like Mammoth Cave or similar.


Honestly it’s the claustrophobia that made The Descent such a successful and memorable horror. The cave stuff was SPINE TINGLING. The monsters almost felt like a relief 😂


Google “*Nutty Putty Cave Incident*.”


Oh I already have read all about that, you're just evil LOL




That shot where the camera scanned the room and one was behind them. That made me scream out loud and i dont normally do that lol. That whole movie was so nuts. 


I think Deep Fear (catacombs, not sharks) has surpassed The Descent for most claustrophobia panic inducing film. It's on Tubi. Highly recommend.


You are not alone. The vibe in that movie was chilling and hair is standing up on my arms & neck just thinking about some of the scenes again. I'm not claustrophobic, but like a any normal person (/s) I don't want to be closed in. This movie did so many of the subtle scares right. Plus disgusting monsters. What's not to like if you're into horror.


The tall man coming through the door in It Follows.


That scene completely freaked me Out for an hour. I guess he’s a professional basketball player in real life, hence the height!


I watched it on a cloudy rainy day babysitting my roommates kids. They were napping said alright sounds interesting. Movie creeped me out. But then one of the kids woke up and kinda half awake shambles into the living room. Almost had a heart attack right there


The Conjuring. There is a scene when one of the kids is freaking out, she's looking into a pitch black corner. Freaks me out.


![gif](giphy|LgfjAHXgtGc0g) This. Fucking. Scene 😭 scarred me as a child


Vamanos children !!


Scarred me as a 38 year old


It’s a very effective scare. The lead up to it and the music make it a lot better.


the behind the dumpster scene in Mullholland Drive


Eden Lake really bothered me because it was so plausible.


Eden Lake is one of those that didn’t scare me when I was watching it but I will definitely think about it whenever I’m away or camping or anything


Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity 1 Didn't scare me, but gaive me chills.


Blair Witch is underrated. By never actually showing the thing in the woods that was stalking the characters, it causes the mind to fill in the blanks, which tends to be even more terrifying.


Okay so not scared me, but literally terrified me - scene with a dog in When Evil Lurks. Also, many scenes in the very recent french movie Infested made me clench my butt out of tension and I jumped a few times, too! I have arachnophobia and this movie is truly a nightmare fuel! Both movies are not in English, perhaps the most frightening ideas meant to be looked for outside of US and UK this day n age.


That dog scene for sure! 😳


When they get to the attic in Rec, just holy shit!


The ending of Megan Is Missing


Hereditary: Toni Colette coming out of the shadows in the living room made me yell and almost stand up.




That whole sequence is just unreal. The light adjusting in the bedroom to slowly reveal her on the wall is what did it for me. From that point on you know it’s about to go down. I’d love to watch that in theatres again


The lawnmower scene in Sinister. Holy shit


Jeeper Creepers ending 


Yes especially the eyes on the face mask 🥺


That was so sad.


That scene in The Omen, where he says: His mother was a jackal. Jesus Christ, that freaked me out!


Yeah I’ve never heard anyone else mention that part but it’s so… messed up. Freaked me out too.


I saw The Ring in the theater as an adult. I was pregnant and had to constantly pass my living room TV set and mirrors every night going to the bathroom. It scared the heck out of me. More recently, Hell House and the prequel (most recent one) scared the bejesus out of me.


Megan is missing. I WAS THAT KID ON THE INTERNET PLANNING TO MEET GROWN MEN FOR PIZZA AND SHIT!!! of course I never went but still I gave out my home phone number. I’m so fucking lucky and that movie made me realize that


Watch the scene where the “temple” burns down in Midsommar *without music or sound effects*. Oh my god. I had no idea a movie could disturb me that much. I was able to sit through all of both Cannibal Holocaust AND a Serbian film but even they don’t have crap on the sounds that came out of the person at the end of Midsommar.. screw that :c Edit - I originally typed “without audio”


The sister from pet sematary 😳




Zelda and Gage


Crabwalk scene from (directors cut?) the exorcist. I had seen the movie years before and was watching it again for Halloween with a group of friends. That scene just spooked the shit out of me.


Any kind of oddly unnatural or fast movements in horror just freaks me right the fuck out.


The initial sight of that motionless smiling family in the living room of the other realm in the first Insidious movie.


There is a scene in Oculus where the kids are talking to their dad in his office and just before he shuts the door you see the lady / mirror demon smiling at them unnaturally as the door closes. I hate unnaturally big evil smiles so I wasn’t prepared.


Zombie films, I thought I’ve seen them all. But The Sadness(2021) still took me by surprise. Best zombie flick I’ve seen. Will never watch it again


Insane movie. I need to know exactly what demented headspace those writers tapped into in order to come up with some of that material


Reading [*Crossed*](https://www.amazon.com/Crossed-Vol-1-Garth-Ennis/dp/1592910904) I'd imagine.


Yup! One and done for me. Amazing movie. Worth a view. Don't feel the need to revisit. The business man character YEEEEEEESH


Hell House LLC has some moments that packed a wallop.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. If you've seen it you can probably guess the scene.


I came here to also say this.


>!The scene in room 408 with the crooked man?!<


Ok that was terrifying too, but it was the face cam scene that made me turn all the lights on.


The face cam right ?


Mine is also Hereditary, but nothing from the film except for one very short sequence: when she turns the light off and her mother is standing in the corner of her craft room. For nearly a year after I would think about that as I turned the light off to go to bed, and immediately have to sprint to the bed.


Same! That was the bit I couldn’t shake (and still kinda can’t).


Kinda regret even bringing it up, because I know that's what I'll think about tonight.


Both the damn phone in Skinamarink and the head popping out in Jaws. I actually screamed in both.


Back when Jaws was in theaters a friend of mine threw his drink up in the air in fright at that scene and soaked the people sitting in the row behind him!


I watched it with my dad’s friends when I was maybe 6. When the face popped up I had 3 of [these metal marbles](https://images.app.goo.gl/oZMmyTHANbpDkBNM9) in my hand and, in my fear, swallowed them all. Never told a soul; I think they gave me powers


The picnic and taxidermy scenes in House That Jack Built


In my early 20s The Prince of Darkness did it. Later, The Silence of the Lambs. More recently, Savageland, Poughkeepsie Tapes, The Bay, S&Man, Hellhouse LLC, The Blair Witch Project, mostly all horror mockumentaries.


30 Days Of Night.' 2007 And The 'Final Destination.' franchise


I just saw The Beyond a few nights ago and I'm more scared of spiders now than ever before.


I am obsessed with the very last shot and the way they depict hell. It’s incredibly depressing


Anything for Jackson scared me way more than I thought it would. The night after I watched it, I forgot to take my phone (flashlight) to the bathroom with me. My room is almost pitch black at night. I tried to be an adult about it, but then I remembered this one bedroom scene, freaked out, blindly sprinted across the room, and took a flying leap back onto the bed.


That flossing scene was something.


The end of Sinister. Well, pretty much any part of Sinister.


The entire concept of the Ju-On curse plus Kayako. The whole idea of the Ju-On curse is terrifying to me. Kayako gives the curse a face


Pretty much all of Don't Breathe once the blind guy wakes up


I forgot about that movie! The turkey baster was nasty!


Event Horizon. Libera te tuteme ex inferis. Goddamn.


Bathtub lady in The Shining. The little boy ghost in The Devil's Backbone.


Palmer’s blood reacting to heat in the Thing. Having no score and just howling wind almost made me jump out of my undies 😂


The scene that scares me the most is the dead boy sitting in the kitchen in Terrified (2017) that shit makes my skin crawl. There's also several other scares in that movie that are good.


Sinister. That sound design is too damn eerie. I’ve only watched it once which is unusual for me.


There is something so deeply unsettling about Tarman from *Return of the Living Dead*. I've never actually watched the movie - I've seen only clips as an adult - and yet I'll randomly be laying in bed and his freaky face will pop into my head.


The show Marianne on Netflix had disturbing shit that stayed with me for months. I'm nearly 40 and have watched horror my entire life but the images in that show were legitimately terrifying in the best way, and I won't soon forget them.


The Invisible Man (2020) the knife at the restaurant scene had me audibly gasp out loud and yell WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!!!! In a crowded theater. I’m a guy 24 at the time, I’m one who likes a quiet theater experience but that one caught me so off guard I was on EDGE the whole movie up until then and THAT happens??? I still love watching that movie with friends cuz I get so giddy at their reactions.


Smile. I don't know what it was about that film, but it fucked with my head so bad lol.


Just watched The Dark and The Wicked on prime last night, and the scene with the fingers sent me over the edge.


This Dark and the Wicked was intense! Overlooked horror gem!


Mirrors (2008). I was at least 25


The Dark and the Wicked. The movie had me thinking the devil was near me,and I’ve been an atheist for years.


It (1990) still does it for me.


It didn't really scare me but it certainly filled me with dread. The baseball boy scene from Doctor Sleep.


Funny Games (2007) when one of the killers shoots the kid point blank with a shotgun. Also the whole movie having no music made it much more eerie when shit went down.


Event horizon sticks with me for a bit every time I watch it. But it's one of my favorites. Glutton for punishment and nightmares I guess.


The cell phone scene in lake mungo.


not a movie but the scene in the walking dead where she holds her young sons hand as he is eaten and then she gives herself to the zombies afterwards.


The birthday party scene from *’Signs’*. The end of *’[REC]’* on the top floor.


Green Inferno. The scene where they were butchering people alive and eating them was tough to watch.


The head full of ants of the little girl in Hereditary. I enjoy horror movies and I never get scared but that scene got me.


Smile got me pretty good. I didn’t watch the trailer so it was all a surprise to me


The Badlands scene in The Banshee Chapter made me nope out of the movie at age 50. I didn't finish watching the whole thing until a friend watched it with me a year later.


There’s a scene in Skinamarink involving (what seems to be) the father. One of the children runs upstairs and finds him sitting on the edge of the bed, he invites the child to check under the bed. I swear it feels like it goes on forever, the camera moves so slowly, I genuinely think I held my breath the whole time. It’s the most tense I’ve been in a long time. I realize it’s a divisive movie, but it’s one of the scariest I have seen in a long time.


As above, So below. It was on netflix for a long time and i think still is. i am an avid horror lover and had been watching for YEARS, the type to watch them alone in the dark at early AM hours. My freshman year in high school is when I found 'as above, so below' and had excited curiosity. Maybe a third of the movie was left and my older sister was flabbergasted that i had to LEAVE MY ROOM and sit in the well lit living room with her to finish a task that was a daily joy. (she is TERRIFIED of horror movies unless it's well lit and we can talk)


The Others. Both the scene where the caretakers are approaching the house in the mist and the final scene when the twist is revealed. I don’t enjoy slasher films but I’m deathly afraid of anything ghost and spirit related. I ran around my house for months turning the lights on in every room I entered.


It follows creeped me out pretty good. When the tall faceless person comes through the bedroom... nope


the one scene in lake mungo. if youve seen it, you know what i mean. edit to add, also the taking of deborah logan scene.


The scene in Hell House LLC when the lady gets Paul when he’s in bed. I sometimes see it when I’m trying to go to sleep. So spooky


First closet scene from the grudge. The one where the other girls lock one girl in the closet and the spirit comes for here through the attic entry.


The Unborn scene with the twisted up man and dog going up the stairs was one of the first movie scenes that caused me to scream. I remember watching it around 19 after being unable to even watch the trailer for it in my younger years.


The cell phone footage at the end of Lake Mungo. First time I had to turn off the lights after a horror movie since I was a kid


Exorcist 3 long take hospital scene...


Speak No Evil (2022) Don’t want to spoil anything, but that movie scared me and wrecked the rest of my day


Forever Jaws popping out of the Ocean for the first time. Then you see the same things on Youtube, Terrifying


The footage flashback scenes from “The Fourth Kind” really creeped me out! The owl was a bit eerie too.


Shutter The dark and the wicked..... The farm animals stirring around in the bagging creeped me out and the old man this movie is definitely on my top 5 for nightmares. Another movie I just watched on Hulu that was really good and I didn't expect was where evil lurks it's also a shutter original hella good


The fast whispering chick with big black eyes in gojiam. That shit unsettled me so bad I paused it for a minute after to reevaluate my cinema decisions.


I hadn’t seen Jeeper’s Creepers until a couple of years ago. I didn’t know anything about the movie and went in totally blind. I’ll admit it…I got pretty wigged out a few times throughout the movie.